HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-02-02, Page 164 4 4 -v. 4,„ 4. 4 .411a , 0.a4t Times-Advota roory .2„ 120 om ith a s king livtn actor life hurch Th .% story 4,11 61 slate weekend' with thetr exits, Mr. and Airs. %-larertee Suns: Inc r Mrs hCe a. rence J ohns recent Y. Mr. and Airs. Wilfred Melon, of 14ontien visited with Mr. and Air. and Airs. Clarence Fletchtt Et PIM N1110 -) AM. picKgY er were :gums ef Mr .au I Ey MRS APES SKIbiNgle. Men's. council, Air. 'Fred Wel, ' ville United Church was held ' MAE end W.A eutitt ' - . - ' • ,. -- Mrs Murray Gibson 000. girls Mr. and Mrs. Will Cowara ning when they Celebrated 4',1711 Grvr'et(A0 ealiteennindged fbaenupaortY. 4111Se AinaccifielsVA(If.entlioeyedEtrvpillote„ ! illedenturiatilor°st wift 1111(1°111'r. weelli 4Mt1M57.YFaarilne5idtt:Aeirril.;:.• SLbaita4rv:Id4r4i.ne: tiers ' I The annual meetinn of Elim t '' e - , basement. 1 Margaret Jean album or '5vriesFitoertst awmiltit'girrir."7edun41, leek sUpPer held an the eherch. Imuceicadlorinne\rveindateliseciall.erch base., Airs, John Coward. Mr- Pettner Skirtner was an - A short meeting followed the , Bryanston ea Marilyn Gard- Cierald Tyler and Marlene at platen, SecretarY Jor the orti- meal with Mrs. Franklininer of Tham'es Road spent the Dastiwood. Dr. A. Bradley Conran, prin- sidents of the largest indus. practised ingentliktl t etiur-i these two civilizations or their Elden are Howerd Pym, William. Roittl installed ! ts - dipal of Middlesex College at trial, manufaeturing, business a g e to a t t a i n. individual' inspiration end , have brOttglit William Johns, Horace Del, newl, elected officers for the 1 I together e heritage Of Mind bridge, Delmer Skinner, Wil- coming. year, Roll Pall Nees' tario, told the members of the in the world. , Dr. Conran po.inted out that and heart" he said. "It pre- liant Ftoutly mid Gilbert johns .answered by paying of fees, the 'University kif Western on. anti government organizations honor." graduating class at SHDHS. He nsted the elfelt fate; or the Hebrew civilization of Pal...! sents the fibre of our daily exts- was newly elected in place ot Airs. Skinner closed the meet- bine "malting a living and insolvent, parolled from, Sing rification o 1, pure o .at ,1 , , d .. as Lorne or or On 'to: , Personal items When our wood was younger prison t.o, die at. I onie and Hance- of intellect." ; plore the Minds of men end Newton ciarhe, Howard Err, andt Md. rs, l,steddi, cid .rif . . 1 , making a life." Sing prison, pardoned from he stated as opposed to bin ,i ) our own adventure an ee Lewis Johns, Frsisioin sipn, d • r rier taking the devottenal. Mrs• , Kenneth johns, I. afternoon.euilte ' Ingee acnt,deiltsthf. thei FridaY, that their success de- these men as: bankrupt, fugi- estihe was verY inuch in eon, twice." pended nii their abilitY VI Mil- the from, justive, died abroad trast to thifs.th"We findttpe f',.,t,tt ,t012.:g 0C4).gTc111., 1°ainda tig,41.rt ricttaS 1 $ tie w A r dsz if were ;:ll cle,,elf„etedd thr ! "The influence ,of the Bible , women who have shaped ottr john, Freeman :Horne, Fred , . en vt41 e °o On aY Will Air. and Mrs, Melville Skin., arid we didn't hare the use oc three suicides, Walters and Jelin Miners. man communications and he eTeese men learned the art on our vgiviclization ls incalu, i life." .i, I awe, r. apron Stated, "in-; 1,11s is Wit FIT you will : Tr,,,tess also were unenang, ner tore the advances ef science,: of making mIlneY' ' hte 'st"''(''" troducing us to Jestis and learn how to attain both goals ' ed.: "E'ls"al's L' ynn, Jolin Eidtey, Air. and Mrs. Alvin Cooper there used to be two s"anclarl it not how to live.' ointed out that the troy. ideal pattern a e d be -1 iontg,, good life and a gond, By, philip jai ns Amos Herd , and •,, man, m wne Air. and Mrs. Frayne visited on Wednesday evening aPehes indr g4alditlatorniaekigt: tiliVewPith these men was they• twse,en man and God!'n' "4 • Our writers have taken The guest Speaker . 1 'd Henderson • I was intr°- mittee is Airs. Kenneth johns, parsons of Bellsall' d Miss Ruth Mr, and Mrs. Alex Crago a life, ' . a living only. "Vi e have .to duce , a living and another of makir,g centred on the goel, of meet ees. e He pointed out that Vet, make a living," he stated, _ staff advisor for the student skijor; eAotattinietlial, caitlifeihrLa:, tp114.7tl'epdrebor. John and WainlidiartilohRnotRitildyie),Xenneth ma 'tt rise commi eo, speakers chosee from the "but more important we have this week in Envelope small businessmen iised to "Life has chang,ed I derlta \°'ef toll'13setr.ntPltuLlit of OsbtseeNlr'avredr' sei:eltarey! ranks of farmers, ministers or to make a satisfactory life." speak wistfully of the need for in the Pa St." he stated, "and Dash*, od "courage, in"tiative and hard we are f aced with entirely new the student council, was roaster lloWard Pym; Sunday School ideas our fa-! ay MRS. ERVIN RADER of ceremonies for the banquet.' superinteneente, Eisen Lynn Andrew Dix°n, ',setence teaeber and Vernon De Montmorency; adMr- Frank Stoutly of Kirk.; ton visited. on Sunday with mr• and Mrs, William Routly, 'Mrs. William RotttlY attend- ed the WMS Presbyterial exe- cutLve.IneetIng in Clinton on: Tuesday, Sunday visitors with Me—and. °good life." thers thought were u , , sHOHS, proposed a toast c e rrt eter y board, William Airs. Charles Stephen were Work" in order to a at . "sooting big bl;siness 's'oe in. give these up, Guests with Mr. and Mrs. to the graduates and the reply Johns, Kenneth Johns and New- Mr. anti Mrs. Andrew Houston ''rhe other speakere rep. have ehanged „and we have to Th ducationalist noted that LioYd Rader, Glen and Dar- was made by Ralph Wharrern ton Clarice; ushers, John Ridi of Seaforth, ?Inv d Mrs. Rea one oef ethe main things that we lene Friday everting were Mr. Principal H. L. Sturgis and leY, John's,. Bober MeCtirdy o oaendham,. , E vizi Rader and Larry Snider, chairman of the V(M)1R', Edward, Skinner, Floyd Laurie Stephen and Jerry of dustry, used lo epeak of the • 1 L d Air and Airs, Don very same virtues ea ,- - Dr. Conrnn told the gracile on the idea of the dominance family, Miss Marian Rader and board, spoke briefly, wishing Cooper andIlan et ,_ . , satisfactory living." he stated. had to learn was to give UP' . a — • • i tterldnd of the white man. "We have Mr. Lloyd Howe of London and ' the- students every success in appointed. replacing G r a n t Stephen of Exeter and Mr. ates ahem a meet ng a , Skinner; representative to the 1 William Stephen of Woodham. by eight of the mint powerful to give up this idea and learn Mr. Fred Miller of Zion. : their chosen fields. men in the world who had to en -exist with people who , Mrs, Fred Weiberg is A pa' : I reached the heights of sue• don'tbelieve in democrac, tient in $t, Joseph's Hospital, e ess. These men were the pre. and the good American life, - London. he said. 1 Mrs. Leo Gibson is a patient • t id the students that' in St. Joseph's Hospital, Len- in life. the mo - there Mr and Ain. Wellwood Gill Shipka solution," he said. "but one of: der Thursday evening. "I caret offer the perfect with Mr. and Airs. Ervin Ra- . — , .... . ...the main aspects is to learn Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Bisall, ... .about the civilization from' lion and children have returned Personal items where we attain our traditions. home from a three week vaca- Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Deli Thih ran he done by reading tion at Sylvan Lake, Alberta, and Clinton of Grand 'Valley and studying history, Mora-, where they vacationed with re, r, were weekend visitors with Mr. ture and the arts," 1 latives. and Mrs. Hugh Morenz and He pointed out that our cul- Mr, and Mrs. Henry Becker Billie. , ture was based on the two and Mr. and Mrs. Allan 33ec, Friday evening guests with • main civilizations of Greece ker and Brenda of Crecliton Air. and Mrs. Stuart Sweitzer : and Palestine. "From the spent Sunday with Mr. and and family were Mr, and Mrs. : Greeks we inherited secular 1 Mrs. Lorne Becker and fam- Matthew Sweitzer, Mr, and things such as school, civic ad, i dy. Milton Sweitzer and Sandra, ' ministration, science, arts and t Mr. and Mrs, Robert Hayter Mr. and Mrs. Verne Sharpe crafts," he said. "These were i and family have, moved into and Glen, Mrs. M. Ratz and the greatest philosophers of' their new Dome, Mrs. N. McCallum, Miss Elea-, all times and they relished in -1 Mr. Harry Hayter, Mr% Bill • nor Sharpe and friend of Lon- ' clividual achievement and dis-' Maier attended Poultry con, don. i trusted emotions," ! vention at GAO . Guelph on tabled several little folk and as a thinking person and this; Mr, and Mrs. rank a ,... : Mrs. . Ross Piekering enter- "Thesepeople pictured man' Thursday. their mothers at a birthday , is evident in their works." he. of Exeter spent Sunday with 1 SUPERIOR SAVINGS! Robin Hood honor of her daughters, Susan de.ath for glorinus life and Mrs. Carl Mater. • • party an Monday afternoon in , said. "Their heroes risked , the former's parents, Mr. and and Nancy, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ....... 11111111.,11111111•11, ttttt 1.01/111110111110111011,M1111% I U I C 0 0 ling -SUPERIOR $AVING$1 4f! off oneepound bag ' Report on "the more succeasful you are don, is in developing character." • of Grand. Bend were visitors NEW ISSUE Debentures oF gAST MIDDLESEX HIGH SCHOOL, DISTRICT 1961 01970 61Y0 1970 to198.0 , -61/4iVo issued by .Township ,of North 'Dorchester will be i available .shortly. If interested contact I ,,. BONDS PATEP .MARCH IL 190 .: DENOMINATION $1,000- 1 4 \ 4 PARKHII,,t. — PHONE AX 46871 • I i sub 40(mt• for • i WOOD GUNDY CO. VD, BILL AMOS 1 SUPERIOR SAVINGS!. Fancy Duality Stokely Cream Corn 15 -ounce tins c. Mr. and Mrs. Don Adams. , ,s Mark and Brock of London vis- itedMrs.: over the weekend with Mr.. Miss Kathy Spit tif London 1 _ Heating, vm . 9, Sh t Metal Work 1 1 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scott. 1 — Oil I3urners — Les Adams. - . and Miss Shirley Scott o ..: tors with Air. and Mrs, Jack - Z., vial' I 403 ANDREW ST, EXETER PHONE 719 ; 1 Brantford were Sunday Ratz, Joan and Paul. I •!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ttttt ,,,, ttt , ttt ,,,,,,,,.,,,,, tttt . tt . tt ..- temossmemommo,...............................,................n.,... ALF ANDRUS 14. Better Reconditioning.. Means et -ter Car Buys See Our Selection of Reconditioned Used Cars Today! '60 Vauxhall 4 DOOR STATION WAGON Low mileage, good condition. '58 Oldsmobile go 2 DOOR HARDTOP Automatic. t,1111SMISSiOn, Cusf niTt radio, power brakes, whitewall tire,s, '59 Chevrolet ML A 4 DOOR SEDAN Special two -tont finish, custom radio, chrome wheel discs, new car condition, '58 Vauxhall SUPER 4 DOOR SEDAN Heater, signals, snow tires. S.pound bag Meats ke! & ,0 etc LAN LOIN Maxwell House Coffee °7 pork Chops 11 UPER1OR SAViNG$1 Van Camp's Pork and Beans SUPERIOR SAVINGS! Fireside Salted Sodas ftWiMViiv<V,0xmwzAw-r-, ' • MOTHER PARKER'S INSTANT COFFEE 400 off Giant 10, -ounce jar 20.ounce tins Jubilee Tray Peck Pork Fo, 35( Sausage pound box J Maple Leaf—Sliced or by the Piece 25( Bologna Leaf Testy and Tender Stokely's Fancy Quality 48 -oz. tins ' Le 65 L39 La 29 29, ieners Ls T to Juke 01110 Ile off 21/24b. Plastic container Snowflake Shortening 69c z Slices per Package Maple Leaf Cheese Slice Tulip Margarine dub Neuss 4' Off 14.41. Peanut Butter lOrf off Gaiter( Size Liquid Jovex Sweet Pickled or Pea Meal. Cryev 3.ibeye. Cottage Rolls LO. Breakfast, Sweet Smoked kindless s 27c 1 Devon Bacon Le,, 59' t I. 1: , tttttttt ttt •.• • .., • . t t t VROZEN FOOD FEATURES! Is* 'Sex Jar 394 Green int Fresh Frozen 2-1b, poly :1 Niblets Corn L., 49' 774 Beef, Turkey and Chicken each 14 -oz. tins York Pies 25, Choke Quality 29, 0- Nature's Best Corn 2 raiR g Farni House, 10? off d*t Lg 24.or, you Poke, it •n RaisiPie 39' .0 dice ge Of 100 2 17 Oldsmobile 2 DOOR. SWAN Automatic transmission, power brakes, radio, whitewall tires, tw�. tete finish. ''.56 Oldsmobile' $ 2 DOOR HARDTOP Ctistoin, radio, automatic traiis. inisSiori, two-tone finish, *56 Chevrolet L. AIR. 4 DOOR SEDAN 6 cylinder, antomatic transmission, speical two-tone finish, low mile- age. '55 foul CUSTOMUNE 4 000P SEDAN Two-tone finish. abovverage cosi 1.25 0011.ammisrm,n.q:,,-xmows.14. Hostess Tea Bags Large 211co fins, HGbitant Pea Soup Assort -111th thOnte frelitt Weston's Cookies The O clooroont Lihby's Fancy Mixed 1 -Ib, poiy 1 23 1 Vegetables 45i t Fd43( 14. pkz,-, - sY SPECIAL REQUEST! 1 . e, —argaree tirand FreSh Frozen ...,-... 29t . IA 'LestollDetergent 6.0 0 FILLETS. Box 1..39 --et Our Price _Before. You Buy Snett fot,„. „Limited FOYER vEXETER Ph�ne OPEN 'FRIDAY .PHONE :100 tHEV; 'OLbt- ENVOY Th ti Outodidtt Miitifteitht• - e — Ooidell -kings fIanartas Ek 16d's • oronges kn of JUICkf Free Delivery TangetinSUntist 14'' ITES SATURDAY 6 Lemons ^M1 • • b • :.t