HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-01-19, Page 20•
Pa teP. .14Janury 9, 1941:
and district news
Phone BA 7.4255
New clerk
At the inaugural meeting of
the Biddulph Township council,
held in the council rooms, telt
Monday, retiring reeve Austin'
Ii0dgirlS was named the new
Clerk, The Be, W. J. elaines,
of the Grantort United Church
was in charge of the devotions.
Reeve Harold Wallis ave the
inaugural address. It
Reeve for 1961 is Harold
Wallis; clerk, Austin Hodgins;
treasurer, C. 0, Westman;
assessor, Clifford Abbott; tax
collector, Robert Rainey; road
superintendent, T. A. Hodgins;
auditors, Kime, Kirne, Areese.
and Melntyre;
Truant officer and weed in -
specter, James McIntosh; san
itary inspector. W. N. Gun-
ning; live stock valuators, Der-
win Bentson and Harry Hardy;
relief officer, Lorne Barker;
warble fly inspector, A. F.
Lamphier; fence viewers, Mel
Westrnan, Jack Heenan and
Cliff Shipley; Board of Health,
Dr, F. F. Kipp of Granton.
Wilson Hodgins was named
to represent the council on .the
Luean fire area committee,i
Lorne Barker and James Ey-
an on the Biddulph Community
Centre at Granton and Joe
Bryan on the Ausable and
Thames Authority.
LOBA euchre
Correspondent: Miss Lina Abbott
• NEW PATO. ,'„ - Rev. Roland
Harrell, formerly an evange-
list in the southern states, is
the new minister of the P'ente-
costal church here,
The LOBA 387 held a seven-,
table euchre in the lodge room'•
here last Wednesday evening.:
High score prizes went to
Mrs. Aljoe Culbert and Mr.;
Joe Carter, lone hand prizes
to Mrs. Guy Ryan and Mr,'
Fred Culbert, and low score
prizes to Mrs, Evan Hodgins
and Mr. Bev Hodgins. The
winner of the box of groceries
was Mrs, Roy Pepper of Exe-
The next euchre, which will,
be sponsoredby the LOL, will
be held Wednesday evening,
Jan. •25.
New pastor
With the appointment of the
Rev. Roland Harrell to the 1
renteeostal Holiness Church
here, Lunn has again its full I r thol, lit4: rvall,m.'Synnote,,Tor..Irorhl rights r11441‘41.• to .• -. ..,......_"---t.
quota of mitisters.
The 11v. Mr. Harrell
n'eces the Rev. Ronald Hall I/ THOUGHT there was a page rnIssing' in the in -
who moved, te London. He was'
bern in Tarboro, North Caro.! Struction bo. ft)
line and is a graduate of Tar.
boro High School and Holmes
Theological SeminarL Y, Green' s
, ucan personal item
ville, South Carolina.
Previous to his assignment
to the Pentecostal Holiness
Chureb in Luean, he was Jul
evangelist of the S. C. Confer.
once of the Pentecostal church.
Mrs. Harrell is, a graduate
of the Academy of Holmes
Theological Seminary and as
sista her husband in the music
service by singing duets with
Though Mr. and Mrs. Har-
rell have not, as yet, taken
utt residence in Luean, they
did arrive in time to take
part in the recent weekof
prayer cervices when the
clergy and members of ether
ciiurches had the opportunity
to meet them and extent.' the
hand, oe Nye] come,
ILions C:ub meeting .
Mi, Dunstan Murphy of the
John Howard Society, London,
was guest speaker at the din-
ner .meeting of Lucan Lions
Club held in the Anglican
church basement last Monday.
Speaking on the rehabilita-
tion of prisoners, Mr. Murphy
claimed that 75ee of the pris-
oners, with long prison terms,
committed additional crimes
when released which landed
hem back in prison again.
"Society", he said "must ac-
ept these individuals and offer
hem positions, social and
conomical, if they are to
lake progress in prison re -
Maureen Smith. daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. J, W. Smith, cel-
ebrated her ninth birthday last
Saturday by entertaining 12 of
her little friends at a skating
party at the arena followed by
dames and refreshments at her
There was a splendid attend-,
ance out for the morning serv-
ice including an all-time high,
junior choir attendance of 21.
During the service, Lynn
Arnold and Gary Traversy
were presentedwith the pro-
ficiency medals for this month
for attendance, conduct and
general co-operation at choir,
The flowers in the chancel t
were in loving memory of the
late Richard Atkinson and Mr.
James Hodgins., t
Men's Club e
At a special meeting of the 13
Men's Club at 4.p.m., presided,
over by the president, Mr. Ros-,
coe Hodgins, It was decided to k°
again have an oyster supper.
The date was set for Thursday, I's
Beet growers Feb, 9.
name officers
Ontario Sugar Beet Growers'
Association No. 2 met in the
Lucan Community Centre last
The 1961 executive named at
the annual meeting were J. B.
Senior Altar Guild
At a meeting of the Senior .1
Altar Guild held at the home
of Mrs. Jack Steacy, last Wed-,
nesday evening, the Senior
Altar Guild elected officers
or 1961,
President is Mrs. Kay Egan;
T ^
Mr. Ed. Morris ol the Bank
Montreal here, who has
eon transferred, to Chatham,
•as presented with a desk
amp prior to his departure.
During the business session
or which President Clare Stan-
ey presided it was decided to I
hold a series of dances in the
Legion Hall to raise funds to'
carry on the go-kart races this
summer. The first dance for'
members and friends will be,
held Friday, Jan. 27.
at the Lions
Mrs. Mildred Crinnian of
Elginfield and Mrs, Cecil Robb
visited friends in Guelph on
Mr, Graham Thompson of
Ingersoll, former president of
Holy Trinity AYPA and choir
member, spent last weekend
with Mr, and Mrs. Calvin Has-
' and sang in
the church choir on Sunday,
Jean Loft, of Ilderton, was
a weekend guest of her friend,
' /3 R d
• Mr. and Mrs. James Reid,
Terry and Laurie of Kitchener'
were Sunday guests of .Mr. and
Mrs. M. 0, Smith.
Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Tient-
ing visited Mr. Keith Gilbert of
Ailsa Craig last Friday, who
had returned home from an
operation in St, Joseph's Hos-
Mrs, N. W. Wasnidge and
Mrs. Bob Coleman visited Mrs.
Ernest McAlpine in Craig-
holme, Ailsa Craig, last Wed-
Mrs. John Martin of Guelph
was a Sunday guest with her
niece, Mrs. Dave Park and
fa truly.
A number from Luean went
on a fax hunt last Wednesday
but came home empty handed.
Don Edy, of London, was a
weekend guest of Ward Hod•
gins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mur.
ray Hodgins.
John Park, who under-
went surgery in St...Joseph's
Hospital was able to be brought
on Monday to the home ,of her
sister, Mrs. Jack L a n k i n,
where she will remain for a
few days. m
Mr. Ivan Needhaof Bally -
Mr, and Mrs. George Young
and family were Sundae' guests
of Mrs. Young's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Chester Smith of
• Mrs. James Hodgins return-,
ed to London with her family
after the funeral of her hus-
band last Saturday.
Thursday guests with Mr.1
and Mrs. William Ayleseock
were Mr, and Mrs. Lavelle
Ellison of Listowel.
The C. H. Lewis (Luean)
Ltd. hag 'the contract for the'
new liquor store at Clinton to'
be completed, by May 30,
Mr,Alt Dickins and h'
ter, Mrs, Lorne McFalls of
London were Saturday guests
of their sister, Mr. Bob Cole-,
m an.
Tile plant
not 'closed
A recent story in The
Times - Advocate indicating
that' the plant of Rydall
Brick and Tile Ltd.,
El •n
field, has shut downis %io;
correc t, President J. A.
Rydall said this week.
"While we always lay off
some of our employees in
the winter, we are not shut
down and have no intention
of doing so/' Mr. Rydall
ts aa
e care
maintainoeny a orders
deliveries and we always do
a certain amount of main-
tenance. We also undertake
some expansion to improve
our production."
The T -A regrets any mis-
understanding which may
have resulted from the origi-
nal story.
. •-
Director of Recreation
The Canadian Amateur Hock-
ey Association has designated
: the week of January 21 to 29
as "Minor Hockey Week in
Careada". Right across Can-
. ada—from the Atlantic to the
I Pacific—hockey men will pay
I tribute to the work being done
for minor hockey. •
1 They will take time to pay
tribute to the men who make
fpossible hockey for boys—the
men who are the volunteer
workers — the managers, the
I coaches, -local league secretar-
ies—and yes, even the referees
—for Without these men, there
would be no Minor Hockey.
And today, if no Minor Hockey
In Ontario, the observance is
under the direction of the On-
tario Minor Hockey Associa-
tion—the largest Minor Hockey
organization in the world. As-
sisting and working with the
MHA are other Minor Hock-
ey affiliates, such as our own
Shamrock Minor Hockey As-
Hockey for youth today is
ot the end in itself, but is a
raining for better Canadian
itizens through participation
in minor hockey. Hockey —
anada's National Game — has
splendid physical development
characteriseics;. develops , a
competitive spirit; teaches co-
operation with others; and last,
but by no means least, teaches
A respect for authority.
Hockey by itself however,
cannot supply all that is re-
quired by youth today. One of
the basic needs of all youth is I
the need of fraternal and
paternal acceptance and ac-
knoededgement. Thus, youth
needs Dad's presence and com-
pany. So when he is playing, '
Clandeboye church
°elects '61 officers W°°dh m
The rector,. the Rev. E. 0
Lancaster, presided for the a
nual vestry meeting at S
James ehurell an Tuesday ev
Mr. Nazi O'Neil was re-
elected vestry clerk starting
his 20th year in that office.
Rector's warden is Mr. Jack
Whitmore, Jr.; people's ward-
en, Mr. Jim Cunningham; del-
egate to Synod, Mr, Ray Sing
son; alternate, Mr. Maurice
Simpson; Board of Manage-
ment, Messrs, H. Murless,
Arnold Cunningham, Cecil Cart-
e., Alan KW, Rae Hodgins,
Roy Cunningham, Mrs, Andy
Carter and Mrs, Man Hill,
Sidcsmen, Earl Morgan, Jae
Cunningham, Clare Paton, Tom
Tomes, Alton O'Neil and Bob
Hodgins; Cemetery Board,
Messrs, Ed Flynn, Arnold Cun-
ningham, Karl O'Neil, Ernie
Lewis, Maurice Simpson and
Andy Carter; rectory commit-
tee, Mr, Jack Whitmore Jr,,
Jim Cunningham, Mrs, And
Carter and Mrs, Alan Hill,
Mr. Rae Hodgins, convener
of board of trustees of the Hod-
erestate, gave a financial
Plans were laid to start early
service the second Sun a3
May at 9:45 a.ni,
During last year 51 services
were held, one of which was
a confirmationservice for 17,
another the annual memorial
and note ion service,
United church,
At the 'United Church on
Sunday the Rev. G. W. Sach
was assisted by four elders,
Messrs. Wm. Northgrave, Gor-
don Eaton, Arthur Simpson
and Wilmer Scott in the com-
munion service. Mrs, Sach
played for the service.
Ladies' Guild
e -
The Ladies' Guild of St.
James church met at the home
of Mrs. Ernie Lewis, The new-
ly elected president, Mrs. Alan
Hill, presided.
Plans for the vestry meeting
were made with lunch served
after the business session.
Mrs. Omar Cunningham, act-
ing as auctioneer, sold the
articles remaining from the
fall bazaar to the members,
and the travelling basket was
handed in with cash donations
from the ladies of the church.
A reading was given by airs,
Alan Hill.
The January meeting., will be
held at the home of Mrs. Ray
Simpson on January 26,
Personal items
Sgt, .and Mrs. Max Bloye
and daughters left on Saturday
for Germany. They had visited
with Mrs. Bloyes' parents, Mr.
and Mrs. H. Murless, and Mr,
and Mrs. Bloye in St. Thomas
after leaving RCAF Station at
North Bay, before Christmas.
Miss Edith Carter, who has
been at St. Joseph's Hospital
where she is taking the certi-•
fied nurses' assistants course,
has been ill at her home with
virus flu but is improving.
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Brown,
of Streetsville, were guests of
.aa3nd Mrs. Andy Carter on
A presentation and dance is
being held at the Lucan Me-
morial Centre for Mr, and
Mrs. Joe Cunningham Friday,
Jan, 20. A chivaree for the
newly wed couple was held
last week at the home of Joe's
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred
Cunningham, here..
'It only cost $23.75—with the
parking ticket."
Forty students reeeiyed bu
sary „aWarde at Ryerson fubli
!School, London last Ayeelv, Pre
Sandrasenlethe IODE, M'
Jdbeya n
1 torte llospital School of Nur
ing reeetved one from Dr, A
J. Stevenson Chapter.
Mrs. Beverly Cunningham re
turned home Saturday from S'
Joseph's Hospital where sh
'had been a patient,
Jim Seott, student al th
Agricultural College at Ridge
town, spent the weekend wit
is parents, Mr, and Mrs. W.
AmtetrScotte and family.
funeral in Cleveland
Mr, J, H, Paton left on Wed
1110esdaade, ndby oTeCAfunfoir.alCisegliactet
for his brother-in-law, Alb?).
Carley, Mr. Earl Paton, Mrs
Dave Hills and Mrs, Wilfre
Logan also attended,
Mr. Carley was born
Michigan and married Mis
Elizabel.h.Lee Paton in Clande
ns1908 at the home Lo her
Mr, and Mrs. Carley cele
brated their 50th wedding an
niversary November 23, 1958
in London with the bridesmaid
Mrs. Jean Crellin and best
man, ,j, IT, Paton and othei
- %VMS metiting
es. The January meeting of the
W111S was held in the church
T, basement last Thursday with
11 members present. The Pres.
Went Mrs, F. Dope presided,
• The theme of the worship
service was "The Unchanging
Glory of God", Mrs, W. Wilson
0 AavSol :Ill pd. Mrs, ,Doupe in the
Ars, .1. Wareham 'had charge
of the study "Work makes us
n ". Sho spokee glee
: cacolingps, "" 1."e
d Personal items
S. Mrs, J, Wareham was host-
ess for the Evening Auxiliary
▪ meeting on Tuesday evening
le of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Moulden,
le David and Susan, Tillsonburg,
s Mr, and Mrs, Herb Bibby,
- Farquhar, Mr, and Mrs, Wit-
' son Brinthell and Barry, Kirk-
ton, were Sunday visitors with
- Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Brintnell,
.1 Mrs, Roy Kirk, of Granton,
was a weekend visitor with
Misses Blanche and Rhea Mills,
1 , Mr, and Mrs. Albert Scott,
members of the family as
Air, Carley, a retired build-
ing contractor in Cleveland, is
survived by his widow, one
son, C. Leonard Carley, Belle-
vue, and one daughtcr, Mrs,
Allan Bernie r, Lyndhurst,
Ohio. The Rev. Harrison Wil-
liam officiated at service in
the Charles Melbourne funeral
home, Burial was in Lakeview
Suffers broken hip
Word was received by rela-
tives of a former resident of
the community, Mrs. Alex
O'Neil, now of Aylmer, that
she had met with an accident
on Saturday while going for
her mail. She suffered a broken
hip when she fell on the ice
in front of her home. She is
a patient in St. Thomas -Elgin
General Hospital.
Birthday Party
A double birthday party was
planned for Sunday for (Cindy)
Isabel Banks and her maternal
• grandmother, Mrs, Maurice
Guests who attended were
Mr. Maurice Simpson and
;Rosemary of Kirkton, Mr. and
Mrs: Clarence Carter and
Stephen and Miss Sybil Steven-
son of Ailsa Craig. Unfortu-
nately Mrs. -Simpson was ill
and unabletoattend the party.
ifit11111111,1.101UttlIIIIIIIUMAHHOlittm !! mum lllll t
St. Marys, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
• McCurdy, Brenda and Larry
lof Kirkton visited Sunday aft.
ernoon with Mr, and Mrs, Ira
; Mr, and Miisr: Cr! Murray
la0o1nod CollegeERxeotsesd °l. arneSlit of Wary Saflteedrre:
noon guests with Mr, and Mrs,
.Don Morphy,
Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Culver
and Kenneth of Lobo, Mr, and
Mrs. Fred Payne of London
spent Sunday afternoon with
Mr, and eIrs. Robert Rundle,
Jim and Jack,
Mr, and Mrs. Reg McCurdy
were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Watson, Kirkton, on Sun-
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Insley,
Murray and Karen visited on
Wednesday afternoon with Rev.
G, R. Strome, Mrs. Strome
and family at Milverton.
Snipp & Style
Individual Hair Styling
Phone BA 7-4467
20 to 3% OFF
Ladies, Men's and
Children's Wear
' on sales over $1.00 on Thurs., Fri. & Sat,
January 19, 20 and 21
Young's ry Goods
There are Shamrock Minor
Hockey games at the Luean
arena on Saturday afternoons,
Monday and Tuesday evenings.
Keen these days in mind—we'll
be hoping to see yeti.
From 1955 'to 1959 the total
of expenditures cee education
by municipal and provincial
governments rose front $560
million to $1,017 million.
*talk about 16w-bedget. Wee'
'Widen ittows . *4
Tateeizefer inta-Uveafe