HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-02-16, Page 6Page 6. The Tilnes•Advoc,ate, February 16, 1961.
Butchers ((R. Stagg &4Rt 4
Pinpoppers (8. l�irni 5611
L. Supertest (11'. Kraft 569): 3
Big Six (J. Scott 6311 1
Milkmen (T. Stire 60511 • 3
A&H Specials (T. Wright 550) .. '1
Mighty Mice 51
Jelly Six .. 51
High Hopes 4.1
11Itn Cres 56
High single' N. Hooper (322)
High triple :1ti, (•ronyn 17801
Highr triple, Janet Love('
`Kegler advances 'ado sink Mohawks!
Lauth 15 short
Thirteen proved to be un-
a o. were
lucky for •Exeter howlers, Sun• , shorthanded ) itli only 11 men
day, as only one of that "jinx" dressed, didn t have any help
I number advanced to the next from the referees in keeping'
round of the Bowling .Piopre• their limited ,bench strength
tors' Association playoffs. available, zn the first period,;
Mary Crgnyii finished ninth three Exeter players sat out 10•.
among the 38 ladies' entries minute misconducts. and Reds
competing in Kincardine to ad-
d loader <,.as ejected from the
vance. to the next round to be game mrd -way through the
staged in Guelph on March 4. final stanza. •
The ;diminutive kegler, who t Murray Butcher was also
competes in the Exeter ladies' lost to the Tribe'when he suf-
league and also the Friday Ni- fered a bad crack on ;the wrist:
ters, rolled a 1580 in her eight while blocking a blazing drive'
games. Ruth Durand, another from just inside the blueline, I
ardent bowler, finished second Keith Stephens started the
among the six Exeter entries penalty parade, picking up a
with a 1522. misconduct for arguing the,
Dot Munroe and 011ie Esse. referee's decision on the two
ry ;finished close behind with minor penalties given the husky'
Contimted from „page 4
TTh Mnhawlcs wh
the bench. The rest .head ;shout-
ed at the referee to "get in the?
game", and found himselfget.'
ting out,
Looked easy
Although. the Tribe were
short-handed, they would have
needed quite a bit of .extra
help to subdue the Sailors. The
homesters jumped on the Tribe.'
right at the opening whistle!
and didn't slacken 'tiff until
they had seven lights up on
the scoreboard.
:Doug Loveclay paced the on-
slaught., picking up a hat -trick
in the contest. Walt. Gardner,;
Ernie Hollingsworth and Walt,
Mummery added a pair pack;
while George Burnham and!
Doug Walton picked lip „angle-
1519 and 1511 respectively, performer. lied Loader follow -I Charlie Westmanwas the
scoring leader for the inept:
Mohawks, contrihuting a pair
of goals in a losing cause. Jim
Russell and Bill McDonald
notched the others.
while Norma Coleman trund• ed Stephens to the box two
led a 1353 and Grace Farqu- minutes later for complaining
Rockets (N. Kelly 511)...... 4 Ls pier tE. Peitz 295. 5 •
Imperials (,C. Fullerton 555) ,,, n (;rand Rend (r. novelle 562)• "2 bar turned in a 1283, I about an offside caii by the
windmills (T. James 646) 4 ()Merkel M. Bannister 7321 7 lean Cook of Stratford top- )nen in the striped shirts.
C. Lumber (B. Mercer 5.75) n ;;t. Marys 113. Coulthard 539) n. ped the list with a 1793. I Jim Russell, who was in the
spares (J. f'airball•n 754) 4 Exeter . .. .... R2 i Youngster tops penalty box serving Stephen's
R. Billiards (1t Penhale 653) 0 St 3larys sn
Coderfch .. 66 Don Wright, 13•year.old son minors, had to stay for an
sn _.
extra ten minutes forshouting,
;nlla Sn Mr• andMrs, Ted Wright,�rht7I. Mr.
Spares 53 'High single: 5I. Alnare, Gode- topped the list of the seven lo- retnrrkS at the referee.
Larry's Superiest .............. ...
6=1 rich 17351
Big: Six
Fuse' Plllia..A
46 Nigh triple P Haugh,Exeter m p
cal en who coni eted in' • ,
The referees lvho drew the
41 (R611 Stratford, and lost his bid to ire of the Exeter squad #ort
t 1
40 High avpraget M. Bannister, go into the semi-final in Kit their apparent one-sided cal s,
4n Gnrierieh (2071 chener•Waterloo by a mere 15 climaxed their performance by, By MRS, NORMAN LONG
34 Midden triple: Lillian Py)n 1
S H Specials 31 pins
Letter from
t 'h ed third stanza, At that time,
' - Exeter
er were changing High
(ars ( ( Wrighta 55 and the uck was dropped
.. i
LEAGUE High Liles (F.. Durand Sas) 2 titnrs rolled a neat 2215 in his P
Pinpoppers ...............:..,......• MIXED LEAGUE Zile lounge ter who gained
L t h
Conklin Lumber , • 26( Sthe fancy of his senior compo g players l
Hot Toddies (ai, Redman 587) 5 ten games. Among his most Ar- while Loader was standing:at
O. Campbell 52(11 ., a dent rooters was A)n0S Dar- r .ss ; a . ; ?, rim,. I
Tradesmen t C p �r"�1
Toastmasters (A. .Meikle 6n 2) .• 3 Chipmunk„ ((', Pome u78) .. ... 2- i
Larks (G. Arthur 601) 1 (,raciceljacks 76 of bowling,"captain of the Rin- I Message from
Bankmonts tn. Willson 7115) ....3 Beet Toddies ...75 gers of which Donnie stars.
Ringers (13. t\right 679: .,. i Chipmunks 60 if any of the qualifiers find
K. Tigers (A. Finlayson 662) .. 3 ('hickena 66 they can not make.the trip to
Canners (B. Simpson 620) 1 Von! (`ars K \' Donnie will et the first:
Pepsis (J, Coughlin 557) 2 High I=iter 37 g I ByELIZABETH FINLAY
Edselaires (J, Hendrick 633) .... 2 High „Ingle: Ladies', m. Iced-, chance to fill ill, 1
Kingpins (H, Battles 636) 4 1253) (264), men's, C. Bailiargeon Lorne Haugh and Bob Os- )^. �, ;, .. ; tis ,< „;'tt;:;3�
Golden Mile (default) good, members of the Itchy
0 High triple: Ladles', R. Durand
Pepsis 54 (596); zneri s ' J. 'Hendrick (015) i Six" finished in the runner-up Personal items
Iippen Tigers
Golden Mile
High single: J. Fairbairn (306) Bltlehirda (B, Brock 403)
High triple: N. I.,eily 0514) 1uggetts 83
Hidden score: B. Ba•ynharn ,Dubees 79
toi%itrds 4i
Goderich A (5418) 11 Shoestrings 37
Zurich (4582)
0 Junehugs 35
Exeter A (5772)
Clinton 13 (5619)
Clinton. A (5520)
Exeter 13 (5036)
Goderich B (5554) 11 JUNIOR BOYS & GIRLS
51'ingham (5119) 0 K -em -Downs (G. Farquhar 340) 5
Exeter. A 163 Beatnicks (0. Appleton 367) ...... 0
Goderich A 1.16 L.Seven (R. Sehroeder 327) „
Clinton A 134 :Midgets (D. Wright 259)
Clinton B 121 T -Birds (F. Wells 476)
Gxet-er h B S7 Pin Busters (2. Holmes 286) ,.
Exeter 13
W inghara
'Wildcats (R. Wiggins 5511 2 Chickens (A. Fairbairn 556) ...2
(`racke.rjacks (,I. Hendrick 615) 5 ling Exeter's grand old man i
63 High average: Ladies', 11, Red- spots behind Don with 2171 and Mr. Clemens Jeffery has re -
4!1, loan (134); men's, N. Redman C 2140respectively. Stan Frayne turned home after spending
stood fourth with a 2075, while' several days visiting with
Bob Nicol, another member of friends and relatives in De -
the "'itchy Six" had a 2021. roil and Windsor,.
Harold Penhale finished! Mr. and Mrs. Earl Oesch
sixth with an 1883, while Ted and family visited Sunday eve -
46 (19)
41 Nuggetts (AL Cronyn 641) . •. 6
40 Shoestrings (D. Graff 454) • 2
40 Rookies (K. Hay 585)
33 Junebugs (E, Robinson 185)
17 Dubees (P. Hunter-Duvar 511)
g High single: 54. Cron,•n (3031
2 High triple M. Cronyn (641)
Triple: 1. Sweitzer (471)
Hidden score: M. Sweet
0 Wright rounded out the list, : ning with Mr.' and :Mrs. Cur -
343 pins behind his son,tis Gingerich and family.
Hugh McGillivray, Stratford, I Rev. Albert Martin and Rev.
topped . the qualifiers with a Ephriam Gingerich of the Bi
86 Comets (13-. Sanders 342)
16 Strikers (B, Gosar 293)
High single: Lorne Haugh, Ex• L. Bombers (P. McFatls 366) .,.
elev. A (389) L. Johns (M, Snelgrove 236) ,.,
High five: Bert. Harris, Gode- Slick Chicks (D. Snell 337)
rich A. (1387) Dynamiter„ (8, Greenacre 305) „
High average: Bert Harris (239) Knock -em -Downs ....... 66
LADIES' LEAGUE SrI�hlclts 66
Sttripers 45
Be 'Bops (M, Wells 6554) 5 Pin Busters 45
Busy Bees (G. Webster 541) .... 2 T -Birds 42
Happy Gals (J. Lovell 710) ..,, 7 Comets 34
Frisky Sia (13. Coughlin 571) .. 0 Blue Bombers 32
Hi Lights (M. Loader 666) 5 I ueky Seven 26
Handicappers (M. At(hill 623) .. 2 3tIidgels 26
o.Tnb,ns 24
Biowettes (A. Ford 626) .............. S Beantg nicks 20
Alley Cats (N. Hooper 596) 2 DLynamiter„ 14
Jolty ails (J. Burke 6900 5 High single: Fred 1Fells (243)
Lollipops (B. Mums 606) High triple: Frei' 'Wells (476)
Hot Dogs (R. Durand 645) 7
Jolly .SIx (G. Skinner 526) 0 BANTAM GiRLS
Pin PoPPettes (P. Haugh 616) , 7Lollipops (J. Campbell 206)
Mighty Mice (P, Dixon 489) 0 Indian Squaws (L. Wella 220) ,..,
Sputniks (E, Reid 601) 7 Eskimos ()3 Skinner 328)
Who Cares (H. BrintneSl 538) ,,
bre Institute; Indiana spent the
weekend at their homes,
Mrs, Keith Gingerich and in -
fent daughter have returned
Sugar and spice home from the hospital.
Continued from page 2 their Valentine
party on Tues•
Residents of this area may
be interested to .know a play
on the CBC's General 'Motors
program to be broadcast Sun-
day evening, Feb. 19 was writ-
ten by Mr, Ron Sproat of New
York and Cincinatti, whose
father was Mr. James Sproat,
a native of Kippen, and who
was raised on the farm where
Mr, Ray Consitt now resides,
Mr, Stanley Jackson, owner
of J. B, Hereford Farms, Kip-
pen, recently sold his Belgian
team of horses to Mr, W. J.
Hopewell of St. George, Ont.
Mr. Edgar McBride visited
in Brantford a few days,
Mr. and Mrs, ]-Harold Cald-
well of Hensall, Mr, and 'Mrs.
William Kyle, Bonnie and Al
attended the funeral of their
uncle, the late Mr, Albert
Mitchell, at the Ball and Mutch
funeral home, Clinton, on Sat-
Mr. and Mrs, Elzar Mous-
seau visited Sunday evening
with Mrs. Mousseau's father,
Mr, Dean Brown of Greenway.
The Blake school pupils held Mr, and Mrs. Robert Stokes
and Larry of London were
Sunday guests of the latter's
father, Mr. Robert Thomson.
west coast newspaper circles, day.
currently the. hottest daily
columnist in the East. tioning a column she liked be -The flowers at the church
3 * * * cause it rem'ind'ed her of old Sunday were placed in memory
2 times in Nova Scotia. From of the late Albert R. Mitchell
3 Well, in this 'column 1 was
2 d' h bragging mod.
halter Stark of Oxenden, Ont,, of Clinton.
a was gI 9 claiming I'd make a good MP Mr. and Mrs. Janes Arm-
and estly about all the letters he
CI t f d That's what and wishing a Happy Nev strong of Staffs visited during
gets from readers.
6 made me feel badly. Give or Year. From Jack Cooper of the week with Mr. and Mrs,
take a hundred thousand, Ber• Vernon, B.C., saying he'd just Norman Long.
O ton and 1 have the some cir- celebrated his 69th wedding an- Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wahl, of
culation. His mail averages 30 niversary, feels great and Listowel, visited Sunday with
letters a day. Mine averages reads my column because I'm Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dickert.
30 a month. And 24 of them a "dam -good" writer, From Mr. Emerson Mitchell. of
Tack Cornet of La Salle, Ont„ Windsor and Mr. Albert R.
are bills, offers from. mage•' '
zine„ and final notices aboutl whom I haven't seen for 151 Mitchell of London visited dur-
writtn on curling (containing, Mrs, William Kyle .and family,
0 P. Pinners (R, Grassiek-217) ,,,.
insurance premiums. years,enclosing a book hp's I ing last week with Mr. and
* * * 1 nothing but blank pages and' Ricky Penhale of Bayfield is
That convinced nie that I'd entitled. What I Know About' spending a few days this week
never be a really famous col- Carling). with his grandparents, Mr. and
umnist, and. I felt pretty sick * * * Mrs. Bert Faber.
about it. I thought: It's because Wouldn't it be something if .Terry Moffatt returned
every reader of Sugar and i home Sunday after spending a
Spice decided to show Pierre I as nth at Vero Beach, Flori•
Berton what he was up against! Mrs. Bert Faber, her mother,
and wrote a letter this week I Mrs. Elizabeth Oesch and
to Bill Smiley, 152 Elizabeth) daughter Mrs. Tom Penhale of
St., Midland, Ont.? Know what,Bayfield were in Tavistock
I d do? I'd take the whole mil Sunday attending the 50th wed -
lion of them, drive to Toronto 1ding anniversary of Mr. and
in a truck, hire six men to Mrs. Joe Zehr.
carry them up to Berton's
office, dump them on his desk, I
and say: "Thirty letters a day,' Fenton: "So you were in the
eh, Pierre? This is my average hospital six months. Pretty
weekly mail." That'd shake sick, eh?"
him. I Denton: "No—pretty nurse."
I'm not controversial enough."
s Oh, I've attacked in my day
o; such things as motherhood, the
5' Protestant ,churches, capital
0High Hopes (E, Bogart 592) .... 4 Freckles ('T. Penhale 205) i Punishment,'children, the home,
. Roliettes (C, Vriese 619) 3 Sputniks (P. Schroeder 223) 0 social drinking, temperance,
Kite Hawks (13. Sangster 600) ,•7 Lollipops 54 sex and the weather. But I just
Merry Maids (R•. Corey 444) 0 Eskimos 48 can't seem to get my teeth into
Trailers (M. Oronyn 7,66) 7 Freckles 48 something vital, like used car
Pills (L. Smith 583) 0 Indian squaws 23 dealers, or vacuum cleaner
Luoky Strikes (14I. Jory 520) ,. 4 Penny Pinners 20 salesmen— the sort of thing
Wee Hopes (T. Heywood 541) .. 3 Sputniks 17 that gets people worked up.
Happy Gals 97 High single: B. Skinner (137) Then I began thinking about
Pin Poppettes .. 93 High triple: 13. Skinner (328) the sort of letters I do get
Trailers apg 87 BANTAM BOYS from readers and I felt better.
Pills 85 Rockets (5f. Idle 283) 3 And do you know something?
Wee Hopes 85 slue Jays (G. Campbell 259) ,.., 2 I'd trade incomes with, Pierre
Nita Hawks 82,
7� Night Hawks (2. Gifford 229) .. 6 Berton, but 1 wouldn't trade
$ot Dogs'Tigers (li. Moore 154) 0>
Jolly Jilts 78 mails. Ill bet most of the let -
Lucky Strikes 77 Wildcats (i), Burke 334) 5 ters he gets are either hack
Handicappers 72 Silver Darts (D. Wolfe 2 41) U
Frisky Six 72 Wildcats 53 , Ing his column to bits because
Merry Maids 70 Silver Darts 41 the reader disagrees with him
Biowettes ?0 Blue Jays 41 or lauding it to the skies be -
Alley Cats •..... 68 Night Hawks
Iii Lights 613 Rockets 47 • cause he agrees. That ,.would
Lollipops 58 'tigers 29 14 1 become boring after a bit.
Busy Bees 55 High single: D. Burke (192)
Sputniks s6 * * *
Rollettes 53 High doable: D. Burke (334)
There's nothing boring about
the letters I receive from read-
ers. They are warm and friend.
ly and personal,and they
LADIES' LEAGUE aren't trying to grind an axe
or have me grind it for them.
Ontimers (N. King 541) 4 H h I fal9 They come from all over the
Hot Shots (P. Schroeder 491) , 0 country.
Leginnettes (,D, R .th 692) 4
Firecrackers (I.. Trott 619) 0 fit.* *
H. Gals (17. Ghostkeeper 545) „ 3
Braves (13, Fiinkbetner 601) 1 1 From Mrs. James Nickerson
Atoms (0. 'reeving 595) i of West Roxbury, Mass„ men-
I1'estenel's (W. Gill 498)
Hot. Shots 17
High single: L. Trott (282)
ig triple: Trott )
Dawn Tavern
(nuld 'Ree
Ole -N4tes .
Last Minutes ... ... ..•16
Firecracker's h7
Legionettee 64
On ni rs Gals 53
rintlmers 43 High single: R. Vert Dorselear Pin poppers (0. Weller 920) A
.Braves :42 (345) Dines .......... 5
atom„ 27 1 -ti eh triple: It, Van liorselaar (0. Coughlin, K, Ready 222)
11'est eners 1S (801)
Tt,ksents (W. 'Hedging 2(.2) 5
SI rlkekhigs (R, Smith .151) ,,,,,,,, 0
11"ondbutehers (B, iiourk 551) 2
Fire .Eaters (W. Hickson 627) 2
1.grtco (J. Van LieshouI 655) 3
S. Circuits (T. 7•lamerstein 603) 1
C:tandeboye ("B, Cunningham 591) 2
Hot Shots 16 TTarcly 537) ..
Legion (W. ]'ego 595) 3
Latvia Cnnof, ((5, '.Young 542) , 1
71a;irymeit ('11. 'Morgan 622) 2
1 3
lv s ' C .T 1'atsman )
, e
t'. Pin'hers fn. Lank] rt 597) 1
khamrocke '(R. Heeke it 605) 3
Rex (leek `Park 4519).,.., , 5
Hetet (,i. hiaettttosh 498) 2
Electrlr5 (F) Carling 5161 „ , 4
Pose Rollers (r Noyes 4557 0
Lumher' )Kings (1, Nurse 655) i
Stercurys' ((-I. 'McDonald 543) ,1
5hatnene.k a 61
1v'tlodhutchars 1 15
'Fire 143 rets 7., 45
Elect ries
HOC Shote 47
i4.inrt ('ircuite .,,,,.........,..,.,..."43
Lumber E Ings
Jinx„ 55
Duin bells 38
Inl(spots 51
Champs 3n
'Pinnopners 21
SIrikekinge 16
Satellites (L. Calcott 221) .7 )4igh .aing'ee: 1:. Bead), 222, 10,
Shamrocks (.1, Andersen 150) .: n C'nughlin, 222, 1). Willer 220,
Slarlonettes (At. 'Hedgins 208) .. 7
(D. 7fio.4ins, n, T'reenian 170) Bottler Paara (91, Lepine 576) ,. 3
Leprechauns (5T. (:arun g 217) .. 5 Crumbs (T,. Steeper 527) 9
Dairymaid„ (16., ..
Watson 222) ... 2 i. Lions (0, illnn 667) 4
Sputniks (1"JMelitlosh 213) . 4" Rockets (ll. Lee 6121 „ 0
Ramblers (A,',McFall:: 2181 3 R Tlnmhere (0, Verner 602) ,,,,, 4
l,egienetIee (51, Ann 130 , 4
(",town„ (r3, Cloughtin 283) 3 '(Ionia (c MA.(1)6'4041 62,,) , 0
R(tN, Marl
511) , 1
" Lucky Six (In(gra d9I)
.... ,7
. k' Craig 11011512 (14 Smith 651) „ 4
"t 'R (' ``idlers 1'. ('after 642) , i1
it Nairn 'Flyers (6", Tropp 523) 1
51 SntIhuslera (,), 1,aye 626) 3
50 lirinsley 74nlnheta 117
('landehoyf Supers 47
llderinn J,10ng -45
crumbs 45
14odhttsfSl'2 47
77owler Peers 43
\ i01tta 34
iloekets 88
27, 14kcker'15ot•kera , "(I
Lucky Six. 36
('rale Pellisi's :2f
Nairn T h Are 31
1)Igh stngte: (4. M1arl2nna1r1 (260
1 -Gigli triple: (2, tatvt (323)
Dai nt
ry alAs
Ram blere
I epreehettek
Leg Ion el1nA 57
( 'lend ehnye Clowns 114
('landehny p Cuticle ,. 51
SIlgh "Hopes 42
Duni bells a... R
Tligh „mere. 14. 'Coughlin (253)'
:ftIgh triple: 1t. Carling (662)
High average: M. ,Carling (151)
flhvInus (1, 1='1nlevsnn 4011 ..8
161 T••Ive (11. Carling 456) . . 4
Who ('ares (A, (;lent) 632) . .. 7
Luca.feties (52. Watsnrl`44M) ,..., fl
1L hnrildlt:e (t,, f4Arlintlei1 4772) . 2
Penny 131410hers . AT t, rairleka (,i,. Blake 524) 5
.liin Flyers r 3f
Obvious 5a
:R(sx ..an...”.” . .. . 36 Who ("area , 86
Clendehoye 33 Whorll(ia 866
hose Tto11'ers 12 .111 Five 64
'Hotel , ..................2T Luranelte 86
1(-61ls 'Urinal ungirioi7 225 St, Pa(eleka 35
Attlee .. 25
't11gh sing16 Earl rarlink ('1111
Izt81 lriplr NAM C ariing (R161
iifglt ays)'n 1s tsttirl ("acting (LIMY
LAMES( Li Auua t941)0h8)Ia (1:, ;C4i5rflltinntery` 2441 ll
t`. (n114.4 fit. "C1"11114MS 8231$ ,.., Chars px 0
mei li(d"ea (tl. Mil,Mil,1(51 if LS 1"3`r Stliltief 11..9)
7' Spee'lata (2, reifies ISA) 5.
'(Thamlptdna (S. Sutherland 121) n
,smashers (1r. (:hi55rirh 145) 15
746:g1(. (P (ililisa 132)...........4.
1: Palvtcs' (t (''erkswnri'h 27)2) .. 3
(2, Hopi 130) 2
gmasheira . .._,.3
}iigh single: f, ?iniayaon 6284) 'Yeti's 015001ale Y,,..,,,,..,,
Mot mime: A, ('tisnn (522) 7tdving Vaults
1.71g`h ;tveesta: M. rat''lirt4 (146) z 1 )'1112
xtia iIfo l8Y it.
f2R(IO Ailtat42 •5'i
1111111111111111111111111111111111111tit; 11111111111111111111111111111111111,11111111111111111111111111/11111111111111111111/11111/,
Men's Oxfords
Bleck rnd Brown, Reg. to 59,95
Broken Sizes, 6 to 12
Repairing �, , All Sizes, 51.25 up
Men's, Sizes 5 to 12
$2.75 to 53.95
"The Store With the Gold Bond Stamps"
1111111111111.1.tIY1111111.it... 111t..0111111111t11111p11p11,11„i1p, 1i 1Y, t 1111111111,11itt 1 i I lit ,1 11p,1.,111,11111 It ,
"HUMP' ..... b, 111/111 o01011,11OUH111111111t1111,111,11p11t 11111OU11111111,1111111111111111111,1111111111111111,1
The responsibility of filling
your doctor's prescriptions with
professional precision, we ac-
cept and honor,
': •2
nit ri�
s � �.
EXETER DA Phone 50'
terk(s'tsrtltl 3
t knyafn((ti(riarfamni(1(i('(Ir(i tait(rrroa
As pharmacists, we at-
test to the quality of'
every health product We
sell. This assurance can
mean ni'Uch to yotli
ii railiir(i(r(((tiffifiteii➢InuiniYrni((1.il0OHM"
From The
.. Xi,..$:'�'+i.�asx .. �tir,��,��s ..........1.....,r."''''''''',31"4,'''
•�^' r .•:��.i..' •'O- �'
d �v. ,44 r' d'i' -tri •
with 90 -Day or 4,000 -mile warranty
'60 Pontiac
Finished in gleaming sun tan copper,
equipped with automatic, power steering,
power braices, radio, driven only 8,000
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'60 Strato-Chief
Pontiac 2 -door
Economy 6 -cylinder, driven only 13,000
miles, equipped with automatic drive,
radio, windshield washers, finished in
Tasco turquoise, can not be told from
'60 Strato-Chief
Station " agon
4 -Door, equipped with automatic drive,
radio, windshield washers, wheel discs,
power steering, power brakes. This unit
with exceptionally low mileage has never
been used commercially.
'60 Strato-Chief
Pontiac Sedan
Finished in Royal Blue metallic, with
automatic drive, radio, windshield wash•
ers, and wheel discs. Only 14,000 miles
and looks like .it never left the showroom.
y. ,
'60 Vauxhall
Victor Super
Sedan, finished in metallic grey, with red
leather interior. This low-priced unit has
only 7,500 miles on it. Save $" 1 ;675
5600 at a� V
'60 Renault
This car finished in medium grey with
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Listed Below Are A Number Of 1960 Pontiacs That Have Been
Our Strict Standard Of Maintenance Makes These Excellent Values
Station ., agon
Equipped with radio, windshield washers,
Strato-Flash 8•cylinder, finished in tur-
quoise and white. Sells new, 53,870.
$2,395► •
'60 Strato-Chief
Pontiac Sedan
Economy 6-cyl. engine, radio, windshield
washers, finished in jewel blue. Cannot be
told from a new car.
'60 Strato-Chief
Pontiac 2 -door
Equipped with econmy 6-cyl. motor, cus-
tom radio, windshield washers, back-up
lamps, wheel discs. Royal blue in color,
21,000 miles..
ONLY $29095
Still 5 Left!
1 if
ONLY $11995
'59 Strato-Chief
Pontiac 4 -door
Equipped with radio, windshield washers,
two-tone, a clean car.
ONLY $11495
t.1 „,„Y1'1YYY
Beat the new import tax
Phone 78
Phone :608