HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-02-16, Page 7,
',Pape 7 febrvery 14., 1761
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...,.00d.district news-
Mrs. Maude • Haddon, Pima 3
Mr, Archie MacGregor, Phone 56
Kin honor
fetes bride -elect members
ar Detroithr... of Carmel Church
held a presentation for Miss
Patsy Bell, bride -elect of Feb-
saAm kRieannslij,wonfirst g
ailerink, 3i.pspedrol;Ye rsy at the home of Mr. and
Malcolin Dougall Thurs.
in the first draw t. the Detroit ,
aay evening. Patsy was pre -
Curling Club, Saturday. seined with a Sunburst electric
The rink won all three of clock, presentation a d d r e ss
their earnes, defeating teams read by Mrs, Beverly Beaton,
from Windsor, London and De . and presentation by mrs.
trait; Each member the liam Brown, and a wall plaque
foursome was presented with by Miss Hannah Murray.
A 10 -pound ham for their win. A recreational period of crgk-
sting efforts, inole was played •ancl the win-
ners were; ladies, Mrs. Harry
Hoy, Miss Carol Brown; gents,
Jim Love, Gerald Volland; get-
ting the most twenties in pock-
et, Miss Patsy Bell with 12.
Other members •of the rink
included: W. 0, Goodwin, lOadl
Lorne Chapman, second; Ernie
Chipcbase, vice -skip.
UC Evening Auxiliary
The Evening Auxiliary of the
United Church met Monday
evening; with Mrs, Ron Mock,
first vice president, presiding
in the absence of the president
Mrs.. Harvey Keys, who is ill,
Chiselhurst WMS and WA
A combined meeting of the
WMS and ;WA of Chiselhurst
United Church, was held Tues-
day afternoon.
Mrs, Alfred Ross presided for
The devotional With the theme the WA and Mrs, Ed Dick con -
'What does Christ mean to ducted the worship. Mrs, Ross
me" was taken by Mrs, Ross favored with a solo,
It was decided to do cus-
tom quilting in the church
schoolroom on Tuesday, Feb.
21 when four quilts are to be
Mrs. Russell Brock presided'
for the WMS when it was deci-
ded to send cash to Toronto for
the purchase of two quilts for
Mrs. Harold Parker reviewed
a chapter from the study book
"The Turning World." Mrs,
Brock, Mrs. R. Taylor, Mrs.
Earl •Kinsman and Mrs. Tont
Brintnell reported on the vial.
lation workshop held in Hen-
• Forrest assisted by Mrs, Verne
• Alclerdice, and Mrs, Lorne
Mrs. Howard Scene reviewed
two chapters of the study book,
::New Ways of Speaking" and
•"The Church of South India in
Miss Mary Goodwin volun-
teered to act as treasurer for
the Mission Band for this year,
A letter was read from St.
Paul's Anglican Church invit-
ing the organization to the
1Vorld Day of Prayer on. Fri-
day, Feb. 17,
Mrs. Clarence Smillie gave
• demonstration on mosaic pic-
tures and children's toys, and
Mrs. Douglas Cook contributed
* humorous reading in cos-
tume composed by herself.
Shower for bride -elect
Mrs. James Love, Parr Line,
was hostess Wednesday night
to relatives and friends for a
•surprise bridal shower for IMiss
Pat Bell, bride -elect of Feb-
ruary Z.
An address reviewing Pat's
life history from birth to the
present was read by Sharon
Block of Zurich and an array
of beautiful gifts in a dec-
orated wagon drawn by Sylvia
Bell and Linda Thomson were
presented to Pat, who ex-
pressed her thanks.
Contesti were enjoyed and
luncheon ervedm
Mrs. Love encing Monday, February 20.
and Mrs. Eric Smale arranged Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dodds
the party attended •by 30.
Receives appointment
Mr. Grant Doney of the local
staff of the Bank of Montreal
received his appointment as
Accountant and will be trans-
ferred to Norwich, effective
about March 1. Replacement
here is W. R. Ralph, Picton.
Davie Sangster, two years
old in March, was operated on
Wednesday morning in War
Memorial Children's Hospital,
London. Be is the son of Mr,
and Mrs. Dave Sangster.
At the conclusion of the Kins-
men meeting Thursday evening
•a joint surprise presentation
arranged lir •the Kinsmen and
Kinettes was held at the home
of :Mr. and Mrs. Harold Knight
for Mr. ;and Mrs, Frank Eh -
wood, members of the clubs
and both holding positions of
They will lake UP residence
in Oshawa where Mr, Ellwood,
CNR. agent here for six years,
has been transferred. Mrs. Ell-
wood was presented with Kin.
ette playing cards by president
Mrs. Ross Jinks, and Mr, Ell-
wood received gold cuff links
with Kinsmen crest inscribed,
President William Clement do-
ing the honors.
Cards were •played and re-
freshments served.
Former resident dies
Carmen Burton Keyes, 63,
formerly of this community,
died in Doctor's Hospital, Tor-
onto on Tuesday, February 14.
He was a CPR telegraph ope-
He is survived by his wife,
the former Henrietta Howes,
two sons, George and Charles,
Toronto, his mother Emily
Parker, Hensall, two brothers,
Russell and Robert:, both of
Mitchell; one 'sister, Mrs. Ed-
- • .4iO Q4.«"U
SHE'S WI "SWEETHEART"—Miss Greta Lammie, Hen-
sall WI pianist for many years, was given a "sweetheart"
award by President Mrs. Fred Beer for her faithful and
energetic service to the Institute. It was the first such
honor bestowed on a member of the Institute. An ac-
complished pianist, despite impaired vision, Miss Lam-
mie 'teaches piano and violin to some 50 Hensall and
district pupils. • —T -A photo
Hensall WI honors
gar (Muriel) Cudniore Exeter 1
S'Iea ii •
Round, Sirloin
or `Naomi;
PORI( CHOPS, lb. 6• 9b HAM, Lb. m„.„ „. 49v, SHOULDERS, lb,
Cornflakes 16 -oz, Rice-Krispies 13 -oz., Frosted Flakes 141/2 -oz.
Baby Cereal 16 -ounce packages
Economy Pack 400's 146. pkgs.
SCOTTIES TISSUES 2 pkgs. 51g DAINTY RICE .... . ... . 2 for :27
Your Cliace
F • $ .,- ,'
32 -oz. Bottle Libby's 15 -oz.
JAVEX ... . 210 SPAGHETTI ....... .4 tins ,590,
Maxwell House lb. bag The big buy!
COFFEE 650 )IANT EXTRA .... . .. , . pkg. $30
half-brother, Harold Parker, pianist sweetheart Clark's
The funeral service will he TOMATO JUICE
Miss Greta Lammie, who has! The TO 1 call was answered
,been pianist for Hensel!. Wom- by each member bringing a
en's Institute for 21 years, was friend and introducing her.
honored at the meeting of the; Over 80 were in attendance,
branch last Wednesday eve- Mrs. E. T. Rowe favored with
held at 1 p.m. Friday at the
Trull funeral home, Toronto,
with interment at Morrison ce-
metery, near Guelph.
Hensall personal items
Mrs. Paul Sedley and family Mr. and Mrs. Martin Flood of
of London, spent the weekend Hamilton. While there they
with Mr. and Mrs. Edison For-
rest and family.
Changes in personnel at Drys -
dale's Crest Hardware: Mrs.
Fred , Broadley of town has
been engaged for the office;
Mrs. Ed 'McBride of Kippen,
sales clerk; and Mr. Harold
Knight, service man.
Mr. J. X. Glenn is a patient
in South Huron Hospital, Exe-
The ladies of the United
Church are holding a quilting
in the church schoolroom com-
of Winthrop, visited Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Sim Roo -
Mrs. Prank Ellwood, who
will he leaving in the near fu-
ture for Oshawa, was presented
with a gift from the Guild of
Trivitt Memorial Church, Exe-
ter, recently.
Mrs. Mervyn Hayter is a pa-
tient in Clinton Public Hospi-
Forty employees of General
Coach returned to work on
Monday after a layoff of over
two months.
Flowers in the United Church
Mr. W. R. Ralph of Pieton Sunday morning were in •mem-
will. .succeed Mr. Doney at the ory of the late Clifford Weido
local branch. and placed there by the fain -
To attend ice capades .
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mac-
Lean were weekend guests with
their daughter and son-in-law,
At the Kinette meeting Tues-
day evening at the home of
Mrs. -William (Mickle plans were
finalized for a bus trip on Tues-
day, February 28 to attend the
ice eapades at Kitchener.
The group are sponsoring the
CKNX barn dance at the local
arena March 4.
Mrs. Walter Spencer sbowed
colored films taken.son the trip
which she and her husband took
last summer.
The raffle was won by Mrs.
George Beer.
06: "....n.:IS:Ms•Sts.34,..3:tifstWal.
Report on
Personal items •
Mr. and Mrs, Murray }Tamil -
ton and Glenn spent Sunday at
the home of Mrs. Hamilton's
parents, NIvIr. and Mrs. Rus.
sell Mellin,
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Russell
Visited With relatives at Si.
Catherines and Niagara Falls
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. ,Taek MlIirf
of Detroit; and Mr. and MTS.
Joe Carruthers of Greenway
Were recent visiters with Mr,
and Mrs. Art Finkbeiner,
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh. Morenz
and Billy were Sunday visitors
with Mr, and Mrs. Rost Car. Valentine party was held at
Stove and Rim, at Hen- Clinton Legion Hall Saturday
salt, revening with 120 yoting people
Mr, and Mrs, Gerald Wil- in attendance, Croup games
helm and Carolyn spent Stiii.!were played after whieli a stag -
day with Mr. and Mrs, John gong was enjoyed, and a chat-
iieekman and Mrs. Ste- lenging Gospel message was
Phan, given by Reg Miller of the
Mrs. Milton Rat, spent last RCAF Station Centralia. The
week with relatives in Leridon. party was sponsored by South
miss Kay Batvden and friend Iluron Youth. For Christ,
M Windsor were Weekend vial -
Bantam six
ousts Zurich
Hensall eliminated Zurich
3.1 in a WOAA Bantam "D"
hockey genie at Zurich Mon-
day evening in two straight
Bobby Carlile led the offen-
sive scoring two goals and :Bob
CoOper scored the 3rd goal.
Barry Block scored the lone
goal for Zurich.
Hensel]. now .advances to the
play clowns of the WOAA. This
team is sponsored by Hensall
Kinsmen Club and Mr. Rob-
ert Reaburn is the coach.
At the conclusion of the ser-
vice at St, Pant's Anglican
Church Sunday morning, Mr,
and Mrs. Prank Ellwood were
presented with a gift.
IVIr. W. 0, Goodwin on behalf
of the congregation expressed
thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Ell-
wood for their valtahle ser-
vices to the church during their
six yeare residenc in Ben.
Youth for Christ party
visited friends in Toronto and
attended the NHL hockey
Danny Cameron sprained his
ankle while tobogganing at the
Sand Hills.
Mr, and Mrs. Campbell Eyre
were surprised to receive a
phone call from. CKCO TV
Kitchener, informing them that
their letter had been drawn in
connection with their 28th, wed-
ding anniversary. Mrs. Byre
received a pen and pencil set
and Mr. Eyre, seven pair of
socks. Their daughter, Mrs.
Ray Lee of Seaforth, had sent
in the letter.
The ladies of Chiselhurst
United Church held a quilting
in the church on Tuesday and
quilted four quilts for the bale
for overseas relief.
A group of Kippen East.
Women's Institute met .at the
home of Mrs. Robert Bell and
quilted two quilts for the War
Memorial Children's Hospital,
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Lindsay,
Pamela and Sheila, London, are
visiting at the Henderson resi-
dence, Mr. Lindsay is on holi-
Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mick -le,
Bob and Ann; Mrs, R. H. Mid-
dleton; Mr. and Mrs. H. L.
Sturgis, Exeter, attended the
Intervarsity Choral Festival in
Thames Hall, University of
Western Ontario, London, Sun -
clay evening, Charles Mickle
sang in Western's choir.
The World Day of Prayer
will he observed in St. Paul's
Anglican church Friday, Feb,
17 at 3 p.m,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cousins,
Danny and Christine, London,
Mr, and Mrs. Milton Willert
and Patricia, Goderich, were
Sunday visitors with Mr, and
Mrs. 'William. Smale and fam-
David Sangster, two-year-old
son of Mr. and Mrs, Dave
Sangster, is a patient in War
Memorial Children's Hospital,
Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Fisher
and family moved to Coiling -
wood on. Thursday to take up
residence, where Mr. Fisher
Produce Values!
, a huThorous reading And Mrs. Cello 14 -oz. pkg.
:Miss Laramie was :presented! James Bengough conducted a TOMATOES
.....,............... ••,,,,,, ........ ,,,,,.,,,,,.
with a gift of spray cologne singsong.
bp president Mrs. Fred Beer, During the business it was
who expressed the ,apprecia-I decided to send in a 'pooling
tion of the group, and secretary fee for the officers' conference
Mrs. R. M. Peck pinned on a i in May.
corsage. I Mrs. Edward Norminton and
A prize-winning verse was Mrs, Bengough were in charge
composed in a group contest, of entertainment which in -
in tribute to her and was read eluded progressive euchre and
by Miss Mattie Ellis: I crolcinole. Winners were Mrs.
Our sweetest Valentine tonight i Alex McGregor and Mrs. Ai-
ls one we love with all our • berta McBeath; lone hands,
might, ; Mrs. Lorne Luker; erokinole,
She plays for us with ease and,, Mrs. William. Brown. Wieners
skill' I were presented with' Queen
i -.
And does her best,tn fill the.! Elikabeth. souvenir spoons...
WhenubcillPHostesses were Mrs. Laird
id smells her sweet..1\lickle and. Mrs. Sim Roobol,
The gang all here will wish
her well, .
48 -oz. 'lenley
4 tins $1 :RUIT COCKTAIL .... .39
'lose Brand • •
'AARGARINE .......... .... 4 lbs. $i
ea. 190 LEMONS
Sunkist 140's
6 for 290
and sons are operating the
Superior Maintenance Service
in that district. Their son Tom
who has been employed with
an IGA store in Toronto will
join them this week.
Mrs, John Henderson was
able to return to her honie this
week after convalescing from
a heart attack in South Huron
Hospital, 'Exeter for the past
several weeks.
Mr. W. R. Dotigall underwent
surgery in Victoria Hospital,
London on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs, William Baker,
Mr. and Mrs. Gorge Parker
and Mr. and Mrs. David 'Mor-
rissey of Parkhill were in De-
troit over the weekend attend-
ing the hockey game between
Detroit ,and the Toronto Maple
Mr, Ron Broderick of the
local staff of the. Bank of Mon.
treal has been on holidays dur-
ing the past week.
Miss Phyllis Dougall, of To-
ronto, 'spent the, weekend with
her' mother, Mrs. W, R. Dou-
F10 George Sangster c,f
Hamilton visited over the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs, Len
Noakes and famil)'.
Kinsmen Governor Bill Mir-
kle and district Treaturer John
Heal were guests of Blenheim
Kinsmen at an inter -club meet-
ing at Blenheim MOnday night,
Mr. and Mrs, Boss 1\4iller,
Hamilton, are vacationing in
Florida. with Mr, and Mrs. Ha-
rold Sherritt and Jimmy,
Re Warble Fly Control
No. 1—TENDERS are called for the Spying oi
Cattle in Hay Township on a price per 1
head basis; also on an hourly rate. Town-
ship to supply powder onlyt
No. 2—TENDERS Are called for the ,supply of
Warbicide Powder AS needed. Tenders to
state price or 15 lb. bags and 1 ib. bags
delivered at Zurich.
No. 3—APPLICATIONS are asked for the posiiion
of Inspector to supervise the treatment of
cattle for Warble Ply. Inspectors imst keep
accurate account or cattle sprayed or
tors with he grandmOtherf i brushed, nanto of owner, lot No. Alld Cut'
Mrs. lacob Raiz, E CANAMAN:,JE Ce5S1011, etc. Payment will be made upon
stinday visitors with Mr. PROPANE i
i presentation of A tOmpleted report, Appli-
And Mrs, Ilott/Ard Clarke Arid ° f..
Marlette included Mr. and NTS,
tants to state hourly rate and antloago
)Itu6 Radmott km :araoda i ''' ' txpectoct
6t Parkhill Mita Marilyn Pie,- I
k6ri,hg And Mr. Willi a Roc ., „ MI work must conform with the ns provisioof the
1 t APPLIANCES i i i Warble4rly Act ,And AMOticfMOIi[ thePOIO.
I E. •
.. : Tend -M -and applications to be in the hands ttt the
Patient! "Nitta', 'fint; 1 11 OR./OkTroN 8( ;. . '4 . . . t`.() ; 1
s s Clerk by Saturday, al eh 4, 1061, at .. 0 pas . ,
need is something le Stir Tilt 1 : . i i lowest Of any tender ,or spPlidatien net neenaSatily
Up, Seniething„, in' pia Me in i ..,.,
fightil 1.11M. Did, you pot any, E 11C.)T S 0 1\1 E E
' . .1 phone IS6 Orantl BendTownship of 1-1Ay,, luricht tint.artOk
Doctor: ruNo, lett will find -
10ast, bi the bill," VitfiiriiiittiOfiiiiititiffiT00111100tommmtimij : %Mt
tiling, 1 ke that thia prescrip- : H. W. Broketislitre, Clork.irdaturtstri
lach. 2.30
0,000 STOCK OR
Here is the greatest selling event ever held in this district! 1961 business
conditions force this terrific Sacrifice Sale that must dispose of our large
family clothing, dry goods, etc, stock. Price is no object. We must get rid
of it regardless of cost. You should stock up for months ahead. There is
no fooling here. Brand name merchandise at lowest prices ever!
Men's Suits
Hurry for these Smart
Suits - All Sizes 18.88
Reg. 49.50
Work Pants
tilensftoriniii a z tay e ,
Reg, 5.95 n 88
Dress sox
Many styles.
Boys' Shirts
Plaid flannel shirts,
Sanforized, sizes
to 14. Reg. 1.49 C
neiutiful satin bound
blended blankets r A9
Reg. 8.95 ea. - 4
Famous Wabasso Drip -Dry-
Hemstitched Case, 'I 49
Reg, 2.49 pair
Bath Towels
Lovely soft large
size towels, 69
Reg. 1,29
Best quality fingering and
,,,,,,.,;:oi8n90 ehi gyaaret47c
. e
Only A Few of Our Outstftnding rgins
Large clearing of heifer
make cotton dresses,
all sizes. 549
keg. 14.95
Shoes 35% oPF
Ladies' Slips
These are lovely, Many
styles, All sizes. i w"1"7
Rog. 298 1 ., i i
'vV11111;11isteeRtYetf. 1,49 4'9 la
These are smarL Soft,Children's
printed flannelette. 1 no
keg. 3.49 1M ‘er
Lined Jeans
Sanforized. 1 i6g
Reg. 2.98
Long beige ribbed weol,
11141:: 9.+4* 330
"Dee ling
IS Our
. • '
I fe' ''' '.? ( ' a./1;'''.40A1"'
,"! , , 'A '` , ' •
' 1
Fri. at Sat;
Nights •
Honsalf 16