HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1852-09-09, Page 2.er R alt ('overwwieot (e depend to mouMe ■
leo Farb ei obs Crewe se pledged to thew
Color we. AN err, I hope that stere Covert
u pset ea/ erre 1lesse soil take (heir stead
tae the C amatieeres•1 morrow* w to wbeth-
U the merelm"f Ceases •hall hent ileo tight
le m•iasge sheer ewa drone er est. 1 de
a.« aper.,. of • emotes ohne\ hi. been
trcouawrded! be nese, that la, to pass • hail [are upon the Clergy Reserves. Ile would
pndeeossd w taped legalewo. Thee azaert the even though it 'Ladd bring .r
w s degroNrg per,rtoa. The people d Eng Tato collision with England. He treated
tend leant Noe tint t•• knew sbat we s.pa of the mode is which IM Reserves shodd
to do sob oboes Revenge. And u•, 1 for be brought back from £sglead,and defepa.
coo well sever meseant to ser Mug pun a ed ha own conduct and .bat of the govern-
rrw d Mmbls supplreeeu at •he meat for the eotane tlir g
Mr .t the ho loerl . *hare, b•ggng brin the l.escrves'back lea ds feided
beer speed to a fu•br a bre► bel•mgs a ale i
w we. Sy such • sears* es yawed; ad herself from the attacks of the boo. mem-
«t tam r+gkl to Skarn of the qursItoe ; ben, sad read from hu address to the eke -
our he,. a ptoeedent o1 this hoed in the ten of Hurls to the effect, that although
settlement of 18.10, sad what woo the ver he was mel a member of the mini.trr, he
mkt the hill paged by the legialalore of had 11,e m est perfect confidence is them,
she cometry was ry acted by the Imperial because lay were pledged to reeularize
Parliament, amid a &Merest ase 'obtained the Clergy Reserves, and he believed them
m its room. 1f we tsktthis course we take honest in their intentions. Yet, in the
the sort of weaves they choose toned ut. face of that statement. the public piss bad
1 bore, therefore, that the Government industriously circulated the report, that be
wire be prepared to take the emirs" lb" had attacked the govertimeet. Ile fartbtr
w41 be meat deluded. sad the mod (bete complained of the misrepresentations oldie
to brag shout a speedy •ettlemeot of the press, in making it appear that at the pre-
gee+ties. They know that Upper Canada sent time the ministry had given no pledge
is aaaiosaly expecting them to do their in favor of the secularization of the Clergy
fie. reserves, end tint after the resolutions in
1 de pot wish to be wJeratooi at east- ausacr to IL address had expressed deep
i.h sq doubt os the iategrity of the ad- regret at the decision of the Imperial mi-
I.;wutratioe; far from it. I believe them nistrv, and the explicit declanlionq of his
to be hoarse and resolved to do their duty. colleague.. The gentlemen of the press
Before leariag the suLject 1 feel it to be mu,t have a poor a rIuioa of the intelligence
my duty to state fiat, shhotsgli 1 do not and don•rnmcat of that country before they
ap)ri'ehead any difficulty in this matter if made such statements. be hon. member
the Imperial Parliament refuses to give ue continued to defend tbe govereaten; dori,
for eosstitetimnal ridLta. I, for one, will be the recess n- tb respect to steamship' and
prepared to rote fora bit, hut With no awl- niboads.sicl stated tLat Parliament could
pcaJtag clause—a bill which on the face of
it will say to the lmrerial authorities, •'you
have refused the constitutional demands
of the Canadian people, we bite takes
this meg we will take all of/ter lrcu/ mat-
tes tato our own hind ; make the moat of
it." `ext, if oot equal in importance to
Vie Clergy Reserves is the question of
equalizing and eatendiag the Represents -
sic--- - _ _
oreviac&tl parliament.
'sake as the hes. meld.ribehhed Got i
did as' belong 10 the pversmetst, he (Ste -
B.) ppee ►ire biomes' serial support. 'e
Ma. CAlez1ow mads sane further re-
marks is Macias to his election, seed thea
slated that be bed always marled, amid ever
model assert the riget ot Curds, to legis-
control a!1 that Ih►- hid done.
Mn. Dt Botts) (in Pseudo) spoke is fa -
Tor of a l.etelative Pinnell. ;tad reproach-
ed `Ir.:vloiis for having rhnn:;.d his oiviw-
ioss sinew Ib38. Ile coolheaded Boat our
rrescut a )atitutios was asoma:otr. lle dol
net think it was peeper:ler the bon. member
for :t. \laurree (Mr. 'fi.reott) to throw
dirt at the honourable member for two
tum. 1 do sincerely hope that the intends mountaios, (%lr. l'apisi a) The boa.
measure will be based on pnpulatios; the member for St. Maurice, who joioed the
atoll boro--gbs and counties will be attach- Proper su'misr•tratien,was not the man who
rd for representative purposes to the ad- should arose ile boo. member for Two
jniniab ecsstituioei i. BY 'the present mountain, of leaning towards the Tories.
,*stem we cannot obtain a fair esereseio$ 'I be bon. member remembered the eslima-
of public opinion. The sir we bare so- tine is whieh he was held for joining the
tire of the intention of the Coverameet to !)raper administration, when be was ' cha-
extesJ the franchise. 'l'14is is a most Jost i raeterized bJ the whole pram with. Cani-
measure. lir the presest vrmigementdime ° vontetra et trigne.' The hon. mem•
lar;,. .umbers of intelligent, irdustrioua I her for St. Maurice, according to his own
men are debarred from a valwble privilege account, had made a "sacrifice;' when he
There are many parts of the eouatry where, ar
toted for the Speaker. hut he was not wil-
men bat. expendedkiJk well roeerabral el 1 lino to arifice the £300 for his salary as
mosey and labor, but who, sot basin; made , a Tory minister, which the last mini.try hod
their last payments, bate so bt to uote.j rebised to -pay, but for. which he eome tc.
In [.ower Cauda this is not Md case; on jibe gcteroment offices, a.short time be-
iadi,idsal els vote so a location ticket,—I fore the meeting of parliament, and three:-
There as be too good reason , why tors eoed lhat-he -wou:d vote for Fapineau if
right abesld not be ette.ded to Upper l tbry did net pay Lon the £300.
Canada. 'nee *amber of tote, in mart. Mo. TLrccfTT •emrbatirally denied]
populous meuicipaltie's is very we'll s" cern-; that he bad ever.mvde such a stipulation.
reed with the spelt mak porulatioa.-- Ua.'CrLPH spoke inaolow a voice. that
fake for instance Dumfries, one 0( t1:e he waa nearly inaudible in the Reporter's
bust sad oldest settled tnwnsltirs in Gallery tbrou-hout the nhile of his re -
Western Canelo, where, at 'the last eke -!,nark.. Ile was understood to say that
tine, when my hos. friend the member for i the hon member for Kent had exposed and
llal►es woe • essdidate, 373 tot ere' ceeteedirrg that the-"Ilinistry was corrupt,
polled, gain one ie every sic ; "Lt. in ! and founded iter a rel nicious principles,
the towciaiip of Brantfort 494 were 1- tied I while at she sat; a time he tendered his own
gibes nee in .even. A necessary eon -;sorra: 1' it. lin. (Pr. Rnlph) .would
cousitatet of an extended hancl.ue is 1 s'nrn spelt sate Cort from such a man.--
, sot* by helot, wLicb 1 Iriet ('.lib--ngh not i Either the h.nn. member for Kent had de-
i mnutie*ed is tbe resolutions.) the Govern-' liberate:v Iibeileth the government or he
meat will be prepared to ree'mmend. i w.as wi:!ing to offer Lis rnrrept services in
win fiat my boa. friend for . [Huron, whit i• s i,,,.oi t of it if it were as bad as he made it
lie wsu!1 expect to be the result of an'..,i;I,..ar. If the hen. member fancied the
election in that .sooty where the in naive,,,, eovernn;crt snflirii nt!v corrupt to purchase
of the Canada Company is so great, with Lu sen ices or that it desired them, he was
an extended franchise without the rroduc- ,,i.iiakcn. Proeecdiuz to s eek upon the
tier of the ballot -boll In all repr.aenta-: principle.' on which. the ado inistral on c•as
fire bodies the iotroductt'a of the ballot hunted he was understood to say. that it
es wrong, because those who send hare a'' i,ould carr, out principles of progressive
right lo know how these who are sent diff- reform, as fest res the people of the country
e;sarpre their duties; het individual el.-ctors, desired. 'Mc speech from the throne allu-
who repres not only thtmselers, have n ! (deg to an increase of the representation
right to rote as they please ail iu the' way , end of a mole for enteyisterung votes --
they piase•'chose promises Lida been sincerely made
'this house is also relied upr.t: to concur and it there was nothing else, they were
with his Exeellenev in his o;dnien that the sufficient to entitle lie ministry to credit
interests of agricnitere are entitled to r.-, for a desire to carry out progressive reform.
retial rare and„atteteinn. As -, a class j i'hc peai.le of Europe wo^Id sing Tr
ogriculturiats harp long complained that ; brines if such premises weer 'made to
their interests were not fairly rerresented theta in royal speech at the commence -
ie the I.egi.hatu:e. end, sir 1 feel assured' meat of a session of l'arliamnnt : Such pro -
that the appeal will not be made in vain to 1 mina, would rejoice the people of J:nrland
those who are sent to rep resent that inter-! nail 1 re:land. But there were promises of
mit in this house, ['other reforms in the Speech of the (iovern-
'!'his country hes long suffered from the for Genera!, and it the hon. member for
want of information at hrme in refcr•ere , tient would spend an hour is taking up the
in the capabilities of the eoontry. Frim ,,t. eche. of (termer (;orcrnors rf C-anade.
the want of this information Ihnnscnds of he would find that none of them contained
etnignets are driven from our shores, and . linlf so many promises of reform aa the
the progress of the country wofully retard- Speech delivered by the nobleman at the
ed. ; head of Coverntpent at the cnmmeneeil cut
1 have already ncropicil ser lane a per-! sea file present session. The basis which
tion of the time of the house !let 1 mat of ! lLa'aduniuistrattnn had assumed was sutfi-
aecepsitr omit some other points of imi o. - ' , i 1 t'y rridr,ind he betiered he knew rnoi. h
tenetin the resolutions. but 1 cannot sit est le,. ;erupts of Upper (. anada to enable
dows without thanking them for the im!ul-' Len to state, that they wind be satisfied
grate they have shown me, and without i wit!, the ministry so long as it honestly en-
exprewing a cordial response, to the midi d. arcurnd to carry cut the reforms which
of Ins Exeelleney that, '•in all measures' were promised. Coming to the principles
which may beadnpter. for the promr,tinn of: u;•rn whirb hr• hail joined the administra-
the interests of the Prntinre amt for the tiro, hs• ens ut,d• r -tend to s: v. tl.al ri was
happier*, ..d conter.tment of the (ienp!e.' noon the disti;i t understand n;; that it
thio hoose will Cess, a ;u its im^ortant do-:'Lot,l.1 wand tie tall neon the se itlement of
ties with an humble hope that the Almighty; the Clever Reserve• ter Meir .ecotone*.
will render its endcirnrs efficacious fur liretion, one Il.e settlement of the Rectory
public good." --C Canadian. questions. Ile reproached fire lion. mew-
I'rrmt lAc G%wiat. ; her kr Keel for inconsistency and for be-
ing Join inconsistent, than even the minis -
`ds. Carwaost went oft to renaems the' try was, arenrdin* to his ewe aerolwt.—
rods and decay cry. whir h he said was cal -I, .1 t,e hon. member reed from n member of
righted to dove emigration from COW shores, 1 IL,. (,/rhea iu suppnrt of ti., view, from in
' sad betides had not (be merits of being article cnirmrntia g teem Mr. )'rice's rr-n-
tine. lire hon. member proceeded to re- Drier,• and arguing tint Iter : were il(e Lest
ties the 'moments %Lich had beep !ad 1' Mode of proceeding In avoid rousing into
ed by Mirrors. •Moulton and ( demoted. Ile rolbsion with the imperial- aolhnritirs,
tiled the e**diiioe of the city of l'orooto, which arrr.rding to the article wnild net be
sod showed its rapid rise to wealth art pc- ridetil •ed to arrive ■t the end desired.--
pttlmtioe. tie lb" showed that etre Inerease Now he (1)r. R.) wished to avoid collie',
ons; end he desired to adopt the best means
for the srrulariznii.•n of the reserves. Ile
would ask IIs'ir hen. ineniber for Kent if the
danger of comingTinto colli.aine with the
home awiLnritics w re as' .s 'rest is for-
merly, if the means were adopted which be
Oren condemned? M tib respect to lower-
ing elle price of ('town Lands, the power
to do so was left in the bands of the Gov-
error in ('oenril. 'their doing on segs a
mutter of diseretiwo end entuequently they
were not obliged to core down to the
'loose for avhori►y. 'Ile bon. ,member
made tome farther rem•rtss but the report-
er's did not hear them with sulkiest dis-
theisem to tate these down.
of the popldatlia and wealth of the whole
Province of Canada lad been mar rapid
time that of the failed Mates is these par-
ticulars; he remarked aro the seatineesis
which hod heat uttered in favor of annex-
anew, sod eooteuded dist besides Linz un-
patriotic lbty were ant calculated to ad-
s -awn She keeper -0y of the 1'rovieee. He
taro 1e hie owe rase and said that be
week wet ray s.ythisg Thee apes the ret-
ook which Whored Ism to hare the Tote
mieistry; but he would state that he would
make es stetemest which bed sot bees for-
med from bra, sod the! be hied wished them
se berm. Ile asked the Iwo. member for
Kest if be felt guileless of having dela
much to divide the refers party duriog the
Me election. Ile hod spot ee ages' le
• pus his (Mr. Cements's) elective ia
• its. Clown' dosed, die, sed slated that
As afkttionste freedmen ere smieeted le
he the rap ream., M ender to be met hw
fret►M, wbe we. • corporal, is the 91M •
Qvssac, Aug. 31, IRM.
Leet Witt mimes/ per/1Wae wen MIL
•'sof from places to Lewin Canada. for aad
to road•, college*, eke.; lose ter /he obsss-
I Sunday is tea Poor 0111c.; the reef
a.lerclla.eous, taeladug ewe against the re
lura of Mr. l hareem for Kaeo.reoka, Ih1*.
ler anise d the set el Iaeerporetlea of the
Pt.'lawrence sad Champlain Railway, sod
to manse rho capital Stack of the Rank of
Moistest, sen read • EM rime; oleo u
set to eland oho set of teeerp•.r.eie•a of
the 8,. Lswresee sad Attaatrc Railway
The debate was urea refueled ea the Ad -
Iowa, mad at 1 se Ike arora•ag the sots*
were takes. The fist 10 parag•aphs sero
carried unsn mnus'y. On she 11114 pars
graph, sen the Clergy Kewanee, being again
reed, the [louse wan divided lhereeo.
Virile—Bros et Cameron, Car tom Catch -
on, Chabot, Clapham. Ch u, Chneus
(Wentworth), Drummond, Dubord, Dn-
meuhn, Fergusarr., For too', reersior,
Gown, Ilartman,'lineke, Lseoste, Las
ton, Late►rkre, Laurin, twmieoz, bl'Dorald
(Cnrswsll) Marchil.lon, Mather, Me-
l.aughits, Merin, Pante. Patrick, Polon*,
Pune., IRIchird-, tin. ph, Rose, 8aaborn,
8 -cote. Siewert, 'Cache, T..-..., Tur-
West is had Mseedomtsad Reader was
reed a rarer tree.
le waver to Mr. MhLasghIu, Me.
RICH A R Deg wee sNwsteed to •y) NM
Mlamtern ,etendsd to istndtree a `dl to
remedy the dilt:ulu.s respeeusg the tn-
ferment{ of rates levied by Mesmi dine.
1e Cassia West.
A bit to tee.rpsrets Us Seek Ste.
Meese Caul Compaq was reed • 11et
twee -
Anises the polities, protested woe ase
in Liner of the Mares Ligoor Law, by
Cslwsel Prises. lie promised le anpporl
that law introduced ; cod another from
Cs:brake to Upper Canada for as emese-
meat to the Retool law, a fawner of sr
parte schools, presented by Sir A. N. Mao
este ; shook sgarsst the raters of Mr.
Clapham for Megaatic.
• The bill 'or recording the votes of mem-
bers ea the final passage of a bill, ass read
s Ent tune.
On moues of Mi. Merritt as address wee
ordered to her Maj• ely for the darnbutton
of medals to survivors who served in the
late war with 11:e Limited States of 1810
end 1, and
roe the table, table, re erembodying
to a committee i
t laid
lanof the
le •sewer t. M•.'.V, &altes, os goestisre
en r,treocl.me•t, the issue of money with-
out previews authority (runt Perhanasn s.
to the Muse I.iquor.Lew, troth -doted he
Malcolm Comeror•—whether re Dort of im-
r an elec.
.node, Val"i.k.D:.es, Wale, Wright of E. leo ligalauvwachutent is tCearcila toebo'eftabgrh
Riding ol,Yotk--17.
N•re. = S.dg.l,, Bolton, Barnham, eJ—whetner the epenintmert of Catlett
G,rrble, Li1uut,ilter, McDonald of limy; officers a to be confined to ILe Come,
ton. Dlafnch, MnJ) ugsl, Rrdeul, Reb.rt•
••'e. She Smith of Fre• t:Dee. ste.anso•,
isle..•, 1'.g.r, ai.J Wntht of West Riding
Y ole—la.
ne fw.lrth to 11.a heath pare•
crt •ns were sgre(di to onen:mnusly, the
17i', tara1..oh being agars read relative
of a ferrite' tenure.
Mr. I.suws m•.red an amen•'me.t there
•, than all the words alter ..scrupulous re.
zed few" he left nut. and the orris, "the
Inset rights 01.11 parties intenated," insett-
ed 1• erefer.
Yaa.—Badgley, Doulton, Chapala, 1)0_
bard, Fourorer, Gamble, Lacoste, Le Boa
miter, Lemieux, Mel).,neld of Kingston,
Maltneh, Marrh,Jdoo, Morgcnaie,Robinlon,
timlth of Yronteese, Street, Velma and
Faroe -19.
Nays—Brown, Burnham, Comecon, Car
tier. Ceuehen, Chshot, Chnive.u, Christie
of Wentworth, Chapatis, I)rsmmond, Du
•.subs, Feign -r .-, Gown, Hartman,
I heck,. i.sngton, Leternere, l.an-m Mac.
Jerald (Cornwall), Mottiee. Stclhougalt' I any public money to' supporta sectarian
.11el.aachhn, Merin, Paige, [!trek, Poles- institution for educational Rod beseroleot
•r, Pricer., Richard', Rr2••ut, ItoIph, Rose,
Sant orn, thaw. SicuNe, St Stew- purposes,. Mocks would give no Io-
t.e, Tarbe. Te.•ier, Tureutiw, Y ger, formation.
Wh tee Wright (Rats Riding folk), and The bill to remove double respecting
foreign eiiecations in Canada Bast, was
The 17.h, and remaining • paragraphs, real a first time.
sere then agreed to unanrmoosly. On motion of Mr. Badgley, tie bill to
This treeinga return. was ordered to a em ower the Montreal and New. York
.•sten er.t •i'erpretuug the public debt and
Railway 'to eitend their roads, was read a
wort:. of rte Prr•r;rev, sten of eorresponE-
Couoe,b—wbether any measure a to be
introduced for protruding the patronage of
Ibe Crown from bring used for infuenciee
electtula—er w hether th• y were prepare ,
to ease the control et the Caiip R.s.rs,
were gives Up, to secularly* them—•
whether they ,mended to aiaot.b the r.tbc.
of Queen's i'rmter.—or to reduce the du
ties on tear, sugar., lite,
klr. ;lineae replied, that the miniet,'
would deceit pe the Iobey eel fer•h rt *hi
speech !tom the ihrr se, mid he would knee
the ;uruculare wheo the time came.
A petition was in,nredietely pre rented b'
Mr: ilartman; against the return of Wtllam
*outlet), kaq-, amid.t loud laughter.
Qvenac, Sept. 2.
On motion of Col. Prince, a bill was
introdieed to prevent ministers of religioue
denominations from voting at elections for
members of Parliament.
In answer to an enquiry Isom Mr. Bout -
ten, whether the Ministry intended to grant
once rrrpccrcg the Trur.k Railway: second time. _
A ti's to decree.e the jun:cnThe Speaker appointed the following
on of the e
f:,r.,•ion Coutts t f Upper Canada waw read committee to nominate tbe various election
. Lett torte,- the lien. wearer .titles that he ernwmittees: Messrs. Chabot, McDonald
meant to teenage the juriediet.on to suits
of CO.
A committee was *e oro'ed on she -
buid'ng and ravigatie e.
Mr Aauatuosn, in reply to S'• Lermenx•
said minister. iatendel to brin; inn h I.
estabt.hirg parochial mut .ci, AI t , t j -7.,t.411,:.1 ivanv (muttons were presented
Cano,:a E..*. ! An:.: - :. .. e. 7 i' : a.:•,l.•uiug Sabbath
141,. ilncas, 'n arswer In 4r. Doi- , lab,.,,, ;t, a ,.,t telice, and 7 for the
stated that it v a, net their n,tentem a 1iai:n_ Liquor Law : 3 ave Inst the abuses
build a new wing to the mann. hep 1,1: of the -ei'nerial tenure ; 11 from Lower
he paid, bow. ver. it w a• tris that he meant Caoada„for'aid to Colleges, roads, Ice
to subuiatn parfiameni a m.ueure for psi- Petitions a ainst the return of Malcolm
mg Mr. Taimnotte a euro die to hem, a. g
Solicitor General under the 1 onsersanre Cameron, and the seeelanzatinu' of the
111ietrtrv. Ile explained that Mr. Tureotte
had been written to offering him' the Solt -
Christie, ( Wentworth) Eidson, Pouletand
The !loose adjourned at 5 P. M.
Qizuec Sept. 3.
tiergy Reserves and the abolition of the
Rectories, were received.
cur., Generalship with the etoulanon that The sittiog Members petitioned *gaitnt
h s crmniieeton would be armed the next up to last night, are : W. 11. Boulton, SI.
.lay, it wai not issued till ern. time after, l atneron, J. C. Chapais, J. G. Clapham,
t et ti w es always understood that the suer. r G
was dee far the whole titre, i•d after mak—
rig ,ngniry Irma, members .,f the .ate a!min-
i-trainn :t *aa s.c'.I iwrd that the .:trot lit
Mr. Turrete sea. mode. in • regatar inar-
n• r; up 10 this tine, h. wryer, Mr Turcnue, should be sent to the Queen, declaring that
rod net been avers el the intent un of the the refusal to comply with the just demands
Mini.tre. of the representatives rf the Canadian
On motion rf Mr. McKrzie, a bill to I people, on a matter exclusively affecting
auth ooze .II ha r M.j ely'.subject. to their own interests, would be received as
Canada, •
Ale. Blocks has given notice of seYeral
reeolutions on the subject of the Clergy
Reserves, setting forth that an addrem
On niotien of Mr. Ilineke, a for
avoiding 0. Wile tree, t' 0 a Petrone., nr the
1te of Mr. Tech", bill relating
ye the "lot pf01.1101440, WWI read • firOl
Natvil NI.. Marie C.snel was referred.
The bei to amend tee law ',lanes te the
pr Ar tiro 4.1f Phy•le, Ike. SOO read a lint
The toilowisig &watch**, gest down by
Ilis Eacelleety, were ordered to be print-.
for frons the Conetniemears taf elm Greet
Fern le reply en an addrewr for :he rerwal
of the Imperial Art, 3 Geo 4, corp. 110. eee
,is the Clary Hearties."
Railway. end two relating te a deei
ilial eistreney. The. latter poirrponiogy the
eutniresioe in the Queen et tbe Preglacial
Aet of lest newiel.
Tao 'aiming, in answer in hfr. Chabot.
Mr. !Mocks towed that Monirtees
stmetty 'rebirth to re theme.' • eveseere for
tare Red etallettee,
Che seethe of Mr. CIBUSTIE (Wept -
worth) me *earns woo earned fer corn
meet relefitio,le the Chewy Reirerves.
and lead to deep and wide -spread diSsatis-
faction ; that this House, consequently,
people ot Canada are in:mitered and un-
alterable, they will condescend to carry out
the promise made by their predeceseors ;
and that this !louse is confirmed in this hope
by the suggestion in the Despatch of Sir
John l'ackington, that I ler Majesty'. Min.
The Pickering Harbour and Road In-
corporation Bill was read a first time.
On motion of NIr. Stewart, an address
was carried tor a detailed statement relative
tn salaries and fees of officers of jitetice of
On motion of Mr. Rieharde, a Iliil to
amend the law of evidence. in E. C. was
read a first titne.
the tenure of land% in the Magdalen Is-
lands: anl an addreee was carried fer the
correepondence relative to the New Bi unit -
wick blunder! line. and return% relative to
liellechasse and neighboring counties.
' Bilk were read a second time to enable'
the Faorique of Quebec to lorm a Mutual
Aseurance Satiety ; for tbe distribution of
the laws, and some others relating solely to i
C. E.
The l'. C. Territorial Divisions AM
NIA rad a second time.
On motion of Mr. Burnham, a bill to
wan also read a wecond time.
Mocks ' bad not vacated is mat for
Niagara, se that that cartel oey was un -
endears the, mime sheet Woe Mee.
u pended, she gas( ths ett=sensi he
roressimg with some load se. , mks
admildered te Me wade awl cleansed 1..
clothes asid person. At this tame he was
gate wek, bet seal improved in health, Led
declared that he eerie would See with the
wanes again. Oe lawmen', however, be
took op Nis abed* with her ie the fthhy
shady, where he wee lest sees dive oe the
previous Tuesday. Os the fellowieg day
(Wedeestley) the woman mei kaki bey
were sees goieg op the moesteie road, bet
soden wee heard of either afteremetia,
til saturday =twain, when the old men was
discovered as kfore described. Dr.
Meblahoe examined the deceased and
found that he bad died from their exhaus-
tion, and the jury refereed the follower's
Thomas Dowd, came to his death by want
of food, caused by leis habits of ietersper-
Juice." 'We were told that the deceased
was a man of more than ordikry ietelli-
gence for a laboriag mason, which occupa-
tion he occasiooally followed, and that be
bast brother in Ireland a Bishop of tbe
Homan Catholic Church. Ile was about
60 years of age. On Monday evening,
the shanty in which he wss found was honi-
ed down, which caused some alarm in tows.
There rascals *re daily becoming more
snd more impudent. A night or two after
he robbery at Mr. Notiosn's, they paid
'wither visit to las hoes*, but did sot el -
rot an entrance.
The 'Armin is a list of the plate stoles
—Large edver tray, not marked ; pair of
wine sliders., harked J. W.; sugar bowl and
tong., J. W.:six table epoonet marked W.
N.; eight tea spoons. marked J. W.; toast
rack, po raark ; two rah spoons, marked,
J. W.; one mustard spoon and several
pieces of silver tops ; one pooch ladle.
narked N.; two silver labels, "bawdy aud
hiskey"; one egg sprdon; rim of a tortoise
hell cup; butter knife, plated silver pencil
On Wednesslav night, the residence of
the Rev. Mr. McMurray was forcibly
entered. and some artieles of wearing ap-
parel and a watch stoles. The burglars
entered by wooing the venadak. aod
raising one of the windows by the aid of a
lie room was occupied by two of
the reverend gentleman's sous—oue a boy.
and the other a young man of about IS.—
James (the younger) saw a colored man (or
a man disguised by haring his face black-
ened) walk across the intIOnl and open some
drawers. and William 11101 awaked by thr
snapping of the steel kuard chitin of 'his
watch, which the fellow had pounced upon.
Before going to bed (in consequence of •
rather mysterious itytimatiott)
°ailed a brace of pistols, which be had
close at hand. NV ben the- robber found
that he 'Ira% discovered, be made his escape
through the window., at which moment the
courageoue young man fired at him, and as
sonn as he cleared the verandah; be dis-
charged tke other pistol and probably be
slightly wounded him, for he left the watch
and v est behind him outside. Mr. Nlc Mur-
ray thinks that there sere two or three
persens either inside or outside the house.
Two pernems (supposed to be of the
party) have been committed to prison
Juno, the week, on suspicion, and we are
I not vtithout hope that the whole covey will
g oon be jugged. In the meantime, our 1
!neighbers hart better be prepared to give!
after the fashion of the above. —Dundas
11 arder.
week, leaving In 'sweet en. of the ntoet
perpetrated in this part of the eeuntry
F.Irtnr r, :lying in Johnsen eettleetent, nea
n,le. 11.3n1foril, Via. pr eeding to hi
shoot hint. Couk 'telt hoot sway,"
when Ttpple shot him, with a Light Home ,
31-i.tol, the bah frnm which parsed through
' his beart. came mit at hie back, sad entered,
I • tree clove by. Cook, who had an axe on a
; lea shim:der, earl imitantly, and expired..
. Tipple reteatking 51 the same. "now you'll
!keep oft' my place." The murderer then
came immediately into Brantford with the
man. and that he wsa the ',Tend min he
fool shot • Mr. Smith took him into cum-
np, 'of T.-rten. until finch time so
Ithe • of the Coroner''s, Jury In made
a ihrientiinerl. hardened, vicious old MON
e at r part of hi• life nn beard • men
ritlw , for prone years pent hat been
and pet earble et e •mtnitting such 'Aired.
hie ileighboi•---Ile Iva., for many years
10 dor Orli hi. I Po. The only itemise gors
en by the tremderer for corenetsing thte.
pa▪ rlor!, • rood through seed Ttppie's land.
Weding,i• Brantford. The shove, ae far as
we can tarn, are Pin prinetpal feet. of the
ease, hemp!, had them frau a nose being
um nee iinteimet. See rewhised in *be
e ater MO asioutim Wore ossistases ins
bad, sad ehrro taboo sot hts waa
The body was reireediatoly removed to Dr
Iftratere's Dreg Bien, woes every eta.
ties wiis mode to teeters life, bet it envoi
se •gert, Om rotal spark bed fled. W•
Inset thM eel amity "soil dein other istsidren
item Smog lairmeeivee is oath easgersue
▪ test Dad
We lerero. by private advice, that a very
deetruteke fire steered m the slater City.
Ofitluntlay sight, by which the greater
portion a a deeeely populated block woe
deotroyorf. Tim ire extended front • eor•
new feu: h eget of the market on Kiser Street
to Munro's comer, "ad threats all tbe waY
t• Frost Street,
Since the shove wits written, we have,
reeeived the Pod riot of yesterday, costa's.
tag the :
Last eight about half past nine o' clock,
• fire brok• out In tbe block of buildings
bounded on the North by King Street, on
the Bard by George stove% on the South of
Palace street, and on the West by the Rest
Market place• The fire commeneed is the
rear of either Sleigh's bakery or Mr. Lyme'
GI ceery and Crockery eters, It ep!esd
ith great terrific topelit), and very soon
conrurned ell the frame huddler at the
(tont buildings on King attest, and exten•
ded en Pilate street, leaving nothing stand
leg hot bare stacks of chimneys.
A I the building" on thus bleck. except
theme fitting King street, wer• of wood
many of them very old arid very inferior ;
but there were Sonia geed brinier. There
were eight hotels or taverns destroyed,
From thence it extended to the Dew weigh..
bowie, whit. h was soon de...Toyed ; the
wooden erection on the top prowler a moat
tit ctual ccerleetor of the fire. Th• Mal
being 'imported by v.00dep pillars, ' the
whole buildlug was presently one mars of
name. The fire also eitended to the routh
rode of Pelee' street. and hum up the
*bops bekiteen that street '•rd the water.
All the bowies on &leg street, wrre
Metiers. t'aisons Wilcox and Mr. 1.yon'o
We copy the following account of a vio-
lent storm, which occurred in the City of
New York. on the 28th ult., from our New
York papers: -.-a About 5 o'clock en Sa-
turday afternoon, rain commenced falling.
The storm was not violent until about
o'clock in the evening, when the wind
commenced blowing furiously, and the wa-
ter came duwn torrents. Tine continued
until about 5 o'clock on Sunday morning,
when it ceased raining—the wind continu-
ing to blow almost to a hurricane pitch
durine the entire day. The express train of
tbe lluilson river railroad, roam; from
Albany to New York; due here M 11
o'clock on Saturday night, got off the track
within a few miles of the city, in conse-
quence of the earth under the rail having
been washed away by the rain, and ran to-
wards thexiver to an eetent of twice its
breadth. Considerable alarm prevailed.—
A quantity of oil from -the uight lamps was
scat fered over the clothes of the eaoeengers
as the cars swayed to the river side of the
road. The front wall of a large new five
story building, in the course of erection on
Jackson Square, Horatio-st, near Eight
Avenue, fell, with a tremenduoue erash, at
half -past seven o'clock Saturday night.—
Fortunately there was no one hurt. The
noise was heard at a long dititance. The
entire back wall and part of the side veal's
of the church now building in Seventh
avenue. near I hirtecnilest, fell, at a late
hour in cousequence of the rain cnd stoem.
A new house in process of being built in
Thirty-second street, between Ninth and
Teeth Avenues, Iv as blown down about
.1o'clock on Saturday night, in a most dread-
ful gale. A part of it fell on an adjoining
r building, causing much fright to the inmates.
n but no personal harm. The earth upon the
011ine of tbe Eigth avenue Railroad. caved-tn
III a good many places, in consequence of
he sudden and heavy rains. It may pee -
vent the cars from runnieg te day, but will
soon, we are told be repaired. Fortunate -
y the damage to the shipping, in the liar --
hour and river wao not of any considerable
mount. At half past 6 P. w. the ship
Serah G. Ilyde, laying at pier. 47,
East River, parted Ler stern hawsers, but
was brought back into the slip rewmitheoun t ane.k_
E▪ liza, laying at pier No. 8, North Rtver,
broke adrift, bet was hauled iuto pier No.
4, without dansage.—Colonist.
sooner is Capt. Marey, who, with all his
command, was so barbarously massacred by
the Comanches, fairly and effectually re-
stored to life, Sim we are favoured with
the relent of another equally exciting case
of Indian atrocity. 'I he .felegraph this
morning gives the following despatrh from
New Orleans.
«The Clarksville (Teta.) Northern
Standard learns on what it calls reliable au-
thority, I; om Porter Bluff, that Capt.
Stevens. with his officers and 156 men,
have been killed by the Camatche Indians,
n ear Fort Belknap. An exam had been
seot into Texan for reinforcements."
A reinforcement of troops is the object,
probably of thia as well as most bugbear
stories *bout Indian depredations and mu-
saereo—not that there is any real danger,
het that tbe speculators with whom these
reports originate may have a fresh °prate -
N it, to Ileece tbe goveremeot, in the way of
supplies, la. Our dif6celties and wan
with tbe lodisote--whech e the most cost-
ly was we have—peer-ally originate with
On Ginnie, meriting last. en 0141 man
was drgeovered in • wretched hovel, near
G•toble's Toning 'Mill, far advanced is
decompoeitioe. It was a most horrific
sight to see the corprie in a sitting posture.
perched oft a redo bench io the beck part
of tbe sbeeto, with the head slightly io-
dised to oes side, sod brieg Pearly is a
state of *eddy. An imago' was held on
the body before Mr. Coroeer Mitchell
whet it appeared that deceased's same wee
Thomas 'Dowd, diet he rokbiled with a
witiose eased McCestek. bah of whom
led desolate lives sed iodelged ineenalersie-
ly le liquor ; that the woman goes boggle(
ion the eriattry. seeeinpaeled by a little
boy and disposes of her dune is order to
key whieirey. It else appeared dem the
.• the Neophhourbood.—Brangferal Car
Meneen ow an Ithiedt--We have the
which tnek else, art Totrarrea. on Wedowee
dey last, ht ellindia • tress Massey
T. we his MM. It veneer. that a
eit, bee. Two of he petite, dreagreeel.
*rum reeling ther loge. arid commeeced a
tearful fight. White ono of the tete we.
dame, soother ef the psrty triune op and
street the rove that held the ether dews
and In lied him te the o treveral time*.
As Imes se • be lattice recovered from 'he
blew. slid ark" received, rased the sallis
hendepike.stor wee thrown dews, mod
owed the I so. sod dealt Ithe see
blow *p.m the halt. whteh bed the odes
id tensioning hie earthly !Grew, es the
evolling rit the Dente iisy. The leeks *hi
perpoireted tee Aged, we earlermasid,
to Mematee jeal, to await Me treat.
isterseriet girl erseed Kelly, aged 11 yeses
seekleetay slopped elf the boom, whist a
The Portsmouth [N. H.] Gazolt. says
that °there are observable at Rye Beach,
t ear tbe Ocean Hoke, at extreme low
water, the stumps of a forest thickly stud-
dieg the seed. They ere the remain of
trees of a large growth, but what kied, the
change wroeght to them by time aed the
e chos of the sea reader it impossible to
sabre. We do not Isere that they have
ever bees tees before the premed seams,
the *neve stems of led Spring @primed-
ly hirdeg wished the seed from them eed
There appears to be DO emoted of their
histery or treditioe. Hew is the
Mem to 1st be exploited f Wes tr:74
a the freest is this Teener ogee rimier*
covered earth, whieh some mighty cooed -
lime el tater, mak been* die widen et a
penal se aback the memery nue res-
algeivel:411.• 11:111:160111,AtikaoseabeP:112"itehaesT"Bisted—F:"11,Adislimfabeeli:,118:sortlaParetetr.
Premise' of live Unasid Olath• e be regewed
Was& vibe shall be testructed ta inquire
tato this expedway of 'emit either a -
trees for the acqumition el these Wanda.'
meats in Lima. Britain at the ▪ proem day
has reached the emormoue annual fig.:re uf
tr500,000 taus eatimated at the vent,' of at
lomat LI0,424.000 ; or in *umbers,
100.500,0C° ; and employed out Ives than
600,000 toen.
at TO bee'clhecaltmosor listuresreic:y • 1111;
The Artie arrived at Liverpoe! at Loon ce
The filinieterial *treats rimy Ftshery
devil* is settled.
Parliament has beeo proroguel le the I it
of October.
G. P. R. Janice appoIeted
Consul at Norfolk % i-g.nia•
avow the soldiery
611T.ae new, from France la void of inter -
A French war steamer ham seiv!id three
English schooner., ter tlideng willeu three
indef. of the coast 01 France
In Span rest damn' has been dime by
b• nethl7r.62.hlerXi;ernment hoe bet ght
mph% ahipa belonging In the Germen navy.
with tho Pope.
The chogira is aga;n dope lulatihg Russ
Al: • •Paia mimed' Reseled Peak as
V e'er
Mere geld arrived (rem The
sore now a • n• to too iniliions within
1.Ve understand that tellers were received
at _Balmoral, ,whirft rendered it effete:1i that
her 'Majesty will reach her I liz,Idatid home
on .Wedeesday, the 1st Sept.—Eclto!,urg
--'1he premier peer of scotland, the ven-
Duke of Hamilton and Brandon, expire('
on Wednesday morning at hi% mansion it
Portmaneeptare Lonlon. His grace was
one of the olifeet, if not the very oldest
member orthe peerage. baring been born
in the yea11767, and consevently had
attained the patriarchal age of ,S5.
succeeded lei father in 1819. His grace.
never, took any prominent part in politIcs.
te the year ISIO, when .13 years of line.
lie married the second daughter of Nit-.
%Valiant Beckford, of Perithill Abbey.
%%hose celebrity in art tend literature old!
long be remembered. 'rhe issue of this
marriage was one snn and one .daeghter.
Ilis grace k surceeded in his title and (I -
tate, by hit son, Alexander
mid Clydesdale. who nag born in 1811,
aad who married in Isl.,. the Princess
Mary Amelia Elizabeth Carolihe. daughter
of the lete reigM re; Grand Duke of Baden
and first remain to the Presideut of tiv
French Republic.
A US TR A !deg nice 01
Wales, land arrived off Plymouth, vi itb
000 cunces of gold dust, and detest from
Sydney to the 91h of May. She reports
13.106 ounce, mere sn the way. Froie
Herald, the total produce uf the .vestrahe
:Aetna in the twelve mont'd since the
first discnvery arneuota to 41'21 Ili
ounces, worth over de:M.000,00o,
last quotation of gold at Sydney wes
per oz. Flour, tea. cotiCe. rice, spiritc
and beer were in reguest. The cre• city el
labor eas inereaeing. •Some of the ;diner,
Obtatn a much better Market. in a letter
from one ol the principal firms ,t is Mated
--st We belieYe (het hetweve 40,901 and
50.000 ounces weekly ere sent hit° Port
Phillip from the Mount -Ilex ender digging%
and that in reit o•en eslony the receipts
people. it is are gelcre; rich, and
showine it by their ie lepen.lence. At tbe
rate of ',rock:Ai:1n thug mentioned. the an-
nual yield would Ix :vetween .£10,000.000
that the compirativgly limited production
of the Sydney cr 'yew South Walert;inities
is owing to Lie sueerior attractien% which
hare drawn away the populatinn to Mount
Alexander. and not to anelaning elf in the
reward:: origteaily obtained. Ind,..ed, it is
"Hedged that freili deposits are being (Mind
every day, and the Re.. W. B. Clark, is
sai I to hare reported to the government the
existence of sitract of country along the
Benda and I el. gate riveis supposed to
be 400 miles in extent, tad winds gives
signs of general richness.
The Now York Mirror cestaiss the fol.
lowing, wh eh praetor's from a piveseriger
by the Pacific, on her lard trip from Liver-
pool :--• Is erder to make the shorter
pang* that wee ever mode, on the treat
sires,' Captain Nye leek the northern ream
seed ran es fa North ao 55 Jeg.• he re zed
be omen to Mt appreetateate-they are ilte the
his ▪ whines a bnat sod its erew who were
fishing le fancied mennty ; sod just as he
was 'sing %owe ere to thews reeks, bee.
Amide of feet in'height seal thirty tattoos
,,f water at their hew a smiles Cry eit
'stop tbe engirre—etarboare pier belin-w
had a si aboard !' was all that eavW the
revecontset with a rock hire bemired DO
istbeight ; tied when the helm was pot a
ehrboord, sod the hews clewed the fearful
burner by a sodden sheer, the troll of the"
immense elite swept. with power made an
giddy, widow, few feel ef the preeipirell
reek—mod the meet Heist at ids beilleeti
held bie,kreath for a time."
The whole weether of Mind psell.
the I7eited Sheet is 11,704.
notbieg in los rpeerl when envoi
theft foga off Nowfoundlend, whi