HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-02-16, Page 13s ;ANN:, VMPEREM.014M .
.1.10BEX PAINTRS PLAN SHOW -Exeter's recreation-,
al art class plans to show the results of its winter ac-
tivity at a public showing in the library on Monday,
February 27. The class of 22 has been meeting since
October under the guidance of Gordon Koch, SHDHS
instructor, It was organized through the library board
and the recreational council.
mer, Mrs. Arthur Whilsmith,
Miss Mary Van Camp apply
members have completed
Above, Mrs. Herman Dett-
Mrs, Andrew Johnston and
final touches. Most of the
three pictures during the
-T-A, photo
The. Story irt
Goshen church, SS
WA plans euehre
On Wednesday, February R,
the monthly WA meeting was
held at the home of Mrs. Dean
Gibson, The VICP president,
Mrs. Harry Carroll, was in
the chair, Mrs. `Pm Kony and
Mrs. Harvey Latta assisted in
the devotional.
Plans were wide for a Si.
Patrick's Day dessert 'euchre
in the parish hall on March
13 al 2 ifin p.m.
The hostess was assisted
with lunch by Mrs. Maurice
MacDonald, Luean,
Personal items ,
The 'Wnrld Day ot Prayer
eersnee will be observed Thurs. •
day, February 16 at the home
et Mrs. Earl Atkineon, follow -
id by the regular Guild net-;
Mrs. Jim Watson and Roes,
Ailea Craig, aunt and mum
of Mr. and Mee. Earl Green-
lee, visited them on Thursday
new members were added to
this cradle roll in 1960. Mrs.
Roy McBride is in charge of
the Norman Johnston Fund.
Teachers and officers for
1961 are; superintendent, An -
nn McKinley; assistant, Roy
McBride; treasurer, Ale rlene
Keys; secretary. Gerald Hay-
ter; organists, Donna Dayter,
Joan Elliott, Dianne Peck and
Donna Peck each taking one
Sunday a month.
Cradle Roll sun'(, AO's. El-
mer Hayter; Bible Class tea-
chers, Richard Robinson, Ray
Lamont, Elgin McKinley and
Rev. Pitt; Young Peoples
Class, Elgin NicKinley and
Airs. Elmer Hayter; girls
elass, Mrs. -James Keys, Mrs.
Douglas Robinson and Airs.
Bussell Erratt: boys class,
Mrs, Elgin McKinley, Mrs, Ro-
bert. Peck and Mrs. Arnold
Primary class, Mrs. Roy Mr
tride and Mrs. Allan Arm-
strong: Mrs. Bruce Keyes and
Mrs, Keith McBride; kinder-
garten class, :Marlene MeClire
cheY, Mrs, Rob McKinley and
Gail McBride.
Personal items
The World Day of Prayer
will be observed in Varna leni-
ted Church on Friday after-
noon, Fele 17. .Goshen ladies
are invited to Attend,
•The pupils of SS No, Go-
shen celebrated Valentine's
Day on Friday tvhen, they had
a skating party at Reynold
and lunch at the school after-
wards. Miss Marian Yungblut
is the teethe.
A Valentine party was held
Goshen :United Church held
their annual congregational
meeting on Friday,. February
10 following a pot luck supper.
Rev. T. J. Pitt presided for the
Roy McBride reported for She
session stating t he Goshen
Church had 117 in embere. Rev,
Pitt paid tribute to the late.
Mrs. John McKinley and a mo-
ment's silence was observed in
Mrs, Elmer Hayter reported
the Woman's Missionary Soci-
ety had raised $349.40 and the
Baby Band $1G.1). Mrs. Ar.
nold Keys,. reported the Mission
Band had raised $55.66.
The birthday fund was given
by Mrs. Elgin . OSin ey and
the Womans Association report
by Mrs. Roy McBride.
Miss Donna Hasten' was ap-
pointedal gams
Sunday of the month replacing'
Mrs. Russell Erratt, whose re-
signation was accepted with re-
Mr. Elgin McKinley, Roy
McBride- and Elmer Hayter
were appointed to form a pas-
toral .relations .cornmittee.
Mr. Richard 'Robinson. stated
that the caretaking of Goshen
Church had been in the hands
of the Robinson family conti-
nuously for 'the peel 76 years.
Officers of Goshen United
Church for 1961 are:
James St. men
on ling Timr
Line School, SS No,
7. The lea-
clwr is Mrs. D.
Session, Rey, T. J. Pitt Jloy
Mv.Bride, Richard . 111S0n,
VVIdi Clarke, Elgin McKinley,
'• Roy Lamont, Clifford Keys and
Russell Erratt.
Stewards, Leslie Armatrong,
Arnold Keys, Eimer Hayter,
• Clarence Parke, Douglas Rob.
inson, Bruce Keys, Elgin Mc-
Kinley, Bernard Keys.
I Trustees, Clarence Parke,
• Russell Erratt, Allan Arm.
I strong, F.rank McClinchey, An-
son McKinley, Harold Peck
and Melvin Elliott.
Manse committee, Anson Me-
: Kinley and Melvin :Elliott;
, ushers, Bruce 'Keys, Rober
! t,
McKinley, John Robinson, Arn-
old Keys' and Anson McKinley,
The annual meeting of Go -
Shell Sunday School followed
the congregational meeting on
Friday, February 10.
Rev. Pitt presidedand gave
the reports on Christian educa-
tion, the Young Peoples union,
and the Vacation Bible School.
Thirty children from Goshen
attended the Vacation School
held in Verna in july. Three
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Noels,
Aylmer, visited the latter's
Topics from
Sunshine •
Personal iteme.
Mr. and airs, Chas. Fisher
and Mr. and Mrs, Donald
Dearing of Exeter also Mr.
and Mrs, Wilbur Kirkby of the
4th line, Blanshard, were Sat-
urday evening guest. of Mr,
and Mrs. La Verne Rodd and
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Miller,
of Exeter, visited with Mr, and
Mrs. jim Miller and family on
Mr. and MrS, E. Vodden of
Woodham were visitors on
Monday evening at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. La Verne Rodd,
Mr. and Airs. William DiekeY
and la.mily were. Sunday visi-
tors with Mr. and. Mrs. Clay-
ton Brock and family at'
Mrs. Harry Ford is spending
a few days this week with Mr,
and Mrs, Harry Sperling in
Mr, Clarence Johns has been
suffering from neuritis,
yhe Timet-Ativocatl, FebrYorY 16t polim
Take pupils money -
at Cromarty school Now 4 4vOget from sta f
SS Nn. 6 Ui't wa one ot
five schools broken into on
Tueeday night. A few dollars .
student council money was ta.:
ken from the .teaehers. desk.
Two doors were damaged, a'
window was broken, and: locks
had been tampered with.
thlsznteLitaalielecie. from .Sebringville
Attend etyma, ,henquet
A number of member of the
Perth CoUntY Hog Producers
Association from this district
attended their annual banquet
and meeting which was held
ti 1.0e. non")41111haugresnd a uni tY
Pupils from several public
schools in Hi bbert township
took part in the public speak-
ing contest at Fullerton town-
ship hall on Friday night. The
centests were sponsored by the
Mitchell branch No. 128 in
charge in this district,
Family, fete
brother, Mr. and Mrs„lack: ... , ,
Dickins, Sunday. or imv, e
On Tuesday evening, the 1 T
l - - -
committee te charge et. plane he February meeting of the
for 1110 centennial of St. Pate : Elim vine Worn en's Institute
ricks -met at the home of Mr, i was held on Wednesday eve.
Feb. 8 As family night.
ncl Mrs Clarence. Davis
a . . • ' I
Mr. and ;Mrs. Earl Greenlee Progressive 0 u 0 le r e w a s
were Sunday guests with their . Played and winners were: la-
uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs dies high, Mrs. Colin Glifillan:
Fred Guilfoyle, London. I gent's :high, Verne Pincombe;
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Tindall lone hands, Alvin Cooper; low
spent Sunday at the home of : score, Kenneth Johns,
Bob's father, mi.. and Mrs. A large Valentine box elm-
: Fourteen men from .Iames Tindall, London. colates, donated by Middleton's
Street United Church were Mr. and Mrs. H. S. McLean, Drug Store, Exeter, was dutch
members of the choir on the Toronto, are spending a few auctioned end won by Verne '
CKNX TV presentation "Sing days this week at the home of Pincombe.
Time", Sunday, their daughter and son-in-law. Lunch committee was Mrs.
Among the senior :winners
were Aiargaret Wnrden of SS
No. 3 Hilbert speaking on
"Trellis. Safety" (Mrs, Arthur
Kemp, teacher); And Peter
Zankowski of No. 6, speaking
on "Automation" (Miss Wan-
da McLaren. teacher).
Other contestants were Jo-
anne Worden, SS 3; and Carol
Anne Dow, SS 6.
Personal items
Mr. Henry: Eggert: of Itos-
tack le visiting at the home of
his daughter and son-indaw,
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gardiner.
Mr. and Mrs, T. Laing visited
nn Thursday with Dr. and, Mrs
Lance Norris and Air, William
ek at Wyoming.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith,
Bobby and Phylisa of London
were Sunday visitors with Mr.
And Mrs. Otto- Walker.
Miss Ina Scott of London
Isjee nentst, 1)10,11 ri,Ye e;snecind ;1st .11 her dp:n.
ScAnitrt'. and Mrs, John Chessell
and son Robert of Mitchell
were- Stmday visitors at the
home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdahl.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gardiner
attended the funeral service of
a cousin, Mr. James Mawbrey
at the Box funeral home in
Seaforth on Thursday.
The ladies Staffa United
Church and Cromarty Presby-
terian Church will join for the
World Day of Prayer service
in Staffa Church on Friday,
Feb. 17.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Doi -
mage and their daughter Mrs.
Turnbull of Kitchener were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rob-
ert Dodds on Saturday, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Riley of St.
Thomas spent the weekend. at
same home.
Baseline !PS wine
By MRE. ARCH' g P E WAR Joanne IVOtiltn,.
was one of 1110 winners
. -
student at SS 110.
Pergonal items
•public speaking contest iSS11.1
Mre, Duncan IlleNaueliton,„ " Ivan held in Funniest ta.4:;,
was hostess to a WAIS quiltine /eel). 10. „mane owe
"How 'lb Keep rit.1.,-01
they quilted a print quilt which :10Pie
party for Cooper'.s WA1S when .
theY Plan to sell or give as a Thie contest is nranit1
pine 'of a Alldiisie\ irrOsr'airtglIss'issciltierIMscvAilli; IATglliQen fBintaalinsetitS 14,1i-1/2111„
Mr, and Mrs. Duncan Ale- compete in Mitchell town .14)14
Naughton on Friday and at- I on Feb, 17,
tended the Valentine program
isipiaorn;:masetst wheo*oldhbealEnv!ening Aux- " Schools robbeti
1 Several schools Hibbert
Cthi3leairrislloo"smGr-;a0octiiel Cottle rtwa ill:oh/141g oartonislaltnsMaarnil uo .hip
night with esena %las
cord players, etc. being stolen.
Saturday evening. Provincial police from Seb-
I Mr, and „Mrs. Lloyd Thom's- investigated and ilaye8
nallian the poppy committee of thflis
Air. and Mrs, Donald Wallace
of Carlingford visited on Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. George
, Wallace.
1 .Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Alien
of Stratford were Sunday visi-
tors with Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Douglas Wein
N...., ...„,,,N,-...,
to jolh RCMP ' , Wm newlyweds. Isle t
Douglas Wein, son of Mr. and got beeglea:braogme ouputtutteg the
Mrs. Lawrence Weip, Exeter,
has been accepted. for service e, . . . -..... - s :::::.
in the Royal Canadian Moun.
led Police. : Message from
He leaves February 16 for
Regina, Sask., where Ile will
take his initial training. : Greenway
_ .,. _ _ -
D o u g 1 a s attended local ; , , .... ..... . : ,
schools and is a graduate of • .. . • ..
Albert. College, Belleville. He, Personal items
has been a top athlete and won : Alr. and Mrs, Glen Darling
many athletic awards in Exe- ! and son of Byron visited re -
ter and Belleville. i cently with Mr. and Mrs. Win,
11 -licks,
1 Mr. and Mrs. Gordon 'Wood -
1 burn visited on Thursday with
relatives at: Mitchell.
1 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Steeper
of Sarnia spent the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs, Willis Stee-
per and family and Mr. and
Mrs, Earl Steeper and fam-
The Curts` families attended
the funeral of their. aunts- Mrs.
iloseInch,,in London on Wed-
nesday Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hicks
spent the weekend with Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Honsberger
' and family of Vineland.
1 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rinker
and son of Sarnia spent the
; weekend with her parents, Mr,
' and Mrs. Lloyd Brophey.
The World Day of Prayer
Service for the ledies in this
i vicinity will be held in the An-
gliean Church on Friday at
2:30 p.m.
• • . Douglas Wein
trso of youths in custody,,
Son, Murray, Anti and Barry ' a
• no Sunday evening.
, were guests at alr. John Rinn's • WI eischre
The Staffa Women's Si
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parkin- held a valentine. card partssestn.
• son and family attended a fain. : Staffa hall, Friday evemet,
ily gathering at the home of 1Feb. 10 There was a gond
Mr. Gordon Bolder, Dashwood crowd with 19 'tabies in :play,
. to honor Mr. and Mrs. George ; Prizes were won or high
Frayne on their 30th wedding , score by Mrs. B. Riley and
: Mr. Dodds, Cromarte,; RICM,
Mr, and Airs. Harris Bulson Warden and Hughie • !,-
and Susan, Mr. Herb Beer and : CaugheY- Staffa ifine bknOse
Anna of Munro visited with Mr. 'Mr. Ed Butson, Staffa
and Mrs. Oliver Baker and Els kY chair, Mr. PlelliP Jath
lon on Sunday, it being Susan's :Staffa.
Mr. and Mrs. Iloht Elston 'Air. Erie Norris at the OA
There sure are a lot of fel-
lows who can't play the gui-
tar , . who do,
Norm 'Weisser, who organized Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dobbs Jr. Ivan Brock, Mrs. Alvin Fulton,
ehe local group, and Ray Milis They attended Sunday evening Mrs. Philip Bern and Aliso
were also featured in two of service at the Church of the Ruth Skinner,
Teen social
the hymns sung by the group Resurrection, London, Rev, F.
on the weeklY presentation. ;lames is rector.
The CGIT members and
Other m e rri bers t»cluded: Guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Y People enjoyed a k`alem
tine teen social at the hall on
Joe Gosar, Gerry Godholt, Bob were Mr. and Mrs, Earl Green-
: d There will be another mu'
Gerd Ceelmore, Clarence Down, Heber Davis this past week :
McDonald. Walter meBride,, Thursday; Mr, and Mrs
Saturday evening.
Erme Jackson. Mery C,udmoi e, _tonal. r i , , ,
on February 2.5 from 8 to Wen.
Dan Rooth, Charlie Godbolt, Air. and Mrs. Clarence Davis, Horace Delbridge, Winchelsea.
Lloyd Taylor and Harry jell- Friday; Mr. tend Mrs, Harvey
Godholt, 'Mitchell, and Mr. and Mrs, Vernon De Montmorence.1
ery. Mrs. Ross Skinner attended
During the hall.hour pro- 1mra• Jim YOung and Jeffrey,
the . leaders training workshop
Lucan, on Sunday.
gram, two laymen from Owen held in. Main street church on
Sound discessed with Rev, On Wednesday, Mrs. Earl
Atkinson and Mrs. Heber Des Thursday evehing,
foundAtioh for vis accompanied Mrs. 'rt. Die- reception held in Exeter Led
A' large crowd attended flu
Karl Knee's, moderator of the
show, the lay
student minieters, This is an hitts to the Women's Canadian
10 recruit Club lecture at Masonic Tem- Mori ;Hall on Friday evenine 1
organization set up for Air. and on,
Grant Skin.
end assist men and women rile, London. The speaker was :
• B. Hardie, professor ner'
wishing to enter the full-time Dr: john
of Hebrew and Old Testament, Personal items
on Monday afternoon at Pari minis
'Pine Hill, Halifax, and chose Last Tuesday evening guests
as his topic "Behind the Head- with M. and Mrs, Lewis Johns ;
lines in the Mediterteanean". were Me, and mes, Alvin
Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Latta, Cooper, Mr, and Mrs. Brute
Carol, Kenny and David. Mr, 000eoe.
arid Mrs. Doti Maguire, Leeoy eirs, Charles Stephen is a
add Penois were guests Sun- petsent ,gt, Joseph's Hospital
following surgory last week.
Mr. and I. William More
eY, emit e mid it ohbilsi of
Whalen; Mr, and Mrs. Sam
Itaren, Gary and Di•
aline Centralia visited on
Sunday with Mr, and Mrs.
Sunday visitors with Mr.
and Mre, Franklin Skinner
were. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur :
Rundle, Alf. and Mrs. Arthur
Ford, Mr, and Mrs. Grant
Skinner of Exeter, Air. and.
Mrs. Gerald Shore of LOIldOtt.
Mt. and Mrs, Willie el I40to,1
I e I daY evoning with Airs. Latta's
lIghlights nisrory Mr. aerl MTS. r.".8.1*1 AfkillS011.
t411C1 MrS. Maguire:1e nerente,
The February Meeting of the!
Patthtynoti WI was held
rebruery 7 with the bk..'
terieel rostiar h eosin
charge and Mrs. Ken MeCrael::
The 1.14 who meetly
tonsil:feted the project "The.:
Club Girl Entertains" were'
present and displayed their;
record books and reference':
files AS as preantiting then'
skit, "Your table manners."
Twerily.twia e e 1 s tr.
epolided to the Poll esti, a
Verse from an old school read-
er. litre. Emil Becker Nen..
tilented the melt 0, -1111,
world is full et nconle,
some willing to work; the rest
*mill 10 let
John Muter gave. the
history 'of Jacob. Rader`,
HY. A skit, IlitSinessIike" was
presented by Mrs. John itader,
Mrt. trfleS1 KOOliter and Mrs.
tinil Welter.
Mrs. lientiard Selialik, the
preeidelit, presided for the
bUSuhttLlSPlfteeti helico are 16
I eke the Millinery einirse iO
Pebettatess The Wereell'e Iriste
lute raiivaee ror tted
Cites ift Aletelt The WI entry
for the Egger Fell ran* wat
decided: 'Oft,
11,14 treat:lift
e. et tend tai tit
Pithotiod 4.K IOWA
was held at the home of the
leader Mrs, Leonard Schenk on 103'.
Saturday. F'reserit were 12 Hr., and M11SGeorge Atkin -
girls and the aSSislint leader, "IL '",allurt4 and navven: wove
Mrs. Ebeit Saturoay guests with the for.
Disconion wa8 held on the iner'S parenfS, Mr, and Mrs.
patterns end bietruction sheet. Herman Atkinson.
al 1 e lid stay -stitching oe
ac 1 on 1 „
A piece of material, learned
how to alter the length of the
shoulder -a ed chocked the
rates of he pattern.
Tie nexl meeting witi be
Zurich Lutheren Ladies' Aid
Thursday, Feb. 9. •
Mr. and Mrs. Ervie Resler
and Sharon visited with Mr.
end Mts. Wcilwood Gill et
J'eh. • 1G at the betil e Iris Grand Bend on 'Suedes ly visited en Suntley with Mr,
Seeker. Tis.0 1oaders sliewed 'mid Mrs, t got: end Mre. Alex Otago, Kirkton.
how tel do scatty stitching Mut "eta Sunday \‘,ith mr, me. • rind 'Ales, -Reward Pym
Mrs, Rishees n estem Ayer awl end family viited- MerteleY
the girls practiced, h Air. .And MrS, Moto
nod gall for next meeling, family al eta:kale,
me". Heine assignment is lo or 1[4„,0,,or visited tor SaittrdeY evelling gueets with ;
buy meterial and pal tern and melba, elm cepa Geiser, bee Mr. and Mrs, William Dot*
were Mr, and Mrs. Jaeloon !
prepare. for cutting, vvrek.
Wedditio emiivereerV
Mr, and Miss. Gordon Bender
entertained a hold •50 relatives
and friends last • Monday eve.
tiing in 1101101' of :the initer's
brother And his wife. Mr. and
Mrs. Gone Prayne, Wood.
htiM, nla the occasion of their
Stab ,yedding
datightert of the tete,
brants, rlehte find Mariefie:
etitertained With leitigillg.
ug the evening. Mr. aod Mrs.
Preyrit :were the reeiptentS of
th gifts.
Lutheraii Ladies' Aid avoided
"A line in elotileg that Klit5 Mrs, Prime Seebach mid: non 1'01'11 or
Ritilti items
Toirty.severi lathes fr0111
a Valentine sonial ss guests of
WondS enti Bob, Mr. chariot,.
Istr. Ana Mrs. iinberi uttly,
haln" 0r: Kilell"" 'and M"` Suntiny guttts wifti Mr. and
it/0 eelse CMS 't ith MIN', Mr. Mitt Mrs. Detmer
Wtitida Merkiing" Wat"' Mrs. I -Ines Skinner eed family
to • v
Mr. • And Mrs. Albert Miner eetneee, tdivatel and Frances,
and MI', and Mrs, Edgar two- Miss -run' monridr, Zutieh.
M". 1,1..16 mnlibts at Mr. and Mrs. AreOld Heim
tended the funeral of the to elle Hugh two, tyti.. navies ,
40soPil DAYt. th. :FlIttthi‘ last Johns end Mt. tied Mrs. Ken.. '
Theseley end visited with eigi eeie aohes Atfeoded the run.
.parents, Mr, and Mts. )7,$.tflhani oral of - the here WAller petal
Ciatilig .i'lif fon brotlier, rt,oh, Ift ti Oderfeh c:n eetatiotteey 1
01 °Id CialVill, 41.1 'qt. I'V'O'` 1ft. Hem was a former tiore,t
All Iwo& ioteresteo in oash, ktoor at vne am Nkrge ,
' al)d Airs Vel'a
wnod tand are to rneet ThhtS- both in Usborne, I'MYfishitt.
day eyeniiig, Pebruary ift
I 14 tittret1 dull teeing le Of-
bUsiness el the fernier band, Ad The T,A, Jus! fihote Dud,
gaisize a rietie band and ritecuee bI We 0,qmr put Classified'
YardS and yards of fashion excitement
in new spring fabrics! Beautiful floral
prints, geometries. checks and plaids
all at a price that makes it extra
thrifty to sew your OWD fashions.
tow for spring and Easter.
$1.00 lo $1,39 Yard
$1.50 lo $1,95 yard
$1.50 to $1,59
$1.29 to $1.95
$1.50 yard
AR these materials are
Drip -Dry and
ii CreasOte8istant
Now Stotk
N6W tOriti§
ould Jar),
1111614 414
MAI Stew 1X4rEt
• 4 :
,11th birthday.
and family visited with Rev. : Guelph spent the weekend at
i Personal items . I I
and Mrs. Mervin Elston
Centralia on Sunday evening. :
a :his home here.
, Mrs. Ross Smelt palled the
1 le:gimp's:Ls in her knee on SU
1 day while toboggamiing. She
' will have to wear 3 cast for tls,e
District students next 10 days.
Mr, and Mrs. Robert -Dna-
can, Exeter. visited -on Thum
pass music tests
- - day with Mr, and Mrs.: J0)111
Wi\elirtusi‘evePruePilssucacresl‘slfrUlLainwrtehneeir; Templeman
tests at, the Western Conserve.: 3 }fibbed held a valentine Par -
tory of Music recently. ty at the school Friday afters
ln piano Elaine Powe passed noon. There were 10 pre,-
eraee 8 with honors; Susan sehoolers present.
fiinney, grade 5, honors; Mary Mr. and Mrs. Arthur -Kemp
Cochrane, grade 3, first class and Eleanor visited over the
honors; Brenda Dinney, first; weekend with Mrs. Pearl Fran -
class honors and Nancy Strang, cis and Jane at Scarborough,
honors; and Margaret May,: Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Norris
grade 2, honors. , visited over tile weekend COI
At the Royal Conservatory Mr, and Mrs. James Norris
of Music, Toronto, Margaret: and family of )3,resmpton etrial
Hyde, Hensall passed grade 7 , attended the christening o11 'Mr.
with honors and Carol Ann Dow, : and Mrs. James Nome_ yonng
Cromarty, grade 5 with honors. : son, Garry Jathess on Sitlide4
These are pupils of Miss Agnes ' The annual meeting of Stafs
Bray, Kirkton, and exams were fa United Church was held oil
tried in London. !Tuesday afternoon, Feb. 7,
0661100410601106011001•601)&11000666 '''''''
- BOth
These , e
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known author= •ii
1: - ..,
ities checked duality, .‘,0
durability, and value of , . vc„:. •
,, • e.
this Sealy 80th Anniversary 'see,
• • • • •
Willmark Research Corporation
shopped the features of competi-
tive mattresses.
Anisricen Standards Testing
Bureau gave this mattress extort -
sive durability tests.
Good housekeeping Institut&
a.vorded Its Money•Dock Guam'
anty Seed,
look at these featute:
,r) smooth button -free tgp .
• Handsome flocked cOVEIP
• 701110M6i Steel coils
41 Comfortably firm construction
Kull or Niin Site
Matching Box Spring 39.105
• R4, ..Lov•-•
"Dangerous curve" from o fea-
st:41 mattress can cause painful
"Morning basks:the," Sleep on
bintoo-ht* Poiiurepeeit MallresS,
designed IriMt:11161'00i with
wi 1;44ts teuedo1me,lilt.S0
trilA LENO tit -40* wide Itwittl 6-4' wide
x SPA" less, etia.a0,MI IN extra width,
e0A.f.,,, uteett--Meteess kitlitttAguictii611.4*
.M1 et twin size .2 -piece Set, $1/11,Sti.
• .Furniture
..litirrote: •
1446N t 20
Mbin St.
' •