HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-01-26, Page 4. f.,.•�iYxkGy'YwlwixHbnirt.�1 he,
Patit 4 Th 'inion-Ari><acats, January 2& 'I 961
Ey dlLl, ElATTEN, $ports Editor
3 75V3F
By the time all our readers fat latest count
we've built it up to six! sit down to read this
column, Minor Hockey Week will be half over.
However, it will still afford'Ume for you to get.
out and support the kids.
On Saturday night, Exeter bantams and
midgets will host a pair of top notch clubs from.
Detroit, and should prove worthwhile for hockey
• fans in the area. The -midgets have already tackled
this Detroit club, and although they came out on
the short end of a 6-5 count, observers described it
as one of the best games played in the Exeter
arena this year.
After the locals overcame the shock of see-
ing these "giants" from the Excited States step on
the. ice, they settled down and played hockey the
way they are capable of doing. Down five goals in
the early minutes of the contest, they came roar-
ing back to .conte to within a single tally of ,draw-
ing even with the visitors.
The Detroit bantams are still an unknown
quantity, but if they match up to their older co-
horts' standards, they will undoubtedly be tough.
However, they will have to be, because the local
kids have one of the best bantam teams iced here
for several seasons.
As yet, they have not tasted Defeat, and have
only been tied once, that being their first game of
the season, Since that time, they have run rough-
shod over their competitors and have built up a
very creditable record. In . Shamrock play they
have popped in a total of 60 goals in eight games,
and have been scored on exactly five times, Al-
though we don't have statistics on WOAA play,
they have a similar record in this league against
all-star teams from the neighboring communities.
The first game of this big doubleheader gets
under way at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Pooley drop-
ping the first puck. Admission is only 500 for
adults and 250. for children. and advance tickets
are on sale now. So, remember the theme of hockey
week—take, don't send your, boy to the arena. Iii*
fact, take the whole family,
.Although we realize Winston Churchill was
not referring to hockey when he said "never has
so much been owed to so few by so many",
the statement is certainly applicable in the case
of the minor setup in Exeter.
It may come as a bit of a surprise to many
of aur readers, but there are well over 250 boys
playing on 19 hockey teams in the community,
under the recreational program directed by Larry
Heideman, and sponsored by the Exeter Legion,
Kinsmen, Lions and RCAF Station Centralia.
Naturally, a vast setup such as this cannot
he handled by one man, and so we find a long
list of "heroes" appearing on the scene in the
persons of coaches and managers,
Unfortunately, these are usually "unsung
heroes" and many persons do not realize the great
amount of–time and effort given by these men.
Some of these teams play as often as three times
a week, so you can see these -nen are called on
to give up considerable of their personal time to
help these kids—your kids.
They have the arduous task of picking out
the all-star teams, molding thein into a winning
combination, making sure all the players know
where and when they are playing, seeing that the
team has all 'the necessary equipment, and general
Ply looking after the players' conduct at home and
Not all the players :in the minor setup are
good enough to make all-star teams, so a complete
house -league division is set up to make sure that
all kids who want, to play hockey have the oppor-
The men responsible for this work are many,
and because we know that many parents do not
.,even know who looks after their kids we are go-
ing to print the names, trusting that we have not
omitted, any,
The house -league coaches and managers are
Norm -felly, Doug Allen, Doug Grayer, Al Hinton,
Art Storey, Gord Bny.nhain; Bob Burns, Bob Rogers
and Arnold Wedge, The all-star coaches include;
Red Loader, Gord Baynhani, Jim Glover, Bunny
Ford, Gerry Smith, . Art Storey, Doug Allen, Lloyd
Cushman, Neil Cam bell, Derry Boyle, Larry Heide-
man and Don Grav tt.
Another group ( volunteers, who perhaps have
the hardest task, fate the referees, These men also
give tip much of(their time, and also have to listen
to the complairts of coaches, niaragers and fans,
We are certainly not suggeati:ng that these. fellows
are incompetent, just; pointing out the well-known
fact—that you can't please 'ern. all.
Tlie referees include: Iry Ford, Don Gravett,
Red Loader, Sill Waghorn, Bill Batten, Derry
Boyle, "Blackie" !Blackburn, John Fleming, George
Kelly, Cy 'Blommae't, Jim McDonald, I loyd Moore,
Claude Duval, Gary Parsons, Peter laeVries and
Claude Audet,.
None of these men receive any monetary
returns for their efforts, but are paid in, full by
watching the smile of a youngster scoring his
first goal—sharing the elated feeling of the kids
after winning a game—watching` proudly at; they
take their share of defeats graciously.
You',nay think it is anoversight on our part
that we fail to mention that they men are "paid"
by knowing they ha' e the thanks and support, of
the parents arents Of the kids they look after•, UnfortUtte
ately this is not the case,' and these volunteerg;
have never met the majority of parents and never'`
see them at a game.
This is the only sad part of ! ter's minor
aettipd We certainly hope that these parents will
take the Opportunity before the season is over= to
go to the arena and personally thank these hen
fol', their efforts. We think it is the least they can
• As 'a closing -tote, we might mention that
the parents we see at the games are: usually those
of the "stars" of the tennis. W6 don't know fen*'
Mite if this has any direct bearing on the play
of tete kids, but it appears that way,
So reriieiliber, DONT END .gni l YOU
' OY VO VIE A1t1 `A,
shoves into third;
ed 1.ourth straight loss
• 1,ucarr•1ldertall C o nh b i ih.e s form with a Will over Delhi and;1. u s li y Marland defenders
stale lite show iii the Sotttlt• Exeter',
scouts n watch Deihl moved closer to the DalJny Barrett, .flied kir goal
!western OHA kids week, 5viJ1- tifth place Port Dover .crew that gave the Marlands it lead
ning three Win overthe Sailors 4-mthey never rclinqui5lled a1: thelaarih.es, lo shove with a
r 12:�i6 mark, of the middle
them into third. spot past the ricin home ice, 51 edrbesdaY•
,slumping ,Exeter Mohawks. The :Mohawks and the Sailors framcarrett and Peleslh came
aHawkslose have re 11' to s wh t ilc in on Little with only one J1
The Comb who h r tth: 01 1 ai h o a d
now 5s o form straight u p i a
Strathroy juniors handed the
Exeter Hawks their second de-
feat in. Sour games in the
Shamrock loop, downing the lo -
eats 4.1 in Strathroy, Thurs-
Strathroy goalie, Ron Clark.
played a standout game, and
literally robbed the Hawks on
several good scoring chances,
as they outplayed the Strathroy
six throughout most 0f the con-
test, witnessed by two scouts
from the Toronto Maple Leafs.
Clark held the Hawks off
the seoreslheet until the dying
minutes of the final period,
when Lloyd. Moore and Cy
blood to roil
him of a shutout, with; Moore
getting the tally.
Reg and :sits Westgate scor-
ed a •goal apiece for the win-
ners ui the first and second
periods, and John Fadelle and
Combines, 5 , .s back and although the showy
• n t n[lsr to conic u 1v'th win in the
Drive llies1ero added third per- e, ... 15, Exeter netminder managed to
tallies. the guidance of ')laying coach 55 r I� s play, and the Aloha ks
Ind attic tl
Met': out the Ilrst drive :to he
Don •Urbshott, made their were stopped. twice for their' 1 up he
Reg Westgate • opened the move the hard way, dumping :fourth straight loss. side, Barrett scooped t.
:scoring for the winners at tj�e the second and third )lace' rebound. and fired it hark into
I h k t . 1 11 e
st n7,a tcamin nnle I �' teams and hen; .stopping the � The locals i 1 t
delle to get � clear break on over khe 'ibe � � of their losing streak this week, short side, Lucan,
Ted Sanders in the Exeter }
whiff Imps
Lucan•11derton G' n nh h i n .e s
tante up with one of their best
displays of the season en.Ed-
day night, dumping the Seco id
place Aylmer Imperials 5•i 1,,
t6 97 nhark of tihe opening Mo aw s ge c nte• the net before Little could i
t t a rough and tumlalc Souk).
i ou c b • ak .out gam .his balance to cover the g l a • ,port Dover. Sailors to vault es1 to g ssestciih Oz1A contest played iii
'I was .the third sterni ht win
Strathroy opened up a 20 kin squad started the week oft p Mohawk for the revamped Combines
lead in the early minutes y' v e q a bard-fought5 3 wm! open; the home and home series the short 1hr a cl til a p
d Wave] t crelw were no match for the
ley., f
place Ape• tikes and, only +the brilliant net-
, net. The revatnpetI Lucan- ildei•-
,kkhaying two ganl.es with the Add two 1n float
last lace Delhi Rockets• 1he1
the second period on R goal 1)y' over the Mohawks and tl on Wednesday • an n
Westgate, The tally finish- I the tobacco centre for a Sun-Marlands in the final h h'
;Billg fr h .dumped the second
ed off a ihOt three-way passing !flier ]mperials 3.1 in Lucan, � day .afternoon fixture. J din of Ernie Little !rept
Alai' started by rooks and ,They finished off the spi ee It ivill be th. h. ginning of a 0110 U1 a as even as it was
TasS'nsend and PVestgale 'vas, 'tl 116 t• g
under new playing coach Don
— Please turn :to page 5
iii 1 ve tl e busy se11ed111e for the Rocket, .
wi 1, an i . 11p h 0 r 1 Floyd Bactz .finally ]tit the
standing in front of the net to' Sailors in Port Dover Sunday. ' as they also play :Litman and
rifle. the pass into the short' The fro t running Ingersoll ! Port Dover this week, Besides score sheet for the homester s
side of the Exeter net,dropped n i g i n at the 5:48 mark of the period
Marlands 'their second t the name with the Rockets, the period
?Welk' and Clithero put tihe'game of the season, ending up' highflying Combines travel to 00 a two -elan break with
i game out of reachfor the out- : an the short endcif a 5.0 count ; Aylmer on Wednesday or a
lucked hawks, scoring goals at ; in Aylmer, but regained their + game with the Imperials,
;the 12:00 and 15:00 minute!
marks of the final period re-
! spectively, Leroy Parsons and
efts assists on the
Belink1 dr � .
two markers. i
an short when. Moore and_Marlandsi
a 1T1
Clark's shutout with jest a Exeter Mohawks failed ina i it was.
The two teams were playing
Legion 1 nhnh$ Blom teamed up to spoil
• ki
Exeter Legion bantams roll-
ed up another win in !the fast
WOAA league, Sat u r d a y,
trouncing Clinton 15-1 in the
Exeter arena.
The locals, who have yet to
lose 'a game this year, seared
seven goals in the first period
and coasted to their victory
over the visitors.
Jack Glover and Gary Par-
sons paced the winner, pick-
ing upthree goals each in the
one-sided affair, Larry Stires
and Brian Fortune contributed
two goals apiece in the win-
ning cause, while Rick 'McDon-
.aid,' Bob Burns, Larry Willert,
John Lock and Allan Thomp-
son picked up singles.
Although 11e didn't score any
goals, Mike Cushman ended up
in first place in the point
standings for the night, pick-
ing up an assist on six of the
Exeter goals. Glover added
two assists to his three goals
to cop second spot with five
scoring points
!little over a. minute remaining valiant bid to snap out of their Buzz Bidwell, Jack Camp-
in the contest.
losing streak, blit. succumbed bell, Danny' Barrett, elovd
Campbell. Campbell picked up
a. loose puck, skated behind
the net and fed a perfect pass
to his centre in front of the
net. •
Don Pearson put the game
out: of reach of the Tribe at
the 16:45 mark, connecting on
a neat three-way passing play
with Allison and Pelesh.
Game comments — The win
was the fourth straight for the
Marlands over the Mohawks,
The Hawks drew seven of the to a third period rally in .UJ -i Baetx and Don Pearson were the only other "A" club in the
been in league Play, the other
coming in a pre -season ex-
hibition tilt . The Mar -
lands picked up five of the
Playing without the services, Buzz Bidwell started the nine penalties called in the
st 408 fans wil-
of five of their regulars, Lairi' Marlands off on the right. foot .n used the Monday night fix -
Heideman, Red Loader, Tussy scoring their' opening goal at ture.
Dunham, Keith Stephens and the 1;25 mark of the first pe -
Whitey Tllingworth, l'he short -
3 minor * penalties called in gersoll, Alonclay,. to o down lo; the marl±anieu for the winners, league, Three of the wins have
;the rugger! contest, picking up -their fourth straight defeat; while Don Beattie. and Bill AIc-
'five in the last period. Frank with a 5-2 setback at the hands, Donald were the triggermen
Boyle and Reg Westgate' each of the league leading 'lar-, for the. Tribe.
'dr e w 10 -minute misconduct lands. i Take lead in first
!penalties in the final period as
Frost :-'iter
fish wouldn't
The fish at 'Jake Shncoe
didn't match the enthusiasm of
i the 41 local .fishermen who
chartered a bus to travel to
the lake, Sunday,
The m'en returned from their
outing in the bitter coldwith
less than one fish each. The
poor catch was blamed on the
I intense frost and the fact that
there was no snow on the ice.
{ Ed Johnston, Exeter, who
helps arrange the outings,
stated, "the ice was noisy due
Jerry Logan was the lone' to the frost, and scared he
scorer for -the visitors, coni- i fish.
netting for their lone tally in! Several men have already
'the early minutes of the second . signed up to make another trip
frame. Jack Glazier set up the! this weekend, and it is expect -
play that :robbed Callum Me- I ed. that another busload will
Phee of his shutout. I make the trip in two weeks.
banded Tribe held their own rind on a play -with Ron Mc-!
and didn't fall behind until they Donalgd, Murray Butcher fell ) r
to cle's
ran out of steam in the ,final iongh shot outaiof Ma ofonaldExeter
riod. I zone,and before he got back g n L- 1 rush
After spotting the Marlands' on his skates to cover up, :Bid -
a goal in' the early minutes of 'i well came swooping in to firer
the first period, they popped the disc into the wide corner1shadesit four.tin a row Sunday
in two of their own to grab a of the net. i afternoon, dumping the Port
2.1. lead in the initial. frame.1 Exeter came hack to knot the Dover Sailors 116 in Port.
Ingersoll carne back with two' count at the. 6:26 mark with Dover.
in the middle frame and added Don Beattie firing one of. his, The surging Combines, • who
I two more in the final 20 min- bullet drives past Lockheed. have been alternating net-
rltes t,o gain the victory. Lloyd Moore, who was one 01 minders for, the past few
T.heitohawks actually out the best Mohawk performers games, got another top-notch
played. the Marlands in the on the ice, set the play up; Performance from Jake Barnes
first period:and except foe tike
snaring a clearing pass and, and the big fellow came up
superb netminding of Eclbreak- putting a perfect pass onto the with several key saves to keep
I head and a law bad stick of Beattie in front of the' the Combines in the lead
around the net, they could have Ingersoll net. throughout the contest.
emerged with more than a one- Bill 'McDonald put: the Tribe' The Lucan - Merton c r e w
1 goal margin. onegoal upin the d nin min-, opened upa 4-2 .lead in the
however, in the last half of utes f the frame taking ad-' first perio, outscored the Sail -
the two lines tired vantage of an Ingersoll pen- ors 4-3' in the middle. frame
! and. Ernie Little had to conte alter to score on a power play, and then coasted home with
up with some spectacular saves with Gravett and Ulrich. Mc-, a 3-1 margin in the final 20
I to keep the game as close as Donald picked up the puck at:minutes.
I the blueline, d.ekedone de -1 Tom Collings regained his
fender and had a clear path i, prolific scoring eye, popping in
to within 15 feet of Lockheed! four tallies for the winners.
where he fired a low drive into • The two wingers on his line,
the bottom corner. Stu O'Neil and Al Lortie, add -
Penalties costly cd three more goals, with
'O'Neil denting the twine twice.
•.Cwo 'penadlties picked up by i The other scorers for. the
Dick :Bedard and Stan U1riclh Combines were Jerry Thomp-
in the final seconds of the first. son, Don Fletcher, Ken Loft
periodpaved the way for the and Art Bacon,
lu-vs Ione
in.-Ex4er taple-header•
Exeter minors won two ban-
tam tilts and dropped their
juvenile encounter in an action -
packed triple -header in the
Exeter arena, Friday,
The bantam Braves came up
with a superb display of team-
work to eke out a 5.3 win over
Kensal Park in a Shamrock
tilt, while' the Legion bantams
.continued their unbeaten
streak, whipping Lambeth 7.2.
The .only local losers were
the juveniles, who dropped a
7-2 decision to the lughrflying
Clinton entry in a WOAA tilt,
Lock sparks Braves
In the opening game of the
night, the bantam Braves
came up with their biggest win
of the season, dumping the
third place Kensal squad with
a four -goal outburst in the final
Kensal opened the scoring in
the second period, after the
two teams battled to a score-
less draw in the first frame on
superb ne(minding by Callum
McPhee and Dave MacDonald.
Barry Irvin was the trigger -
man for the visitors, taking a
clearing pass from an Exeter
defender and driving a screen-
ed shot into the net past Mc-
Don Wright. put the locals
hack on oven terms in the last
minute of the Period, teaming
up with Bob Benning on a neat.
passing play in the Kemal
,John. Lock, Bill Allen and
Bob Storie teamed up in the
early minutes of the final
frame to shoot the locals into
a two -goal lead. The three
youngster's put on a beautiful
exhibition of learn work to get
the tallies, both scored by
Lock. .Bob Storie ster'1.ect both
plays, tiring a short pass to
Bill :Allen on the right. wing.
The little -winger• skated in
over the blueline, deiced a ]otle
defender and fedi a perfect.
goal mouth Pass to Loek, and
the left winger made no rnis-
t.akes in driving the disc• into
the net on both oeces]oes.
:Paul Marlin pulled the Ken-
sal six hack to within one goal
at the 5:55 reel*, but .Exeter
Milt, back with two more near
the •Britt -way mark to gain the.
Doug Parker set up the first
play, driving a bullet shot
Crete the point. Leak, standing
at ,the left side of the riot, tip-
ped the drive past Maciionaid
into the fop of the mesh.
Bob Stone scored on a Mini
ttie tally at the -2'35 ii'lar�k,
IIlping iii another Moline
drl•re. off the stick of Pick
Sch:becJer, •
1Ittnsal scored ort a, goal by
3111 Clarke, but the Braves
tightened their defe:Imre play
to Prt•serve the wlil,
Loglan loan rolling
tat ,s.econd entry Ili the
Stix iirat•k 'Damani division, the
trail( thtiir(ng Lt'gion squad.
tit a tit. t1i1 i it e d their' '
streak, dumpuig the sec0n
place Lambeth squad 7-2.
Gary Parsons was the big
man for the winners, denting
the twine tl ree times to reels
ter the hat trick, The shifty
winger also picked up an as
sist on another tally to emerge
with four scoring points.
Bob Burns ended up second
in the goal -scoring department
contributing a pair of tallies
Jack Glover and Larry Willer
were the other triggermen fo
the Legion kids.
The locals opened up a 3-1
leadin the first period, carne
up with a similar 3-1 margil
in the ,second, and added one
in the third as they coasted
home to their eighth straigh.
Shamrock victory.
In the all-important assist
department, .Mike Cushman
Jack Glover, Jim Carscaddgt
and Allan Thompson came
through with a pair each,
can't stop Clinton
The Exeter jtieliles fel
victim to the unbeaten Clinton
squad in the final encounter o
the night, coming out on the,
c1 short end of a 7-2 count. Marlands to get hack on even , Walt, Gardner scored three
Clintons .fust line of Paul grounds with the Tribe. Jack' goals for the Sailors, Walt.
Rickett, Keith Allen and Roger Campbell, Ralph Beemer and Mummery, Ernie Hollings-
. Cummings paced the attack, Stan Long teamed up 011 a worth and jack Reeves scored
. comin.g up with five goals be- neat passing play against the the others.
tween. thein. Rickett and Allen three Mohawks defenders and.
connected for a pair each, MacDonald fired the equalizer!
while Cummings dented the at the 1:25 mark, after the . "I sure like living in the
Itwine once. Mohawks�had held them off country. Never paid a doctor's
Ron Livermore, centre 00 score sheet for exactly 20bill all the tii,,e 1 was there.
the second line, added the minutes.
I Yeah sa he was saying.
other two goals for the win-
f: :
r i Midget star Don Cann was
the sparkplug of the Exeter
i six, scoring both tallies in a
• ! losing effort.
1 Clinton jumped into a 3.0
!lead before Cann. scored at the
;14.:00 minute mark of the sec-
ond period. The visitors added
I another hi the .late minutes of
the second and popped in an
early third period Marker be.
1 fore Exeter came back to
Make the score 5-2,
1 Cummings and Livermore
added two more after the mid-
' way mark of the final to win
1 going away.
There was a total of 14
f penalties called in ' the con-
test, with Exeter drawing nine.
Public Notice
Town of Exeter
Minor =Hockey We c
in Canada
WHEREAS, , the Canadian Amateur Hockey Assocla.tioii has
Set aside this beck as a period to focus public attention on
the physical, character-huilding and other benefits of hockey
for our youth, and
WHEREAS the game of hockey is recognized as CANADA'S
NATIONAL GAME, which leaches obi' youth to develop a
competitive spirit, cooperation with others, body•buildirig,
alhd a respect, for authority, incl ,
WHEREAS Minor Rockey is the foundation from which ac
cehiplished hockey stars develop, and
WHEREAS this enti1)iiullity hat long 'been rioted foie its ae-
five. minor hockey participation,
NO'W' THE7lEil'OR1✓, `f, as Mayor of Exeter, do hereby de -
dare (hat tlhie week be observed as
"Minor Mir
nor H:. -:k : Woek
r_ in 'Canada"
and request that all pai.'enta arid btli4rs support this obseiiv-
af1Ce rly attelitlinl: girlies Ming Minor Hockey Week and
thereafter until the 1tockey season ends.
It t., POOLti w
boot Seiki'-tAK 'Vote' boli i n the Are ie
Last wrCl.'s scores:
,'vImer ;1, In ersn11 n
Dn1h1 14 Port L)nvht, a
r,ural1 i, '0xt'tor �.
ingrr,nll 7. Delhi 4
Loran 1, Stylnler 1
kyln5or 7, Tt111111 4
Lateen 11, Fort' r)n or 5
tngersoil ,5, T:xeter 3
sv r. F. A .s,
intyetsn1I hg 2 135 73 45
1ylnwr 14 7 1"•1 ins ltg
hncan-rlderton .. fi 7 S1 +9 24
Exeter 5 • 7 fig 73 ^n
Port mover - . 5 13 len 1:1 14
14 SR 1"; 10
,' 11—All tame" with Liles,.
llrlertort ant'' ExeLCr are four-
' point games.
Future, genie,:
Friday, Januar:: 27—
, Aylmer at Inrerrelt
Delhi at 1,uran-IIdelton t7t.ee)
Sunday, January 27--.
1:xetar at Delhi
Ingeren11 at re,rt Dover
Tuesday. January 31..
Delhi .at. Port DoSver.
'Wednesday,'February 1—
i.uraal.1lderton at .Aylmer
tngereoll at .Exeter
sa•e 'lH, the
144's .Q11)
One daily tablet gives you all the
vitamins normally needed . , .
9=vitamins, 12 minerals,
Economy Site C
Bob Middleton, Prop.,
Wilson 's
Phone 20
Watch The Kids GQ!
Jan. 28
and the -
Exeter Legion Pipe Band Will-
Perform On The
This Advertisement Sponsei'oJ Qtr alit(
Of tiMinere ',hickey 41y `l lie ratletivitta
• t�ublic Spirited t3tt�,)noseo3;
Don't Send - Take Your Bo
l I Arena