HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-02-09, Page 15• NNOUNCEMENTS FK•rn"'°;.•'4",R3?:: .. ...lc -;r .rt•rq ua I IRTHS ,, R: , :xiOW:EN--A r; and Ml's. H..C, Bowen, Seeders St., 1!:pceter, ennotunee the birth .of a son,. • Arthur Charles, at South ^I•lurori Hospital, February 2..-- brother !or Aierg, Louise .and Ricky,. GINGERICI•f iaiir. .and Mips, .Keith Gingerleh, Zurich, en- • Towne :thebirthof u h• c. a da , g ter at, South Heron Hospital, February s— a sister for ., • Harold, Audrey and Wayne. KEYS -,- Ross and Helen Keys (nee 7 asko), Watford, .art- ^ "'menet. the birth 'of their daughter, Ruth Ann,- al. St. Joseph's Hospital, S ' n i a, January 28 ^•-- granddaughter for Mr: And Ores Albert keys, Exeter, LAPRADE — Cpl. ,and Airs, 3. Y, :Leprade, St.. ,Jean, Que., ~formerly of Exeter, are hap - Jay to announiee •the birth of a daughter ,at St. Jean Hos i5ital, January 24. RODD Mr, and Mrs. John Rodd, Woodham, announce the arrival of a son at St. Marys .Memorial :Hospital; 'February 1 — a brother for Pannela. VENNEMA—Gerald and Gerda • Vennenia (nee Binnendyk) ere pleased to announce the birth of a son, Alan Gerald, • at St. Joseph's Hospital, Hamilton, January 28 -- a • brother for Catherine, W:ITHERtSPOON - Mr, and Mrs. Cart Witherspoon, Cred- iton, announce the birth of a ,,d a u g h t e r, Teri Lynn, . at t South Huron Hpspita 1, Febru- .'try ,8 --sister for Randy, Ria i ....,.. tr a ...... . CARDS. OF 'THANKS -- lye wish to .express our sin- cere thanks and appreciation to friends andneighbors for the floral tributes .andsym- pathy•.,cards we received in ,our recent bereavement. , Ethel .and .Ernest Cerson. 9,41 Mr, :and Mrs, The Cunning-. ham wish to thank :their rela- tives, friends,,.neighbors an d Edighaffers arehestrra, also all who= gave and. helped in: .any way to make the dance and. presentation sue:h a success at the Lucan tvlemorial Centre, 9c Earl and .J.es$ie Lewis, wish to t;h,a ek their relatives, friends and ,neighbors for cards, visits and treats to Earl. while in St. ,Joseph's Hospital and since returning Moine. Many thanks to those who provided Jessie with transportation to London. 9c 1 M. and lllrs, William Kyle and family wish to express their appreciation to their, friends and neighbors for their kindness and .expressions of sympathy since the pa ng _ the late Peter Kilpatrick, Spec- ial thanks to the pallbearers, the Queensway Nursing Horne, Dr, J. C. Goddard, Rey, John son and the Bonthron funeral chapel and to those who sent flowers or assisted in any way, Mr, Earl Greenlee wishes to thank all those who sent flowers, cards, gifts and all who visited during his stay in St, Joseph's Hospital and since returning home. Many thanks to the staff and doctors, 10* CARPS OF THANKS-.. My sincere thanks .and ap- preetation to the many kind friends who remembered lite .with cards, flowers and treats. w hile a patient in hospital and since returning haute. 9c --do-Anne Miners 1 wish to take 'this opi2r- tenity to thank all my friends, neighbors n e a' l and relatives tives forall their andcards e r fiaweis while I was a patient in St, Joseph's Uaspital, London, and also many thanks for the many •kindnesses shown me since my return home. --Mrs. John Park, Lucan, an. 9c My sincere thanks to all my friends, relatives and neighbors who remembered me so kind- ly with cards, flowers, visits and treats during the time 1 was a patient in South Huron Hospital and since returning tonne. Special thanks to' Dr. Af• C.• Fletcher, Miss Claypole, n urses and staff of Sauth Huron Hospital. --.Mrs, Edna Corbett. 9e wish to thank the firemen for their thoughtfulness, It was read • ci ted -- Ervin greatly appreciated, , Rader. ne IN MEMORIAM—, ARMITAGE - In loving mem- ory of a dear wife, mother and grandmother, Ethel May Armitage, who passed away February 9, 1958. `,Creasured thoughts of .one so dear Often bring a silent tear. Thoughts return to scenes long JAMES STREET -UNITED CHURCH Rev. S. E. t.ewis, M.A., B.D. t Minister 'Mr, Lawrence Wein, A.W.C.M. 'Organist and Choirmaster 10 A,M.—SUNDAY SCHOOL All Departments �l. A.M.—MORNING SERVICE Anthem by ,Choir Solo: Mrs.' Clare Green Service of Admission to the Eldership for the elders elect. • Sermon: "'Che Tradition of the Elders„ BAYFIELD BAPTIST . *CHURCH • Pastor: Ivor Bodenham 1.0:00 a.nt,--Bible School. s 11:60 a,m,—•interning Worship .± 7:30 p.m.—Evening, Services. Wed., 8 p.m.—Prayer Service CAVEN PRESBY'"ERIAN CHURCH *ev. Samuel Kerr, B.A., B.D. Minister Organist: Mts. S. G. Klatt 10;00 a.m.—Sunday School.. 11:00 a.m.--Morning Worship Sermon Subject: "Christ and the Outsider" ZION CHURCH • Evangelical United • Brethren ;CitEDITON A. M. Schlenker, Paster Sunday, :February 12, 1961 10:00 a.m.—Morning Worship 11:15 a•m,—Sunday School 8100 p,m.—Study Group ' CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Rev. A. G. Van Eek, Minister 10:00 a.m.--English Service x:15 ;p.m.—Dutch Servide 6:15 p.m.—Back to God Hour 4':—CHLO (680 kc) ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD 9;00 a.m..---Service • 10:00 a.m.--Sunday School THAMES ROAD MENNONITE CHiJRCH S. M. Sauder, Pastor 10:30 a.m.—Worship Service 11:15 a,'m.--Sunday School and Bible Class 8:00 p.m.—Evening Service AU Are Welcome THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH IN MAIN STREET CHURCH Rev. R. Van Farowe, Minister 2:00 p.m.—Worship and Sermon (English) 3:30 p•m,—Sunday School THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Trivitt Memorial, Exeter Rev. Bran de Vries, Rector Robert Cameron, Organist Sunday, February 12 Quinquagesima Sunday 8:30 a.m.—Quiet Communion 11:00 a.m.!—Morning Prayer Sacrament of -Holy Baptism Nursery and Sunday School MAIN STREET United Church of Canada Minister: Rev. R. S. Hiltz Organist: Mrs. A. Willard 10:00 aan.—Sunday School 11:15 ,n, Morning Worship Sermon: "Farewell Beloved" —.(Romans 16) Nursery 7:30 p.m. --Recording' of Dr. H, A, Savage, Pontiac, Mich. Everybody Welcome PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Main Street 9:00 aan.—C,SCS Radio .— 1240 on your radio dial. 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School • A program to meet the need of all. 11:00 a.m.—"WHY A PENTE- COSTAL CHURCH 7:30 p.m. — "SATAN'S LAST REVOLT" A battle between Jesus and Satan—a large chart used to illustrate this great Bible message. Good Music - Lively Singing Anointed Preaching "Visit the Tabernacle this Sunday" '�j 1111,p 1,1p 11, 1,111,NI,1111II d,V111N1, 11111111YI IIif111,'1111,1111d 1111 N,1,Nu,N li,11 u,11i1UN11i,u11111111,/ 5 cc rave, Years roll on, but memories last, -Ever remembered and sadly Hissed by husband ;Fred, daughters, sons-in-law and grandchildren. 9c GEROrMET',rl:-In loving mem- ory of my dear, husband, James A. Ger•omette, who passed away one year ago, February 4, 1960. How I miss the welcome foot- • steps Of the one -F-loved so clear, Oft T listen for his corning, Fully sure that he is near. It I could speak with him to- day! Laugh with him in the sante old way, Hear his voice and see his smile, Then life indeed would be worthwhile. -Lovingly remembered by his wife Martha. 9c JOHNSTON-Zn loving 'mem- ory of a dear sister, Mrs, Dorothy Johnston, Zurich, Ontario, who passed away one year ago, February 8, 1960. God saw you getting weary, He cid what He thought best, He put His arms around you And whispered 'come and rest', The golden gates stood open One year ago today, With goodbyes left unspoken You gently slipped away. —Ever remembered by sisters Mrs, Milne Rader, Mrs. Ted Rader, b r o t h e r Arthur Truemner and Whitney Bre kens'hire. 9c DOW—In loving memory of a dear husband and father, • Gilbert James Dow, who passed away Feb. 7, 1960. Rest is thine, Remembrance ours. —Ever remembered by lis Wife and son. 9c CLARKE — In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Henry Albert Clarke, who passed away seven years ago, February 6. Time goes on with many changes, Joys and sorrows, smiles and tears, But his memory is ever cher- ished With the passing of the year, —Sadly Missed and ever re- membered by his wife and faintly. 9c MURCI•f—in loving memory of a dear father and grand- father, Philip A?ureh, who passed away five years ago, February 10, 1956, The years go by, but still we keep Within our hearts' your kind- ness deep, Our love will hold your neem- ' ory dear Through every day and every year. You left tis 0uietly, your thoughts ttriknown, But you left a memory we are ptou( o OWn Though absent you are Very near, • Grand Bend students HanPeninys in 131 Ci n S "' a rd lauests or Mr. And Mrs. Cecil per and fancily, ���+ in ��� sports Mil I G d Ruth, V co r►y MRS.GLADWYN h1OS?PER ey MRS. wELLWOOD GILL. ' make a dress or g .:skint and Grand. Bend public school blouse to match, Tis ra�i'ani lJff>Rrent i on :ne ,ions Giuh rink -last were discussed :and the first WednesdaY, i� ebruary 1. sewing sainide cnrnpieted. 'V Titer Times•AdvocatitFA.�+ruary. 1, 190 ;aR± sit St. Marys were Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyn Hen pupils held A. spar p kinds of materials Frincipat ° Wilfred Mev, ugh Leaders are Miss Aima ft:en- t s : ring for girls, six years old, Push. ton ,announces the resul a- drick, .assistant, :Mrs., Ail Debbie Boudreau, Barbara Aran `Phomas, Ruthann l-laist; Personal Items boys, 1diehael `'alcpurt, David Air, and 1lrs• Robert Me - Clarke, Peter Gill: Donald of Llinton visited on table' Sunday with Mr and Mrs Ron Boudreau, Mary Ellen 'rev- Mitchell and Wayne, ors, Darlene Roberts; ttioys,l Mr. and Airs. Weliwood Douglas Jennison, Jiiitn Gill visited on Sunday with Sharrow, Patti Gratton: girls, Mr. and Mrs, R. L. Knight and eight years, Julie Mn DesJar Robert of London. I dine, Nancy I'imperton, Meta ii , •ir. andMrs.Des- , Wally l i Tie West; boys, Douglas ,len ; Jardine .and h2r, ancl: Ken nison and Steven Turnbulli Young attended :the hardware (tied) Scott. Jackso n< 1 4onvention in 'Toronto this Girls, nine years, Wendy week, ' (:lark, Julie Ann Des Jardine, ;141•. an(1 Mrs, Wm, Coch ane Ken re• boys Bev- r KathyA?ac � boys,1 . erly Chapman, Nelson Desjar= i dine, Douglas Jennison; fancy skating, girls, Kathy MacKen- zie; backward raring, boys, 1 1-I a r old Turnbull, Beverly list et friends in; London on Sunday,. Miss Alary Yeo visited on Sunday with friends in Sar- nia • Chapman, Paul Dou'en. Mrs. Lennea Station: is. visit - 1 Girls, 10, Susan Miller, Bar- ing friends in Lansing, Mich. barn Roushorn, Karen Jennie Gpl. Neil Chamberlain is • convalescing n ser homer. son;. boys,. Jerry Vanbruaene, ng at his here Peter Heist, Darryl Stanley; girls, 11, Neva Johnson, Owe- neth Hoffman, Maureen Fra- ser; boys, Ronald Desjardine, l3arrie Clark, Lea Desjardine.. Girls, 12, Shirley Brewer, Mary Lynn Kennedy, Donna Ruth Sturdevant, boys, Hari - say DeTong, Charles Doyle, Buddy Desjardine; girls, 13, Shirley Brewer, 'Heather Des- -Jardine; boys, Glenn Hoffman, Greg Hamilton, Hansey De - ,Jong, Girls, 14; Marilyn Clark, Shirley Brewer, Elaine Green; boys, Ricky Menard, Bob Grat- ton, Rodney Coulter; bicycle race, Larry Taylor, Greg Ha- milton, Eugene Gr e n i e r; graceful couples, Rodney Coul- ter and Marilyn Clark; Buddy IOOF third degree team will Desjardine and Shirley Bre- confer the degree on any can. - wen, Leo Desjardine and' Mau- didates that are available from reen Fraser, the district on. Tuesday, Feb, Backward races, girls, Ma- 14. All welcome. N.G. Ray ry Lynn Kennedy, Shirley Bre- Jones; Percy A. McFalls, Rec. ec. 9c .following an operation .cast week at St. Joseph's hospital, London. Mrs, Neil Chamber- lain and Miss Nancy spent a few days in London as guests of Mrs. Walter. Wells. Mr, and Mrs, Albert Smith from Lonaon, Mr, and Mrs• Charles Rollings and family of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Railings and family from Clandeboye, Mr, and Mrs. Rees and family from: Brine- ley, rine ley, Mr. and Mrs, L. Desjar- dine from Exeter visited with Mr, and mfrs. Norris Desjar- dine over the weekend. COMING EVENTS— wer, Elaine Green; interrne- d:iate boys, Peter Haist, Bar- rie Clark, Leo Desjardine; se - PROGRESSIVE EUCHRE will nior boys, Larry ',Taylor, Ric- be held in the Hensall. TOOT+ ky Menard, Greg Hamilton. lodge hall Tuesday, February Obtacle race, girls, Marilyn 21, at 9 p,m, Everyone is wel Clark, Donna Ruth Sturdevant; cone. Ladies 'please , bring intermediate boys, Leo Des- lunch, Admission 500. Sponsor- jardinc, .Timmy Brewer, Ray cd by the local CPT committee Desjardine; senior boys, Rod- ney Coulter, Ricky Menard, lodges, pc Larry Taylor. PANEL DISCUSSION features GB 4•H girls meet Auxiliary meeting -- Panelists, I The Grand Bend 4-H girls Miss Alice Claypole, superin- I Diet for their first meeting on tendent; Charles Smith, chair Saturday, February 4 at the man of finance; Elgin Row- I of Alma Hendrick. Cliffe, chairman of special New officers elected were: funds, and W. G. Cochrane, president, Dianne Hood; vice- chairman of the hospital: board, • president, Dianne Fraser; sec- will discuss hospital finances rotary, Karen Taylor; press at the social meeting of the correspondent, Donna Ruth Women's Auxiliary to South Sturdevan The girls changedIFebru y. 14, at. 2.20 pmr • Questions on the subject will Cuties" for this project "Cot.. be answered from the floor:or trestron boa Ladies of ?r, n Mrs. - nn t Par- kinson ,A. and M „ Ke e h l' r kinson and family were guests of Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Ben- ' der of Dashwood on: Monday :evening in honor of Mr, :and Mrs, George Frayne's thirtieth' wedding anniversary. Mrs. George Dann of Lan- , don spent the weekend with. Mr, : andMrs,. Kenneth ar- r Par- kinson. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Mae- ' ker and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs,. Fred Patti. - 'son of St, Marys. I Mrs, E. Trewartha returned to her home ani, Hplrnesville on `Thursday after spending the past three weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Langford. Miss Marion Thomson .spent : Friday night with Miss Martel- ta Sommerville of Prospect Hilt, I Miss Doris Mills of Wood- ham spent Saturday .afternoon with n'liss Sharon Thomson. Mr. and Mrs, W. B. Young Huron Hospital. on Tuesday, their name from Grand Bend GO: • Gals to "Grand Bend Cotton Cent - tons tons can .be Smart." ralia United Church will he Each girl is required to hostesses. 9c ,max r, ry xenete* :,..w.:r .r e >. itiee ,,. TEA & BAKE SALE -- The Topics from Local Association tea and bake sale, Saturday, February 25, 2 • to 5. p,m., at Scout Hall. 9c EXETER H & S—The Exeter Home and School Association presents senior —Exeter Public School spelling championship. Tuesday, February 14, at 8:15 p,m., at the Exeter Public School. Everyone welcome. Sunshine By MRS.WILLIAM DICKEY Mr. and Mrs. Alex Crago, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Paynter, also Mr. and Mrs. Wib Kirk- by, of the fourth line, Blan- shard, were Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. La- verne Rodd and family. Miss Dorothy Dickey was a 1 visitor on Sunday with Mr,, and Mrs. Clayton Brock and family in Guelph. Mr, Clarence Johns was pleasantly. surprised• last Wed- nesday e v e n i n g when his daughters, Mrs. Ford Stark, of St. Marys, and Mrs. :lien Fisher, of Exeter, along with their husbands and families, treated him to a birthday sup- per at the hone of Mr, and Mrs, Johns. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Hern and family were visitors on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Allen Ever- leigh of Kirkton. Mr. Lawrence Beckett en- joyed ice fishing near Turkey Point on Monday, A shower was given for Mrs. Philip Hern last Wednesday .at the home of Mrs. John Coward. Ganes 'and contests were played. 90. SUPPORT THE WINTER WORK CAMPAIGN OF THE NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 2:2•3:16c Dance Crediton TOWN HALL Friday, Feb. 17 Music by GRANT E151GHOi FER Dancing' 9:00 • 1:00 Admission 75¢ 1 Still loved, still missed and 1Jndecided • ever clear. Caven 1 Sunday Night .._,Ever remembered by the Continued from page 9 family. 9c ting down on some or the top Circle Street salaries that aro being paid At � might allow better pensions or unemployment relief, Next week they will meet at the home of Nit. and Mrs. (Main Stt'eai Church, Exeter) -:Y Fe ria r 7130 7:00 p,m.—Songs of the Gospel 7:30 AM.—Recorded Message of Dr, i i -L SSavager Pontiac, Michigan, Recorded Music February 19 PANEL DISCUSSION ' FOUR LAYMEN • "What valuable eolitribUtiollt can the, church i :• make 10 one modern` ;society?". I 5 February 26 �... ,Gordoti Chambers wilt speak '0t "THAW r n AR IN TIN tILsGtAN CONGO'' Mir. Chambers left the Congo last July with his .laniily, r 'ani; pray for tlio MISSION TO 'CAN-. I`te1i5�Slilicc arid y 'l X17 �ti a It • TM :i"oni �ise�' 'i'd111i1 fSt Lod r r ADA, 'x' � ` ... .: � s � 1.11 Will ;enol a group to EXETER Wod1 e clay? April 1�r (Clip thi,, ant keep' i`of." etexretic .), Continued from page 9 Williatit Schroeder: t 00rune-. • i ' o Out t late at these tient. = In .,The , board felt that there was nothing wrong with the pupils attending the chapet•- Ioned events, and thought it , was the parents' responsibility • to make sure the children re, turned home 1nin1ediatelY af= tor the parties finished. 1 The Exeter lnduttr iat Pro- , motional Corporation requested that the students be informed that they were eligible to eonu- pete in, the organization's con- test to secure a slogan. The board decided not to aBBaw the posters in the settee!, but granted per;ntission 16 tach teacher to draw the atudent attention to the codte6t, I' The board decided to Witt Page and Steel, architects for the flaw addition, .fetluesting that; ininot• reliajrt be bene lei conte„af tile' .bars ins the clp sett. the members of the potty eonuii.ittee inspected the closet`s and reported that "'ad lttstiiicnis wol'o needed.' fors bargain and anpbrttnt oifioisinYlYrrnnfifinnittiii7n1nnlighniiintininfifttnibung linlitillfittiffrrrMPAYntglit 1111ti01011r11tiit Intl/Hien harmful Forum • Eliniville um nicmbers 'gathered at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Lewis Joliet. They j felt that inflation harms every - tee in different degrees. They favored Canada's policy be designed to create maxi - ;mum growth and full employ- merit. mployment. They Will meet nett Monday night at the hot» .e of Mr. and IN LIBRARY BASEMENT 1 Mrs, William Elford. (C.tiiYf,YY11Y1N',NT111 W„11N,,1lninrtm nnf,N1Y'IiY,'yf,Y,iNonuYYlYi`171i1tY11i1,n11,1iN„1.,,1,filfnirit,iNi„L Bake Sale Sat., Feb. 11 3:00 p.m. • HURON COUNTS' 1YHE T PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION ANNUAL MEETING 'uevday,, February 21 w2 pant AgrcutfUri;i1 hoard 1'tooti`ris, Clinfort' Guest Speaker. fto(j Myawl, %alt Pratitlenl, 17Htarld Wlieif ? Prodotets' Assn This iiiiVtnii;ati,iti hits clone ti good VI. i 5 1t will 1'o 1i*tter Willi your silg0afione %t the eiipnuat 1 - sitdet., . I ` ipuiv alt italleii, thairtitain I. t, 1-4iiiing)-,vsyr 5bt. TrOas. - flee, ;read and use, T A Clpasi fictis eddit 'week, .'I' itit'le `J10`, }; tiilmmnnr+rrt tininnrfmrYrnlmrtnrtrrnirrrritmnmrrnn irtnrn,frrilirmrnrrnnnrrrrrrrrrnrrrnn7rirlirl , Progressive .EUC.HRE i6OF HALL, EXETER, • FrL, Feb, 10 Everyone Welcome Ladies Bring Lunch ADMISSION 504 • Sponsored by CPT Committee IOOF and Rebekah Lodges REMEMBER APRIL 7 DANCE AT MT, CARMEL Feb. 10 Music by GRANT EDIGHOFFER'S MELODY MASTERS 10:00 p.m. ADMISSION 754 • Lunch Served World Day of Prayer Service JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH Fri., Feb. 17 2:30 p.m, (Note change of time) GIRLLS SERVICE AT 7:30 P.M. Arena Schedule THURSDAY, FEB. 9 3:00 -5 :00—S ka t g 6100-10100—RCAF 10:30.11:30—Dashwood FRIDAY, FEB. 10 1 30 3:30—Crediton School 6:30.8;00--n CA r 8.00.9100—Zurich v9. Exeket Juveniles 9;00.10:00—Rod Wings vs. Maple Leafs SATURDAY, FEB. 11 S:00• 12;0E—Minor Hockey 130.3:00—Public Skating 3:30.5:30• -Figure Skating 7;00.8:00—Boston v8. Phantoms 8 oo.10:00—Public Skating 10:30.12:00 --Crediton SUNDAY, FEB. 12 2:00.4,00—Public Skating - MONDAY, FEB. 13 4 00.5:00—Skating 6:30.7:30—Loglon bantam lraei{G0 8:00. i0:00—R C Af TUESDAY, FEB. 14 7:o0.10:00—Miner HoCkey WEDNESDAY, FEB. 15 C • 6;30.8;00— teditD #1 9:co-CSLLHi vs. ex5'rte MOHAWKS Mossey ATr. and Mrs. Gladwyn Roo. Mr. and Mrs. Wm.. G. ones; per, u.., aryl and Jean. 'l were S a eve- et e were and nest of A . and Fanta yund. y e t S., ay g s .tr. ping guests of Mr. :and Mrs. and Mrs. Kennett Facey .of Gerald .Bryan of Prospect Weliburn, Miss Ruth G. Hooper of Tor- onto spent the weekend with FIRST. DANCE!: Exeter.Teen Town Sat,, Feb, 11. 8:30 'Tit 11:45 EXETER ARENA Door Prize - Spot Dances Free Pop Donated by Tuckey Beverages Adm.: 354 Couple 50¢• Reception and D ante FOR MR. AND MRS. GRANT SKINNER (nee Margaret Brock) Fri., Feb. 10 EXETER LEGION HALL A GOOD ORCHESTRA lid e Euchre : and Dance LUCAN COMMUNITY CENTRE Friday, Feb 1 CHARLTON'S ORCHESTRA - Cards 8 - 10:30 p.m. Dancing 10:30 • 1. Alt. Admission 75? Per Perscni Luncli. available. Sponsored by Lucan Skating Club PANCAKE SUPPER TRIVITT MEMORIAL PARISH HALL Shrove Tues., - Feb. 14 Pancakes "Unlimited,. with. Map)e Syrup Assorted Pies Serving Begins at 5:30 pal. ADULTS 85# Children's Tickets at D40r Sponsored by Woman's Auxiliary ,IIII1111111111101111(111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110101111111h YOU WiLL' WANT TO ATTEND THE NATIONAL * BADE` OF CANADA Cciipany of 80. Lois Smith, David Adams, Angelo Leigh, Earl Kroui. Artistic Director Celia Franco. OWNED AND ODE AAT.ED DY LONDON LITTLE THEATRE MARCH CH 6 — MARCH 18 MAiL ORDERS ACCEPTED NOW 1 For Information, Write to Grand Theatre, Richmond St., Loodpn '111111111111111111111111111111t1111111111111111111111111t11111n1111111111111111119119111111111111110n11911111t11911111111fP LYRIC THEATRE Phone 421 EXETER First Show 7:30 Second Show 9:30• Matinee 2:00 p.n1. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, rEB. 9, 10, 11 "Yellowstone Kelly” Starring Clint Walker and Edward Byrnes, (Technicolor) "High Society” Starring "The Bowery Boys" 1 MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, FES, 13, 14, 1 "Wild River" Starring Montgomery Clift and Lee Rernmick • (Color and Cinethascope) =i,1,IN,110,,,N„N4M1~,,,11,N,I N1N,,,N,N1„NI,11N,,,NNN OIPI N„11N11,1110101111111N 1 Bring your Friends to our Sat'day` ,Night Dances s EXETER LEGION Dancino 9 fo 12 Admission 75 par Person Jeans and Jackets Not Allowed ,11mm,NONN.1... rum,numil ml„N,N1ONNNN„01fl,11t1O,UN1Nh„ 1NNONI N 0 O� Larry Hendcrson: COMES BA >< To EXETER With another eye•witncss report on the World's danger tones .The thollotiqo of Asia A ltrtlnd hew t418r l'iiooie, finned under tttd treelike . iii Marry HendersOthr Gertaela's fop Newt eemiiltiifitaferr to irdlatt Nepal,dufrna, Laos, Hbrd Kong, JAMES STREET UNITE > CHItC i Wednesgday, teary. � 'ickofk $1.4$ apbnsbir`ed' by At1' Mn''as Ciklit