HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-01-26, Page 1• 14 Sewer system tc)wri I'7RIG., 1m on. . a I How Muchsewerage an Exeter .afferd2 That's whet town ..council Yeas to find oilt before, it takes any enten ,on the OWRC Tenon which was presented Fride,y night, A ,.delegation from council — including Ma Y01' Pooley; Reeve Mckenzie and 'Drains Cliairmari Ros'aykrs — will interview Cam- MiSalon officials in. Toronto OMn. t.o determine the answer. The conimissioe. 'recommends A complete system costing over haifAniiuion Oilers. But thiss cautioned Clerk C, V. Pickard, Weida pit the inunicinelity's debt well. over the limit of 25% of its .assessment, The pont mission's second. proposal was a 8245,000 scheme which would. provide lagoon, type treatment facilities plus the addition of 15,000 feet of wham, sewers to the pre- eent storm sewer :system, This Appeared to be the tildst popular. suggestion among councillors eluting Fri- daY's discussion. It could pro, Fide two trunk lines down 'An- drew and William Streets into which could be fed Main St, A nd east of the lines. FULL. REPORT, PAGE 14 However, the $245,000 „pro- ject might put the town over its debt limit, too, This could, Mean that council would have to settle for the $113,000 sug- gestion which would provide for treatment only of the pre- sent storm sewer flow on Wil- liam and Main St. Council discussed the corn - mission's report %vitt). C. S. MacNaughton, Huron MPP, Return officers of film council At the annual meeting of South Huron Film Council held in the library basement Tue.s.- day evening, president, Rev. S. E. Lewis; vice-president, Rev. A. M. Schlenker; trea- surer -librarian', Mrs, 'H il t o n Laing, and secretary, Mrs. Je M. Southeott were re-elected for 1961. Directors appointed were A. B, Idle, Greg Harness, W. L. Henderson, Rev. A. E. Holley And Rev. 1.1.. •S. Hiltz. Annual reports were given. A workshop for training pro- jectionists with a follow-up session was held in April 1960 and, another is planned for this year. The constitution for the or- ganization was formally. adopt- ed and ways and means to publicize the use of the films housed at the library were discussed. Mr, Lewis chaired the meet- ing. Cochrane heads IP Former mayor W. G. Coch- rane was elected president of the newly -incorporated Exeter Industrial Development Corpor- ation at a meeting of directors last week. He beads the non -share coins pany which has been establish- ed to promote industrial and commercial growth in the com- munity. It will act on behalf of the town. , Vice-president is It, D. Jer- myn, former councillor and one of the founding directors of Mid -Western Ontario De- velopm ent Assecia tion. Other directors include Eric Campbell, Murray Greene, H. L. Snider, Ross Tuckey and Jack Weber. Treasurer is Chester Ma- whinney and secretary, Don Southcott. Working with the• directors will be two councillors, Ralph ;Bailey and Eldrid Simmons. The mayor and reeve are auto- matically members of the com- pany, The .directors agreed to con- duct a public competition to secure a slogan for the cor- poration's use in industrial promotion. Prizes will be $15 and $10. Property and advertising committees were appointed. Regular luncheon meetings will be held the fourth Thursday of every month,. • Cold snap continues The present cold snap, Nvhich moved into the area ,etiursday, shows no sign of letting up and the met section at RCAF' Ste. tion Centralia reports that the temperatures will remain about. 10 to 15 degrees below normal, The normal high for the month is 30 degrees, While the average low is 16. Since last :Fri(lay, the Wei. `perature hAsn't been Over the 15 -degree mark and has driers- * ed as low as tour degrees be - IOW zero. The average high in these five days has been Slightly over 12 degrees. The met section fOredatt Calls for d ntinuuig cold ther over. the weekend, but it eXpeeted to 'moderate slight- ly. Snow flurries are expected te dump about two incheson the district over the neXt six data, • SneWrall for the Dad week Was .1.2 inches. Teniperaturee for the at five dAyS: Low High] FridaY• 4 11 S a ttirdaY ,„ 4 , Sunday , :2 11 Monday 4 12. TSteesdaY 4444444 0011V11111414 • 12 who is a member of •OWRO, He Mohamed that the Aosta were "rough" .estimates And could only be used as a guide, said ,cooneit's first step woulc1 be to .0elhorize The corn. missioq to proceed with plans for sewerage, Council then coula appoint an _engineer for the project, who would be sub- joct to the kpproval of the, comrnission, to provide des tailed plans, specifications and estimates in co-operation with the commission. One factor which will Affect the extent of the system which council can, undertake will be the ;mount .of charges pre, paid by individeal, :property owners who will receive ser- vice. This, and many other fac- tors, had to he taken into con. sideration, the MPF' stressed, Council :members discussed numerous phases of the propo- sals, all in exploratory fashion. It heeame obvious,however, that xio decision .could be reached until the council „dis- cussed the program with the commission. Will study central *Osborne township school area board 'plans to investigate the possibility of erecting a central school. The decision was made at the inaugural meeting of the board following considerable discussion with Public Inspec- tor G. John Goman, who out- lined the advantages of cen- tralization. • The question has been raised several times in recent months. Reference to it was mathe. at the nomination meeting for the township and it was discussed at a meeting of Theme§ Road ratepayers earlier this month. Harry Dougall, RR 1 Hen- sel!, was elected. chairman a the board for 1961. Vice-chair- man is Gerald Prout, RR 3 Exeter, and A. G. Hicks, RR. 3 Exeter, remains •secretary - tree surer. Others subscribingto the. oath of office, administered by Clerk G. H. G. Strang, were Ken Simpson, Morris Hern, and Delmer Skinner. Secretary -treasurer Hicks presented the 1960 financial statement showing a very sub- stantial bank balance. Additional insurance And me- dical coverage for the school children was purchased from the W. H. Hodgson Insurance Agency; Plans were made for visit- ing the various schools in the area as soon as possible to ar- range for repair work in the near future. Membership was subscribed in the Ontario SchooL Trustees and Ratepayers' Association and the trustees' council, Tom MacMillan, of Exeter, offered to provide the same supply service in 1961 as in former years. Eighty -Eighth Year r••••(••••• e exeferiZimes-Akivocafe EXETER, ONTARIO, JANUARY 26, 1961 Price? Per Copy 10 Cents see ee.. 4 • ,e*4.e. • $, ;. fd iitH), 1 , . . . .,, .m.• • f,a ::!...',. i•I'.:• c.... .45x N ;;',....::.. PRODIGAL "SMOKEY" RETURNS TO CE HOME .. . he cuddles up to happy Sharon Gibson, 8 ' Smokey' brings back a mysterious Jail(Ie) , "Smokey" a tom cat, re- He'd lost his kitten fur, of , turned to •his home at Huron course, but still had his un. Parklast week and thereby usual markings. He even ans- hangs a curious tale and a mysterious tail, And this is a straight story but it concerns a crooked tail. "Smokey" vanished in mid- July last year front the home of his mistress, eight-year-old Sharon Gibson, daughter of F/O and Mrs, C. L. Wilson, 129 St. Lawrence. He was still. a kitten apd, since he'd been a gift i..0M friends at Grand Bend, the Gibsons were unhappy to lose him.. But their search was un- successful. Last week, Sharon burst into the house with: "Mom, I've found Smokey!!' wered his name. But his tail's been injured during h s adventures. It won't stand up, even when he tries to look angry, Poor Smo- key can spit and 'fume, arch his back, but his old tail just. limps. How could any cat look fierce with a limp tail? That may ,be the reason Smokey - decided to return' to Lion, ST •1 RT DIAL FEBRUARY '62 Seek Huron survey Need new laws for trade school • If Huron county gets a new technical -vocational school, it will have to break new legis- lative ground to do so. This was indicated by the proponents of the school, Hur- on County Farmers' Union; who plan to interview the dep't of education about it. "There's no legislation at present to cover establishment of this kind of school in an area like Huron," said Direc- tor Robert Taylor, Varna. "But we feel if we can impress upon the gov't that there is a need here, we will be able to get the legislation." First step by the enion will be to request the dep't of education to take a survey, ing Seaforth Monday night. Not getting results "The biggest concern we have is that we're not getting results from our present high schools," Mr. Taylor said. Of the total high school enrol- ment in Huron of between 3,000 and 4,000 pupils, not • more than 200 are graduating, he pointed out. Only tile survey would reveal the type of school required, but Mr. Taylor hopes it will include courses in agriculture. There are indications, he said, that OAC 'Will become a uni- teui‘riorn..1; a excluding many of the might have to be raised, there- bystandards at Western Ontario youths who now attend this Agricultural School, Ridgetown, up by a new institution in versity, in which case the school. This gap could be taken y 1 o r indicated the Federation, Women's Institutes, and Horne and School organ- izations have supported the , proposal. The union hopes to get further backing from other I Huron groups. I "We're asking that a survey he taken to determine the need for another type of school. We'd like to find out, why so many youths are leaving our high schools be- fore they finish grade nine or ten." • The survey should indicate what other type of training could be given which would be more useful, he suggested. Concern over jobless "We're concerned about the statistics which reveal filet 805; of the people who are un- employed have grade 10. edu- One neW member; wa,s ap- cater De ut -Reeve Fisher Consult official on rec director No action will be taken on the • appointment of a new recreation director for Exeter until the committee confers with the regional representa- tive of the community' pro- grams branch of the Ontario Dep't of Education, it was re- vealed at council meeting Mon- daye night. Deputy -reeve Glenn Fisher, a member of the committee, told council he expected a meeting would be held this week to determine what course of action the •branch would approve. The resignation. of Larry Heideman, the present dtrect- or, becomes effective Saturday, January 28 Dial telephone service will he introduced in Exeter in February 1962, W. W, Haysom, Bell Tele-. phone manager for this region, has announced, • Work will ,start soon •on the project which will include the construction of a new one -storey building to house the automatic dial crossbar switching equipment, 'The overall cost of, the dial conversion, in- cluding the cost of providing new long distance facilities, has been. estimated at •almost $460,000. Initially. Exeter's new dial hers, This will he sufficient, office will have the capacity barn to .a point just south or overhead cable from there to to serve 3,000 telephone num- , Church St. and then place years to come, nsterfvorioeocasdtes.,: Thames Road." 1 will be erected on the east taoccoloredeint gtotloopphroensee Clerk C. V. Pickard refi.orted mends in this area for some the new onestorey bulletins side of Carling St„ between There will be no change in' the toll -Tree calling arrange- ments which now exist be- Staff announcement tween Exeter -Crediton and" Members •of the company's and Exeter -Centralia, , staff were informed officially Co -incident with the intro-. of the conversion at a meet - duction of dial service here,' ing here Thursday, new telephone numbers will go Installation of dial service at into use. These will each con- Crediton, is Peal. completion. sist of seven figures. • 'Changeover date has been. established as February 19. • The dial project will require the modernization and exten-i When Exeter goes dial next year, it will complete conver- sion of outside wire and cable, Ision of three exchanges in this end of the'county. Hensall will iningenttse.lephones by dial, instru; 'be the only area still on corn - mon battery south of Goderich. More underground cable Among the mutual ex - It was revealed at council changes, the Hay system is meeting Monday night that .planning to install dial at the company plans to install a Grand Bend next year but has ground considerablecable.amount of under- not announced plans for its other centrals at Zurich and In a letter, the companyilDashwood. SimilarlY, the. Blan- ehard system has completed said that "as a part of our we dial installation at Sebringville work for dial conversion, but there hes been no an- onpropose placing a new cable William SL from Welling- nouncement yet concerning the ton to Thames Road to permit Eirkton or Granton exelaanges, the removal of all our over- head cable on Main St. north and the replacement of exist-. of Sanders.. First crashhere "We propose to put buried cable on the east side of Wil- - since new year Exeter almost completed the first three weeks of 1961. • without a traffic accident. First of the year occurred Saturday night near the inter- section of Main and Wellinr:- ton. It was minor, involing mittee for 1961. He is Gordon Baynham, who succeeds .Ar- thur Clarke. I Other members are Lloyd Cushman, Rev. Bren de Vries, Max Harn s, Harold P 7 • i P Y cation or less." pointed to the recreation com- I and Councillor Ross Taylor. abcnit $90 damage' A car driven by Wes Sims, •16, skidded into a vehicle I • parked beside Wellington St. Liberals deny !St udy garbage service I which had been operated by Ronald Truemner, Huron St, by the local detachment of the Huron Liberal officials say raise .sa anes of police OP'P this week. • After six months on the leader change lamb. Smokey had returned to No accidents were reported the fold. He's been master of the house ever since. his "en- gine" working overtime. they've heard of no movement to oust provincial leader John Wintenneyer. Commenting on reports Qui Eof Toronto this week which in- Kit1 xeter rkon pupils dicated that a section of the party seeks the leader's resig- nation,lim Taylor of Hensel' e . said: "There's nothing to it— ops in speaking tria s it's just a silly rumor." . Two grade 12 youths copped first prizees in the annual sen- ior public speaking contest held at South Huron District High School, Tuesday. Diane Delbridge, 17, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Del - bridge, Exeter, won the girls' division, while a 16 -year-old TOP GIRL SPEAKER . Diane Delbridge BY 'OkAtott fivt tett Mr. W.intermeyer also denied the atory He announced that Kirkton youth, Ron Marshall, a giant policy-making rally of son of Mr, and Mrs. Lorne the party is being planned for Marshall, copped the boys' this summer. event. Jim Taylor was one of thel Fifteen speakers competed }Juron de1e'ats tn th partys' and the judges had to 'deliber- federal, rally recently. ate for nearly a half an hour before reaching their decisions on the five-minute talks. The Exeter miss shoSe "What it Means to be' a 'Cana- dian" for her speech, while Ron spoke on "Conservation .of Wild Life." The two will re- ceive $10 prizes donated by the students' council at SHDHS. He ether McConnell, 16, daughter of S/L and Mrs. Don- ald McConnell, Huron t Park, and Roger Cann, son of Mr. and Mrs. • Art Cann, Exeter, placed second in the competi- tions and will receive $5 prizes for their efforts. Heather was one of six of the speakers who chose "Ex- ploration of Space" as a topic, while the Exeter youth spoke on his experience at Older Boys' Parliament which he re- cently attended in Toronto. Judges for the competition were Mrs. John Corbett, W. G. Cochrane and Rev, ft; 'Hiltz, all of Exeter. The junior pub - tic speaking contest will be held in the auditorium Thurs. day afternoon. Other speakers, in the order they appeared were: Fred Desjardine, Carole Itegartli, Xandra Ilusche, Barbet% Mc- Donald, Pat Rowe, Bill Syst- rna Joe Houlahan, • Sandra Snider, Lawrence Howard, Sandra Sharrow and Mary Sha Members 0± the seVen grade 11, and 12 classes congregated in the auditorium to' hear the speakere. SefOreateeeterneeete2rennkleitieM.T01 Where to find it Marks 101 Monday Town council's sanitation committee will investigate what savings might result from ' having garbage collec- tion done. by a private contrac. tor. Several -councillors noted Monday night that other towns appeared to be paying less mo- ney for this service by putting it up for tender. In one community with a po- pulation of about 4,000, a con- tract had been let for $5,600. Exeter's cost for 1960 has been estimated at $7,200, which CELEBRATES 101 YEARS—Mrs Agnes J. Baird, rosi-i dent in the Queensway Nursing :1-tinle, HonsAii, wiul mark her 101St birthday Monday. Although confined to her bed, she enjoys fairly good halth and can muster a hearty shine. She waS born in New ; Jersey, moved to photo Canada when she WM one year o'ld;,, MtVIMIN=St:IMS211=IT Annotniceinente ,,,,,,,, 15 Church Notices IS Corning Events 13 Ediforiels 2 Farm Newl. Feminine Fedi 11, 13 14ensell 7 Lecen .... .. 14, Sorts , 4, $, Went AJ 11 Aonuay, jentlary 30, Mrs, hand to...:r461, no, CenCeSSiort Agnes J Jaird patient At&ante.*deere she continued iztint.swo, Narig grIt let resi-,Ohpe nearly 80 years and 'Where:bet* grandson, Stew; HenealL will 'obsere her 10151 tah.d, now i,eside. Her n the Aye Confine 'lo het be , husband twea in 1927. Mrs. Baird 15 in fairly good Before Wining -Ifie Mint health and anjoye three nicals Ing hoot 'here gee eeeiesa with 11. day, hoe son, 'I', R. Baird fr& Srt1de. tern in Newark, 'N'.;t,, shr Md. , tarne Ashfield Township As She- 0AC1 a son, grandson„ two 4 chilli of Onetaf tied al great, grandsons And A .0W: .19 She moved With terhtL5 geolddatighthr, does not include depreciation on the truck. Former sanitation chairman Ross Taylor suggested the committee "look into this idea — we might be able to save money." Chairman Claude Farrow suggested "it would have to be a- substantial saving" before council would consider the change. Said Councillor Musser, a member of the committee: "We can have a meeting on IL but I think things are going smoothly now,", Approve increases Increases totalling $500. -were granted to members of the town police force, following a report of the police committee, Chief C. H. MacKenzie will receive 53,800, an increase of $100; Cpl. John Cowen, $3.100, an increase of MO; and Con- stable Lloyd Hodgins, $3,300, an increase of $300. No raise for council Council approved a motion, without discussion, to keep the salaries of its members at the same level as in 1060. The mayor will receive $500L the other Members, $300 each. At the inaugural meeting, an increase was discuSsed. This time, however, Deputy -Reeve Glenn Fisher moved that they remain the same: it was sec- onded bY Councillor Eldrid Simmons and passed Without co m m Negotiate on roads Council deferred action on a request, from Canadian Can, ners Lld, for the, opening and closing of certain roads lead-, ing IMO the company's pro -I Pptorrtt,3ilo'n of Nelson front Carling The company asked that the io Marlborough streets be dosed and that Marlborough and Carling streets east of 1\l'el- son be opened. Connell decided to eliseesS the ficials,1148 r‘ev;4u.eshr itivirsanmY irou,.,1 Own Sehmtm, Cochrane. Spur fire meeting At the request 0± Irwin rm.& Alm `tireed to arrang with area towns protection "withi "vlsile Cf 'Ford' mellibers of tl were concerned " this Molter ifig fire for ts eiodsIiodn, _AlaVer Nolo IM Offitials had ag following Session anti tha were being made immediately. Chief. Ford indicated the town's fire truck becomes ob- solete this year, "It's 15 years old," he said. "We can't sell it — it can either he kept as a second machihe or we'll have to junk it„, He stated 'that the brigade does not wish to create animo- sity over the situation but the members do not feel it wise to answer rural calls with the present equipment, Because it does not have. a large capa- city for carrying water, the prseent truck is almost use- less for fighting rural fires, In addition, no protection can be given town property when the machine is out of the mu- nicipality. He said that unless some ae tion was taken soon, ttle me bars rnight refuse to gc; ,nu a run. "I'd hate to sec happen," the chief comm( Make $25 grant In other business, cm, Made a $25 grant to ron Soil 'and Crop ment Ass'n; Approved a building for construction of a 11. on Huron St. east for Down. Learned from Cler Packard that registr 1990 included 331 bir five less than 1959), and three still births. Agreed to pay its levy of $160 to Mid Ontario Developmem and appointed coUncilit Bailey and, Murray G represent the (own ' ganization. Won twice in elections 1 William T. Webster, who served as a councillor both. before and after Exeter be - carne a town, died of a heart I attack at his home on Main. 4St. north Sunday. He was 57. Mr. Webster was first elect- ed to village council in 1934 ;•when he stood second in the }polls. At the end of that year, 1 Exeter was elevated to a.eowne and Mr. Wbster agai council seat. A native of Exe of the late ' Thom as • 7 S.4