HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-02-09, Page 11or • atenttnel.s d ranya a I CLASSIFIED RATES FOR SALE— 22 Wends ,85 Epch Additional Word le (Minim= 8rict 20c •Off 11 Paid by Saterday following last insertion. • Second Insertion 21/2 Per; WieRie (Minitutim 550) Insertions • .2c PER Wc.,Ro (Minimum 45e) Semi -Display Classifieds (Restricted to One Column) First Insertion—Per „MAO Second Insertion—Per Inch $1,25 elinimem one inch, accepted only in multiples of ea inch, FOR SALE— WELLINGTON •CARPETS are good, carpets. Our prices on rugs and carpets are sure to please. Sandy Elliot, 444. Main St. 19:26:2:9e OFFICE EQUIPMENT — Head- qearters for Royal typewriters, Victor adding machines. We can save you money: Exeter Thries-Advocate, phone 770, 27tfc DIAMOND. R IN G, valuable. Will accePt, . hest cash offer. Phone AC 8-6879, 9e OVERCOAT, genuine Royal Pace, medium size, good con- dition, •price right, at Bert's Snack Bar; Hensel 26:2,:ec SINGER ELECTRIC sewing machine, runs like new, zig- zags, darns, mends, etc. All attachments and under guar- antee, payments of $5 monthly or pay full price of $45. Reply to M. Elliott, % Box SM, Times -Advocate, Exeter. 2;9* • VIKING ELECTRIC SEPARATORS MILKING MACHINES See your authorized dealer for repairs and salts. BASIL O'ROURKE Brucefield IThone 9131 Clinton 2:9-3:23eowe ELLIOT FOR ELECTRIC — Bulbs, lamps, radios, TV, re- frigerators, .ranges, wringer washers, automatic washers and dryers. Live better elec- trically and better still when You buy your :electric apple ances from Sandy Elliot, 444 Main St. 2:2tfnc AS LONG AGO as you can re- member, Kelvinator refrigera- tors. were .good refrigerators, Baetz Bres. and Farquharson Gifford made good furniture and , Simmons mattresses were good mattresses. We have all of ' these lines and. we sell mattresses from $10.00 each to $195.00 each and we sell lots of them. Be sure to see our .mattresses. We do our own financing and give discount for cash. Sandy Elliot, 444 Main St., phone 476. 2:2 tfnc Magazine Buys SATURDAY EVENING POST 37 Issues $2.97 e2 Issues LADIES HOME JOURNAL 22 .Months $3.85 30 ,Months $5.25 • THE TIMES -ADVOCATE ' Phone 770 Exeter i WANTED, SERVICES,,, . . , SEE THE NEW Rogers MaJes- I tic Tecumseh 24" conSole tele- vision. Hero is real value in the• mediem-priced television range. This inodel has the euper-short 23" picture tube with the safety screen bonded directly to the face. It elimin-1 ates double -image glare and al) dust problems, Smart -ultra eabinet. styling, Liberal trade-in eiloWance. $ee it at Sandy Elliot's, 444 Main St. Oc BEACH SPACE SAVER 22" Seven beat switches, oven will accommodate 25 11), roast, one giant and three regular size elements, utility drawer, only $149.00 at TRAQUAIR HARDWARE 9c I MANY PEOPLE have found !Sandy Elliot's a good place to i buy good furniture, mattresses and appliances, 44 Main St 9c WEANLING PIGS—Apply Jake Hovius, RR 2 Hansen, phone 71r1 Zurich, 9c USED BATH TUB, 41/2 It; also used toilet. Apply •30 Sanders St. 9c GRO-GOLD granulated fertil- izer supplied in bats at hig savings to you under Plan No. 2. Cann's MW Ltd, 9c SHUR GAIN I3ULK Fertilizer —Save $5.00 per ton picked up at our Exeter bulk station. Cann's Mill Ltd. 9c WANTED Used Cars and Trucks for wrecking. Parts sold reasonable. Tires, tubes, reds, generators, trans- missions and motors. McSTEPHEN AUTO WRECKERS B1 i C1ED1TON Phone AC 8-6214 tic ;MANURE—Will remove from 'barn or yard. Phone Charles Dalton, 1J5,, or ,Tack Cook, 8J2, Collect, Thedford, 2:2-3:9* HOUSE, 2- or 3 -bedroom, in Exeter, Phone 461 or 777, Ed Burke. 9:16e 'WANTED TO BUY --- Bruce Refrigeration SALES AND 'SERVICE PHONE 224 ORAN') BEND 12:17tfc ANYONE wishing whitewash- ing or disinfecting barns for brucellosis, contact Bill Wat- son, phone 37r19 Daeliwooci. 3:17anc FILTER QUEEN sales and service. Repairs to all makes of vacuum cleaners. Used vacuum cleaners of all makes for sale, Bob Peck, Pilule Heil- ' sail 696r2, 11:24-12:294fc INSTALLATIONS on sept c tanks an ra nag SANITATION SERVICE ddi e GOOD HARD MAPLE, stand- ing, Cash before logs cut, Complete appraisal. State Lot, Con„ Township. Write Iry Cowan, Exeter, phone 10, 1:10-223* CREAM SEPARATOR, good, large size, Apply Gerald Love, t phone 36r14 Grand Bend, 9c BABY CHICKS—, BE READY, markets improv- ing, order started pullets, prompt shipment, several vari- eties available. Ames In -Cross pullets, dual purpose, dayolds, to order, May broilers, order now. Br ay Hatchery, Erie Carscadden, Exeter, phone 246W, ADMIRAL UPRIGHT FOR RENT— Holds 392 lbs. frozen food, 3 double. grid freezing shelves, 5 year food protection and power unit warranty. One only, at special price • TRAQUAIR HARDWARE 9c ELECTRIC MOTOR, Wagner, 3 h.p., single phase with 2 double V pulleys, relay swtich, fuse box, 45 ft. 220 wire, like new, $190.00; Champion grain grinder and pulley, $50.00' In- ternational 4E hammer mill with 2 screens, $125.00. Alex Macintosh, Clandeboye, phone BA. 7-4598. 9:16c ADMIRAL TELEVISION Table model, front speaker, front controls, 1961 model. One only, at special price of $229.95, at TRAQUAIR HARDWARE 9c CATTLE -12 Holstein heifers, vaccinated, due to .freshen in 2 weeks. Apply to Harvey Tay- lor, Brucefield, phone Clinton HU 2-9968. 9:16e FARM DISINFECTANTS — Guard against hog cholera, mastitis, Carbonal disinfectant, Middleton's Drugs (successor to Johnston's), phone 447 Ex- eter, 9c QUANTITY OF BALED tim- othy and alfalfa hay: also old model chain saw. Apply Don- ald Kernick, Kirkton, phone 54r6. 9* Seed Grain We are now taking orders for Seed Grain with grades Canada Reg. No. 1, Canada Cert, No. 1, or Canada No. 1 available in Garry, Rodney, Fundy, Shield, Simcoe, Clint - land oats, York, Herta, Brant, Parkland barley and Selkirk spring wheat. Treated in new bags, ready to sow. Order now for spung delivery. Liberal cash and quantity discounts. We will also have a full line 19:26c of recommended clovers and grasses for hay or pasture NEEDSOME BARRELS or Mixes - steel drums with removable lid for feeding or hauling water? We have ethem. Just phone Granton 72r7. PANEL TRUCK, Volkswagen, in good condition, snow tires, Phone Exeter 723 or Dashwood 38r20,` evenings. 2:2tfnc COB CORN — Good, dry 'Kent County corn, by, load. Phone 1J5, Charles Dalton, or 8J2, Jaelt Cook, collect, Thedford. 2;916:23:29* Acetate SHEET PROTECTORS recited those sheets in your 81/2 x 11 binders HALF PRICE' 2 Or 250. THE TIMES -ADVOCATE BABY CARRIAGE, in gnbd condition, $20; also Scientific baby exereiser, like new, $6. Phone Credito e 33, 9e FOR 'BETTER HEALTH, te- lio frern Arthritis and nervous tenon, irink live Vegetable and fruit juices made by new Jetoma tic juicer. Box 225, Grend Bend, Ont., phone 89. 2:2-3:9* "Sem/ with Confidence" "Harvest with Pride" EXETER. CO-OP Phone 187 Exeter 9c 4 CABINS, 8'x16', good roof, asbestos siding, hydro wired. Each cabin has bed and' light housekeeping facilities, Ideal .for seasonal wOrkers, brooder Septic tank pumping and drainage repairs. BILL FINCH Phone 205 Grand Bend 15:22:29*tfc SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED — immediate service, always available. Butler Bros, Luean, phone BA 7-4254 or BA 7-4312 collect 8:4tfne Dead or Diseased Trees? We specialize in cutting and removal of trees. EXETER — Older home, com- , pletely remodelled from base - M, L. McINTYRE ;molt to attic. Contains mud Phone Exeter 309-J ,room, kitchen, family room, dining room, living room, 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, at- ) • REAL Call JB At 863 EXETER — 3 unit apartment house. Gross rental income $165.00 per month, $2,500 down will handle, EXETER — 2 -bedroom house on corner lot et Main Street. Full basement, oil heat. EXETER — 13 acres of land within town limits, 3 -bedroom house and poultry barn, recent- ly remodelled, Some terms, EXETE14—$50.00 DOWN WILL BUY YOU A 76' BUILDING LOT, WITH GOOD CREDIT RATING WE CAN GIVE CLEAR TITLE, BALANCE $25 PER MONTH, e:14,!:•• ea*:e APARTMENT, all modern con- 6:1EInc venienees, hot water heating, attractive, comp e c ivacy, bathroom, laundry, garage; available immediately. William Oestricher phone 12J Crediton. • 11:24 tine • 3- ROOM APARTMENT, fur- nished,' with 4 -piece bath, auto- matic oil furnace, separate entrance. No pets please. Ap- ply 169 William St. or phone 400W evenings, 12:8*tfnc APART MENT, unfurnished, suitable for couple or couple with one child. Available March 1. Simmons Apartments phone 879W, after 5 p.m. 2:2tfnc I APARTMENT furnished, 2- ment, centre uratic washer able, heated, etcr, — Modern, un - bedroom apart - location, auto - and dryer avail - Phone .710 Ex- 2:9tic CATTLE SPRAYING — Anyone wishing their cattle sprayed for lice, call Bill Watson, phone 37r19 Dashwood. 12.811c SPRAYING — Anyone wishing to have their barns sprayed for brucellosis or cattle spray- ed for lice, call Hubert Cooper 599J3 Exeter, 10:13-11:24*tfne I AM CLEANING and whitc. washing barns for brucellosis. Anyone interested, phone Ailsa Craig 104, collect, Roland Neil, 10:20tfnc FURNITURE REFINISHING ANTIQUE REPAIRING 1 GENERAL REPAIRING to Lamps, Clocks, Appliances, etc. Your business and patronage will be appreciated. APARTMENT, unfurnished. Ap- ply 16 John St.,phone 202, ) Godbolt Apartments. 2:2tfnc COZY APARTMENT, bright,. furnished and heated, private entrance, .s ta b 1 e for two. Phone 61R. WARTIME BUNGALOW, 2 blocks from downtown Exeter. Nice location. $60 a menth. Write occupation, etc. to Box ENS, Exeter Times -Advocate. 2:9tfc APARTMENT, unfurnished, 5 rooms, heat and hot water sup- plied, Apply Penhale apart- ments, 70 John St. East. 2:9tfc HOUSE, 3 bedrooms, large living room, kitchen, den, 3 - piece bath, oil furnace. Apply to Harold Finkbeiner, Shipka, phone 164r5 Dashwood. 9* APARTMENT, 3 -room, heated, ihot arid cold water, unfurnish- ed $35.00, furnished, $40.00 per I month, Available on or before March 1. Phone Crediton 98. 9c APARTMENT upstairs, fur- nished, heated, 3 -piece bath, hot water provided. Apply in person at 59 John St. East. 9c APARTMENT, 4 -room, ground piece bath, separate entrance, Available March 15. 243 Huron St. West, phone 661. floor, unfurnished, heated, 3 - HELP WANTED (Female) STENOGRAPHER —, Apply in writing to Box SPL, Exeter Times -Advocate. 2:2tfc Waterloo Cattle JACK FULCHER 457 Edward St, 5., Exeter Phone 225 PO Box 225 12:19:26:2c 85 Per annum interest paid month- ly on 'fully secured 360 day col- lateral trust notes. Securities, !lodged with a nationally estab- ,lished Trust Co Your money back at any tinie on 30 day written notice. Tax advantage. Come in, write or phone SUITE 212 195 Dundas St., London, Ont. GE 9-6141 19:26:2:9c • ELECTROLUX sales and ser- vice. Bert Harris, 109 New- gate St., Goderich, phone JA 4-7917. 8:15:22:291fc ACHESON'S dead stock service pays highest cash prices for dead, old, sick • or disabled horses and cattle. Phone Long Distance Atwood Zenith 34900 (no cost to you). Seven-day service. 10:6-3:30 FOR PROMPT SERVICE for dead or disabled anim,als. Any- thing over 300 lbs,, we pay the phone call. Sdven days a week service. one Ed Andrews, $51r11 Seaforth. Truck licensed under Dead Stock Disposal Act, License No. 42C60. 12:8-2:23" The Timee- dvecate, Fehruory 9, 196 Pep 11 sweeter' bt,y "REAL ESTATE— Wilfred Mcintee Broker Listings Wanted On Farms, Homes, Businesses and Summer Properties, For the buyer we offer; HARDWARE, plumbing And heating business, 2 -storey brick building. Excellent, potential for right party, •200 ACRE FARM — On peved county road, 25 acres of hush, new stabling with stantions and litter carrier, large hen house, drive shed and garage. • Brick home with 4 bedrooms; also good frame second house, REMODELLED and redecor- ated 2 -storey frame home, 4 bedrooms, dining room and ;recreation room, new oil fur- nace and water softener; cozy ihome and well -kept property. 150 ACRE GRASS FARM in Tockersmith township. 125 ACRES near Belgrave, good buildings. I -‘ 1GLNERAL STORE with at- tached living quarters, doing a large volume of business. RESTAURANT with 2 gas pumps, a real money-maker. For further details and other listings call JACK FULCHER Phone 225 457 Edward S. Exeter Local Representative for WILFRED McINTEE - Realtor WALKERTON, Ontario • 6 Offices and, 25 Salesmen to serve you. 1:12tinc tame(1 garage, 1 acre of 1 and, CREDITON — 5 acres of land, a new house and a new barn. Priced at $9,500 with some terms. CENTRALIA — Completely re- modelled home and fenced all around. Modern kitchen, living room, dining room, sun porch, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, gar- age- down payment. 200 ACRE dairy farm, north of No. 83 highway. Large brick house, good barn, and drive shed. Abundant water supply. Buildings in excellent repair and land is well tiled. Terms, 200 ACRE FARM north of Hensel'. Two houses, 2 barns and good water supply, Equip- ped for dairy cattle and has gond og pens.'Terms. For property hi Grand Bend aree — contact Tony Rivers, Salesman, at telephone 41. John Burke fecal Estate Broker General Insurance 534 Main Strut EXETER, ONTARIO Phone 863 HOUSE, 3 bedrooms, -modern conveniencee, 11/2 miles west of Kiepen, on county road; 1 available February 6. Apply John Anderson, phone 675r14 Hensel]. 2:9*, 100 ACRE FARM, near 84 Highway, house with running water, kitchen cupboards and furnace; good barn and im- plement shed and an abundant water supply. Apply to Clifford Weido, RR 2 Herisall. 2:9:16c part-time weitress; Able to do wanted foe kitchen work, also Breeding RELIABLE' girl or woman some short order cooking, Good wages for right party. No phone calls, please. Call in person or write Rether's Res- taurant. 9c house or tool shed. Price $160 I each, Purchaser must remove from preseet premises at 41. Woodward Ave., Grand Bend, Phone 47r13 Grand Bend for appointment. 916c 1 TON STAKE TRUCK, 1951 Chtv. This 'thick is in Al shape. Motor, brake, body, tire and new paint, See at E. L. Chaffe & Son, RR 1 Cent- ralia, corner No, 4 Highway and Crediton Road, phone AC e-6641, • 9* , VON CALLING HELP WANTRD (Male)— !NEED MAN' for established !route Watkins Products. Be in- dependent, No experience necessary. Fell or part time, Write J. Gauthier, 350 St, Roch Street, Montreal, Dile. 2:9:1623c BUS. OPPORTUNITIES—, WRECKING 1954 Plymouth Bel Air, All parts availabfe, Ai - ply John liedgiris, RR 1 Cent - retie, or phone AC 8-6261, 90 PIGS, good weeeers; 200 beteg of bay. Apply Peter ViSscher or phone 81r11 Dashwood, OIL BURNING Fess space heater; ell burning range 10 used Weehieg rnhinct (ell peitee);• •need refrigerators, range.% edeotire :suites, ettidie coach and chrome sets. Good value, Sandy Billet, pheee 47S, 'Oe 12 HOLSTEIN HEWERS, ..Vat. ciebted, bred Reeeferd, (!iciti Apply John Bermidten, Kirkton,nt Highwey 'Mita beg ef Fetimile, 'Phone plat, 211'4. 0:10:2Oe . . I SINGLE MILKERS, neCor. iniek, With punt p eiffeliiie, to Williahi Vttltch, Ailsa Crig AVON. offers an excellent earn- ing opportunity for housewives. We have a part-time if -Moe -fel plan to help you. Reliable, neat appearing Mothers of etheol. age children can qualify, No experience necessary. Openings in Huron and Perth tountiei, WRITE MI“ Mb$HElti Manager, PO Box NO, 80, OWEN SOUND, stating telephone number. MAN WANTED: Good opening, Sell Rawleigh Petiducte, Tear' round Adad' wen, good Pee - fife, Write ti,o‘Yielgit, Dent. 14. )1102-137i 4005 Rieheliell, Mont., , real. 901 Association "WHERE BETTER BULLS ARE USED" Farmer owned and eontrolled Service et cosi Choice of bull and breed • • I Our artificial breeding service '11 h,1n vniin 5re 'efficient liv'eStock operetion ) For service tit more information call: MANTON ZENITH 9-5050 Better Cettle For Better Living FOR. TAXI SERVICE, phone Centralia AC 8-6812, !Earl's Taxi, after 2 0,111„ Monday to Friday; Saturday end Sunday, 11.1,6 a ay service. 1:20-3:2c Silo Contractor ,Contrete Silos built 411Y height, Ver 'cOlitact ARNOLD HUGILL ;92 Catithria ttd, Gontitimt Phorie Collect ,laekson 4343/ 26:2:9:16:23* DRESSMAKING — tr ee, alteretions, eft. Wedding and evening gowns. Mrs, C. Aul- iina, phone :312, EXeter. 0:1,6:284, S. M. Emery REAL ESTATE BROKER PARKHILL AX 4-5861 FARMS 133 ACRES choice land, 65 acres fall plowed, barn 46'x70', four-bedroom brick house, new furnace, spring well house and barn, hen house, implement shed, 21/2 miles north of Dash- wood. 125 . ACRES gond land, hare 40'x90', hen house, implement shed, deep well, brick house with all conveniencee, 85 acres plowed for spring crop, 1 mile. from separate school. and church, Mt. Cannel. 300 ACRES, 200 acres machine tiled, on paved highway, Ailsa Craig district, 40 acres wheat, 85 ares plowed, 50 acres In hay, balarme in vesture, three barns allnew roofs, 45' ce silo; two-family brick house. $5,300 nment This is choice sandy And black sOti land, PERSONAL I,EILD, RUNDOWN? Ostrex Ton- ic Tablets help "pep -up" thou -i 'Sands of men, women past 40, !Only 6,90, At all druggists, 90n INOTICES — • ALL FARMERS shipping cat - tie for UFO, contact either Ilill Green. 319J; Exeter Co-op, 287; ' R. Williarne, 44r9 Kirkton, We ship every Monday. 946* NOTICES TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Charles Edward Tyckey, deceased, All persons having claims against the estate of Charles EdwardTuckey, late of the • Township of Usborne, in the County of Huron, Gentleirian, who died on or about the 8th day of January 1961, are re- quire(' to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 11 day of February 1901, after which date the estate wil be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton AUCTION SALE •Of High Grace Hetiefieirl • Heifers At Lot 5, Concession •3, STANLEY TOWNSHIP, V4 inileS4 oorthend1:4 Milee west of Kippen, on TUESDAY, E ORUARY 14 t 1:00 r,m 40 first calf 'Holstein heifers, due to freshen from time of sale to middle of March; all vaccinated and blood -tested. Sale will be held under cover. TERMS; Cash. ALEX MeBEATH, Prop. HAROLD JACKSON, Auct. Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Farm, Farm Stock and Machinery Al Lot 28, Concession 6, HAY TOWNSHIP, V: Mile South of Hillsgreen on Parr Line TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21 at 1:00 porn Solicitors for the Executors, CATTLE: 18 Holstein caws Exeter, Ont, and heifers, first and second 26:2:9c calves, 4 fresh, remainder due in Feb. and March; Jersey cow, carrying third calf; 2 Year-old Holstein heifers: 4 Young calves, All cattle blood - tested.' HORSES: 1 Pinto pony. All persons having claims PIGS: 2 York saws with against the estate of Annie pigs, Maria Abbott, late of the Town of ! POULTRY: son DeKalb hem, of Exeter, in the County ; ke Huron, Widow, who died year old800 Hybrid chic - day of Decem:l on or I ns, Red Sussex, Honegar, te In the Estate of Annie Maria Abbott, . deceased. about h5th C V PICKARD igrrtig61:6aroef a•a REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE LOW CASH PAYMENT will give you comfortable home. Modern kitchen and bathroom and oil -burning furnace. Total price is very reasonable. Your chance to own a home without high payments. GOOD BRICK HOUSE -3 sepa- rate apartments, newly reno- vated, central heating, sepa- rate bathrooms and entrances, completely occupied. Total price $8,500.00 with terms. In- come $160.00 per month. Let us give you the detail e on this property. WELL LOCATED 100 acres with complete set of buildings. Land in good condition with gondacreageof ploughing. Close to village and sehool. Reasonable price. Terms. Other properties for sale. hatchedMA C HaINc'ElRY: Allis Chal- is.eacgeirewdititio Bellle , & Laughton, solicitors of Ex- mers D14- tractor with power eter, Ontario, by the 25th day take -off (new); 3 -furrow mount - of February 1961, after which ed plow; heavy duty 10•ft. out- date the estate will be distri- tivator; chains and beat hous- loated having regard only to er; McCormick power drill, 15 - those claims of which • notice run; 66 Allis Chalmers corn - has been received. , bine, fully equipped; front I mounted 8 -ft. swather (like Bell & Laughton I new); New Idea tractor man - lure spreader (like new); 3 - Solicitors for the Executors, section drag harrows; Otaco Exeter, Ontario. 9:16123e bination grain box and hay rubber -tired wagon; 16 -ft. com- irack; 2 -wheel trailer; Gehl ' hammer mill with endless belt (like new); 3 -drum steel roller: 2 iron gates; 36 -ft. Cardinal bale elevator; Bush Hog rotary hay or pasture cutter; Woods milkin g. machine, 2 single Alt persons having claims units; milk pails; electric grain against the estate of John'? cooker; water tank; rubber - Gibbs Yelland, late of the tired wheelbarrow; large feed Town of Exeter, in the County , on or ,about the 31st day of , ex elision ladder; rubber -tired In the Estate of • John Gibbs Yelland, deceased. of Huron, Gentleman, who died. g orgrain; • -t. ' are requited ,buggy; 1,000 -lb. sea est quari- December 1960, to file- particulars •of- same with titYeenc offlurb2e0rand tesn tank; Bell & Laughter:, solicitors of snow antity of ; 200 -gal. gas a3-.-bolony If you wish to buy or sell see Exeter, Ontario, by the 25th C. V. PICKARD, REALTOR ofre brlary1r1, after geses; 2 oil heaters: which ltr; asher;etie 394 Main St., Exeter Phones 165 and 628 2:9tfc Handsome New Home in Exeter FULL PRICE: $16,800 Terms ca.n be arranged This attractive, well-built brick bedrooms, living room (wall- to-wall broadloom), kitchen, dining area, bath, full base- treenl, oil hot water heating, attached garage, co in pletely , decorated, An excellent buy. egg poultry equipment, ideisttrhiebsueteedieihzinegf ‘rvhegieahrdeeotnielye HAY & GRAIN: Quantity of mixed baled hay; 800 bushels mixed grain, FARM: At the same place, Solicitors for the Executor, at 3:00 pm., the farm will be Exeter, Ontario. offered for sale, consisting of e:15:23a 100 acres, good clay loam land. all workable: L-shaped barn; house with all -modern conven- iences, on county road; im- mediate possession. One of the better farms in Hay township, also in bean area. 10'. down. balance in 30 days: Sold sub. ject to reserve bid. Furniture and Misc. Items has been received. Bell & Laughton, AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Of Household Goods, of the late Frank Wickwire, Corner of No. 4 Highway and the Crediton Road, 21/2 miles south of Exeter, will be held SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11 at the hour of 130 p m At the same time and place there will be offered for sale SMALL BARN AND SHED , to be removed on or before April 1, 1961. Among the articles to be sold are genuine antiques and a Heintzm a n pieno, cabinet, grand; and 4-butmer stove. ) TERMS: Cash. Estate of Frank Wickwire, WILLIAM H. SMITH, • • • • FULL PRICE Terms can be arranged. Newly. 'redecorated insul.brick home SEVERAL GOOD HOMES in oh Wililaili 81., 3 heclroorns, Parkhill, vrid kitchen, living room, bath. Aolder pried from $2,500 to $9,500, choice Itieatiorie, LONG TeSTABL1S1-tE,D general store on 81 Highway, north of Parkhill equipment, etock living -quarters, two acres land—teal buy, Tic FOR SALT OR RENT — In 0-rooin brick house, , S.nitte bath, het We - ter„ Tering can be arranged, Inimedlete Poettesitiii. Phone 71J lieesell. 24tfe 5'ARMS-14o aares, well tiled. ,good farming 'land in itical leeatioe. On second nebeeesion, Stephert lOWnelite, oa.niuifrom ,NO. 4 Hiehaver also 100 a VITA 'et heat pasture tie fourth eesSion. Hey lowriohie, I Centralia AC 8•628e or EXNer 1318, Estate Of Me Tate LeStie 1 Matted, R.11, 1Exeter. 2:06 W. 14, kraGitoSeON LTD, M. j, OAISER PlintV, 24 tseter ..., ,,... . 1 Wm. PEACE, REALTOR lexelee—Neerly tieW tWO-bed. NUM house with eXtee betiding lot, Exoter—Theee • bedroom brick ("tillage; well located; teems. ' Ileneelle-Letge Brick durdeX ) with garage, . hot water heated; Ito sale er rent; (Chris, I Good buys in (MIS front 11 " ; IZ ie Th25n. Pa Om on above , properties and .for new histitim please onto et Ittt8S, BRODERICK, Agent There 1IMIW of apply a;:tt,,, N W2ttilo6 a, CHATTELS: Cash. GORDON COLEMAN, Prop, HAROLD JACKSON, Met. GEORGE POWELL, Clerk 9:1 ee Clearing AUCTION SALE Of 110 Head of LiVarttecle for 11. B. WILLIAMS Lot 46. Concession 'OSBORNE TOWNSHIP, 38t Miles East of Exeter, Ile Miles South of 83 HigIner. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21 Auctioneer at 1:00 pot. Phone 77R, Crediton 1 -LECTOR MeNEIL, Auctioneer 26:2:9r 90 TOWNSHIP OF HAY TENDERS and APPLICATIONS Re Warble Fly Control 1—LeNDERS are called for th yillg o Cattle in Hay Township oh a price per head basis; also mi an hourly rate, Town. ship to supply powder only. No, 2—TENDERS are called for the supply of Warbielde Powder as needed. 'renders to state price of 15 ib. bags and 1 lb, bags delivered at Zurich. No, 3—APPLICATIONS are asked for the positiod Of Inspector to supervise the treatment of cattle for Warble Fly. Inspectors mutkeep accurbte account Of cattle sprayed or brushed, name of owner, lot No, and Con. cession, etc, Payment will be PI8dA bpon presentation of a completed report. Appli. cants to state hourly rata and mileage -expected. All „ werk Meat etitiferiii With The 'prOvitions of the ti A Warble- )Y net and einetiche mitt therele. Totidere end applications to be in the IMO of the Clerk bV Saturday, Mereh 4, MI, ei OW p.m. LoWeel et OW 'feeder or a p plient1011 1101 necessarily keeopted. R, Broktinthire, tlikek:Treasurer, titonihip of Hay, lurk% Ontario,