HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-01-26, Page 14• •,•1 ,•• • • 4 • Recomm n for town. anasassaniansannSinati Snansas•-s. ans. .• ••„..-ana, • * 1 oon treatment erage system "A near complete sanitary tem is uaerl in collect st sato, ' sewer sYstem, as outlined ban "The above Regulations do ates Ltcl., October 1958, requir- termilk from the ereanterY, R. V, Anderson and. Assoei• not alien' for inelusion of but IlD'sYS budget fm , *Poseline ed approximately 45,550 feet of unsettitsci waste from. the turs is sl‘a,onulitcatrydstiepTieers.teSucuhica isny:steenant'neelpsestst,gash‘i‘n,agsteplasnrtouoir tlithee tgrol: BY MRS. ARcHIE: DEWAR sewers on William, Gilley And story." Victoria streets."I To- estimate the cost of a , Cost,ailaniYa4„ Personal items complete sanitary sewer sys .' ' (a) •isoMPlete sYSt.cm: tem the OWIIC ealeulated f(1,- 50,000' Sewers (a $8.00 $100.000 •Mr, and Mrs. liarry Shepa e a No pard of Shiplaa, spent Friday •Cgramisaion recommends that 1154' of 18", 1399" of 21" and In the Anne St."drain above: ation pond or legoon with its .cotintered, the loading fatter 000 feet of sewer at $8.00 per Lagoon• is 20 pottads of B.O.D. per acre foot ($400,000) Plus engineering Engineering etc-. $ 53.006 With Ills sister. Mr. and Mrss Duncan MeNaughton. The Ontario Water Resources storm drains, consisting of count felt to 49. s Aloe ponds. The waste .stabilie. Exeter should undertake a 1$93` of 21" sewers on Exeter, •the eount was 1.4, simplieity and economy of con. pe • la • y • and contingencies at $10,000 complete sewerage ayst ens St.; 1312' of 12" and 1580' of Where the Edward .St. storm struction and operatiao has for a total et $440,000. $555.000 Mr, and Mrs, Fred Parkin. which weuld cost in excess of 15" sewers on Gidley and. Vie- sewer entered the drain, it made it "The above price •of $8.00 Is) Syatem using prnsent, son, Brenda and Margaret, sewer half a_ nalilion dollars, toria streets were :installed to rose to 90 and. at Marlborough smaller muoicipalities to f' Possible far ra4m, Outto tan When selecting a site for a per foot may be slightlY hi"h storm sewers Plias adding 15,- were Vests with Mr. ancl Mrs, T h e nommission's moms be later used as the back'nme St. it was 61. ance sewer s 3' a I. 0 In s more sewage treatment Plant or , and favorable conditiona could 000' of sanitarY sewers: 1 C..'ressman of London on ,Stin. mendation includes construes a a sanitary sewer aystem. . "Visual observations and the readily, waste stabilization pond, con' well. reduce this Agar° " 15,000' sewers la $8.00 $120,000 : day, aanitary sewane ' summary at analyses both in- 1.1sing this type of treat, sideration mot be given to • $ . Lagoon , zmaci! Giants with Mr. and Mrs, aessen, a 82 -acre lag= and a n s dicate that strong organic men, collected swage is either providing • an ontfall 1.0 a wan Treatment devises ' Egineering etc, $ 23,000 ' Austin Timms on.Saturday . wastes are being discharged .to gravitY fed or pumped to able receiving water. An ideal The report seggested there -----n evening were Mr. and Mrs. than of 50,000 feet of sanitary a tion -to feed the lagoon. provides adeottate ef- were at least two possible Total $245,0001 Ellis Straiten and f emits', forceinain and pamping sta- e91 "k"Wn "Mber` of septic tank systems are dis- the Anne St. drain and the pond located. in an . "very Preliminary onla"", total arY is downstream west of the town boundary. ber, . sewers and only provid- . Grace \Venom. were guests at $565.000. lined 's to r m sewer system. largest flow of waste is lbs.:from human habitation and from possible water users. 'The decision on winch site to ..,„ . treatmerts• I the home of Mr. John Kinn The comp e e systemWastes discharged to the Ann charged from the William St. i one•ha If mile or m ' When proper dilution is not use would greatly depend on '`"i" sewage • ' ore, depend- a Connecttng sewer . $ 3,000 land family on Monday eve - one of three proposals the , ' th sizeof nos obtained, the isolation of the the land costs, Lagoon $ 97 000 : ning. ed up by a munpind station from popnlation concentrations: 1 outfall watercourse must be "The lagoon size is obtained Engineering etc. St. drainage course. are pick- sewer." at s ar ()rouge and s a 1 n "When the waste stabilization assured. by making a population anon.- , .1 ' I i: SEWERS AND TREATMENT • OWRC suggested in a report m. :11-3 streets and pumped to William $ewer systems pond is net covered with ice ance of one acre per 100 per - sewer. When a Pro, - "An ideal sewer laYout in a its treatment efficiency will SYSTEM OR EXETERrret.d. the "Taking one acre for each n lbs. of sons to be served and adding ' completed an September, 1960. ' At that time, it recommended c, storm a $113,000 lagoon treatment "" s•t makes provision match that of the conventional Installation of sewers the municipality. ario is int° B0added . 1 oaaddsd. etiWithbytheinctlaursintreilant, system to eliminate pollution Per • aill arY sewer sYstem is immicipality installed to serve the south for separate sterns and saelt- type treatment, During Happenings in arid west sections o1 town, this ary sewers. With a separate , winter, with an ice cover pre- 0 consitc)leerrantiinon of the various watercourses in • t points g`• g In his letter a January 10, used to transfer collected waste laminated waste can be given is somewhat reduced. In the system and the abatement of strong waste, it: would be in - a large quantity of lanshard b d tl. ake load in the municipal system. 3y mRs, pt..ADWYN HOOPER a sewage Producing pumping station can then be sanitary sewer system all con- . sent, the treatment efficiency the finAncing of however, (31YRC General Man-.,. the William Si. t r c k treatment while the storm ' spring when the ice cover first position: it would appear that advisable to include such a $ 23,000: Mr. and Mrs, S. Marriott, Ron and Maryanne, St. Marys, • $113,000 visited on. Sunday with their .rarents, Alt'. and Mrs, Archie ,,, , ••ns • • s Dewar, . . Mr. and Mrs. Reberl, Bison and family were gitents on Sun - des, with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tomlinson and daughter Lois of London. Mr. and Mrs. Allred Baker .tit‘t some view of the developments in I In its report on indunteial rectly to adjacent water- while the pond's cop ten ts the project financially feasible, The present method of waste . nere may and family were guests of Miss ager Dr, A, E. Berry said: In sewer., water can be (Use arise o me a, oaor 0 CQflQflUZC seem desirable to undertake ed the la goon and spray aye- I cof installing both separate sari- the aerobic state. In an ade- st•Inc anaerooic to Esxe tehle s ;resent storm, sewer , ;arsce dory a ncl does not i e- svaste, the commission report- courses. saevertheless, the cost change front federal legislation, it would . , . sn of tem at the tinning factory nary sewers and the necessary quately sized pend, the change.Personal items or at least a large portion o asystem for waste collection. gime major 11111:n 01 °merit. the entire system at this time. i ' • ' - t appears to be the most ef- i sewage treatment devices is over a period is of short dura- At a later date when finances plant wastes toand T. Pattisonf S Mr, and Mrs, Leonard Thack- this," ' ',I er visited Thursday tvith Mr. 1 "Allowing the local dairy • • "It is also recommended I ed community can finance. ;mended design factors are one sewers cotild be installed. Ira, ired ct la ficient method of treating the often more than an establish- tion. At present, the reams, permit, the neeessarY sanitary and beverage strong cannera, waste", be included in the population Marys. at waste include: The creamery:I:some Imes e so ve y plan. w ere in us na waste is en - t' b 1 ci b ' h •d t'l ' an A an , d M C '1 Al F 're:ter for this and, of conrse, which uses 45,000 gallons of fling a staged program. "The new sections a com. allowance, only two industries „ii.: :This financial problem can acre per 100 •Persons d that a lagoon troe of sewage , • treatment be utilized in that. Other sources of mdtistrial conditions are favorable is s • an ••• Jillda Stevenson of London on t treatment at the cannery , is. eel s ossey Gid- must be considered separate- were Wednesday guests with • I "When the soil in a nand- asa assanesinnansanarststatatansMentnns bleiyaettanadewVefesto0riaa Watiirlejaetasl' were slY. lant waste need mr. and airs , W B , Young of The Omaha P Re ort on created int ParTt f°erreaatesaani ttartrise, not, pre-treatment is afforded. be allowed for if adequate St, Marys, Mr, and Mrs, William ,Tones Sunday. The Zion Mission Circle held Its meeting at the home of Mr, .and Mrs. Nelson Baker an Sub - da' eveaing. Cooper's WITS tied a twig at the home of Mrs. Oliver` Baiter on Thurstley. The three proposals which ing after lights -out ane night, TWO new recruits were tatk- the operating cost is very low 'no er Pei aa , , indeed." .6,000 gallons; Kist Beverages: 1 cipalitY is unsuitable for septic tank systems and the pollution separate system the storin i On this basis, OWRC esti- and family visited Sunda s• aft. ' 6,000 gallons, all of which discharged untreated to the' problem is widespread, a Stag- . Produce and Storage) uses ap- I correction unduly, To reduce anstss; ::•::„.sansnasassnas,;.]iasssma$ , an redirected te new storm sewers! seavered, 22 aeres if one-third Mr, and Mrs. William Jones , man talk so fast." d family were Tuesday eve- ' "No wonder," said his friend. 2. A system using present 1 ro 'n t 1 t o million gal-, Feats, the possibility of utiliz-j • ''''' :or new sanitary sewers must ' was serviced and 17 acres if storm sewers plus adding 1.5.- IF x1 'P F "t rw storm sewer systems to ' Sunday visitors with Afr. and be constructed. I the present storm sewer sys- ning guests with Mr. and Mrs, "His father was an auctioneer vashing waste from such a collect the sanitarY Jack Riddelt of Granton, I and his mother was a woman," 000 feet of sanitary sewers,: ‘oos o wa e per year. The 1 Ing and in. Mrs. Herbert Harlton were Mr, dustrial wastes must con- 1 and- Mrs. Clyde Nicholson and si.„„„„,.......„„..................,„„„„,„„„„„„„„„„„„,„„,......: 'would S145 000 1 high tl f Sri den Mr. and N • g ada -1-10P""rhat chief of ours," one said, OWRC presented were: waters now being directed th ;mated 32 acres would be re- ernoon with Mrs. Alva storm. sewer system, . , ed installation of separate n Irma A complete sYsteril at a "The turnip plant (Exescr . sanitary sewers may delay I these sewers would have to be (wired if the whole town was 4lis, ni macho: , . "I never in my life heard a est of $565,000, storm sewers and only provid- :settling treatent ma be re-! sewer system requires slightly . Mrs. Kenneth Westman, Barry Kenneth o g , sus - Woodham residents whichyou cost, plant:can be veryin 3. A system using present pended solids, and special pre. sidered. Such a e nt 151n ed ing sewage treatment at a quired before these Y wastes .1larger treatment facilities to H It RN and Cheryl and Miss Dorothy sewer System." I the dry weather flow. Also, I Minnie Robertson of Wheatley bv-pass arrangements are re.' and Mr. and Mrs. Karl Guen- iniured in car crash cost of $113,000.. I could be directed to a sanitary handle up to about three times ar on, . ofLondon, Mrs, Early recommendations The recommendations made ; The amount of pollution was i (attired for heavy storm flow. el, . , t 'e d e r a 1 legislation offering; analysis of samples taken at : the use of storm sewers to Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Devine 1 Mr. and. Mrs. Don Morphy MRS. AR THU R RUNDLE . in: September, before the new determined through chemical . i "A further factor restricting: Saturday evening guests with, lay sewerage eon.struction, were: ,It was .measured principally I a; ;inadequate depth of some storm I Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Latta and: crash accident last Tuesday in were involved in a two - car loans to municipalities for i various points of the system.. carry sanitary sewage is the and Mrs. Devine Sr. Included,: ". . ,. , that the town of Exe- ' by the 'BOD" count 7— bio- 1 sewers to receive eller waste. ' Garry and Mr. and Mrs. Ho -I London when their car was the various watercourses in In the Ausable river, the :more prone to flood cellars Waterloo and Mr. - and Mrs, thrown about 50 feet into the ter eliminate the pollution of ' chemical oxyden dernand, 'Also, combined sewers are ward Weiberg and Randy of • their municipality by installing 1 count was 2.9 at the reservoir 'during heavy storms, 1 Fred Weiberg of Dashwood. ' ! front of a delicatessen at Tal - an estimated cost of $113,000. I Main St. storm sewer enters . :Methods of treatment I Mr. and Mrs. Milton Swell- : Mr. Morphy received p05 - The said facilities consist of 17 the river, it rose to 148 and I "A new type of sewage zer and Sandra and Mr, and Ole rib fractures and injuries acres of lagoon, 50 acres of where the Wiliam St. storm . treatment now becoming popu- t Mrs. Stuart Sweitzer, Jim, • to the left knee. Mrs. Morphy sewer entered, it was 146, At !lar with smaller municipalities Scott and Bonnie *ere Sunday , received a lacerated left knee land for same, and a pumping visitors with relatives at Fen- and two other passengers, Dr. George P. Morphy, Mrs. highway 83, below Exeter, the lis waste stabilization in oxide- : wick. station and forcemain to feed the lagoon. i Mrs. Lucille McCurdy:, RR 6 Morphy and Nelson, Toronto, Mrs. Gerald Charlton and St. _Marys received injuries to were weekend visitors with Mr. "Finance,s permitting, furth- er sanitary sewers should he • • • and Mr. and Mrs, Ilene West- dorf, of Ehmsalle, were guests of 'Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Hern on Wednesday evening. Mr, and Mrs. Bob Gordon, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rundle on Satur- day, Mr, and Mrs. Ernie Vodden were Thursday visitors with Mr„ and Mrs. Roy Scotchmere of Hayfield. installed to eliminate the prob- lem of pollution points (e.g. sewer the Anne St. drain area so that contaminated material need • not be carried by that I family, Mrs. Fred Charlton of ; her left hip and Mrs, Patricia and lairs. Don Morphy. Ilderton and Mrs, Rayburn I Egan, RR 3 Lucan suffered Mrs, Glen Copeland and baby Steeper and family of Ailsa scalp lacerations. All were Cynthia Ann returned home Craig visited on Monday with ' taken to St. Joseph's Hospital from St. Marys Memorial Hos- Mrs. E, Lamport. but later • released, pital on Saturday. tO mark centenn. !al lair. Gordon Ratz and Wayne, I Damage to the Morphy car watercourse). .The total cost of . irvin Ratand Larry Mr t was estimated at $1,000. Mrs. Lawrence Copeland vis - providing 15,000 feet of By MRS. HE , were Mrs. r,. Cliff Russell, Doug and Tom personas. items ited with her daughter, Mrs. new • sER DAVIS Eal Atkinson. Mrs' Maurice nleDonald, Mrs. Har-' and Mr. Karl Guenther and T:urray May at Byron last sewer and the necessary treat- On Tuesday evening, Jan. 17 Mr. and. Mrs. Kenneth Johns week. xnent facilities was estimated Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Davis gave "IT 1..) si Latta and Mesas Heber John were among the sueeess- I at $245.000." t their horne for the annual nav • Plans were made for a quilt -on Saturday. 1 ful fishermen at Lake Simcoe In all three proposals, the vestry meeting, Mr, Peter Dy -1 ing on Wed, Jan. 25 at the I Mrs. Arthur Finkbeiner is OWRC recommended the town mond, rector, was in the chair. secure a 50-aere site for the Mr. Earl Atkinson, vestry home of Mrs. L. Weiberg. Mrs. spending a few days at the Herman Atkinson won the mys-, home of her daughter, Mrs. C, lagoon. If a complete system ' clerk, read the minutes of the' tery prize. is constructed the lagoon size 1960 meeting. and Mrs. I B. Sanders, Dr. Sanders, Ja- ' Mrs. Earl Atn net and David in Welland. suggested was 32 akinso 'ares. For Mr. Clarence Davis was ask- Heber Davis assisted the host -I Miss Donna Elaine Charlton the partial system (second pro- ed to act as rector's warden. ess for the social hour. A quilt of Ilderton is visiting this week poduced to 22 acres and for treat- people's warden; Mr. Heber I at the home of her aunt and s.al) the size would be re- Mr, Tom Kooy was elected was finished. • ment only of wastes in the Davis, lay delegate; substitute, Personal items I uncle, 'MT. and Mrs. Harry sides- Mr. and Mrs, C 1 a r e n e e present storm sewers the size Mr. James Barker; -would be reduced to 17 acres. men, Messrs. Ronald Carroll, Davis, Cameron and Sharonn 1Sheppard. On the latter two proposals. Htigh Davis, Jack Dickins and were Friday evening guests of new • lagoon cells would be Lorne Barker. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Abbott, brought into the system. . Mrs. Hugh Davis is scare Centralia. added as more 'sewers were ' tary-treasurer; Mr. Harry Car- Mrs. Ron Carroll is spending Parts of the brief follows: , roll, janitor; Mrs. Tom KOOY, a few days with Mr. Arthur History of oroblem organist. Mrs. Hugh Davis read Abbott and family. "In 1948 the council reached . the church report for the past Mrs. Earl Atkinson observed a report covering the instal- year; Mrs. Earl Atkinson, the a birthday on Wednesday Jan. lotion of sanitary sewers and . complete treatment facilities WA report; Mrs. Deari Gib- 18 and she and Mr. Atkinson engineer. son. the Guild report and the and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey from a consulting rectory account and Mrs. Ron Latta were guests at the home The cost estimate at that time Carroll, the Sunday School re- of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. was $300,000 for the complete p system. No action was taken port. Don Maguire and boys. on the report. Mrs. Dean Gibson, Mr. Ray- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Car - "A 1956 resubmittal of the mond Greenlee, Mr. Harry roll were Saturday evening 1948 report suggested that the Carroll, Mr. Tom Kooy. Mr.. guests with Mr, and Mrs. Jack coat would then be esoo:000, , Clarence Davis, Mrs, Lorne ' Dickins. m • "On April 24, 19 58, com- Weiberg and Mrs. Heber Davis ' Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davis, mission carried out a pollution were electecl to the board of Heather and Mike were Satur- survey in the Exeter area., management. Auditors are Mr. day evening guests with Mr. The survey report concluded Dean Gibson and Mr. Harvey and Mrs. Jim Young and Jet - Latta. that either raw or inadequately t • , Mrs, Earl Greenlee and Mr. in an easy and effortless way, / treated waste of sewage caus- A committee was elected to ing gross pdlution was being draw up a program for the and Mrs, Raymond Greenlee feel much better and no longer discharged to the ,Ausable centennial of the church to be have visited with Mr. Earl have any stomach distress." . % river within Exeter. . held this year. The committee Greenlee in St. Joseph's 'Hos- G. PARR "On April 11, 1959, the com- will meet at the home of Mr. pital, London, daily and re-; Midland, Ont. mission attended a council and Mrs. Heber Davis on Port that his condition is sails- I Excess weight is bad for pyrre meeting at Exeter," At the Tuesday evening. Mr. Dymond factory after the removal. of a , health. it places undue strain en . meeting OWRC was renuested thanked all officers andI your heart, is, a contribttting mem- kidney last Monday your investigate the problem and. bers for their part in making Miss Doris Armour, Public ' cause to diabetes rot web as circus make recommendations. 1 1960 a successful year, Health Nurse, London, anent I latory complications. Being fat is f Luear Snipp & Style Shoppe LUCAN MAIN STREET Individual Hair Styling Phone BA 7.4467 DIANE BOWMAN, Prop. Reducing Is Easy .Witis Saran Plan "I can wholeheartedly recom- mend the Naran Plan. have lost 25 pounds in the last ten weeks Tuesday with Mr, and Mrs. ; bad for your morale — you look Present disposal method St. Patrick's Guild ' Fred Dobbs .Tr. I old, bulgy and unattractive. Why go through another year auffer- '"As the need arose, storm Afra. Lorne Weiberg, new Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Latta ' . . ing? Resolve now to lose weight sewers have been installed. The , P r e s i d e n 1 of St. Patrick s were Thursday evening guests 'I before another month roes by. storm waters are directed part- Churth Guild, Saintsbury, was with Mr, And Mrs. Jack Dick -1 The first step is always the hard- ly to the Anne St, drain, which , in charge ef the January meet- ins. I is located hi the south enci, ' ing at the home of Mrs, Hain: Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davest, but once -you have taken it theis rest is easy. Take that step today and partly to the Ausable vey Latta on Thursday after- were Sunday evening guests : —go to your druggist and ask river at the north end of the noon. ' with Mr. and Mrs. Clarencefor the Naran Plan. It is sold on rnnnicipality4 The main set of 1 Assisting atirith the devetienall Davis and family. I a money back guarantee. SNOW - LOWERS! FARMERS: are you tired of getting stuck and shoveling snow? CALL tit WRItE Peter Anderson Phone 110 If' So WEST LORtit 1 CLIP AND MAIL THiS COUPON To Peter Anderson, WOO LOttiei, Ont: am interested in your Snow Blower and would like a dernonstration, I underttand 1 am under no obligation NAME' p*MMII riql*# •4047111,1,4)1”1,),YartVM**VIV•144rniVcii•MViiiMf Ai:Wrest TM$-toliooti it wooli f� ttifftifilan We have the • inert efficient • Lowest Priced SNOMBLoWER aveliebie immediately. Urtiverial type tits all tractors with PoT,O. a lure ? 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