HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-02-09, Page 13.4.11, Offer for slogan
to .het
Cot geed s1oai to help
Eseter attract incluStrY1
You might win $15,00 or
it you submit it in the
contest being sponsored by the
taWn's new inclilisstrial promo-
In laying plans Riven active
community selling program,
the eorporation seeks a. alogan
Le paint out the town's advan-
Lagoa. It wjli be used on the
corporation's literature, in,
eluding a new industrial bre
Our, atationary and advertis-
ing. itein s.
The corporation is offering
$25.00 in .prizes for the win-
ners - $15,00 ter first, $10,00
for second, Deadline for en-
trie i. February 20.
What kind of. a slogan wilt
min? Could be any type - the
corporation is wide open for
Undoubtedly worthy of con-
aideration is one which points
out the chief. asset, •of the dis,
trict, agriculture. For exam-
ple, something like "Heart of
Canada 'a b e. s 1 farmland,"
wliich appears on the entrance
signA on No. 83 and 4 high-
Then there's the alliteration
type - "Exeter offers extra
benefits." (You think of
* better one than that!'
Or it might be something
more generaL such as the ra-
ther lengthy ane on the exist -
tog brochure - "A friendly
Western Ontario town offers an
opportunity to industry."
Other towns' slogans
What do stem of the other
towns use? A few examples;
"Goderich - Growing with
"Clinton - at the Bub," •
"Mitchell - A pleasant
place to live and avork,"
"Harriston the heart
of mid -western Ontario."
Milverlee - "Plan your fu-
ture le Milvertan."
Kitchener - Clean as at kit-
Mid -Western Ontario Devel-
opment Ass'n - "Opportunity
land for P'rogressive Indus-
What can you come up with?
Don't forget to naall it before
February 20 to be eligible for
the cash prizes,
Stimulate interest
Besides securing a selling
phrase, the ass'n hopes the con-
test will help to stir commu-
nity awareness of the need to
promote. the town constantly
for commercial and Industrial
One of the biggest assets in
industrial promotion, aceord-
ieg to officials, is the. enthu-
siasm of citizens. 11, has been
revealed in a number of cases
that this has been an impor-
tant factor dn location of a
new -plant.
Says W. G, Cochrane presi-
dent of the new corporation:
"We'd like to think that every
resident is a town booster and
that through community effort
we will be able to stimulate
the growth of our town to pro-
vide more jobs tor our young
people and to help balance our
sar„,::,:os•aamass=••••"•••.::.:' ,
Topics from
- Whalen
Mr. jack Duffield is a pa-
tient at St. Marys Memorial
Mr. And Mrs, C.riflon Squire,
Sue Ann and Paul spent the
weekend in Guelph With Mr,
arid Mrs. Gordon McKinnon
and fa rally.
Mr, FlOyd White, London,
apent the weekend with Mr,
Frank Parkinson and Glen.
Mrs. William. 'Heather Jr. is
a patient at St, Marys Memel'.
ill Hospital. Her condition has
Miss Loreeil Hodgins. Gran-
ton, spent the weekend with
Avis Hodgina.
Mr. William Heather, of St.
Marya, spent the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs, Ray Park-
:Mr. .Frank Parkinson and
Glenn were in London Sunday
visiting with Mrs, EVelyn
Mr. "and Mr. Allen Jaques
are spending a few weeks in
Exeter at the heme -of Mr. and
Mrs. Millen Keller.
Miss Gera Nuttytomb and
Mrs, Myrtle Melilla Leminn,
visited Sunday afternoon %kith
Mr, and Mrs, Alex Baillie,
M. and Mrs. Alton Neil and
Doe aid visited recently at
Grand Pend with Mr, and MrS,
Norris Deajardiee,
Mr. and Mrs, Gordon John-
son and Mr. and Mrs. William
nlorley Jr, were judges at the
Woodham ice carnival on Sat-
tirday evening.
The WMS and WA of Whalen
chuith are Meeting ht the
hone Of Mat, William Morley
Jr. On Thursday afterneon.
Mrs, Rey Jaqti 0d baby
Steven returned home IRS(
W Itt`h With !lei' parenta, Mr,
Mad Mrs, Fred Bowden, Cent,
ralia, •
WINS $50 DASHWOOD DRAW -Andy Ridging, Exeter, W011. the $50 cash draw
sponsored by Dashwood Firemen, Above, Chief Jim Hayter presents the prize to
the winner. Proceeds from the draw will be used to equip a safety patrol Tor Dash-
wood public school. Firemen are planning to raise funds to enlarge their hall into
a banquet, centre for the district.
T -A photo
Revise fair prize 1ist
forhome department
Mrs. Delmer Skinner, who , 24. Luncheon cloth (embroida
convenes the home department erY)
of Exeter Fall Fair, and her 25. Centrepiece (c r o c h e t,
committee have revised the over 10 itches)
list of entries and it is being. 26, F 1 o r a 1 centrepiece for
printed here so that ladies may law (artificial)
beplanning and working on 27. Table favors (3 different
their specialties. designs)
The changes are not many, 28, Place mats (2, linen)
but entries are modernized in BEDROOM ACCESSORIES
some classes, instead of the
the evening dress listed in the 29. Pillow cases (colored cre-
ladies' wear class the more chef.) -
practical, housedress has been 30. Pillow eases (cut work
substituted and the ever-popu- in white)
lar wool skirt is added. Simi. 31. 'Pillow cases (cross stitch,
tarty slight changes are made embroidered in color)
in the other classes. 32. Pillow cases (embroidery)
Four prizes are offered in 33. Pillow cases and sheet to
the senior citizens department match (monogrammed)
where prizes were given be- 34. Pillow cases and sheet to
lore. - match .(any 'design) a
Other members of the corn- KITCHEN ACCESSORIES
rnittee are: Mrs. Preston Dear-
ing, Mrs. 'William Slone and 35- Plastic articles for a
Mrs. Barry Strang. kitchen (4)
36. Two hot plate in 81,s
LADIESWEAR 37, Two tea towels (embroid-
er)r) and two pot holders
1. 1) u s ter style housecoat
(cotton or nylon, samplo at-
ta ched).
2. House dress (cotton, sam-
ple attached),
3, Pyjamas (bab)' doll, sam-
.ple attached).
.4. Apron (cotton, with bib)
5. Apron (fancy or tea).
6. Apron (fancy, to represent
a special clay or event in the
7. Wool skirt (sample attach-
8. Knit -pullover sweater
9. Pyjamas (sample attach-
10. Fancy knit socks
11. Work socks,
12. Work shirt (sample at-
• 13. Sun suit(any age)
14. Baby set (jacket, bonnet
• ' t
tii 3tM tiLici*.
inentted the elating Voi
ind s utioa
38. Floor mal; (cotton string)
39. Floor nisi (hooked rags)
40. 'Floor mat (hooked yarn)
41, Floor mat (braided rags)
42. Floor mat (any Other kind
not listed)
43. Dressed doll
44. Stuffed toy
45. Novelty made of plastic
46. Any novelty made. of felt
47. Five articles suitable for
a bazaar, mounted or suitably
48. Quilt (fancy quilting)
49. Quilt (group quilting)
50. Quilt (pieced cotton)
51. Quilt (appliqued pattern)
52. Quilt (an original Canad-
ian design)
15. Child's pyjamas (6 to 10
years) 53, Crib quilt • (nursery de -
16, party dress (3 to 6 :years)sign, sign, about 45x60 inches)
11. Child's cottoii school dress 54. A Set of five quilt blocks
(6 to 10 years) as follows; (1) appliqued -plain
18. Child's overalls (sample hemmed; (2) appliqued and
19. Needlepoint for chair or
20. Tatted doily
21. Chair set (3 pieces gra.
22. Cushion (corduroy)
23. Cushion (Any new idea).
embroidered: (3) crazy patch
with fancy outline stitch; (4)
patchwork. - conventional and
cotton; (5) a block of exhibit-
or's choice,
CITIZENS (70 er ever)
55. Kitchen apron (print)
56. Kfillting (any article)
: t.:`1 " " " • ea, F • • •y • re ; •
"Hep myour comunity grow
• tr
S ogan Contest
My suggestioli for a slogan which Will as.
sitt iii ncduraging Exeter's industrial and coiii.
mercial grdwth
6% 161.11. .11,1 6
. , . • •• .... • .1
Address....... - ..... ..
Mall To; txeter Industrial Promotion
13ox 850, aeter
PftrZtg *ISA AN.t10.00
Dtadliric February U. VC
57, Embroidery (any article)
58. Crochet (any article) •
Collection of four home-made
tops-eaoh toy to be made of
.diffdrent material.
Cardigan knit. sweater -man
or lady -a- made frotn Mary
Maxim wool,
This week in
VY Inc e sea
prolects 1
Firemen ida,
at Dashwood banquet
'11511ye AiaFtriSn'ual'ilYtiriNerriReriA's° RADE it
- 1 aidt braryuiartti cakddeeetrei,RuddAtitlihherveehila-derilele1-
ciget for the firemen and tinte in each family
wives was held Wednesday Iticket. The Iihrariaahl,e Aljrusv.enEilre-
‘evaitehninifie, kt'reubs.telesinorthiebefirteobwann. !, a t the same wagm
Koehler, was re-engaged
Ervin Rader, Cliff Salmon and.
rrotlhile iiSienhnreore.der. responsible; Officers for 1961: Chairman,
; Mrs. Ervin Rader: secretary -
Head table guests included. treasurer, Mrs. E. Koehler;
the Warden of fluroil, Ivan auditors, Helen Nadiger arid
Forsyth and his wife; the Anne Koehler; Board members
reeves of Hay and stephon ' Ervin Rader, Mrs. Leonard
with their wives, V, 14. Bee- Sebel*„Mrs. Mervyn 'Tiernan,
her and Glen Webb and fire ' Mrs. Harold 'Xellerrnan, Mrs.
chief James Hayter and Mrs. i In:ward Iclen1P11, Mrs, Ernest
liaF3olitorWing dinner ;toward , der.
!Koehler and Mrs, Ervin Ra -
Following dinner
showed films of local,Chiveri for nowly,weds
interest accumulated over six I Aii and Mrs. Ray Van Dors.
selaer, ,,received .a rousing
Euchre was also enjoyed. i ebarivart Wednesday night up -
Winners were, Mrs. MervYn!on returning from their honey -
Webb and Lorne Kleinativer, 1 moon,
consolation winners, Mr. and.
Mrs. Gerald Marlene. I Yontla fellowshist banqinet
A draw was made for a $50 ' The ladies ,aid of the Evan -
Savings bond which Andrew ; Plies i US Church with Mrs!
Bierling ot Exeter won. !Ha rrY Hoff man convener gave
sold went towards
Proceeds from tphaeyintgickoentes ' alowbsabnipti:joent Fforridat311,ee,Yennuietlig iraeatl:
of the firemen for damages suf- Approximately 45 young people
fereci to his car on the way to , svielatitt their guests were pre'
a fire, The balance went 10-1 '
wards defraying expenses for i Stewart Wolfe
the, school patrol they are spon- sing
1toastmaster andproposeda
song. Jim Rader was
conducted a
welcoming toast with Jim Gil -
The firemen plan4a series of lings replying to it. Douglas
money -raising events to finance ' Bender read the scripture.and
‘ai,noueldxtension to the ball which:
:Stanley Heist led in prayer.
with banquetpi.o‘'ide faticleilitele°sIll, munitY Poems were given by Don Wei -
Dashwood Merry Maids gang and Helen Rader, Sha
ron Gillings, Bonnie McCaw,'
Dashwood Merry Maids was ,Lou Fischer sang a double du: -
441i Norma Weigand and Martha
The first meeting of the
held at the. home of the lea- ett. A film "Forms of OPPor-
rdAluarsdaali...a. Leonard schema tunity" was shown and Rev.
evening. The assis- J. W. Gillings gave the bene -
tent leader, Mrs. Eben Weig- diction.
and, and ten girls were pre- personal items
"nEliection of officers was held. fay passed his Grade 10 with
John Kellerman has success-
iPirrgssliddeennit, IsliejlQeana R.R,aaddeer9 vslee:: wthieth Department of Education
retary and press reportor, Nor-
ma Weigand. Don Rader has returned home
The next meeting will be Sat- with
hr hivsaccaotillosninin.g in Florida
urday a f t e r n o o n at Mrs. Mrs. Leonard Schenk and
Schenk's home.
Mrs. Eben Weigand attended
Discussion on what to put in 4-11 leaders' training school in
the sewing boxes and different Hensall last week.
kinds of materials were held, Jaundice is wide -spread in
Type of record. books was de, the community.
cided on and measurements Mr. Thos,Klump celebrated
were taken.
call is to be one point
to consider when buying cotton.
Borne ,assignment is to begin
record book and each member
is In cheek her figure to dis-
cover any defects and study
the hest lines for herself.
Library meeting
The annual library meeting
was held Saturday, February
4. The librarian reported a cu.
culation of 1,169 with 16 adults
and 14 juvenile readers.
his 80th birthda'y' Thursday,
Feb. 2.
Miss Elizabeth Clark was
able to leave Victoria Hospi-
tal and is with relatives at Ail-
sa Craig.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hayter
attended the OTA. Convention
at Hamilton last week Janice,
Tommy and Jayne Hayter
spent the time at Brantford
with their aunt and uncle, Mr.
and. Mrs. John Snider, Mrs.
Bertha Hayter returned home
with them,
IVIonday night with Mrs. Eton , kJ r d
an Bend council
The Winchelscia Euchre club r.
held a party at the school on
Lynn and Mrs. Fred Walters 1' ' ' ' " - ' - •
tables playing with prizes go- seeks MOH change
as hostesses. There were four
lug to: ladies high, Mrs. Bill
Walters; men.'s high, Colin
Brock consolation, Elson Lynn.
Mr, and Mrs, Bob Gardiner
and family of Cromarty vis-
ited on Friday evening with
Mr. and Mrs. Colin Gilfillan'
and familY.
Mr. and Mrs. rtsy Clarke
and Ronald of Sunshine Line
and Bruce Park from Plug -
town visited on Sunday eve,'
ning with Mr. and Mrs, Free-
man Horne and family,
Mrs. Garnet Miners visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ho-
ward Johns and family, Elim-',
ville North,
Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Pen -
bale, Douglas and Brian of
Elimville visited on Saturday
evening with Mr, and Mrs. Ha.
:add Clarke, Bobby and Eug-
Mr, and Mrs. Beverley Mor-
gan and family of Thames'
}toad visited cn Sunday with
Mi. an Mrs. Newton Clarke.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Maher o(I
London 'visited on Saturday
evening with Mr. and Mrs. Co-
lin Gilfillan and family,
Th t Timpp,Advoolot .Folviory t 190 f).4.40., 1
4Toted think the was the only P,erSOn W110144 OW
been ?broad! '
Award SS
at Brinsley
attended 33 Sundays during the
year ending 1960.
Diplomas awards were pre -
noted to Caroline Lewis, Ca-
rol Robinson an Linda .
son. Seals were presented to
Ruth Trevithick, Bonnie Wat-
son, Helen Lee, Helen Amos,
Marion Lee, Paul Hodgson,
Edith Morley, Edna Morley,
Allen Amos, Alma Lee, Doug-
las Lee, John Lee, George IL
Lee, Linda and Elaine Morley,
Doreen Lee, Kathy Lewis, Nell
Trevithick, Patsy Hodgson and
Laura Lee,
The Women's Federation
meeting was held on Tuesday
at the home of Mrs, Earl Mor-
Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Lee of
London, Mr. and Mrs, Ken Car-
ter a , Mrs,
Carter of Clandeboye were
Saturday evening guests of Mr,
and Mrs. George Lec.
Mr. Bob Glenn of Exeter
spent the weekend at his home
Personal items
Mr. Harold Lee, Mr. Elmer
Greenlee and Gordon Morley
attended titans and lectures by
McKee Harvester Brns. of El-
mira at Parkhill Arena Com-
munity Centre last Thursday
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dor-
man and Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Trevithick spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Trevithick.
Start new
teen town
riding last Friday. Feb, 3, All
Clinrch to an eveniag a sleigh
SundaY, Feb. 5 Brinsley report a good time.
United Church awarded seals
and diplomas to those who had
Mr. and Mrs.'Donald Morley
of London spent Saturday eve-
ning with Mrs. Walter Morley
and family.
A new low temperature of 17
Grand Bend council, Monday, time attending the Good Roads degrees below zero was re -
requested. the department of ported by Brinsley residents
health to appoint! Dr. E. A. Council learned that a meet- last Wednesday night,
mcmasier medical officer of ing will he held in Forest on Mr. Doug. Lewis with his
February 10 regarding an sleigh and old Dobbins treated
health for. the village. equalization of assessments for the Hi -C's of Brinsley 'United
At present, Dr, F. Boyes, . the municipalities in the. Forest
District, High. School area. All
Parkhill, is the health officer, .
' the assessors in the municipal -
but the council felt it would be . ities have been requested to
more advantageous to have a . attend the meeting,
local doctor act ie this ca.;
pacity. Dr. 1VIelVfaster moved i
Seaforth. l uron Park
to the resort last year from! H
The council also decided to
enjoys band
write the department. of eus-I
toms, Ottawa, requesting a '
customs officer be stationed in;
Grand Bend during the corning! Over 300 persons attend.ed a
summer. Previous requests speeiat concert of music in
have been made to the depart- , the J. A. D. McCurdy School
merit but have been turned , at 'Boron Park, Friday-
was passed for the , gram was a
1 Special tea turperesoefntarltaieon prboy-
municipal roads alid streets for schools, sand, under the three.
spending ef 55,000•00 for 1110 i lila 100 -member London Public
How to Treat an
the year 196,1. I tion of :Mr. Joseph George, to.
Make donations
instructor for Lon- i
bers the band was augmented 1
iberShip in the Lambton County with 15 members of the Mc-
The council voted to donate ;don, school.
515 to the Salvation Army mad' For several of their num- 1.
agreed to pay their 55 mem-
• •
MIN -7
A new Exeter teen town
group will launch its activities
this Saturday night with a
dance in the local arena.
The group, which plans to
sponsor a contest to determine
its name, has elected a group
of four officers and plans a
number of dances for the re-
mainder of the winter.
This Saturday night's dance
will have a Valentine motif
and prizes will be given for
spot dances.
Free soft drinks have been
donated by Tuckey Beverages.
Officers include Don Jermyn,
president; Margie Howie, vice-
president, Gary Wedlake, tree. -
.surer; John MaeNaughton,
Up to a whole side of beef
can be easily kept in your
own food locker or hon
freezer. If you wish, we
cut, dress and trim beef,
vs10.- •
Proper Processing Is Our,
Frozen Foods
norm 70 Maih M.
_ ,,,owcly represents the village direction of George ShiPReY,
row sees i Historical 'Society. /qrs. aitei !Curdy school band under the f.
music supervisor for the schOol,
in the society.
farm films The clerk was authorized to !The. concert was arranged to
ive the. coitraila group
A. number of farntors (rom
the district attended the films
and leetures at Parkhill Com -
triunity Centre Thursday eve-,
ning, sponsored by the McKee
.Brot, of Elmira, makers of
farm equipment.
Modern mettle& of farming
were shown on films both here
in Western °aerie and in
western Canadl
issue checks amounting to $1.,- idea of what a large organized
500,00 to the Gradd Bend and band could do.
Area Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Shippey's 75 -voice girls'
The payment represents a 'glee club at litirtm Park also
51,000,00 grant for 1960 and renderedseveral numbera at f
$500.00 ort account for 1961, the program.
Council authorized F r 5 11 k The programopened with
Cowan and CompailY, Wood- "The Queen", in which the
stock, who specialize in muni- glce club and the hand joined 1.
eipal Insurance, to take P SUN together, The hand then pre -1
vey of the village's insurance seined a number of musical
polities and report back 10 selections ranging from novel.,
council, fy numbers to a more serious
Clerk 111 Des Jardine was rf'•• Vein.
Gerald McKee, to•owner with
quested to write ontario Followthg the program the
his brother Russell, who has'
Slater Resources COmmission lomire band and elide were
taken many (lights in the prai-
ries over Sales of their inachia
eery, noted that western 'farm-
. , •
els toulcn , se en pal
a decent price and were feed.
Mg it to cattle. in feed lots.
in Saskatchewan, he said,
mere farmers have 'gone into
dairying and that this combiea.
lion of beef and (laity fanning
is .going to make strong canine,
lition tor tarniere In Ontario.
He said that A factory for
Mehce Harvesters in I he pra
ries wn unlikely herailse, 'sr*
get' enplereeet. Elms hart net
ventured and'it would be tot.
wise for them alect.
Ite stated that it hi e himself
ever farmed it Mel& be MI A
rattelt stouty 'Alberta,
Pe(61; 11,ittog
Jimmy Brow I's ohs . ,
'WAS time to ge home atart-
CA. to rain, Airs. Br6Wii offered
to tend jimmy's raiiiedat.
"Doit't take, ito.ch trouble,
Mrs. treSolt, Said Peter po.
"I'm sure 'our Mother t7otild
dois itioch for Motruy."
"Me hyotheas seeitlici a
156ttri "She'd ak Jana -
thy ataY fee
to aeek a meeting with the:treated to refreshmenta by the
erne on either February 20, I ladies of the Catholic Women's
21 or 22. Members of I he (`01.111. 1LeAsu0 and the Po es an
ell will. be in Toronto al that 1ChaPel
McGillivray plans,
e ovor Pfseb
McGillivray tunnel, ordered !drainage petition of \Uliam
nraparatioe of eiaes rod soee.4i1aglestot and ethers welt ap
ificationa ter emistreetion of proved. Arehibeld, Gray and
the ptaebe bridge at, its non- MeKay, London, were aottolot.
Jog ,tialOrday. ed to prepare SpeCificatiOnS. I
M. M. Dillon and CO.. ton, Engineer -a r n't 1 611
don, Will engineer the Snail oft ,Camernta riitrnicipal drAiii Was
the, SicierOad betweencollets-I adented.
siOnS ti and 6 tile wog thd. GOWidI uthorized dialiOflSA •
.000 roag. paantt ti 11: 10 to 6
byl5w In 11711g:s IV; :CI t°thtia Sgityln Mo 1
increase $4,000 over last hu.ance,
yoAt, was approvod, PaYlilient Of $463.42 to the
Tenders have been Ogled ffr Village of t.Ucaii for fire OW ti
etti datlytt4ptbd+, s. off l'2if,)onnvoli,,6 UV) iiitortowabsouariptro‘voetd, ott
AittliothaliOn waS 'given 10 Douglas Mown and the 5s1 11
horroW tari in t106,00(1 10 teal, of fl.56 Was graiitod f '.1d<
titipet6.0ttelngibiifil tets-or
South End Servoce
Phot 32 Exeter
Ru tured?
sort lor repair et the gth pt
s011.Lagieson drain and the 1'0010 Sr vig611Mt tid 1 komeareanamononsayeemericeasallimiellamemeneememennenairioninnitemeniminte,
ttAbroo 40103$ - StroplOA
Export "Fiffer in Aliondonte
Silo adit ft) $130 owm-, . Montioys
Single $1230 Owl& $15:00
ean :Russell Ltd,
164 '150 - Plibettti 'Ogi 4,0061
1,014151)$ .ONTAA:16