The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-02-02, Page 7• " ` • • • * • • • • • • •
Pli4.0. 7 ,Felletary" Z 1941
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and district news
MeUde Hecklen, PI19. $
Mrs, Archil MacPr000r, Phone 56
UC raises
At the anneal congregational
meeting ot iensall United
Church held Monday evening it
was disclosed that $17,585 hod
been raised for au purposes.
"Se; e•se
dfOrchilik. C 815 win
CE •
winner at
.• • ••••'' •' • ••• 1••'• • ••• 30. ,^•••••'4 ''''=','-',4747.•7114.4"47-:•.:•,•:•i•-•4 '40 'OA" 102,1•41,11•41qr•I•r"It••••7•••‘,,V3+7, •••••••••-••••^•••••1••-
lose HOUSO League Hockey
g, MVIW WII-VER„T , scorer for the liawits. Wayne
,..• I, , ki pee woe pwso leave on Cape scored file lone gOal•Ar
Dave Ilcdf'"fra r1.11 g4/3* in minor tv.on 1 PU1Seored the Maple :Leafs by , Ille tturd gal= VA a iht:
SattirdAY Interning the Rangers i , .
tured the first honseiel held in _ . - ,
rinl last week. ' -teams, staging their MiriOri added five more in the mid- scored for the Itan.fers and Bill Beavers was the he
nrst corrtnetition In• the new VI decisions with visiting' sextets win with three in the final scurd for the Maple Leafs, jib* 'honors.
facilities. -which ,were 0 -Wm" here, Satorda), Thebantams stanza. In the smts': Pine the Blaeki In the Wee Wee hocke
Bedford skipped his men 'A the Midgets dropped a al litr- McPhee $hared the goal tending 3-1. win over the Wings. Bob two goals as the Red Devils.
opened two weees. ago. 4 :ruocuLaet:dDesttr.:arys_ 144 While Neil Hemmen mid Callum liawks came oot on top with •a game Gordon McDonald tOlre •
an 8-6 vietory over Joe Ben. '• t duties for the locals, recording Grayer with two and Deng won over the Blue Devile be' a
- Taylor with one were the goalz score of g.o.
Tnihrleg apt.wLiGneeinrrineiiillelu'AcIsedeTrt: * . '
• . Beilig, noir:skied enduswhinni ainn pule ceeorlptehne. i alien s h,tstout ,
Bill Gegne. , • ing contest in 'the double•head- the final match of the
. ::. .... Hart'y Ailey won the 'B et- twin bill the 'Wilting Thom -
e skating centr carried tae P °a' 'A -
3raniweii, with Alloy were eueei th. „.1 h tie e tire , overwhelmed the local .Iside,.'
Dick Fabbro, Bob Jackaeln' Marys team et ene time to tscoring at willith inil title 1 contest
0 emerge s 1 e r ops e
hY George 1/1 aral1alra rind GII3oV:r" cornotrritteed atand'o jo4elc The Detroit sextet, who were
after Fred Watkins concede , 1 P‘f tails much bigger .and faster than
the Wings,
Score of Phil Conlin, t 4414 all the way with, Be,
RCAF Certtrelle's new etIrling: te
Over le° comPeed in the Hockey Week night, divided die frarcte end -enasted to' their David Burke Old Patl Mason for the Jets Tacky FifOrd USA
xWO eter minor hockey goal lead the first -perlodS • DOn Wolfe AD4 Glen Stires efinel 'score 14, For the 134.1.111t
.Legion bantams to Americans tough 1
vets Barth, Bryan Corke end Pte°w•elill
Toot shed burns/ Marc nets
owner in schpoi $350 here
fireinen responded to -
a fire FrldaY afternoon when Twent5' marching mothers ins
h the score reached 17-1. n, the locals completely donc-
scoring four oals The ,o• led go •f,
vision with e 14,2 wen over Les free
end Bob Devillez.
The 'C' event was eaptueed Patch a tallr-
13-2 vieterY.
• a tool shed owned and built eludine twelve Kioettes and w en
be Bill Fi 1 c 1VI h ll's men ineluded John lies were picked up by Al ,
y stet', , eele ng a eight volunteers anvassed the ars a Them son rr VIII rt ry nasen the play in eech of. the
bicycle, 'stove and other arti- village on Tuesday evening and McPhect RaY 'T°11na°n1 G°r" 13 ' 34a Ythree periods - scoring five
cies burnt to the ground.
Elected to Board of Stewards Billy, in school at the time of Dimes campaign here.
Alderdiee, Roes Forrest, Boss fire In the st(ive at n°°1'' and w A. • triumph
on the first line, was the big
Bob Peterson, crafty centre
Corbett, John Heel; church his mother, Mrs, W. V. Fieher celbPa'gn 14'ere i krs' rtabert over Mrs T Allen Members '
, ea urn, earnpa•
gn chairman; ' • • ' , JuniorsA
gun for 'the winners, contribut-
trustees, Elgin Roweliffe, W. thought perhaps the fire re' Mrs, Herold Knight, publicitY: *esf; -LheeeeBlrfteas" prilaskorl\e'entseottMale*sd game
Ing five goals in the wining
R, Doug,all, If a r v e y Keys, suited from this, Mrs. Jack Drysdale, recruit' G*Cs'til et;
'reised $350 in the - first Mareh don Harrison,
Parsons, Jim Carscadden, John • '• • -
Lock and Bob Burns. goals in the inttial persod and
t TA the ladies'. competition, • adding four more in each of
Mee. W, I3erton emerged the, The locals opened up •a six-
were Mickle, Verne a the fire, had started a small Members in charge of the i with 13 3 the other two frames.
Lorne Chapman, Lorne Has'. The building was situated on ing; Mrs, George Beer, fin -
1 Exeter Legion Pipe Band for Ieague cause. Neil Carter arid Tom
Pude popped in a peer o# Jai -
by the congregation in uthe near- with families, including Mr, plies, Performed On the ice preceed-1.
• ing ihe presentation of tros into a tie for first place in the Paul Ramsey, Paul. Meyer and
Exeter junior Hawks moved lies each; while Dennis Bakki.
Four new eiders will be elected a lot housing four trailers arien; Mrs. Ross ewes, sup,
future, . and Mrs. Fisher, Mr, and Mrs. -Odes eeremorty. Sit George highly eompelitive Shamrock Lee Martilla added eingles.
In appreciation of his servi- Keith Wonnaeott, 'I.' and
PM congratulate$ Lester Heywood and Fred
Robertson, chairman of the en- exhibition schedule with a con -I
cos as superintendent of the Mrs, Rene Laporte and Mr, • • tertainment committee, was...vim:Mg 9-5 win .over Watford Lamb were 'the lone marksmen
Sunday School for the past and Mrs, Gordon Whiteman, ' in charge hf the program, dur-' Atoms Monday in Watford. • for the losing Exeter squad,
three Years, Mr. Glendon Chris,
tie, who is resigning, was made
the presentation of a religious
book by Rev, 0, Winlaw. Bless
and Cecil Pepper, secretary
and secretary of the Sunday
School, who' are also resigning
were presented Nvith Bibles.
Rev, and Mrs,Winlaw were
made the present --------
Attend warden's party 1, mg ch an honorary mem-,
centenarian a v .
Councillors Lorne Hay andj Observing her 101st birthday bership was presented to FT have recorded two wins, but first and second periods,
MI four 'teams in the league scornig, unassisted goals in the
Mrs. Hay, Jack Lavender and l at the Queensway Nursing Bing Crosby for his outstan e Strathroy and Exeter have an I The rugged Detroit crew
Mrs. Lavender, Mrs. Noakes ' Bente, Monday, Mrs, Agnes J. ing volunteer effort in the con- additional point from a tie to 'picked up 'seven penalties in
and Leonard Noakes, F,arli Baird was showered with over struction of the rink, give there a one -point lead over the tilt, while the locals were
Campbell, representing Hensalli seventy f i v e congratulatory , Lambeth and Watford, tied in Melted. for four.
A the runner-up spot.
Whitey Illingworth and, Jim tures were watched by over
1 The Minor ,Hockey Week fix,
council, attended the warden's messages including one from!
ty warden, lvan Forsyth, and for South Huron, a Weer= i Tribe edgea 'McDonald paced the Hawks to 100 fans in the arena and
party an honor of Huron Coun- Charles S, MacNaughten, 11 -IRR , •
• f h C ' from the Prime minister al , ' their' contributine a pair Mayor R. E. Tooley officiated
• lor and presereation by awes, arY 27. Many ex.wardens from fenbaker, lovely bouquets of on late tally 'of goals' each. Single tallies at centre ice ceremonies prior
floral arrengernent, the ad- isua• Y
for the meeting attended by were present. Members or her family in.! The last -place Delhi Rockets
maert, Bob Jones, Bill liey. Exeter contest. I
Joe O'Neil and Bob' The Exeter Legion Pipe Band
over one hundred and James Mr. and Mrs, Forsyth were eluding her son, Thomas Baird, upset the Exeter Mohawks 9-8 , wood, were also on hand and per -1
formed on the Ice between the
ef cAllister acted as secretary. Presented with a wall mirror wife and family; grandson, Ste- in a ragged Southwestern. MA
A pot luck supper preceded and TV lamp, • wart Baird, his wife and fam. contest played in Exetr, Wed- Bob Browra scored two goals , ewe
Centre Friday, janu, Canada, the Hon. John Cr, Die
dress tieing read by Jim Tay. =nit),
• were picked up by. ny Blom. to the start a the Detroit,
E. Rowe. Rev, Winlaw presided several points in Huron County flowers and gifts.
the meeting. Thirty-five tables were in ilYi Mr, and Mrs. George eesday. It was the fifth loss for the Atoms, while games.
local 100F and Amber Lodge • •
whtch. included two birthday; The two teams battled on The Hawks jumped into a FAST RELIEF FO
play for progressive euchre. I Baird and Mrs. Norman Baird; a row for -the slumping Tribe, I markers were recorded byl
CPT bake ale Norris orchestra furnished inu- celebrated her birthday with ' the worst losing streak they Alex Cameron, Bob Martin and!
, l'he CPT committee o- the sic for the dance, her and enjoyed luncheon have had feir several seasons, 1 Joe Ellison.
cakes nicely decorated, made even grounds until the final. 4-2 lead in the first period 001
Saturday, Treasurer Mrs. Wil -1 nersing home, and by Mrs. Ste- mending two -goal lead before aed single markers by Illing-t
and tea in the lodge hall On Conduct services by Mrs. Orville Jones of the period, when Delhi took a coin- a pair of goals by McDonald
; held a successful bake sale c
• liam Parker reported procee for Paul sedley 1 the reid-way mark, However, worth, and Jones, split single
:mounting to $56,65. Mrs. Baird was haPPY and Tussy Dunham and Bill goals with the ho•mesters in
cis • wart Baird,
, Those in that ge of the salel Funeral services for the late chatted with her relatives. Donald popped in a pair of, the middle frame and added
iee Hugh INsfeEttien, Mrs. Glenn the Needham Memorial Chapel z ing and the game appeared to, The Hawks were full value •
't were Mrs. :E. Chipchase NG, PAW.. Sedley of London were
• 12.41, Mrs, Alex IsleBeath and with interment in Woodland U rich wins be headed for over -time.
quickies to knot the count with , four more in the fin -al 20 min,
less than four minutes remains/ Utes,
Mrs, Pearl Shaddick, Mrs, held Monday, january 30 from
Mrs. Ross Richardson, I cemetery.
• .
; for their win, coming up with
But, with only a •minute and. a strong 'defensive game as
, Mrs. Clarence Volland was . Mr, Sedley, 45, died sudden- • • I .* half remaining in the con -I they bounced their hosts a-
l in charge of the tea assis-ted ly at his ham' 0 on 725 P'rineess in playoff tot a
-test, Earl O'N'eill came through: round in their small rink. The
• by Mrs. Joe Flynn and Mrs, I Ave., London, on Saturd,ay, , with his third goal of the night game threatened to get out of
, • Leona Parke.
ago.• For 12 years he was en first blood in defense of them The IVIohawks pulled their bouts, Three double penalties
..,1 , •
Al a meeting of the Explr• were called for roughing in the
•.'''l ers Class of the Mission Band assernbler at Pumps and Sof- crown, Monday, whipping lien-' goalie in favor of an extr A
•'' of C r el P • b tt h b teners led, He was a member , sall 6-3 in the first game of forward for the remainder of game,
'Born in Portage La Prairie Zurich's defending 0 M A to settle the count for the visit- hand at several points as play -
he came to London 30 years juvenile "D" champs drew ing Rockets, ers engaged in minor roughing
••• Explorers elect officers
The return genie ' 'between!
a rri . . res s erian c urc •
of the. United Steelworkers , their beet,of,five WOAA play-, the contest, but couldn'•t come I
i the two clubs will be held in
. , elected., President is Gary Union and was shop union pres- off. I up with 'the equalizer.
, Sunday morning officers were
! School; secretary, Marcia Lit- ide.nt at the plant. , I Gerard Overholt paced the r Besides O'Neill, Bob Saba- f Exeter, Tuesday.
• over the injury -riddled tine also hit for the hat -trick!
1 itensall ere% coming up with ; to -account for six of the yield .
lle; treasurer, Ann Lawrence. He was a member of. Centend win
esoeltteen- of r•Johm:Masseenised his blazing', Dalt Shine and Art Partici add- Ca et eadS•
Next meeting will' be held nial United Church, London. reo gnats for •the hat-trick.1 ter's markers. Dick Peke
the last -Sunday in Februgant, Survivets Are. his. Ail% - - ' •
former Dorothy in.
MISS E. Murdock and Gerald, and one daughter • • ' I
slap shot to add two more tai -1 ed the other three tallies,
Hensall; two sons, Raymond nes eeten his point position, Leery Heideman, playing his
CE score'
w Bo Johnston tri ered
tide b . gg la•st, home ame before mov-
• second child here. two brothers and eight sisters. .
e o goa I ing to Kitchener, paced the: Red Loader; .a civilian ;eine
• Brian esomnron, Erten, Chris,' Mohawks' with three goals,
He was a son-in-law of Mr. • ployee at RCAF Station Cen-
• IettnerAl services for the late • • tian -and Jack Chipchase scored while Boom Boorn Gravett,
were. Edgar McQueen, and brother, tralia and a member of the
Miss Ethel Murdock
'n -law of Mr.and Mrs, Edison singletons for the visiting Hen- 'Lloyd Moore, Don Beattie, Bill
• held Thureday from the Bentled 1 all, sit( I McDonald and Tus•sy Dunham Exeter Mohawks, has split up
Forrest of Hensall. the flight cadet's supremacy
Carol, all ,at home; hts another, th
ron funeral home conducted by I
Rev, Currie Winlaw. Interment
Ives In Hensel), Union ceine- Three baptized
' tery
' Oakville General Hospital was a service
•Mies Murdock, -who died in t UC
• the second child barn in Hen- The sacrament of holy bap-
; salt, was a former member of tis was observed ;at the UnSt- er a parttal turn on the s Y •
ice in ;the first period.
Remelt United Church and life ed Church Sunday morning
Hensall had to play most of. triggered the other five goals,
the game with several of their , ,,„ , •
in the individual scoring ree-
oleradgsuien. the, inter -section hockey
key player, on the sidelined '-"rtY played
Although the score was close
scorers on the team suffered a enough The shifty p it e k s te r has
Steve Kyle, one of the leading'
to keep the fans in -
leg injury in. the pre - game terested, the hockey displayed scored seven goals and picked
warmup and had to retire art.! by the two squads was very up 13 assists to move into
. • te Ti teams second spot in the race, two
I failed to dick on their pas -s, Points behind F/C D. A. Fere-
member of the Woman's Mis- when received into the fellow- nut Shaddick, the hottest ing plays and didn't give their uson. The young forward has
• cionary Society of the ;church. shin of the church were B-etty Hensel' scorer over the past1
Coach Walt Westbrook jug. nine others fot his 22 -point
netnim•clers much protection. scored 13egoals and aesisted, on
Bearers were George Hes-s,
Ann d ht f M dfewweeks,t d
, Aug er e • , r. an Mrs. sus ame an ankle
• • Bled his :lineups in, the final total.
inc.leading goal scorer in
.• Ttay Lammie, W. 0, Goodwin, George Beer; William Manley,
' Elgin Rowcliffe, Jack D
-rys". son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jinks
dale and Sam Rennie. and John David, son of Mr,
. - Attending, the ftuteral from a and Mrs, Ross MacMillan.
Rev. R. C. Winlaw conduct-
ed the baptismal serviee and
for his sermon topic he spoke
on "Sardis, Church of the
Living Dead"
• distance Were Dr. B. A. Camp-
• bell and Miss Dorothy Camp-
• bell. of Totorito; Mr. and Mrs.
• Keith Campbell, Windsor; (Mrs.
• Dennis Hogarth and Douglas,
' Oakville; Mr. Harvey Mur-
• dock, St. Thomas; Miss Arrty Flowers placed in the church
La m mit. London; Mr, and were in memory af Mise Ethel
Mrs. Ray Lantreie, Cettralia, Murdock and Mrs, George
•And Mrs., R. Dickins, Exeter. Gram.
.Hensall personal items
lir. Beet Selves, P.R. 1. Hen, don Christie, T. ,J, .4 ''l-
injury in the firs peri n ! two periods, but ;the 'new come
after nialeing a game attempt terbinations didn't fare much bet- the•league is FIC J. R. Gaudet
was forced to leave the game ;
, . who has blinked the Tight a'
to continue, total of 15 times in the nine!
Gerry Chapman and Jack I The Mohawks fell behind gamesrn has ea p e •
hist la ted
Chipehase else had to go to, three times in the first -period
• but managed to come back to He has picked up, an .additional
four assists to give him third •
and just
what I've
been looking
for . . the
ea the cost of yoesr
seer* chain
(pivot grip extra)
See it today, demon-
strate the features that
make the all-new Pioneer
6-20 chain saw the choice
of professional cutters.
peress0seuell, COMA,*
PHONE soew
(be dressing room for repairs
but were able to rehire after
a brief rest. Dennis Mock,
regular goalie for Hensel has
been on the sidelines for three
knot :the count and leave the •
ice with a 3-3 draw at the end, behind Loader.
spot•in the race, a single point
of the frame.
They jumped into their first
weeks with an ankle injury, lead an the second period w en ings- with seven wins,. Head-,
but his place was capably fill-, Larry Heideman teamed. in
' • quarters are four points back'
ed by Harry Moir. I with Loader, but Delhi came of ;the leaders with 10 points,
The game was a hard-hitting back to go one goal tip an while ME and Maintenance',
affair, and the two officials ap- goals by O'Neill and Sabatine. are tied with six points each, ,
peered rather lax at times, Heideman stored his third The up-to-date statistics as,
letting the players on both of the night te pull the Tribe prepared by convenor F'T. Be
teams stet away with several back into a 5-5 tie at the end ,T Clermont are listed below:
The flight cadets still hold;
their lead in the team stand.;
' tall, is coefined to hie herne Taytor, Eight Rowcliffe, infractions. tot the middle frame.
through illnese. Waiter Spencer, Harold Parks However, the eeferees Were
me fa et th at ; in the final, frame on goale by •
Delhi took their two -goal lead 11CAF HOCKEY
Guests ‘vith. Mr, and Mrs, er, Clarence Wilmer handicapped by standings
T, r,
I Ernie both tonna Were Wearing al..1 rtlo, Sabatine and ,O'Neill, neenere
' • ' tl ' e•reiriine est. -n(1(11 7 2
Laird Miekle on Sunday were Ferguson a ,
• Mr, and Mrs. Boss IttlacMillen Clunchaee •assisted
in Sing
and David, Toronto; Mr, and Time at CKNX, Wingham, Sun,
Mrs. C. M. •nlacMillatt and day afternoon.
Mist Sandra MacMillan, Lem, , ;ears, Joe De Lodge of Sar -
don: Mr. Charlet Mickle, Ma Spent the weekend visiting
verSity of Wnstern Ontajno, with her parents, Mr. And Mrs.
London; Mr. and Mrs, William Lorne Chapman and family.
• Miekle. • Pamela, and Judith; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rus,
:Mrs, Florence Joynt, and Bob tett and Tommy of Stretford,
• , ;;• and Ann at home. Miss Betty Parker, Loden,
•eteesrs. Ed Corbett,. CI
--en" visited over the weekend with
their mother, Mrs. William
Parker end Bill.
Little T o m y Ruston of
Stratford is speeding, this week
1,a1 city in Enmene, le the with hie grandrnothei, re,
William Parker, and uncle,
1810 and is teetred on the Billy Parker.
frieridehip bettveee -the Dean of
the city and A quaiet, Mr, Anthnnys,VaenDsYke and
genius cif a cloekmaker, Isaac sort, Terrenne vanDYke, Of St,
Eddins: Des Gres, Quebec, are
eteny surprising tvents be:visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Sim
Boobol, The former is an un -
(ell those irt the sliacletes
most identical sweaters arid Al Ytt
4 •
Your library
mcontirnia from page 4
of the great Cathedral.
Sugar and spice
Ole of Mit, Aoobot.
Mr. and 'Mrs. ;foe Carter,
Clinton, visited Sunday with
Mrs. Catherine Heddell
1Vir. lieward Seant, 'whe, 'has
— Continued from page 4 been a patient le Smith lItirem
relies?" And it tutne bet, as: HosPitel, teeter, following a
11 alwaYa does, that if 1 81°P" rAii, was able to return to his
ped. smoking, and gave 110 11'1Y:home this weein
pre-dienee brittle cif ak, the; Mr. Geoege Otterbein -Or
bedget Vvould baletice, the sue :presto spent the weeketid
Wald shine every (IV, 1W,'. with his faller, Mt% WOW
faMily would love. Peeped ano otterhehl,•
'1"' 'S6' I t3"ttli64 to clO Mrs, Hervey Xeyba is a pa -
11 Next day, the- tma TAO rdo1g:tieht hi St. SoeeephIS Ilaspitaly
, so geed about heethig balanced tLoodon,
the budget ticl. yeroMed me, I Mee, Edge Corbett, Who' het
that the bays A MeV dress, So been. reediving tteathient in
s? I read') tliet if She nen afford 'Senth Iltiroit HOSerntali Vleters
a heW dress, thiAgs •Aren't so:fee the; Vitt week and a belt
lough, Arid 1 slip 'downtown atiCexpeela '1.6 Marti tie her Mlle
Mel< bp a large deek tit weeds ' thig week,.
ilwe're off for another happy,itient ill 81,, Visepit'$ Hotpitali
attil a Malt box bt beer. Andi, Mra. tfaryty Keys .ig
budgeWegg gix ,.Lnfiden,
•was hard to tell eXactily Which lone Exeter marker' to make l• stietenenee 8cen. ...... g g
Ntdbite Equip. Seri. .. 3 6 s
teams was which. Three of the; the score 8-6,
first four goals scored by Zur-
ich were hotly contested by,, toTtissy Dunham cut the lead
one goal at the 15:31 mat•k, Ism n, 1,,,,,e„ee
L:" rs
the Ileiteall ,supportet•s, claims tipping Larry Heideman's pont nae OA
ing that Zurich players were shot inte the top corbel: behind Pie' n. Gantlet
11 cD on a 1 cl tea in ed isec ,7„1: Npirent
In the scoring, Zurich jump.' later,
ee into cemmandine 4-0 lead with Ulrich and Inueliam to .
score the equalizer with the
offside. on the plays. ' , Wilson. Less than 30 seconds 'eV 1.1811:'"
, Armen
before Bonthron finally hit the,
scoresheet, whipping the disc right winger getting a clear
into the net at the 19:n0 min.,: break on the Delhi rid And
tite mark of the middle Period, slipping -the disc between nil,
Zurich goalie, Dennis Arnach- Sons feet, ,
or stopped she puck wise hie The twe teitiee came After
thin and as he fell to the ieed Delhi had iced the• puck sex.),
neethree slammed elle loose Oral Hence in an effort to stall
puck into the net, I the gain e.
Christian a n d Citipc,Intsel Earle O'Neill took •advantage
salt befOre the neid-waY learn tketer zone to score ,the
within one goal at the Win- fr4me". itit 'Exeter delend"S
eteered. elitgle tallies fOr IIttis a a Tiool clearing Past in the
cif the ,final ftarne to draw to °.r AL the 13'37 mark °I the
nets but mane arid 'Overholt er attempted a rink -wide pass
mile back with goals in tie but the Rocket star Modred
final tee minutes Co put the the shAt -and 'whipped it into
visiting Rensall crew, Game comments —They et
The second game of the se. were only 145 fans at the game,
Hee wilt be played in Herts one of the smallest crowds in'
aall, Friday, n ,ght, watch a kettle game this year
. The Mohawks seoredi
gaine out et the reach dr the the "L b&'ind 11°Cr°a.
it ttent,e4 tba beet wry
make frieride te hettfist
borhood is tki te POW*
Ea- tide efe IWO
two or their OW while Delhi ,
players sat out minor neealties
. It was e eternity played
nit-M.6st with only five mieere
itt the entire 60 minutes. Dehi
drew the extra infraction . •
It Waa (he first time .severai
a r
41 "
7 11 1a
11 4 to
5 11 1a
This isesiest way to Soieure
your fandlit'e good health
ie te provide thorn with
plenty ef notritious HU*
DUCTS, You can rely on
friendly service and lop
garnea that the Tribe had their quail/Vs'
full teem dreesed for a con—
tett .Heideman picked tip
two assists to give him five
Wring points for the night,
white Don :gesiti placOd or- '
mid with hig goal eed three
Past *Minh 'ffoth Claggi•
Itedif Phone 110,
• •••:•''''•'. '" "
• nrr 1
• ff 0-5 F4T,
. .
An open and shut case for an airtight car
• Pick d Volkswagen. Any Valkswbeen, old or
new. Watch the owner get In. Chances are ht's
in the habit of 0penieg the window before he
shute the door. The reason His Volkswagen is
airtight. (We keep hearing that the VW acn,
ally will float.)
When a Volkswagen leaves the factory,
everything fits. Every part stays as tight as a
drum for years and veers. Volkswagens don't
develop rattles, even in their dotage. And they
don't rot away betted -1h you.
The Volkswegen is 6 solid cot. It was de-
signed that way, and our foctory employs three
thousand inspectors to keep it that woy,
pleled core are rejected for faults and blemishes
you couldn't spot with your naked eye. We !eke
pride in the, Volkswagen's ileitis, inside and Out,
top and bottom, the VW is dipped and sprayed
through five coots of pdini.
When you buy et Volkswaeert, you snake a
lostinp investment. An triveelment that we
• great lengths 10 Weibel,
Because of the way the VW is designed, your
running costs are cut way down. EleCeuSe of the
care with which it is constructed, it stays new
longer and grows bid more gracefully. That's
why you see six and seven.yeor.old Volkswagens
running (around like two -year-olds. And thot's
why they hold their trode,in value better than
any other car.
But we don't the* the VW is so good it noel
be improved. We ore tonstently finding ways
to make it c better car.
For exemele, the 01166 now in the showrooms
have rs new engine that provides 10% more
passing power, but welt the some pas ecomemy.
Now oil four gears are synchronized. You Can
change into first without stoppine. 'There is more
settee under the front hond. You can take
hearty twice as much luggege,
Visit your VW dealer s(50n. Meer the rest of
hieeirtight cose for buying o Volkswagere
Veinet•etteA-604 tAutelAtiA ten.
flls iglentAkergst Volkawigticienlet, He is loot of it
tofivotk Widest VW whet Ott arrest Cal
Sffof• .P.libfi* It
Trode between eafient it ar
Iwo-wey etreet„ West
G errettny is ene et Certedees
heti customers. And itory
Velksweeee 8016 in this'
reientry helps ("Swell fel AO
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