HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-02-02, Page 1riv.hty,Eighlil Year
e -6tefelqitrieSASVOCafe
fXFTER, ONTARJO, fef3FWARY 2, 1961
Price Per Copy 10 COOS
House 1,000 boats at Port Franks
VE-NTl.).1-----Today is the day the - groundhog
is expected to determine how many more weeks of
winter are left. The old tale says that if he comes out
V hibernation and sees his shadow, we'll get six more
cold weeks, However, with current zero weather, it's
doubtful if the hibernating animal will. even stir from
the tight ball he wraps himself into for the snow sea-
son, —Beilfejcl
00 Area fire protection
Cant rent truck
I ;
Hview ,purchase
Exeter a.nd Usborne councils
rid have to consider outright
purchase of new fire -fighting
equipment. Mayor 11. E. Poo.
ley revealed Tuesday after a
joint committee learned it was
nn longer possible to arrange
for rental of the equipment.
The committee intends to
consult with officials from Ste-
phen and Hay townships to de-
termine if they wish to ,join in
the project for an area pro-
tection program.
The mayor said he hopes to
arrang,e a meeting shortly.
At a meeting of Exeter and
lisberne councils Monday night
it was decided to investigate
the securing of a new fire
truck on a rental basis, an ar-
Central P5
rangement which had been of-
fered to Usborne township last
A joint committee which As.
ited. a Stratford company Tues-
day, however, learned the ren-
tal plan was no longer avail-
Mayor Pooley said the type
of truck which would be re-
quired for area protection will
cost. -in the neighborhood of
814,000. The units range from
$8,000 to $20,000.
While visiting the Stratford
firm, the delegation met Fire
Chief C. H. Anderson, Strat-
ford ,and discussed its require:
men•ts with him.
Under the rental plan, Us -
borne had agreed to assume 40
percent of the cost and Exe-
ter council. indicated it would
consider a similar portion.
The equipment would be
• Manned by the local brigade. t
under study
On Monday Usborne Town-
ship School Area trustees met
with John Goman,. public
rou'ol inspector, to get :fur;
1' information on --the •pos-
i. Illy of building a central
Members of the special. joint
committee included Reeve,
Clayton Smith, Councillor Mar.'
old Hunter and Clerk H. H. G.
Strang, Usborne; Mayor Poo-
leY, neve McKenzie and Dep -1
uty-Reeve Fisher, town.
During the tneeting ques-
' lions were, raisedregarding
traiisportation of pupils, the
best site for a central school,
disposal of the old schools, pro-
cedure to be followed, and si-
milar topics.
Although no motion has yet
been passed by the trustees
either for or against building
a central school, it is evident
that there is 'some support for
this move. •-
Indications are that the town-
ship council may be asked to
put the question on the ballot '
at the next municipal elec-
In • the meantime, the trus-
tees are anxious to get as
much inforin-tion as possible.
They have requested Mr. Gel-
man to arrange for a visit with
several nearb3, boards of area
trustees at' their central
It is anticipated that these
visits will be Made during the
early part of this month.
• •
rmy litwOes' cirea farmland
.RCR 'Snow e.xercises
Almost 100 cold -weather clad
infantrymen of ist Battalion,
The Royal Canadian Regiment
from Camp Ipperwash partici-
pated in exercise "Snow Foot"
moss ie farmlands north-
west of Exeter during the pc-
ried January 2-7 until the morn-
ing of Februray 2,
The soldiers, operating in
patrols of seven to eight men
and wearing ghostly white
camouflage outer garments as
they moved through the night
and the snow, were frotn "D"
company of the. battalion.
Their "live" enemy, drawn
from the unit pioneer platoon,
were identified by their dark
green army parkas and steel
Although armed with auto-
matic rifles, the troops did not
fire blank ammunition. or use
pyrotechnics on the .exercise
which was designed. to prac-
tice them in warfare under
winter conditions and further
develop their leadership abil-
Starting out with complete
winter camping gear that in -1
chided snowshoes, arctic -type
five -man tents, sleeping hags
and cooking equipment:, the
company camped out north-
east of the Grand Bend airport
28. They then moved to an -1
during the night of January 27 -
other bivouac , :area one-half
mile north of 'Ithiva from 1
where the night patrols • were
sent out until Tuesday after -1
noon, January 31. 1
013 this first phase 'of "Snow
Fool", the troops, numbering
seven patrols in all and led by
pi IN e soldiers. ranged le
arc -i south of Crediton, north
of Zurich and as far east as
Hensel], seeking out any enemy
in their area of the company
Mobile from six in the eve-
ning until five o'clock the fol-
lowing morning, the troops
were instructed to avoid all
dwellings and *other farm hiilld. -live" enemy in the realistic any Ii exercise ends Thurs.
ings du rin tl • 1
The Ausable Authority is tproperty, although the owner
considering commercial nye- has not objected. However,
posals to establish a marina purchase by the authority will
house up to 1,000 boots.
at Port Franks which will 1 reencarueraetioPnvbalrieca. access to the
Proposed location is an island Dumping p.894101011,
near the mouth of the river
which was created syr the which
Authority's new regulations,
prevent dumping of any
authority's cut in 1952 to 1,... d below the high water
eliminate a wide "Su curve in '''111 -
the river, •
mark of the river without: per -
mission, wiLl come into effect
glea 20 -mi e exercise but this time the de- ' day afternoon when the foot
. One group of boat owners at this month,
y w- s
jaunts. 01 special interest te fenders had the hacking of soldiers, after covering some sPtorriathrFo:a, nicpsro' powsehsmto sdproekdegse' , next l‘lurtwieleePka.lities will be nod.
the patrols during this phase battalion support companea50 milethrough the
winter man is Maurice Bouchard, of fied a the new regulations
were the banks of the Ausable rains consisting of heavy mor- terrain without b e n 0 1 i t of
River, . tars, anti-tank'' guns and mod- roads, will be given a aft. into out the centre of the island. to : Permits will be given by the
The secondphase of Snow nun machine guns, Camp 1pperwash by army . .t. g authority for any dumping
Foot" began Tuesday, when After a two-day defence the transport, 'facili les. which is found advisable but
the men broke camp and position will be abandoned ;
moved to a "Hide" locatiou when the troops withdraw
of Arm— Iland would he established with
Connection with the mai° only after application is made
north of Varna from where through Varna to south otirie breldongsetrounctitohne
pf s t ra e a en: veenrcli lunniesipoamlietieseastehsemastelvpereeseanrie,
by the municipality.
along the. Bayfieid River three Commanded by Major E. 13.!
they set up 'defensive positions Ilillsgreen during Wednesday. ! " of
y truck
the island. Parking facilities umping directly into the
miles north of Varna. Once Pinnington of Grand Bend,
car collide and fueling stations would be
developed on the island.
again they were opposed by a officer commanding "D" com-
rented to the executive of the , :Ben Vanderbrug, an agricul-
pre, ; Trainee here
• The army's "Snow Foot'
;die tniuries iveren' sustained •
; exercises didn't turn out The proposal was first
; in the tine of ta Authority last week. Since ture engineering graduate of
then, a committee has met . McDonald College. St. Anne
1 iquor store contract
.. a "bloodless" battle although
with several other , groups in- De Bellevue, has been assiv-
?g%*vith. the opera-
: .- with a car at the intersection , The project will be discuss- tion of same of the authority's
Construction of ' the gov't Steel Did., Forest City Terra- of No. 83 and the Goshen line. ed at the authority's annual established conservation pro
Iwostore will begin in ebout , zn Tile Ltd„ Goderich Manu of
weeks, according to an , facturing, Rosen Metal F'ro. Four soldiers — Pte. J. R. meeting Friday, February 10, grams to allow Fieldman Hal
Pellerin, 29, Lance Cpl. M. A, ..in Parkhill,
official of Rawlins Construe.- ducts Lt., Peerless Tile Ltd., campben 22 pte L j power i Hooke to devote more time to
Lion and Supply Ltd„ . Aylmer, ' Mandeville and Scott. : the Parkhill dam project,
;19, and Cpl. 'R. W. 'Brannon, 25 Investigates report
which has been awarded the ; Architect is William E. An , —were taken to RCAF Cent- ' Flood control board of the •
contraet, ; (11TWS,
The Re w1108' tender- f°r $74 -^ ' Still planning beer store lacerations, cuts and deep complaint 1 r o m Bosanquet
rads hospital for treatment of ' authority is investigating a
619, was the lowest of more
than- a dozen bids. i encleis foi the beer store, to
T • - :bruises, Eleven others were township council that the mouth: -
Construction of the store, at . be constructed on the Hogarth vation
taken to Ipperwash for obser- , of the cut at Port Franks is
practically blocked and could
the corner of Main and Wel.: property, are not expected to
me driver of the car. Alan contribute to f 1. a o d i n g this auth
p . g.
Wrested in the project, ed to the authority , y t
f • 1 Five persons were injured , Some type of long-term rent- , gov't for a „three-month period
won by Aylmer twill 1121Aue. odna y r no t awrhreenr
scoll3cilEd1 IlidegtiLeeinent is being con- oftifeieltraasisrii$1
' g on streets, is expec e to bo ea e or another six to Hemmingway, 33, RR 2 Grand
months. . indicated pital, suffering from serious of the mouth came in the
:Bend, is in Si, Joseph's Hos-
'Pile report on the condition -
1Warehousing Co Ltd
be completed in about four eight weeks, the Brewers'
The blueisoffice and an 8
exa0lthi,sTht: 'fractures to the left, chest and form PI a motion from the
"plans for this building 1 other injuries.
1 • , township council but it did not . • get
y -14'
warehouse and will be con- , are still on the drafting board,u1 The troop carrier, which was contain anrequest for acLargest budget in the 12
brick veneer. ( nesday. "It will be of similar driven by Pte. Donald T. ,
purchase 1 Authority will be presented for
structed. of concrete block with an official told The T -A. Wed- year history of the Ausable
Matthews, 19, had been pro- Plan Pare
TWo Walls of - the office will shape to our other stores, ceeding east on 83 when 111 Negotiations are being corn- : approval at. the annual meet
be built of glass and porcelain-; throughout the province except : turned north on the Goshen ' pleted for the purchase of an ing in ParkhW next week.
enamel panels will run the, that it will be a little smaller. 'line. The westbound Hemming- : 8- to 10 acre site near Lucan t The bulget, which will total
square feet.car struck the vehicle in on which the "ole' swimmin, , 81,128,593, was passed at the
length of the warehouse. ; The building will measure 2,700 way
Only a few of the sub-tra.des 1 the right,. rear duals. !hole" of the community isl executive meeting here Thurs-
are from. this area. They' in-! tie indicated a similar -size j Saturd.ay, cars driven by located. ; day, it includes the 81,073,00
dude C. R. 'P'inneo, Plumbing building had been constructed ;John W. Wielink, 22, RR 1 St. , The land, presently owned Parkhill dam project.
and Heating, Bison Electric, at Port. Elgin last year but the ' Marys, and Ernest. Priess, 23, by Elmer Henery, has been Municipal levy of 620,000,
W. D. McBride, Davila Four -1 company wishes to make some I Exeter, received $165 da mage used for many years by young which finances the regular
nier Plastering Co., Northern revisions to the plans for the in another collision -on ..Main and old alike who have a ctual- I authority program. will re -
Roofing Co.• Ltd., Delcan-' Exeter outlet. St.
• I ly been trespassing on private yineaainrs. the, same as former
I However, it was Indieated
dfic*VO "4, „!* that the regular levy may
R cA
11,1 -
.4 •
i have toThe increased another
ew gov't 'rep
its provram. The taxes
' year if the authority is to con.
on the increasing amount of
property acquired by• the auth-
.nicipal taxes themselves, have
ority, plus the increases in mu -
raised fixed costs to the paint
they are cutting into
the authority's budget f o r
other conservation programs
already established.
The authority completed 1950
with a surplus of $200.
fleas to cost division
The Ontario govl has ap-
pointed three district men to
the Ausable River Conserva-
tion Authority to represent pro-
vincial :interests, it was' an-
nounced this week.
The announcement came
somewhat ai a surprise to of-
ficials in this area, although
the appointments of gov't rep-
resentatives have been discuss-
ed on several occasions.
One of tiie. three men ap-
pointed :this week is H. William
Schlegel, Grand Bend, one of
the large property owners in
the Klondyke area who pro-
tested bitterly against the pro-
posed distribution of costs for
the new Parkhill dam.
The other two representa-
Youth,17, -pays $25
fordrunkenness here
A 17 -year-old Clinton youth.
Maynard Ilymers, was fined
S25 and costs on a charge of
being intoxicated in a public
place and was warned by Ma-
gistrate Glenn Hays, QC, that
another conviction re-
sult in ii jail sentence. 1
Hymers has previously ap-
peared in Clinton court on a
charge of disturbing the
peace, following a fight in a'
Clinton restaurant last Febru-
ary. At, that time, he was 1
fined $40.
"Why waso't thata lesson
to yeti?" questioned the Magis-:
trate. "II you don't bother
people yon can drink AR yOu
want, bUt offending the pithlie;
Is a different matter,"
Constable Lloyd tiodgins;
stated that Hymers was picked
up it Exeter last Saturday,
And when he got out of the car!
he was staggering and had to
be aided by IMO .fereale com-1
pamotis. The constable was as-
sisted by Chief C,'11, McKen-;
zie. '
When pence officers put Hy -1 in the cruiser, the youth
fell out on the ground and re,!
aisted the men, When Hetigine
attempted to get him baellIn
the ear llymor8 tete elle „6r.,
ne8 tduniform in A brief
Hyoids. was lodged in Gooe.,
McCurdy stated ' that his
wheels were lodged in a rut
on the road, and he -could not
Swerve out to avoid collision
, with the Alion Car, which was
parked on a portion of the
travelled part of the toad.
He Also stated that he ap-
plied the brakes, but they did
not grab. 1 -le was about 150
feet from the Allen car before
he saw it, stating that the par
Was on the crest of a knoll.
OPP Cenetable, George
chcl! testified that fie did not
set any grooves on the road
and could not see where Mc-
Curdy had applied his brakes.
Mr. Allen told the court he
was on his way to the rood
W.11611 110 SAW the cra811. He
Said there was a case- of beer
On the hack Tiber of thec ear,
and several. broken bottles.
"I told him We would have
CO call an officer," Mr. Allen
said, but he didn't ward. to.''
Allen stated that McCurdy
smelled strongly of drink and
said, "I was drunk Lorne, but
not now,"
Constable Mitchell stated
that ill reit was no beer in the
car when he arrived on the
scene al, 9:1.5 p,m., an hour
After the a etident, but he
tattid, detect a smell of alcohol
on MeOuttly and AISO in his
Wilfred "Paton, a mechanic
At \Vnodhani, said that MeCift-
dy And his passengers, Lloyd
McCurdy And Lloyd Brintncli
had been in ilia garage at 1451
And McCurdy appeared 1or-1
dial At Hid dine. He Said that
he had end :beer While he, was
:At the garage.
Paten Said that he travelled
the -road frequently and had to
ttitti off the path in the roadi
to get by the .Mien ear 11111
several bccasions. He taidi
that he had complained to UN(
borne reeve, Cleyten Sinn,
A4Pidaad hilt to page 31
rith ,iail overnight, and the
constable slated he WaS sick :
three times on out,. CO jail,
Careless driving
Rost McCurdy, Wood.'
ham, was fined $10 and costa'.
on a careless driving charg'e,1
`resulting ,ftom tin accident in!
the Xirkton area on New!
'Year's eve,
i3 tondeeeiOtt 'read in Usborne,
McCurdy WAS travelling on
41.)tly Itirn: I
kiridoit Datnage to thel
eOirS w egilliated at $00d
tives are past wardens of
Midlesex county—Fred Dobbs,
Exeter, and Fred . Heo,man,
Parkhill, Mr, Dobbs is a for-
mer reeve of Biddulph , town-
ship; Mr. Hee man served
several years as McGillivray
Contacted 'Wednesday, Mr.
Schlegel said the appointment
would not. change his personal
stand oil the assessment of
costs for the dam. He felt too
much of the municipal con-
tribution will be assessed
against his own farm, the for-
mer Hagmeier property, and
that of New Venice Corp'n Ltd„
principal owners in the Kion -
He stressed, however, that
he was in favor of the dam as
a conservation project, a point
he made clear at the. public
'meeting. .11 'was the assess-
ment, not the dam itself, to
which he objected.
117. Schlegel said he himself
did not plan any appeal against
the assesment which has beett
forwarded to the Ontario Muni-
cipal Board for aPproval. How-
ever, it is understood that
Bosanquet township, at least;
ancl perhaps several ether.
municipalities, may Appeal the
share allotted to them.
In naming the additional
authority members this week,
Commerce .and Development
Minister W. M. Nickle pointed
out that authorities are financ-
ed on a 50% basis by the. On-
tario gov't, which 'matches
dollar for dollar, what the
municipalities within the Auth-
ority contribute.
' When a ftood*cootrol prone!,
k considered of natienat Im-
portance, Authorities can apply
for financing under the Canada
Conservation Water Assistance
Att for 371/25; each Mull both
federal and provincial govern-
ments, with the remaining 251
NOM the authority. It is wider
this letter arrangement that
the Parkhill dent is being fio-
Ask citizens
save water
tvery effort to avoid the
OtedleaS Week, of water in
!Jensen has beets requested by
the limit -all 'Ohne Utilities
COMMISSitni denitatie
And OM niercialusers, The
COO111188161101'8 geed 111A t ill
thepast week several Titivate
in the village have gone
dry, indicating that there is a
Sliertage of ground Water.
In the Mini aro-a, farmcrs
have been hanling water for
861/ tee - on I, hs how, While
Mote is ample Water in the
town systelit the eons
Of water will give the well op-
perttinitY tiitedeVer
VSNOW GHOSTS"—White-clad troops stealing through
snow-covered farmlands in the district may have startled
residents during recent nights but there's no cause to
worry. The ".invasion" is only a tactical exercise con-
ducted by the First Battalion, Royal Canadian Regiment,
'at Camp Ipperwash. It's the first of several planned in
the area, Above, a winter warfare patrol from 10 pia-
, toon of "D" company moves out from. the company
"Hide" position for a long range patrol across the farm-
lands around Exeter. —DND photo
Ilan ona
range cquisiion scheme
o con rol Ausable flood plain lands
.program aCqUire all
A long • teeth, far - reachingo fcoorhtl-reociretiavteior.tivelopetyirpose.s,
flood plain land 10 the water -1
shed 18 being considered h Principal ,ativentage. how
the Ausable authority, it was 6v6r; WoUld be. that the Auth-
meeting last week. ever all the flood plains to
exereise ontrol
indicated at the executive: 01 115" would
The ambitious OrNeef wcarip" our conservatioe work
`m as it was felt neceseal•y. This
require the co-operation and
elonmal.e. , 4, ;le need for
aS1Atalite at bath Pravinc11" purchase and expropriation ne-
and federal governments and gotiations whonovo. two* t
Would affect thousands of aeres
iii 1110
executive will present ;
.."••••• •• :!. ' •
to the AMMO
me.eting of the authority next Where to
xoExfind it
The. plan has ball devised
by Andrew Dirt, fernier'eter representative , on 1,11e
Authority, who envisienS the Announcemeith
restOration of forest olid gN!ml Church Netiars- 15
cover along the ylverbanks I Event A, 15
throughout the watersned '4
The prehOSAP IS that All fiend' Farm News . 9
plain land be Aequired to A FCmi,i Factt 10
level` that the Authority ean -Helpsan ,,, 1
fence, The areas would he Locan 14
reforested and allowed to de. ,4pi.fs 61
velop as ittittikal habitat ler Want' Ads .fl
wild life, TIM Publit WOUld b4
elititVdti eedeat ' to the AreAS e1r.firm,,r;;;;;-,•;.-
;is undertaken,
Thee land would be Acquired
'over a period of Yeats as it
:beeline available. Through a
fund established foiN the puili
!pose, the Authoi•itv would pur-
etiate an entire farm through
which the river :flows when it,
• LS offered for sale. Smite farms
. Adjacent to these might also
be purchased in :order to ar-
ram,fe tor a re -survey of the
tillable propertywhich would
!be' resold, returning funds for
further AtouiSitiOn,
1 The Authority weuld require ;
a (Und of approximately Wine;
000 to launch the program,
;which the provineial Aeov't will
axtkis preblem
Hetteter, the handicap to
the scheme would be the
Mounting taxation (este as the,
authority acquires land., slate 1
if Must pay municipal levies,
on all its property. To Meet
eX.00180, the authority map
reque.stASSiStatide: Xi Obi (be 1
rtdtral Iftld6r ItS new
farm rehabilitation Orograiii
under whith it inclosed that
lith requested to .provide.
marginal land will he eonverf-
ed to other uses.
To lauch its scheme, the
Authority proposes to establish
a new land acquisition advis-
ory board at the annual meet-
Four Scoutert
awarded tpdge
'Pour mote Scouters in Me.
ter and Centralia have been
awe Med Wood Badges for
eompleting qualifications in
issena, tkeler; rri51.11
Patterson and Xr. and WS,
Clutek Ellis, AcAr Centra-
lia, retitiVed their awards this
VMS tiring to IS the number
or leaders in fluren district
Whe have wen the badge, giv-
ing 'Huron More qualified lea.
tiers than .any other ;district in
1110 MtleWat 6r; toodil Which
stretchet /rein 141dd. tti Bar-
! fig.
Award two
The Supreme Court, sitting
in London Monday, awarded a
total of 820,000 damages to the
wife and daughter.of another
of the victims m the December
'58 crash south of Exeter in
which 'four airmen were killed.
Mrs. Jean May Walchuk,
MooseJaw, Sask., was awarded
$15' 000 and her daughter, Che-
ryl Ann, $5,000.
DAC Metro Walchuk, 24. was
one of the four victims of the
1 head-on collision Dec. 20 on No.
4 highway1 about one mile south
1 of town. He was stationed at
1 Moose .Taw and had flown to
Centralia on a training flight
just prior to the accident.
His daughter, Cheryl, was
four -weeks old at the time.
! Mrs. Walchuk brought suit
under the Fatal Accidents Act
against LAS E. L. Rodgerson,
Barrie, driver cif the north-
bound car which collided with
a car in which LAC Walchuk
was a passenger. Rodgerson
admitted liability.
In a previous action, a total
of $40,525 damages was awar-
ded to Mrs. Colleen Gay Soren-
son and her son James over the
same actident. LAC Sorenstin,
the driver of the southbound
vehicle, was also killed.
—Please turn to page 3
Four pigs shot,.
former chargod
An anon moue phnrie
the OPP detachment here has
led to the laying of a cruelty
to animals charge againSt an
10 2 Ansa Craig farmer.
Alvin Faultier was charged
Monday after four of sewn
pigs in a barn Oil an linnet -
pied Stephen township farm
were ordered; 'destroyed be,
dauSe of Malnutrition. They
were the only animals 'on the
It rni.
A. Z. Jennings, ef Carlow8
thief inspector for the Onteria
Society for the Preventied
Crucify to Animals, said the
pigswere destroyed under
regulation or the Ohl ario.
SPCA Act, following aft tkarti-
inatien by Dr. R. P'. ROdefSoil,
' Exeter verterithirialt.
Faultier will APPear tit M-
eter dote February 14.
()PP here rettiVed the call
the animals" 'toiteliaOti, The in-
formation Wat 16laytd 81$C4k.