HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-02-09, Page 12• 1 Tho• 'Titufs,A4voc4lk flabruAry t 1961
CBC TWIG'S Darninion network. One of the top-rated W. Martin, supply, NI If
Secretaries; literature, Mrs, pleat$. The fitted bodice was z ieh '
held at the •Dominion Hotel
full skirt falling impressed
ill McNeil are Co -hosts on Assigninent,
the hottr-long radio Magazine now in its fifth year on
WMS awards
E. aussell were presented ..--- !ling Auxiliary D jaws- Street
with life .mentherShips le the Vatricia A n n e Manila.. Shirley A•mittarie 11 a u gh, United. Church nn Monday
Women's Miesionary :Societe be .datighter of 'Mr; and Mr. Rasa .daughter of "Mr. And Mr. Wits was .voted to provide four
Mr. -George Jaques at .the Marshall, Kirlan, And ;Robert tame
the bride or Ray Van arid te. bring ill articles for a
Wary or NS a 1 n St. Ilni•ted Mr. aed Mrs. .Clarenee 'Down. Dorsselaer, on Of Mr, And' layette to the •nerst meeting,
,church on Thursday .afternoon. 11R 1. HenSall .PXC.hanged mar• Mrs. Peter Van DorSether, •for a. WMS 'hospital in nerthern.
Sire. Bussell was thetalled as riage vows ,in Ralston United art 1. Hay, in a ceremony per- Cnada.
president for Del: honorary Church before •as background of formed by • Rey. Gerald Schelth Mrs. Hector MUM die-
(leorge baskets of while glade Arid in First Lotheren Church, La- eeesed the :aerie, "work elgkes
presidents are Mrs.
Winter weddings jamas st- .9m:4P Prayer dy
approves relief
Down. ar4 a ()gar) At the meeting of the five -
Mrs, Willis Powell end Mrs
Layton and airs. R. S. Hillet pinle mums, ferns and candles, gan Township on Saturday Ise's. °nee dealing with work
vice.presidents, Mrs. B. W. on Saturday, February 4 at Nary 4 at 3 pan. camps. Miss Meta Salter teld
TnekeY, Mrs. Fa R. Hopper; re- 12 o'clock noon. ror her marriage the bride Of the lire of Dr. Ide Scudder
cording secretary, Mrs. E. R. elev. T. Elliat Performed wore a royal blue Pure silk Vellore,
veiled the Rro,gralli, led in the
G. A. Hawkins; assistant, Nine. vided the wedding in usl.c. And pompOm
P ancl Mee Fred street -length sheath with* ear- mrs pook, , who. vow
Hopper; assistant, Mrs. eleY the ceremmes
MerkleY; WA treasurer, Mrs. switzer. AR 1, St, Marys, pro, sago or red roses and white
R. . a.
worship aersece • assisted bY
Eugene Howey: AVMS treas" accompanied the s 1 art s s, Attending the bride as ma. mrs, Ralph Bailey and Mrs,
M. B. W. F. Btavers; Mossrs. Beg and Gerald Paul, troll of honor Mrs alter Jernee .Kirkland, Mrs. A.
°' Skit highlights
- d v ar- • 1 dth • olo • •
Friday. Feb,1t
Mrs. Arthur Stundle and he8-
.01114p :presented a ,skit "1,414
g,et mi with it'' in which Mak
next trloay r. roOleY", Mr$,. •
Mrs. Stan Love and Mis.
liam K r k participated,
„ .
Mrs. Woven Brock assisted ie
the devotional .anst Ma, A. O. '
Elliot revered With solo AC^
vompanied by Mrs. Andrew
The World'Day or Prayer
the woman of :all attaches,
towit will hoid this year
in :James Street United Church
,on Friday, February 17 at 2.34
instead or 3 p.m. As in
former years,
f the service is
The theme- 0- ee the Ags,
vorward. Ihrelesel „ Mr 11
Van Farowe will be 'the guest
A :service- :thr girls and :young
women will he had at 7.80 in
the sane churein
s'ang ' Love Rader, RR 1 Dashwoo , e Ell t favoiec
corresponding secretary, Mrs. Kirkton.
IN Oil 11411 gp et • held Friday, Febrgary 17 at
f tj the bride for,her Eimer '11. , 1 NA- 0,30 in Jams street aura,.
Mrs A .1, Sweitzer, Mrs.
30 a
George Jaques; pianists, Mrs, yee Tru
Ly" "d "The Wed"' ing a gold 114. fie (11°r•°t11'.et* it was announced that the
Frank Wildfong Mrs. M. Grain• ding prayer:. length sheath with corsage of World Day of ,Prayer would he
ger; parsonage', Mrs, Russell, , in b h :brow mums
Mrs. R. Beavers, We. B. Tux- wedding a choses4ee.iength
'd 1 b, ,g07 wood, was %eel; man.
Hopper, Mrs.. Roy Webber;
of white rt. a If= e wits A wedding reeeption was
key, Sirs.Oscae Tuckey.
Canadian radio shoNvs, Assignment brings listeners a and Ince. Mrs.eil 7i.urr0aksv,; stYled with thtsleevee
After a honeymoon spent at
Imre, es, and rounded neckline. A cero-
program of interviews, music, news and weather ill, Christian stewardship, Niagara Falls the coeple. are
key, Mrs. W. Wright; -commie, veil of nylon net, She carried
ton, was maid o' honor for her Plan Caven
M. Grainger; lunch; mrs. ee, Miss Marilyn Marshall, Kirk.
By MRS, J. M. S.S. Hilts, inelaned the sister wearing similar -styled
Murra Y.
fOrIna11411 every week -night, Monday to Friday, Beavers, Mrs. G. Hawkins, nsteotileo; hseeiedd hPerea. rsItiVidnedr.(0•14utel;
benevolent fund, Mrs. B. 'rue- wood.
making their hon
- • se in Dash-
• • • . a crescent bouquet of Better
rate' friendship, Airs. Glen Ale
Knight; press reporter, eirs. Time roseS and stephanoti,
officers. dress to the bride in blue bro• centennial
Teacher gives
nursery advice
At the met ling of the Wein-
en's Federation Of Math Street
iJttitd Cherch Monday night
Mrs. R. 3), 'lame of the
Exeter Pitheic School. staff was
the. guest speaker giving sug.
percy merkley led the eade with re Se sleeves,
hi e Al th meeting Coven Con- gestions for 'rttertainirig the
'Flus la the riSenth when roses 1,4 cup cold water A film was show 'The World brocade ribbon and blue net gregational Circle flues as
was groomsman And Alan Den- asked for any infermation that
rs d e o
ess.- .
ta recording II -latching piec
. I•.• • devotional on 8 fir
ti nursery during
children of n r
dea‘lybrisionflarspeTraiockdeyasiseicslt,eiecii theby .1,1'11;411in k Wiirefontg3t.lteisianlgangsuoalgoes
Mrs. Robert Turnbull and 'Mrs. 11.ed'retsilied"erlitnrigg.lisleiliilliain Hie -
William IiicKenzie. Mrs. Bruce gins conducted the business
Cann, Accompanied by Mrs, session,
are redder than usual. It seems 1/2 cup boiling water in a Word" showine how, as and carried A crescent or- • .
the Sunday 'service.
supper meeting
Members of the Woman's
Association of James Street
United Chitral held a pot luck
luncheon on Thersday :followed
by a business and devotional
Plans were made for the WA
anniversary to be held Sundae'.
May e8 \lith Rev. Clifford
Waite, London, a,s guest speak.
er and William Manning, also
of London, as soloist.
Mrs, Harvey Pollen, presi.
dent, gave a report of the visi-
Wain workshop held in lien-
sall, January ,e4. and also .an-
nowiced the World Day of
Prayer to be held in the church
to be human nature to want to Soak gelatin 111 cold water time goes on, all Christian wor. rangement of white carnations. evening at hs .borne of Mrs.
puSh the eeeeon ahead, esPe- and add bailing water to dis. kers. are working together. Allan Rundle, RR 3, Exeter .Hilton Laing members were
dayss when any bright sign of 3 cups tomato juice would he of leterest to the con-
ning, St r a throy, a Willie mi.
spring acts like a teeth on nthst 1 tbl chopped onion Marshall, ushered. tenniel committee prepares
malty the winter erey, eold Solve.
of ue. . It tp, celery seed
We are thankful for excuses 1 or 2 cloves or use clove
like St. Valentine's Day for in- powder
jetting some fun and light- 1 tp. salt
hearted sentiment into our liv. 2 tp lemon,juice
ing if it's merely a family meal Mix above ingredients, bring.
made festive with Valentine to boil and simmer 10 min.
decor or a red•ribboned jar of Strain and add gelatin. Place
jelly for our sick neighbor. , in mold to set.
We promised. the recipe for Spiced Nuts
the dessert served at the staff s Complimenting the mini wa-
hospital banquet by. the Worn- Pers at the banquet as the fin -
en's Auxiliary to South Huron ishing touch were spiced al.
Hospital and we feel it can be rnonds made by Mrs. J. G.
quite suitable for 4 Valentine Dunlop which were well liked,
dessert by Wing Valentine Sift together:
1/2 cup sugar
se cuse cornstarch
;4 tp. salt
2 tp cinnamon
Cake Dessert
s',. Mrs. Allen Fraser
1r 1 cup white sugar 1/2 tp allspice
(sifted) 1/3 tp nutmeg
• 1-314 cups flour, sifted and 1/3 tp.ginger
• 1/4 tp. salt desired.
More spices may be added if
1 tp. sada scourge of so many house
Sift all together three times. Beat slightly 1 egg white and plants—the winter draft.
Add 1 beateri egg and No. 2 2 tbl cold water. Here's what horticulturists
can fruit cocktail. Place in a •
Mix 1pound blanched al, with the Ontario Department of
8x10" greased pan. Teri with . moods in egg white; then in •
Agriculture say about propo.
one-half cup brown sugar and
the sifted mixture until well gation. First, take stein cut -
.one -half cup chopped nuts cookie sheet and bake in tings and root them in sand or
coated. Put in shallow pan or
mixed. slow oven until crisp and slight- •
a water. Special precautions if
I Bake it 350 degree oven for ly brown. using water include using long
44 minutes, (7-8 inches) cuttings and ret
top with whipped cream dotted A woman, who has one of the that they will •not, rot. .
!with cherries or valentine world's most unusual shopping Ayold strong li.ght -until the
hearts or red sugar, lists, started her eighth world cuttmgs have rooted. Once the
size roots have become established,
I .T11,xi.e an snakes a tour on Saturday to see where
• ' h t ut the contributions of Canadians PO
t . hi 11 in ordanic matter.
the plants in a soil mix -
A recephon was, held in the
vy plants church rooms decorated in
white and pink. The bride's
• Mother received in a navy
wool suit with black and white
. accessories and corsage of
English ivies have long been pink Delight roses. The
groom's mother chose a brown
recognized as one of the finer sheath jacket dress with brews"
house plant types. Their climb. and white accessories end
habits make then excel- sage of white carnations and
sent on trellises, in hanging
baskets, in bracket pots and in mums-
Serviteurs were Misses (Viers
window boxes. They have even
McKay Woodstock, IViarlene
gained favor when grown in
tion for the observance of fee
years of Cavers'e history in
Plans were made for a bake
sale to be held Saturday, Feb-
ruary D. in the library base,
ment. President Mts. Ken Mos
Laughlin conducted the bud-
This year the Circle is divided
into five groups with each
group responsible for two
Stone, Joan Earl, Mrs. Wslham ineetingS.
water: a very versatile plant,
Schaefer a n d Mrs, Robert Accordion selections were
given •hy Mrs, Kenneth Casein -
Some .varieties of English Marshall,
For a honeymoon to he spent belt, Mrs. Laing led in .the de -
ivy have small leaves, \visite in the .United States the bride wit:tonal,. Mrs. Graham. Mason
Jar e leaves. Both, i 1 k h ath and Mrs. Gerald, Lambe cell -
others have g
types are especially hardy. ehanged to a ) ae $ e ,
black and white accessories ducted games. Valentines were
They are resistant to all de- gardenia corsage. matched for lunch partners
green of hunlidity;. they with- and white.
On their return Mr. and Mrs. and assisting the hostess were
stand bigh temperatures as Down will reside on the groornes Mrs. McLanghlin, Mrs. G.
well as fluctuating temPera-ason and Mr. G. leasesone
tures; and they survive the farm, R.R. 1 iiensalle
To serve cut in squares and Women in the news moving the bottom leaves so
,ruce ic e.s lfl
'the cake — an 8x8 pan makes can do the most to ease human v,ra er
t 9uite frequently. They eS
the squares too thick. suffering.
Greenway group
aids nylons drive
to if 1011111111t1111111111111.11111,111111111111911111141M 'It 1,1lt I Int I 1111111411111M111111111111111111111111 1
The February meeting of the Victoria Hospital, Londen. •
WMS and WA of the United Mr. Harold Woodburn is a
Church was held. at the home patient in St. Joseph's Hos-
of Mrs. Jack Hutchinson evith pital, London, having under.
Mrs. Carman Woodburn in gone an. appendix operation.
charge of the worship and The CGIT of the, United
study book, taking the chapter Chutcle are holding a bazaar
"If 1 begins in the Horne", and tea in the Sunday Scheol
Tomato Aspic ' Dr. Latta Ilitschmanova, ex- do best in good light, but direct L S.Lawrence pts read the rooms on aturday at 2.30.
sunlight is not necessary. scripture.
, adish moved into their new ho4e
brought by Mrs. Robert South- told of her experiences to an Mr. and Mrs. Selbourne Ems -
Among the salads at the. ban- ecutive director of the Unita-
rian Service Committee, who It's a good idea to keep the Mrs. .1. Geromette
quet was a toniato aspic leaves free of dust; an °cos. reading on Christian Citizen- last week.
JAD McCurdy ama Yl.ing g ' 1
I ' in sl oulcl do the ship. Mrs. Bryden Taylor was
the United Church will held
The Berean Bible Olass of
cott. If molded in a heart chool last year, will take 100
saudience at the llatel appointed Citizenship convenor
shaped mold it would certain -in place of. Mrs. Arthur Bro. thek 'sleeting on Friday eve.
ty add color to a buffet table days to make her trip. aeeeseSeeee'4ieseee'aeSeeesee'eSengiesSeren phey, who has moved .to park. ning at ,the home of lir, and
aet. for Valeritine Day, Last year she bought a jeep
2 tbl. gelatine A in bulance for India. $2,240
essage from hill. Mrs, .Willis Steeper.
Mrs. H. 'Tarlton, tbe .supply
Inca for a disabled children's Centralia converter, read a letter of
worth. of psysiotherapy equi-
s e home in Korea arid 9,000
which had. been' collected and aven auxiliary
nYlon hos°, regardless g witnesses play
ass, •
thanks for the used nylon hose r
lace fertilizer pounds of sugar and macaroni By MRS. FRED BOWDBel sent to Japers. Anyone having
for an orphanage at Sevres,
with discretion
their condition, may give them
Supplies are also donated in- bee ,„„es;„„ to the WMS and these are sent .
Some house plants can be eluding much clothing which is -", --"'•
Miss Flossie Davey presided overseas to be used in un- At the meeting of the Gor-
grown in the same pot and shipped free of charge, Only for the program at the meet- ravelled thread and yarn for don E v en i n g Auxiliary of
the same soil for years. But this week one of ,eur local ing of the Wonsan's Associatiort many projects and also give Cavell Presbyterian church on
once ixi a while the soil loses group$ report colecting articles
in the schoolroom of the church work to Japanese women, Monday at the home of Mrs
that "semething extra" end for a layette to be sent to Uni- on Wednesday afternoon. Alex Meikle a play, "Girls MI
the plant shows deficiency tarian relief. A .piano solo was played by R was decided to buy flan- Be Gi„ris", was presented wit'
eymptorns — signs of an ex- elette for layettes and 'to bu i-
s. ., , ., .., ., . , . . . , Y Hodgins and a read- blankets for ' overseas relief. Mrs. inurray Cowerci and Mrs.
• hausted soil. ing was given by 'Mre. George The ladies were asked to Illeikle partieipating. e
Fertilize is the answer. A.I- Report ori DUDA. Mrs. Jack Essay and make donations to the CGIT The study period was taken
though indiscriminate applica- . Mrs. 0. Langford favored withPeggy McLaughlin and the
tion as worse than nothing at si, vocal duet. bazaar and tea ell Saturday, by
February 11 at A devotional by Donna Bridges.
ell: since a pot is small, a Shipka
for the price of
Brady Cleaners
I Phone 106 or 107 Exeter
• 4 4' 'A, altest ess
Nees a..se, seeee „
The toeic was given by "Mrs. Carolyn Sirriptan assisted the
very slight excess of fertilizer committee wag appointed to
Earl Heist
classroom, :floors m the Sunday emieztesesseedsseseeenteMeetSteSseeSww
able fome plants. Sturiting Rowel items
Mrs, Chas. Morton, of Mita School. The roll call was an- -
etini WA sees filnis
the hostess during the social hour,
can snake conditions intoler- eereiee 'eeseeiseies.:,..se•se see about covering for
ti f the Craig Ives a visitor 011 Satur. swered " How .1 have ire. Topic% from
aitd ------1 eath are spin e
Here are some suggestions Mrs. Jade "Satz Wednesday ter -in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Amos past month,
The March meeting will be
from L1' 1.1' of the on. last withEd Woods and Wright.
nursing, London, WaS a week. pert nal i
9 Fertilizers a p p 1 1 e d In, Mrs, William Love of Grand .Zild Mrs.Cooper "- Australia will be. Presented th
plaiits. Arthur Fiekbeiner.
visitor with her parents,
ISI, A travelogue of Europe, and
liquid form are best. Potass Bend presented films. The settr-ri and
United. Church ob.
sent s el ph a 1 e, poteesium PreSideeit, Wirt. Karl Guenther, 1- ell Y• ,
emoride, sodium nitrate and tortducted the business. with her brother
mrs. Arthur avicFalls visited GreenwaY
mrs George Tuesday evening, February 14
ammonium sulphate are used drs. Stuart Sweitzer and mep 11 • v• t'. • '/./ " ,i i by Mits Janet Fenfold, of
gallons of water. Ammonium the bestese were. in eharge of mrs. Ralph .Neely of i ()lido
Mtrate is used at the rate of thesocial hour, was a Sunday visitor with her
1 ounce per 5 gallons of *Ater. b,...,,,i if.,„, parent, Mr. and Mrs. Amos
menial fertilizers very etesely, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Clarke Wright Mrs. Wright was ad'
Folio% instructions for com- • ''—"'' '''''"
e If fertilizer is used in dry eiid Marlene were Wednesday 'nutted 10 the South Huren lios-
mee, pital on Sunday for treatment,
form, apply it , to a moist soil. visitors with Mr. and where she is still a patient.
f tili er that Harvey Smith et Otediton. alr Red Mrt Bay Paynter
("eased' by hig concentrations The February
of fertilizer salts in a soil. WA was held at the home of daY with her brother and sis. 'proved my mind during the:
ef Agricse. Mrs. Les Adams in eliarge of Miss Carol Mccerdy of the held at the home of Mrs. Ken
tario Departmeta
ture on how to fertilize house devotiort, assisted by Mrs. St. Joseph's Hospital school of Rock.
*t a. rate of 1 ounce per 2 Mrs, Ray Sweitzer assisted by tondaoris, °Inn suoincianyria °sPI• Australia, physiotherapist at
Saturday evening visitors whit
Mr. and Mrs. Fred :Bowden.
The World :Day of Prayer
will be observed in the United
Church oe Friday evening,
February 17 at 8 o'clock. This
tervice. iS for the ladies ei
• Remove any er
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Scott
' • of Kirltion were the community,
Adheres to le ea v .
4 Never fertilize more offett and, •Michael, of Lotdoe. visit- .
than every 2 Or 3 weeks. ed Sunday with M. and Mrs,
e Fertilize wheel the lata z, jean And Fail
has become established — pJack rtAtnot Mr, John vert,. of TO- MARG BraNTNELL, PROPRIETRESS
beret', road, w5a weekend visitor
. The tm
ecomended &make with his mother, Mrs. E. Lem, Of the
for dry lertiliter (5404) is port, and brother, Mr. T. Lam-
mended), garten vititect 'Sunday with Mr, 1.L.ine. 13eauty Salon
0,),„,14 teaspoon to a 5-inel poet. ,. e / 4,t, e
pot (unites otherwise redoin. Mr. And Sire. Chris Baum- H
• Hones plant oweere should and Mes. -Charlet Brown. At ENTRALIA
concern themselves with tatty Bothwell,
the ee three toad regniremente Mr. acid Mrs. Howerd Clarke.
—nitecigeti, phosphorus and po- ,and Marlene visited on Sun- h lust returned fromthe,
tassiumi tither elements Art day with Mr. and Mrs. Bob
only minor And seldom enter Tindall and, fatally at Sairits• -,,:
into the house -plant memo.. bum, "Pegtivat of
ejtglifillitsf(tttlyttrtlillnillIttlUiillomY011111100infifif ffVflittlettft.mittyytmimult011/0,0ffilvt,PitVilifillrfr,,, , .,„, _
Isedlet—feew b +he tins* le 1014 IS your
ufiful tdme, Retie, Marty Coltires W6111616 Mal 1
letaie•Weerine, 1
Cense lit And Set thud today-,
t.usTom. wtAvto • 1.•
s Nerth tkefer • Phan* 16.1 •
s 1111ft11(1111iMi
whets tlem6fistra.tiohs were
held en the
Personal items
Sunday visitors with mr, and
Mrs. Limed Webber were Mr.
acid Mrs. Orville Webber and
Freddie, Mr. William Webber
of ThemeRoad
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Rab -
rue of Terento, Miss Attila
stoutly nI Simcoe And Mr, Don
Willeox of Xitchener spent ,the
weekend with Mr, AM Mrs.
Mrs. Wrn Routly visitedon
• Monday with Mrs, James Sin-
clair of London.
Insurance, mann gt.1 "tut
look here, you've just writtaii
A policy an A dentate:OW"
Ilittleatiet agent: "Wily nol?
our statistics show Piet mac-
UcatlY behOdY dies, gleetoo,"
Yr ppo ti 1tz PhOne , •
•M1661. •
We have a new line of Permanent Waves
that we think are grtat
BUT . .
Itttttt!tt,n . ,
Beauty Salon
429 MAIN *T. PHONE 147
HairciatA 20(12
• Penne • Treatments
Monday to Saturday, 9,5
Tuesday & Thursday Evenings
Berbera Roth, Operator
We Want Your Opinion
Introductory Offer.
February 13 to.March 31
$15,00 OIM5 FOR SULU
$1000 PERMS .FOR $ 7,00
Perm S For All Schoolgirls . 6.00
Mary LOU Hyde Marion Belling
409 MAIN ST. 2,',XETER, PHONE 658
Open; Monday to Friday, 9-6; Saturday o-12;
Tuesday and Thursday Evenings
6 to 9 pan, only
Aunt Jemiroa Pancake Mix
varieties) plus
10A Table Syrup. 16.0X,
oTH rem 59g
7 for S1
16 -ounce . 4 for 11
with Bet Hive Cern Syrup
. 330
with Rose Breed & Sutter
Pickles, 16 -oz. 330
with Habitant Pea Soup
28.oz. . 4 for 690 '
;vitt) Kraft Ghost Whit
16 -oz, . 570
WIENERS lb. 450
Breaded Cooked
Phone 974
Free Delivery
Free] Made Prase:Hi new'.
evaporated milk recipe
booklet, "Seuces—sweet
and sour", Write today!
409 Hurori SOW, 'Toronto
JO5T DO THAT' sVotittY remei
uee Peva
eereev, MfO. WINSON,
• s,
if& ,.ilt
AefttanYs Meletaltie khows, *Mk ii 1f Ateehe Vender,
0140174 bahy to titerr061 eVeryone ilitt lavas uta refrishintl•
MM. 331 Daily Delivery