HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-01-19, Page 22ro••tnrr'ai1M � ,y,:'Pd M - to*7 24. The "rimes-Atiltor te, January 19. 1941 .yY KEY TO HURON COUNTY—"phis key will open the door of every house in Huron county", retiring warden John Durnin told Reeve Ivan Forsyth, Tuckersmith, after the later's election to the top county post Tuesday. The 1960 warden also presented the chain of office and gavel to his successor. Reeve Forsyth urged council to consider carefully new proposals for county services which would increase costs. SH te yrs favor grade 13 c.hanges Lipper. school teachers at. SHDHS favor reduction in the number of grade 13 depart- mental examinations and ap- prove, with qualifications, a current proposal to restrict en- rolment in grade 13 to those students who are preparing to enter university. The SHDHS teachers' opin- ions were expressed in answers to' questionnaires distributed by the federation and the head- masters' association. Principal H. L. Sturgis re- vealed to the board the an- swers he and his grade 13 teachers had agreed upon. The questions and replies were: 1. What is your opinion re- garding the proposal of reduc- ing the number of ,grade 13 examinations having, for in- stance, one paper in each of the modern languages, one in English, one in biology, per- haps two in math? "Some of the objective type of papers can cover a great area of the subject, We be-? lieve That the above proposal is practical." 2. What do ;•ou think of hav- ing two types of examinations in grade 13 — one for high school graduation and one for universityadmission? "We can see many difficul- ties in this proposal. Some stu- dents will be tempted to try the wrong examinations. We , believe it will multiply head- , aches, both at the dep't and at the local school level," Grade 12 graduation? 3. What is your opinion of the proposal to establish grade 12 as the high school gradua- tion point and confirming grade 13 to a year of prepara- tion of students who plan to enter university? '/We feel the public should be educatedto this viewpoint. Would this mean that hospitals now demanding .grade 13 stand ard.-would have to do the edu- cating beyond the grade 12 level and likewise the teachers' colleges? If it does, we are entirely in favor of the pro- pose]." 4. What is your opinion on the question of whether some of the other provinces are able in a 12 -year senior matricula- tion course to prepare eandi- dates for university and for life in general as well as we in Ontario do it in our 13 -year changes in the course of study — such r s more extensive courses rather than more in- tal work with more equipment —might free it of this charge. We feel there should be a great- er emphasis of well -argued opin- ions rather than answers which require obscure detail. This latter point presupposes a cer- tain type of examination ques-, Lion." Mr. Sturgis said the teachers roll call was answered with :red:440n ':.1a2d...i.es aid • relief worlc By MRS. M. .'AIST The \Vcrman's Auxiliary .of the United Church held its first meeting of the new year with Rev. R. Blitz conducting the service for the installation of Officers for the coming year. Mrs. Russell. Finkbeiner, president, presided for the business, calling for the annual ,reports from all officers. The supply secretary, Mrs, M. King, Letter from KirktOn By MRS. HAROLD DAVIS WMS and WA The January meeting of the WMS ;,nd WA of the Kirk ton t'nited Church was held Wed- nesday afternoon, Jan. 11 at the home of Mrs, Ira Marshall • with 23 ladies present, ada; gifts .to Tuelon were two, sweaters. seven. pair mitts and ;jewellery; ten pounds of• white material and al.t nylons. to the I leper colony; also seven cites plus seven blankets and 18 extra diapers to overseas relief. A, bazaar is planned for the, fall. Mrs. Lawrence Hill and Mrs. Cliff Kenney were .ap•, pointed representatives to .meet; to arrange the t ay of Prayer. services to he 'held Februarys 1"I in the United Church, Plans were made for some of the ladies to attend a workshop' on community visitation being held at Hensall January 24. } Mrs. J. Galloway conducted j the worship service assisted by Mrs. G. Bill, Mrs. R. • Reid reviewed the study book, 'Dorcas class elects officers A 'cowboy" -Qtr .g. did.e; r�gpch_90fpnonnit!ovintttlaunt!Matnonnu�suntclow'urairinrrauuaetunannro�.wn�nuannt�.twtolut.,• was watching ,eee of .the 'guests trying to saddle i horse, "Pardon me," be said polite - 1Y, '"hut you're putting that saddle on backwards." The guest was annoyed "Khat Drakes you so sure, L.Qt .Ys S„ftplf You. With. • Rubber Stamps �,, Tim The �s��4dvocal�;�: . ie snapped. know Which wad' l'rrt ,going." 's+tiro run,rrur, W,�tu nn,r�,,rnru�,iiuunta.urvr,,�er, u ,�rp,r,, uniiEerunutru nui,nnurumua"r The Dorcas Band class of the FUR church held their election of officers in, the plass room. Dr, Lulu Geiser took !charge of the election. Mrs. F, Roger` was in charge; of the worship period assisted, by Mrs. II, Burgin and Mrs, F N. Amos. The president Mrs. T. Elliott presided for the business por- tion of the meeting. The study book was given by 11Irs, Ross Marshall, The various reports were given. The roll call was answered by the paying of fees. It was agreed that the group write one of the prayer partners each month. i The World Day of Prayer is I to be observed on yriday, Feb. 13 in the Anglican church. Class That Counts The regular meeting of the Class That Counts was held in the, church basement last Thurs- day. Mrs, Chas. Baillie was in charge of the worship service, assisted by Mrs, Russell Mor- rison and Mrs. Wilfred Paton Mrs. Allen Eveleigh con- ducted the business. A commit- tee was put in to get a num- ber for the Sunday School sup- per. Mrs. Reg Morrison read the highlights of 1960 and the agreed that grade 13 should be taught in high school, rather than in college, because most adults feel their children leave home to go to university at a young enough age as it is. They also felt grade, 13 could be taught better in high school than in college. GB ladies' groups plan '61 activities i WMS T andWA L nit Church \� 1 S ByMRS.WE L_WOOD GILL U ed t WA and Guild I was held in the church school The first meeting of the New, with twenty six ladies present. Year was held by St. Johns -by -1 The president Mrs. Ed Gill the Lake, WA and Guild on resided. The worshipservice Thursday, Jan. 5 with twelve' followed the prograin Mis- sionary 1Vlonthly A missionary dent Mrs. L. W, Hayes was in 'film was shown by Mrs. Wm.the chair. -.!Lovee in place of the study During the business meeting book. Mrs, Allan Miller will the vacancies on the new exe- take study book for February. cutive were filled. Mrs. Mau- An installation service was rice Tiedeman was elected conducted by Rev. A. E. Hol - treasurer and Mrs. Fred Chap- ley for officers of WMS and man, treasurer for extra cent- WA, a -day fund. Arrangements were made for The secretary, Mrs. Pluin, members to attend workshop at was instructed to draw up a Hensall on Tuesday, January telephone list of parish. mem- 24. A bale of good clothing and hers who could be called upon quilts will be packed as soon as for future help. possible and sena to L/S Bar - It was decided to hold a eue- ry Ifamilton who is one of the hre and bridge in the Parish local boys stationed at Church - Halt on January 20 at 8 p.m. ill. The hale will be used for The treasurer reported that the needy in the little church the money remaining in tress- that Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton( are ury at the end of 1960 had been active in. disbursed with $110 going to The WA followed WMS meet - the Diocesan treasurer, $100 to ing with Mrs. Raymond Kading the local missionary budget, presiding. It was voted that a donation fuAn introduction was given to be sent to the organ fund of the material W i 15 to the Westminster United Church based studyn the book for"Towards 196College, London, and that Mrs. The Centre." by Charles Jef- f Annie Morena buy flowers for ri, which is a discussion of the church. Christian unity. The statement Lunch was served by Mrs. on Christian. unity by the 1958 Douglas Gill, Mrs, Ray Patter - Lambeth Conference of Bish- son and Mrs. W. Gilt. ops was read and after some Personal items I room on Thursday, January 12 "The meeting we enjoyed best in 1960." After the meeting everyone enjoyed, progressive crokinole, The winners were Mrs, Clar- ence Switzer (high) and Mrs. Cliff 'Scott (low). Lunch was served by the committee, Mrs. Allen Eveleigh, Mrs, Ross Fran cis, Mrs. T. Elliott. Library euchre A progressive euchre was held in 'Aberdeen Hall, Kirkton,. Monday, Jan. 9 under the aus- pices of the Library. Winners were; ladies high, Mrs. H. Davis; lone hands, Mrs. C. Scott; men's high, Har- ry- Webber; ebbe'•; lone hands,- Lloyd Cowdrey; lucky draw, Clarence Switzer.. ;Ladies Guild, and WA The Ladies Guild and WA of I St. Pauls' Anglican Church was ;held at the home of Mrs. Clay- ton Smith. I The president was assisted in and $86 to the local building discussion the meeting was Mr. Kenneth Skipper and closed• friend of Brantford spent . the ' Refreshments ti'ere served by weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. K. D. McKenzie and Mrs. Harold Skipper and Margaret. ' Jno Aselstyne, Mr. Jas. Grigg has returned WMS and WA pack bale home from St. Josoph's liospi- The January meeting 'of the 'tai, London. the devotional by Mrs, Bill Wag- ' horn, 'Mrs. Peter Dymond, Mrs, Garth Blackler and Mrs. Me- Curdy. A letter was read from the ,prayer partner Rev. and. Mrs, Phillips of Nigeria, Africa and i the matron of Gordon's School. i Punnicky, Sask. I Mrs. Clayton Smith gave an introductory paper on the ori- gin of the WA. Mrs. Cecil Dob- tre.son gave the introduction of the study book "Towards The Cen- '' • Mrs, Bill Waghorn. presided ;:for the Guild meeting. After a (business discussion the roll call was 'answered by paying of fees. Mrs. Harold Davis con- ducted a contest. I Lunch was served by Mrs. 'Jack Roundell, Mrs. Dymond, Mrs. Wm. Blackler and host- ess. Personal items I Mr. and Mrs. Lou Walker and family of Fanshawe visited Sat- ' urday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Herman 'Payn- ter visited with Mrs. Lionel Kemp at St. Marys. Me ,orial Hospital Sunday afternoon. Miss Rosemary Ratcliffe of Anderson spent the weekend with Miss Lynn Paul, reported a bale worth $84,50 had been sent to Western Can - President is Mrs, Gordon Mariock; vice-president, Mrs. Harold Falner; secretary, Mrs, Roy Ratz; assistant, Mrs. Eli Brown; treasurer, Mrs, Lorne Morlock; pianists, Mrs, Steve Dundas, Mrs. Ervin Finkbeiner; chorister, Mrs, Erninery Fahrner•; Librarians, Mrs, Lloyd Lam- port, Mrs. floss Krueger; re- porter, Mrs. Wellington Heist; sympathy and relief convener, Mrs. Jos, Finkbeiner; devotion- al and program, Mrs. Ed Hendrick; membership, Mrs, Ross Krueger; social, Mrs. Gordon Ratz. Baptismal service A baptismal service was held on Sunday morning at the church service in the EUB church when Helen Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Finkbeiner, and Barbara Lee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Wein, received the rites of baptism. The holy communion of the Lard's Supper was also ob- served following the service. Personal items Mr. Lorne Finkbeiner fell at the airport and broke his arm last week.. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Oestricher and Mrs. M. Feist visited with Mr. and Mrs. Chas Green on Sunday afternoon at Mitchell. Both Mr. and Mrs. Green have been sick and are now some-, what improved. Mr. Kenneth Lillow, a for-' mer Crediton boy, is in Vic- toria Hospital, London, fol lowing a head operation and is in a critical condition, Visitors over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Hey, were Mr. and Mrs. Mervini Stelck of Bradford and Mrs Margaret Hooper of London. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington'; Heist 'left Monday morning on: a trip to California for two months. Relatives from Elkton,' Michigan joined them on their trip. Mr. Ross Wein and. Donald Hendrick spent a weekend at Detroit, Mich., recently with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rennie and Morris. Mr. Gerald Zwicker spent a few days at Montreal an busi- ness. . Mrs. Howard Renney of De- troit spend a few days last week with Mr.. and Mrs. Em- erson Wein and Harry and Maurice Ilirt el.. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hilborn and Cathy, of Hanover, spent the weekend with Mrs. Ezra Feist and Nola. Mrs. Dan Finkbeiner spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Finkbeiner and girls, attending the baptism of Helen Marie Finkbeiner.' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wade and Heather and Mr, and Mrs. Terry Wade, all of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Wade and Johnny. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Roesz- ler, Brenda and Geff, spent Saturday with Mrs. William Roeszler and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ferri Haberer, of Zurich, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gaiser on Sunday, Mrs, Joseph Finkbeiner has been home with a bad case of flu the last three :Weeks. ,. d c fi3}4v 'v xi Z a :Axe s'hi°: Iii. }V4iw" itso: Happenings- in course? Biddulph with students �� 4 :'.' f .. - 4 # du who come to this school from other provinces makes •us somewhat skeptical. However, we realize there are other fac- tors involved when pupils transfer in this way. We he- lieve if there is acceleration it should take place below grade 5 level, Suggest changes `5. What is your opinion ve- garding the oft -repeated state- ment that grade 13 rs .r "cram" year in preparation; for the final exams rather than a year of 'trite educational development? "If 'erain' means aceuinulat.. frig as rapidly as possible a:' considerable body of know-( ledge, in preparation for chat -t lenging examinations, then we are entirely in favor of it. If i tcl'amr . means poor teachrog, then we think'it will defeat, its ptirpose anyway, Perhaps some t.enaive ones, more Mtperimen- °Well, maybe 1'd better go nous" the lingering guest re! marked,,, "Goodnight, end 7 hope 1 haven't kept you from your t'es`t. "Oh, not at all," the :farmer re'. ��::. ,. plied. "I'd be getting tip to bA" ESTON CEREMONY Ito "HUROti ., c atestol e ceremony vas heldSaturday an -, � . Clinton, „ l' es about now the chores db ey . lint n The i” titian t the t� s1 n' � orrte in (, a e✓ addition.s q`, r, � Rt tl1C, �,1.,(18�,�C7� addition a �t1.CS �Yatz ty �� wa , • o leted s list and will provide facilities for resrd tt need - !cabin; �.>'rav� t said :the , park At.; i expected to be c ,mn , . by � I;r _ ><T W1 l5e is to ti## :