HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-02-16, Page 11• :;fires If You Set T.: Th, TIM05.04Y9C.Ofts, FitblUary 16, 1901 Pope 11 ou arget CLASSIFIED RATES 22 Words t ;10 Additional Word lit (Minimorn 850) 20; Off FOR SALE— If paid by Saturday following mi last insertion, ,cc,nd 21/2 Po W000 (Minimum 550) Six insertions 2cP WD (Minimum 450) • Semi -Display Classifieds (Restricted to One Column) First insertion—Per li.ch $1,40 Second Insertion—Per Inch ;1,25 Minimum one inch, accepted only in multiples of 1/2 inch. FOR SALE — PANEL TRUCK, Volkswagen, in good condition, snow tires, Phone Exeter 723 or Dashwood .18r20, evenings. 2:2tfnc COB CORN — Good, dry Kent County corn, by load, Phone 135, Charles Dalton, or 8J2, tlack, Cook, collect, Thedford. 2;9:16:23;2:9* Acetate SHEET PROTECTORS Protect those sheets in your 81/s x 11 binders HALF PRICE 2 for 250 THE TIMES -ADVOCATE FOR BETTER HEALTH, re- lief from arthritis and nervous tensions, drink live vegetable and fruit juices made by new Jetomatic juicer. Box 225, Grand Bend, Ont., phone 89. 2:2.3:9* WEANLING PIGS—Apply Jake Hovius, RR 2 Hensall, phone 71r1 Zurich. 9:16e ELECTRIC MOTOR, Wagner, 3 h.p., single phase with 2 double V pulleys, relay swtich, fuse box, 45 ft. 220 wire, like new, $190.00; Champion grain grinder And pulley, $50.00; In- ternational 4E hammer mill with 2 screens, $125.00. ,Alex Macintosh, Clandeboye, phone BA 7.4598. 9:16c Walper's Values They're values with a Double "V" for wear. Good quality clothing at ridiculously low prices to cut our stock for spring shipments, SPORT COATS $14.95 and $9.95 Half th'e regular value CAR COATS • $14.50 We shouldn't. sell them at this price but we need the money. •. WALPER'S MEN'S WEAR Phone 81 Exeter 160 CATTLE -12 Holstein heifers, vaccinated, due to freshen in 2 weeks, Apply to Harvey Tay- lor, Brucefield, phone Clinton HU 2-9968. 9:16c 4 CABINS., ti'x16', good roof, asbestos siding, hydro wired, Bach cabin has, bed andlight housekeeping facilities. Ideal for seasonal workers, brooder heuse or tool. shed. Best of - ler. Purchaser must remove from present. premises at 41 Woodward Ave„ Grand Bend. Phone 47r13 Grand Bend for appointment, 9:16c 1 TON STAKE TRUCK, 1951 Chev. This truck is in Al. shape.. Motor, brake, body, tire and new paint. See at E. L. Chaffe & Son, RR 1 Cent- ralia, corner No, 4 Highway and Crediton Road, phone AC 8-6641, 16c 32 HOLSTEIN HEIFERS, vac- cinated, bred Hereford, due soon. Apply John Berendsen, Kirkton, on Highway 83, 11/4 miles east of Farquhar. Phone Kirkton 2.1r4, 9:160 2 SINGLE MILKERS, MeCor- mick, with pump and pipeline. Apply to William Veitch; Anse 9:16* AIR COMPRESSOR — Apply Lorrie, R. Becker, Dashwood. 16e t'll3tEli HAY, "400 bales. Ken Hodgins, phone Centrlia AC 8-6296. FURNACE, WOOD., cord delivered; as ti etlatem chain Sa wig§ &title.," 'Phone, 1038W Exeter, '16 1960 CHEVROLE't 2,410or Clyne, tililder, etistbrn ra- 66, low Itliteltge,l, toti?ld lin. attee`, Plintie Andersokn, 61- 4 hfthr 6 pin. USED TV SETS 17" and 21" Models checkecj and ready to From $49-50 go. RUSSELL ELECTRIC Phone 109 Exeter 2 CHILDREN'S DESKS and stool, $5 each; bouncing horse, $8; tricycle, $5; 2 boy's bi- eYcles, 26" wheel' $30 and $15; set of •dance band drums, $160; Electrohome hi-fi radio -record player with LP's, $180; RCA planorgan with stool and mu- sic, worth. $250, for $180; Key- stone 8min projector, 4 -light bar with lights and screen, all for $60; outside playpen, $12, Phone AC 8-6676. 1.6* IT'S NEW, it's beautiful and it is real good—walnut finish bedroom suite. Triple dresser, chest and bed — 3 pieces, $175.00. Two lamps free if you buy it; 1 lamp free if you truthfully tell us you have seen as good value anywhere else in Canada. See it in our window. Sandy Elliot, 444 Main St. 16c CABIN TRAILER, 28 -ft., sleeps four. Reasonably priced. Apply Jack Weber, Exeter. 16c REGISTERED JERSEY — Ap- ply to 'Fred Miller, phone 412 Kirkton. 16e ELECTRIC WASHER, Thor, square tub, water pump, in very good, condition, $50.00 or best offer. Phone 1099. 16* TOO MANY Our basement's full, and so is our back warehouse, of good used furniture that's been trad- ed in on our Gigantic Febru- ary Furniture Sale. Choose from sofa beds, studio couches (we have one that's hardly been used), chesterfield suites, dining room and kitchen furniture, living room tables,, reclining automan chair in mo- hair cover. BARGAIN PRICES HOPPER. HOCKEY FURNITURE PHONE 99 EXETER 16c 1000 BALES OF HAY, 1000 bales of straw, Lot 22, Con. 4, Biddulph township. H. Meng- bns, RR 1 Lucan, phone BAld- win 7-4661, 16:23:2c THE NEW Rogers Majestic 1961 Cabot 21 -inch table model TV, slim styled and very at- tractive, designed for top per- formance year after year, regularly priced at $279.95. Through a special promotion arrangement with the com- pany, we are selling 6 only of these models at $199.00 each, no trade required. We also specialize in Rogers Majestic and Sea Breeze tape recorders, hi-fi sets, AM and FM and short wave radios, transistor radios and record players. For quality, value and service come to Sandy Elliot's, 444 Main St„ phone 476. 16c QUICK SALE—Portable weld- er on wheels, 250 amp. DC, re- built Chev motors, $200. Phone Lucan BA 7-4701. 16 QUICK SALE -- Steel -covered body for long, wide pickup truck, 6'1" x 8'3" x 39". Phone Lucan 13A 7-4701. 16* 2 HOLSTEINS and 1 Hereford. Phone 453r13 Exeter, Dick Zielman, RR 1 Hensall, 16* McSTEPHEN AUTO WRECKERS ' (Formerly operated by Ken Locke) RR 1 CREDITON AC 8-6214 We are wrecking! 55 DODGE 54 CHEV BEL -Alit 53METEOR )ANC a WAGON 53 FORD 53 CHRYSLER 52 FORD 51 MONARCH 51 PLYMOUTH MahY other makes and models. All parts guaranteed. Call anytime. 24-hour service, t6:14.* Free Delivery 1.6e .15 STOCKER. tkIlLF,---Sliett.- age of water reason for selling Apply Ken McLellan, Kippen, phone 277W.1 ,16e WALNUT DINETTE SET•40,, let, -chip' cabinet, table anti FOR SALE 1HELP WANTED (Female) ISERVICES REAL BUNK BEDS, chests of draw- ers, lames., mirrors, 'Simmons mattresses—quality goods, and our regular prices are lower than most advertised sale Prices. Sandy Elliot, 444 Main St, 16c CATTLE —Registered Holstein eows and heifers, also bull calves suitable for vealing, vaccinated and accredited, Don Campbell, phone 58r41 Bay,. field. 160 MEN' SUITS—I blue, stze 36, in good condition; 1 brown, size 34. May be seen at Mid Town Cleaners. 16* 'STENOGRAPHER — Apply in ' writing to Box SPL, Exeter Tim ea-Advoca te. 2:2tfc LADY, part-time, to take re- sponsibilty of eggs on poultry farm in vicinity of Exeter. Ap- ply Bo); BBO Times -Advocate. 16* IIELIA13LE middle - aged wo- man to share home for coln- panionship. References requir- ed, Apply in writing to Box RJM, aeter Tirnes-Adv,ocate, 16e WE ARE ACCEPTING applica- tions for girls to train for nurses aids, Applicants must WANTED , be 16 years of age and over. Apply to the Superintendent, South Huron Hospital, 16c WANTED Used Cars and Trucks for wrecking. Parts sold reasonable. Tires, tubes, rads, generators, trans- missions and motors. McSTEPHEN AUTO WRECKERS RR 1 CREDITON Phone AC 8-6214 17tfe MANURE—Will remove from barn or yard. Phone Charles Dalton, 1.15, or Jack Cook, 8J2, collect, Thedford, 2:2.3;9* HOUSE, •2- or 3 -bedroom, in Exeter, Phone 461 or 777, Ed Burke. 9:16c 1 GANDER—Phone 599W2 Ex- eter, Bill Stanlake, 16:23c TO BUY OR RENT for July and August, 2 -bedroom cottage on lake front, Grand Bend or Bayfield area. Apply Box YTS, Exeter Times -Advocate. 16:23c WANTED TO BUY— GOOD HARD MAPLE, stand- ing. Cash before logs cut. Complete appraisal. State Lot, Con., Township. Write Iry Cowan, Exeter, phone 10. 1:10-2;23* Antiques & Glassware I'm in the market for antique furniture and glassware. WOMAN TO MANAGE - READY-TO-WEAR STORE IN EXETER. Apply in writing to BOX NCR, TIMES -ADVOCATE stating experience if any. 16c BUS. OPPORTUNITIES _ AVON CALLING AVON offers an excellent earn- ing opportunity for housewives, We have a part-time income plan to help you, Reliable, neat appearing Mothers of school- age children can qualify. No experience necessary. Openings in Huron and Perth counties. MISS MOSHER, Manager, PO Box. No. 86, OWEN SOUND, stating telephone number. 2:9:16:23c RAWLEIGH BUSINESS now open in part of Huron county. Trade well established.. Excel- lent opportunity. Full time, Write at once. Rawleigh's, Dept. B-202-189, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. leen RALPH SWEITZER I SERVICES— Phone 315 Exeter 16c COW MANURE by pile or in barn. Highest prices paid. Phone 310r3 Mt. Brydges, 9:16* BABY CHICKS— PROMPT SHIPMENT, dayold and started chicks. Some Ames In -Cross and other breeds, started pullets to 18 weeks. Also, hatching to order. Book May Broilers now. Bray Hatch- ery, Erie Carscadden, Exeter, phone 246W. Jaen FOR RENT — APARTMENT, all modern con- veniences, hot water heating, attractive, complete privacy, bathroom, laundry, garage; available immediately. William Oestricher, phone 12J Crediton. 11:24 tfnc APARTMENT, unfurnished. Ap- ply 16 John St., phone 202, Godbolt Apartments. 2:2tfnc COZY APARTMENT, bright, furnished and heated, private entrance, s ta b 1 e for two. Phone 61R. 16c WARTIME BUNGALOW, 2 blocks from downtown Exeter. Nice 10cation. $60 a month. Write o cupation, etc. to Box IHNS, Exeter Times -Advocate. 2:9tfc APARTMENT, unfurnished, 5 rooms, heat and hot water sup- plied. Apply Penhale apart- ments, 70 John St. East. HOUSE, 3 bedrooms, large living room, kitchen, den, 3 - piece bath, oil furnace; 5 miles west of Crediton. Apply to Harold Finkbeiner, Shipka, phone 164r5 Dashwood. 16c APARTMENT, upstairs, fur- nished, heated, 3 -piece bath, hot water provided. Apply in person at 59 John St. E. 9:16c HELP WANTED (Male) — NEED MAN for established route Watkins Products. Be in- dependent, No experience necessary. lull or part time, Write J. Gauthier, 350 St. Roch Street, Montreal, Que. 2:9:16:23c RELIABLE , MAN FOR. STOCK ROOM Capable. of taking responsihilty for garage business, (30 40 years old preferably) Apply in person AM CLEANING and white- washing barns for brucellosis., Anyone interestedy phone Ailsa GRAHAM ARTHUR Craig 104, collect, Roland Neil, MOTORS 10:20tfne Phone 210 Exeter .16e FILTER QUEEN sales and service. Repairs to all makes of vacuum cleaners. Used vacuum cleaners of all makes for sale, Bob Peck,. phone Hen- an 696r2, 11:24-12:291fe FOR PROMPT SERVICE. for dead or disabled animals, Any- thing over 300 lbs„ we pay the phone gall. Seven days a week service. Phone Ed Andrews, 851r11 Seaforth, Truck Deemed under Dead Stock Disposal Act, License No. 42C60. 12:8-2:23* FOR TAXI SERVICE, phone Centralia AC 8-6812, Earl's Taxi, after 2 p.m., Monday to Friday; Saturday and Sunday, all -day service. 1:26-32c Silo Contractor Concrete Silos built any height, .For information contact ARNOLD HUG1LL 92 Cambria Rd„ GODERICH Phone Collect Jacksdn 4-9'437 26:2;9;16123* DRESSMAKING — Seamstress, alterations, etc, Wedding and evening gowns. Mrs. C, Aqui- lina, phone 312, Exeter, 9:16:23* OVER 35 YEARS EXPERIENCE Certified Watchmaker Expert Repairs on Fine Watches, Automatic, Chime Clocks, Grandfather Clocks, Cuckoo clocks, etc. Electric Clocks Quick Service Reasonable Prices ALBERT HESS, ZURICH 16:23c SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED — Immediate service, always available. Butler Bros., Lucan, phone BA 7-4254 or BA 7-4312 Collect. 8:4tfnc HIGHEST CASH prices paid in surrounding district for dead, old or disabled horses and cattle. For prompt, sanitary disposal day or night, seven- day service, call Atwood 356 - Waterloo Cattle 2622 collect. Long distance cus- tomers phone Atwood Zenith . 34900 (no charge). Plant Lh • Breeding . .,eien:,neceN6oin43.C61; Collecting 2:16 -3:30* -9:28c Association "WHERE BETTER BULLS ARE USED" Farmer owned and controlled Service at cost Choice of bull and breed Our artificial breeding service will help you to, a more efficient livestock operation For service or more information call: CLINTON ZENITH 9-5650 Better Cattle For Better Living Bruce Refrigeration SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 224 GRAND BEND 12:17tfc ANYONE wishing whitewash- ing or disinfecting barns for brucellosis, contact Bill Wat- son, phone 37r19 Dashwood, 3:17tfnc INSTALLATIONS on septic tanks and drainage. SANITATION SERVICE Septic tank pumping and drainage repairs. BILL FINCH Phone 205 Grand Bend 15:22:29*tfe • BABY-SITTING—Older wo in a n available for baby-sitting. Phone 963M Exeter. 16:23* Dead or Diseased Trees? We specialize in cutting and removal Of trees. M. L. McINTYRE 13:91fne Phone Exeter 3094 CATTLE SPRAYING -- Anyone Wishing their cattle sprayed ELECTRICIAN Domestic and Commercial Wiring No job too large or too small Free Estimates DON ROOTH-70 HURON ST. Phone 528W Exeter REAL ESTATE— S. M. Emery REAL ESTATE BROKER PARKHILL AX 4-6861 FARMS 133 ACRES choice land, 65 acres fall plowed, barn 46'x70', four-bedroom brick house, new furnace, spring well house and barn, hen house, implement shed, 2.1/2 miles north of Dash- wood. 125 ACRES good land, barn 40'x90', hen house, implement shed, deep well, brick house with all conveniences, 85 acres plowed for spring crop, 1 mile from separate school and church, Mt. Carmel. 300 ACRES, 200 acres machine tiled, on paved highway, Ailsa Craig district, 40 acres wheat, 85 acres plowed, 50 acres in hay, balance in pasture, three barns all new roofs,45' cement silo; two-family brick house. This is choice sandy and black soil land, SEVERAL GOOD HOMES in Parkhill, new and older type, priced from $20500 to $9,500, choice locations. LONG ESTABLISHED general store on 81 Highway, north of Parkhill; equipment, stock and living quarters, two acres of land—reel buy. 9:16e for lice call Bill Watson phone! , 37r19 Dashwood, '12;8tfc SPRAYING -- Anyone wishing to have their barns sprayed' for brucellosis or cattle spray- ed for liee, call Fhibert Cooper, 599.13 Exeter, 10:13-11:24'"tfne ehairS. Telepliene 413. for AP, ervice an pointnient toSed 1.6e. KELVINATOR APPliaiicea are ood appticeS'` $t4 01 witl trade gets yott new Min et Washer; $150,00 With trade, a new refrigerator. r $140,00; ranges, $130,00; deep f , 1 qt. $200 00-.40 trade required,/ iandy tIliot, 444 Main Sti, 160 repairman required tor 'TV 'and applianne Store. Steady AVOrkgood erluinttlent, excellent. Working 'Conditions, :Seine selling ability helpful,. Apply in -Writing t.6 Box AR, EXeter dakAdVeditte, FURNITURE REFINISHING ANT1001 PING CASH PAH) FOR: Old Furniture a nd Antique, Cupboards, Tables, Chairs ete. JACK 'PAN ER 467 Edward St, Utter Phone 23 13og$ 12;19:26;2c I'l,J4.10-11tOtAIX Wes and ON - 'o gati GOderith: phone JA 44D111:15:22:29'^tfe FARMS -140 acres, well tiled, good .farming hind in ideal location on second concession, Stephen township, z -mile from No. 4 Highway; also 100 acres of best pasture on fourth con- cession, Hay township. Phone Centralia AC 8-6280 or Exeter 318, Estate of the late Leslie. Richard, RR 1 EXeter. 1623 200 ACRES of good land, at lest 60% light land, suitable for turnips,. tiotatees or garden- ing if preferred, The remain., der of the land ia day loam. Good 'water supply with Creek running across bait farins. Farm No, 1—Brick 'hOttre with moclOirn convenience, 'Oil fur, Tiede, bathroom and garage: large barn and Shed, henhouse and Silo. Patin No, 2—Frame imtl:A6 With kitchen cupboard, furritide, running Water With geed barn and`irdOlethent Shed and Slier, If reeniested, SOW separately or Mettler, Farrel • - CliffAt•td8Wal).wA Igo ESTATE — Call JB At 863 76 FOOT BUILDING LOTS — $,50.00 Down, EXETER 3 -unit apartment house, $2,000 down, EXET,E11, — 13 acres land, house and barn. EXETER — Remodelled home, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, gar- age. EXETER — New 3 bedroom, hat water heat, 6% mortgage. EXETER — 2 -bedroom house, oil heat, garage. CENTRALIA, — Completely re- modelled home, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, garage. CENTRALIA — 3-b edroom house, hot water heat, garage. CREDITON — 5 acres, new house, new barn, 200 ACRE FARM north of Dashwood. Brick house, good barn, driveshed, abundant wa- ter, land tiled, Good terms. 200 ACRE FARM northwest of liensall, Two houses and 2 bares, good water supply, GRAND BEND Brand new year-round home in Southcott Pines—$2,500 down. 2 GENERAL STORES with liv- ing quarters. John Burke Real Estate Broker . General Insurance 534 Main Street EXETER., ONTARIO Pbone 863 Salesmen: LLOYD HOLLAND Phone 970,1 Exeter TONY RIVERS Phone 41 Grand Bend 2:16c 100 ACRES good tillable land with modern buildings, located east of Exeter, close to two highways, Apply Box FLS, Exeter 'Times -Advocate. 16* C. V. PICKARD REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE LOW CASH PAYMENT will give you comfortable home. MOdern kitchen and bathroom and oil -burning furnace, Total price is very reasonable. Your chance to own a home without high payments. GOOD BRICK HOUSE -3 sepa- rate apartments, newly reno- vated, central heating, sepa- rate bathrooms and entrances, completely occupied. Total price $8,500.00 with ter s. In- come $160.00 per month. Let us give you the details on this property. WELL LOCATED 100 acres with complete set of buildings, Land in good condition with good acreage of fall ploughing. Close to village and school. Reasonable price. Terms. Other properties -for sale. 1 1f you wish to buy or sell see C. V. PICKARD, REALTOR 394 Main St., Exeter Phones 165 and 628 2:9tfc Wilfred Mclntee — Broker Listings Wanted On Farms, Homes, Businesses and Summer Properties. For the buyer we offer: INCOME property and building lot situated in the heart of Grand Bend. 150 ACRE FARM near Sea - forth, 11/2 -storey brick home,' acreage in hay, perm, pasttive,' bush and 25 acres fall plowed, Attractive terms. • I NEW 2-bedrooin home, pictur- esque location. Fully modern,' compact and easily heated. Terms, We have several interested parties wishing 3 -bedroom homes in or close to Exeter.1 Are you interested in selling? For confidential interview, call JACK FULCHER Phone 225 457 Edward S. E'Xet" Local II epreSentatiV'e for WILE R, E D 111c INTIM - P.ealtor WALKERTONOntario 6 Offices and 25 Salesmen , to 'serve you, 16c WM, PEARCE, REALTOR Exeter—Nearly new IVO- Oen- moot house with eXtra building! o bedrOofii brick cottage: well located; term& ' Hensall—Large brick duplex ith garage, hot water heatedp, kir sale or rent; term. (opd buvt in farmrolit 6 herealo .M), Per infortnatinit on above litepettlet atid for hew listings," Went. gentaet 11p8S 11110131111,10X, Agoni A • * :21f1:16itie REAL ESTATE— FOR SALE OR RENT — Iri Hensall, 3 -room. brick house, furnace, 3 -piece bath, hot wa- ter, 7inlinHedeinastaepossession. Phne n, io Terms can he a rr :n2g4etid. I Handsome New COUNTY OF HURON 'TENDERS—, Home In Exeter TENDERS FOR SUPPLIES Sealed tenders will be re- ceived by the undersigned un. - • til .5:00 p.m, on Tuesday, March 7, 1961, for the supply of 1961 requirements for: FULL PRICE: $16,800 Terms can be arranged This attractive, well-built brick home on paved street offers 3 bedrooms, living room (wall- to-wall broadloom), kitchen, dining area, bath, full base- ment, oil hot water heating, attached garage, completely decorated. An excellent buy. W. 14, HODGSON LTD. Realtor M. J. GAISER Phone 24 Exeter NOTICES ALL FARMERS shipping cat- tle for UFO, contact either Bill Green, 319J; Exeter RierCriZtoopri R. Williams, i. 287;7 ship every Monday, 9-16* DASHWOOD R E D ENTS— Anyone wishing to take Huron Co-op Health Insurance in the Dashwood area, please contact the secretary not later than February 20. George Link, secretary, phone 34r3 Dash- wood. 16c TendeTruNboe.e 61,104—Tires Tender No, 61-105—Wire Fence (Type 842) & Steel Pests Tender No, 61-106—Cedar Fence Posts Tender Na. 61.107—Pressure Treated 2x4's Tender No, 61-108-40 Fir Plywood GIS Tender must be subniitted on county forms available at the office of the undersigned. Lowest or any tender not ncessarily accepted. J. W. BR1TNELL, County Engineer, County of Huron, Court House, Goderich, Ontario, 16e AUCTION SALES Clearing AUCTION SALE -4 Of Farm, Farm Stock and Machinery At Lot 28, Concession 6, HAY TOWNSHIP, 1/2 Mile South of Hillsgreen on Parr Line TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21 at 1:00 p.m. CATTLE: 18 Holstein gows NOTICES TO CREDITORS and heifers, first and second calves, 4 fresh, remainder due in Feb. and March; Jersey In the Estate of cow, carrying third ball; 2 Annie Maria Abbott, year-old Holstein heifers; 4 young calves, All cattle- blood - deceased. tested. All persons having claims HORSES: 1 Pinto pony, PIGS; 2 York sows with against the estate of Annie Maria Abbott, late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of POULTRY: 500 DeKalb hens, Huron, Widowchic- 1 , who died on or 1 year old; 800 Hybrid about the 5th day of Decem- kens, Red Sussex, Honegar, ber 1960, are required to file hatched Jan. 12. i particulars of same with Bell M A C H EVERY: Allis Chal- 1 & Laughton, solicitors of Ex- , mers D14 tractor with power i eter, Ontario, by the 25th day ied plow; heavy duty 10 -ft. cul - take -off (new); 3 -furrow mount - iof February 961ete1te,,viiatftheer Adivhstierih., dohtuatteeFcteuar , those claims of which notice 661 u 1 Allislye qCulli pa ipme de r; s fer°omn t. tivator; chains and heat hous- McCormick power drill, 1.5- baying regard only to , er; , bruinne;, mounted 8 -ft. swather (like new); New Idea tractor man- ure spreader (like new); 3- section drag harrows: Otaco rubber -tired wagon; 16 -ft. com- 9:16:23c bination grain box and hay rack; 2 -wheel trailer; Gehl hammer mill with endless belt (like new); 3 -drum steel roller; 2 iron gates; 36 -ft. Cardinal bale elevator; Bush Hog rotary hay or pasture cutter; Woods All persons having claimsm i 1 k i n g machine, 2. single against the estate of John units; milk pails; electric -grain Gibbs Yelland, late of the cooker; water tank; rubber - Town of Exeter, in the County tired wheelbarrow; large feed trough for hay or grain; 32 -ft, of Huron, Gentleman. who died extension ladder; rubber -tired on or about the 31st day of -- buggy; 1,000-1b. scales; (man - December 1960, are required tity of lumber and. ten test; to file particulars of same with snow fence; 200 -gal. gas tank: Bell & Laughton, solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 25th quantity of 4 -inch tile; 3 colony houses; 2 oil heaters; chicken day of February 1961, after which date the estate will be shelters; egg washer; other distributed having regard only poultry equipment. to those claims of which notice HAY & GRAIN: Quantity of has been received. mixed baled hay; 800 bushels mixed grain. Bell & Laughton, FARM: At the same Made', at 3:00 p.m., the farm will be offered for sale, consisting of 100 acres, good clay loam land, all workable; L-shaped barn; TENDERS — house with all modern conven. iences, on county • road; im- xnediate possession. One of the better farms in Hay township, also in bean area. 10" down, balance in 30 days. Sold sub- ject to reserve bid. CHATTELS: Cash. GORDON COLEMAN, Prop. HAROLD JACKSON, Met, GEORGE POWELL, Clerk 9:16c has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Executors, Exeter, Ontario. In the Estate of John Gibbs Yelland, deceased. Solicitors for the Executor, Exeter, Ontario. 9:16:23c TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE TENDERS FOR SPRAYING ROADSIDES & SUPPLY OF WEED SPRAY • Tenders will be received by the undersigned. until 3 p.m., Monday, March 6, 1961, for spraying the roadsides in the Township of Usborne. Work to be done under the. Clearing supervision of the Road Super- intendent at such time as will AUCTION SALE be most effective. Price to be submitted per Of 110 Head of Livestock mile for spraying only, POR 13, B. WILLIAMS tenders Also \tvifla rtelerneefveadndfePrialftee USBORNE TOWNSHIP Lot 16, Concession 7, supplygalloncoofntali2n5ersg,,a,lelern8A0' ounese moos south of 83 Highway in 35A Miles East of Exeter, 11/4 2e.041-1DivalAenint,inFite iii;eeeddelisvperraeyd oter TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21 Township Garage at Elimville 1:00 p.m. by May 1, 1961. Interested parties may bid LIVESTOC K: Holstein On either or both Of above cows, due before April 3; 1401 - Reins and lowest or any tender stein tow, due in April; ,9 net necessarily accepted in stein COWS (6 fresh since htm- either e'ary 1). The above mentioned furtherFor easpatticubrA apply are all ' tested, nti mostly to; vaecir nated. This ias an out:- standing dairy herd. Anyone W. ROUTLY, Wanting good Cows be sure to Mad StIPertulelldetlfl attend. 4 Holstein heifers, 2 I3,R 3 Exeter) Ont, years, bred Holstein; 10 Rol. - Stein heifers, 1 year; 15 Hol- stein steers, 1 year; 8 'Hereford 'TENDERS p RPAINTING heifers, 2 years! 40 Hereford Tendera will be reetivad by 1.1slie,e.lefersrs, yye ear Se2v the Undersigned for the paint-11161Steiti ealves, Mg Of the interior and exterior 1 m18cL,ANtp128,.: '11-10 11;7 te ofthe eliool at SS No 10 an- nt Rile Mincer bard (Salem School): V,t Tender atztiqtiiintityotnixed Way xed grain; le be in the Seeretary'a hatidA:eua'etity Of haled ha'; '4tratt. Iv' Marco Tho lowest or !iroi tdhdr hotnf necessarily a ecepted. , flo reserVe u prappitord 11;;L'u rIthSetr, 1\P:41'r:1,1a:1184 a:kri' 10): .f617.„t„ti " • P. B. obtained from 'MAMA elder; to. tot lomat ALEX t CIIA1C4 14tOtO1t IteNtiLor Autliir