HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-01-26, Page 7. ,,,,,,, • ensall and district news CORRSPONPENTS MrsMaude Hot(Oen,. Phony Mrs, Archie MacOrepr, (thong $6 Rebekah Lodge 'Choir honors plans activities Mrs. Ernie Chipchase, Noble rand, presiderl for the meet - Wig Of Amber Rebekah Lodge on Wednesday •evening. The charter was draped in memory of the late Mrs. Anna Walker. A1rs, Hugh Atelilwen report- ed for the property committee in regard to the purchase of an electric stove for the. kit- chen, A motion was passed to purchase a stove, Mrs. Inez McEwen gave a detailed re- port of the meeting of the CPT committee of the 100F and :Re- bekah Lodge. She announced a bake sale would be held in the Lodge Hall SaturdaY, January 2, at 3:00 p.m. Arrangements faithful pair • At the COnclUS;011 of choir practise Thursday evening at the United, Church, a uciat hour was enjoyed and a sur- prise presentation of an elec- tric fry pan was made to Mr. and Mrs, J-larry Horton in recognition of over 35 years as faithful members of the choir. Choir director S. G. Rennie, on behalf of the choir, express- ed gratitude and appreciation to Mr, and Mrs. Horton and Miss Elaine Keys made the presentation. Miss L o a 1 s e Jones conducted a recreational period of games and contests were made for it, 1 and refreshments were servied. – Plans were :made for euchre Personal items parties to be held February 21 i 1 rs. a r n e an, Mrs. "A G t All and March 15. John Henderson, Mrs, John A letter from Clinton Re- Skea, Mrs. Howard Smale, bekah Lodge was read accept- • Mrs. William Sinale, Mrs, ing an invitation to the birth- Leonard Noakes, Mrs. Robert ' dhy party February 15. A do- iereKerzie, Mrs. Mary Taylor, nation was voted to the DDP Mrs. Don Haven, Mrs. Lillian GrniuMet's Mrs. Harold Ore' Campbell, Mrs. Gordon Munn ject for the Home at Barrie, , and Mrs, Harry Horton attend- Klepen WI ed the monthly card party at Mrs. john Sinclair was 'hos. the Legion Hall, Clinton, last ts at her home on Wednes- wednesday night. day, January 18 for the meet.: Mr, George Thompson and ing of Kneen East Women's his brother, John, are vaca- Institute, Co -hostess was Mrs, tioning in Florida. Winston Workman, Roll call, The anneal congregational was "What 1 eat for beauty meeting of the United Church and good temper", •tvilt be held Monday, January The motto was "Whether a 30. fellow end up with a goose egg Mrs, John Henderson is a or a nest egg depends on the patient in South Huron Hos- chick he married", with Mrs. pital, Exeter, with a heart 'Kerry Caldwell leading the condition. She was admitted diecussion, ; Thursday night. 1 A Motion was passed thatBilly Clement, four -and -a - each member contribute 500 to half-year-olcl son of Mr, and the bursary fund for the Child- Mrs, William Clement, had his ren's Aid. Mrs, Alex MeGreg- tonsils removed at Clinton hos- or, sewing convener, reported pital. last Wednesday morning, for the sewing to be done for Mr, and Mrs, Carlisle Wilkin- , son, of Kingston, Mich., were Mrs. Verne. Alderdice and guests with Mr. and Mrs. Wil - Ales, Robert Bell demonstrat- Ilam Clement and family on ed a meat and dessert dish. Thursday, January 19. Mrs. Alex MeGregor and Mrs.. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Corbett Harry Caldwell, leaders of the and Al were recent visitors 4-1-1 club,, were presented with with Mr, and Mrs, George Tin - gifts for the work they had ney and Lois in Exeter, done with the previous pro-, ; Mrs. Lorne Chapman is visit- ject. ling with relatives in Toronto Mrs. Ross Chapman com- and Cooksville this week. merited on the topic "Comes i Mr.and Mrs. Carlile Wilkin- louzeeleaning Season" and current events were reviewed son, of Marlette, Mich., visited i, Mr, and Mrs, by Mrs. Howard Finkbeiner., last, week w ,. Legion curlers capture prizes Two curling rinks from lien - sell Legion participated in a Legion bonsneti at Kitchener on Sunday and each, brought home a prize, e Members of the teams svere William Bro‘vn, W. 0. Good- will, Fred Beer end Jack &Ili - mons; John Rea, Don Haven, Jim •Clark end Wes \Fenner, Honored on anniversary Mr, and Mrs. Rudy Petzke of New Hamburg, former well known Hensell residents, were surprised on Saturday evening when relatives and friends gathered at the LOL Hall, Sea - forth, to honor them on their 30th wedding anniversary and to present them with the gift of an electric stove, Presentation address to the guests of honor -was read by Ed (Bud) Hebei, of Kitchener. Rudy, on behalf of his wife and himeelf, expressed thanks in a fitting manner, 5 ..taffa I.PuPitsiCE :edge Panthers ,r. The. limosAt4vocAtof January 1961 P 14, , Panthers IllingwOrth, 4‘Your reftrences Aro :good,. • Strang, 10, Nyle, TurveY,,l'it try you said the •fermer see-saw•thriller Dennin„,t, Horton, 2, Shad- tO a young men waa ip By MR. rAMPLEM4N dielc, Mickio, White, AleDon-,PiYing for A job na A dairy ald, Iteclinan. farm. lg.:111414111)1,11;h pciDailnets7nbrvi4etyfoatilslend eeoeuriedlneigthhot ; myer5 Burke, .21, Blaine, there any dime in riso, tbeLioreatleaeeifehrOsoien jeohyielcldrena s les1;etieliallulok.!;:ecogid.tds 12. Wiper, 10. Gates, 7, Johns- sir? the Young man aSked. imrty, mitchea Ltena•the gaxne, gave the Centralia opening minetes of the third n:10"ilitseoriNaVountenc,'Ll1:;,t.Flitatit,e4;irk.! D:avnerextlibiebitiSolniPliTskrtabnaltillergsailine Tiotsrtteev,te gonetnrrugted 'atnvv40 PBoril4netes Flyers a hard-fought 54-a win period. ten, 2, Gardner,. 1, Wright, 1, "I'll say there iS44' replied leAday eftereoon from 3 to 4 lsillie, Welkie. •the farmer. "you% rise at — Mary Shaw; Scmynuarter to five every MM. rcia Desjardine. 0,0atatetetateteeeeetteetem,a0,,,,,atatapeleeemetteeleteteteteeteeteeteaeleietetew Shades' ir first at the high school, Monday, each in a loeing cause for the re" ing Lanrn r tl • meeting was held Wednesday evening in the Staffa church VOOPIS. MPS. Gerald Agar and Mrs. Ross Single are the in- structors. Miss Margaret Miller and Sirs. E. Templem an vfsiterl with their niece Mrs. Eldie McNical, in Victoria Hospital, London. on Wednesday. Kenneth Parsons has return- ed home from Stratford Gene- ral Hospital where he under- went an operation far appendi- etas, Mrs. Harold Parsons and baby son, Dennis, ,James, have returned home .from Stratford hospital. Erie im is, student OAC, Guelph, spent the week- end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, Sam Norris. Several from this community attended , the annual at home dance Mitchell District High School on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur ,Keine and Eleanor visited on Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. John Templeman and family. Saturday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller were Mr, and Mrs. John Drake and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smale and families, trailing by tight points go-' ng le;s: . • ing into the last quarter, the Tom Titmice was the scoring ,I;tityaccri: tcoanigolutpher'letolt4nat Into:it/1h: leaderinfor the Flyers, dropping .al„ points with _nine field final minutes, and battled the, goals and three free throws. Ishlutibsearws jillotha twn.siaswtakeleimtalixe Bob Diaine and Al Wiper hoop - lead several times. while „Tee Gates connected for ed 12 and 10 peints respectively Panilteery$ TallinOgn‘eV-Qp01.111101;alevaed thine Serin'n;UPS Were as A/14ms; 1 the dying seconds, and the Panthers appeared o have the Flyers grounded, but the crew Paine racing down the floor and Burke put the winner in on a jump shat from the pen Ire of the key hole. The teams battled to a 17-17 draiv in the first quarter, and the Panthers outscored their visitors by 23-15 in the next two quarters to take 'the lead, but couldn't hold it agathst their more experienced Over- aWriehsit.ey Illingworth. was the star of the game hooping 23 points for the Panthers, The speedy little forward dropped in 10 field goals and three free shots to lead the scoring, Gord Strang hooped 10 for the losers and Steve Kyle came through with four field goals for an eight point effort. H. girls.cop pair A recreational period of provided by Collins orchestra. of exhibiton games . i cards and dancing was enjoy- ed with music for the dance Relatives and friends number- ing over 60 attended from To- ronto, Kitchener, Woodstock, Stratford, Wingham, Seaforth, Exeter, Clinton, Zurich, and Hensalt. Kinettes plan canvass Kinettes meeting at the' home of Mrs. Harold Knight Tuesday evening voted a dona- tion of $10.00 to the March. of Dimes and announced the hour as 7 p.m, and place, the Town Hall, Tuesday, January 31 far members and volunteers to gather for the canvass for the March of Dimes. Two guests, Mrs. Jim. Clarke and Mrs. Tony Charrefte, for- mer members, were present. The raffle brought *by Mrs. Wm. Mickle'' was won by Mrs. William Clement. Mrs. Mickle was in charge of progressive euchre and winners were Mrs. Jack Drys- dale and Mrs. Wm. Clement; lone hands, Mrs. Harold Bon- thron. President Mrs, Ross Jinks presided for the meeting. Mrs, Robert Upshall was win.1 Witham Clement., Personal items ' Allit t nr of the spellinMrs. Edna Corbett i g' match core', ' ducted by Mrs, Wilmer Broad., fined to South Huron Hospital, s coil-, LAC , C. J. Hoy, Mrs. Hoy, foot. Miss Joan Sinclair render.: Exeter, where she is receiving Ronald and Gary spent the ed a vocal solo accompanied treatment. iwith relatives in Sar - at the piano by her mnweekend aother. 1 Mr. Charles Mickle of the ' President Mrs. James Drum- University of Western Ontario mond was in the chair, . spent the weekend with his par - Mrs Russell Brock gave ents Mr. and Mrs. Laird courtesy remarks and lunch-:Micklc. . • eon was served by Mrs. Brock, i Mr. and Mrs. Keith Lindsay, Mrs, Ross Chapman, Mrs. 'W11- Pamela and Sheila, of London, liam Bell and Mrs. Ken Me- were weekend visitors at the Kay, Henderson residence. Mrs. Annie Jones, 98, a pa - M rs. L. McKinley tient atQueensway Nursing Home. died on Thursday, Jan - dies at home h ' uray 19. Funeral services. were ere held at Acton. Mrs, Lydia McKinley, 87,1 Mrs, John Albrecht of Zu- died at the Queensway nursing rich was admitted to the home, Hensall, Saturday. , Queensway Nursing Home here She was the former Lydia on Monday of this week. Camp•beli, widow of John Me-' Miss Maybelle Whiteman of Kinley. Kippen sprained her ankle and Surviving is one on, John is convalescing at the home of Elgin, Stanley Township; daughters, Mrs. Harvey (Eli- nor) Colman, Stanley, Mrs. J. 13. (Mabel) Levis, Clinton, one sister, Mrs. Robert McKinley, Stanley Township; eight grand- children and 23 great-grand- children. Funeral service was held in the. Goshen United Church Monday at 2 p.ni 'with West- lake funeral directors making, the arrangements. Rurial was In Bayfield cemetery, . Surviving is his. sister, Mrs. Hudson. Miss E. Murdock Tuesday at 1:30 from the Funeral. service was held ori oB tam 'funeral chapel. Rev. native of Hensall Currie Winlaw conducted the Miss Ethel Murdock, 82, of Irrtign.dbaigsrieneenni teterwyas Seian Oakville, formerly nt Hensall, forth. died in the Geneva' Hospital, 2 following an illness of two Mrs. L.Gram. Oakville, on Monday, January week's. Born in Heim% she was e former resident daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Murdock. in 1939 she went to Calgary to re. side with her sister and in De- cember .1960 took tip residence in Oakville. Survivors are two sistere, :Mes. Cleveland (Vera) Hog- garth, Oakville; Mre, Byron (Amy) Cempbell, Toronto. Public funeral services will be held Thueeddy, Jeri. 26 at 2 p.m, from the, BOnthron fun- &feted Menday at 2 p.ni. from eeal hone with Rev. Currie the Bon(hron funeral chap& Winlaw conducting the service, by the Rev. Currie Winlaw. Burial will be in Hensel), Interment was tidbit etinetery, dernetery, aotemoelateattetatatteataettlittaittatatuatt 1144111044111101faillittffillilffill411iiffiliffsitffilfitlfirb Mrs, Basil Edwards, District farmer dies in Hensall Ralph Hislop, Tuckersmith Township farmer, died sudden - on Sunday at the home of his sister, Mrs. John :Hudson, Benoit, with whom he was spending the winter months. Mrs. Louise Gram, 96. for- merly of Hensall, died 1: riday at Collingwood. She is the widow of George H. Gram and the former Luise Shellig, native of Hay towe- StirVieing is one datighter, Miss Ada Gram, Adrian, Mich., one son Percy, Caro, Mich, Funeral service was coil - Where your hair is styled to suit, your personality by graduates of Bruno's SChfibi 1iair Design * Pernis * Cotg* tett * tints lAte Feature 8oliool PermAt $6 (Roo. $8,50) 000.tit Toog„. Wert., Sht„ 44) thot*. Ftt., 9.f '421.tilirrrolf Hensall p'wees gain first place Hensall pee woes took over sole possession of the Sham- rock "D" league this week with a 10-3 win over the third place Merton squad. Laverne Harburn scored thre goals in the onslaught that pushed Hensel]. past Lu - can in the tight race for league honors. Ken Smale and Bob Moir fired two apiece. Mike Hoy, Billy Taylor and Bev Bon- thron added one each. Jim Robb, Lennie Olson and George Sinker were the Utter ton marksmen. SHIMS girls' h a s k e t b a 11 SH senior lineup—P at Rowe, teams copped a pair of low-ICarole Hogarth, Diane Rennie, scoring tilts against Clinton in i Barb Ann Grayer, ah. exhibition double -header Cathy Hodgins, Betty Dixon played in Exeter, Thursday. iDonna Bridges. 1Th,e senior fixture was ex -I SH junior lineup—Bonnie trHo emely low -scoring, the two i garb, Xandra 13u5ehe, Ausme teams only scoring a total of 21. Gulens, Bonnie Turvey, Gail points between them in the Farquhar, Marjorie Maekee, contest, won by SHDHS 14-7. !Elizabeth , Gosar, Carolynnc The strong defensive play of Simmons, Shirley Genttner the locals kept the Clinton six Carol Allen, Sharon Skidniore. off the scoresheet until the Joan Dettmer, Pauline Aqui, third quarter, while: the SH; lina, Elaine Miller, Ruth Anne forwards scored eight points in Salmon, the first half.. Clinton came back strong in the third quarter to outscore Wifet :Thlis justplale place iasvessm inapl 1 SH 6-3, and draw within fivewonderful. points, but the locals added i speechless." 1 three points to their total iii Husband: "Let's lease it for the last quarter, bolding the life." visitors to a ineee single. I . Diane Rennie hooped six. noints for the winners to lead Clip Out For Emergencies the scoring parade, followed by Pat Rowe with four points and - Barb Hodgson with three. Car- Amb ulance ole Hogarth added the other Helen Rumball scored six of Service point on a free throw. the seven Clinton points. DAY OR NIGHT . Win in first quarter Properly-equied vehicles The SHDHS junior • eqiiad .; vrith oxygen. scored enough points in the first quarter of their game with Drivers with St, John? Clinton to win, but they kept Ambulance Cerfficites right on limping the baskets to emerge with a 22-6 victory. The locals held Cli.aton score- less in the first and fourth quarters of the contest, and al- lowed them only three points in each of the middle quarters. The winners scored nine points in the first quarter and .. Phone •Dashwood 73-W, added four in the second to or Grand Bend 20.W take a 13-3 lead at half time. Although they were held to a single point in the third period, they rallied to hoop eight in the final. Auslta Gulens was the scor- ing star of the contest, sinkine seven field goals for a total of 14 poirits. Xandra Busche add- ed four for the locals. while Majorio Mackee hooped three and Bonnie Hogarth -scored a 1 free throw. T. HARRY HOFFMAN FUNERAL HOME, DASHWOOD The BANK OF MONTREAL ANNOUNCES Spar FOR TO WHOM: -FOR WHAT: HOW MUCH: HOW LONG: WHERE: 14,0 ....... 0 ... 141040444iiiiWiAi "MYRANIC �t Proprietors of menufadtPring, wholesale or retail trade, and service enterprlsee having a grOss revenue not exteeding $250,000 per 'annum, Pur'chese or Improvement df. eOUIPinent or iniprovement of 'prenilsee. • maximurri loani 4525,060. 40 .... . ir .. . MaxlenUin repaytrent litirrat 1t years, —00**riotiims1414114siotivo At any Brehoh of. the t4 of Vt. . . 44416dthe 01.04,116r1 6t the SiIT tattresitis Lbali4 Act BANIK OV MONTIttAL 6140.4,44: 9iiat Veat4 atter nfanCill CHARMS SMITH, Manager Centralia Silb.AgeticOt (Open Tnesday, Thursday arid on Friday 4,30.6 p.m.) Creclicon (Side-Asseieq)i. (Open Monday, Wedriestfay And Priday) Orand Bend Branch: bONALI) ROtiliRTSON, Alanager Dashwood (Suh.Ageticy?1 Open Man, Wed. Hensall Branch: EltsINBT14 CliftiSTCANT, Ntanagrr I,ucan Branch JACI( STEACY, Nhinager 7,urith Branch: 1(1N 8ANNISITItv Manger PHONE 236 Fi#NSALL WM, 41b$ON. JAI( t rAL15W#Lt, Wollttiff tANAblANt414t'VtleY IMA1.1‹ 1.10'd tiNdt Rofase, '.E.ord. 614. .Kegst AUPITQR$ ANP ACCOVNTANTS. E, Rafuse R. L Ford K. C. Keast :348 TAt,J3QT ST. Phone Of .2,745., LONDON LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY "Only thing is...I have to take more baths!" Everyone in the family can take more baths and you'll still have loads of hot water for every other household use,with the /thy two -element, fast - recovery, Hydro water heater. With electricity, hot water satisfaction costs only a few cents a day. • And that's not the wily thin! Hunt's Catsup Bright's Fancy Quality Applesauce Fancy Quality York Peas Regular or Chubby Kleenex Pineapple -Grapefruit Delmonte Drink Queensway Choice 1Tomatoes Clark's famous Beans with Pork 6 $1 frog l.5 -Ounce 6 FR $1 15 -Oz. tins 6 r.o 6 FOR $1 48.0z. tins 3rcin $1 28.oz. tins 5 FIm 51 20 -oz. tins 5 FOP Gold Reef Brand 20 -oz. tins Crushed Pineapple 5 rt3 F2 $1 Pard Dog Food is-dz, 8 roR '1 Chocolate or White 15 -oz. pkgs. Robin Hood Cake Mixes 4 White Swen Toilet Tissue Delmistite Sliced Peaches &lockers One-half gallon pius 1 pint Sunspun Ice Cream ,8 xerit,t,s 161 l5 -et. tins 4 Fci.11 $1 4 0,mt. sl beth for si Sunkist LemOflS74.11eg• 6 pita 354 Chiquita Bananas I mporte-i Size 1$1 Caufiflower, PCP Site Ails Lettuce oth '4ew RrUnlwick Potatoes 10.416UNei L6.154 19t 194 Hydro water heaters 'offer the important advantage of safe, clean, fiameless heating! • You get more out of life when you get; the most out,c electricity. • 4 + , 4,14.7.•.14'41 ,.•, your ,,,k04a4A=Agamto,...\4. Chase & Instant Coffee notertof,.W.zhf Free ut New .131ue CAMAS AL' t PAMPU$ MEAT 130.'S Minced Ham Giese Tumbler Prime Rib Roasts EctF. Cottage Rolls Wing or T -bene Steaks Le. 694 794 854 L.49c 0 . Lt. 594 S 54 Le. 1 -WALL