HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-02-09, Page 104
Itee - • • ..eieeee,eveeeeeeeeee *Nee ee; ee" • eeee eeeteregeee.e=eeee; eeeee eeeeseeeeeete ............ . :47,leerele eleleeeeee,:- .1 °7-. ee-e • "—e'er": l•eeee'er eeelleelse.••• •eeee-ereeeereeteeteree,ee....'ee
• PaVe.i.'F4rYary •9•,, 19t51
ens II
and district new$
Nee*. Maude .fledelett, Phetne„ 5
Air*, Archie: McGregor, Ph.011.0.
Fair just breaks even;
_Earl Dick re-elected
Tentative date for the Hen.: ley eackson; Usborne, Sam
sail Spring Twilight Fair was; Deegan. William Lampert.
set at the annual meeting of : Jim McGregor, Verne Alder -
South Huron Agricultural So-, dice and P. L. McNaughton
ciety held in Henson,. Date were named a committee to
chosen \vae Friday, June 9. investigate the feasibility of
Reports submitted disclosed holding another draw, and to
that the fair broke practically; bring in report at next meet -
even on the financial side, hut ing February 25 At Hensall.
the secretary P. L. McNaugh-! President Earl Dick and sec
ton Said it was slipping a bit retary-treasurer P. L. Mc
from previus years. 1 Naughton were named dole -
Earl Dick was named creel.; gates to attend the annual
dent for a further term with meeting of the Ontario Associ-
vice presidents James Doig ation of Agricultural Societies
and Otto Willert: secretary- in Toronto February e2, 23.
treasurer. P'. L. McNaughton. The 1961 auditors are. Ken
Directors named kr 061 Christian and. Earl Can-ipbell,
were, Hibbert, Earl Dick andHuron. County Warden Ivan
James K i n s rn a n; Barisal', Forsyth conducted election of
George Artestreng, Norman director t and officers.
Jones, Lorne Hay: 1 -lay, nit
Hare DeckChiselhurst UC
er, Valentine Beek- -;
The annual congregational
er; Stephen, Russell Brown,
Otto Willert; Stanley, Harvey meeting of Chiselhurst United
Taylor, Bert McBride; Zurich, Church was held Tuesday eve -
Lloyd O'Brien, Milton Oesch; ; fling with a pot luck supper
Tinkerer-1)1th, James Doig, Sten. Preceding the meeting presid-
ed over by the minister, Rev,
'Currie Winlaw.
:Elected to the Board of
Stewards were John Glenn,
'Ben Stoneman, Tom Brintnell.
Qf lodge founderYearly reports were submit-
ted, the Capital Fund discuss-
ed And left or the, Board of
Noble Grand Mrs. Ernie:
Chipchase presided .for the i
Meeting of Amber Rebekahi
The Vice Grand Mrs, A, Orr. St, Paul's church
Lodge on Wednesday evening.;
reported. visits, cards and flow-
ers sent to members. 'Mrs. Wil- chooses officers
liam Parker reported for the
finanee committee which in Elected to office at •the an -
eluded a. report of the bake nual meeting of St. Paul's
sale held by the CPT cern- Anglican church were: peo-
rnittee. ; ple's warden, Jack.Henderson;
The recording secretary.. treasurer, W. 0. Goodwin;
Mrs. John Ingram, read a let- vestry clerk, Jack lienderton;
ter from the DDP Mrs. Lillian : lay delegates to synod, It. H.
Grumtnett accepting an. inviel Middleton; sub, W. 0. Good -
teflon to attend the 12tet birth--; win;
day party of the lodge on Feb.' Select vestry, Mrs. R. H.
ruary 15. A donation was voted Middleton, Mrs. T. Lavender,
to the Navy League of Can-, Mrs. Frank Forret; sidesmen,
'Ada. : Frank Forrest, chairman;
Arrangements were eeeeplet. Charles Fiford, R. H. tlWiddle-
ed or the birthday ee ,, ton, Jack Lavender, John and
• Following the meeting the J;ck Hendersen, E. J. Roberts.
members enjoyed a social Personal item-.
hour comMeniorating the birth -1 Mrs. Laird elickle attended
da' of the founder of th.e! an afternon. ';ea Wedilesday of
Lodge-, Mr. Thomas Wiley, i
;last -week at the home of Mrs.
•Yeuth eanduet service ; W. A. McTeer, Huron. St., Lon -
Oil Sunday evening the gos- On, in honor of Miss Sharon
ree teem of South Huron Youth MacMillan, bride -elect of Feb-
;.,. . erist supplied the evening ruary.
sezeice at the EUB Church,1 Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Rob-
Crediron. A god crowd of area; ertson of Listowel and Mrs.
Young people arended. After. Evelyn Mills, Seaforth, visited
the service a se*. *song was Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, C.
held. lunch served and an en- L. Jinks.
joyable time of fellowship was Mr. Humphrey Webb, Grand
spent. Rend, is . a patient in South
Sot, 11 Huron Youth for Christ Huron Hospital, Exeter,
wili apply a team for any Mrs. Beatrice Hess of Zur-
cluirre service either enid-week ich, who has been a patient in
Or Sunday evenings for any St. Joseph's Hospital, London
church in the South Huron for the past ten days recover -
area. The theme slogan is ing front an operation, returned
"Telling Teens today Christ to her home in Zurich on Sun -
The Only Way", day.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Love,
Mark birthday
Stewards to look into,
Legion auxiliary
Committees for the year were
named at the meeting, of the
'Legion Ladies Auxiliary Tues-
day evening.
Recreation committee is Mrs.
Howard Sinale and Mrs. Har-
old Campbell: leitchee, Mrs -
John Skea, Mrs. Keith Buch-
anan; gifts, M r s . William
Sinele .and Airs. Ron Mockt
sick, Mrs. Cecil Kipfer, Mrs.
• W. J. Cameron; bingo, Mrs.
Mary 'Taylor and Aire. Skea;
auditors, Mrs. Ron Meek and
eirs. John Taylor.
A donation of $15 was made
to the March of Dimes and 350
to the Legion Auxiliary Schol-
arship Fund. Arrangements
were made for a St. Patrick's
bAke eat& and tea to be held in
the Legion Hall, Saturday,
March 18.
1 Plans were made to blitz the
•village in $ ane -hour Red Cross
drive. March 7. The group will
install a third sink in the kit-
chen and have received a re-
quest to eater for A Masonic
banquet in April. Hobo parties
well start again this month and
members will attend a card
party in Gode'rieh Legion Hall,
April 1.5. Plans are under way
for the annual penny sale.
, Presided Mrs. Gordon Munn ;
conducted the business. The
mystery prize was won by
,Mrs. W. J. Canieron,
Bingo winners were Mrs.
; Garnet Allot, Mrs. R. Van -
stone, Mrs, Cecil Kipfer, Mrs.
Harry Horton, Mrs.
Srnale, Mrs. Don Haven (2)
Mrs, GarnetM.ouseeau and
Airs. Jack Simmons.
CNR agent here!
gets promotion
Mr. Frank Ellwood CNR
-agent here for the past six
ydieayr, sFleebar\u,eas .for Oshawa h
e has
been transferred. Mrs. Ell-
wood and Wayne will leave to
rejoin him in the near future.
• During theirthe{r stay here Mr
and. Mrs. Ellwood. have made
many friends and have been
; active workers in the church
and organizations.
Mr, Ellwood is the present
treasurer of the Kinsmen Club
! And a past secretary, people's
and rector's warden of St.
Paul's Anglican Church. Mrs.
Ellwood is also the present
treasurer of the Kinette Club
andheldother offices in the
Clifford Weido of Toronto, visited over the
weekend with the former's
father, -Mr. Milton Love.
official of lodge Mr. and Mrs. Keith Lindsay
and family, of London, are
Clifford John 'Weide, 41, holidaying with Mrs. Lindsay's
prominent farmer of Hay father, Mr. John Henderson
Township, died in Clinton Hos- and family.
pital on Sunday, Feb. 5 having Mr. Torn Fisher,. of Toronto,
been admitted to the hospital, was a weekend visitor with
the evening previous. his parents, Mr. and Mrs.. Wil -
He was born in Hay Town-, fred Fisher,
ship and spent most of his life Miss Marion Bell, of London,
there with the exception of, spent the weekend at the home
three years in St. Catharinee.; of her parents, Mr, and Mrs.
He was past noble grand of , Glenn E. Bell,
Hensel' IOOF lodge 223, pastl Mr. Wilfred Fisher and son
director of Hay Township Fed- Bob, of Collingwood, spent the
eration and member of Stweekend at their home here,
Peter's Lutheran Church, Zur- Mrs. Rhea Charles returned
Monday after spending six
Surviving are his wife, theweeks with iter daughter and
former Dorothy Watling, one son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Rob-
son, Stephen, nine years old;:ert Harradine, Sodus, New
his mother, Mrs, Wilfred Wei-; York.
do, Zurich, and one brother, Mr, Lloyd Fraeer, EXeter,
Glenn Weido, of Hay Township. visited on Monday with Mrs.
The late Mr, Weide rested at Catherine Hedden and lerb.
the tonthron Funeral Chapel Mr, John Alexander is a
where funeral services were patient in South Huron Hos.
held from St. Peter's Lutheran pital,
Church, Zurich, Tuesday, Feb,
7 conducted by Rev. W. P 111.* Gary Corleit, Diane
Fitcher. Interment was in St: and Geoffrey, of Toronto, are
Peter's Lutheran cemetery. ; spending two weeks witb Mrs.
Corlett'e parentb, Mr. and Mrs.
The 100F conducted a eery- N. E, Cook.
ice at the funeral chapel Mon-
day evening, , Mr Willie n Henry quietly
celebrated his 83rd birthday at
! his home on Thursday, Feb. 2.
Mission society thicta eriderwent
appendix OperAtiori at. Clin-
t ton Public Hospital en Thute-
sets quilting °late day, Feb, 2.
Mre. Catherine l-fedden, who
:Sleeting feir their Februer,v —suffered a stroke, is doing At
Meeting the. United Churei !wen as can
Thursday Afterndel, members be eXpeeted,
Grades 7 And 8 of Hensel!
ot the Wer61161 Mtaathearer 'Public Scheid held white
&eddy Were informed tile date' elephant sAie in their rows
Of the World Day 61 P ve
was leebruary--17-irna-sf land tealited e10.00, Which was
I &Mated to the Mrch of
Paul's Ariglitall Church. !IMMO. Alt the other- grafts in
The date far geiltieig wet tet 'tilt school nal" n and
r the third week Of thie chased articles ()germ for
Month And anyone eviehing
Wool for knitting earl Sane'
frthiAlee. Albert Alexanderat Treyanet eevee•yeareild
queentway Nursing Melee. tiatightet of Me. and VW,
Mite jemes MeAllieter'S
group was iit thare o.f the dee ealilludOtitord•atfitrettletiell 0%14 eSedt10115;
ski and Mee, A, Itowchtte et- OP 6 at eotf, Memorial
ReSeitille Peaketh, Tittles.
sista; With it.
piatlii tole Was; dli 1)Y un."
tire, Winlaw, and •61100- Beard% Were Charles Rebie-
fere of the study book, "Thee see, EdWard &tinder, Laird
Turning Weed" were reviewed J'Adehi, Leonard Erh, Aire Ale.
by Mrs. ',McAllister who pee. Allister Rest RiChardS6a.
Plower hearers. Stewart, and
President Mrs, V. t. Itowe David art and
presided for the ;betiiiitte, Digeen*
Stewart; Bell, and. Eerie 2
Cromarty Comments
Thames Road Youth director warns
weSk .10
MRe, WieleiMe ROHDE
Ay Mete.
. .• ; .
ese :e eeeeselerele
Pemaer17.11:aoliiildni etnj.11014•asii ,alltaideolAcineCrioloei
Seaforth were Sunday visitors
with Mr. And Mrs. T. Laing,
Mr. Nelson Hankin or
13e1 -
more visited on Monday with
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hamilton.
Airs. Charles Mills. St. Ma -
rye, visited with mrs,
Moughton on Sunday.
Air. and Mrs. Harry Elliott
Susan and Ronnie of Wirldsor,
attended the funeral of the late
Mr. Frank' Elliott on Saturday
and spett the weekend, with
Air. and Mrs. John Wallace,
Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Soes.
dahl and Connie visited on Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs, John
etr. and Mrs, Alex Ramsey
and Billy visited in Listowel
W1W.vir. anu ars- J as itam-
ey and family on Sunday,
Mrs. Ed, Brooks of Staffa
visited on Monday ewith her
parents Mr. and Mrs. George
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilds
and son Kevin of Lucan visited
during the weekend with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Nelson
Mrs, David Gardiner is a pa-
tient in Scott Memorial Hospi.
tat Seaforth.
Many friends from this dis.
tied attended the funeral of the
late Mr. Frank Elliott of Staf-
fa which was held in Mitchell
on Saturday.
The annual meeting of the
Usborne and }fibbed Fire In-
surance Company was held at
Farquhar on Monday with a
good attendance from this area.
P, E. Kilpatrick •
last of area family
Funeral- services for the late
Peter E. Kilpatrick were held
at the Bonthron Funeral Chap-
el in Hensall on Thursday, Feb.
Mr. Kilpatrick, who was in
his 93rd year, had been in ail-
ing health for some time, but
was able to be uP,and around
a few days previous to his
He was a son •of the late
Ralph Kilpatrick and Mary
Burns and was born in the
Crediton distriet and moved to
the Kippen area in 1906 after
buying the farm now occupied
by Mr. Duncan Cooper, later
farming in Hay township with
the exception of three years
spent in Saskatchewan and Al-
berta with his sister end broth-
er. He has resided the last
28 years with Mr. and Mrs.
William Kyle and family. He
Letter from
Personal items
The flo-yers at the church
on Sunday were in memory of
the late Peter Kilpatrick.
The ladies of Kippen United
' The story in Church held a pot luck dinner
and a quilting bee Thursday,
when two quilts were aim-
pieted for a bale.
Messrs. Ronald and Bruce
MacGregor hate purchased 100
acres of land from Wilfred
Mr, George Carroll, Detroit,
spent the past week visiting
I his father, Mr. Hugh Carroll,
and his brother, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Carroll.
Mrs. Hugh. Davis spent sev-
eral days this past week at the
:home of her cousins. Mr. and
Mrs, Bill Quinton, London to
, be at the bedside of her fa-
ther M. Georgc McFalls, who
I is a patient in Victoria Hospi-
Mrs. Roe Carroll spent the
past week at the home of Mr.,
and rs. Arthur Abbott,.....
I len, Mrs,. Abbott returned
;home recently from South Hu-
;Vitt Hospital with her baby
Mrs. Heber Davis held a
quilting bee this past week
and was assisted by Mrs.
Maurice MacDonald, Lucan,
Mrs. Clarence Davis, Mrs.
IWeiberg, Mr, Carl Weiberg,
Harry Carroll Mrs. Lorne
Mrs. Earl Greenlee, Mrs. Earl
i Atkinson and Mrs, Harvey -
Latta and Mrs. Rd. Dickins,
, Exeter And Mrs, Herman At-
1 Miss Heather Davis spent
the past week with her grand-
; 'neither, Mrs, George AleFails
who is sulfering from a frac-
ture of her left wrist.
Mr, and Mrs. Jack iekins
And Mr. Hugh Davis attended
a hockey game at Aylmer re-
- eently and visited with the for-
1mer's sister, Mr, and Mrs.:
Barry N 1 .
1 Mrs, jack -Dickies accom-
panied by Mrs. W. .1, Dickins
and Mrs. Maurice MAeDonald,
1 Lucan, visited with Mrs. Die -
Heins' sisters, Mrs, Jack Mc-
Teinley and Miss Alice Maines,"
' Watford, on Wednesday after-
, boon.
I Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Da -I
via aceeropArded 'by Mr. and
MrL Marry Carroll visited their
aurit, Mrs. Will Carroll at the,
nut -sing hertie, Parkhi11 on
Mrs, A. Greenlee, Etter nnd
,1,,6„eta! ErinsleY, Were among
t ee
Genie since re-
; teeming home frtiel the haste.
Me, and Mrs, tarf Atkinson,
Were Monday evetilfig gusts
With Mr, And Inte, Newtori
WASilidge, Lutaff,
Oti MOIWAY tveting Mr, and
Met, Fred Dobbs Jr, attended
the induetiort and reception if
"the latter's uncle Archdeadni
F, C. MeRiteltie at Grace
1,an Church, Arantford.
t Mr,. and Mrs„ Clarence ba•
'vie, Mee, ',tarry Carroll and
Mr.arid leilre• Reber Davit att
tended the .furiArat servien
' • t
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mc-
Leod, Mr. Edward McLeod
and Floyd Desjardine of Park-
hill visited during the past
week with Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
liam Kyle.
Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Schnei-
der, Paul and Gary, of Strat-
ford, visited Friday evening
with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thom-
son and family.
Thrifty Kippenettes
The fourth meeting of the
Thrifty Kippenettes was held
at e home of ar yn Tre-
ineer on Saturday, Feb. 4 at
1 p.m. After Gail Finlayson
read the minutes of the last
meeting Sharon. McBride was
elected secretary for the next
The next meeting is to be
held at the home of Sharon
McBride on February 18 at.se
Mrs, C. Eyre 'demonstrated
how to make darts. The girls
received eight points on a well -
fitted, garment. The leaders
demonstrated hew to put the
pattern on the material. Kath.
ryn Me Gregor thanked Mari-
lyn Tremeer for her hospital-
ity and Gail Finlayson second-
ed it,
their cousin the late Mrs. Tr-
ott, Coursey, LUCan, at. Bole
Trinity ChUrCli on Monday af-
I last "b,
was he AS mem o a
large family and is survived
. by three nephews .and one
niece in Alberta and two nephe
ews in Saskatehewan,
.Funeral services were con-
' ducted, by Rev. Harold Johns-
, ton with interment in Be:dee-
m atisoleum,
Lib revs Were Sandy Pep-
per, Wilfred 'Mats, Bert Thom -
Robert Thomson Neil
mcLaughlin and Clarence Smile
WMS meeting
The February meeting of the
\Romans Missionary- Society
!was held at the home Of Mrs.
E. Moore with Miss Olive
iSpeare presiding.
Mrs. Grace Scott had charge
of the study book lesson "Why
to all the World Together"
lwithn Mrs, L. Sorsdahl, Mrs,
Sadie Scott and Mrs. T. Laing
:assisting. Mrs, Calder 11IeKaig
read the Glad Tidings prayer.
1 ',Pile topic, "The rural church,
will. it live or die" was given
by Mrs. T. Laing, Mrs. N. Her-
' bun reviewed current events.
1 The president, Mrs. C. Me-
Eaig, conducted the business
when arrangements for the
'World Day of Prayer were corn-
epleted, the :meeting to be held
;at Staffa United -Church. Lunch
'was serv,eci by the hostess as -
meted by Mrs. John Wallace
!and Mrs, W, Miller.
:Frank Elliott
last of family
Frank Elliott, former far-
mer of Hibbort Township, died
in Victoria B'ospital, London
on Wednesday night at the age
of ninety years. He had been
a patient in the hospital since
December 10 last year when
be suffered a fracture of his
hip while yisiting his daughter
at Lambeth.
He was the last surviving
member of a family of eleven
of the late Mr. and Mrs. John
Elliott (Catharine Clark) and
was born in Logan Township
on January 4, 1871. On Decem-
ber 20, 1893 he married Ellen
Elizabeth Agar and they
'farmed in Hibbert Township re-
tiring to Dublin in 1948. Mrs.
Elliott died in August 1958.
He was a member at one
time of the Order of Chosen
Surviving are five s s:
Lloyd, Staffa; Durwood of Ha-
milton; Norval, Earl and Lorne
of Dublin; three daughters,
Mrs. Howard (Clare) leletcher,
Lambeth; Mrs, Harry (Ada)
Schellenburger, Clinton; Mrs.
Homer (Ethel) Jeffery, De-
troit; 20 grandchildren and 19
great grandchildren.
The funeral was held' at the
Lockhart Funeral. Home, Mit-
chell, on Saturday, with Rev.
Frank Tomkinson of Trinity
Anglican Church, Mitchell, in
charge. Temporary entomb-
ment was made in the Eliza-
beth Ratz Memorial Chapel,
Mitchell, with burial later to be
in Knox Presbyterian ceme-
tery, Mitchell.
The story in
Personal items
The Women's Institute car
party whip') was to be held Fri
day evening Feb. 3 was can-
celled due to the bad weather.
It is to be held this Friday,
Feb. 10.
Frank Elliott died in Victo-
ria Hospital, London On Wed-
nsday evening, Feb. 1.
A large number from this
community attended,, the Junior
Farmers variety night which
was held in the Crystal Palace
Mitchell, on Friday evening.
Misses Jean 'Francis and
Cheryl Wagner spent the week-
end with Miss Kaye Worden,
Eric Norris spent the week-
end at his :home here.
Miss Ethel Mae Norris, Tor-
onto, daughter of Mr. and Mrs,
Sam Norris, Staffa, was shaken
up in a car accident in Toronto
Friday evening. Her compa-
nion Mr. Jim Lyall was not in-
Braite, Toronto, bus -
band of the former Margaret
Norris of Staffa, has been trans-
ferred to Montreal, his duties
to commence on Feb. 20. He is
'employed with the 13e11 Tele,
Group 1 of the Wornen's In-
stitute quilted a crib quilt at
the home of Mrs, Lloyd Miller
on Tuesday afternoon.
Rafuse, Ford &. Keast
L. E. Refuse R. L. Ford K, C. Keast •
349 TALBOT ST: Phone GE 2.7452 LONDON
Pion. 7:37 Exeter •
cHAMpioN ruEt. OILS ,
.. ..
WA anitl WMS
The :January meeting of the
WA end WMS was held in the
rluu.reb ba ernent with Mrs.
ROSS Cottle and Mt% Jee Web-
ber as hostesses.
Mrs. William Rohde, presi-
dent, of the WMS was. in
charge of the worship service
assisted by Airs William Fer.
Mr* Percy Rene took a
chapter from the study book
Work Makes Us One". which
was interesting. Mrs. Melvin
Gardiner gave the hospital re-
The World Day of Prayer
will he held on February 17
at 2 p.m. with Elimville ladies
as guests.
Mrs. Reg Hodgert conducted
the WA business, Mrs. H. C,
Wilson, Christian Stewardship
secretary gave a reading "Why
Support My Church."
Mrs, Lloyd Knight was in
charge of the, program which
consisted of a reading by Mrs,
John Selves and a vocal solo by
Mrs. Wilfred Hunkin.
community night
On Wednesday evening corn-
munity night was beld In the
echol house with eight tables
of euchre in play,
Prizes went to: ladies high,
Aire, .Reg Hodgert; ladies low,
Mr. S n o w; lone
bands, Mrs, ,Tack Borland;
men's high, Mr, Jack Portend;
men's low, Air, Reg Hodgert.
The committee in charge ler
the evening were Mr. and Airs.
Ross Hodgert and Mr. and
Mrs. Wilfred Hunlcin,
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Merrill
of Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Almer
Passmore were ice fishing at
St. Williams on Wednesday
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Miller
entertained a number ot mar -
lied couples on Saturday eve-
There was no school on
Thursday or Friday owing to
from pipes.
Mr, John Tookey of London
spent the weekend with Mr.
and Mrs. Abner Passmore.
Miss Jean Ferguson of Lon-
don ;spent the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cenn.
Mr. and !Mrs. William Rohde
and family were Sunday guests
with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
-Mr. -and Mrs. Warren Brock
of Exeter were Stinday guests
with Mr. and. Mrs. Edwin Mil-
ler, the .occasion being Mrs.
Brdelc's birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Cann,
M. and Mrs. Robert Cann,
Mr, and Mrs. Arnold Cann, Ju-
dith and Bradley were Satur-
day evening guests with Mr.'
and Mrs, James Hodgert of
Miss Marilyn Gardiner ac-
companied her aunt Miss Mary
Gardiner of London to Toron-
to to the ice capades on Fri-
day and spent the weekend
with their cousins, Mr. and
Mrs. Harding Vowels.
Mr, Donald Ballantyne of
Toronto spent the weekend
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Ballantyne.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Ballan-
tyne and Brenda spent Mon-
day•with Mr. ,and Mrs. Harold
Beaver of Dundas.
Canadian women bought an
average of 12.7 pairs of nylon
etockings during 1959, of which
eanadien mills supplied 5.6
Union dozen pairs and foreign
..oducers 560,00 dozen pairs.
Two auditoriums in :the re4hot, 13iteefield, rendored (WO
were Med tit capacity Whene,nembers. The,,,pienist for both
Bev. Wes Aarum, Canadian ,di-Iralliee was Mee. Meeiee
and Saturday$pndayafternoonniglltat114
1ector or Youth for Christ spoke tier, of Exeter,
Rev. Aarum is no stranger
in the area having been here
NgveitiihstitclieteaLlenighniodna.gFaoirnd a s4 ‘m'a 4n:
sic e director for the Smith
Huron Crusade for Christ in
Zurich four and. a half years
challenging A
ngianligni'8 to messages V.
and attune alike, And in bis•
messages he stressed the need
of whole hearted turning 10
:Jesus Christ as a personal
Saviour. He said "Unless God
intervenes communism is plan-
ning SA take over the whole
western hemisphere by 1970",
At the Clinton rally Miss
Dorothy Parker of Hensall was
soloist and the Oesch sisters of
Zurich rendered trio numbers,
Five teams competed in the
Bible quiz, this rallies com-
petition was won by Wingham
At 'Zurich Sunday afternoon
rally Miss !lean Henderson of
Hensall was soloist. miss Ann
Westlake and Miss Louise Tal-
- ere'
I..et's see yoU Sz that,.
'Be just left, but I expect WA
back any minute.'t
fob centre of
Ott -$t attraction?
• `;
why the NEW
of course!
Yes! 6f last here h en all new
chain saw designed stsecifi-
colly to meet every demand
of the arefessiarial cutter.
Set the all new Pioneer •
6.20 today.
lightweight (20 lbs.)
balanced handleability
sure grip handlebar
reduced vibration
cooler running -more power
longer life air filter •
new exhaust deflector
(ptvol grip eitro)
PIONEER SAWS LTD* Plt111110111116111N, CANADA
18 others ... 14.95
You cant beat this value anywhere. Regularly priced. te
$32.50, Sizes 36 to 42. They won't last long!
Last 3 Days Suit Sale
On15`r 3 days left 1,6 got in on the PREF DANT spOoial on 1Y106-t�m
trIBBStirE SUit8, Still las of handSOme *WritieL W gttaraittet
perfect fit . COMe in today
ci per s Men s ear.
1$140Nt REXPOR