HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-01-26, Page 11r • Classifi FOR SALE CHESTERFIELI) BED—A real beauty --$250,0Q. See it, in our window. Sanely Elliot, 444 Main St. • 19:26c WELIANGTON CARPETS are good carpets. Our Prices on rugs and .carpets 'are sure to please. Sandy Elliett, 444 Main St, 19:20e l'IOLSTEIN COW, fourth calf, Vaccinated, blood tested, bred Hereford, dile in about one week, John Berendsen, nn flight way 83, phone Kirkton 21r4. 26* 4 CABINS, 8"x16', good roof, asbestos siding, hydro wired, Each cabin has bed and light housekeeping facilities, Ideal for seasonal ' workers, brooder house or tool shed, Price $160 each. Purchaser must remove from present premises at 41 Woodward Ave., Grand Bend. Phone 47r13 Grand Bend for ' appointment. 19:26c TV Clearance Alinfiral Table Model Top Front Controls Safety Glass Bonded to Tube Regular •$339.95 TO CLEAR $249.95 4 TRAQUAIR HARDWARE Phone 27 s • . Exeter FOR SALE— bon't .Walt • A REAL Special! SuburbanCoatsBABY!S HIGH. YQUr b.usineSsppand, .I'Vr.74ge AWA. 26e wall be a rem ed , or apply Times -Advocate, liox 20 "1Y' newest stYlest Popular BABY CHICKS -- gbacles, the best fabrics, ,Regit- I WANTED TO BUY !SERVICES — 0001) HARD MAPLE, stand. leg. Cash before Jogs cut, Complete appraisal. State Lot, Con„ Township, Write Iry Cowan, Exeter, phone TO, 1;10-2:23* or , FURNITURE RF,FINISIIING ANTIQUE REPAIRING GENERAL. REPAIRING to Letrips, Clocks, Appliances, etc, ler s1a,95 to Mos, PROMPT Sirl IPMENT, started pullets, many varieties. DaS• s ALL CLEARING AT 514.50 WALP,ER'S MEN'S Phone 81 JACK FULCHER. 457 Edward St, S., Exeter Phone 225: PO Box 225 12:19:23c poludiletsto, odrut4teir, pAuippi eosse,in-82rr6clocesnrs now April - May broilers, Bray Ha tchery, Eric Carsca dcl en, Exeter, phone 246W, SHORT OF FOR RENT — APARTMENT, all modern con- veniences, hot water heating, WEAR attractive, complete privacy, Exeter bathroom, laundry, garage; available immediately, William 26c Oestricher, phone 12J Crediton. 11:24 tine 3 - ROOM APARTMENT, fur - OVERCOAT, genuine R. o y a 1 nished, with 4 -piece bath, auto Pace, medium size, good con, ma tic oil lune ce, separate price right, at Bert's dition, : ' p entrance No pets le A Snack Bar, Hensall. 26:2:11c ply 169 William St,oarsePhone 400W evenings. 12;8*tfnc 21" , ELEVISION, Admiral De- luxe 300, floor model; 1955 Ford • Ranehwagon, automatic; . 1958 Lambretta Scooter, fully equipped. These items are in excellent, condition. Phone 378- W-5 Exeter, 26* ELECTRIC HEATER by Su- perior Electrics, revolving, 10 inches in diameter, built-in fan, 60 cycle, good as new. Phone 154 or apply 62 Sanders OUSE, 3 -bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, dining room, living room and den, oil furnace, lo- cated on main road near Kirk - ton. Phone Kirkton 123. 6:12c APARTMENT, upstairs, fur- ' nished, heated, ba t h and shower, hot water supplied, 1 Apply -in person at 59 John St. East. 19:26c APARTMENT heated furnish I 61R. 6' ; ELECTROLU • X sales and ser- vice Bert Barris, 109 New- ! APARTMENT—At 170 Victoria gate St., Goclerich, phone JA St. W., two bedrooms, bath, 4.7917, 8:15:22; 29*tic St. East, • . Exeter. 26c cd, suitabl e for two. Pho2n?, eee FREE. PANT SUIT SALE- — VIKING ELECTRIC SEPARATORS MILKING MACHINES See . your authorized dealer for repairs arid sales. BASIL O'ROURKE Brucefield Phone 9131 Clinton 10:29-12:29eow* GIRL'S COAT, size 10, like new, $15 Walper's Men's Wear. 26c 26c 1951 CHRYSER SEDAN, fully equipp'ed. Phone AC 8-6378. 26c OFFICE EQUIPMENT —Head- quarters for .Royal typewriters, Victor adding machines. We earl' gave you money! Exeter Times -Advocate, phone 770. 27tfc LOUNGE CHAIR and a u to - man, Mohawk cover, in excel- lent condition. Phone Iry Arm- strong, 434 26* CUSTOM SNOW BLOWERS, fit any 3 -point hitcp. $150.00 com- plete. Ask us for a demonstra- tion, Look for the sign at the fourth house north of the Evan- gelical Church in Zurich or phone Cleve Gingerich, 84r10 Zurich, or Roy Erb, 72r12 Zur- ich. 12:19:26:2c BALED HAY, mixed; also baled oat straw. Apply John K a ba t. RR 1 Clandeboye, phone ACademy 8-628L ;--- 12:19:26* Bedroom Suites We sell more because we ,show More. See our large selettiiin of bedroom suites. SANDY ELLIOT 444 Main St. Phone 476 26c 6' SHORTHORN BULLS and Ie - males. • Edgar Monteith, RR 3 Exeter, phone 692r2. 19:26* USED STOVES, refrigerators, bedroom suites, kitchen tbrome sets, chesterfields, w r,i n ger washer s, ironers, automatic dryers. Reliable goods at rea- sonable prices. $79.95 plus trade gets you. a new wringer wash- er.. Sandy Siliot, 444 Main St., phone 476. 19:26c COW, 'dual purprose Durham, blood tested • and • vaccinated, due soon. Apply John Miners, RR '3 Exeter, or phone 'Kirk - ton 32r24. 19:26* KITCHEN RANGE, coal and wood, nearly new. Phone 463 Exeter. 19:26c E L VI NATOR refrigerators, Kelvinator deep freeze, Kelvin- etor ranges, Kelvinator wringer washers, Kelvinator automatic washers, Kelvinator deyer s, Kelvinator appliances are good appliances. Sandy Elliot, 444 Main St. 19:26c 23" Television „Admiral Table Model Front Speaker Front Controls 1961 Model .ONLY 029,95 • TRAOLIAtit HARDWARE Phone Y't Eketer 26c PURttlin3D BEA'GLES • months old, ready to hunt, excellent with children, C. D. Kipfer, germane phone 1751. 19:26 : 2c Save now on a tailored -to - measure suit at Walper's. Ex- tra pants free with every 9- piece suit or 20% off ,regular price. Walper's Men's Wear. LADIES' FORMAL, green, net over taffeta, with lace jacket, size 14, like new, very reason- ably priced. May be seen at Brady Cleaners. 26;2* • VVATER ? a We have tank truck 1500 gal- lon capacity. Hauling by hour or load. Contact Exeter Pro- duce and Storage, Exeter, be- tween the hours of 8;30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m, 1926c gs Per annum interest paid month - .13, on fully secured 360 'day col- lateral trust notes. Securities, lodged with a nationally estab- lished Trust Co. Your money back at any time on 30 day written ;notice. Tax advantage. Come in, write or phone SUITE 212 195 Dundas St,, London, Ont. GE 9-6141 19;26:2:9c kitchen, .living room. Hydro, water, heat provided. Phone 300 after 6 pen. 26* HELP WANTED (Male) — NEED MAN for established Watkins Products, ()- thing to invest. No experience necessary. Full or part time. PRIVATE SALE — 21" RCA Victor console TV, walnut fin- ish, like new, must sell; 3 floor lamps; 2 bird cages with stands; electric washing ma- chine, • works, $15.00, Phone 548 Exeter. 26" REFRIGERATOR, Gibson, 12 cu. ft., auto. defrost, across - top freezer, like new—$150,, or best offer; General Electric 4- i burner stove—$145 or best of- fer; record player, Etectro- home, 4 -speed, twin speakers— $45. Phone 283M or 284M. 26c Simm�ns Bedding Is d Bedding We have sold more than $1,000 worth of the new Simmons Coll, on Coil Mattress since last week when they were first in- troduced through the maga- zines, daily and weekly papers. 1 We invite yqu to see the Sim- mons Beauty Rest and other mattresses. I Write J. Gauthier, 350 St, Roch Street, Montreal, Que. 12:19:26c GENTLEMAN with experience in tile and linoleum laying pre- ferred or one willing to learn may apply to Box NOL, Times - Advocate, Exeter, Ont. 26c ACHESON'S dead stock service pays highest cash prices for dead, old, sick or disabled horses and cattle. Phone Long Distance Atwood Zenith 34900 (no cost to you). Seven-day service. 10:6-3:30 PIANO TUNING and repairing, piano action work. Alf Denom- me, RR 2 Zurich, residence St. ;Joseph, Ontario, phone 95r12 Zurich. 11:17-2:2* Waterloo Cattle Breeding HELP WANTED (Female) ' GIRL OR WOMAN to clerk in store; also another girl or woman for typing, bookkeep- ing, etc., and to assist in store. IBoth positions full time. ,Ap- ply to Drysdale Crest Hard- ware, Hensel]. 26c BUS. OPPORTUNITIES—.. MAN WA NTED -- Continue many years of Rawleigh sm.- vice in part of Huron County, Previous experience or capital investment not necessary. You are eligible if you own a car, bear a good reputation and are able and willing to work 7 - 8 hours each day. For in- formation write Rawleigh, Dept. A-202.914, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. 29cn , SERVICES — SANDY ELLIOT 444 Main St. 26c MAN'S CAR COAT, wool, color blue, size 44,like new, priced for quick sale. •May be seen at Brady Cleaners. 26* LADIES' PUMPS, black suede, size 7, Double AA; set of dish- es, 12 plates, cups and saucers; pair men's 'skates, size 10; electric iron. These articles are in new condition. Phone 229J Exeter. 26" 1955 BUICK Century hardtop, 4 whitewall tires, 2 of them snow tires; custom radio; power brakes, power steering, Al condition throughout. Own- er leaving this eountry, Phone 652 Exeter. Priced for quick sale -5750.00. 26:2* 1956 PONTIAC, radio, clock, in dition. Term Brand, RR 1 26r5 Credilon. Bruce Refrigeration SALES AND SERVKIE , PHONE 224 GRAND BEND 12:17tfc ANYONE wishing whitewash- , ing. or disinfecting barns for brucellosis, contact Bill Wat- son, phone 37r19 Dashwood. 3:17tinc !FILTER QUEEN sales and eel -vice. Repairs to all makes of vacuum cleaners. Used vacuum cleaners of all makes for ,sale, Bob Peck, phone Hen - salt 696r2. 11; 24.12:29*tfc V8 Laurentian, on very good con- s cash. Hans Exeter, phone • 26e LOST— YOU CAN KEEP THE ' MONEY ... But, would the person who found, borrowed or stole a black wallet at the Hensall arena last week please return it and the papers. DON REGIER RR 2 Crediton 26c MALE HOUND, black and tan. ?hone 114M Ot 147, Hensall, Gerald tele 26c WANTED— INSTALLATIONS septic tanks and drainage. SANITATION SERVICE" Septic tank pumping and drainage repairs. I3ILL FINCH Phone 205 Grand Bend 15:22: 29*tfc SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED — Immediate service, alw a y s available. Butler Bros., Luean, phone BA '7-4254 or I3A 7-4312 collect. 8:4tfnc Dead or Diseased Trees? We specialize in Cutting and removal of trees, M. L, McINTYRE Phone Exeter 309-J LIVE POULTRY -- Imperial Poultry Ltd., phone Exeter 685 colrect or Watford 241 collect, 2:illfne WANTED Used Cars and Telicks for wreeking, Parts sold , reasonable. Tires, tubes, rads, generators, teane. missions and motors. McSTEPHEN AUTO WREoXERt BR 1 CREDITON Phone AC 8-6214 17(fc MORTdAGE on valu- able farm 'property', located on good highway. Write Box LOM Exeter Times -Advocate, 19;26*, OLD FURNITURE, cupboards, dressers, etc. P hone 164r8 Dashwood, 26* I 6:9thic FOR PROMPT StiRVICV,' for dead Or disahtod animals, Any- thing over 300 lbs,, we pay the phone call, Seven days a week service. Phone Ed Anciedwei 851r11 Seaforth, Truck ,heenStd. under Deed Stock Disposal Act, Liccnsd No. 42C60, 12;84:23* • ' ''''" ' CATTLE SPRAYING Anond wishing their cattlo spyod for liee, tall Bill Watson, phone 370:9 Dashwood. 1.4:8ift, SPRAViNG Anyone wishing to have their barns sprayed for brucellosis or cattle spray- ed for lice, cell Hubert Cooper, 509,1'3 :Exeter, 19: 1341: 24*t ,.„. AM =AMMO and white,. washing barna for lift:6611ga AnyMiti Ifftereatevtl, phone Alba Craig 1fJ4 �lltr tol:d Ned, a:Veit • Association "WHERE BETTER BULLS • ARE USED" • rin REAL EsTAig—, 4*. Call JB At 863 EXETER — 3 unit apartment Tense Gross rental income $165,00 per month. $2,500 down will belittle. EXETER — 2 -bedroom house on corner lot at Main Street. Full basement, oil heat. EXETER — 13 acres of land within town limits, 3 -bedroom hese and poultry barn, recent- ly remodelled, Some terms. EXETER—$50,00 DOWN 'WILL BUY YOU A 76' BUILDING LOT. WITH GOOD CREDIT RATING WE, CAN GIVE CLEAR TITLE, I3ALANCE $25 PER MONTH. 44 0' .4'44419*19 1919*494 .4? IrR 4, 0 .9,$.0 . 409.0941494.4.04.4 a- 4 .0 4 LL 49444044e4 0,044" L.4.444.0 -LL% 40.9 L 04,4+ • REAL ESTATE The TitneWldvogatet ,january 2& 1941 P„0,p ey NOTICES TO E S C PICKARDIn the Estate of Charles Edward Tkniiey, , deceased. All pereeneslsd having claims against EdwardthTeuckega.telaotef Calitartileies Township of Usborne, in the • County of fiuron, Gentleman, who died aboute ath da' of January 1961, are re- quired to file particulars of Ssaoliniceitorsith'of BellExettr,Tja0ungthatr°ion, lby the 11 day of February 1961, after which date the estate wil , be distributed havin'g regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. REAL ESTATE 84 INSURANCE 100 PRODUCTIVE acres, choice farming area, 380 apple and other small fruit trees of full bearing age. Wellbuilt brick house and large barn on wall. Water anct h•• throughout, Close to highway and public school. Moderate price and terms. WELL LOCATED APARTMENT HOUSE Three roomy apartments, each with 'private bathroom, Two have 2 bedrooms, large living room, also up-to-date kitehees, newly decorated. Building is oil heated. Separate entrances and meters. This property is well located 'and may be purchased at a price that makes it a par- ticularly good investment. Libe- ral terms. 3 - BEDROOM HOME, well lo- cated on nicely trped lot. This s a compact home, easily wated and mw taxes. One bed- room and bathroom on first floor. OU heated. Terms are available. 32,000.00 CASH will give you ; possession of well located brick • home. Can he used for two ,....e.;•;; apartments or levier family Bell & Lavghton Solicitors for the Executors, Exeter, Ont, 2P:2:90 AUCTION SALES • • Clearing home. Modern kitchen, good iece hath, oil burning furnace. 'otal price $6,000.00. f you wish to buy or sell see C. V, PICKARD, REALTOR 394 Main St., Exeter Phones 165 and 628 EXETER — Older home, cam- „r) pletely remodelled from base- 1 mere to attic, Contains mud room, kitchen, • family room, dining room, living room, 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, at- tached garage, 1 acre of land. CREDITON — 5 acres of land, a new house and a new barn Priced at $9,500 with some terms, CEN'ITALIA — Completely re- modelled home and fenced all around. Modern kitchen, living room, dining room, sun porcl- 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, age and barn. $3,500. doen payment. 200 ACRE' dairy farm north of No. 83 highway, Large brick house, good barn and drive shed, Abundant water supply. Buildings in excellent repair end land is well tiled. Terms, 100 ACRE FARM north of Hensall. Two houses, 2 barns anti gond water supply. Equip- -Ind for dairy cattle and bas 'Inert hog pens, Terms. For property in Grand Bend area — contact Tony Rivers, Salesman, at telephone 41, Farmer owned and controlled i Service at cost 1 ! Choice of bull and breed John Burke Our artificial breeding service will help you to a more efficient livestock operation For service or more information call: CLINTON ZENITH 9-5650 AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Real Estate, Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items , On the Premises, 82 Mill St., in the TOWN OF EXETER The undersigned auctionee received Instructions to sell hl public auction on lend tables; oak roekers; Ub iapreYstrtyablr J14,3 1 oextiLlq, leac echf:leirws; Singer sewing machine; Gale. man space ,heater, medium !size, like new; Apex Aero • vacuum cleaner, complete with all attachments, like new; mantel clock; Coal -oil lamps; mahogany 4 -piece b e dr oom 'suite, like new; solid walnut suite;• tecirdressers;rn stliteQak•combeindroclIsnit wall nurror' 1' k'• chests; Gilson electric washer, lIke new; :Astral refrigerator; Good Cheer coal and wood range; 3 -burner hot plate; Sun- • shine 2 -burner electric stove; Marconi electric radio: elec- trio iron; assortment of pillows, (milts, comforters, linens, fea- flier ticks; ironing board: sil- verware; glassware; fa n c y dishes; crocks; kitchen uten- sils; pictures; scatter rugs; mats; quantity of fruit; seal. ers; 40 -gallon drum; carpenter and garden tool. Many other mise. items. Please nate — all articles in first-class condition. No Reserve. TERMS: Cash. HAROLD BRODERICK. Executor for the Estate of the late Laura May Rennie GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Phone 119 Dashwood 1219:26e r AUCTION SALE Of Household Goods, SATURDAY, JANUARY 28 at 1:00 p.m, Sharp REAL ESTATE: Consists o Lot 238 and Lot 239, Mill SL Furniture and Misc. Items of the late Frank Wickwire, Corner of No. 4 Highway • f and the Crediton Road, 21e: miles south of Exeter, in the Town of Exeter, on which is situated cement con - (LE OR E T — In struction,modern range -type Hensall, 9 -room brick house, dwelling, consisting of large ;furnace, 3.piece bath, hot wa- living room and dining room, ter. Terms can be arranged. . kitchen with'. all modern con- Imin ediate possession. Phone veniences, 3 bedrooms with 71J Hensel]. 11:24ac clothes closets, 3-picce bath- room and oil furnace. Dwelling 3 - BEDROOM HOUSE, com- is nicely situated and land- pletely modern, hot water heat- peeped and has to be seen to ing, garage, large lot, in Cen- be appreciated. Inspection in- , tralia village, owner moving. 26* vited. Reasonable. Phone AC 8-6885, , Terms of Real Estate: 10e.;• FULL PRICE Real Estate Bro';er S 5 800 2 General insurance Terms can be arranged. Newly- eedecorafed insul.brick home 534 Main Street ee William St., 3 bedrooms, EXETER, ONTARIO ;kiliving room, bath. Phone 863 1.10e W. 11, HODGSON LTD. Better Cattle For Better Living Realtor . 120 ACRES, good tillable land, with modern buildings, located Phone 24 Exeter PLANNING TO BUILD, on provincial highway near Exe er, Apply Box ZI3 I, Times - DECORATE OR REMODEL? L P I NOTICES — Advocate, Exeter. Ont CALL ART WHILSMITH, 386M AND JACK FULCHER, 225 R'sno trick al all to makenioney. Exeter, Ontario extra money. ,Tust advertise PAINTING & CARPENTRY your " 12:19:26c Classifi ALL FARMERS shipping cat- tle for UFO, contact either Bill Green. 3193 ; Exeter Co-op, 287; don't wants" in The T -A R, Williams, 41r9 Kirkton. We 26: 2*i FOR TAXI SERVICE, phone Centralia AC 8-6812, Earl's Taxi, after 2 p.m., Monday to Friday., Saturday and Sunday, all -day service. 1:26-3:2e SNOW BLOWING — Anyone w i s hi g driveways cleaned. phone Howard Hendrick, 19r2 Crediton. 26:2e Silo Contractor Concrete Silos built any height. For information contact ARNOLD HUGILL 92 Cambria .Rd„: GODERICH Phone Collect Jackson 4-9437 26:2:9:16:23'I REAL ESTATE Wilfred Mantes e– Broker Listings Wanted On Fai-m s Homs, Business and Summer Properties, For the buyer we offer: TIAIMWARP., plumbing and heating business, 2 -storey brick building. Excellent potential for right party, 200 ACRE FARM — On paved county read, 25 acres of 'melt new stabling with stantions and litter carrier, large 110118e, drive shed and garage., Erick home with 5 bedrooms; Also good frame second how. REMODELLED and redecor-{ eted 2 -storey fraine home, bed Moms, dining MOM and: reettatien rootn, new 011 fur' I. rote and water softener; MY honed end Weli•kept proiJerty. j Por further details and other listings call • JAdk ULCHER Phone 225 451 Edward S. rxeter ' Lcai Pepreserdative for i110)' Relator WALkinITON, GUANO 6 ()LRCM and -25' &Clean:tell 10 3041 yegt, laatnei eds. Phone 770. . ship everyMonday. on day of sale. Balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a reason- able reserve hid. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Bell piano and stool. in good condition; 9 -piece solid walnut dining room suite, including extension table, 6 leather seat chairs, buffet and china cabi. net, in brand new condition; 3 -piece chesterfield; arm chair; will be held SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11 at the hour of 2:00 p.m, At the same time and place there will be offered for sale SMALL 'BARN AND SHED to be removed on or before April 1, 1961. Among the articles to be sold are gepuine antiques, TERMS; Cash, Estate of Frank Wickwire • WILLIAM H. SMITH, Auctioneer Phone 77R, Crediton 26:29c For bargains and opportuni- ties, read and use T -A Classi- fieds each week. Phone 770. 411 ttttt I1110141 ttttt 14111114111/94441 ll 9 ll 9944111414112110411194111104144.1111114141411411111411144414144, NEW ISSUE 53/4 and 67o Debentures OF EAST MIDDLESEX HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT issued by Township of North Dorchester will b3 available shortly. If interested contact BILL AMOS PARKHILL — PHONE, AX 4-6[371 sub agent for WOOD GUNDY CO, LTD, ,, , , ,,,, .0,1/110111111.11i1111111.11111Mlit. ,,,,,, ees a 11 tie fiat goes a long way Inland freight and local taxes extra • 719 e. • L'k L:,...L0,ais•ks00M,LX 4... 'Ls 1919 19 `ss In fact, with a Fiat 600, ,everything goes a long way! Money, for instance' (buys a great car, plus loads of extras 8S Standard equipment), A gallon Of gas goes a long way (50 miles or more), Parts go a long way (practically t%ver wear out), Passengers can go a tong way, too, (in four.seat, foam rubber comfort), And, you'll go a long way toward making driving (and parking!) a pleasure again. *Suggested retail price Eastern Pert Of Entry, DISTRIBUTED BY CHRYSLER MATHERS BROS, 136 MAIH ST, 1,1, • tXtTat DNURIt • 4 19,19,19