HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-02-09, Page 977.7'°e4A1
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PROPOSE MARINA AT PORT FRANKS—Docking facilities for between 500 and
1,000 boats may be provided at Port Franks if a proposed marina development is
approved by the Ausable Authority at its annual meeting' this week. Site of the
proposed development is the island shown above between the numerals "2" and
"3". Numbers indicate the following; 1, the cottage subdivision of the authority;
2, the new channel (commonly called the cut); 3, the old channel; 4, Port Franks;
the picnic area; 6, the mouth of the river. —Photographic Survey
PS warns children
on street walkin
The Exeter Public School
board decided at their meet-
ing, Monday, to ask the leach-
ers to continue to stress the
dangers involved by the stu-
dents walking on the road to
and from school.
Although they realized that
It was not under their jurisdic-
tion, they felt that .for the pu-
pils' safety the teachers should
continue to drill the students
on safety away from the
One of the board members
stated that the children "al-
most defy you". as you drive
along the road.
The main problem is with
the children walking on the
road from the school to Main
street and alsc the students
who walk home on Andrew
street. street.
Principal's report
Mr. Arthur Idle, who could
not attend the meeting due to
ill health, reported that infiu-
elm in the higher grades had
cut down attendance during
the past month. The report
shpwed that, there was a 93%
attendance during January.
The principal's report also
showed that the enrollment
had dropped three, due to six
transfers. Only three new stu-
dents commenced classes in'
Exeter during the month, to
bring the total •enrollment to
Mrs. R, D, Jermyn, vice-
principal, also submitted her
report on the lower grades.
The board voted unanimous -
Pullen heads
Kirkton fair
Milne Pullen was elected
president of Kirkton Agricul-
tural Society al. its annual
meeting recently, He succeeds
Fred Doupe.
Vice-presidents are Rae Ste-
phen and Clarence Switzer,
Alex F. Crago agreed to re-
main as secretary - treasurer
Until another appointment can
be made.
Alex Irvine is the auditor
and the directors were all re-
Secretary Crago reported a
bank overdraft of $66.38, but
4-1-1 grants ot $123.00 were due
but not received in tune to
appear in the receipts Of 1960.
Reports were. received from
the various departments and
plans Were made 10 hold the
Cir on September 28 and 29
this year, • ,
Two field crop competitions
will be held, one in oats and
one in grain corn.
ly to increase the salary of
secretary - treasurer W. H,
Hodgson to $600, The increase
amounts' to $100.
They also agreed to renew
their membership 1. the South
Huron Filni Council, The fees
•for membership are $25 per
year, and the school used
seven films during the past
year at a cost of $1.00 each.
Question dances
The board granted the grade
eight classes permisison to use
the gyinnasium for a Valen-
tine party, Friday.
One of the hoard members
stated that he had been ap-
proached by some parents who
felt that dances should not be
held in the Public School. He
said the parents complained
that some of the children were
— Please turn to page 15
LOSES THUMB — Bob Coates,
town, former Mohawk hockey
player, lost his right thumb
IThursday when his g l o v e
caught in an electric drill he
was using at the Read Fertil-
izer Ltd. plant south of Exeter.
He underwent an operation in
'London hospital the same day
and is reported. in satisfactory
{condition. He is expected to be
ireleased in several days.
Consign 198 bulls
to provincial sale
W. P. Watson, Ontario live
stock commissioner and secre-
tary of the Ontario Beef Cattle
Improvement Ass'n, reports
that 98 breeders have censign-
ed 198 bulls at this year's show
and sale of beef bulls. The
sales will be held at Hays
Sales Arena, north of Oakville,
on 'Tuesday, March 14 and
Thursday, March 16.
The Hays Sales Arena was
destroyed by fire within the
last few days but a new build-
ing will be ready for occupancy
before the sale date.
Number of bulls being offer-
ed is slightly lower than last
year with the greatest reduc-
tion being in Aberdeen Angus
and Shorthorns, the entries in
these breeds being 12 and 59
respectively. Hereford entries
total 127,which is about the
average in recent years.
Of the bulls to be offered,
143 have qualified for the de-
signation "performance test-
ed" which means that they
estallished satisfactory records
for rate of gain and for life-
time gain under the perform-
ance test, In addition, 18 other
bulls wilt complete the test
before the sales, This will
represent the largest number
I of "performance tested" bulls
lever consigned to la sale in
1Canada, if not North America,
All bulls entered in these
Inks will beinspected by a
{culling committee, and only
those that are deemed suitable
from the standpoint of type
conformation will be
In the past these annual
'sales have been held at the
'Royal. Winter Fair Building,
but because the space former-
! ly used for this purpose is
undergoing alterations, it has
been necessary to move the
{sale to the Hays site.
I The Aberdeen Angus and
I Shorthorn bulls will be • inspect-
ed on the morning of Tuesday,
March 14, and sold that after-
noon, while the inspection and
{selling of Herefords is sched-
uled for Thursday, March 16.
These sales are held primar-
ily, for the purpose of distribut-
ing good beef Mills throughout
'the province. In order to en-
courage the use of such bulls
the Ontario' Department of
Agriculture offers to pay a
premium to every, Ontario far-
mer who buys a 'performance
tested" bull at the rate of 20
!per cent at the purchase price,
but not exceeding $150.00.
tosotottiottitlt iiiiiii ii i ittittittittitilittittittitilliittliiitt
on remedy
roritin members woe
undeeided Monday night wtio,
they Canada's government pol-
icy. should be designed to ere-
tr m a ximinn growth and full
employment or restrain infla-
tion when seine unemployment
may result,
Inflation of restraint
111 in two
'groups al the home or Mr, and
Mrs. Murray Etiiot1, differed
in regard to Caliatia'S gevern
nient pellet; one group faver
od creating niaximtiin growth
and full employment and the
other that Inflation should be,
restrained even though lin-1
employment resulted,
The former grouP tirgited1
that unemployMent waS "bad"
while the latter group felt in -
nation, in time, Could tt aiise,
the bettom to fall oUt
dustry, it not reStraiiied,
Members suggetted 111ifEd. 1
• Free'
• • . CLINIC
Hard -facing; and welding of Non-ferrous Metals
With Arc and Acetylene. '
Lincoln. Electric Comisany
AC -180,,S Welder'
HartiA oxy4Icetylmit welding aritl cutting
Tta.Cle4.11 allowances for your present equipment,,
Exeter Farm Equipment
(Your Case beeler)
Mein Street North (Phbne 508W)
Date! Thursday, February 16
Timet 7:00 p.m. Sharp
Sponsored by
Advance Welding Supply'Co,
Z7 Ttcumsot tAitNIA, NT
PleaSe tint id 'pita '
e eieferZimes-Akwocafe
Second •Section EXETER, ONTARIO; FEBRIJARY 9 190 Pave Nine
See ..stronghog pric.e until fc. 11,.
deficiency base unchanged
Strong prices for hogs pre-:
vailing at least until next fall
havebeen forecast by an of. Fieldman comments
ficial of the Canada Depart-
ment of Agriculture, Ralph K.
dising section, livestock divi,'Suggests sales effort
Bennett, chief of the merchan-
sion; Production and marketing
branch, .
vital to agriculture
The cliit"14;LeinlYi f:treeseattorgli'ledgt
market d c hat ,
ings for the first quarter will
likely take a 19% drop from By J. C. HEMINGWAY
i year, Second quarter forecast
the first three months of lastl
HFA Field/nenyear,
also shows a decrease, but a Farm management; gets pri.
lesser one of about 7%. How- ority in new government exten-
ever, for the July -December sion policy; This was a head
period the estimated market- line in one of our county
ings are forecast to increase , weeklies, In the article that
by more than 16% over the followed, Mr, Goodfellow point -
same period in 1960. ed out the need for better
Mr. Bennett noted that the bookkeeping and more bUsi-
late summer and fall price ,ness-like management of .the
picture could change some. ' farm operation,
what if the late spring pig This policy is apparently to
crop increases sharply above ; replace the former policy of
producers' intentions to far -1 solving the farmers' problem
row. He based his prediction ; by making two blades of grass
on a DES survey made last grow in the place formerly
December 1, and the USDA ' taken by one. This new brand
December pig crop report. of ;farm efficiency is apparently
"According to intentions re- being accepted by most of our
ported by Canadian hog pro- agricultural representatives to
ducers, it is expected there mean a lowering .of costs of
will be a 16% increase in far- I production without increasing
rowings in the 1961 spring pig production,
crop," he told delegates to the; This seems to be the Ontario
meeting. The DBS estimate of Minister of Agriculture's •ans-
51/2 million hogs on Canadian ! wer to the low income problem
farms in December, represent.; of Ontario farmers. Let us
ed a 14% reduction from a year hope it brings improvement
pr eviou s when total hogs !but in the meantime let us
amounted to 6.4 million, He :look at the actions of other
noted that the present tendencyareas and I quote from the
is for a yearly price range of 1 newsletter of the Dairy Farm.
$3 to $4 per cwt., rather than ; ers of Canada.
$5 to $7 as in earlier years.
Mr. Bennett said that the , Big Sales effort •
port indicated that farmers The British • Milk Marketing
USDA December ;pig crop re- '
Pub -
were "going slow at the start licitv
!Board and ,National Milk I Council will launch its
of the two-year expansion per -
in the current hog cycle', ling
biggest sales effort ever, dur-
iodIS.S. spring pig ' the coming year, to in -
with the 1961 crease sales of milk, cream
crop estimated to be only
ln a year ago. 5% 1 and cheese, The total cam-
arger thapaign will cost $6,14 million
(Canadian money).
After what seemed like hours eaTmhpeaigraeasaornes: (1)given eforreastihnigs
a white -robed doctor emerged competition, especially from
from the examination room abroad, for a share of . the
and addressed himself to Mr.housewife's purse. (N 0 t e —
Iu'i'aMsyr.:,, Jones, Your 'wife has :faahrineletrai 'eihntaiCnanaadsarnahlatevre share
"My gosh," said Jones, be- ani' me
than in
fore he fainted, "that makes (2) the need to make room in
. the markets for greater sop:
0401146 *".""t
MOST of us Rii756
Per Ton
Picked Up
Save $
Bagged (Fertilizer) Delivered
See us now for arrangementrt to pick up your
fertilizer bulk or have it bagged and delivered in
the spring as you want it.
Seed Grain and Grass Seed
The quality and grade of all seed sown is of prime
importance to you, Be sure You order and sow
only the best. We offer you this quality seed.
Order your requirements now from a good choice
We have a full line 'of grass seeds. See us about
our SPECIAL on mixtures where we will give you
absolutely free — well, it will really help your
farm and your pocket book. Enquire about this
offer. Don't miss it,
Sow Elnar Alfalfa
For Good Results
Concentrates in Bulk Bins
So, take advantage or the fact that you can pick
SPECIAL STEER CONC, in your bags from our
Wilk concentrate bins. We can't, control prices but
we can save you money on service,
Purina Starters Are Tops
per baby chick and watch them grow with no
PURINA 8.ArtW PIG CHOW—Fed while nursing, the
• sew, baby pigs love it when only 2 weeks eld,
STARTENA will raise yOU better calves ';han you
can On cow's milk,
plies, (Note — in Canada,
froin many of the meetings I
have attended recently, it
seems that we are dedicated
to a policy of reduced produc-
tion in spite of the fact that
dietitians tell us that the
average diet in both the upper
and lower income brackets is
not adequate; (3) to maintain
and guard the existing mar-
e s,
TV campaign '
Emphasis will be on the
fluid market and for this the
board's television campaign
will be about 600,000 pounds.
The -use of vending machines
will be increased to make milk
mare available. At this time
last year there Were 1,700
vending machines in operation;
by the end of this year there
will, be 4,000, *which means
some 8 million gallons a year
more milk sales.
The hoard has 20 mobile
bars and during the past sea-
son these dairy hars were at
1,200.outdoor events such as
air displays, agricultural fairs,
flower shows, etc. (Note—there
was only one fair which I at-
tended in the county last fall
that had dairy products read-
ily available.
Additional efforts will also
be placed on increasing sales
at the doorstep. Sales dries
this year have included over
10,000 milk salesmen serving 3
million homes. These drives
regularly increase milk sales
by 1 to 2%. The cream promo-
tions have had special success
—sales having risen 30% with
the great potential still to be
exploited. (Note — Canada's
dairy' surplus is 2%.)
Which solution to the dairy
problem *do you prefer?
Hog prices during 1961 will
he stabilized by a deficiency
! payment program similar to
that in effect last year, Agri-
culture Minister Alvin Hamil-
, ton told the House of Commons
; Friday.
• Support price to producers
has been established at $22.65
,per hundred -weight, national
basis, whic'i is about 83.5 per
1cent of the base or 10 -year
"There is a very real clan
: ger that present prices array
' encourage a level of hog pro-
duction which could lead to
heavy supplies and much
lower prices later this .year",
he said,
! "while some expansion in
Production can be accommo-
drted, a warning must he
I sounded to producers against
over expansion at this time.
average price of $27,11 per
Mr, Hamilton said the action
taken by the government in
placing hog support on a defi-
ciency payment basis has had
the anticipated effect of eli-
minating the previous surplus
,production and greatly irnprov-
ing hog prices.
Over the past year, prices to
producers have averaged about
$1 per hundredweight more
than the national support price.
A year ago, the price of Grade
A hogs at Toronto was $23.65.
, It is now $29 and it has been
at or above that level for some
This situation is widely recog-
nizecl and provincial depart-
ments of agriculture, a n d
others are calling attention to
Mr, Hamilton pointe4 out
that for these reasons, the
government had decided to re-
tain the national support price
for 1961 at the same level as
last vear,
No change
in support
Agriculture Minister Alvin
Hamilton states that because
of discussions which have been
taking place regarding the
price support program for the
coming dairy year May 1, 1961
to April 30, 1962, there have
been rumors that the support
program might be changed be-
fore the end of the present
The minister said that be-
cause of the uncertainty in the
minds of producers and the
trade created by these rumors,
he wished to emphasize that
the present support price for,
dairy products would be con-
tinued until next April 30.
Mr. Hamilton stated that the
support program for the com-
dairy year, commencing*
May 1, would be announced as
early as possible.
Under the deficiency pay-
ment method of;.,pupport, the
Agricultural Stabi 14 za ti o n
I Board will determine at the
end of 1961 the national over-
age price to producers at which
Grade A hogs were sold. If
this average price is less than
the support price of $22.65 per
hundredweight, then a deficien-
cy payment equal to the dif-
ference will be made to each
registered producer or a :maxi-
mum 100 Grade A or Grade B
Deadline for fair
Valentines day
' Deadline for entries in Most
of the classes for the Western
Ontario Farm Show is Febru-
ary 14, Secretary W. I. Rid-
dell announced today,
The show, which succeeds
the annual seed fair, will be
held at Western Fair Grounds,
London, from February 22 to
Features will include 'panels
on markets, pastures and for-
age crops, competitions in
square dancing, old time fid.
filing, amateur talent. Over
40,000 square feet of exhibits
will be shown,
****************************************4 **************:k
This remarkable offer is made so that you will find out on your Own farm the
exceptional fuel economy you get with Ford and Pordson diesel tractors. If you
purchase a new Fordson. Major or Det TS or Ford diesel tractor anytime Until,
February 1 through March 31, 1961, we will pay halt your fuel costs during the
first six months or 400 hours of operation, whichever occurs Arst. ;.et us prove
o you the outstanding economy and performance 01 this great line of tractor'so
Come in and see us nowt
'53 Ford
"49 Ford,
NAA, above average '51 Ford Cast Sleeved MOW` good
Ahoy* average '47 Foeoli stop.up frAnsroission
Used Plows -- 2. and 3 -Furrow — Drag and Lift
Larry Snider Motors
Monarch FtiitOrt