HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-02-16, Page 1STANLEY GIRL WINS -For the first tim
ley township girl won The T -A's spelling
and School s ' meeting
Asn . at Exeter Pub
stints the first pfize globe to Sandra Mid
Mrs, J. . Ross Middleton. Sandra's a grad.
father teaches at Clinton collegiate, Run
Dr, John Corbett, Exeter, and :Mrs, Corb
e in the contest's six-year history, a Stan -
match Tuesday night during the% Horne
tic School. Publisher J, M. Southcott pre-
dleton, 13 -year-old daughter of Mr, and
e eight student at SS 4W Stanley and her
ner•up was Mary Corbett, 13, daughter of
ett, -T-A photo
Eighty -Eighth Year
e ExeferZime
Prico .Per Copy 10 Cents
Sunday morning cutover
One wrong Ietter av't stare
for Henserll
11 f
nuiies char
c e Aoniher govt store will be
established in this area, ac•
One .letter made a big def- Harvey A, Hoffman, received
Terence to Russell Calvert one year's suspended sentence
Ferguson, 36, RR 1 Hensall, after he was convicted of car-
who appeared in magistrate's eying an offensive weapon in
court Tuesday on a charge of a manner dangerous to the
careless driving, public peace.
The information was thrown. He also paid $25 and costs
out by Magistrate Glenn .-laysfor supplying .liquor to minors
QC, because Ferguson's, mid three Thedford youths he.
dle name was spelled: with a tween the ages of. 15 and 17.
"K" instead of a "C", 'rhe charges resulted from
cording to a Toronto report
The .story indicated an out-
let is being planned for Hen-
'sail, either on the new er ren-
tal basis,
This means there will be
stores at Grand Benxi, Zu-
rich,. :Hensel!, Exeter and
+ Lucan in this area,
Hensel! council requested
e• o
an incident which might have the stor f Ilowing a petition
The police alleged filet. Fel'' „ c from the xillage chamber of
Stanley girl top guson came out of an inter developed into a gang war' I commerce last ear,
Ill 1 section onto No. 4 highway aper in Exeter the night of anu•
ft into the path of a truck which ary 3.
caused the truck to go out, of Hoffman and two other •Thed-
declare.tie for second
Sandra illiddeton, RR 2 Bay-
field, was declared winner of
the 193i spelling championship
fer Huron 3 inspectorate at the
sixth annualcompetition spon-
sored by The Times -Advocate
and featured al the home and
school meeting in Exeter PS
Tuesday morning,
Sandra, daughter of a *Clin-
ton collegiate institute teacher,
is the ;first contestant from
S'anley township to win the
award. She's a pupil of Eu-
r •e Bendgr at. SS 4 West,
The 13 -year-old champion is
the daughter of Mir. and Mrs.
Pops J. Middleton, She has
three sisters• and a brother,
A. tie was declared , for the
runner -no sect by SnelJmaster
Henderson. King, .principal of
J, 4. D. McCurdy School. Flu-
ron Park. Sharing the honor
are Mary Corbett and Susan
Goman, both of Exeter, They
are the daughters of Dr, and
Mrs. John Corbett and Mr. and
Mrs. John Goman.
Mary Corbett was awarded
s,econd prize Tuesday night
but the : award has , been dup-
Hcated by ..pelimaster,",,,,rP,ng
who discovered after the con-
test that he hadmade an er-
ror in
Two correct spellings
The incident •developed over
the word "liquorice" (this is
its original spelling and the
one listed on the master sheet),
`j ti
out 'a'. mit
• Miss Gomanwas declared eli-1
minated when she spelled if.
"licorice." When it was pointed,
out, however, that the diction-
ary also accepted this version,'
she was recalled to the compe-1
Instead of giving the next
word 'anaemia" to the next
contestant, the spellmaster .in-
advertently gave it to Susan,
which meant that she had re-
ceived an extra turn.
Susan was counted out again
when she spelled the word
; "anemia" and here again
there was some confusion al-
though the rules eliminated any
misinterpreta•tion here. One
1 dictionary does spell' the word
"anemia" but, it was made
clear atthe beginning of the
competition that Oxford, which
1 sp-ells it "anaemia," would be
• the final. authority. The .Ox•
ford was selected because this
is the authority recommended
by the Dep't, of Education..
The two remaining girls both
t missed "anaemia." and "cyst."
and Mary Corbett. went down
on "hydrophobia" .which .-the
j champion spelled correctly.
teciares:.d`esctlock, ...
i On .reconsideration, the spell -
master saidit would .he very
th the circumstan-
u• uins an
t -
ces to render a true decision
as to which girl should have
won second place and., he felt
a tie should be declared.
1 A. written * test: of 25 words
was given before the oral COM.
petition to the 24 cabdidates
participating. Ail of the corn-
: petitors bad atleast one strike
against -them, others two. On
the third.. strike, the student
was eliminated.
In addition to The Times -Ad-
vocate shield. which will be
held bySS Stanley 4W St e r
o a
with a world globe. Mary Cor -
bet( and Sus -an Goman 're -
year, Sandra was presented
ceived dictionaries. The pre-
sentations were „M
Southcott, T:A publisher,
Each candidate, who was a
champion in his own school,
was presented with a pen.
school thefts'
Four Dublin area youths ny u s
pleaded guilty to 12 charges
of break, enter and theft of
district schools Wednesday in
Stratford court, They were re-
mantled one week for sentence
by Magistrate A.' F. Cook.
The four broke into Thames
toad .school as ,well as; other.
rural schools in Hibbert; and;
Logan. townships. They also
entered two residences.
Their loot includeda radio,
record pla e.
, $30 in cash
some beer, The offences all oc-
curred early Wednesday mor-
ning, Feb. 8.
The youths were Richard E,
Stapleton, 17, Dublin; Barry
James Davis, 20, Dryden; Je-
remiah Francis Regan, 20, RR.
5 Mitchell, and. William .Mel-
vin Elliott, :t9, RR 4 ,Mitchell
Elliott was convicted of breach
of • probation.
Board tours
area schools
Continuing its investigation
into central school education,
the 17sborne area board Mon.
r.1ay visited new schools in
McGillivray and London town.
At both centres, they discuss-
ed• costs, methods of operation
and administration with trus-
tees and inspectors.
Chairman Harry Mussel]
said the hoard generally was
"favorably impressed",, al•
though the members had not
yet had time to evaluate All
their findings,
They found the host trustees
Wiest co-operative and enthns•
i;rst.ic about: their neW fedi,
The London 'township centre
visited was hie new prince
Andrew school on Highbury
Chairman Dotieall said the
board will hold its regular
Meeting Thursday night at
tvhidh their observatinns will
he diseiissed,
. Mr, Dottgall, indicated re-
aetien amoirj _indicated
payers to the central school.
proposal appeared niixecl at
the whiled, 1te regretted,
however, that there were many
rumors-eireulef.ing' about eost:s
and other phases of central
acllodfs which were not: based
Ort fact„ Fle. Utrged ratepayers
td keen an OOP mind about the
pj Until ' re ect t "e` Need could'
i h ti
omnlete its study clad present
Itb hiding',
Contestants, nol. in order of
elimination, (with their teach-
ers in brackets) included;
Marcia Saude.r, t1. Exeter
(Carl Mills); Brian Fortune,
13, (John. McCarroll) and. Gail
Lennox, 12, (Ron Heinrich),
Coach recalls
40 more men
With the picture brighten-
ing in the mobile home mar-
ket, General Coach Works of
Canada Ltd. this week added
40 men to its Hensel) plant
Manager. William Smith
said demand has started to
increase and the firm i$ pre;
Peeing for the travel trailer
'The addition hrdntts the
tote( on staff to about 60
The ceremony cut down Its
operations about two months
ago because of a slumping
both of J. A.
Hay Linda
8 (Mrs. Ruby
Keller, 13, U15
jard ne ),
Stanley - Dianne V.derhoef,
12, No. 1 (Mrs. Jean Taylor);
Gwen Hay, 12, No, 7 (Mrs.
Dorothy Insley); Larry McKin-
ley, 11, No. 5 Miss Marion
Yungblut); John Breeze, 12,
No, 6 (Miss Jean McI{ellar).
Stephen - Lorene Hellin, 12,
No, 7 (Donald Finkbeiner);
Nancy Willert, 13, 1T16 (Doug-
las McCaw); June Morenz, 13,
No, 11 (Miss Marie Salmon);
Karen Finkbeiner, 13, N", 5
(Mrs. Ruby Molitor)
Osborne - .Keith Strang, 13,
No, 1 (Irene Haugh); Robert
Forrest, 13, No, 3 (Mrs, Jean
Keith); Sandra Prout, 13, No,
5 (Mrs. .Ethel Campbell); Sha-
ron. Hodgins, 13 1112 (Mrs,
- Please turn to page 31
D. McCurdy
Rader, 12, SS
Neeb); Roger
(Mrs. 1. Des -
ams into the Ex
control. and hit an oncoming
,ter Grill early in the.•evening,
car head-on, causing eaten- „
.minor inju•: the groups of district youths
sive damage and
were already in the restate
ries, The accident occurred in ;
December, I
Before plea, however, ?•e- When they left, the Thed-
fence Counsel Dan Murphy, ` ford p n gang left. the door partly
Goderich, objected to the mis once. Asked to shut it by one
spelling of the name as well
shouted yobscen thlength..g
as an error in dates on the;e
summons. � age and Hoffman waved a :i3oy
Scout hunting knife in the win -
The magistrate upheld the dow of the cafe. This brought
objection over spelling because; the district gang outside de -
precedent set by the, mending the knife, The other
Jaques case which developed 'rhedfnrrl youths grabbeda
from -the Exeter court last jack handle and wrench .from
year, On a bench warrant, the. their car parked across the
name had been• spelled "Jac- street, :Chen; they took off driv-
ques" rather than ' "Jaques, iin; north with the locals hot
and the supreme court ruled n pursuit.•
it ineffective, • 1 The escaping car was forced
"The net result: of that de- off the road near Wellington
fist n," commented the m frac street and Exeter Constable
ra.e, "ds 'Lo require pe Lloyd Hodgins 'arrived shortly
tion or near perfection el the , niter, He found the knife in
name of the accused in sum- the hack seat where Hoffman
mary conviction cases of this had been sitting,
i Hoffman claimed he had pur-
Suspended sentence , chased the knife that same day
A 36 -year-old Thedford man, i - Please turn to page 3
Appeal probable
nfirrn re
At its annual meeting in
Parkhill. Friday afternoon, the
Ausable. Authority agreed to
seek approval from the Onta-
rio Municipal Board to pro-
ceed with its million -dollar
Parkhill. tram project.
The move, in effect, offi-
cially confirms the executive
committee's decision to stick
to the original assessment of
costs among the 23 municipali-
ties in the watershed despite
protests of two major contri-
buting townships Bosa-nquet
and ,Stephen.
It. would appear, too, that.
this means the. municipal hoard
will have the final decision on
how costs will be distributed.
The notion was passed with-
out a dissenting vote - al•
though there were a number of
abstentions following con-
siderable discussion during
which appeals were made to
the municipal representatives,
to reach an amicable agree-
The resolution said; "That
the costs of the Parkhill' dam �
he apportioned among all mu -1
nicipalities in the Ausab.le wa-
tershed according to the (oi i
ginal) schedule and further•
that the share of each munici-j
pality he set as a percent• of
the total cost and not as a
fixed amount based on present
estimates, and furrther that no-
tice of the costs be sent to
each municipality by regis-
tered mail after the necessary
agreement has been signed be-
tween the pa•evince end the
Besanquet end Stephen oh-
ihm ovie cameras
in new TA feature
in co-operation with district ihusiiiest.
businesses, the 'C A will feature 1 In addition to the movie
hic.r is iII he
away next. August, The 7 •A
test. starting next tveck•will give away a Brownie every
Once a week for 26 weeks, a month for s», months to a eus-
wimor will. receive a X5,00 tomer who has filled! out a
cash purchase 'order from the draw ticket at ono of 'the par•
newspaper to he used at orae ticipaling Stoi'•es,
of the parti'edpat.dng stores oil No strings iittbthed
businesses, on identification of
het house as the "Monte of the 'I he weekry "Hemet or the
Week Week"- whiner will `riot lid oh -
ligated rn ally way, ISfi avail
a "(•lonie of the Week" eon- n given
Camera draw merely identify, alis lttGse as
All readers'of title ' '-A will the one pictured in the paper,
Have it dietee In paitidlpate No reader has to buoy any-
nytri .a draw Toff a;."Btiowntie $ thing to participate in the
movie enncei•a, Tree tickets draws for the Movie ennieras.
will be available at sit the All he he's i•ii do is visit one
businesses takin' "a -OI, ift the of this l•aees of Business `
g p 1 p. _ pari
feature, and at the end o.( (he ticipating and fill out a ticket,
24 Weeks, each mercltanl will TheMere tickets A person
bondue't a draw ?tit the caiiiera subtiilta, the better chance lie
oil display at trig Platt Of •lies at Winiting a Caldera,
Dial telephone and direct
distance dialing (DDD) .service
will be introduced in Crediton
early. Sunday morning.
These changes in Crediton's
telephone system will take
place shortly after 2 p.n1.
when calling in the exchange
has fallen to its lowest ebb.
11. will take about two minutes
to make the changes.
Coincident with dial convey-
' sign, all -figure numbers as
listed in the recently distribut-
ed 1061 edition of the London -
St. Thomas directory, will be
introduced in Crediton. These
will consist of the exchange
prefix, 234, and four other
On calls placed from one
i�Cred.iton telephone to another,.
.it will he :necessary to dial
only the last four figures of
the called telephone's number,
However, the complete seven -
figure uen
� umber will required e
for placing and receiving long
distance calls.
As at present, there will he
no long distance charges on
calls placed between Crediton i
and Exeter and between Cred-!
iton and Centralia. On calls
between Crediton and Cent-
ralia, the full seven digits of
the called telephone's number i
must be dialed,
More people
The annual .report of the lib -1
rarian of Exeter Public Lib -1
rary, Mrs, Hilton Laing, given'
at the board. meeting last
Wednesday evening, revealed
that the book i
o circulation for.
NEW ST, MARYS PRINCIPAL 1860 was 19,698, showing an. in•1
crease of 1,323 over the. pre Careless charge
t To reach Exeter, subscribers
in Crediton will dial 235 and
give the number they are
calling to the Exeter .operator.
With .direct distance dialing,
telephone users in Crediton
will he able to dial their -own
station -to -station long distance
calls to some 50,000,000 tele-
phones In Canada and the
United 'States starting -Sunday.
Other types of toll: calls, such
as person • to - person, credit
card, pay phone and those on
which the charges are requir-
ed as soon as the call is corn -
;Pieter], will continue to be
handled by'long distance oper-
ators. After the changeover
long distance calls, other than
DDD, for the Crediton ex•
change will be handled by
London operators,
Opening of the Crediton dial
exchange on Sunday will clim-
ax a lengthy program to bring
dial and DDD service to the
In addition to the
construction and -equipping of
a new.exchange building, all
crank -operated telephones were
replaced by dial telephones.
Bell crews also carried out
an. extensive modernization
and extension of the.pole, wire
and cable network in the ex-
change area.
Crediton's new dial building
on King street, at the village's
north limits, is equipped with
enough switching equipment to
provide service for 300 tele-
phone numbers. This will be
sufficient, according to present
forecasts, to meet the demand
for telephone service in the
area for some years to come.
Dial telephone and direct
distance dialing service• is also
being introduced in Harriets:
ville and Ailsa Craig on Sun-
... Joseph B. Creech 1 vious year.
Adult membership was 3251 p h
and ;juvenile, 262, the Highest' 11'1 Sarepta crash
Joseph B , Creech circulation occurred in April i A charge of careles driving
th lowest in July. Du g s been. laid against Pte
named principal ar year 187 Hooks were tis- a
lbonal.d. R. Matthews, 19, Cam+.�
ceded and 31 were Inst. Thew !In1 .-Perwash, driver of alae troop
were 462 books comprising 133
;Joseph Creech former fiction 178' non-fiction and., 151 carrier truck which collided.
Exeter resident. :w e.,..taught,: in; , ., n ria �--: 'the
.wit . ., t 'g
both public and high schools' 1uvemle, bought during the arrnv manoeuvres Tanuarar3l
here, has been appointed pr.in-; year at.Caeil cost of
was re- ,Police said the frock, travel-
cd l of t. 's
a 5. lila
district c
Marys r t of
A y
legiate institute elected. chairman for 196]. and , ng east, made a left hand
'Mrs. ,Toho Schroeder continues , turn in front of a westbound
He will
assume' hes duties in car driven by Alan Hemin
June when he succeeds E. S. - as The book
g -
The }look committee corn- way, 33, RR 2 Grand 'Bend.
Evans, principal. of the school prises Mrs. G. C Koch, Mrs, i Mr. Hemingway remains in
for the past 28 years, who is 1 Schroeder, Mrs. ,1, M, ILondon hospital with perforat:•
retiring.I • prin• Southcott and Mrs. H. Laing; ed lungs and multiple .tractor•
Mr. Creech 'has been property committee, Messrs. . ed ribs on the left side..
caper of Kingsville district high Howard Ince, Arthur Idle and • Four of. the 15 soldiers being
school for the past seven years. C. Wilson; magazine commit- trans orted. by, the troopcar-
Before that, he spent. 14 years a rs. ou co , Mt, Idle i vier. pwere hospitalized after
teaching here, both on the and Mr, Ince, jthe crash, p
Si3D1-15 staff and as principal I
of Exeter public school,
i peel: to their assessments of
$53,000 and $13,500 -respective-
ly toward the authority's share
of the cost of the dam. Water-
shed municipalities must. raise
$225,000 000 of the million -dollar
cost; the .remainder. will he
provided by federal and pro•
vincial governments,
Chairman Freeman Hodgins
twice asked for suggestions
from the floor which might
lead to some agreement. He
received none, although a
number indicated they were
disappointed the dispute mus(
he taken to the municipal
Sees no other course.
Chairman Hodgins, who md•
lined what. negotiations bad
taken place, felt "it is not sea=
sortable for the Authority in
try to redistribute costs,"
Bosanquet and Stephen, !r
said, protested That they had
been assessed 25'"� too high.
This meant that some 513,000
would have to be taken from
their allotments and. re -distri-
buted to other municipalities.
"I've made it nay business to
discuss it with 'the represen-
tative of those municipalities
which they (Bosanquet and
Stephen) said .were underas•
sessed. They refused to con -
shier a higher share. Under
these circumstances, 1 can ser
no advantage in calling a
meeting of the Authority to try
to reassess costs. .1 am con-
vinced We would be exactly in
re se me position in six
months' time,"
"If wee undertake a teas•
sessmeiit•, we may have not
two but eight or ten munici•
parities Apposed, I don't think
(he members per-
r of this'Authority
Are prepared to say that this
one or that one should pay
Appeals for settlement
Tied Jackson, representing
the Ontario Dept: of Planning
and Development, pointed nut
filet: the rnunieipal hoard's de•
%inion would be final and dist
Where to
find it
Anndutre idents
Church Notices . 13
ComingEvents 15
Editorials 9
Farm tgews 9
Feminine 'Path l
f-tensalt 7
Litten 14, IS
Sports .. 4, -S,; il
Wa1it ,kilt 11
d therio `.h
no appeal could be made if ad•
justments were ordered, There-
fore, he recommended that all
municipalities should -be pre-
sent, or be represented, at the
hearingto protecttheir inter-
he Eachmunicipality, he
pointed out, would be given a
chance to present its case. 1
He also noted that those mu-
who appeal their
assessment run the risk of
having it increased. On the
other hand, should their shares
be .Lowered they would have to
he spread over other munici• i
parities and they should he pre-
pared to oppose such increases
if they fell they would be un
"We would hope, of course,
- Please turn to page 3I
Open n newSS
at St. Joseph
Students of St. Mary's se-
parate school at St. Joseph
are enjoying bright new sur-
roundings thsi week.
They moved into their new
school Monday morning.
Official opening will rot be
held until May, according to
one of the hoard mmebers
The school• is of a now con-
struction which brought costs
to under 520,000 a classroom.
fugee family
dies next week
TI e Crediton United Church
received word Wednesday that
the Itadomir family, their
adopted refugees, will leave
Caserta, Italy, on February 22
on a chartered flight for Can-
The committee in charge of
Iarranging for the refugees has
*been asked to contact: immi-
gration officials in Ottawa to
arrange details for the arrival
of � the family.
The Crediton group called a
meeting Wednesday afternoon
to arrange final details for the
family's accommodation, A
few articles are still needed
for the house and the commit.
!tee will publish a complete list
i in next week's T -A so interest-
, ed persons or groups may es-
sist in the project,
' A cooking range is one of
the items needed urgently, the
officials indicated, If neces-
sary, they are prepared In pay
a nominal sum for the stave.
The fam-ilv will need food,
money, fuel. curtains, cook
stove. plus other necessities. In.
terested persons may Contact
Rev. R. S. Hills,, Exeter, Mrs.
Beth At.tfield, Crediton. or the
Crediton 1V A committee of
Mrs. Sato King and Mrs. Cliff
stolon T1/ aerial
fou :.
�<: �. ., ',•, M Pfc. 11. Delbert Lucan, 25,
Grand nd Bend,�i
bat pleaded
gu t.. tn possession of a stolen
TV aerial and booster whirl)
police found oti his home in
Southcott Pines.
'(le Was remanded one week
for sentence in Sarnia court.
The aerial WAS taken from
the Oakwood cottage of 1)r. A.
' E. tells, London.
Another aerial 114s heon
stolen from the Oakwood col•
tame of Rt. Rev, ,1', A. Feeney,
also of London,
Two area hreak•fai;t
1 Thieves took over ;t10f1 worth
' of merchandise from serv'e'
'stations in Exeter and I•lensall
t oris past week.
Loss at ,Toho itcid's station
i included 5Sx wo1'tli
of c.t.,aicif.es conj'tictipliet arid
cleettto ,azar., gutty does
. , . - , _.... ,.. ., ..., , gainefl _ b5 tai cin„ the boot
pANtAgt: V'ALENtINE P-O;Z bAD -Fdb ual 14 't d r door, 2'ho Distill wap dis,
-, y �� Shrove Ttlrsd� and Val�I3 . .
r. in ,.._,... , � . , .. . . �. edtki±red Saturday tc'18a"11rit .,:
< tiliei a dayf'blled up ane. What better way Io mark the
;1r t)GCitSlr)1t Um to 'SCl`iid • rr ,
- X'"nt r e 1. �
, 1 a on T is.
.. ,. t i .alfette.
8 ancakc til + ? Which is ti t � rh t t l'her .. ,.
i , �'�T�li � i � � S'111 �;� (�cnt.f.net, have t'Iit,ltAl,. �,al tr, �rax'� st�lati. ftirltr ,�outtt tad
, ., f
d tl
/ r
1''� which •sae Moor, .
( thef�. 313 ii 1b't .X ei a 1
I . �13da: � ;st l 1113 f1 ' r 1 ioef tier rift
li �,.: � 1,i.. , . 3stittltltall at X11`` 1.�t Manorial (,Z1t11•c13, It;
{Mis, Petty : hirIe i5 , - :,imply,
P 1Cj �ul3sbltl, gl h13d133c)ti3Bry 1t $��IdS 1#) )1`bV111 l E ],aCl1eShlt11-
bvdr 1,OOb �antakos. lo. as fliscovbrod l�io1 -=•-l:�t!.liltoto Iii•orrlid')l,