The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-02-02, Page 134
ottava report
What it means t
adian catzen
Seo support for fie,
diSCUSS, student fun
Tho gov't llas. through Olt, Ike fimp4.A4voottlft, FOrgfiry 2, 2941 hi, .1
minister of agriculture, deol
elared AS Intention of huPPort* eieweifeemeeeilleeenineememielameseeelewee,,,,,,,,,,eleweeeeefieneefielioeueese
!ing a minimum prism to Orta
Pf a.hout $13 per .
ton for -the 1901 crop by some 13-ETTER 6:ELECTRICAli.LY -
,Inothod yyt. to be annOunced. '
1 At lite same lime the beet
!producers and n 1 h e r 5 !con- •
t* , .,.
• ' corned have worlied oft propo- •
' 131, W. tt. A, ffillelel THPMA4 the provinciel goeernment• sats for a rational sugar pOlieY
("WS is the to* on whieh °Pet,nrallse
gy DIANE p a es ifelloektep GlEv h en t t:ot,t,t-uaree: eel: e0 ne r tat01 0 0$1g)otvesmsm it:: dwoanries ofbyeotlitlionindnelceealtti74te 111,1:ne: Iii:alrowye:/:01:11071:11,bilds asp eVI!latelper: eilogr‘n. tsera(InsusIsrletnataifereteect /*lb./Lye:et leearsanevsiedit.:illti it‘tvollif4ibe):':rtewaggsrueiledyaetrsstaaellnillejaZve% pl.'er%olvilidilijeirl: . .
We shall not be caught una- II of debalea^
e le won firet pine in the is a TOM of government in tration of tyranny. a resoeltioa „caning for .a die- lion program of the Lipper woeid ereate a healthy beet su-
Miss Delbridge
s —eking eompeations at sem. elesalon and •COn?promise, Free land which we are a part, we Ada, The resollition Wa$ intrO.' This Program extends over gaSruittitallisittirtft progress was
girls' divisiou of the public which the people rCtle by (lis line this narrow strip, of tinctiee nationat nag for c4„ti. 'names Valley Authority,
LS recontly,) elections in which the people have built a nation in wnio) it awed by Mr. Laurier Itegnier, a len Year Period and will e)St made and the series of rneet.
Have you ever really thouelet •
choose their geVerrlMent rep- is good to live. The comfort of member of parliAment for St. ta.,nreieesertbnianreittddts$sidaelivilotrlia0in-laTrIgiet, Ings ended !ort a very .optimistie
0 lesentatives, and the secret today WaS JlOt born of easiness. tiontfAce, Manitoba. note. Arrangements were made
for granted the values end two of the many preod poues, ,1,0 raise the sou i ,d of iiv. speeeere from eil parts of Ca• r realatiOn and some eilarinel i matter further
1•/°11L what it m"na 10 be a ballot. which gives everyeee ti, was a tough job to make I was somewhat ,serprised At dams, the develooment of !soy' lo pursue the
Canadian or have you taken ebsolete freedom of choin are caostia whet, she is today. we unanimity with which the Lica,1),r0.1p.aenrIkes, considerable re; without undue delay.
heeefits of our Cenadien way sloes of Canadielle• ing on this continent la levels nada Pod from alt partie$ MM.' nts.
( al ,grw dam treoty
Pi, life? There is eo distinction be e never elsewhere attained de, °erica Ude resolution, It was: ' Each goeerrMent is io eon. Qr./ WednesdaY• tile Prime
This free, Society, of fedi- tween elass or creed in Cana- mantled work and planning Of talked out put Opinion alt tr:bule 374/2 *percent of the minister made An interesfing
uel free, ems and its great dian public emirs, Rich or poor a high order and or whielt` we across the el:entry 5eeM5 te be cost. The remaining 25 :percerit report on his journey to Wash-
°, ortunWes for self -advance- a •Canadian citizen has a voice should be proud and thankful erYStallizing faefour oe- the cost must be Paid by the ington to PIO :with President
. . ti municipalities Mona -led with Eiseeheriver in signing the CM -
merit aad the sense of secerily in the ,government, may serve for as Canadian citizens. tion to this en Many
et provides was gaMed the A =mew?". neneil, in a KO-, speakers strossed that dui. the Authority Apportioned ac- StAtes-C anodian treaty fin,
„atest leffefirrilif OVarontott
s regieics and sacrifiecs Of the vinciee legislature, in parlja, son should. reaebelt before• cording te the benefit which the development tit the Colvin- .12.;
nen And women from whom ment 011 1"ards set n11 by 1'4 our National Centennial tele. each receives. ble River project in British Co -
We Inherit, it, any of thele governments, • f!!' -sage from ilwation in net Illultangbri.4.101o.'hims,isleefiTrraannsic.scalne. inney r
Proereee for beote 141 nittire
in civilization, -She may not patiently. In A democraey the'
, , s 011:Srif oi;veeeettiltsio wasse,laneriens111.'eetralint ado. Pipeline, the St, Lawrence •E pHQNE
Teoay, Canada is a leader norities are heard freely and! con,fredin Morteeea stedente?
d the physicel world iPtteeosoPtleotintlaayod vtehtee ottlipieostg000ineerizi Fly MRS, FD
sowD„ On TbueuSdligae)t' thil,adsebactoentehiluiellde. °•" The i(n,.ansaoduitahn-wessttlgeranr Seawa11 y and the Sato skatchewan EXETER
by her size, nonomie strength, en°1/1' BthIcetatri(lf; r o e r s' Associatioe 1)"1. "Pected °st' up 4
he," armed might ur her pe;pu. „..,`,..1.1117rypeltirele Coafnaada tnpourciatilee , bFr or parliament for (-Inn, _l .11 ,tt , „ , eieleeimeeneenieneeineeeneineemnenemememeimeemermeetemeeeemememeett
JeAn Casselman, wards of $300 million.
1ption figures, but in the wor1d ,`"„enee suggested that a '''Y.1-11.„" el 9es, "Pre"in.311‘.e's ])ams are to " P.tau°' at me' eeeeeeeerieweeeemeeneeeneeneemeemeeeeeeeeeemeeneennememnomeneeee,
graceful eviiq she is second
Canada. more than other na• . loan fund should be set up by ",m 1,ne Canada,foin beet glowing outlets of the Arrow Lakes so
of Ideae of humanity and of 2.4"'" 'Perspnal items ville-Dundas,
no country on earth. tion needs. world peace for her
Canada's external 'turned home after ‘!isiting with needy university students from • ,
Mis. MurrayiAbbott has re- the federal government for aim in namely Al as to use these lakes as a stor-
hone Manitoba,•Oatario and age bisin. By holding flood we -
trade provides 1/3 of her na., her son, Mr. and Mrs. William Which Ow could borrow to representatives of the gov't sible to greatly increase the tiaseseeb.
The strengeh of Canada's Pr°sPerllY• wc, met for two days with tors feeerve be pas- E.
ays. IS the .only king- f r
She ' Sc Hand anct spent a few de •s they become employed on Coln -
m p ciff sr„ jrnigh j„
red with every worl•men's .41 A
le tie way home she stopped 'in which could be repaid when rand meolhers of Parliament now of the Columbia in the
A resolution was adopted urg- year and thereby make it pos-
ram the beet growing aras. United States throughout the i
" t4eed Mare
, „Ina' income, if• her experts in Niagara Falls, On complete their education and
ideals are shown in unique „,,•
mind and the high level of her t'
dom on a huge continent her daughter and son -in- pletion of their education, e°1's
republics, Yet we erlie•Y n
or peay enveicipe would suffe*r, with ing the necessity of special as sthie far the Americans Lo in-
rneesere of freedom unstu•-
Persed and ProbahlY Itch! and order CAnada sepports the )4(3me
, keret desire' for world peace Pre,
• for the weekend.
who Accompanted her that a mortgaq on the it' sistancesomh.wratem Qatari°,
of well-educated young (Jena- ration of electric power,
us reason, as well as the na- • • .
' Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ma- Mrs, Casselman intimated
for the industry in crease substantially the gene-
erualled in the Americas. United Nations , I / been dians should ee as good as A
. Convenience), TOO
For Safety'e Sake.
'• ee ernov 'many freedoms in a patient in Victoria Hospital, mortgage on real estate.
What kind of people are we? y 1 t 2!1A •
lens have more American gen- times arid others established last week, of agriculture introduced his 1
On Wednesday the minister
• tellell speaking Canati- Canada, some inn ii olden London, since ThursdaY Of
The F•
other white stock' north of the the memory or persons Sandra Riddell of Waterford legislatirm Mr/Tiding for, "We- •I: LUXURY OF
Rio Grande, Their energY arid of speen, religion,
still living. We have freedom is a visitor at the home of her rstive action hv the feder•al :f•
with the promni -
entities behind them than any within
familyeducation, parents, ROV, and Mrs, D. 'M. government
to the upbuitcling fthisees to redevelop. marginal and
spirit were "cessarY freedom tif. the press and free- Guest. Mrs. Guest has .been
to men ton a confined to her mme owing o ....,„n features of ,.__ ,
1 • t sub -marginal land. One of the
laTken nme the Scotch, the You and I are part of a de- weeks, Program will be the rPelfOorpeoSstead-,
0- raw dom of assembly t'
few. Illness for the past couple of """
heir efficiency, thriftiness and we think,
moevaey that is stronger than Mr. Stove Molnar of Toronto lioof parts of such areas.
not because of our was a weekend visitor with his n !
On Thursday the debate on
English. Irish and,Wtish with
their resPect for the law, order high standard of tivine orMr. and Mrs. S Mol'the baby budget was completed
and self,conirol, To these, in scientific progress but because ear.
e our parents, , i. , .
in the six days Allotted to it.
thousande from other lands our spirits and our minds. lf of Lambeth were Saturday eve- corded vote of 154 in favour -
a re -
Can- freedom is so deeply rooted in . Mr. and Mrs. Reid Brown The debate finished with
the hundred years of c
Riles great growth were added
east, west, and south. Today, we bear witness unceasingly to ning visitors with Mr. # and and 35 against.
our delight in living, as we do Mrs, J o h n Thompson. Mr. Investigate broadcasting
they are all Canadians. to our enjoyment of religious Thomnson was celebrating a . On Friday the minister of na-
Sopetiole hi a land of striking the civic liberty such as _free.' Mr,. and Mrs. Martin Aren- resolution providing, f o r a
tional!revenue introduced his
here we are a grouP or liberty, political liberty, and birthday.
e, i thals of Lunn were visitors committee to enquire into ra.
contrasts facing teeether prob- •
tome of wide diversity. , • • .• with 'Mr, and Mrs. MurraY dio and television broadcast.
Thmarvel of it is that we' Happenings in Abbott on Saturday evening. ing in Canada. This committee
11'\'? woven the culture and in-' Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lammie is of much importance. It will
stitutions of all these people 111% I . a t e n d e cl the funeral of the late require the most careful plan -
into an orderly and attractive bianshar ,
iss Ethel Murdock in Hen. ning on the part of all con -
pa! tern. .
• !sail on Thursday of last week, cerncd to see that these media
Once our people hewed farm 3y MRS, GLADWYN HOOPER ' Miss Agnes Andersonleft on are used in such a way as to
built their own homes, made — -, ••!. -' ----.-," -- !••e•e••••••••!•••!.:•le".e.:IN Arizona. - in our ntioal life.0r a vacation in nromote the highest and best
an •
plas out of the wilderness,. ,Saturday f
their own clothes, and produced Personal itemsMessrs. George Baynham conservation p
their own food. Children and „ 'ack Reeder, Thoinas Flemity! ..,. •roram
women laboured hard le the ''''1.' and Mrs- Morley "LLI. nci .i, Dietrich returned home sours truly was privilee,ed
fields and there was no diver. London visited Sunday w
sien but sleep. .
Mr. and Mrs. Ler-mud Tha 1 Tuesday following a trip in .
eintucky, Florida. and New 'beet/41g at Fallshawe nam on
0 be present at a luncheon
London it .
By eontrast, when Toronto • •
ter ' Mt. January 28th, when the lion.
built a subway to carry thou- Mrs. Al.vada Hopkin of MI!1 Walter Dinsdale, minister of
sands of persons swiftly and 011011 is a patient in Victoria ' northern affairs and national
comfortably b e t w e e 0 their Hospital, London, and Mrs. Lot- Prone ,pedestrian: "What's resources, representing the na-
horeee and downtown, ma. tie Jones is spending a while the Matter? Are you blind?" ; tional government artd the Hon.
chines dug the trench. Here with Mr. and Mrs. Rost Jones Drivr: "Blind! I hit you, John P,obarts, minister of nu -
was work, no manual toil, and of London. I didn't 1? . • 1 cation for Ontario, representing
n 0 slavery, only proud ,in schen- Quite a number from the 8th
ice guiding, the great machines, line attended the Baseline so.'
The genius that developed cial on Thursday evenieg.
radio and later television has Mr, Ray Wigle of Ipperwash
brought us songs from half a camp spent the weekend at
world away. in hydro Power his home,
we are pr. -eminent among na- Mr. and Mrs. Claire Sisson
tons. Waterfalls are harnessed visited 7 I I
ay with Mr. and
10 pour electricity into our Mrs. Fred retch of Strathroy.
homes and factories.
When we sce our modern
Cc nada against its background,
we are comforted. Some may'
still live backward lives, but
millions are living better, and '
All have the opportunity to!
step forward.
Canadiaee, whether native,
born or immigrante, may Jive
and act with full security with-
in our pattern of freedom. We
do not simply safeguard hu -
Man rights; we erect an girder
Of law, Animated by freedem
of 0100s spirits.
This means man in Canada
e does not expect he will be told!
what to do, This is the kind of 4
thing that happeeed in Ger-1 •
many and Russia. As Cana.,
dians we believe that freedom ' NEEDS
to think should be followed byl
using your head to choose be-
Liven alternative toursee of w
action. •It is freedom of chole
filet develops personality and
11 18 only tad of personality ex.
pression that reasonable men
derive. satiefaetion.
Canadians Ave net interfered
with by the democratic govern-
ment. it leaves man free to
3)1Alte an honest livelihood at
whit trade they tyrant and it en-
. , ..,...• i
\.\1 I 1 I‘
‘.. -Ydtir! owe i
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4118111CAllY I
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Repairs • Altvations
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Phone S28W
Every penny's worth of
electricity goes into heat
Ohly tltdricity producos
1.00q beating officioncy, .
No Mat is lost front
ducts or registort or
oscAp6s ttit the chinitioy,
Also Alairitentet rosin
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Electric Heat Costs Less Than
You Think(
COntact Us Per The Pacts!
Gqrfiekl Thomson
id cater
For Only
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in your home today . •
Jake's Plumbing •
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Phone 463 Exeter
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Frigidaire Dryer s
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In controlled laboratory tests,
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with exclusive
It'sr. Simple. Dial the faint
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Ito Ancf 5I tht sOrl —
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ithe Stiettor,
Or Hand COntrol YoUr Waslthr
with tht Coid Wa tor ttitrii
,aitet Load SdlOctoti for spOciai
Henyy son Vanishes with
AuteMati4t teak Cytle.
Aiid Fey "tlioroulit
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Penia A31tatele eentty
a'' t' tAzh e$111.111
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n1 to batlit
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Plugging a number of appliances into one out.
lot is lust 4skir1g for trouble. Don't overload
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.5e 1
on .1 Ily
Expert TV, Radio and Appliance Repairs
I 61. Frigidaire Pairs .0$ to* as $415 - Ant
LE.CtrtICAL CON11AtIt51t
tort Elettrkal Work foie Hetrie And Iridtittry
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Phone 18
's ti0 1
I r
• cw,....,4‘
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Inglis washers got clothes cleaner with A balanced °
washing action combined with the new continuous
automatic filte;', 15 -Imperial gallon porcelain tub
holds 9 lb, family load, -Rubber-cushioned mptor
gives silent, vibrationless operation and the new
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Eldric1 'Oriokt3uyi
NO treide. ketiffttiired
Phont 11