HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-02-02, Page 9ar ,st en es he 100. ict or? h ete. to let ley /yd. ted Ar. tie rs, ha rd Second Snctign, gX.RI11,, QNTARQ FEBR-PARY 1161 • -• Poe Nine tfarmy management -gets ptiort„ -gov't ,..exterision 0.• Hon, W. A. Goodfellow, mine' assist the agricultural tore, 'Serious'. s aff sh-prtage. concerns .unit. director By DR, R. M. ALDI5 ' Director Huron Health Unit 93 In no part of government, leg service clo events move so Lester agricislture, has an sentative Kw/14111g tI nounced that farm rnanage- necessary instriletion. It is in- ; mem program will eecove tended that major emphases !priority through the extension will be placed an individual service of the department this eonsultation 'with the. farmer ; year. through periodic visits to the The minister sale that it was farm to increase the effective. the intention to establish ie ness of the advisory service. I each county and dietrict an Anuntil rabies declieed frona orably .with those of the pre- active prograni on a local level 60, which were composed asi 19,525 persons were processed, support and co-operation (le the COUtSe t0,01 Rows' 1 f cases in 1959 to only e. vioes survey 1.95.6. when which enlist the active .. fax , 6 skunks, I t The addition of tuberculin laeril PeoPie of the Province - is always investigated closer co-ordleation of exis•ting on exercise,. Here the cominunication be- persons ;requiring increased the coverage to all vaccui extensidn services with empha•, , castor' demagoguery may nnon-! SPeeial mention should he ee", , While on oe.. 1!nvaloere 1 well received in most centres, Bis being placed ten a common Tete army isn't the only group tween taxpayer end official is versus 22 in 1959. children and was exceedingly toed and clear. approach to meeting farm which has been on overnight, Human exposure:testing to the latest survey,! The object is to develoP a swiftly As at the local level. teer'' 1 eat, KTON SINGERS WIN—This foursome truin HUM)) county took top honors in the male quartet musical competition sponsored by the Ontario Junior Farmers at Toronto, Pictured above, they are Larry Wheatley, RE 1 Dublin (seated); Ken Campbell, RR 1 Dublin; George Turnbull, RR 3 Seaforth, and 13i11 Campbell, RJ 1 Dublin, photo Beet growrs hopeful of floor price proposal Pelsone over 40 Years of management roblems , exercises during the past week, P -• i w ves th t made of the coenty-wide tuber -'•1 s irvey of E t ' opol ze the sounda , e ean usually get the line.,...14 he dueled last summer by the De.' "— chap known as John. Q. Public rulosis survey which Was con- ,ria,4eee Nfirter attended the i ,.. additional satisfaction By means of the program it. Three menn ers xe er s tion with county tuberculosis ,t,: • screened for such conditions as were also is lipped to focus attention on new Raver 'patrol camped, out the business aspects of farm near McTaggart's cemetery, in tries. pertinent of Health in coopera; ef hnewIng that they rregular heart shadow, pos., management througei greater the Bewail .district, Saturday Those persons who had pro. , , cipaleties various mutual en 1 • attention being given to ac. night during a two.day hike motee consolidation of muni - (,,.ed dissenters, at first; Today, . sease or abnormality. 17 cases , • '11 program will also seek to en- Barry Grainger and Doug Hod. 24,184. persons tested, Mile tumor and other abnorma- 1 lilies which occur more Ire- eciun and h ting proeedures, budgeting from Seaforth to Exeter, I nter Ise The • The bo ' Fred Sanders public services, were consider. I 23.650 from this age on,Yf , c oice co e Pr , had no reportable di- i fluently Tuberculosis i As part of the regular tuber- courage the practical applica-! gson — trekked the. 19 miles by less than a generation later, of Pulmollare their idea has prevailed, and was (feinted, 01 these, eight ; culosis control program, the tion of the findings of agrieul- township reads. with each succeedingyear, cases, or 0,03'. af the total, ' unit holds chest clinics moth-tural research and •the adThey found protection from more and more municipalities op- ' 'uhad active disease. 1lY at the five county hospitals. tion of recommended pen- Saturday night's near -zero ten- are.,niting for the Purpose of At the. same tinic, 515 other; Both the mass survey and the flees, perature in the corner of a providing more efficientme diseases and abnormalities ;referred chest clinics receive, "It is my hope that this em- foundation from which a baro vices in many fields besides were discovered, 1 generous support from, the sale phasis being placed on farm bad been removed. , health and education, A remark 1 These results compare. fav -1 of Christmas Seals. 0 management will increase the till — a billy and efficiency oe the of Benjamin Franklin s individual :farm operator and p homemaker in farm and home - An indication. cram L. Elston; everything will be okay", 1 The chairman said the board seems fitting; "We must alit Cardiff, 1-luron MT, that the The board chairman termed would continue its "battle", for hang together or assuredly we Competitive • • federal gov't plans a guaran. IMO a hectic year for beet a national sugar pOlicy, "But shall all hang separgely,i, instinct ton for 16 per cent surfer has ouei u prospects ate tune- . we ass is a reason- th el t • t All 1 Huron's Health Unit is now teed floor price of $1.3.00 per , growers and warned that al. we are not looking for a for - board A management," said Mr. Good- - taking will do much to improve, t f fellow. "I think that the under-, families and make possible a t 111.1ernberst!nd wi:es the economic position of farm', td beet growers' marketing board,1 He revtewed the board s . HP indicated Cana a is ie seieus or its age' The rider can foster troulole hi her standard of lg on a ter Public school board enter- ' "t 12t1 like a horse, is becoming con - that materializes," said, negotiations last year with only country in the ‘veetern (the people) should be made By met with the approval of of- brighter, growers couirt expect able price for our labors lust approacung s year and,' • flcials of the Ontario sugar a struetele • Co 'a • like 'everyone else." J. cA H$M1NGWAY come 'to grief, and we come to g • • - Mtn Van Raay, Chatham. Canada and Dominion Sugar world 'that, does not have a 0 -ware that the horse's shoe , continuing basis." ! tained the teaching .and main. rowers' chairman, we will, Company and said he was national policy and. that mil- wants for a nail, The closing' ' HFA Femme, , ! Ernest Page goes on to corn- ! conflict,". As part of the intensified tenanee staff and their wives • be much better off than we proud of the growers who re- lions of tons of sugar were at 1960 saw the health Now to complete the re ort L "Th dilemma of the - program the agricultural rep- and husbands at a social eve. Van Raay said be expected arbitration "because it proved year. unit! are inw". I fused to sign contracts after clumped on the market last operating with a serious short- on the Leadership e'en= that "' • e . resentative in each county will ning at Armstrong's Restaa- , capitalist countries arises from age of personnel. .According to was partially reported last the fact that, as Mr. Nehru ,htiaavtandthecr,oesapdounestibilhlyp ran :h 'altieromnadnay night ;ce ;elan formal gov't announeement! that we couldn't groiv beets at Kr. Raay said that a base -line recommendations.of week. points out, the acquisitive so- • program the existine arise!' one cent per pound increase in the department, the staff was On Saturday' mornine the • in his respective area ; welcomed the guests at the ciety is not appropriate in an. ' session was aiain led by Hui:- age of plenty. Why compete In order that as many as door. semi and We are confident, He said it was "shocking" the price of sugar would pro - farmers were expected to grow vide more than enough money : heels for $9,35 ner ton as they to restore Ontario's sugar beet George .oston: did in 1959 and said even the industry to a healthy position hn government. subsidy which in- in the economy. short one sanitary inspector and two publie health nurses. Earlier efforts to recruit quali. .fied public e a 1 t 1, nurses through advertising had met with not one single application, CP employee possible may benefit, member.! Court whist prizes went to on County graduates of the• Ontario Leadership Forum. viciously for a larger and in the program will. be Ken Ottewell and Miss Grace larger portion of the world's ' elltP he limited lb four years to allow Doupe, high; Frank Wilcifong Mrs. Stanley :Bride and Mrs. goods when there can new members to join and and Miss Betty Goudy, conso- Gordon Greig, both of elowick enough for everyone and where thereby provide an opportunity lat,ion. A dinner followed, creased Use price to Su) 40 per He pointed out that such an . township, led a discussion on no one needs more than f t u ber ot ar-, ton didn't make too much clif. increase would create an $18 NW have the maxiy caange.. e. ft tOS William George Johnston, so, ference, million fund across Canada at higher levels of government e"er"ve sPea.kPlg• was then • divided into five assistance. sed appreciation on behalf1of groupThe enough? , ,nneipa .1010 titipants to receive instruction cli7d at his home nn Main By comparison, he said, since the average-Cenadiarl left the unit undisturbed. A perts and each Person had a millionaire in Canada in order and There is , no. need to be a '11 b . i the staff, which Vice -Chairman street on Friday, January 27. English farmers' are paid more consumes about 10 pounds o Mr. Johnston had not been than $16 per ton for beets and sugar per year. He estimated well for some time and had farmers in Holland receive it would take about $5 million been quite W since October, more than $14 per ton. 'to "get the industry healthy." He was a former employee of Canada Packers. • Surviving are his wife, the I . former E in m a Lillian Du- lik types of...markets , faure, and one son, Garfleld,!• forth; three , brothers, Jack 011 sarmer. forums Exeter; one sister, Mrs. Wit- • j i *and Lorne, Exeter, Johnston, Goderich, Edward! liam (Elizabeth) Carter, Seal al Farm Forum members feel could not be done from To - that terminal markets, local ronto. The funeral service was con. Kerr auctions as well as private , ductd, by Rev. S. at the The emmUnity has several buyers all have a place in find- local auction barns quite close change , creates no problem as the views or government increased t e price . Hopper -Hockey funeral home,• of ad' need to consider Exetr, on Monday, January e but still they would not want to theeditor. . ;in �rderto increase pro uc- ' ,i.. erd ' d ' — ing the best market tor the it is simply a matter „ . fennel s products, They . were see the• terminal market disap- ;lusting internal administration,f t . , for example, transfer of rune- • I our repor s ale to get to • y . e ; tion Now the will hay to •• t b f definite take steps to dispose of sur - acknowledged - prime example is the new leg- , cnance to practice whate Riven , M. Sout cott islation that ,followed. the for- was to be sure of enough. So why • , the arialysis of farm account I learned. This was followed e)j, accumulate year after year? !bootee and will be carried out Truseees in charge of the Resources Commission. Author- criticism and questions. of hay that is four or five years; i In one of our barns we. have . on a' central or regional basis' event. were Mrs. W. G. Cockle mation of the Ontario Water ity . for plumbing inspection, Mrs. A 1 e x McGregor, aasdvamntaaygeous. be determined most rane and Roes Tuckey. which previously rested in the Tuckersmith, outlined the need old. This I must admit is poor ' Public Health Act, has now for publicity and public vela- t management on my part and I t been transferred to the Water lions to make organization will have to take steps to get! Agricultural economists and, A bed is the only thing most Resources Commission Act. All activity effective. She used rid of it. . , other specialists within the de- people nowadays can comfort - local ;municipalities should have ' diagrams and illustrations 0 ; 1 The same applies to the ac -i ipartment will be ;available to, ebly• retire on. received notice by now of this get the points across. , • h cumulation of butter that is so '—'"s" ------ transfer of authority. Approval Mrs. Frank Yeo, of Goderle , nucinthe neus, •h , ' for septic tank installation, township, closed the . course , to a study of reporting - news Had we continued atthe rate however, remains as before the Public Health Act. i to the press. This is an effect. ' of production and consumption in For large municipalities, the ive means of getting informa• of 1956 and 1957 we would I t' ut to the public but we have been short of butter. The 30, with entermen in ?se cemetery. reluctant to state which , pear, shod was best. Pall bearers were former 1 Selling direct to private buy - fellow employees of Canada ters was most satisfactory but Local auctions good Packers, Twenty-eix Fairfield elem.! they are becoming a thing of leers, meeting at the home of , the 'past in the community, Mr. and Mrs, Russo King, de.: The next meeting will be held • tided that, in general, the local at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Base Line Murray Elliott. Auction sale was preferred as the method of sale as transpor• CPPL-TV should carry reports cation was less expensive than ; Members of Elinsville North enjoys party tea° josrulto tiaiend perolucfcf dide 'Forum suggested that CFPL- stock TV thould 'carry reuorts ore lo- Sehool rtybrought home again which cal markets and salts. The Base Line held its Jan -1 I They felt they could get all teary party in the school on i {the information on market pri- 1 the papers, followed radio, and of plumbing inspection if there tive instinct of the indivicluel e a s g . . the evening of Thursday, Jan, Name Il•icks , ccs they needed if they read be able to continue, the service, were a covering by-law in each it brings trouble . . . The bust.' Program will include a rec. the legal responsibility for this theoliuni,lie insess of an acquisitive society arc] number of educational and out of date since, in commercial displays, discus- municipality. In the meantime service seems to rest at the ed out of an age of scarcity programs, old time fiddlers', at lease we have pass. sions by farm leaders, ladies' local le'vel. into an age of abundance . . , peblic school and junior farm I A brier sumntary of Health unless we develop that: COITI • square dance contests, and hog! Unit activities in 1960 is pre. pietely afferent mentality, the calling competitions, A farm 1 Live' birth, 1,100; neonatal co-operative m e n 1.a 1 ity, we show princess will be selected, r sented herewith: deaths, 19; stillbirths, 14: ma- — ternal deaths, 0. No confirmed cases of en- libmyelitis oceured here in 1960. tions from the Board of Health P • • County, however, the prevision chance to try their hand et, !plus. WO Farm Show I interest, they must be brief, to the Department of Works, For s m. a 1 1 c r municipalities and they must be accurate, i • such as comprise H u r o n Here again ail were given a of separate plumbing inspee, "newspaper reporting" , with , • - tion by 25 member municipale the good and bad points rioted.' f i ties does not seem. feasible. 1 Can bring trouble Tearures progress If it were legislatively pos. In the Co-op Commentary The Western Ontario Farm Mid - be for County Council to pass a there is a quotation from an Show — new name for the Mid - address given by Pandit Nehru. dleeex and District Seed Fair sible, the ideal solution might uniform by-law such as was of India: "Our Modern struc- — will be held at the Western clone for the licensing of Nur- ture of society , . . is competi. Fair Grounds, London, from suggested that the unit mielit based. entirely on the Handel- theme, "Progressing with t an - .A,.. , , . if that competition is February 22 to 25, under -the , 3 $ sing Homes, Failing that, it i$ 26 with 10 eables of euchre in Play. Hostesses were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elston, and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Baker, High score tor euchre was woe by Mrs. Wilfred Wilson; lone bands, Mrs. Harold O'Brien; bigb score for men, Mr, Johnston Robertson; Ione C of C secty 11111'heir opinion was {hat no one 1 of the three methods of sale Ralph Hicks, former ownerlsince price market con. isuggested should be listed as of Exeter Frozen Foods, was 'es', recently named secretary of ditions and nuality of producte the Grand Bend and Area as well as the ebb"' uf buy' ers and sellers all have a beer- ChaMber of Commerce, on the price received for Mr. Hicks, who just, returned 'ing • roducte he'1da,Mr. Robert Marriott- from a six.week vacation in This is an evening all the norida wee commence his ne„ They met at the ,home of Mr, members of the eection ere duties i ni M edi tely. The pos'i_, and Mrs. Lloyd Johns and next week willMeet with Mr. and welcomem to Coe and enjoy. tion has been vacant since Hostesses for the February September, when Ralph Lail. Mrs. Lewis 4°11118. party areMr. and. Mrs, Hareld retie zorieh, resigned, O'Brien and Missee Jameson let —r. and Mrs. Hicks moved and Fred Jameson. to Grand Beed in 1958 and The proceeds for the evening built: a cottage in Oakwood after expensee were paid was Park. He served as secretary - $9 and President Duncan Mc. treasurer of the Oakwood Park Naughton deeded it to tie Association for the past year, "March of Dimes". 1 The former Exeter residents Mies. Dewee WAS "Marchine I will aPetate the Chaelber's ihnoth at the Sportsmen's Mntlier" for the Kirkton Worn'''. en's institute On the Bast Shp' in T""th fr,"1 Marth .Line. 10 to O. The;couple will net only distribete literature ee Peretniet items 1 the eopuler -summer resort, Mr. and :Mrs. Delleari Me• ' but 'will also, inform visitOr.$ Naughton visited on Siinday to the bobth of 'the :Potent fe- With Mr, and Mrs. RUssell Me -t eilitleS at the Pinery Park and Moine of Ansa Craig. publicize the winter activitide Rem McNaughton visited on I now ,ovaitatile At the resort — 1 8UndaSt with his Wele.111, Bobert ' • ' McNaughton ef Ailsa Creig. "Why don't you get a ;lob Mr. Fred Parkinson and Mr.:instead Of ;just iyiog around?" Jesse Elston journeyed to To—the busy teuteet efiked the hetet ionto last week and attended bench Wenner., the Canada Farm and Itklustrid "Why?" queried the BW. Beilipineel Ti•ade Show. 10I "So you can make a little the, evening fifty took in the: Willey aiid eeve it up tor your NHL hockey genie, Toronto vedeld age. Tiled you wee't heve Meet:feel. Theories, being the to work," the visitor explained, Vietors, Milt it more enjoy. ! "Wlie,?" repeated the. 'ISV! Ole Mr the fellow -A. Ittgain, "I'M not workire.; how. I. igninimmi,00.0,,,,,,,,,,m....imitsaimogemmilroommokiiimo.ifaiiimilmailiimmomp.ioitg). Attention Forrners!. eletriel Will he held in ihe ilisem prooted in o grid Ot'il405idno PleMe for o:d 4al apeakee attericlanek to 110egtions. I A Met flee 0( jiligtritf 11V0,10at prciduttts el the COMMUNITY COITR E, Ott britfl of toivit gau§fitat, all iyptis livestotk, explein pietas 41nd enewer ntleyr s Drug Store Mbit1 11101 Mr YOR PREVENT SONS W1TM NIXON'S 0 stop sown wit), NIXON rtil COMPLETE immO-MstinAL PROTterVE NEVI01111CALVS ''teolttreoleeet----1 ,,0 t 10011 trecerette --Irk Thursday Peb, 2, 830 pi, Olihtlie• -SO NOW. is the time to plan your season's crops for this spring, We are taking Orders for Seed Grain and Small Seeds, Seed should be in good supply with Grasses and Clovers reduced in price. It would appear to be the year to seed an extra field to hay or pasture, NAV -PASTURE MIXTURES $1 to $8 per atre PASTURE MIXTURES $8.16 to $10 per acre SAVE ON FERTILIZERS — Granular and semi. grahular ahalyse,s available. Plan to take advantage Of the February discount. Special Thi Week GALV, CALF PAILS, Iteg,tt 1XETER DISTRICT ptlit,06 2$7 colt 8f4 MORE PROOF.... I T PAYS 'TO FEED PURINA Albert and Wallace Yungblut grow big Iow4cost talyee nr Nursing Chow ,in Calf Startena; develop big thrifty heifers, condition springers and dry cows on 0 & and grain, ' balance milking ration with Cow Chow, Yungblui Brothers Headed DHIA 3 Years in 101, Each year, herds entered in Ontario Dairy Nerd improvement number between 1,200 and 1,300, It's quite an achievement to get your herd average up into the top 10— hut in 10 years on DMA,. Albert and Wallace Vungblut of TM. 1, Vonthill, Ont., headed the liot twice, tied for fixst place once, and never stood lower than seventh, (That was the year they sold four - of their best producers hi mid -lactation.) Their latest herd average, for 241 milkers: all iles", works Oa at 13,299 lbs, milk, 505 fat, in 305 clays an twice -a -day milking. And the Yunghluts don't, "go for the record" — they don't push their rows to the limit: They feed an average of 1 Ih4 grain -and -pow Chow to . 4 4 lbs, milk , vary low-cest This is no "prestige" herd pressed for records regard- ,lessof expense. ItS a ;practical, paylour-way, shrewdly ' managed farm undertakiag: aria it's significant that these shrewd managers use the Purina Programme to help make it poy. Cheek with us and see how the Purina Programme cart help you too, CANN'S MILL, HNE • ”$, txtteR, RE CAN tittIND tiN TH likKErgoAkti�R