HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-02-02, Page 3.•
inst. King I:maul-N:4m , l'Jc.`etVir
"Seems to me everything I do irritates you,"
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43 1961, Kiri; rntures Synthrat*, Int.. World rights teserked,
I'Ph A natives are restless tonight!"
Committed to trial
ot fully aware of situation'
doctor testifies of Steeper
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day is not just for Sunday.
OPP Constab'e Don Wes- Christian education is de -
over reported that the youth
lad lived tin to his signed to meet all ages and .is
ents and the 'apologies had commit-basedst4ncia r col snmodern.Ameducationalgm.or
e s
been made. ' has been In
- Continued from pe 1. ' 1 Ai it 4.
Pismisses Oa rite misters debate:
ileousthi0141elcielrf)f"tlInl. 1 rpeale a on
less driving against Donald . - - .. - • . . -
di3missed a g4ar° a va"•
hurch more effective
Magistrate Glenn liays, QC.
• lieid, 20-year•old liensall
c(Ytoroniuct,tiliiiit,gi 0 ibla,u t nifineota dr hv el 11111i c l•Sen Iola ini de
11- was net in a safe operating • -- — 50 years ago
nsta an a char'a tod.or
. .
Unigne for .a Sunday evening . and industry. It is going abroad , day.
The careless driving charge service was the debate in Maui ith meet the needs of the pen- ; Mr. Shinn in ; short reply
was laid following . a Deem. Street United Chiu•ch by four pie. !stated that the church aPOke
bee 26 incident in Exeter, l ministers on: "Resolved that Rev. D. M. Guest, Centralia...more effectively in 1911 than
When the youth s14 ground 1 the church was more effective the second speaker ,for the •af- it is doing tedaY it m t the
several corners and 1 a t e r fifty years ago." firmative stated that 50 years ; conditions of the tintes more
when he failed to stop at a Speaking for the affirmative ' ago there was a greater obser- than it is doing todaySLOp . '
hour, sign arid went over the were ReN't W. F. Slinn, Arva, vance of the Sabbath, Whole There Ivas a fair congrega„-
railroad treat at 45 man per and Rev. D. AL Guest, Centra, families attended church as lion present and 'the decision as
said he noticed Bodgins ft S. witz, &Neter and Rev, • day a minister is told if he each individual,
lia, and for the ne,gative, Rev,. Much as three •times a day. To- : to the winner Was left with
Constable Lloyd
aulticr jalicer ng,aaav e on c hfaots191ect .1p:a youth A, lAipia,,olc.bioltr,ae.1,toolriztisx‘te‘o,tanesr, , BRr ue eve, fi eRk.t , '11,TIal.ne . ParneKaigl:s toLonbelo,onn.
; or to watch TV or go to a hall •
to the lakeare COMING EVENTS
Police cruiser when he saw"The Sunday evening t BAKE SALE - Caven Circle
Reid an hour later. la the w°. -Penir.inifitillin, Arva. edebatem;.41,: neoenv: sgearmv.r'ee has gone
chase, Itoclgins staled he blew tended that the church was skirts and the horse and buggy 11,
with hoop i bake sale, Saturday, February
3:00 p.m,, Library base -
the siren several times. but the fr i • , i days." said Mr. Guest.
The police officer gave UP church stood for. lt, had defi, , class meetings' prayer 11"°''' ment" 26:2c
youth failed to stop. more e ec ive 40 years ago I- i..;,•,„ „
• the chase about one cause it was known what the .-.-.-.4./ years ago there were ,
miles %vest; on iinraonncl Street, rnigic, giciaenelswinaghouatnaliqcuaorrd, (1)17;7; , ing's
and CalinrdistifaenirtsellsitiPfieficileealSingtos
\t‘r•le'leanchetrhoemroads became too i ing. There was no compromise. tea -meetings a a d entertain -
their beliefs. There were also
I The church instituted col;
In dismissing the charge, . leges and impetus te i merits and talent was dis.
the magistrate told Reid he higher education. 11. inspired re, ' covered and encouraged. To -
maneuvers of the cowboY i leered for foreign rictus. ...is -
and institil- da' the ehureh has lost the ,
, °.„."::n• finished his remarks with a ' LTD to
was giving him the benefit of demptive hornet •,
the doubt, but warned him notwarmth and fellowship of lam. : TAKE ADVANTAGE -
to use his car as a plaything. mission,
tions such asthe Fred V' tor
elc Ili
es dies gathered together and of ;
"These are the well-known , More missionaries v l„ going to church together, He ; •
class," the magistrate stated- I sionaries are getting fewer - picture of a child all dressed a whole side of beef
On the second offense, the ' every year. e church was can be easily kept in. our
youth was stopped by Con- recognized as its brother's for Sunday School and the fa- , ,. y
tiler and mother bidding her ' own 100d locker or home
stable Hodgins as he drove keeper and sent missionaries goo -by. 1 freezer. H you wish, ' we
through town at 11:30 p.m., abroad. The last speaker was Bev. A. cut, dress and trim beef,
Friday, in a truck owned by "Today ministers are bogged .Johnston,,l-fBrucefield, speak-
ing brake. •
light on the vehicle, no mi. more active
fler and no foot brake or park- • today," said the s p e a k e r.
his father, '1 be officer stati,c1 down with executive duties. 'ng for the negative. lie re.
resented the youth.
that there was no licence plate : Fifty years ago laymen teok a
Dan Murphy, Goderich, rep -
Magistrate Glenn Hays, QC, customed now to
, gational singing.
, "There was more family wor..
ship. There was better congre.
part than they do i pviecressonsof s5t,o0ociveaurps agoald v‘m,haeg
We are ac, he said, "joined with the state
icave the and gave its blessing to war."
ferred to the
a short time. "The church,"
professions that lasted for only
evangelistic ter. too,
j , r. -,..i:!;
. •l , li'V, # I '
14 -year-old district youth in to professional singers,
dismissed charges against a singing to the choir and often •
twenile court held in Exeter, : Rev. R, S. Hiltz, of Exeter, ; make an analysis of the things
that ought to
people aware of the kind of
Today the church is trying to
be done; to make -.7;i1t,
• speaking for t h e negative,
The youth broke into several stated that more and better . .o adopt the Christian mes.
f to
we are livinin and try -
mail boxes at an area post of. ' ‘vork was being done in• insti- , -
ice, and stole mail from them, tutions and redemptive homes. saeto the conditions of the •
The church today is better • Proper Prenessing Our
1 In a previous hearing, the awe th meet the challenge. ;
The Times-Adyecate, February 2, 1261 rale 3
nagihtrate ordered the youth „rbe church endeavors
o make restitution to the post, to put ;
apologize to justice, mercy and understand
the boxholclers. ing
into practice, .Religion to -
office for the damages and ;to
in industrial re -
The youth's lathe'? said he lations and the rights of hum -
had paid the damages at the anity. There have been two i
post office and his son had world wars in the past 50
paid him back by doing chores years, An effective church
i around the house. should have exerted some in -
truce Steeper, 49 -year-old . a fight with Morrissey at a Lou's back before they strug- Police produce exhibits 1 The magistrate warned the fluence against war.
t New Year's eve dance in the gled over the chesterfield, but II OPP Constable George Mit- Youth that the charges could 'Fifty years ago ' the church
• built compounds for their mis-
She testified that her father , when he saw the condition of he got into further trouble. sending out. teachers and lead
Parkhill district farmer, was ,
committed to trial for the next Zurich Community Centre, couldn'L believe it was a real
chell told the court he arrived he recalled at anytime until
sitting of "A" court with judge Doctor testifies one," she said. I at Schilbe's at 12:20 am.,and the youth was of legal age, sionaries. Today the church is
and jury for the county of Hu -1
ers in agriculture. sanitation
Dr, A Klahsen, Zurich, sta- didnt show any signs of recog-
von, following a preliminary!Steeper in the bedroom he was
hearing held in .Exeter, Fri. ted he arrived at Schilbe's oition, towards either herself, reluctant to talk to him at the
Y • around 11:45 a.m, and treated Louis or their two small sons time, ,
wou:nd in Schilbes le*. He when he first came in the
Award $20,000
Magistrate Gi6nn QC‘ said he also examined Steeper I Ile said he went down in the
presided et the ;leasing to hear • house in the niorninr,.
•i and found him to be suffering ; Stewart Pete""15'eltz Zur. ' Continued from rave 1
cellar ' with Dr. Klahsen and - • *
evidence on. a ..charge „against i -from a. marked swelling' over, id -told theo.ourt that 1,1,e took 1 Mrs. Schilbe and the dector,., The other victims were LAC'
Steeper of discharging a
fire -1 the right jaw and marked ten- the' *un down cellar and ; found the .32 calibre revolver ' Joseph Belanger, 240, Montreal
arm. with intent Ito wound. , He .,
derness of the wind pipe. ' crackebd it open" and the silent in the burlap. The officer also and LAC Walter Dobko, 23,
was charged following the New ;
Year's day shooting of his son. ; ' produced three empty casings Grand Prairie, Alta., neither of
1 "He appeared to be mentally flew out on the floor. He said •
dulled and almost stuperous." he thought "three or e;ur,, . and one unfired .32 shell. He whom was married,
in-law, Louis Schilbe, Zurich. I
; the doctor stated, " and was shells came out of the cham- I said it • was possible to still W. R. Buchner, London. and
Schistated that Steeper ; not fully aware of the tittle.; ben. !smell powder burns on two of C. V. Laughton, QC. Exeter,
arrived at his home around I . »
. bon, i the spent shells. • represented. Mrs, Walchuk. The
I Deitz bid the gun in burlap ,
11:30 ani., January 1, When 1 In cross-examination by El- downstairs and said, "I' fig -1 Mitchell also produced a lead defendant was represented by :
he wont to greet him, Steerer ' mer D. Bell, QC, counsel for ured if I'd hide it, it would bslug he dug out of the chestcr. ; Mayer Lerner, QC, London. I
swung and hit him on the Jaw : the defendant, Dr. Klahsen sta- ! safer." 'I field, and a hunting knife and a
with his fist. i
. . ; Led that the blow on his jaw 11partbox
of .22 shells he staled b•ust. Him, for they want to
When he returned upstairs,•
Schilbe testified t h a 1 ne e id d , ,
pu have cause a concus-
grabbed Steeper and the two ,Deitz said that Steeper was 1 he found in Steeper's car. He plan and. see that things are
men fell over a chesterfield as th- apparent stupor , asking for' the gun but Schilbe pointed , out that the shells going to happen in the next
; which he .found Steeper. ,
they wrestled in the house. "I; He stated nut it was possible •
told him he couldn't have it. • t
d Ibal cou d not be used in the .32 , 25 or 50 years. We believe that oBI
God is not. dead, as shine R , .,- N
over the chesterfield," he said. :: things he wouldn't normally do ing Lor the gun . men ;one
that he was going to Morris- Steeper was not called to Ics- His own time and rvay, He
He said he grabbed Sleeper's'
; while he was under this condi- c,,,s tify. : will destroy this evil .power."
hand and pushed it to the floor , tion, and could suffer loss of • . PARKHILL
and the gun went off, the bul- , memory during the time of .a I His opinion was not "wish -
let hitting Schilbe in the calf concussion,• 1 (ul thinking," asserted Mr.
of the leg. „ ! "Any alcoholic consumption Moorhouse, because there is
"I got a better
grip 00 L'1° before the blow would make ."acute hunger and lack of clo-
gun after the first shot, and amnesia more severe," lie I thing beyond the border - not
--- ; added, just in Canton. but right up to
was still trying to get the gun.
away when the second shot The doctor stated that in his the heart, of China."
went off," The bullet entered ' opinion the "concussion was "Dr. Leung told me that ..,
the chesterfield. minor factor in his' mental, : A clergyman turned motion- observed the following: , this is a situation that exists
Mter, the second shot, Schil- !gate, and was dud mainly to I. t .has l TI traditional attitude of through malfunctioning of a
alcononc consumption timing .
picture (wee ,or given a , 1- The
' the westerner 'towards the • °
plan riciht across the countrY.
(( be tolcl the court that he turned ; . » • . ,..
wife held his head while he ; , Oriental is changing as a rc- tn t t
took the. gun away arid gave it ' Had been drinking
, , . , ,.. 1 suit of "our shrinking world," 1 b ci•
a s omachs would be filled
Lin Korea Hong Ken* Formo-
I sa and Okinawa to the Inter -i 2, Westerners (religious and
and hodies clothed and this i$
to Stewart Deitz, Zurich, who; Mrs. Saline stated that Stee- national Affairs Co.mmittec of seeui„) must
.not being, done."
present a cern-
was at the 'Schilbe house, : per had been in their house The United Church of Can. mon front in areas where they Information about conditions
"When he saw my leg -he told the previous evening before at- ada, are guests. . in Red China was getting back
Ine he was sorry and didn't tending the dance and had had ; ,R.ev. Anson C. Moorhouse, 3. A personal feeling of de.' to Hong Kdng from the people
mean to hurt me," Schilbe said, t ;
s.x shots of rye whiskey. ' director of audio-visual scrvi- pression at the divisions of who crossed and re -crossed the
"He said he wanted the gun! She said that when • she heard cos of the United Church said the N
orth American Christian border to visit relatives, Ref.
because he needed it, and men- i the gun go off when (lip two that in the course of his fact- ehorches, ugccs able to pay for their ex-
tiened Dave M o r r i s s e Y 's ' men struggled, she thought: it finding tour in preparation .for -
I 4, Student !ferment was enni. its and o 1 h. e r s fortunate
name." iwaS a firecracker. "I saw a new motion picture to be mon to all areas visited, enough not to be caught also
Steeper had been involved in Brute holding the gun behind . called "Rim Of East Asia," he S. There are three Chinas tiVell the daily traffic, the
thdaY, not two. (Hong Kong speaker said.
0o1v has a thriving economic
, 11111 lllll 11111111111111111111011100111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII#
community under British rule).
6. A Chinese chtistian lea-
der predicts that Comalunism
uill die,
One "factor com mon to all
places ; visited, said Mr. Mocr.
hOUse‘ Was "fernieni. among
first saw the. gun as we fell •
that Steeper could do some •
He sai a Steeper waslook-
f and t,' cl 1 calibre revolver, would have us believe. anclui
Finds student unrest
in of East Asia
Steeper upside down and his
ti previous everun*
firs1.- hand report on conditions • • • • • s The first promise made was
Lions RCAF hear Bremner
est must sa)crific
....,, „r„,.ch he described
AS part Of the "revolution of
eet Re. menacedrising expe,ctatiOns" found
throughoutAtithe East and in
Mr, Moorhouae learned that
' the Korean riots in April of
"We have to bring our 25,000 doctors a Year as emu. , literary garbage than can be last year actually started As
.thinking up-to•date on Russia," ; Pared to 13,000 in America I found on the Skives • of si) ' simple Protest march by se'
Hugh Bremner, CFPL-TV news 'and a goodly Dore•gotgv, of many suwes, it is wegiceoijigi rious•mihded and thoughtful
commentator, told a Meeting them is women. Russia it C":.,. 'the MOOS of the. rising grm, students against what they
Of ,the Exeter Lions Club porting teachers with their oration," said the spealc-es. considered to be maladminis.
Thursday evening When the doninittitistie, idealogy, In ftus 1 (t.i am :noi upholding corn, intim') of govermilentaffairs.
etub was host to there than 3() Sia there are 5,000 negrO stn., MUnittn, I only point out the The situation became OIrlItY"
perSOrirtel of the RCAF Sta. dents, They have stolen a threat it is to our systeni ot sive whe,n the Police, to stop
lion, Centralia, march on US in educatieh," igoveentileni and to Our econ. the Mareli, turned frOM blanks
"Our democracy it in real "RutSla it now tinting Out01112'.It would be a terrible to live htinets, The November
danger unless there 18, seine Madhine tool, by Mass 'peck* ' etime, with all OUP technical riots were a different StrrY,
change of our way of life. 'Ube', England has bought Mere ' knowledge, if WO did 1101 _enI18ed by students at Yansai
Communism has not relinoUlah, Limber from RUSSIA than She ehango, our way or thiokioo„,,uolvpttits, with low Academic
ed its intention Or taking over has from Canada in spite or We were irillitig to m11)11111 to standing and lacking in SUP'
the trade of the world," the our preference tariffs, In en- !Sacrifices in times of war, We. Pelt froth fellow students' end
speakcr said, other five years Russia May ' need to be prepared to Make theulty.
"Thcre can be bbpeace in, he in a position to Undersell sacrifices in • times bf pitaoc,' Communism on the wane?
the world as 1011.0; as there is Canada. in Wheat and 'amber," • fie Said. i
86 MO:eh Winger, So much said Mr. Breni net. 1 Mr, 13renther WA1 ihtrOdlitecr "i10" 611"S'"t"cli Pli
miser', so nitieh racial' ills. "In the city of 'Ainseow by Lion E. 1), 13c11 and 411 'SVeill`er, "".0 110(1 licarc, Le'.."
&Min -Mien or so muell cor. there are, only 46 'Churches fn - expretsioh of. 'appreelation wa$ elg"rs Sugg". With 11"‘ell.
11.1150011," day as erimptiltd with hand- made by. Lien R. C. 'Obility. WIerts, Elia' maybe a li""
We are net ware of the reds at one time, but the ' PreVititts to the httichcen; a would "I"; "the" (.0"Iniu°°-1
thanget that have taken plate Wiping out of churches hat 1.101 Sing Snng WAS led by w, G. 06"i' in China would go the i
in Rusata in the past five .' wiped out the religious faith •Ceeltratie with Nom Wainer iraY (110 -,
of tJR6Atlee'8e. ntit wi
.YeArS. ?lye years ago netiple of 0)0112' of the people" 14f. the Mann. Lion president wc" totally "1116Ved'''
Attrad crest the Street te as "The press in Russia It be.1116,g Beaver* proaided And wet. Talking v.4.11- Dr, C. ti, Lo),
brit to be seen talking with ing USW to Mettler 'the Mind's coned the visitors. VC A. V.- ting, president of the fletig' ,
ttitaligers. NOW you can't get of :the inasSea, TheIttiSaiallai Kenyon notess-od uld pleasure Kong Church of Christ to Chi.
rld. bf them. today Russia ISIthid 'titbit rigidly by their code of being, prescht. Cl, C. Bib% ha, however,. Mr, Moorhouse
tutting OW 33,Ilfi1 eligincora a ,of MOMS than we ilo by OM'S. '.116,Y attdeas tail twister. ! got, a different itililittalifili. Dr.. i imes.Advotate
%Veil? 88 toinnartd to 23,000 inIVMing PeePle, are'0111dyiii*8.their1ErAWS for prite$ 'welt Iron Leung said "the, trouble with, ,
'the United Stats and 4,000 in i text books. Id Canada I Aill hY . .1aek &nit% Sandy Elliot many 1Veateritera it theybed
.Egland, 8he is Rifting out I appalledamount of I and rtt, Lt, us tt,iinm wrum by 6od, but they .doirt , •.',.
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