HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-02-09, Page 4P...eat 4 The: Tineth,Aelmete, feleruery .9, I
By B44., BATTEN, Seerte Editor
Most persons interestedin sport deem it a
to be .able to meet and talk with any .of the
stars in their favorite sperts. So, you can imagine
how we felt as we ..chatted with 18 of the biggest
nam et in the sports world at the fifth aminal
Sportsmen's Dinner in London last Tuesday.
For eight hours we had :the dance to meet
thesestars and listen to them. recall some of their
experiences and give their viewpoints on the
questions they were asked.
The names of these athletes read like a page
from "Who's Vho" of sports, past and present.
They are all .considered as tops in their fields, rep-
• resenting. hockey, 'baseball, racing, football, box-
ing, basketball, bowling, wrestling and officiating.
Naturally, after talking to all these greats,
it is hard to pick out a favorite, but the chap we
had the most pleasure in talking to was Fritzie
Zivic, former welterweight boxing champion .of the
Although we must admit that we had never
evenheard of Fritzie before we made the trip to
Londonit didn't take long to become acquainted
wtili him.
Even in a large crewd, a person needs only
a quick glance to figure out what spert this impish
Little fellow represents. Fritzie's nose it can still
be called that) is splattered all over his face, and
all that remains is a little knob on the end, His
ears have been pushed 'back flat against his head,
and one appears to be almost turned inside out.
These distinctive .markings were picked up
• by Fritzie during the 18 years he was in the fistie
-cuff business. In that time, the energetic fellow
entered the ring exactly 3.99 times. When asked
why he didn't make it the even 400, Fritzie jok-
ingly stated, 'I figured 1 might get killed if
fought one more".
Unlike several boxing greats, Fritzie retired
• froin the sport with " a. few bucks" and is now
• manager of a winery in Pittsburg. During our chat
; with the amiable boxer, he took great pleasure in
demonstrating some of his favorite ring tactics.
His best punch was a choking punch infLict-
ed by his thumb into his opponent's neck. "It
really didn't -cheke them," he said, "it just made
• them feel uncomfortable for a few minutes",
Tribe fail to c,in in ‘11.1 set week
reak ends Lisil set le r
et was week of ppsets WerthestleY, 4=0115 the " es h
Second period spree advaetage of it. win colurne, edging Fort Dover - a . 0" so
the Southwester) 011A but the bines 5-1. Hewever, the Cont.
Exeter Mellawks ailed it to -take. blle:got right back in the
The Illehawks net the front. In can, Friday.
running Ingersoll illarlandis, Moheyeke get •
to $
ink Sailors 8.v.
• Igives Marlands win W edileSdaY t And came 011t On The Exeter mohawts will '
I WecinesdaY, but didn't an,swer net with bis Wet from his
1 poem., ereated „ the biggest to D v
the league, Delhi and Port poDrtgelnro,,e e?,r11111e110filibeer ti•vavt)111), ever,
a Sunday In T,. ..n an VT setb"k IreleVtlAtihninler in tne Middle frame,
than thr.ee minute
1 riods of their game in Exeter, , cought the lop corner of the The -two bottoin teams in port
OD any ot the six goals the, blueline position.
1 a 10-4 setback, • later on a plaY with Nudds ' b / chtoTirwe ravle thhoesirtin;eoierld-ljaaisit.; the sailors came hack with a t Gartitd_eLr ..rt.0b,ekal, nS.,0.0.1711,1 fOrrObt,t1I.tt
1 The Tribe actually held a and Bideweli and „ top place c u s.
I the contest between the two, with Pelieh and Bidewell, see. Ingersall' Prid.al'‘ 'all'ide clunlPed ' tll --e - g -a -m- e -s -1-v-o'ad 1-shot;e,''' th.e.";egeonlabileeAd 6'5' I./Weyer'
' 2-0 lead in the first period of', tied the score at 2-,21%Yanita IjIpla-ci
the first place .' etarlands, 9.8, • meohe
The Rockets tr. I' Red, to end Them a' nekotg A et, in ;strong second period effort to ' r."91"6 "1°1" "'" ' '' '
In a real thriller, Delhi led ton Combiees into ole
alitkS past the "Await -elder.: • ' . • a t 'and Lortie and 0 Neil pushed
pig on a concerted • 2;23 mark of the , fleet frame
the knotted the collet again at •e.
1"A" clubs,. but the elarlands, onds before the end of the . pos41.nintloseheineltilradfulea.e/ 2"befnolruxelltiesritt°e 1"ne homester5 into a command -
left the ice at the end of the" The visitors ,lemped into their e,11 Ii.l.e, ,Wa'Y'224‘. atte file ,elld eff , sesnieri of third• spot, s
relentless scoring attack in the middle frame op,a tally by the second peri0dAnd then game this week, rweimthainleisesg than fi3nr min. than five minete,s remaining.
to one ing two -goal lead with less
The Sailors put cm a stroi5
I knotted the count before theY: period.
stanza and came back with a ;lead at the 3:08 •mark of the "le last, 6- ae Be close 0 The Combines have only eel ne,
a Friday nloght1!i'i,ae_15,ton eut, the lead
the short end of a. 10-4 count, have t d
e lance o a d to their
The 4xeler molawks eriiiaue The mohawks Jumped into Itt was the foerth meeting be win caohnim this weak, when, Lino/wider/4n combines ran and Hollingsworth tel
e wean the A" clubs, and corn-
• led Ingersoll Marland's seer- two goal lead at the 13:20 pieted roerlatee weep for they Play the two last Place , lied for three third period 1 taohdtivsetoig,e7is
pet the teams
berme Co'.
ing in the first and third ne-1 mark when Dick Bedard the mariande, seners, Folimeing WednesdaYlgoals, EridaY, to •hand the Port hackl on even terms
1 visitors whipped in during the Joe 'relish scored the Mar -
Dews in the eirceie coming alternem fixture, I 'The Combines jumped .n.0 t d eti
a Walton net the visitoz7S one ve
middle Stanza to go down to land's first merker one minute tin loth a ;
tvm each over the On WerinesdaY, the Exeter :3-e lead in the first period, but when e earne uP e,t1
middle frame. the north d attack in the final minutes ei
Nadalln, and the elariande held off a dderinined Inger.. encounter with tbe front -run- • '
Joe Pelish nag t scaling,
star for the Marlands, coming, maintained their relentless third frame.
On Send ay, the fifth, piece " can'
thumb with four goals in the tack, moving into a 8-2 lead in
Sailors scored A similar 9-8'
/ game. The farmer Senior "B" the frame. •
-ng Ingereoll martands in Let, twSinteevethSretoerelynrwesasfoi ti.ie hate,
• . 1 1 d back as -they soli rally that fell short in the ' ni
‘pt vruai Ctrkdf, 0 rtlht.itsh Ne‘, ayear.:liltohoet h -131 ikgabtei ns gt out- Watlon pulling them back to
for, tivtilletn nark ,intigol‘evevtear11,y1 heatcottliiie,
bines tightened up their de.
Stu O'Neil triggered a pair
of tallies for the • winners, lane° and 1"ing on to their
while Toni Collings, Al Lortie slim ulle*g°a1 /narg'il to re'
and Don lerbshon. picked, up e°rd their sixth win in the last
the others, seven outings,
Walt Gardner and Doug Wal.
squad, contributing a pair of Streak e-nds
ton paced the Port Dever
s4 picked up by George Burcham, ,
P gees each, Singletons were -
it„ Doug Loveday and Ernie Hol. as LI lose
'' lingsworth
• :stalwart netted one in each of 1 Gravett. and 13eattie martaged will over the second tPlaee How they stand
the first and third periods and tallies in the final period, but Aylmer lmeerials °vett/nee: -
dented 'period
twine twice in the ------------ oft be Pelish and Doug Loveday notched his see- I
By his own admission. Zivic was a "gentle-
man boxer". "Whenever I hit 'ern low, 1 always
Said 'pardon me' ", he stated.
Starting out as a preliminary fighter, Fritzie
picked $25 for his pastime, "If I was lucky,
I used to get $35," he said. However, Zivic worked
his way.to,the top and won the title against Henry
Armstrong in a fight he terms as the hardest of his
long career,
'that guy hit me everywhere except the
Leedom of my feet," he said.
Fritzie recalled one of his early bouts when
he substituted for his brother who was sick just
before the fight. Fritzie agreed to the terms of his
opponent's manager that he wouldn't knock the
• fellew out Until after the second round. "I laugh
every time I think of that," Zivic said, "because I
didn't even know if I could beat the guy, let
• alone knock him out"
However, he found that the kid was very
• weak, and when he hit him in the first round he
• almost went down from the one blow. "I grab-
bed him quick," he recalled, "and managed to hold
him up until he regained his senses".
In the third round Zivic came out and went
up and touched gloves with the kid. "This isn't
the final round," the kid stated. "It is for you,"
Zivic answered, and promptly knocked him out.
Naturally, meat of the sportswriters at the
press conference wanted to know who Fritzie was
picking for the upcoming Patterson - Johannsen
fight. He was quite definite in his opinion that
Patterson would Will the bout and called him the
better fighter of the two.
Fritzie was else definite in hLe choice of
"Sugar Ray" BobinSon ae the greatett fighter of
all times.
Although we'll probably never see the guy
again, I'm sure we weuldn't have any difficulty
picking him out, even if we Were just passing on
the etreet, because his facial features are very dis-
tinctive. It was probably best summed up by Rip
Collins, guest speaker at the affair, who looked
at Fritzie and said, "Doesn't he remind you of a
fellow who used to catch without a mask?"
BATT'N AROUND — Musser, Exeter,
end Moe Gebeil, RCAF CentrAlia, were also on
hand at the annual Sports dinner. Bill, who has
attended three of the alight, is an avid Yaekee
fan, and questioned several. of the big leaguers
about his favorite team. Bob Feller, former pitch-
ing act of the Cleveland Indians told Bill that
Mickey Mantle was the greatest player in the
American league today, "That fellow lea8 abilities
he hasn't even used yet," stated Feller ,
playoff time throughout the district, and several
minor teams have already commenced their
ganiee, and _a8 Mel a few controvereite have
popped up. The txtter bantams are waiting to
play Clinton, but their opponents won't start until
a few ntattere have been cleared Up. It appeare
that Goderich, who tre over the population cate.,,
gory for "B" towns, has been given permissioe to
remain in this category, while Seaforth who are
, actually ":13", have been given.- permission to rt.
main "C" because they .are jt,,tst slightly over
• that figure. Naturally, officials in Clinton Mild
txeter) feet that those teams should play in the
CAtogory that the rules- call for, and argtm that
they had te Metre up last year when they were
just a few ever the population figure. We'll have
to agree with them, hut the final Say will come
frOrn the OMHA, Anyway, it sounds like nether
rhuharh_ is building up. (The records prove that
atter swill probably lost, eVen toy appear to
have well.totnided argument,)
1 Baetz, as e 'Meilen& matte ond tally of the efternoori at Last week's scores;
$econd period onslaught.
(*wee Nadalin popped in two , tallied their six -goal bulge, 1 'the 3:23 mark of the extra ses- I
give the Sailors the , ineerstei in, Exer
Aylmer 5, 1-04a/1 1
markers for the visitors, while: Oamo comments-. The score sten lo er 4
Wall Long, Floyd Baetz and was not a real indication of Win,
. Nib' 5, Ingerson ;
tl 111 h• wk I However, Ingersoll reversed ii.4.gcr-nr,x,,,,67.orpt DA.°ver 7
:Omer S
Ingersoll 5, Delhi A
Dan Pearson triggered the P
ine ' came up with one of -their bet.' the tables on the last place
others. , . ! Delhi squad, thumping the
were out -lucked around o f, 1 t , in ay. a r -
were Stan TArieh-, Mel; Be.; they
Don Beattie. ylmer stopped Leican-lider-1Exeter ....,.,. 6 6 61 um
1 ped by the brilliant net -mind-; een re -leemer 143 127
Lues,n-Ilder. ton „ S A inn se
; ing of Lockbead. On the other
ton's win streak at five genies, I
Take teed I hand, the Marlands appearedPori Dover • .... 7 17 145 172
. !Delhi .. ...... ....., 7 17 1.15 17,1
Stan 'Ulrich opened the seen.' to get several good breaks a -'
ing for the Mohawks in the round the net and toOk advari-I Ingersoll picking up four mi. Future games;
first period, scoring at the tage of them . . . It was the nors and Exeter getting lecke& Friday, Februere 10-
8:10 mark on a play with Bill final scheduled. meeting be -i for a pair, All six penalties; Ingersoll at Lateen
McDonald, McDonald got a tween the only two "A" clubs! came in the final ,period • eunday. February 12—
cleat' break on the Ingersoll in the Southwestern 0 H Ai The front running Ingersoll 1 Ayllnpr at. Delhi
net. but Ed Lockheed made a grouping. Ingersoll won all squad, who are loaded With Exeter a t Port Dover
Marksmen for the Mohawks el lame P ' • ' R ekets 9-0 m S d fte
the Ingersoll net and also etop• nm°
t me in tie tobaee0 theersou ze • 1st 4111
dard, Boom Boom Gravett and • - • •
brilliant stop -to thwart his at -1 four games between the two
tempt. However, Ulrich came clubs , . . 185 fans braved
ewooping in to hat the rebound the sub -zero temperatures to
fete the cage before Lockheed watch the eonteet • . , It, was
could move back to cover up. a cleanly played game, with
talent, have to sit at least •two • eioneey, rebruery 13
Port Dover at Ingersoll
'Wednesday, February 15—
Port Dover at A.ylmer
Delhi at Fateter (5 p.m.)
I players out every game, Roger
Henhawke, Jack Lewis and
Ted. McDonald 'missed Wednes-
day's eneountet with the Tribe,
Highirtes of sportsmen's dinner
L stars miss 'cousin Jack,
ix' proves target for Rip
Sy BILL BATTEN 1 contests in outdoor rinks. He
A person listening to tee ' stated that refereeing was ex-
• eeptionally hard on the hack,
many sports celebrities at the ! and after last year's mare -
fifth annual Sportswriters then playoff between Toronto
banquet in London, reeently,i
and Detroit, be said it was
einoguld Itenanstilyticleasnete arnweany
thIhaneke;, about all be could take.
achieved success becauee they i He told us that: one night lit
have the ability to laugh at refereed irt a game that wa$
i just 42 seconds short of set -
themselves., r • I ting an all-time record for
Each one o[ tlie
bad stories to tee, most 0.0 length. It didn't finieh until kids today will have a hard
after 2:00 a.m.
them humorous, about their; time to beat."
• , Frank said it was important "In 1938 I had the distinc•
these jokes," Moore said, "but
we Canadiens don't joke too
much. We've .wen the Stanley
Cup five times and were head-
• ing for our sixth,"
BOB FELLER forMer mound
ace of the Cleveland Indians
and one of the greatest strike-
' out artists of all times. You
know," Feller said, "I hold
quite A few records that these
pai spotts eie
an attempt to cut the !eerie
star of the conteet, denting the
and the effort paid off wWi
ie Storey started the parade
24 •
16 off at the 2:16 mark on a play
with Harry Gillard, but Bur
chain knotted the count at the
4:20 mark on a play with
Gardner. Stu O'Neil shot the
1 homesters into a 2-1 lead, at the
five-minute mark and Storey
scored his second on a solo
effort to give the Combines a
3.1 lead.
Loveday managed to cut the
lead to one goal when he trig-
gered his lone marker at the
15:37 mark of the first frame,
Walt, Gardner shot the Sail-
ors into a 4-3 lead on two
quickies in the second frame
' coacb with the Chicago Cubs,
I Billed as the main speaker,
1 Collins had several bumorous
• anecdotes to. tell, rnostly con-
cerning his former team mate, i
I Dizzy Dean.
"When Dizzy Dean first'
I came to the Cardinals", Col-;
lins revealed, "he had never,
seen an electric light. He st2y-1
ed up until 2:00 a,:rn. trying to
blow She dare thing out and'
finally got disgusted and ept,
, .
the cord and almose electro -1
cuted himself."
, that referees in •any leegue let tan of setting a season's rec.-
players know who is boss. ord. by walking 203 •batters," he "When Diz.ZY waS 'a garne1
a laugh a seconcl, throughout
the entire affair.
"If the players know they are, quipped, "and I had three and winner he allowed about seven ,
Collins said.;
Here are spme of the stories ,
going. to have to play by the two counts on a thousand runs a garne"
and comments of these sears,
book - they will," he other g,uys." "He used to have too many I
and a few editorial. comments rale 1 ew,lien I retired e lea with friends on the other learns." I
about personalities. , said.
I came in front first base;
JIMMY P1ERSALL, contro-1 Udvari had this story to tell, an amazing record of 1700 mite day and asked him why he;
. When in Clancy was a , walke in one career, and bad, cln't bear dotyn more,
L referee, he called a pen-' three and •two on 16,000 guys. and he c .
versial and energetic centre ,
fielder of the Cleveland In -
finds mark for four
The second place Aylmer
Imperials snapped leican•Ilder.
Con Combines' winning streak
at five games, WednesclaY,
handing them a 5-1 setback in
11 was' the first loss for the
Combines since they were
edged IV Ingersoll on Jan-
ary 6, In their streak •they
whipped the Delhi leockets
twice and stepped the Exeter
Mohawks, Port Dover Sailors
and Aylmer Imperials once,
YVes Garand led the Im-
perials to their four -point win,
scoring a pair of goals against
Jake Barnes. Cy Kelly, Red
Hough* and Bud Garton
picked up singletons. Besides
scoring a goal, Garton assisted '
an all four of his team mates'
Steve Storey was the lone
1 marksman for the losing Coin.
IAylmer held a slight 33.33
. edge in shots on goal. Both
Jake Barnes of the Combines
' and Jimmy Clarke of the Im-
perials played well in goal.
About 400 fans witnessed the
fase-nioving contest.
on the Leafs' Babe Pratt. If I hadn't been in the navy, inton luvs
came back with the statement
dians. Piersall was the first.
guys get paid to work --
and Pratt was so mad he tossee for four years there'e no --togo'Yodnottke",-ou
speaker at the banquet,
eacl series
„ stick comes down," Clancy could bave set for these kids where the Cardinals had a I
re.- his •stick into the air. "If that ling what kind of records I 3 '
Collins recalled one game
when he was introduced he
ceived a heck ng oo roi 1 roared, "it will cost you $25,' to shoot at. good lead When Wally Berger,
Irish squad
cop playoff
13111 Darling, staedout -goalie
for the Lucan midgets, ;turned
in Iwo shut -out performancee
to lead his team to their first
series win in 0M1 -IA pleyoffs.
The Irish six knocked Lam-
beth off in two straight in their
best -of -three series. '2hey won
the first game 6-0 in Lucan,
Saturday, and came back with
a hard-fought 2-0 wire Tues-
till. Neil and Gary Ravine.
ton provided the prey margin
Darling needed in the second
Hal Smith, of the Pittsburg Pi- : Me stick carne down of I game, while Leo Dewan paced
rates. "I didn't know Joe Gor- BILL MITCHELL, tookie of ; a renowned tong -ball hitter, '
coarse.The Clinton juveniles jumped the initial win veil three goals,
. Clancy said AS be skated by the - ,, , . plate :for the into 'a 1-0 lead •in their best- Keith Hudson, Court Carmich.
don was here," Plersall ex- "You kn°w PralIt'" ' tl year with the Toronto Ar -1 Repeated at the
os It s a teal privilege. to oPPositiore "Dean told him. to of -three WOAA. "B" playoff, ael and Bill Neil picked tip
claimed. 1 the B•abe "I wish I was nlav
Piersall told the large 1 • - • -1' be up here with all these baee- dig m and he'd oroove one
against you." "Aren't, e • Friday, skating to a 5-1 AVID
iat (le est ned, 1 ball stars," h 'd . just to see how far Berger
e said . • - over Exeter, in :Exeter,
crowd that he was the only ' eng
player in baseball to be sent - - ' • 1 "You know," he added, could hit it." I
Amu" P . • t 1 io
home for a rest because the' ANDY VARIPAPA, one of, "these guys get more raise "When- Berger finally sent The locals teed Clinton in the
managers and nmpires were the greatest 1.0 -pin bowlers and than I get paid in a whole the ball sailing a count y
,r -in e.
ti first game of the serie•s, but
tired. ' trick 'shot artists of all time, year." I Dean was standing on third , couldn't break through the
o• him as he went arotied the defensive play or the
The fleet -footed centre Bel.' mid a member of the• bowling base waiting to congratulate: strong
• • ELMER RIPLEY, coach f visitors and the fine netminct-
- some the Tillsenburg Livingtons „anti bases,,, ing of Johrk Harris in this one.
der said that rnany peoPle hall of fame. 'This is
asked him what his kids" game you bowl' up here -five
thought about hire being awey1 pins. It's more like checkers, }Aar': inleitheesahidnnkhei, haonIcIds nitnhpeinsgeoirnin 1
a former coach of the Alien enlonw,,aPs
Ripley recalled the early them :will never be duplicated pair 1s)talaireell'ioolf goals in the fixtnre•
from home so much, so he But don't worry," he saidt, tem Globe Trotters,
answered . with the following "the neenan's garee is corn -
I , days of basketball and the va- , He was at the plate in one Singletons were picked up by
story. ing this way," rious rules the different sec- wi.111
"MY youngest son was wet- i JACK McCARTAN, hero of Lions used, "In one place We, second, The return throw by Livermore. team mate on Bud Yeo, Bill ellefner aed Ron
1 gA a
chine a ball game on TV one the 'United States' Otymnie ritayed Roman Catholic Itules,' 1 the catcher hit him on thei :Reck Boyle was the lone
day when the announce e sta. hockey team and a goalie for, he said, "it you see a face -, head and the ball roiled into• scorer for Exeter, scoring ae
Led that number 37, limn"! the Kitchener-Waterleo 13eav- kick it." ' • the outfield and the rut Scored, unassisted marker at; the 15:40
Piersali, was the batter. My , ers in the EPTIL. "I doe't see, He told the audience that le with Collins drawing an RBI, I mark of the final period to rob
on yelled for his mother, and• why everybody thought Kitch-1 another place they used to ffAi:
'--- i "They rule it an error on the elerris of his shut -out.
tyliert she came into the room, ener-Waterloo Dutchmen were one point Mr every basket arid catcher aew,,, he saidTb
year fin the ta"ke off half a Viint Lor everY1 Collins also has his riame e learns played a scoreless
he said- Hey 211001, that 17°1n.; a 'enure last
her 37, Jimmy 1 imsal - e
, Olympic hockey 1.oureamente; rule infractiot. One night we down m the books as ifitwo
the on,,,yttc?iteteilnisuentellipeliefol'irstn10.isperiod, hut Clio-
' "Anybody can lose one garne,":, ended up five in the holo," he, playqr ever to
plao d and ad ci0ecliestchireir;
comes here, doesn't he?" \
titre with Bill 'Musser and n•iy- because in a round-robin se, HAL SMITH, who Achieved and never' make a puteout, five -goal lead before Boyle
ehted borrow hie eme..tr.ic r?,eer ries Sclitoechn At A otwhaa3t,,s illveien,,,best hralninee ,7iltritlinhisetell,eeittnaliegralanle'lloef eelitle etnnid inotferl?scliznzayti g°tInlingtbat.pi Se,errhecCici,1\lve evieonae tEoixleitenrt Ita3thpeen.
e....... -
eel Jimmy asked Fact if he
Ie, gel lid of snMe,SII )115 1:ve-, mecailan pokthgly reetteed tplcietts1b9u6t0.gwoprilttsi ttsser,i0As,intnvgithwtilitlei finfusneofailtditerettoitileete)din‘tvertenlili Cele. •
6 clock shadow. when Face, hie earlier ill aitice Oiled in the contest,
dame bad: with the reeer, New York Rangers and 11,s
season plot with ii,earr, ro,t tirt.urtoy rAcatet otmhe.. c;tielt agpitilas'itn• e• dete.-1;e7-,e,cao-rsiiircitya,:ii tvi,.tellilln Ctlii:iirtdoegVnenkinnerf 111240) Seeirglelts, r or,„1,heii \
lice songs c wil be plaYed le Clinten, i $ .1
felersell walked down the hall,1 "promotion" to the EPHL, He Lw"iesdaltheir guiter play- Play with; the ' he
unannounced ,and shaved him-, hoelieli and
self in front of the Mirror in their pert in helping hie, getI onF01110 VI' s ? v It 1 iliiieekeyti , stills' fiosor Iti,vi!fitginoti anhemefeatiy, 1 ttvionuM.1 tise Is,hivs ...,,e,a.r,A low 'tenet", 1
Dickie Moore for
tile bathroom,
whose room it was, but ilia tt mint6vnt eertainly 1116Yed a 121•0- te our genie, but during the " wildn it pull&l a lingainent I able to confuse 1 opp s
didn't appear lb bother Pier. A n.a,r,t •lIll theitiNIILe senr',1".w"or(Itl seeks 1 heerd Caset• loos in hi5 grOhh,"
singletons in the one-sided tilt,
Lucan will meet Mesa Craig
in the first game of their best -
of -three series in Lucan, 5at-
urday. The Irish are currently
in first place in the Shemrcick
loop. Ailsa Craig. are
mired in the cellar with only
three wins,
iWben we asked Piereall and .
'I think niott Cana- ' said.
diens took the wrong attitude,' games at first hese more la the final to -have a
roy Face to pose 1.017 a nie lle 6°d.
*41//A1.8,•±'8 1)t
\ Saying?)
"varsilY1 Thursday, tOVe \
door was (Men and walked, in
came to a room where the toole the oppertuttity le them( Leen ,They linve also appeared eause he ween't duel . ,
two other guests, Frank Ma- ••- C v to the feet Ile had been 'Iran- •••
1$ e
t ties peemotion e • grea s o .ron sal •a o te .e, o, the y have e e iee a
W ltnow he clide't know I "we don't ligVe anY fateeffe got hart BAP tio manager, 'Wtre shottoldtuin)
sa 11, ee, ,c ea re.15 ,t , , though", he Old, "it We don't
! tailed thAt tbe two high.scor. '''teng° •i that l'aee °ff Co ins, ,Said he didn't know know what we're going to do A,
the field," • exactly whet -pattern the Celts, -what will they think?"
RON STEVVART, Laeada•s ing forwards exellanged the
/PHONE $0.
rt larke
'outstanding male athlete AtItt leedership twite lit the teelY I 0 RANK "miketov c1,4, g,thr
; . -
a backfield star of the Grey eeesett pley, seoring their of the Teteete Meek Lege E
cep eheenpme, otteWa Rough goals egeinst the Rangers atid Pfc8etitlY AbblW
Riders, Referred to Ae the while he was in the net. I et :Richarclie eeterti nf. 60 genie
"nlig1tty mite" Stewart gave "I bet you f clime lieled to, foe one seeson. Althoegh the
"Whee Stewart trogeoe A yard breAlte the goal ecorieg rec.' nied it) as Saying he tellid eet
.ocke)f Action!
his enAch's delleitiee him, Nee me go," be seid, "If, Feeek "I3ig M" Wee etutited fhe t .rJ
grit) he loOke like a dwarf ord he elmuld seed me A wee eleng eviehoue, Peel1e1ly, 110
He eke fold Hite better:hie DICKIE M 0 0 R E, Nee:eine' "'Old
I had nothine Ind praise fer the
fle.dlieed" AI, the hall. I
refilling out of a sllowdrift," thenke," he quipped,
s(ory: "A thethet aeked her woe mtd all,thr with flit quut,
rlhate 11111 61X gl'atest Cenadiene, "It's nice', ket4 WATsdN, tanedee Mr. I
Men cahattA, AttorA feee‘lre to see Teratik Utiveri witheut; •Cueling, and A tegular tolurm,
mokAik$ 1411t ile°11e,u""t",e•L
etl InelnueneI hie be said, "Hest nisi, in The T•A, told the tett I
PUP" 1)1r48 u"171g ""'Y' wondetful guy It laik et the eelebeitiee that they; t.
"Iv11111. '866elit5, 1.6 14'. t"u' Moore statody 'yen gef, 'probably never belied a hie 1
bled Jeherly1 etked. "On, .0/04h eeeee, Mint: 1,geine, but iL wes •"e enelqI
A:91, lilt fill'elelle6 Reelitifleg wes in pr- and And a real tekill sport, It
fig,I1L,' , 1661 teOlVdv MOOre took the bre' y y e ro,peose,rit
eatt'l Make up teed ebbed, J.0
FRANK UDVARt. ref. § )50ialty otie ttighthi Totem/ tont Wog eta mind 0 1
Poriumty te get In a 1' 10 thoroughbred reeing, Buy. t
DELI-11 RC)C1( V'Se
the. geelkeeper.l "tidies." teeelled Sitting' telt. e boese e good joyeer,..
*rat. tl v rri recently .6ffi• fele "teUthitie, "Oh titers , ee . 1
elAttd Ai hiS fitl6t17 genee the right," said, "you get nefi. o'oth' -"--•. , -
leg big league- A hative et aleitie fee intoning Mt Leffs Mein. i
The xifelioner area, rdittl
1Pranki Vironte. tier 'of the t. SLibelist' beee ,
started out refereeing et teljOYed "Gee House Gabe and flOW
fellitithieheitiffietittlfiellerlieleliTiffillMerffiliffifIffiNfOhiliefelteltiehtelfireellifiTheetilifee I