The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-03-02, Page 1„ 4,1 F., 4,11.P.1,TMIM.7.TV,irrOPY781,51F .1%.*Tlfgr
gighty-Eighth Year
showing hospitality to the Czechoslovakian refugee
family ,which is settling in the community under United
Church sponsorship, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Preszcator
were hosts to Mr. Maksimovic and his two sons Tues-
day night for dinner. Seated from left are the two young
Crediton shows hospitality to ref ugees
immigrant children, Zoran and Dragan, their
Lorne and Joyce Preszcator with their twins,
and Dennis. That's Perry Preszcator .,.on the
horse. Although the language poses a barrier to the
adults, it doesn't for the children, says Mrs, Preszcator.
"They played together like old friends," she reported.
dep't s
. Pilo* Per Copy 10," coot;
ortrades school
• ;;;,,o.
' II u r 0 in District Farmers' what we believe13 A sound con®
I • Union, during an interview elusion.
with Education Minister Ree "If on the one hand we could
0 v''1 in , harts Wednesday, urged his
1 county,
1 dustrial trade school in Huron versity, we doubt if such Ac-
, determine the need for an in- they Would desire entering uni-
t d"corriptmrehnetnstvt% usnudrevret3aok to 9
increase onr graduates . of
gr de 33 to 50e' of o r grade
enrolment and we find that
am donatton commodation is or could be
• •
! The ininister promised to made available at University
give "serious" consideration to level. It
the request, Robert Taylor, Shortage of tradesmen
Varna reported "It would ap-
! Municipalities in the Ausalile
;watershed may pay less than
, current estimates toward the
Parkhill darn because of an
'lncrease in the federal govern -
ment's contribution to the
l The authority executive learn-
! . . • . ,
ee IA: ednesday night the gov t
has accepted a higher share
based on revised estimates.
With a matching grant from
the province, plus $248,000
-from the highways dep't for
'fridge construction, the author-
ity's share . has been reduced
from $246,000 to $205,405, 7Ins
Ins unthitelpaaiinitoiielan.t levied over the.
Fieldman Hal Hooke explain-
ed that the gov't originally
agreed to contribute 371/2e; to-
ward the project based on the
.1953 estimate of. total cost of:
, $970,000,
: Subsequently, the authority
increased its estimates to $1,-
300,900 because of rising con-
struction costs. When municipal
levies were worked out, how-
ever, the gov't contribution
was figured at the 1.958 level
since there had been no in-
dication it would accept a
1 la rger sh a re.
At Wednesday's executive
, meeting, a letter from Hon.
a Walter Dinsdale approved an
' Municipalities will have 30
days after receipt of notice to
appeal to the board. Ws ex-
pected that Bonsanquet, afr
least, will lodge an appeal. -
The Ausable officers breeght,
home a number of ideas on
how to improve existing parks
and effect savings in earetak.
ing. '
Representatives from t h e
Thames, Grand Bend Metro
Toronto authorities also at-
Exhibit at fair
An exhibit on farm ponds
will be displayed by the Aus-
able and Middle Maitland auth-
orities at Huron seed fair in
Clinton Friday and Saturday.
The display includes a model
• j increase in the a Mount of
Mother stays •n hospita-I,
, the clam.
1 =nee to be contributed to
Levies out soon
, . • ..
11 / 0 S —un- new , -:,o•
. .
the -r
• •
Crediton and ' district resi-
dents are being „conscientious
hosts to the Cztchosjoyakian
refugee family they welconied
to the cornmunity Friday.
,They're trying to soften the'
initial blow which has marred !
an otherwise exciting move for 1
the young couple and their
two children who were in an
Italian refugee camp only a
week ago. . 1
The parents were somewhat
disheartened Monday to learn '
that the •rnother will have to
remain in Beck Memorial Sa-
natorium, London, for six to ;
eight weeks to ensure she has
no tubercular infection.
Initial tests have been en-
couragingly negative' but reg-!
ulations demand an adequate!
observation period. . 1
To relieve the anxiety of the,
family's ,separation, Crediton
residents have already ar-
ranged two trios to the sag •
and have organized a commit.,
tee to provide for twice -week-
ly trips until they are united
In addition, at least four
families have entertained the
fatherand t boysto din-
ner , in their homes. Several
persons have helped to serve
as, interpreters to overcome
the language barrier and ahelee,
the father and his boys settle
down. • •
The ladies in the community
also have agreed to look after
if employment can be secured
for him. He's anxious tos.get to
work, according to the com-
• 't, ” hedoesn't
want. to be a burden."
Arrive Friday
The Malisimovje family, ni y,
which hes spent the last, three
Years in refugee camps, left
Rely by air on Wednesday.
After starting • across the ocean
the plane had to return to
Shannon airport • because of
engine trouble. The family ar-
rived in London Friday after-
noon, a day later than ex-
Rev. R. S. Blitz, Mrs. Hiltz
and Lorne Hodge greeted them
at. Crumlin airport, along with
immigration officials, press
and TV people. The mother
wAs taken directly to Beck se-
nitorium ; the father and boys
spent the first night at the
Hodge home in Crediton.
Mr. and Mrs. Hodge report
"there were no problems at
all" despite the long trip, the
sudden change of surround-
ings and language problem.
The boys settled down to play
with toys as if they'd been do-
ing it every day.
First major reaction from
the father, according to the
Hodges, came when the young-
est boy was put to bed. He
stood over the child, shaking
his head "as if that's the first
time he'd been in a clean bed
for quite awhile.'
Restrict eating
The family ate very little.
The father had a cup of tea
only for supper and kept food
from the children. In •the mor-
ning he had one cup of cof-
fee for breakfast and again
restrained the children. Appa-
rently, be was being careful
to avoid sudden changes in
diet because of the meagre ra-
tions they have been receiving
in campS,
Saturday Mr. and Mr, Rus-
sell Finkbeiner, Mt. and Mrs.
HUN arid Mr. and Mrs. Hodge
took the three to their new
house just north of Crediton.
Again the father shook his
head in grateful disbelief when
he realized it. was to be their
Two get.jail terms..
over district thefts
Two jail 'teethe and two
pended sentences were given
Wednesday by Magistrate A.
.F, Coolie, Stratford, to tout
area youths who pleaded guil-
ty previously to 31 charges of
betaking, entering, theft and
attempted theft.
ATI effences, including break.
ins .at Usborne and Hilbert
echeole, tea piece the night of
Feb.' 7 and the eerie' morning
Of Feb, 8.
WililainM. Elliott, 18, RR 4'
Mitchell, Who pleaded -guilty
to breach Of probation, was
teritehced three nitintlis;
Barry Davis, 19, Deydele, was
given seven menthe,
Jeremiah C. tteo-e 19, 10
S Mitehell, and Richard'E.
Stapleitirt, 17, Dublin, reeeived
suspended Sentences on proba-
tion of 18 Menthe and two
Years respectiVelY,
tvideneh pece6hte by
troWil Attorney W, Gond-
evin, indicated that the I
•.$'61.1111 entered the I
homes of Louis Looby in Dub-
lin, James O'Connor a llib-
bat Township, Mrs. Joseph
Metady Of Hibbert Township,
and Frank Kintner of RR 1
Dubin, and the schoolhouses
at school sections one, two,
three and six of Ilibbert, and
the sehOolhouse. at section two
of tisberne in Huron County
TheftS accompanied the en-
Exhibits brought into contd.
by police to be Used as evi-
deride included three mantel
radios, one full bottle of home
made wine, two decks of plAy-
ing cards, a plastic box con-
taining about 90 cents'worth
of postage etnpS, a small bag
of 'soda ereekers, a Teener
containingwaliel one ten and
one twenty dollar bill, cases
f empty beer bottle, And nc
poi -table 'reeorti plaYtt,
OPP Cont, nonAM 'Mitt*
testified that the youthe all
thoived Signs of having been
Please turn tei page
!home.. Again he marvelled
1 most over the beds that were
, provided.
, Saturday afternoon, Mrs.
Hodge took them Co the Lon-
don hospital,. Saturday night,
! insurance coverage was ar-
' ranged with the help of Mrs.
George Shippey, Huron Park,
who speaks Czechoslovakian
; Sunday Mrs. Shippey and
her husband took the family
to London to talk over details
with .Mrs. Maksimovic at the
In the evening they were en-
tertained at the home of Steve
Pertschy, a Czechoslovakiap
who moved to Crediton several
years ago. •
Tuesday Mrs. Shippey and
UC seeks
funds, job
Crediton United , Church is
1making an appeal for financial
Idonations to help pay the rent,
fuel and groceries for its re-
fugee family.
It is also looking for a job
for the father, "who is willing
and anxious to do anything".
"The family is well provided
for now as far as clothes and
furnishings are concerned,"
Lorne Preszcator announced
following a committee meeting
Tuesday night. "However, the
church expects to have fairly
heavy obligations during the
year ahead and donatione
would be appreciated".
He explained that, while the
church is prepared to under-
write the entire cost if neces-
sary, a number of individuals
and groups have expressed a
desire to contribute. Donations
have not been accepted to date
because of the uncertainty of
Now, however, committed to
responsibilty fee :the family's
Welfare . for a full year, the
church would welcome financ-
ial assistante,
Donations may be forwarded
to Rey, R. S, :MHz Or Ted
Chambers, Exeter, or Mrs„
Arthur Attfield, Coditori,
Seek steady job
The coninlittee 6156 teveal,,
ed it is looking -for steady
employment for the father,
Radiath if' MAksi movie, -"He's
wiIling le anything," said
Lorne Hodge, 'because he
diseeyiq, weft to be a bueden,"
He is A carpenter trade but
has 1.61d the Crediton iiiiiiii
the he will tackle any type of
Me, Hotted how.
ever, that the refugee may not
be Able to put' ie a full days
work for e while because of
his Weakened Ondition, "lie
has lost a lot of weight living
in refugee eithiper" Mr, Hodge
pointed Out,
Women of the etingregation
are prepared leek after the
two boys the Mother is
ebleir, to Mild litiMe heath the
tenethritini toiidott.
expected 1.0 be there 'fer Iwo
• Menthe.
Mrs. Finkbeiner drove the fa-
ther te, London, again, while
the boys stayed at. the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Presz-
cator. "Langnage was' no prob-
lem for the children," said
Mrs. Preszca•tor, The Makse
movie children had loads of
fun with the three Preszcator
boys. The father joined them
fof dinner.
Those who haVe talked to
Mrs. Maksimovic describe her
as '.`a terrific little person"
whom they expect. will adjust
well. She has a sense of hu-
mor, too. For when they were
told she would have to remain
in •hospital, she chided her hus-
band to the effect that "it's
time you had to look after the
children for awhile."
He, apparently, didn't appre-
ciate the remark nor the
thought of having to look after
the kids for two months. For,
that matter, what husband —
Canadian or Czechoslovakian
— would?
Municipalities in the water-
shedficial levies until he cost -
will not receiv their of -
sharing agreement with the
federal a pd provincial -govern-
ments is completed, Authority
1Fieldman Hal Hooke announc-
ed this week.
Be said the agreement is
expected "at any time". '
At the same time notices are
sent to the rnunicinablies, ap-
plications will be made to the
Ontario Municipal Board for
approval of the scheme.
Mt Carmel girl
wins county test
Mary Eileen Carey, 12 -
year -old daughter of Mr. and
and Mrs. Joe Carey, RR 6
Parkhill, won first prize in
the Huron county finals of
the Ontario Hydro and trus-
tees public speaking
tion at Goderich Tuesday.
A grade eight student at
Mt. Carmel school, her topic
was "My hobby — reading".
Her teacher is Mother Ra-
Runner-up was Marianna
MacDona)d, Lucknow.
Storm "rings own
Winds whipping sleet:cov-
ered telephone lines brought
down nearly 50 poles hi the
one poles
age to services in the Sarnia
area by the weekend storm.
Members of the crew included
district during the Saturday- Ozzie Crawford, Max Harness, meet with Exeter Business- a v .
Sunday storm, Bob McDonald , Harry Page, men's Association in the near Four-year — Duda, Les
The Hay system suffered one Peter Durand, Jim Potter and 'future to discuss commercial 'Mitchell, Prank Robinson, Joe
I opportunities, Rumig,
Win prizes
for slogans
Robert Fletcher, S a n der s
'St., has been awarded first
prize of $15.00 in the slogan
contest sponsored by Exeter
Industrial Promotion Corpora-
' His winning entry was: "Ex-
eter—where agriculture and in -
1 dustry unite".
Second prize of $10 went to
a former resident now Jiving
in Pickering, Mrs. Robert An-
nan. She submitted: "The place
that grows with the future".
! More than 60 entries were
'sub -milted to the corporation,
most of which were considered
excelehit. Many of the ideas
!expressed will be used , in
various types of promotion in
the future.
Jack Weber, chairman of
the corporation publicity com-
mittee, expressed appreciation
to those who entered slogans,
1"We were pleased with the
idea prhsented," he said. "It.
was obvious that some of the
entrants had spent considerable
time working on their slogans.
Artei, from the sentiments ex-
pressed about the town's ad-
vantages, it is clear that the
citizens are proud of this corn-
. munity and are keen to be
community boosters."
The winning entries were
chosen at a meeting of the
corporation Thursday.
Malce contacts
Chairman W. G. Cochrane
reported on interviews he has
had with the business develoo-
, • e
pear the dep't is giving con -
a great deal of concern being
we hear
On. the other hand,
siclerable thought to trade
expressed at our shortage of -
echdol 'training, ' he said.
' skilled tradesmen in our coun-
, .n. a briefpresented the
minister, the education
to Q. ntruymber of our industries are
with the result that 2
mittee of the county
union rage the immigration authorie
finding it necessary to edam-,
believe that purelY aca-
ties to bring Peoele with" skills
adequate to meet the needs of um s
training Program ja rot from other countries.
the erne time, we have
all children. We suggest that great nu b • f I d
a school to teach the skilled
people in our country that are
crafts is needed, due to the ,, .
fact that our boys and girls d"en on our economy as well as
eeoning an anereasing bur -
are compelled to attend school
being a great waste of human
until the age of 16 years, with resource,
no provision being made for ,.
those who have talent for
ere- inciluedniebeiRsoboefrt the committee
ating or working with their
Govenlock and Robert
hands, but little or none- for May
academic studies,"
The brief quoted statistics
from the National Employment
Service office at Goderich
which indicated that of the ap- one mishap
plicants seeking jobs ' in the
age group of 20 years or less,
915, have no education beyond mars month
grade 10. "This situation has 1
developed in spite of the ace-
. The accident that spoiled a
demic schools we now have.
full month's accident -free re -
'Small number graduate cord came Saturday night, When
The submission also revealed a Goderich couple were injur-
that, in one Huron secondary ed after their car struck a
school, of 122 students who hydro pole in the ditch, north
graduated, Only
ogurla3dre5895,,of 1tHeInvsaasll.the first reportable
cessful in completing grade 10. accident recorded by the OPP
onlywere 7 s1/2u : t
detachment here since Janu-
The brief continued:
ary 31. There has been none
1 "From the figures we have
given we feel the only conclu- stnce.
sions we can draw are that: R, Ross Gwyn, 2$, Goclerich,
! either the subjects offered do lost control of his car as he
not aoPeal to the Studwite, -at travelled north- It, it, , -the
1 that they are not eapable of, ditch, snapped the pole, and
L2 miles north
higher education. , entIdd up against a solid bank
Perhaps these conclusions of ice,:and snow
rect nor completely wrong We
would not'he completely cor- of Hensel.
. 'Mrs. Gwyn sustained in -
must search further to find juries to her head, left knee
and a fractured a.nkle. Her
41 i husband. received several facial
Gov t purchases ; Both were taken to Clinton
I lacerations and a • broken nose.
' hospital after treatment bY Dr -
John Goddard, Hensell.
corner at Devon 1 PC D. M. Westover said
Ontario Dep't of Highways • Gwyn has been charged with
has purchased the Wickwire . impaired driving. Value of the
property at Devon cornerthe car, which was wrecked, was
intersection of No. 4 highway:
: estimated at $600.
and the Crediton road. One accident reported last,
1 week in which damage was
The dep't plans to remove expected to exceed. $100 but did
the buildings to provide an un- not, Consequently, it was not
obstructed view of the corner. 1:listed as reportable.
Twenty-three drivers
;in Toronto. Director Larry earn sa e y awards
i pica offices of several banks
!Snider outlined discussions he
i had recently with CNR. agricul- Twenty-three drivers of the
I tural officials.
"cream and green" trucks re -
It was established that
;Cochrane will serve as official
Mr. ceived safe -driving awards at
the annual banquet of Guen-
industrial spokesman for the ther Tuckey Transports Ltd.
community and that all C.TSaturday night
ouiries will be c h a n n e I e ,
Top honors went to Anton
through his office. Hansen and jCenny Weber,
Recognizing the value of the both of whom received five -
tourist industry attracted bY year awards. They also re -
nearby Lake Huron, the direct- ceived gift certificates from
ors commended Exeter Kine- Dominion Rubber Co. and the
Imen's project to spearhead de -
transport firm.
velopment of Riverview Park.
• The corporation plans to' Others who won driving
of its worst losses in quite a so .
few years, according to Sec-
retary Reg Black, Zurich,
Twenty-tive poles were down
along the Dashwood road, all
of which have to he replaced.
The cable wasn't damaged,
Another four or five poles
came down on the Zurich road
Abed 20 pole t of the Man -
shard system came down in
the Elimville dish•iet.
Area office of Ontario 'Hy-
dro reported no major dam-
indiidua1 lines
wer e ditturbed by falling
limbs, "We had very little
trouble," said Manager Kerl
La m p m a h
A crew horn the area office
spent a number of days
ng to pateli up extensive dani-
Where: :
find it
Announcements... 15
Church Notices • " ' IS
Corning Events , 15
Editorials , • 1
Entertainment .... ...... ,....„ 15
Farm NeWS. 9
Feminine Facts . 1Z
Hensel' 7
Lucan •14'
SPorte ..,...,:t . 4r $,..
Went Ade .......... , II
, Three-year — Gordon Pres-
TWO -Year — Larry Bayns
ham, Ben Edwaeds, Be' Skin
One-year —• Charles Atthiil',
Don Bender, T 0 m Cooke,
George DeJong, Gerald KeS,s,
Ivan Querengesser, Wilf Bet*.
dan, Bob Dyksrta, Leo Gib-
son. John Wolitski, Ross Par-
' sons, Ross Gwyn, and Cecil
SnliPTtieliident B, W. Tuckey
Presents safety film
Will tinder, of the Trans-
port; Safety Ass'n of Ontario,
presented a short film 'on safe
W. G. Cochrane was master
of ceremonies for the pro,graM
and led in a eing-sone. He was
Assisted bit Mrs, Robrt Pude,
at, the piano.
Gift certificates donated by
W. If, Hodgson Ltd. were won
by Mrs. Jean Mattuie, Mrs.
Fred Trecartin, Mrs. Ed •Mil-
ler, Mrs. Anton Hansen and
John Madge.
Wives and friends of the dri-
vei•s were guests of the firm
ad enjoyed a claret following
the program, The event took
place at Arrstrong's Restau-
AF E bkiV5RS—Two drivers of -Guenther Tooley TranportsLtd.. Mitotl Ibrisoh,
town, mid: 1<orinoth Webor, •Goderich, vitro rremotod with 'five,Sk4r Saf6 driving;
Award$, tt 'Ott fir #rinual 8Atardo night. They wer\t gritilig the23
divot's, who. reedived Award's for accidont,ftte Mord& ,—T -A photo 1
Hospital to get
$38,395 grant
The Ontario gov't has Ap.
proved a grant. of $38,393.33 th
South Huron HOsPital toward
its 18 -bed Addition riew Wee
OnstrUctiott, Huron MYA C.
S. MaeNaughlon Atinoulided
thie Week.
egyttat grant, Mr, Mae-
Natighten explaihed, 'iS Vein-
lated On the heels of $2,006 for
each Of the 16 active, treatment
beds ih the new addition, hills
additional amounts fee Mix -
Mary And supplementary ,Sers
ices provided iP the
A fnkeideg hderot Arm