HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1852-09-09, Page 4"Woll"M .1 , 1. it 11�
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, � —_-__-_ - VIPPA WA FOUIMM, IZJ6LXR - 4, s Jr A T I 0 Is 9 R.
W I I - ------===a =, 70X cou!�! I 0 ".10L) Colmar of
_.� _=,�Z��W__ -, - ________ - ��_____ - DIVIS cow, im, ,be usloved 9.1
�_ opposite iwikwklj,o
= , - - CHAIMS! CHAIRS!! L 11,15111-911111 1111101111111`111** PROSPROWS. THr sea& plea"IlLe We". will be And Steam Hiligine Manufactory. Boo, Loodamm C W.-
4, BY-LAW No. M 0 F F -A To* 9 - �= .ad Talbel-Ou'""Ali Ctaama.;� , a.&.
, OIPTUZ ANGLO-AMBRICAN MAdA- Cmes9 of HWN`:;dr,46#`e.mf"81kmwuiv6 - Imalk, C
harlid at the lisb" HZU 11,11g.441111 0 sew 'eva'al" a ,@File& Laoti I
A " . ZJNL Fluor povow T pfep.ftd to d- sell—, I - d.f.w."da-
o - VISITABLE LIFE FILL'S Geder . .11 k= of Walk 10 the Wet Masser,
A SP -JAN to A 4tb*"W the War&* Of , I'll I. SObwerIbNvr ,ill comateally keep is sub Wednesday Stalling sad Itas
. the U loved Covelivere at liolou Perth bond a stalled Oft-g-oot 04 Windsor. &so First &( July next. will be publish- Collimates IsoAlt. IIIH111t) cii J'A .0 Ili. Pigo-Wo- limake. items the Tea&
a" anwo. to volume Debentures I �", Busells"tocklog ivad Nurelag cbwls, tablets, &L�11141 Irat Bomb" of a Movillbly Pat).- is, 0c,ki Dalliat Liters, Zvoi and at abort notice. tr urliture Jae A,colo 1 inally fittoollittled %an
. 0 pay PHCENIX III I I a *(,,TUN ANGLO- .... as powilgeor fit, b is,, and The Potterso of Steam Engines for Grist Of Cavalry loolowelmooLs, Pa" I
I is of I ill*. A a tollegaismad gisair* of the Is be wit'. sell cheap (Of e*Pb* admeal, wader the title It I 11,11,1016. 11111co"ll I
" cross" I "' I Black of the Blobaltuati And DANIEL (;ORDON - TW WON, mill alleged a I -1 "606 = AM&RICAN MAGAZINE.- )*be live a I I. C.1f;aes. Clelk 684 SSW Kill$, NO oil Dow end a( the Mae& .ad . I"oi dismissal slim"'"t, 414
." le Palo waosoo$ ", - as royal 20,b SePolsoubtf- F-- lopprovedhind. Also, complete set of or Landem, Match Ib5i - ...____-1_
" A -:":= 7 1
,I Buralm I -at IllockRodra"Caloposay. I &Ili somber will ediftL11110 96 Pair Griot sad S:. A7,%" ______
W�' - tilood G.dencls. August Uh, I" gaIRD Vill" J 1, sad! Ing, Blieftlag, SLC. for
r, kl`� I - ___ octavo, with double cot%nooi &Oil Ou""c"oos W."g-sTs-clis ,1110 a
,� WIS.LitAf the Directors of The Berso ,suouln, paid Josma- ,prmuwol, lir to Whicts %its 4tolestiom of the, public is E. if. MARLTON,
: I Illustrations. price ISO. per itatil ;�illauu-. Cloth
.1 11 and Stiffivio joint Stock R&Atu&J C-4PP4*Y 2"It:5 a fit I at Assaf, - oust"t.o. particalarly directed. Nor.
q, Zzleed Little line of The NOTICE as at.A.i." in svdsvjsoc�, and east by mail lo volvialm I- R old ("'Oung"for"
heive, Xessolvi rip of Ligodshor- ~ ,Wo�W_W_ 0--IA&�UM tb:y Part of Load.- Read. 25" Jose OW I Unsling devoted consivilvirablo time and F ORWARDE her P, it gesers,
" volostlerd and Bisfr-Ill, Railroad from lie IS hereby gives that 'best oviships Of C or United I
I � T ale% 3MIL �mom British North America Qoick's T.,-,-- "I.F.Clsilk loxpenoo to f4oltiug up %love boot description chants litur'bov"o W La us Cleared
, Wolof last"osecovaes with The (kest We*- eve Norsh Of Ili$ a' W An rWMA. ACWrX a" CUSOJkM aMBUISA r"&. slat". . fislits August. G-roft" Agent, for I be #Jis of "" a
, , _ I%r% R,11ra" to the Town of Goderich, Its And bertly, tw-ib,o Cou"Imo ,tf (317, 604 'Jol'"I'lluil's 410' Am AILADDSAI -it XIONS vs. It is proposed to publish in each issue V11,1110' I'lliffilsom. it I I o -clock, A i Of F-09100. with all %be other necessary fix- Ferrer Ilousebuld Furlill'"s "d Produce
- , nearly from doe- MUOUS lefifirMs th LMZS 00UPLA111111111111- 0 - Rob"t Cook, ,so. He-. R-�.oNwruaN !luvos for Muley Bow Mills, to now ready to
. � fibe Co.sly Of Ilaran; and under a Res -la- Bouce. and extending is a. asees, save was. somen ob� 4� ameams. owe as vierso of more origii &I papers on subjil cle cob k:oq. of every dsuictirtloo.
. recently beets sts- 191LICA, CIIIII011111Y tit- M.. fooloviday, 27tb Sti Rome � offer them with great confidence to those to of the Kiscar-
� A
, � "Ir"O", hs"09 soloalsviss. rulaossa. a Nes ell- -11 - Meted wi-b BRITiven An lOflice. LOXI door' Nart
(4 - A
, gi*a by 16 -ma passed for that purpose, have halt, to tie a &.-it a
F I I , (fill thousands I .db the Ch,ppasalovdiasf.ul S -u' ow above N.wm- .6 - .11sawsols be volasso verse I- I t 11t1c4 or religious arliclea' Clark. : is Waal of each !Rlsehimery. Theme Enginoms, Godorich.
aualsorused in,roubscrip or 0 0 ? too cr I maill AXAUVX L� AUUM 4 log Pit Y V- .,,a P11111-tp kc, contain &I blue arm- vie -Ove
it of it,* Itt-ro and OWOD Swint! Its I let MaP'aIY It"01 26-h July he recent Improvemests,
�, arldillosal Pklre* 10 the CaPloal btac tbeur benefit, 4#LDO & COU4111110, CMiL-C. of a denominational chikfgct@f - SsIcs'"On" Saint Mary". Match 14111 1852- - ---
Q'et, to trial. 10 be sold lot _E�� uni .vois Vi - to the reunion, of the beat writings in The leading British Tile Sloss Toyota :wd fe very complete. Haven of them are -
- ' , &
. .Ikw Coolpal'y. sell laid out into c...u. in. Jae,.. C.Itseam. Evil. (- It'll. ow finished, and the demand in much that �
Audi, wisereav, tbO Warden of %be Untied sad having been survelled r NIVAIURS. uxursixg.
30 . sp 3plisn'lk. P. ,m_ es, ,_ ,.,.Wm on periodicals will be copied, especially such 60 Amid 23io SWevivartre, uslorlsiols. D MOORE'
I Cuuntles, of Iluiva Polito and Bruce, to Be Farm 1,011, for the parpove Of "et"emeat. is hove reference to the welfare and intertats age of S&yfielti 31si Jely parties desirous of purchamiag can Ims fitted RICHAR *are act
fig Lot* Nos - 28, ow- slobassall "r iss"vol "Dow -WO� '""abodl- Ilsocke's Ts -re. I III "'co. 01. up in a few weeks, wah every thing avi U
ci)rjaace with& Rsou!u1iou of the M"al"I ms,w open f,,r sale, excePlI 0 I)" lit H --it Ruclow. I 11 AVING during The poll tw C 'NFRAZ
too consoluive murt*Am of me M6616 SAY4110'sLAX 0"LAroll of ibees, Colon, so. ad 30 1,411. 'eral castle Will Cow' .arv. ed to the capacity of
�svl County Council of the said United Couo- 29 So 31, and SJ, subject t Ls%clr. A careful illegal of the Current Freals of & The 811'iR#g of ill* "' ,I.ck. A. M. P of debt P, desires
III*-, authitrimii -hot* IrSlifffift arsall &GUS. rw"$.MoemfLm� - ,,, pe"cleally as " Boiler Yard is also attached to th to AGENT for the collOctlo
, projected through the a #sad a will. a is. mat the Warld, " a - he 6 dersloon that he will
g him ,9todo,has, live anduo of'. Waild now Scientific Discoreries, ('*=our &CLAND, J. C- C � tatishrri where boiler. of , beat qv,D-I� it to be generally on
behalf at* the Gold United Clotiulius, foloper- length of tile time', Of much witilb sod in on wasseftir ft� mvdwh� will be News, Musical I:Ielligemce. and .11 am" ARTHUR , V5019 ,
- IF$& for %be collsetlart a'
quoted, and the said United reellon " me)- boe barst folortlettrovol,a. odftm $Nwi otho ww&s� be" the wa� solvois W 0 ciall 00 be made to order, on acce
oti for oved me, much tit a I isevess -d *. &-"a - by tavess asebmans is wasseave matter of general inter at, derived from the Godench. Ch Jose- __ :i:� Pit the Agency
venly G" Ili [nit tiding purchaser: Will on pp - rKy Tissues. " P&TIolvilliell. AND 41 CURED. - _____�.. f the Upper Provinces be,
C,Iustsed saw bold vistaid own 11 . F-141 Let a .bit i;uxpLzxjf)N. most lent information. - - --- ill port Albert,— a 'liable terms, and of the beat motor'&'& dues in any Part 0 Ill. E:..t and Lake Ilurcon
I Guelph. 1'ots and workmaoship.
, a Mel,ran. Evil . 0 j;X
j,4,m,ftd whares of the said Additional Cation to Job onwa I IL vanix.lwy. It in also intended to publish a Forties of ViIIW tween Cob g ,,n -
She%din ,be Capital Stock of the Broot- tile authorized Agent for the lnd;an WPOft- 4�)Ci UIDUINS&IL "" VAIL. HKADACHSA. wit"erval f Great Aslifield-fcr Sale. Improved stationary Fire Engines Con. in ,ha W.O,ur .I no,king this announce
Riographies of Eminent Men 0 18 tile thanks
- ,ent, be informed -1 the price per acres &W W;W.Vw`AXV IFAVEAL INFLAWMATUalf XNSU%IA stantly on hand, ready for delivery. ment, he .ould beg 10 express
far4l Buffaiu, Joint St"It Railroad Com r iself-U&S NoLouls, JAIIA10,1VAL LOW Or Ali'los B,'itaift Gad Ireland, from Alfred I he Great -
,.,ad Lot. No@. 39, 40 Is Iron Planing, Turnin to his fr] '&nee of the
I iog, Screw Cutting, ends for past fawoors and zvow to,
- pany of the price or value of five Pounds the terms of P&YuteD'- rtrAL to the present time. This department will 9VIIFSE well Pit' so -04[yett, L Pectfully solloi a CO,ticu
each elvere. By Coniu-sod. z.XVBR COMPLAINT111, do of Colborne Brass Costing and Flats Ing, Site. dome In 8
A ad whereas if is expoidimmt to timpoll. or (S�Fncsi.] R. BRUCE. I.Xissitatil'. LoosligAZAK be Illustrated with Portraili from the boat A 41 no ill* East 1 1 and 42, 00 the "'cot every variety
. vbn2$w* jig K , C 4, tit I A L. D I 8 K A 9 K S.- treaters. &oil Ni�. 59, 40, 4 "Illage In connection With the a to . same. on, on husista's, oddress-
tile Warden of the Avow Unifed C-,untles. Guelph. 30sh July, 1852 Is.- flusitoterishaw. vatual, voll.low.0.,vitf mmmwpi.& An it in proposed to make this Publication at do of said elvirill in the Improving N hove, t are is All communicato -
. from lisp* to lime, at fie shall be thereunto - W.O. ........."ibe. Ibis � .. - I ..'e,an"Ib". .( perw4en" a national and not a local work, it will "D- Al!ioelt-'10 the Townshil) Of Asb- 1 114W in course of erection the largest Sloss ed (Poet paid) t o Ayr P * Oo.. North Doom
. I required by Rowolul,n cf The Municipal - HASS. oviotivir Pis &jm .NZ4r0VX DEBILITY. SKI'llut ,if Port Act ,ch Far further in- Foundry in the Province the Mouldtpf fries C %vot will be promptly attended to.
f' . Council of ll;e said Uni,ed Countle Roitmur SNOW t-orivistrAI.Vrim var all statist. UVIANIG AFIVNECTIO.NA fitachingly advocate mill questions affecting field Nofiliol"Golo libels,
0, Ivs '-*"c IIIONAHI-F HOOT k 8110E rAlroll'Art"Alt mostAbs HEART. PAi.*irxx'd "I"'I-141. she Contain.% interests of our Colonies as an j. �lsrk, Esq. Crown !Floor oir which will cover upward& of I 0,'%' A�rd*l- ls�i- - -_ - - -_
and grant debentures of tile said Monte, F A ',6i I Ir I L X ill . Toll, --O-i notwouseer isf . =_ for�atlon, apply I �000 square feet. - �
1,Allty lor the .,un, of one hundred and AIANI FACTUREH. - Nov emotional by dis - .1 Lh� L,k Integral portion of the Brilisk Emospoire. sce Goderich, or the propillittor,
. zd- as- An experience of , several years in supply- Land 00 ROBERT MOO R i"' I There will too constantly on hand a Stock r, V
.vs theusand pol,nJ@, the price or (one dohe East of C. CrObb's Start') PAM& . islas Ivi IIIIII& bWL livalls- Issivill - ing the reads n g public of Canada with the Wellesley, North of BcII*6 Corners' ofthe moo . t approved Po,terne
a ". Thoe. .. " ,a*- crul. 2stf. , a morican 'Cooking Range 01 En'tul",
twenty f ..
vaiaeof thosaidisivenly fivoiihotuand shareis OULD Inform tf!vushabitants of Gods- 114 Is c U X ATI "-I "s Ili" .eylal publications of the United Stistef', Illey, Oth July, 113.51. - - ke. fitted with Tin and Copper War* earn..
and in tot! payment thereof, payable on Itt, ood that he is pors- almobb" dovetails- '"N 6. won of meet by Low Uk Mel=a, �11 0 1" DO
W rich and strighborh "VM11 ,.f 81.41(wo is sib. HKAL), NGVxry. winces the pon,liector of th 10 periodical, that Wai .
first day of July one thousand eight hun I -xioKU.M. SIVELI us,. to the wants of __ ____AT10-NS. , plete. also, the hendlocri and newest .
p red a make to order of olhefni any s,ti -IS-;S. they are costs. : � madeq
dred and seventy two, the said D -tentures 7 a Fine or pi-istirlILA, -A KING'S MVXX., into. to form , tolon, a variety !
. kind of Lad e'.i and (,,entlemet, oat swas a- V L (; XX a. 4 -~a dt"Illolan the . milijorlityr, and little calculated -go leave 10 inform thl . styles of Hall and Pariour q I r begs to Inform the lrlhs-
,he nexissit and m , he
genii annually. , ,,, a ple ca, IIIE Sub�cirib.r Is It be,
to bear interest payable oviork, 'A - ~wslly sp.tel" be or Improve the literary taste 3f a people ca pietrict of lluron, of Plain sad Ornamental Pattern, of Cast , T" go f cf,'.d,,i,h ,,it Its vicinity ,that
Fancy . X 2 . ,.fall k.&, fill "iti. I Inhabitants Of t that he has -
A0.1 whereas far the payment of the said lashi.alble style. And *111 61-0 furnish WOR ,_u, ,ti _11...j ... migousaw ,own- sentially different in their to 'In' , Iron Fer.re sod Gatep, all of which will be tints of C
Debetalures anti the I ' u`_ iples from those for w - - - S r.itli)rd, , apply of the La
Interest �here.r, at Bosom and Shoes, to suit The roe .=.te__.svw_,A. R.W-11t.se.e.l. hom theme Periodi - and the neighboring Litstric . Is, Pold at lower prices than have ever before he has received a Large 4
the period, and times Afi,repaid it will, be """Y my favor hills with ' 1 Illself, ill t been offered to The public, and which, from test Improved Patterns of
celvellivin 0 f ills-ous that in `1`11K LIVE I'ILLS 1,10 PUTIR BITTERS cals are prepared: and believing that the 11".sta lishe 11 -
nectevistory for it e Paid Municipality to false , I 11 be moderate. enterprise will meet with encouragement Plans Sad SPec'6c& the position of Chippewa, as regard@ water
obelf custuns. 11its prices as PURIFY TNE OLDIJI). - and 18" Tepard to glass rule- communication, can be forwarded to any COOKE G, 13 0 X,
anol :hove 18,59- ii from thome for whose pleasure and informs t,on. public cor Private Buildings, B
annually as SvSprciail loldit Over R Goderic h. July 1.9 tie - And ,hog remove all disease from the system. or - I c . c. Ikehr and will take part of the Province. at a very light ex- -D PAIMOUIZ S"'ON'r"Sl
srodinvaddirlimn to III Other &,a apd _ � it. LIFE PILLS ad otion it is de a ad, he trust@ that the exPe � am, 11, I 11111-6, Errctiong, On KLEN. A N
Taxes whatmortiver an fiAlowil, it at Is to @NY 11 A ,NJ I L T 0 N A "i'lls" "'i" will r',`a S battles Ibis mams 9feZ. riffleol will realize his expectatior.e. th; . 'Intendence of muc penile. OLIVER T. MA for Sale at very reduced
--in each year f,,r and dt;ring the period ol P N CE N I X 0 1 I T ... It, may be made one of the - i Chippawn'JaM24, 1851. Specl.-22 which he offers
- to- solues'"ll"s air olvoissist. The Magazine the MO" reasonable terms f , fiber alro keep@
twenty Years. commencing On the first day BOOT AND SU.0E STORE. al- I ov.dullossr. sirs, _yr Pat or 1. .Nit. first Nedissmou Ja r Adrertivoing yet offbired to I lie thorough knowledge ofhis pro reports ___ - __ __ - __ - prices for Cash. The #,,hire
Tot. sessists, vs( Ili--- FR on hand as usual, at hid OIL' %;land, a large
of July one I 11 ousand eight hundred &lid - . lisill 1.1i otgortut., ..tit is ..1,61"' -law the Colonial public; and the terms will be and his practice as Builder, qualities him for UIT TREE S ! assortment of TIN-
" Is'all. am, and very Puperior -
fitly -two and exten done to the first day of 1, to inform The In- !';,?=-. (itesd h*-r6L-- " avall-istivis Ir. do-' oce all any undertaking tin the iuve. AddrPFR Poll escri ption. The sub
FlIF Subscriber bege viltreattasor regulated in much a manner as to ind
July oue voto solid eight I,undred and seven- � h and the out- - "'i " - Ar""'41 a( ';"i f- Well stivaily e )elvea of it I Poorest. P PETER FFR(;USON, T HE subscriber in returnine thanks to the WARE of every d rtligity of returning
U habitants of Goderic , tints., I,, .kWh tiolegstel.1.1oung the say --- -7 parties to avail Ili me aid, of the County oftforo- Peribertakes this OPP"
Country:i, that he has just stattle. Ties trompoptaos 11mww * ,rialsovoili, Tit( MAS MAC . W. inhistulants
. ty iwo the ell., .1 thirteen thousand seven riounding . ore a... =.6". : 1, F A R. Builder, &cc. I,c ' Stratford, C . . public for the very
hunarrid and fifty paunds. thlo'litit're it- .I. th, 1849. 2si , generally for the very liberal encouragen I his sincere 1harol a to the
a. the pat'able propi of .,Irened a New 80 and Shoo St"re, to b..-r.JIh.III.J=g.asov^. sat".,== 45, YO.-Irell-STILRET, Toronto, April. 185C Stratford, Match 6 et with in the Sale of Fruit I liberal patronage he has received Pines ho
And where ,%fr Ilare's new Brick liouse GOdtfich-- bay those wi ""7 vrostillens; W=-,�Z "widn't - . I I .. I - I mount he has m oderiell, k hopes
tile said United Counties according to the , ft, he will constantly keep on hand ah" usay ,loilite . f- lim, or I Tree@. begs to announce to the Farmers of ties heloin in hominess in G
Wl". . N OTI C E, � AXE FACTORY, tc- &C- and wader -
assessment ,4 the simile for 'tie now next well so-oried .tock of C7- firar.oill ans -14 by ' - I st"lo to the -j These United Counties That he is prepared I by strict attentivin to buallsOle,
.. .
I unto to the go and DR. WIZ.LXAZK St. worlIDA IIF 9tiblocribitior having purchased 9 Subscribe? begs to lot introduce Lhis F*11, a large and well - I ate 0 continue to receive a share
leceedina Finanettil %car effort -7 surest, New T -L I
Is a ""'d avid Gentlemen's Bouts and Shoes. vs T from T'la'ravers and other inhabitants of the ,to *a prices, t
", im of one mill an one hundred and ten Lid prices, Jor cash am Bovadvir.y. vtores, sit mass, Williams 1101100, his exclupive right voted � lectetl stock, comprising covery wariety of of oublic patronage.
tvvv`h�ctl he "Ili tell &I low losur Sol. be (for the Connotes of fluron and Bruce) of a United Countiep, that he hasitlet COmP a his usuar liberal ternIM.
.� and Is now prepared to 'Nursery rrees, upo N. B. -Graining, Palfill"I!, C"s"re' Pa-
tSojeand lemo-Ig. only., . BENJ. PARSONS, NEW KIND OF PLOUGII, his arrangeme130 carried not an hereto-
, And a Ili ream trio, it e payment of the in The Pilolic are Respectfully req,,esW to Sole Agent. for which he his obtained I.,ettv,ors Patent furnish .iloxes, ,yjr`r&ated,(,f a supellorclovs- It would be superfluous to enlarge up,n , per and Bell Ilangirtr *
ferpst se.lq annually on. and lor the creation call and exanvine (of themselves, before For- it) the circurnstan- the superior merits of this Nursery, and ! f -ire 16ALLIA-M STORY.
. Goderfoliko,jos.28� .1848 . ................ from the Government. Would reppec' fully lots, and on ternis suited brought from it -but -derich. 6th . I
of & 14I.-MoNes FV.ND 6-r the payrneut of the basing elsewhere. .... .. ......... . ... I . .... i ' I the country, And the quality Of the the qualities of Fruit I Go Sept. 1849. %2n3 . I
principal of, asset, Debt Pourer @a to be is . ' No secorild pr.ce. 074CF.-Tilis is to forbid *my from flows notice that any pertilon or perso Do in- cam 0 the large quantity of Trees that have been
of no of .re -aid for the aforesaid sum of a ft�tr pal.. Npuscissaire the SAW _MILL n n L fringing upon said right will ism prosecuted all.cle. I to call &pd ex distributed over nearly all of Upper Canivilto, 0 N A I' 11 0
� "', thousand ALSO-Lasils and per 1. " Concession. Ematern Division to the utmost figour of the law. lie also i0wilms 911 farm" , for the last IS year@ has gained for this BRI:CEFIi,LII.
"Pa hundred mail twenly-five JAMES THOMPSON- No. I %be .
pounds, and pitrable at the period aforesaid Wis. J. KEAYS. amine his improved 01'"'Mon 0 jGII, ,Nursery a superiority over most otLerp. � - .
11 it will be nece.sur i � I a slosese,levy and raise Goderch, Much M 1"A' 0-oli-6- of Ant field, without collbuillf-9 me, "s I N. B. -The Godorich Foundry, having CANADIAN SCOTCII,PLOt lou Theoubecriber would beg to introduce to berm lears, to in-
ij6AI. - , -- - hold a claim SiTSID01 it.
I WIL,Ll,%M M'CARRON. undergone all necessary repairs; the sub. which he Bitter@ gun,ell! will II3 f ad . T IIE SUBSCRIBER the pubhe genii-
� . ,,Pon the st-h-la Rateable 1"Olve"Y within I., AS RICHOLIA or flatters himself that he will be able many rwpectg to say othi the Dotice'of all theme who woh to get good form his friensis and
. . liuron, Perth - V5010 Peribe I 'or in � is socuom . of Ike 7 Winter Fruit. the coleGrated Northern Spy rally, that he his flow gut the National
� �
jw Dole stood United Counties of � __1 a r4.. I � Apple, it@ qWities are superior to all otherk lintel so (or completed. as to warrant him
�ioW - 1111-0 I AND GENFRAL AGENT. Goeerith, April 1. 1152 to give entire satisfaction to all those who P �h ...- in uss in th
I � - lie had otgovoloo... I I ish ac-
%� Died Bruce,% 1.1tipecial Rate in each )eArdur - k Er - -_ _____ -_ Day ferrous, him with their custom. I of its kilood, keeping until July, and presery - �
Ing the coal ;,00,nee of the sold Debentures �. A ,;'r n t �111 Ontario Xaj ine 4- Fire In- V.11,1.11A FILE FARM LOTS IN THE TOWN- 0 hand an excellent assortment of UARVEY RRACF- h is prepared tofurn
. Toby them VIZ : now on , jog all its ireahnege and flayror, which in a in saying the' 7or naive and korse, equal at
cr any ,.f them on the is,;Ln or Pu � SlilP OF GODERICH FOR SALE. ttern Goderith, Asir. 21, 1031- 1 v4o27 commodalion found be-
matle payable, or any part t icreof, Ovvf surroom Co. ___ __ � concespion, fronting the Ploughs including Holton's new Pa __ great desideratum u3til that period. The � least, 10 anything that can be
rd in addition to sit other Rates NOTARY PURGICt A M.1111INTANT I OT 27, lot ,,sfeovor with P,,t,*h Kai ,Is-, Coollog, Box -___ __ __ - YJ soll"iriber would id. iol,ma" 1131 "a , lween Loodon arill Godiii Tio,,.Yalioits *
bad ab"Ve, A I,ske, containing 92 Acres, about 40 Slower, and'I'lotashing Me- C (M Dwairli'vearim ingreatilemand as a Garden col Holelissituated in the beautiful and
a f which are cleared and Fenced, a � a ower a!I of which 1W . . I
.h%ls.,e"t" toil.wo-that is AND CtINVEYANCIEN. ad LOT Ind Parlour LMORNS I 1`1 AQ!
k ,,ad Taxes and during the If chines of' various horse p f ou' Fruit, bearing in two years arter planting. thriving village of Brucefield, Is miles
� -in c - 0 containing 80 acres 9 go, ' subscriber be to If OftD 016 . d 42 rnilPs 'r-oll
in say vich year for � 'INSURANCE affected on 1101116ce, Ship 26, 2nd concession, 11 be sold on the most liberal-toitim.. T"F ..7:..Iomom a Evigory variety of Frul t Trees, Ornamental I London.
� overous friend f r'c
W said Period of Iff"will Years C"mm'rlclnV on Win Y. KIPAYR. I '; Of O' 0
_, '
. eight ping &oil Goode. wild land. kt his LARGE IIR reos sod Shrubs, Hardy ' .`P d fil r or Its - and
the firot day (if July age' obousand hl c generally tho al oth and Evergreen T ,hii.1,gibilily oftholpittlation
� . hurldredsoll flity.tweith, sad extending to the Ilouses U Land's Sold k Rcuted, Goods Thetis Lot* ovr@ situated about InIdw9Y Groderich, Mill April, 185-j- v6sill. completed, and th Plants, Dahlias, a ;:uents
. P
� forwarded. I betwen theTown of,Goder.ch and Village I 1;� IZDING is '--- to his Herbaceous Flowering strict attention to tho'conifort of It,
61�_ - trot day of JI-IY *11O sboussed eight liundred � A : kinds of Deeds correctly drawn, and of Bayfield. For particulars apply to front 'be great Stier"" thus added Bulboum Floweriog*Roots, &-c- Catalogues and customers, be hope$ [Or& share of pub-
� � 884 ,ev,nty-two th,re,piroolit let the p:)und. B,oks and Account$ adjusted. JOHN CLARK, NOTICE. � former presmises. be is sow tumbled to coffier can be had of any liscal or trowelling agent, lie patronage.
. 1p thetorgsollung-pablic t 'ZIE.
Z_ _ I St. He it tilevointre vivingicted by the Muni office over the Treasury, Goderich. Crows Load Agent, Godericb. LI, persons ndebted to TIIOMAS1 accommodation giving a full description. Terms. when 50 JOIIN McKEN
I -rimell of The United Counties of July U . I 852. - Y5"20 AMACQUEFN, istoofthe Ifuron Sig leastequal tollcut slardoolb y say O1h:r Tress are taken, $25 per hundred, or ]a 5d Brucefield. let Jan. lq5l- v3 -n46
elpoll Cc 4th June, 1861. ifeiiiig I 3 6d cy.
� I Ilworriso. Ileflit and Bruce, conglit"tord, and in -- mat, are hereby notified, that unless their HousainTows. Anoluraboot liez- currePcy catch, under 50 Trees.
- I C.,fkAa1se�mbhovA wader sedby will I 00 of - - ____ - __ ____ - _____ - - __ - - ___ ___ - - - - ___ __ id on or before I ous to monopolists, the tat -ire loves a boat - two years credit.'notes payable with vDnt er- TRAVELLEWS HOME.
I cipid r4p, roolivas LIST OF 1,11'TTERS FOR SALF� notes and accounts life P a
L, Ike .41flarr Canada Muni " the tat (law of May next, Iney will tie tin ties@ of Godericts, he at least hopes for a est. ' Orders wili be received, and 7' y in- STRASBURG, N's ATKALOO, ?
. . Actit," - ad it to hereby enacted, Mot from EMAUNING in the Beli'd Corners up to IFTY Acres of lAnd. being Lot No. 5, it of the lot continuance of the iMirrostge which he has f,rma,ioo given by Mr. Iloorace flortion, 28th February, IS49., S
*1 RJuly 3tb, 1862. F South Town P�ot, Lak, Sl%ore, Ash- ruediately handed to the Cleo . Peter in
- sod art" V-or,pawnJif of"th By [Aw-tb.e . nd in ' D C t for collection. hitherto enjoyed, and will always endesisroor Mairket flilsomover; Gooderich, and Mr IE Subscriber hereby ,tit-' Itten in his '
-, W&WR of ,is,(. -aill United I%ualleq. shall Coulter Ilenry McGill William �A:; field. Tgere in thirty acres cleared, a fr, I
I IL '00 'Ur lhe's&ti,,,gction of his guests and Stratford, local
tied limits hereby MeNaughlon I)tlncu'J the best state of cultivaiwn, and tin orchard ;':r ........ ididix in 'he County of Perth to Piccure I Woods, Union 'Hotel, friends and the Travelling Poilihi Irene -
I . - have power ant! authority, Campbi Afcbible od Who Are indebte to the ifuron Six -nal. will ctislomervit by attend-ogio their comfort&- ,gents far ibis Nursery. rally, that he has removed from New Aber -
'in A to - -C There is a go Dr. John Hyde, 01 . - Skid UEL MOU �
outborisid to p -wered and irritlisift it Create Peter ANI, ,lure MAIctill, containing 50 fruit trees. find their notes with ble accommodation LSON, deen to the Village of Strarburgh, and will
I rue, grant a 0-1 tuake Do,:bOmfoloo, of the oa:d Franc, Arviles hIcKinn.n L-ouchlin Mill Stop, and never failing springpof water� S , tratford, who has been authorized to col- ROBERT FIA.18. Old Rochester Nursery, N. -Y. -
: Non?c1politi uf the :,11t4.Uai1Pd C,-Utotero Mv,ps Mon Ann Log Ilount, 20 by 30, and a Barn 20 by now be found in that well-known house for
Felker Jobs 11 Terms-Li25 cash, or LIN, by pay, lect, immediately. N. B. -The glabling at the Colborne Godericla, 13th JGIY, I . 851- 22 " overly occupied by Mr. ionet-l-where he
I (in the sloc,' ,,I crime h,,odr*d sell IWO*tl Oft Geminer John McLonnen %Vm 52. balance in three HORACE HORTON. Inn is cxte,� , .1ve atid of th, first quality. . - will be ready and able to COOduce'10 the ,
poon !a is full Payment of Oil Helmer Andrew Mcl)ermiitd Cloristen ing half down. and tie Goderich, 13th April, I 91 2. 12 G�A'Ih. I'- If. IF151. v4nI7 - ____
W on.."ey dive antl owing, or' to b"ot" due 11 It Robertson Nichol Win annual instalmentil, with interest. . I * NOTICE. comfort of those who may honor him with
&&I -a' in.+ 1i; tho said M---- : MoTIN C', nR - - U n Koppel John N. B. Further information can be ub- � . IMPORTANT . . . - . their patronage. And vvitilo be rotor"
� , Shear-�n Yovist . tained from John Mo Goderich, 2nd April, 1852. T* Trus IS histreby gives that the I-., a Tor past favors, be hopes, try striest
- - '�.' 171, 1, - I I - lostion
an account 4 or in prepecu a , I [former Henry rrie, Colborne, or Chas. o &rfier it Slage Froprktor. Boston 9 'betireen Alex. Me e ' x ad to the Waal@ and wiphes of his
=,I. -;.:7T61_. I 1, on the promises. Famer, F &it
� Ify,.Degr : shares; of tj c- CAIFITAL STOCIL Of Kiffir Jumes Tockplonry Mrs Cary, D9 -6w FOR SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBERS. I - James Donaldoon, town of Goderich, was customer@, still to merit a continuance of
., site Brailif-ird and WIF-10 Ja at SIOCL� Rsil- I Kitcholy, J-4se Whealy Win I Ashfield, Matich, 25th, 1832. v5- - .
� led by the anitt 3rd GE0. Wit NfERCHAN'T"S dissolved by mutual CODS"t on the o2lad their patronage.
,oad, t1or, pony, i: Od and owt T It WO Lots of Land in the 9.nd and ry 1952. And of I perso 9 in. JOHN ABEL.
' or - -- - - -- TConcepsions of tit t1own9hili Of Stan' CEMIRATED GARGUNG 011 d:y of Janus � '
Monlej_l.tv, pray, 1,%l always thvit vach do- I M4;1l!.'.'.1m1 %V. McDermind Peter 3 ___ - ,
r Me HOR; ci UORTON, . d bled either by Note or Book account are
bentursv� on *11 ljo! ,.v fjf va loss bum than M@Gofwoa The& IsIcLeforien Ang he village ot Brucefield, N B -Good STABLES and att-ti",
a us (.1farkeil spare, GodericCl ley, one mile (rom t I .s.11.1s. 11 T- -T- -1 issiri'llot hereby requested to make immediate Pay. (;,,a , , .2-n4tf
lwcotv�fivp ort- is. And Provided further I . Will. COSSEY. P. M. GENT for the Provincial Mot us 1 and an I eighteen miles from Godiii . As the most remitorkable External APPImtkm "W meet, &Dd save @"to -
that ji.e Wairden '--r the time being, shall __ AGoneral Insurance office, Toronto,- On the lot in the 2nd Concession there is disconrod. ALEX. McINTYRE.
insuo..vc. such dvbs. toture of date Stores u0- JOHN RALPH. Also Agent for the St. 1,volorrenee County a Iloolve, Biro, and sixty acres cleared. i JANES DONA1,PWN. C 0 JM P A N Y -
eler gulf by vlrtl&o ,,f this By-IAW, OJi N AND COPPER SIAITII, next door Mutu &I, Ordsoomburr, New York. Local On the lot in the 3rd Concession there is f0vt IAAN & I Goderielb, Aprit, 28tho 1865. vbs]4._ -
be shmotl be first t%ereuntorrouired by Reso- Tlto the Victoria Hotels West Street, Agent for Samuel Moulson's Old Rochester a ll,,use and thirty acres cleared. . P a
- losti'"ofthevoill loluvolcipal council. Godaricb, 'wed constantly on hand, a cho Nursery. July 1850. 22 The Firm is well watered br a never I . . . rHE SubstrilloOf haul . C been appointed
furiberesseled that the 'cc failing streams sod the quality of the land A GOOD oppoRTUNM FOR 11 Agent of the
2nd. And be., t stock a( Tinware, Cooking and Box Slow"*' __ - I . YOUNG NIEN- ,,CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO_-
. � -:6W.1 film of one Loodred and Iwt1l1v-dv6 jac., wbotch be will sell at consideratil Y "- -THATFORD IRON FoUNDRY. is of the beat villimrilliti011. . * to P"elo fired to receive ,nropo@q1&JaAftftPu�
.1 I. .I'd title debentures there- . ifebbill 044"MtZe-' _71on v `
��. L thowas-and pounds 6�-Tlv subwither he-rog purchased the inter- The lots, aroild be tit WANTED at J70 Godeficto Friunividiry a trbfd fr
� . I "_ . for, shall bpeon,e Lisp. %NJ be payati'm an the dm`T"bopo�7lt�et police paid in tradelor old y, if required. rance' ion 'a
of ,,or Lord ca . Wilson Ili the above Es- 8 apprentices, three actlys YQuvg ,cessery information, as to ill
w year ca If and est of Mr. C. I a person the no
Ili day of Jul,,, in it ppor. brats. pewter, sheepskins, iciples of the Inet it lit ion -
ate Owa"tl eight hundred 11 kinds of tabl,*bmeni, IN about to contlijus the Boot- 5- nit K. R SEYMOUR, 1111, Co.
and seventy bee( bides. feather* and r -i A nes on his own feepsonsibilit.r. In returning --- ______ sition. rich, Feb. 25th, 1852. T5-05 pric I JAMES WATSON-
two. Merchantable produce taken in cooctlange at bile for the very kberal an- FAWA FOR SALE. , I Goode -_ -_ --
I I Itia.4. to ,he por � . - - Goviliovieb, Stb June, 1849. v2n 9t
3rd. Anti bre 14 further enacted, That the cash pliers. c is n , received by ORR SL WILSON, FA RM containing 00 acres, six miles - or a- ---- -
4MW Debentercsiball bi interest from out, Godericb, Feb. 19, 153L V5 -n4 I to ..,age. t A half front Goderich-56 %crels - � QTRAYED from the subscriber on
,:,bPeg:rv,0hb.,,dma,. ovat he will clon. notly and a good joung , rchard. .I IV, b,i bill da y of May flat, S Large District Crown Lands Officc.
— --- c rior c I eared on it, with A y Dark Red, with
CHOWN 1, DINDS DEPAIRTIII L' 'r. "up , The above farm lit well so p!ied with good . ,..e. he
after ill* date thereof at end after the rate I in assortment of 8 che
, an,] eliall be oo,,cuns K IXG P I - -P. -a
of six per L..nt. per arinuni - waler.the fencem are in lronj ,,rder. A' . ores, and a small iump on t "OTICE, is I FE'REBY GIVEN
- _ , I long .file b N
- QUKRFC,6,h Auguol, 1052. U aTilling of C 0 0 -1 Allier- I
payable at slusi pliker or placeii, eltht�r with � I (�aq Tr i ,,,, Box Stoves I witt, fore leg . She other Whiite, with light
ho,,t ,*in Providence as the 0%, I ' 'y 1. e e an
in or wit .NOTICE lit hereby ill -en, ti,&t future d 1.0e liouse, a Barn 910 b 64 f t it r1lIAT the remmilmolog CROWN LANDS
- fevvo� " I red spate th fl 'a
. . I tot live 1.uie being .i -all 0ink por- � Sale, If tile (,'town 1.4nds will be at I ic�fon, S(-otcll & Can.-tilian P1011ghs lbrlro�n Stawsto with outhou ' ,r�;vgh the body, each four Year$' ASIIFIELD wild WAWANOSII, are
NY at len ,�__g_ ,:I,., three lielfery 0 ds:k 1@1 no- openFORSALE. Alloetesomoryierorma.
,,at; andifintFoch interevvit shall be, on-il,hepr,c,,P.an,lonih,iterivissim�cifiedintLie of the most improved Moulda,_VALT For particular- apply to so, F P, o,ley CIII ,[Sep HOW without it." I oW. Also, ", boo rh tod Y 'horeel
. , .,Ill.. too,., through don respect log them* Leads way 'Do obtained by
be made payrokil., _Pp..eitveIqe%I,ti" below. I Tavorn Keeper, HUMORO , .
,vtoi in the stai,idt-brintures , R01,1,E1lS, Tmi,stine 1,011114", is"Inviltils" 1111"err, h- wribli.lamil ' with white firs
e or ilm,p, slid I ' %%-e.t of ll, (,nuhl,s of Durham anti RoUrra.4-c. TIIRASIIINGMACIIINF-H Goderich, or -n th precrume.. obitior--si .f -.1h.. " 9 old one While with red *"I@ Oil
:c n,,,nnuov,iy .I ,.,ch tints . I . 1.1, llua X.Mov-, . 4 41,,.d T.�Iovvq (hi, " U04- o - -the other Brindled, applying to JOHN CLARK,
" sm. I CHRESMN PFREMNIER. esevad Flovilly Envollso,tcal.., -13 -vi" insives, Cases, suld ris 1 laro'body, one year old
act, pl., or p;.ces either t� a or wit" V:cvoria, at Seven 8hillings and S,R Ponce of a superior description to any hitherto v5-nlgtf Us. .11 -h as r 11 � with a white face, One year Old. Any Per- . District Crows Land Ag*at.
Pis, tl,, 1,I.%I,cp an the said W.,rden in ll,� rot acre. pos,,able in ten annual instalmesir, trot!uced,-nd better adopted to this eous- C�Ilmiormve, May 2 - 1, 1832- ___ ,- ___ - __ liparrina, Sweeney. Ri -ne, wi -11 'end to Word November, IbM 3va4lif
lightness of drought, tied _____ - I _ Z!Iftj :1 ,on giving each j,(vormat I ion 24 of
sold >hcou,rep thalt droiltolate an -1 Appoint ; � tivith interest, 0110 tenth at tile little of try from their RTil, Call,mis. Crovcls;� Hei Reward of 03- -
and tile said deh nln,@- shall be tolow-d and I S.I.. Ion PA RM FOR SA I.& Fisit their rOcOvery, will receive mil,KFNZIF. ___
, strength so. construction. A call from in- kiTHK Fresh Wn, .... da. Sprains, Bruiew
EW -f the CtIonly Of Ontario, within p 1,,,,.r h to to requested before put-- he 0 a I, tula. sufai S.nii Cretins, strosinve, Lameneem. WANTED IMMEDIATELY.
of the I ,no,:@ olipcoriber offers for volle one hundred DUNUAN
Irm-1 rd under I he C -10 -fate I's"l ' 'en'!'" , h ". Tocre f exe, lient land, 45 acre* cl,,Isr� Of Stgnl*y, 4th Con. lot 24, -
a: 141 jil,"Iclivelltv, and shall be viewed " the I 11 (',%tied%, Four Rivillinirp' per acre; The above will be sold Folin,lereii Feet. Scratches or Grange, Man
11,pper ch. Z, It Township
salt %V&rjea. and phAII bec.,unicroilrolvid by ,oil, iherice, North ,,I the St. 1,,wrerce U, I a, ,;.aur I.,;,re, *:r Cash or Trade, or atcor- ed and well fenced, with a ir,111d Ing harn. RhoumAtiourn. 11ites of Animals. Rxisli 10th Nov. 1851 42()OfCORD.9 of good Ilemlock Bark,
, of the said Mi,ole-PtIl-r- ""it I ,he C. -only ,If Saguenity, and South I -f the ". d. .,. on approved credit. xv orchard bearing fruit. The abnve land anns, painful Nerwrous Affectiorm. Fitait Fitimiss, - or which the highest market price
I too 1,r,annii to . yi Corn% Whitlow,, Boom, ,,it Scoville,
I he ,alil Weirder, aud T,losporer (or ow time' S ' I '" 0 1 the I)iq.rlct uf Qoeb-c. A. B. ORR- is allotted tin 3rd Concession, ;ot 14,Town- Chillblainx, Chsloped IlandA. CrarviRk Cose. N 0 T I C E - will be paid by the Subscriber.
loveling ;-? , ';I '.7w 2T.njo ship to( tovirawariosh, and one half mile from a - W. G. SMITH.
e htrcS. buthavi eunpowored and ' or. ,h', lZoordl-eire River and Kennebec Stratford, 20th June, 1850. trorrtiono of the Moveless. Swellings. WftkrAo RENTED the Goderich, May 5th, 1852. vs-nlzi.
I so in #?go avid coal On. Shol:uir and Six Police fe.r acre; School h(jus*_all the money will be re
require. 'I"ris Fie particulars apply to the of the Joints,, Cottrell Brousta, 4:�_ at- ,li T" Subscriber ho xviW RF belong- ---
is"d amid debentures *I,.,, ,:.r.n.11C0.d.1P7:.1 u,"d.
the In the Dioirict of Qiiebec, *est Of ,Ili* r ARM AND SAW MILL Volt SALE. quoted down. GREAT IMPOSITION AND FRAUDII WAREHOUSE and A -
sit.,h"d in them for live told invest*, shich I Hiller Clut,,dwre and KFnebee Ro-lid, Iwo Illoat Lot of Lead. Lot No. 7. 4th Ps"furle'lor On %he pr"'Bleop - CATnI111111 TO FURCRAM11, jog 10 the Messrs. Devenport, sit this PISCO BOOTS AND SHOES.
evild C-.wpmg qhall is, like was", be :Ign,.,.l Shillintlin per acre: In the D'AtfIctis Of THAT.Pree F.91're 1)..mon. TownishIP of Wavrilmooll, 4tb Avg , 186'L ago Tul, .,! Iwas be- mr, -litbra-I ii,, 11,1 1-11�A d bun established himself 99 0 - FrHE subscriber hereby intimates to the
*",I etillateralles" by the said Word a , ndl -rt,,..e Ris,eriv, St. Fortino, and Montreal. CO@cP#9'00, This 1-1 -- . dINmaw-. st-i a- is -_q- th. i.-ot t.".d" p WitnClIA"T
Avolifi-Id. . -11 be sold cheap tat Csvh. . W. VOO sloo,,orho"t Ito ct,wory -bas I.P. lity "or I it 'is reftWASpuR APO COWN18910 Mer- Inhabitants of Goderich and the) evi
T,easurer PeoP ctivvIY6 l ;,"Ivh',u,f.tI,P Soo.hil le- LIST OF LET'rmts a or commission fronts the
or ,11 io,uvrercn, Three Shillinitis - � ba- ,.d -.d Ibm 1. patent ,iff .,- ;::;,:= I Any order 11, Treat,# prompt rounding country, that be has commenced
ano i it .1'satel; .a ... of ,he Most provilentuo
4th. AGA be it farther ,elected, T:ial r,r I - District of GlIPPO I meore a %be Ifarivis Tier,, and has the heat we I I EA1uA 1 '41 N G . I n t he Stratford P. 0. to -, chants of Goderich, -W ' business in the above line, to the Store
One Shilling per ter n . I I letre in ties I-slity. A go. Mill of.h. HN McEWAN.
4. t "wet of the said delieWums herein he C."Inly of Still, O"I", -1. X ,,.I 61 h, I 93 1. -17" '"I"' "I'lu-11-1,21 i attention. J0 -o7 formerly occupied by Mr. White, in the
., the Pa, acre, in all ca... pit ra5le in ten annual 'n� heat description if Is full opstraliove go thile I N 1 1117- 1 Windsor, 1849. .t v
I %,law*' plem,"ded toy be iol,usold and granted olie fifth at the I Power is seffic'e"t to pirri 0.7 AI'Pn Rev David Morloy, Three F= ... -_= 11 . March. -_ lower part of Woot-atroot, and will have
. sad the Interest olvarvi 1hero shall tie vs. stalmoutti, with interest, sod the wait .Mi.. Margaret Align M.rden J,,oeph "T., ;_]Z1.'1__4..__,,L,11w __1_.o:.,-_-.-L---�-'__-
morsoval of machine- - thr"Sho"t the who,* Test constantly on hand a foil supply of BOOTS
1111.0. of S.1c. ,aw Mill@ David we 11L lor-rols. -rA M ... 0 ass esetillsiso, ittlated �
seemed. lowiP4 and r-io-d tion" the "Sole , in vel.,e by special The Lot coo - 04 " 00 me of the bes' Adair Matthew Pe'vests".."'I's-l.loillativii "Manages YOKE OF OX FN LOST. :0d SHOFS of every size and dtocriptior).
�Ravgemii pr.p.,ly witfur, the *&lit United F- r 14 -de eahaneed ". phoo,,` �?.e six acre. ,,I which tiarmstrong (voin. Morloy Thos N ""lliCus. livittril al Its forestaller IIL"� I Poll of a superior quality. which he will sell
c1le,liustancov, @rich ristra prit-os may be fill- 41all "'p,; .tivs a stood satiosavilial dw*lliftd- Renton Richtird MelAnnan Kenooth r" tooes moo'-Ilsof Insitary, Istmew", it rown"s by ,
a. am .17 or at moderate prices for Cs.h.
., Covii .if Hit-", P.vttfs and Bruce, a ell all flit ExcloILL1,11-471' TUR GOV1011i G ire e4i Hqk#r Chrotopher merwan Jon comi- mvvelt�_, , almaters sebet ,- i-resong as- ilmat irse. Tot- one itiolack *tog
Solo'ciall /fair to each year ilutifig the ell" an 11. done ,(.1tiver ... . is '-sneverl", *, IN . ..... " on, ON ths 27th Joan ease. game while N_ B.-Ifides and Wheat takep in sit
Que'a ce of live *aid (INile-atures, or any of FARNAL may direci. bousse ortio.eltro" apply to th:oIrd"', filel"horsvivilli oliver Chl T%. rovei ,or"A'o 'f ill. " Y w its a oi In his - 5
I Aclu,sl operation* Iia be immediate and For for her Firl'after Throbeld
o a by them mail. 0(tMIIorom';,3%a:,.fl. Tile posts"t, . Jobs .v%.__.Z= I, mist on the forehead change at the highest market prie4.
,vp Ih* ,mr, or onars -on Philip McDoomild no *Vvs 41low, tow. . . --is, ,WAW. about big fisall-to -9 I'Mon" B. GREEN.
Ill.. I ennii ... 0, Ike [.%",I lo be cleared so I he Be, .nm-,r4.d 4 tit- Who, them, Iran h. mos, I JR. they a dark red
bliq at avow part Ifitolveof. Ovir? Arid lllmo�f McCarron. "a 'by Preseason. 'has. McCorn.sh Dertiol wilbritorou, so 7.41 ty 0. ::% , fears Old-tbO iDform&tiOD Goderich, 9th Sept. 1851. to
I - � . old. Any person glismil say
Pay. i rate of flat. at."a enruallif for #-WAIT bus . 1 w4a4G Il'o4ger ( , :: , I v .I,,, 4x"'r.
to Io all Other fittes and taxes, . Ashfield. Dues ". I" I - Me llogh Michael "I 'be, = said
. !
wootsts,rT vi follow-, th't is I , move, in J"j acres losing fie, year., and a dwelling in . I, live. 14 it,." irs,"laues I I Ty of the - - - - -_
"A to vidd,tou, __ I I ,.,r:-.-,aj::- McFarlane Jno - nom pler. I" thi that maw load to the of *ca** b;2 GOFDRICH FOUNDRY
w ,4 Period of hot** a,".i.d Pitt is.s that, eighteen le I TAKE NACE. X lit . arae. aven"Geem. I - it.- . . .... w;lI be 9111111liblY "g-orded III ELL.
amet, year, f,,r sod dering the to I A611111111;:0 " Me""' Archtba:d .� P.-S"tAo-.fau it= DUGALDCA
- I
I . I We", Y ypee., e,,rwmepellpg on the first drive by twenty Pis Ist,rl. - C"wrovill I Klilei Wm , � kA ." of .-& , W 11.1, be borooffor conductosti by Was.
The lo,..b*r in he pal j. -et to $Fly coastal LI, 11%ov@, indept,led I to the Herein XX Newel: Robot a. ��s.svf - 6.m: -V we "s-Nams, L-Ar'se. 8th Cos. Wswamillools, � . '6616.61 se, J. Kmays, on his own seeavot,, who
July in the year of Nor l,n-d one 'line Clark Win " . 11 8 ly "try description of castle t
. A CO@Woli Jae O'Dosinel Jao .%_ ,.. "..""' :-1 LIM"I".1". ,*-- ,.�. Jaly 12. I"$. 11 pp 0 "
led triglit hounsir-A sod Alty-two. good we timber ditty the'. may be imposed .01 ()ffw*, tit her toy N -to *I hood Or us, no. ,:or. .7 -_ -_ loweruporicoo them they can b.
. The Sale ,,, blet-one bill, Nad word in revo by Bee,11 scre"00", At this date, will 0,111thest � I- unipsel"U.
I jiffy is the yes, rafter Robot Ooh;goty wits d- sovelly Illoor rairs" ove, . ,able, am o.. - ---
toodielf in thess first day 0 ba,.dred .,t Neglect or vI,,IsIlo" of &a, Of The condo the Sub-cribar hy schroo-ledgi 0 their RIOI:y Th.4 It.., livrvitv. I -IR-EMOV AL- The now "BURR STOVr' is usi
-4 our I..wj on* thousand o6og,.t lines. . ad obtaining a eetl1~11 of The Castellon ltroth 111, -I*- .&I"-4 tons. propeovistair, resso lie, eapst, � peormod in Canada, and wil I be sold for Cash,
tied goilmly two. fk,er race is Ili* pound. to's a ilablittesS. &Zov. rotor Michael Rup"ll Loonvis 18=11.11 - AfP,1.vvM-se ,aillsions,,ii, - $4 lower the% heretofore, a cartemporlding
The sell),, 9, be evi t , -' Ifortmes, fleetest 01`04billerich, Do a all "&#boat Robertson Jae RUSSELL'
- agel-0 with Von I -,=', -, 1: .f doo eveott'sam Ir JOHN all other articles.
. - Patent ,,p -,n C.,opiving with all the coadi- at Their 9611`110st ce"ev"'"'ser" Astroth Rielly Chim Ili hT ? 6. govai in tit. transit BOOT-WAKFIll' redaction on
. Net .-T%o isho,pa is a ,m* e -p, of a Iloolit. li,vt mot* than Iwo worldred sort* THOMAS MCQUICEN- 1-11.1 , Rielly Joriet(Foollortowl) a" -4 ? 117 � or$ to aveews-) Godoneh, 9th Feb.. 1951. %5n3
pr9psompol ft.joemw I, be takes mto eop-off, Goo r flegivis, 2 ad � rwm,�FTLT ream Tall N10w a" - .
'low by toloo Mostelo,milly of Ifl# 1301,04 I-, be sold to any one pere.s. Goderick, Jan. J& 1101511. - W30 I "evirs" Jan Starskoff ()P"f;p 2 V' It PARWIINS, Gvvd.ri,ti Alto been ,,,,,(,I,, oee*"rsgvd to. ts, --- - -
-0% road II'vor,-, sit Ow 4-62411 ____ T __ It.gaft Michael Stattoo Theo ' ,^.. Port Hirais � Floo"s 0 a ova in .,,* control sod COWWWODIDOO SAW MILL & PARK LOT
,goal$" of flarign. P - - - F. at C. it. RUIll" Slepplor lienry . Clark Is C � m West. "lit to the
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flesimit in ilro, Town Of 0 arle,leh. if. , here his rich end varied
,..r" ,Is@ Brij tfoaty Est Robert*-*. Challotain; R A. Mitcholl, 1,.sm. I= 7 King 9111'"t FOR SALE.
, In ID a .; Roc'm ID ~ '. MANUFACTURRIttilrof "ate, ( qtovon"n Win relt I� 0, -
C~7 of [loves. Me of the traid I'lu Wholesale and Retail 144"'gan Don"J, hall; .9 Cook, kellullosid; A - H 'flow hems to I Losies' somi is Solar,
I - Fewer Fars, trial, hiletisfil Thmnint-ol, Mrs U Revetford, c lost poraloolle am "I'll F &hoe@ Mill and T,mf erg elloate_60
Cowelive-1, ties the Illi day of fortolostr. Form, guff.i., Raiment., Door Siting. K,s "-
&mt 1i o*ehwk. Ririe-, and a, wbict, I.voNK DD',D5 Avid Motmoorlsim, with D01614les 10 K-IlvI JAN R Torry Jae The following atiss lit'll-let-1, Agents, ,ft. ammoi ;�= :Od Nal , Boats for the North aide of K�n,irdhove Rtr"t, in
- I selothers, of ofoo mao.A B and without Do.#,, for sale as libus (;love@, 111141101110, be. Site. rs. Kelly Joe W,ight C- "oil, Delimit : Rai le Do."a. part covesni t4i, r4stlowas a . R r the feet urroprow-nif Village of Poffiettaffers.
I "of Piano the M Clirrivis lissead for I , is ,1*1 , A Weill McCallsoorme Stanley ; T. Fickle lo, ill-. Hamullove .. � Walk$ r,oblog. litboolulf, 0 -
I � topowity we bomb, rewilrouraid 1. at f 1111co. ar, Rld's For particulars ap I to
I .11 be "Id ow"Ost *4 loot 71111. RASTALL,
. - - - � - - ---I- - � -.- ___ - Tile bigbomil PrIeds Paid, a I .11 ii "" in I'line
* othem, rop � ogwomw. Cash, for all A"Cripti I Sh r ,a Miller Thos A. F. MICKLE, P. M. Leaves, B", k C, . Tmwvovvro� Sieved Sole W. I ,told lta*eoomy.
, "I"
,*4-. 40, Courtivioll glorevol, New York. , Wl.'s - , R"W we." is
. . . D. U. RITCHIL it rpt IXTI N a -t *,try Ileaver, I ea. *early r"l `C. 117011f i sacs. ftle. I $69. ir"I I I I'voineleagore, 241h Nos test. 41 if
I .cogivity Cigi J0.04P � felyeseesterlet this X., by Do, rot 1, U Ickless. "A of - I 86 I - ffta August Sib, 1862- I May 17, i$32. ,lo sidt , Tomato, Jesse 1
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