The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-02-02, Page 14• * . . . • • .4. • • . . • • . • • . • 0. • •••• • • :3 ...`&44,34 ••• .^..• 44,4 444. "5,1, • Vet 4 ,4 ta 4.. 4. •Ic *4, rr'',:t.r.aterr=1,,II:','!1;44111.11==eleanfenaereetiereelel;'..;earefeee'emereeseeeee;et ;':e.a.."eee.'eerere7ereTeIlariet7aleeler..eel, P4.011 14.! February Z1961 L nci district news • Phone BA 7-4244 taineta.;;eie Co respondent: Mies -Line Abbott Enjoys visit 'Church Federation to. Jamaica The January meeting or the Lucan Home and School As- sociation was held in the kin- deraareen last Tuesday night with -the presidefl Mrs. Pudv :Engel in the chair. 'The .corn. petition for the attendance cup WaS. close, but was once mare Won by Mr, Beer's room. Five dollars was again voted t the \Yar Memarial Hos ital With funds low, money mak- ing schemes were discussed to meet the cost of purchasing graduation pins. • Mrs. Harold Butler. as pro - grant Convener, had Mrs, Mur- ray Hodgins introduce the guest speaker. Rev. G. W. Sach, who gave an illustrated talk on his five years' experi. once in Jamaica. Before show- ing his beautiful pictureshe spoke briefly on ;the size of Jamaica, its history, its peo- ple and its products. Of the Many places where he was stationed he said he and Mrs. Sach were mast loath to leave ,Tamaica. AL the close of his interesting address he was thanked by Mrs, Butler. Mrs. Murray Hodgins moved that. a letter be sent to the village council re the enforce- ment of the curfew as small •children can be seen often at the arena past 11 p.m. Mrs. Charles Skolly as lunch convener was assisted by Mrs. Jack Arnold, Mrs, Robert Coughlin and Mrs. Arnold Lewis, Lions Club news In lieu of their regular dinner meeting last Monday night, 12 members visited the Petrolia Men's Club where Mr. Stewart Park, formerly of Lu - can, is president. The guest .speaker there was Mr, Gordon Henderson of Sar- nia, engineering consultant for Imperial Oil and also on the 'Board of Directors for Water- loo College, Mr, Henderson spoke on the need for higher education, Following the meeting a tour was made of the Petrolia-Wy. oming Dairy owned by Mr. Stewart Park, Mission society installs officers Activities elects slat Pentecostal Holiness Church `Tice Young People of the Pentecostal Uoliness thurch, tinder the leadership -nf Mrs. Clayton Abb.ett, hev!". beenac. tive. On Fraley night at . their regular meeting the "Time Verse Museum" was (lirit111- . ued, followed by a Bible quiz in charge of Mrs. Abbott. The • new pastor the Rev. Roland Harrell and Mrs. Harrell sang. On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Harrell and 15 members attended the "Life -liner" rally at Chatham. . • This being Youth Week, next Saturday will be given over for recreation and fun, with breakfast and devotion at to a.m., skating in .London at 1 p.m., a pot luck supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Eizenga„ London, at 5 p.m. Afterwards the group will at- tend the "Youth for Christ" meeting, at 7:45 p.m. at Beal Technical School where the film, 'Angry Jungle" will be shown. United Church i Last Tuesday Mrs. Sheridan Revington, Mrs, H. B. Lang- ford, Mrs. G. W. Sach and Mrs. George Paul attended the Presbyterial held at the Emp- ress United, Church, London, where Mrs. J. Y. McKinnon spoke on the union of the WA and WMS. Couples' Club The Couples' Club inet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Themes Barr for their meeting last Wednesday. The regular meeting followect a sleigh -ride party. Mr, and Mrs. Barr and Mr. and Mrs. George Carpenter were in charge of the meet- ing and conducted the devo- tional period. 51r. Alden Walk- er presented the annual report. During the business session it was decided a membership fee of $1 per couple be charged and that a silver collection be taken at each meeting. The secretary was asked to con- tact TV for chance of getting on the "Take Your Choice" program. Mr,. Ernest. Ross was named to inquireinto the pos- sibility of securing a bowling night. A bus trip to see the .Kitchener Ice Follies was dis- cussed. Mi. and Mrs. Charles Grose and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lock- yer will be in charge of the February meeting, to be held in the schoolroom, Feb. 23. Anglican The president of the Angli- can Men's Club, Mr, Roscoe Hodgins, called a meeting Sun- day afternoon to finalize plans for the oyster or ham supper to be held in the church base- nvent on Thursday, Feb, 9 from 5.30 to 8 p.m. CWL . social evening The January meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society, of the Lucan. United Church wa-s% held yhursday in the churelf -sChooiroorn. A supper meeting was planned to enter.' tain the leaders of the junior groups. The retiring president, Mrs, Sheridan Revington, be- gan. the meeting with the wor- ship service. The Rev. G. W. Sach instal- led.the 1961 *facets, . after which the new president, Mrs. George Paul; began her duties by making arrangements for the World Day of Prayer to be held in the Anglican church Feb. 17. Miss Betty' McIntyre gave the annual CGIT Silver Links report, Miss Margaret Sach re- potted ;for the Explorer group and • Mrs. Ivan Hearn for the Mission Band. Mrs, Alex 'Young presented life membership and pins to Mrs. Sheridan Revington, Mts. E. R. Pitt, Mrs. N. W. Was- nidge and Mrs. George Young. Mrs. Ivan Stanley, convener for January, called on Mrs.: B. B. Saulnier to give an 11-, lustrated talk on her trip to Ettrope. - . A social evening of cards and dancing in the Lucan Com- munity Centre, sponsored' by Catholic Women's League of St. Patrick's Church, Biddulph drew a large crowd for 14 tables of euchre last Friday night. High score prizes went to 10 -year-old ,eoan Nagle, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Basil Nagle of Lucan and to Mr. Al.; phonse Payton of St. Marys and low score prizes to Mrs. Joe "Harrigan and Richard Munn. Following the euchre, dancing to the music of Desjardine orchestra was enjoyed by all, Wean and district were well • represented on the 1961 slate of officers of the Middlesex Federation of Agriculture at a soeial evening held at Mt. Brydges Town Halt lest week, Officers include: President. Morley Gough, RR 2 Mt Bryclges: vice-presidents. Nor- man Reith, RJ t 2 Ilderton and Hamilton Haddins Lucan; member to the Ontario Feder- ation of Agriculture, Douglas Simpson, Glencoe; zone chair- man of the women's commit- tee, Mrs. W. W. Garrett, RR 1 Denfield; honorary director, Herold R. Lucas, RR 3 Lon- don; past president, Lorne Dodge, RR 1 Kerwood. Other members of. the execu- tive are Ross Parson, RR 2 Denfield, William Grieve, RR 2 Dorchester, Ted Bateman, RR 1 Mt. Brydges and W. K. Riddell, agricultural represent- ative for Middlesex County, Directors of the federation include: London Township, Alex McComb and Omar Bur- nett both of RR 2 Denfield: Biddulph, Hamilton Hodgins, RR 3 Lucan; Joseph Conlin, Clandeboye, Ben Thompson, Parkhill; East Williams, Ralph Eagleson, Ailsa Craig; West ' Williams, Len Bodkin, Parkhill, Legion Auxiliary bingo With the jackpot gone, to- . gether with a cold .night, diminished the crowd at the Legion Auxiliary bingo Thurs- day night. The Neil family of Lucan were the luckiest for Mrs. Neil won the $5 consolation and the 9th bingo and her son, Carl, won the first line of "Share the Wealth". The last line was won by Mrs. jack Lankin and the full card by Mrs. Harry Arnold. Mrs. Harold Butter ot Lucan won the first and third part of the consecutive and Mrs. Tom Weller, Lucan, who shared the first bingo with Mr. Henry Beaver of Centralia, the sec- ond part. The llth bingo was split between Mr. Harry Bond Lucan and Miss Diane Swartzentruber of Exeter. Mrs. Harold McFalls of Lucan was also lucky, winning three bin- gos. Other winners included Mrs. Richard. Davis and Mrs. Cecil Hodgins cat Lucan and Mrs. Ernie Lewis of Clandeboye, United .„. .* 444 -4,4^-3e4.41,1"414, .a.tmui4 BIPDULPH PUBWC SPEAKERS—Tlera are four of the winners in the recent Bid- dulph township public school public speaking competition. From left, Robert Don - 'Joseph Hamilton retired farrnr .°" Joseph Roblesoa IlamIltore Reclining Fan irked 83, died. Saturday, Jan. 28 in emir elan es elle t 1 hive leen the Deleware nursing home. hoping Pl. 1 have ivied the rther He lay at reit in the Murrly plane with nn resulis end was funeral home, , Lucan, until 1 ;filet about convinced 1 was fat fer 'p.m. Monday, Jan. flo when life when niv friend told me about Archdeacon C. W. Foreman of the Naran plan. To my eurpriee Landon (formerly ef Lentil I began tn get results at the end , goinhwted the funeral service, of the first week and 11 RV P IIPM i lc iennei lelineer ny ! was je, Brussels , enn DOW keep my weight where losing ever since. I am sure that 1 j cult'c'4hIelboetia, reGrisen Isvienrieth, 1‘1-11casrsvie;' j waolletetrt,e",eieeIAt\17°.priKrFlIel:1:°/1:'QI:e.:11:(r. 1 LI arvey liodgins. Harry Mc-,' j Jvcaretkilie;110%aieltrer Scott and Cal.; fall intr, two elaesee, them wee „Ilis wife, the former Ida : iXtetlitoreieedwitl(n) lrffiedvielcielevaenrdtiflacidleadi 1 Oakley, predeceased him in alt. You don't have to be in either Ilieleacrzubilelr Januaryl055ski,d50. a 1 i (rills., group. Make up your mind that ma are no longer going to suffer survived by one son, Robinson; the discomfort and embarrass. ew and a niece of Luean, sneeN;chn, mcnt ni being overweight. You. walk over and ask for the Naran igli'annidlicimlinildre°tri alfrinciatt$,Iv'o are not far from a drug store, ilecissrs. ligios dar‘)V: JackandAqco.rige weight, lt is that simple. After Plan and begin today to lose Mr. Hamilton was the son 'of you bave loat weight' "1/ wail ' wonder why you didn't do it r. , aldson, Clans .y second in boys'ne boys' winner; Angela' lobo e div is ion' W y McNamee, girls' winner, ancl Carol Stallcer, Granton, runner-up. —Photo by Beer Biddulph PS students 1.0t, euchre At the eight -table LOL euch- - re in the lodge rooms here L. 'last Wednesday night, high COrt1pete in spea ng F i score was 'a IliCi 1171!,s' M:?: ice McDonald; lone hands, Mrs, Joseph Carter and Mr. Jack Dickins; low score, Mrs. Leonard Smith and Mr, Evan Hodgins and lucky draw on a box of groceries, Mrs, Oliver Jaques tot Helmet. I The next euchre will be spon- sored by the LOBA and will be held here WednesdaY, Feb. 8. Five girls and five boys from Biddulph Township schools competed in a public speaking contest in the audi- torium of Lucan Public School Monday night. Angela McNamee, SS 6, speaking on "Water Conserva- tion" and Wayne elocigins, Lu. can, etho spoke on "Brock's Monument", were the winners. Others in order of merit were: girls, Carol Stalker, Granton, speaking on "What it Means to be a Canadian";, Ann George, Lucan, "Rain"; Margie Egan, Revere, and Bel. Sigsworth, SS 2 tied for fourth place speaking on "Rain" and "Grand Duchess Olga" respectively sented the prizes. A program. including selec- tions by tee schqol choir, ac- cordion selectiens by Brenda Wallis, ballet dance by Maur- een. .Smith and piano solo by Tom Hardy was given \011ie the judges made their decision. Principal Robert Jenkins!, was chairman. The auditorium I wouldn't Recoil) =date the crowd who attended. News budget from Clandeboye By MRS. J.H,PATON Boys, Robert Donaldson, • • ." • Clandeboye, "What it Means to be a Canadian''; Leroy Ma- guire, SS 2, "Abraham Linc- oln"; Billy Nadon, Revere, "Wild Life Conservation"; Jef- frey Bryan, Revere, "Raising Pure-bred Herefoiels". The judges were Mrs, Don Revington, Medway HS, ;Messrs. George Wright and John Mc- Millan, South Huron Diltrici High School. A I 1 contestants received 'books es prizes, Mr. Murray .liodgins, School Board chair- man, H. Wallis, reeve of Bid- dulph and Mrs. Bowman, teacher at Revere School pre - Personal items i Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hardy ' of Lucan and Mr. and Mrs. ; Fred Dobbs of Exeter are hol- idaying in Florida. Mr .and Mrs. M. 0. Smith were weekend guests of Mr, ! and Mrs. George Leckie of i Waterloo. Church elects its officers for 1961 The pastor, the Rev. G. W. Sach, presided at the United Church congregational meeting in the church schoolroom last Wednesday evening, which be- gan with a pot -luck supper. The nominaeing committee, comprised of Messrs. Cliff Cul- bert, Murray Hodgins, George Carpenter, Alex Young, Mrs. George Paul, Mrs. H. B. Lang- ford and the pastor, presented the elate of officers which was accepted. Elders are: honorary Mem- bers, Rev. E. M. Cook and Mr. Myron Culbert; other members, Messrs. Robert Mur- ray, John Park, Ivan Hearn, Clarence Stanley, Ivan Stanley, .1', Alex Young, Alden Walker, Clarence Lewis, Erie Haskett, Gordon Banting, George Paul, Don Revington, W. J. Stanley, C • . 13, C ulb ert and Sheridan Revington. • •.Lucan personal items Stewards, Messrs, Murray Hodgins (chairman); J. Alex • - Mrs. Sheridan Revington en.; ?dr. and Mrs. Dale Ward and ,tertained with -a family gather.: two daughters and Mr. Clare 'ing last Saturday night, in hon-; Ward, all of Toronto, were n- or of her son, Gary's 15th cent guests of Mr. and Mrs, birthday, ' Edgar 'McFalls, !Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs.! Mrs, Warner McRoberts of Maurice McDonald attended the Dresden 14S staff spent the .funeral servicc at the last weekend at her home here. Stephenson Funeral Home in i Mr. Ralph Rummell who had Ailsa Craig for Mr, Dan Mc. to return to St, Joseph's Hos- Kellar, who died suddenly at pital landerweet surgory last Ifie home near Ailsa Craig. Monday and is now making ternient was in Nairn nem.: satisfactory l'ecovery, tery. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Bahl - Miss Eva Lancaster, assist,ino last Saturday vistaed Mr ant superintendent of the St' Earl Lewis of MeGillivreY Marys Memorial Hospital, Township who had returned I eee 'went last weekend with the home from se .toseee.s Hos- Rev. and Mrs. E. 0, Lantaster pital on Thursday after under.; at the rectory. going surgery. Mr. and lira, Jack Pining, Mrs, 'Mitchell Easkett. of Leridort, were Sunday visi- has been on the sick Hsi for 4: tors of Mr, and Mrs, Ernest a week, was taken to se fleas, Joseph'Hospital by the C. The Rev. tdor Rotilsten. Hasketl and Sen's ambulance formerly of the Lucan United on Saturday. ' Chtireh, bOW relieving at Min. Mis. 'Harold Cr:melon of Lon On, called on tucan friends eon, formerly 0 r ellen, was. last -Monday, Mr. Routston has Saturday a guest of Mrs. Erie trade a marvellous recovery young while her elueetree fallowing his eye OperatiOn and lane gild friends, enjoyed a"' reports 41e can now scc evening of skating at the La - an a bald man's heed' can arena. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Cummins, Toronto, ‘vere weekend "sh"'s elect off'"" guests of Mrs. Mitchell Has.; Elwyn 817AI Wa'.; install' kett. as &lief ranger or Court Carl - mese erne Coursey had i ton No. 255 Canadian Order or be taken Vatic to St. joseph's , Foresters. Hospital last Saturday by t1IO other officers include: vice Murdy a elbulance, 1 eine( 'ranger, Hanel -on : gins; senior Woodward Jack Mr, and Mrs, Flarry Haray Arid Linda Were SaltirdaY, ttYgnwa'igriimpolt?rirAncW.:thvaerrdt: guests of Mr, and Mrs, Car-Itarv, Ltege; itree:ulrer. thee Hardy and family. , „, Walker Gibson; i:ecording sec- kast :14". tetAry, Kometli liodgifis•, chap. Ldckyer entertained at AI birth,; Taw, Jlnittyao: setter beeele, e,art' in honor bi hOr joity Hero; Junior beedle, tiaukhter, six-year-old ;lane, Ryan., conduct Or, Mr. mid Mrs. jilt. Tubb and Gentle' Jattetelh: Oat Mitthell, Were Sim- Clan, Dt, F. S. Xium auditots, day visitors of Mr, and Mrs Clare Westiliall and Mho Wes ,RodgfilS. 1 Westnitli. Young (treasurer); J. H. Cante- lon, Dave Park, Jack Lankin, 13. -13. Sauliner, Thomas Barr, Harold Cobleigh; George Car-' • penter,-14. B. Langford, Jens, Andersen, Charles Grose, Don! ; Maguire, George Thomson, J. B. Ready, Cecil Robb, William Frost and James Sigsworth. Christian education commit-, tee, Mrs. C. If, George (chair- man) ,Mrs, Murray Hodgins; and Mr, Cliff Culbert; repreej septa live to United Church- I men, Mr, W, j, Stanley; re -1 eruitment committee of the: Prethytery United Church Lay' Association, Mr. W, 'Stan- ley, Mrs, Sheridan Revington and Mr. and° Mrs, Gordon Ea ton (Clandeboye Church). Trustees, !Messrs. Erle Has- kebt, H. 13. Langford and ,Tohn P a r k; property committee, j Messrs. Murray Hodgins, John I Park and, H. 13. Langford; centenary committee, Mrs. Murray .Hodgins (convener), Mrs. George Paul, Miss Reta Chown, Mrs. H. B. Langford, Messrs. Robert -Murray, John Park and H. B. Langford (with power to add); ushers, Mr. Robert Murray (chairman), Mr. Murray Hodgins (vice); M & M committee, Miss :nor - knee Chown (convener), Miss Reta Chown and Mrs. Burns 1 Smith. CGIT news Anne George and Margaret Cobleigh were in charge of the worship service at the CGIT meeting in the United Church , schoolroom last Monday night, wtih an attendance ot nine girls. The completed sponge turtles were given out to be taken home. Plane were finalized for a skating party at the arena on Saturday night. Both of the leaders and most of the CGIT group had an en- joyable skating party lasl Sat- urday evening at the Lucan arena. They skated from 8 10 9:30 and after refreshments re. turned to the ice lo skate again. Personal Items 1 Mr, Rea Neil attended the 1 turkey dinner served at. the Pineerest inn, St. Marys, for the directors of St. Marys Milk Producers on Thursday. I Little Miss Susan Hardy, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Har- old Hardy, spent the weekend with her friend, Miss Janice Hindmarsh at the latter's par- ents' home, Mr, and Mrs, George Hindmarsh. Mr. and ,Mrs. Robert Latta and family moved last week and have taken up residence in their new home which they ! purchased from Mr. Maurice Simpson, south of the village, They have installed a new oil and coal furnace. Mr. Tom Glendinning visited on Wednesday with the Paton fernily. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Rowe, !Sheldon and Brenda of London were guests on Sunday with Mrs. Rowe's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Cunning- ham. Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Carter and jimmie, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Carter were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Carter and Ian on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Bill Downing, Karen and Joan of Chatham spent the weekend with Mrs. Downing's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Almer Hendrie. Community party A euchre party and dance was held at the 'Maple Lodge community centre on Friday evening, Jan. 27 with 12 tables in play. Prizes were won bY Mrs. Orville Dixon for ladies' high and gent's high, Mr. Orville Dixon; lone hands, Mr. Rae Hodgins; consolations. Miss Elizabeth Riddell and Mr. Ken Mentyre. Music was $upplied l3' Scafe's orchestra. Another party is to be held in ;three weeks. WA and Ladies' Guild Mrs. Ray Simpson entertain- ed the ladies ot St. james church WA and Ladies' Guild on Thursday afternoon. Mrs, Andy Carter, president, presided for the WA' and was assisted in the devotional pe- riod by Mrs. Aimee Cunning- ham, the rector, the Rev, E, 0. Lancaster and Mrs. J, H, Paton. Following a short business session severel quilts were dis-- PlaYed. One, 'that was quilted last. week is to he sent later to Korea and another is to be malted for the Brentford Mo- hawk Indian School. Mr. Lancaster invited the members to attend any of the snecial services at Holy Trinity Church during Lent. In the reboil it was noted that during last year a parcel had been sent to the prayer partner,. the 11 ev. Adrian Greenwood and family of Mayerthorpe, Alberta valued at $50,00. also a $10 quilt sent th the Mohawk Indian School, Brantford, nledges. had been Lmet, for Columbla Con cf Mis- Ploclre, Boot Fund and Huron sion, Indian Rectories Bursary Mrs. Alan Hill, new presi-, ..........,b;—,........—., R.i, 1.6-14.,„.! •".:;`;'11.:;',' / i t e ft 1. %0 \ \ '1/4 test"6se,S14 boos triltar, 'Todd V& ratted. .1 1 11 1 t 1 ‘ ‘k \ \\\\ \'\,, \ \.\:,, k. '\ qt Was ol�—n fraotiort of at inoit either way, and 'd beet outside my specialty," Guild dent for the Guild, presiclotti with 'Mr. Lancaster epeniligi the meeting with prayer. A quilt ceelmiltee was natiled; to chose material and designs,. (imposed at Mrs. Armor 11en.1 drie, Mrs, Cecil. Carter Mrs. Ernie Lewis. Mis. Cecil Carter secretary. treasurer, repelled a Munich-, fier had been Purchased las' , year far the ehurth basebleet: 8‘.1dee8gul beeear 1V, tfaveniog gasket wits OU.I; and .8 brush parts/ v'a bold with all leaving batik balener. An iriVitetiett was accented to have the February meeting et 1116 itetbiee Assisting the liOtt;tata 'Ware Mit. !Milne,' TOttlaa.. Mts. trfile 11,owls old Mks. Xarl IShrteefi dfes Were' Dreadiit, Plan card party In lieu of the annual St. Val- entine party the pupils -of SS, No, 2 Biddulph are planning a card party far Feb. 10 to raise funds for a bus trip. 1 Oyster OR Hcim er CHURCH BASEMENT Lucan Thurs., Feb, 9 .5;30 8;00 pm), .ADULTS $1.50 Public School -Children 750 Pro -School Children Free Sponsored- by HOLY TRINITY ANGLICAN MEN the late Mr. a nd Mrs, Hell rY soone tiamiiton of Walton. 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"Is Mummy ever lucky she doesn't have to hpiig out the wash today!" Every day's a lucky day . when you own an electric clothes th'yer because every day's a perfect drying day 1 ° Safe, gentle electric heat (Hee all your laundry to fadc-proof, soil -proof perfection , fluff dried, ready to put away ,with no clothesline sag or soli no clothespin corners Por easy ironing, without sprinkling or rolling up, just sot' the dial to the desired degree ordampoosg, An elcc, tric clothes dryer is easy on your washing and easier on you too. It's just one more way that, WORK Pak YOU you get the most out of eIcti-iciiy1 ELL(iTit your tiny. lightens your duties; brightens You get more out of life—when HYOIRO la yours NATIONAL tLE.CTOICAL .1ffetift-.. MIL STI-1,,,,relt •