HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-01-26, Page 15Ths, TIAI040yorolo, Joiliv 'PAPS J; wy 26, 1961 "taine makwrink (,.iii rediton W1 speaker, eve'10- with Zir and Airs day ning W1 day (wenins, wlfA 9r, wfa �ao 'Jack Hodson WIS. Slifint SU. Ho T� son, Ar M R s w— mo. z 1 B r ley M41 �omm. le$ 'T 'day in bond uTr� ends, hobb* CeAt-re Credlion T�',asl has ..an op' 5ev, Miss Riith T(novithick of Lon-! party of Ida �ng last. Mrs, Lill-ne Ilodge, was chair. air. skating Py MR5, ft, FAIFT rink on. the l, Ind 91 i,doA Visited tbe past weekend � Mr. earl. rQJn bj Making Mrs. lVilliam. Dougall for -tile, program,. Mrs, Wn 5 near tho river at h6r bonio here. rQm, -his recent CIRY1.011 %!in$ gave file and through the efforts rapid recon. Motto, f Air. spent Thurs. I k file. juest, speaker at tile In- Alr,'Allen Am Rio ness. LL meeting oil Wednobday ot�jplorlAconard Wein and a num e ber, a 0 t 1410it" 41#001144 1111411011111191111"01001 1111 (If fill R11,111,111 lot tuff4i 1.40 attitude that the parents of children a.j and girls, evening, -nd resting or dull". 101p of the boys IiCr topic NAR -116 all kinds of illikns it into, aI a were giver) tine is enjoyed It Y, hobbles and she �cootended -that, Vurrent event y mina by Mrs. William, G3,180'r. She'some children as YPI4 overyolle, should have a hobby. spol 9 as two! 0 on the origin of plastles�years old Are lcorning to skAte,j She s "On not calk Rl up to tile present uni A vqcal� Airs. Fra -b, or .at allel Wal given by Mrs, Alvin I w, rank Glanville, w1in. I at. the beach, • uobbs .as champion cook At FIxeter four hobby, Dul; Finkil0iner And, Koken. J u dv F - Fair in September, wa$�' golf course All tiling really worl,": 9mith favored with An accord - in I I Tuesday de - do mwile something real interesting as . , The jqrighpin ast. over fT4JIRP and worth your tillic soln. monatrating cake-inaking P well as inSitriletiVe", She afgct of IDE f or N 1111,111 flPelibig was In charge Wingbain TV, vice-president Airs. Ea I1 M �N NO' demonstrated how to Ti ke q1ti 4 hit 'her around .here IR na Nell. Roll 'Cali was Answered are, ill with the flu, V Ole wood fibre flotyers a dis- by �,ing -om od nd Dour favorite bobby, Air, And, Mrs. Ralph ft pb.1 I beautiful array ol All, 1,8 :,:..\„ 'As IVI played ;! rl Haist spoke oil the of Tbedford spent we weekend i eA table, centi ab M flowers I-OP01-1 of "Eat to Llv�" and with her pareAt5, Mr. And conducted a contest on same, Mrs. .4, Sims for* every occatAun. i gig She showed one of her Tarn R' J 110 hos �sses for the neet,' bobbies—it was, 441g were Mrs. 11ai-vey lJodgins, r. W 1-10figins and Airs, C 1 .4 y to A gomm.Onts About KID k. ing,4 Mrs. l,orne Hodge, Mrs. Roy SAFETY CHIC Sims. Lettee f rom and Ladies Aid entertains Brinsley of Friday evening, Group I By GORDON MOkLlEY Z Kirkton the Ladies Aid, W-10 Ivirs. GUARANTEED ................ CELEI�RATE Aaron Wein as convenor, . . . . . . . . . . I . . -fell 0 BIRTHDAY—Tbe Jilembet's of the 1�',N er Brownies held a, special. i By MPS. J-10OLD DAVIS twined the chair and fi 0o, I Misses ,lady and hot or - party, Wednesday is xers in -etakers of the 1 19,58 PONTIAC 2 -Door with radio 4 to mark the occasion of their telit liniveiary. 'Flie 91 and cai escaped Injury wash 'tur z the 'group are s6own above •with their leaders and' the hday cake they enjoyed. iRLIB church -45 in number. All An when the car which, 1058 DODGE 4 -Door, V-�8, radio, automatic W euchre !sat down to a 6dinner, followed' E stey lid Debbie, Jobnston.. 'aY h They include: Gall Shipman, Brenda Dinney, Judy they were riding q ed ori: v Baines And, practice for 1.9,58 DODGE 4 -Door, 6-cyl., automatic The leaders standing at the roax care Airs, Joe Wood Ild da Johnston, ',tb.e Wonion's Institute held b. ice and rolled. over en a a progressive -e in Aber- Sunday, Rev. Kenneth I olf AllsA euchre Z Been -H Girls win hon6rs Craig, held 6 confitmation' 1967 CHRYSLER, 4 -Door, ps, pb, automatic �4 le-lall Tuesday evening. jgg Pr e winners were: ladits'! On Saturday, January 21, the, class at the h e of Mr, And, 1951 DODGE 4 -Door, 6•c tinder ... ......... Insfitu learns high, INIrs, , Harold Bravis; lone Crediton 4-11yeJub members at-,Alrs. Raybur' Steeper TbUr8- aliday evenin L) i sis i 'tat' hands, Airs, Cliff Scott; men's tended Achievement 1* 1056 DODGE 4 -Door, 6 -cylinder ......... V*. SCU 's i ions 'Day district f ures Illigh, H.arold, Davis; Ione 'Clinton. They left by bus at 8 Mr. and S, Gerald ThotnP-: 1 hands, Ronald Denham; lucky A.m. and Arrived borne at 5 son and visited Thu s.: * 1.956 ROYAL 4 -Door, automatic, radio ....., mily v i's r I: m + n ri, *9 P C. 1A1 in o%rlirckn At the eltizensh . d edli- draw, Barry Rcdd %14W I P-11. I ' EV 2�Door 515.00 1 cation meet! J file! I I — i "1 1954 CH rl�, o meeting The girls from Crediton Vestry m put A Joint church visitors' others had many visits. She Wanton's I's . ri Institute 22 mi s ' The annual vestry meeting''i a skit entitled "Tea 1054 DODGE 4 -Door, original finish....., 505.00 work -shop spiltisored by WOM*Isuggosled Served". All of the girls re - all's Missionary Societies and that an effort be Answered the roll call by ., of St. Cauls Anglican Cburch� OKKIEEPING in a ceived their 4-1:1 spoojis. Twelve Nyolnan',s Associations of U111- do in each clitiveh to make: ling something they would ike held on Thursday, Jan,' : 1§53 DESOTO 4 -Door, rebuilt motor ........ 495.00 girls received certificates of,J 1.952 CHP,'V 1/2 -Ton Express ...................... 395 00 ted Charcho. a complete list of those to be' to Jearn. achievement. $no s .held oil Tuesday afternoon stressed the fact visited and to .,plan -the visit.! The nlo,110 "The path to 'ks elected for 1961, are; Jvan Krueger receiv d 0 that chat ch visiting should be Ing. Above all she stressed theifi-cedo-in is a way of dUL) and recto'i,warden, Jack Rotin.; e, coo 1959 DODGE I�Ton Stake ............................. �395,0 �W! honors, planned and should lip co -or. visitor should go. forth in a: obildation" was discussed by dell; 9 Warden, Andre s to Synod The next 4-H club 1161 VOLKSWAGEN VAN .700.00 s dinated to give the best ser- prayerful mood to make the Alr""' Howard. Py ni Knox; I'• le ales -proil PINANCIAL I vice to the community. most of her visiting. Theron r• and Alex Ir•Cottons May Be St The series "Know Your Ca- z Four disdusslon graupt; were A skit on visiting in a nur- 1 vine; sub d es, Cecil Dob- Personal Items SIEE AND DRIVE OUR NEW 1961 MODELS ! nada Better" highlighted the )art of the program, One on sing h son, Koji Blau n,1 STAT S home by a volunteer 111- sidesme I Mr, Ifarry, Hirtzel n Don- WENT— hips of lack r cattle show and s Morris and Cray 0 nd Garth Blackler, Colorado, a ding A: itjng- 1-d by, sitor was presented by Mrs.' towns Usborne, Ste* Bill Waghorn, Blackler, ver, Both Cars And Trucks In Stock Airs. S. B. Lewis, ffin, Whigham, I "InEtitutional vis Exotpq. G. W. IN Mrs,' phen, tit visits OrWIl Harrison and Mrs. C.iwas presented by Mrs. Harold Allen. Berry, Jack" odour t; Al be i McFadden, Brussels. The kfun er. A film "Preface to a I suggested dlaf. ties Al r. Gerald. r srgu should brief, hospital visitor D. Harold Davis; opening worship was ta Icon' by'Life" was shown, I Exeter Motor Sales th v ifew days at C , 0 &1 - should he .known to the pa- Board of ATanagement, ness trip over, e weekend. ROGER. tient and special consideration' Tri, A Id is a patient Mrs. Harold Phillips, Blythl Airs, Jackson Woods and I Paul, Mrs, J. Roundell. III rs. Art A Fried Dobbs, Prop, ruron P Mrs. Jack Coward conducted should be shown for the pa- president of f-1 Presbytery and, Mrs. Alex Irvine, Har, Uslowel moria) .hospital tient's illness. r. WA who presided for the meet- and. Ken Blackler; comet surgeey last a quiz on the recent course ROBINSON ing. Eat to Live." It was decided undo nt PH6N9 260 NIGHT'S 762W OR 763M Johnston, ClIn. committee, J a c k Round 1, N%, Mr. Harvey z A A literature table displayed to hold euchre parties on Wed-IE,rl Berry, Garth Black -ler; r, in Finkbeindr and fit fit fill I!4.,ifI4oItI Iliol loltiff.11 11 Illitillimillcof If Ilititif Rio -Ili 111filmall t, tell, led the group on visiting Pamphlets and booklets on vi., nesday afternoons during the vestry clerk, Burns Blackler; Mr. 6 Airs. Lloyd, Eagleson PARKHILL AX 4.601 senior citizens at which it was ,p�plp disclose(] that the older tiff-; siting', A special visitor's card,! winter months. auditors, Theron Creery, Ken; of Da spent Suoday with .5 i to be lefl, in the home, with I A sale of cooldes was held Biackier. 1 Mr, Arthur Amy at zen 18 often lonely and R visit -cat service,' the, church crest, the name ofpaf, the conclusion of the meet- !Pa. and a chat is a i (lie visitor and church Meat a.n i.ng, g. WI makes lamp shades - "Above all, use last " was the i appropriate mecsage was feat-, The Women's Institute spon-� point stressed in this. group.l. Hostesses were Mrs., 1-fax- ureel and Proved popular. old, sor6d a ianip. course at the:J Taylor, Mrs. Vern Pill. CANA This workshoo, the. first combo. Mrs. Harry Coates and Thd group on visiting now; I of home of Mrs. Far) Watson ii. Canadians Jed by Mrs. Arthur its kind in Huron County, was M'rs. Beverley, Parsons.. fillursday. Thirteen ladies q PROPA' Jackson, Atwood, suggested; hold in flensall United bhurch; der the leadership of Mrs. making these people feet 81 and another is being field in, Paynter and AIM John home, itiviting UlPnl to Ono's r Blyl,h United Church today nott learned 1,) make w. GAS own home and to Incal coni• 1 (Thursday). Axouild 76 were murilty activities and contact,, Former resident lamp sbadet out of Did.. 'i in attenda.nce oil Tuesdor, in," them through their chi)-, Personal iterns & APPLIANCES dren, dies in Michig�n Alri and Mrs. J ard, A for .. me .. r re� GiRATTON & Tfie group led by Mrs. G.! A customer Stornicid into A of E xoter, Barry and Bobby, ton, butell0r shop and flung' down spent, Sunday wi And Al r s. Elsie (Sutton) ' Reming- M W. Griffin, yVingliani oil the a piece of brass oil the. coun- '*Community Outreach" ar- I ton, died recently In. Roseville, Mrs. Cliff. Scott famlly. tor. HOTSON rived at -the, COMILISIOT1 411HI Mich. the church had a definite res - "Will you please," lie raged,, of past two and If. Years ponsibility 'to people in the, explain that! I found it in thel Deceased was daughter, VY: Phone 156 Grand Bend coffiniunity who ilad special ground round steak I just the late William and Ann. Sut- Wesley, I,aur ,rose and Vin- One Rack Only YA Itmi fa $24.?s• problems such as alcoholism, botiffilt," ton, la. n+. inn aluluufun,,irvnnn,nnunuulnua,� deserted wives or marital dif-: T' She is survived by one son, i otlellm"mm'. "-IM..u_... 11 .... I,,# ....... 111.1 "me'll RIM,M mmmm It ... 110MMI 1111111 lie butcher picke —Dr' es s e s ficulties. p Theron and family, I I !bit or metal and looked f SOUTH HL)RON COUNTY Mrs, S. A. Milote '* Goderich, carefully, Then he, scratched Of brothers and sisters, who z 25' Off • i spoke on organizing kqsi-tln� ill his head. spent their early life in Exe the 16cal church so th�t nn one; "Guess I musta forgot. L for, four have died within 1: 0 C ick 0 valU6,4'. !ell WAS Oih.o, R only LAD 0 iii would bO Jeff lonely while take the. collar off!" eltoom Hwem IES, COA §,ES8ES Sbuits and Winter CAR COATS S1, TERS RvvTH ALF ANDRU-3. A d SKIRTS SLIMS HOU ATS -10 1;) V 5 Ii L Co its .I E Oil Burners. L 5ERVICE C L 1 N1 1 C H to af. I n g, Plumbing, sliflat Metal Work 31 E flAMES' SLk PEAS SPECIAL! 403 ANDREW .$To, EXETER PHONE 719 SHIRTS, CARRIAG-t COVERS O'bas Sheets T A n MrUgs, Andrew Johns -tow- Will etc. lly.QuAlity, subsfandarl:l� of rep. Th- um, Feb. 2 line . . ........ I. .... 6or P-Aii, 15.2? gee *t to s,day t t kjo here is on oil new in tcrwl designed ApediNeilly meet every dern6hd 6( the 06s.kiorial Cutter. Jilt lighter (only 20 16t, Wi mete versaIllo, pat doly bol. cliiced Arid ofm6gi d6moldf6ly free of Vi6rcifion $6 Iha( elf the 6hd 6f the doy y6u (061 iffill6f and more L felilXdd 111drif E X UIPMC FOR AL LECTRiCAL MEDS F STIC' COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL opairs Alterations 0 Contracts 70 HURON ST., EXETER Ph6n6 328W I IN 0 10:00 'I.In. tQ 1:00 pot", FREE HEARING TESTS AND CONSULTATION bOrnonstratio'ns of the neWast geltoho Hoaring Aids and Hearinj Aid Glass6s SERVICE TO ALL MAKES OF HEARING AIDS E. R. Thedo Hearino Aid Setivice $8 Qvoon St, South, KifthOn-der Ofithill"10 .......... .............. Talk to anvoHo Who has 6hol Then try if --You'll buy Irl BERNINA FOR '61 as fully automatic As Any towing rnaellitillit can be. PtoudIv sold wild scviccd bv a *oeld,ivide Chain or over SA06 qualified 11ploriblai dealers,The. fully 41110111ALie 961,nilla, wt, W6. UM6 guarantee, -call be Yours Col' Ila lffflf� As $20 per week. 1 .4 Of BO'rhina. %w op6r-isioii1 LADIES` SLIPS, OWNS i ABY DOLL PYRJAA1A8 SCARVES 61 -IMS FOUNDATION GARMENTS WOOLLEN AND COrPON DRESS MAT9MALS DRAPE, AY ETC, l4itidibino All-W66I Woopedit. Meng_s S U-1-ts- fm 0 49, R60, $K06 fa WiM, -1 Sport Coots "I , I Tony bay LaMb's Woof and Or160 Swe,Otters 4`39 Roo. $9.0S Lim Mono'( :Wh)f# t diiildiroo ss 95 Koo id s,49 Dress Shirts. 30 10 Do . Lady Galt full size; Sci W 5 ards 0 Reg, SIAft UnA, JUST AstpivR61% s l, wo raterial-, N16w spring 4rbst in' Jah in pimperei:1 catfpn5. Aerf6ii, oinsharns, prig sheers, Al . sp new Sim— plicify and McColl'., spit, Pattern books, LAST CH ANcEl JI SUIT OFFER by 0#0i6n.Cr0f inti Regal park 200/6 Off All thill6r6d,fit. onio.qvro Suift, Topcoats, Stanek itbaf.4 And sla;;U. OiIdtf Youet Tbilay SaTfi End-, F44 4. ALL TOPCOATS, WIN0nitEAKEkS *NO S1.16UROAN COATS 20'.0 F' /1 -01 - F Miyt, tiuw, $66eii Utlkai iliid "s-4 .. .... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •4'04 1 to 4 1 06