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Huron Signal, 1852-09-02, Page 2
_. +Ii�Y -�h `a°' , . __ HUK -N S•IGNA -- -__ -- , -1, __ __ _ - ___ ---- _ --- -- - _ - -- - ....e-*- -- -- -- - -- `e wad IAN rya sod a• e/ t►* Yat M as #tMl•s p art gas. Tide CabrVAR W'AL * tram wtl coming up w U.at traab. faelmro w sate raco+wJ and lead trawl i$ tb. Act• pwltfd [sat amnia$ � spud ops+o•; Ihi$ de p M^tr� C R�bd• 7 y �' smJ to era to the wqr elalls by lbs flee l tkt Yen•eipsl C.u,wil .( tae Cuuoty .I tisj the l'osstimclaoo of raJways, whit► ceottcbw. f•eslemas lreoeN pal down IAM/ aams•s wtrsiatd to LeheVo that an r*f+crerscs jio thn I'tyaweYtA, A rt. o is train, Ls did not bear it The lucursolift thme"e. veyln tap the eateon••• of t►o ate lies, w far tl circoa.& •ees t- AMr ,w waw nr 1 item tl0tt to If Lbs ctrl Julio GtNor"e bat p►rp rs- 1 K subject, M bm noao i a", thea, whin could TM 0.eumt Inti$ v $Lean Ilia • ri .*t,.a of Corot Court. and of 11.e1- Potts' 0( Rise foggiest pohued crises$ ~ '~►web nap often al all of v e- espet ►tm to Mature low Crab l o/ to� y e «.•Rant M Pt.ysa.., eYY .i 'trmck him uO LW back a■d tilled bin. J W ) y tial, being tak"im oceewrt with tis* Lxm earl aw bag Huuaee. Tb. Graseraiwl tis pnt*e land ( abuse seams/ he Is) ter refesmj to do C ewes Coaru: alke., what Ibo Cunot orf tl Int• I [estate of Ile heghsel oeNonty wise►► «aN +woes tewut Go. •rwors d the Lower YstViecea• which bed ever Deco committed o mast t Mt Tlwew N'. Otrmr, arnad ►••re tool 's! was roe way Tasteful all cuua•r •:por•dltafem. «Thai time Ilowtl wall attesurrly cow- boort) rsJ pests of tW Yroruee, hie that bit. Baring pwtively deelleoe ay w� few Uee-brartsd C n bet *ter - sante/ a►,a, 1 v *.Amb. The Iritl•.g-•a pall•�1Q11tlrut. Oe the R.w•an B •bop o M„$Roel uJ d• tis enc le ad to Iles licher- ►e1 `:D 1 �CJUIII�ta� u•Mn. t lar •lo R r - 11ad" t * of ilea rtkr too Rios of b>•Ja tossed tm the lin jwje hilae 1 •daaasat elevated of ice-' b y y d 1 world Nl Lel tl be r tl ►y Ili" •'a 1 wins Irvin ewket.,4'ril II o N 1 [ [ per p T lea. Iter aid,! to Illy cYYwtry a w &**seat esdusioed. We hold that the Price lie - to wad ml•wt1•t saints all Noy ►ae b,•,set --•-- Tbere-e. Tbs Nuo,catal Cumuli rd L.a, credit of l'pper Ca■ada, mod though the Range zeal for The ruraotio" of oYr libert aw at w f*sroJ that tie $eons 1. s.wNlalb• �a ISLA'CIV:$ COUICOiL. a.l ••u iteilrew, P'rymag far a low& of I security agotdeJ w bvlJ*n of suet bOads,1 . happrne.. ! ? 1'k hypocrsy dnpiayrd of hie own ►a•setl *pusuesr tasug► the Wotmes were wrong to ptiace¢Ir 116d alt_ tag btu.m•lt+w the woomoaai•,a •r.l b'ceats - L'76,0&o lest ad Iw By ow • wad Prsscw, under the Mmrtcit+a) Act cow w force w I a that occar+ta fun but u appruprWe &p pine vol t •«oda t►s s+oye ►sal rl r[ story It l:aetJlaw besmeo, Ibercfore, ��''r 17•w►apa and tart t:.�a.wtn, Gie. t QV$fiC, Ae;. 2i, 18b^.. Rs' 't bf• that I art of the Province, u of a Very ample I Roadie w the cllaubg,s of bis cremes.- i o.•* (tae Bnueb N'wlatr bin their Ma aK„}uhoo aefidw Ile s. N+ow tbatlbe .del kolas l aw e.mmuta i •a erlrYtr"Is vd 1,,,t al[►l. our, ton R•aw.rurr• btt, Ih li"verol Fe'"t"•am f tr s'd for rehgisw• astd tatt•factury dtsenpuuw, it is probable W'e do ■ot mora to elieve b lord eager ec le eoeflaa.we. thiel• that be map -b yp�y dss.t/a w Cw rt Au u,sr Yatoa. tap :chat •etabl.rhamil west rer+ned ewJ reed. as uoomc+al talk with fur g*vuaeagl I]ktDyittl Lore throws Wine Hrwlutious ll+ t. at•. ,wJ tears' t.aMY f .r line Yita I daI,.,* ewetasumd mord the l were «,j•rrrmmr. A1w tau ro t.w.n a n1u,Yn wCasal- that metlwrea My be devised whit►, wilt I t0 r Jobw, fes we behere !'nada serer s. J ' T:,e 11'••.ar a tjo.„ueJ la ' %be Re i A' out maleriall altcnn !heir ibaracle, mar enjoyed a constitutional t:uvvrw,r until hem ,,g;cn.ely remove the asu"d•r•taad,al sVsrboard, we think we eau ate a settla- baN talar. Tae losiu+la ws.,aare .I i std Ralhttal for the eonsteutt•oa of a 1 Z r of t:.* legal G.-towlita• •-u .IarAhag (;.arta Coast to c.8"to t Rha river St. La+renee teed to enhance their value to The market. tixcelieKy arteysJ as•epsl w; but we ds which has prevailed. moot of 1 .11 cooed q,+rsllon '•I oo W i; f+.e.uJ•n[e 04 the (r.aLww u takes from' matt«••.. The mow',.& 1. waliIt Get Cues. g fR.1NC6 lb Cana 1'.-rr .Nei! ,J rhe lel ..f J..ly :-', ,,,,,I-sa v•o w Ill J ar n. wuu LYk• Cnamtleln; f .r lis♦ CYaalfYe"w " 1 IMl Rha lOp.rliaCe OI e,l•hhaluaj dl- mean to say that we Aare tto faith In etter- the tutus e." ao Mr. ll'Ia+leli woYW ae7 i f racer 0% .111 .4 The.• -To. dy :- Air. -. vin .1 •.e l Ian •mewdm•nt. 'T r Casal t+, caned ion Great Cbaudlwe rest steam communlealiou between l,reat al primase, uwde by the Governor or Else- It a stated that the pruj'reeed otilaeN UW Laving &ow wmo taitb h tLgwrive f the e f , ` wa,k era ..1 • eb,q,er.nt I'l,. c,or,-� a lie..r'r twat. ' %e oYj ce of whmb waw and Chair LoIl : 1'•r mn act to 111CUrpurate Britain wd the.ports of Montreal and flue- I cullre when they ale accompanied by a I \Vwa has bee ler sident oR a the Preetw* will Iratr Rise subject iu the bands of LM the d.rk . arva, 0..ware, ha rest) . ('.appeal In hats l•1 a Ra-IwaV !rum God• bee haviw lel rc eatedlr ressed on the I manifest neglect ler denial of iOD&I 1 rights with is y wind Parliament [or tie Prescott q" , [ [ ) I ,o ply M-o•r-. 11r'r+•l wad 0"Ohla ow the rich ,u tees Groat 1V •,ern Ri0rmtad: A• g P P &a - ' -` Ihs pwo....,,,awt*. Two to...e a...,nu C.". „lake„ ,., r.p, 1.1 wo.t.•re lulwr..t•. gorrnlmewt by parson rutenketeJ in Rte I d iaferesn for which aro rational apology - wise thin waruiat which ita is ►[auto bale www ak urt:mrd by limit, evil ►+a,l v I •I•, a [tali. au C, al•mnP- a, ",.an noted b Act sin r••I,vr t..* Act w lucurpnnle t;urt~rce of the ro%ince and the sub ect cam be riven to tele country. (�'1V+Lu•r !1• leans 1t:eQ., of Bn&t I (inose reijbt c(, 16at Rha man cyto is lel e w and a listed ..Iasi•• go.o d, lr.. u. I l CJmp•ny t,. es'end lie Ur►et Wtlterw ' iY lietrwt in Ills belmlf will be universally y sue i`rlvr+ C •m wort, .a• 8mm, y enncot- hares au lmwedute oration ou the pros- Deed we *ttempt to rreapi[lala,e tb lora, bse L..WIr suarsYt*d W wet M A t II&OW. sn Bvdtbhw.a, was wa)I.,J •• , ,eJ ,• be ,he Ii,, -a-. erne tike c,•.•,..ru,un It•dLuad frim Halal to Torooto ••d Z Z y � per lM 3/ sal. -- - -- _ IexeerateJ a ilio worstcaemy of hie coun- vil ha&t'e Ceua, sly. sakad, +std fled 11■u,llt„n [4.411.60 C.u.pi&); fur sn Act al {eeU of imnugrauop mud ttse rand li:tn of mi LI aro o era which Tiro raft majorit7 R p Mut( I lbw fau,.dlJr,.f lJ.l I,pu.l win y.•t�•,o Income ration •n cunet,uct a Kallrwed Iron. ireighb on the Vit. Lawrence, and basin; lot the I'rotestaat I,opul4111A of tut+ 1 ro. U]. L.e wow I•eslou awl •.la • Llu :Acus. t'ar rd l Th« f -,I: w -r 14 a InI n( rhe. Stsnd,ep O.umiyh to e.•n,e•°` arta lis• Gwat 1Y sten• en -areal Ibe xriou5 sttemhon of hes bzcel- rinre Lire fur 1L.r1y roars Teta asp , The i�sr.t A(hcr:istr makes rise foT!ow- all.*,, • emlo u!e A•w was rap..t wad attest e e I,.t. in bin vara aa-• e.se laucwd auto- dadr'rt •a G.U: for t►• e*earpwauow of • [rue dunD, Lhn recess, tLis llome wIU wilt refrrearr to list C'FCP hese k AbO tine remarks:-- •,[ 1C I/;••u.,.ol,r,• on f nrl'a•�• a •mr) ►lerunn-:_ y ,.I► alter Lls.a)'r to:.. line +..uourn morn • I' C.rwpsny sJ +'.wauurt • easel ruand Tho eurfull cuasider an Ian which ma tae \sed fur 1r11 w, oR reriatipa bots the! V ..-_, _- • __ }t•yme••,. V ear. tisot.lr, babel, DIc6 n• Y 7 P 7 v te:hii ter tlal►aCae tstasr g I air, Riwitu, r,I F.oitasa. Pustlett, rat. `dant .l t. Naru Cs■al.-A. Awrricar. . v ietacg... w b:. &star, •ru w u s►a, I ) I suWnitwd to rt for lhr attamwent of list , consUUwon, law, moral prweipi, ofd Pt" ,.,r .�,,,,_ ,.,. °.•. - •' Z ilr p y �l f („w au wuu.c.Jr, tat u..r y.•-r,•r r...po ,.A&sawn, r,bjert to view. I lilical rights have been wind efe sew wet st j,�j'� Q �( "� way. 'fee Finapcca of the I'rorinee are �liJ► food• It the IYf-tim.uule 1ru,Y L►p- (/a };.pith[ Lew*--ChaRnl, iiw.frOn, Quitarc, Aug. 27. „ •that whit- the hoist deeply rerrel to I nought &kill trampled under fobtb7 siietle[ J1 Jl U i��l, SIGMA Le declared to Lc m a vory health)' state, wind Late beoorreev, sal ee•.put.r tin« re►1� i.,,,rl. li•nh&•.nw, Baan,•• \theta, C.voill Last u+gitt the debate un the Address learn that Ler slalesty's Ministeis have rr- 1, .-a minority of our population-bstbd by •-+4.-•r~---.•-- --\-*------ such as indicate its continual proepetrty.- hed,wa ebe Z,nuw.alr it u.a. a.+:0 fb$ L„ i,•,oYll,l.«r, Risotto keoa 'FA.a•••r. I continued till near midnight. No vote framed from mtro:lucsm a measure into tilt I the power of The 1•'n -ll -h Prieal►oolt-- THURSDAY. SEPT. 2, 18V. The deficiency of the Postal Itevtnue has etr•.cg, tl.eu It I•.J...a Ih.t ,Se ,w,• ►I) Ua p4ltr•.mde I;,nd< end T.4gnph j fun taken, nor wall any uneo•Imeut offered. lm erlal Parliament tlugrino i;s las( session tieed we 1,11 that 6rstdes suflrring a �._.._..-._.., _ . --- cot eseeeded the estimate and Ihtrc are irf tlw .Iwlea.t r*b.i• tau tb• B d:w u.o.a IJnr,,�ld•9t+. Ilrl-k.. 1' $"ler. N'hJnslJ, 1 \Ir. t a rnrau orcin irJ tRe 8nur for Borne P ' • Uw1:Vc to the Parliamentary news and , yrwuaJ, for ho' i"� the tocol Is will sLortlr hie• bee, wL.• rob.id dby Cow&.[ L!y•a L;oAP, , ItnbwN IlU lea. w. Nrmrb tali U,r. P P for the Repeal of the Clergy Reserves it usost dcgtadin� Tiolalivn of Ibeir eoDshtu- 1' r P oat the adeat mv• k tap ail., rk 910.1 twat+• Ht attacked very bitterly :hc w111 ire its (rest consideration to the des- i ucnal rights thou dencniinations have been Railroad matters in our present issue, we I balance the expendibne. Ilis Excellency [ t.eap, View, J„bkeer.m, tlltmet, CrarturJ, yimiarr and our present system of livV- gg a•uaks of a lan of Decimal Currtuc sehia, t..an use.., t .Uok them s.uJ.a .d alt I.. -a �ollr wad Cnrlou& .•f W.ent•%art%. patch wlich his Exerlleoey has received i plunderrJ of more Than -24--that n iw cash I are obliged to forego auy lengthy canmcnl I ' P, 1 !00 to fiuu Dana- iho,JJ tar • w .., t1.eu (y& ,n„ed•LaTms unraw• N,nr,-Cbaeh••t, trswent, a■d declared u, favour of Annex- from Ibe principal Seereluy of 5'ate for i by that faction -Alice Ili 4-- hat non lbs I will be submitted to lire Lsi;islatu: which u r. r7 pl•1.1y at -A. 11.0 so'-w.►.a char- V„gull, Paige-, 'I'nrawltt, Lks.eite, Il xar, •lion. Ile rep•oscbrJ Mr. Morin for the Columt, communicating the views of I fame faction arc plundering their fellow I for wsmt of room. 11 a d,J deslgu l0 steep I we ar glad to e,bsrn e, for rise coorea:°ccs rct:r ••1 Rue roua.h.u, a.,u iu. Ito,-atastr 1bll0eh. Rana veal M.rohlidoa. - having changed lin• mind once IS36, stud her Majesty's Gnpersal i:ovrrnmeot in re- 1 citizens at Lhe rate of nearly $100,000 the Reformers of Canada, particulcaly of Cummerce, .spoken of. The Lucatic u. VIN stout« cuuo.ry LmaA a.,wa .0 s Oa tiunJant 11r.1e►+ 1„ilerri•le, L^a list drehning as r6imtr ical now, what he toren c therein, and statin; the grounds on per annum? l'6at sae or two religious (he Reformers of Kent, the aontcrnpti6fe I Asrlam, ago, c!auns zttealioD, nqd it is l0 ware tai hcCYMI•y of tb.' IY.Ye'llrle and s;agge. L.-Ineux, W.6tiva,]t Au•.1•!, C 468hat sdeocated a reform awl sro're%% then. - ""so tall .J rr«.. u■ .t u„ . , ,. r.eunn• which iter AJm est s Dlinifters !rase adopt- I s stems wLich our population abhor are I course ursued by Geor a Brown of the I be hoped some provision wilt beimmediatc- p and (human. lis argued to favour of maks; the Legis- J 7, l th:u4 nurtured in the hot -bed of pR6tr I P g I Iy mark Cor Rist: athniuiva oC pauper Ltraa- ls thin lee neat J.n,e +uh • «rag nasal, u,r Un Pnoust-Sletrnane, F•w:tsy, h 1• , ed such a coarse. l p `- Glu6e. So far Mr. Brown has shewn a w(ely ufth* cu•Vay welt weJsupurd•aru. and twee.[ a• ll'•r41.am,, C'.rrnl, M!I)tY ill Lat1yC l 0YnC11 V CCil1l,tDCreaac Ot lbs rC- ,r'1'IIaI Ll1Ie 11JUse 1CafM \yll!1 Il'Jeh ea- while til nti:p.r4 with lite e[,r llOn OI tlw 11 5, woo by a 1711 ltewlution of IlC Ur- tke esu.. .awlrona Ntt.r ercrr aq i t praentatioe, anI •ole br ballot, lie re- tisfaetion 16'at the condition of lite Revenue ! llnman Calhnlies and %Vesleyans, (wool factious opposition to the pl�xnt Itrform I reeton are now exrlu'led. The Speech is 9' L.uy61a�, I'a,nt ne wd NrKen is ,rail the sllnistr Gr. Sendiag the ' jft + J e 06.1 . T.•r ,p red scar < VY ewe tamed I/., r. Pat rroe ted la pr a'-, i),,Ieord, I y o Is aatisl'actory; sod such a5 to indicate lee- i narUcipale a little of the spoil) aro k to Government and if •man is to be u:1 •ed by more than stall my ilaercstiag, int the Same vaster ae Ibe BJJaIq by C. i. t:rn a•..1 lir hates, �i.n.b..•, V.1 . • firnae. Jlabla. l:.o- wl'witen,% to Interfere in the electim of the Doral pro.:•)rrity,i'amoag Rise conswninp poi i.le v,•lantary ,u.troam a of their reapae. the cam any Ix keeps, we would say save I time bciaa Inn,zer t:aan a ual, as containing /3Jr_rinma.+l.wY.see,t.edult fosterer Of ,�,• M,rK-ez• , 1Vnjb•. (4not Umbej t•Iwnty o('l'ton sh•nnts.in4• +pulalion cat 0.: Province, [five adherents! \erd we enttl islo ds• as from such friends aa.l Reforms s ase tiluGo el, many exce'!alet mewev, s wLicL last y,,:iura, awl Ly.rrtoil.g h•yw .ifurJa , ,.k) and ioeraior. I sir. 'lurcune fulluweJ, maLine a Litter .•'rLat 16e wi!1 ice their 'Deet alters -;lel, conerrn:ng lbs uiik;lay au 1 intolerable l lire Coserneuent inleuJ to Lilies foncanl. watamr f .r cuag,aWia.lsn.• Tw.tt bai uy U,rPuA It Aeeuki„ls-Ci/nstie e:f Qenpt,' per,oual attack upon sir. P l ineau, and uon to the a count4 of Rha rrcrnue and es �' wrong tap or,lrr to emligbten bis Excellency George Ilrowe of :be GIuGc. 11 a wi»hI We temmeta l it to the careful perusal of w/l Ita.ltaJ, amd to "ATA t,v • er {(,Jeer, titrest, M,ufeA Biloma W rl$'ht, � accuxrl Lam rl beiu,g the cause of the re- l nJiturc Of lbs rcviucc, and to Ibe esti- or his Council! 'L'liey require no such tie- the Electors of Kent joy in Ibeir man. I our restleral awb,, h.J tLu drdare(,l euluu,es an,sJ •' r trot RIJ:ug 1 Jrk, Y alLi*, Pwmis,asd ]tor beiliun, and deem Ir ,via; iris countr)meD m tes el the sear w!ien laid before them, Tails. 'Ilw facts, }re tagraveD neon the +---- The Webte'iv ['+egress says:- Ih&.:.Lc.aLYJ lime, tare ieaam aamra,t) ver. s•. sa*eer1%l Bol am tioe e.uat,l, w k&ke.lfL ' •I,,, day. on an,111-m •d Mr. McKori•e. an to the consequences, while he himself i and that Ifis 1:[etl:ency may rr-tr o" their hearts of our popu!itium as "with a tion of OPl\IONS OF TIIF. PRESS IJ:C "6o.r.e Ilam& e • artist search train,plft•r- d}n,aal lin Ito« Ks levty oma -pureed *w a escaltil sir. Turcotte further argued � readiness to rant such sue, lies as may be iron and lead ire the rock forever :' tlltl 1 TIIL•: SPEECH. "�, tbe Frear question of the Cttrty Mat (aJ/a11. la a rrye+a+rYt YI cart.. u•Y.v) a.,im.emt, rdauve t„ Iwo •F,asrtikel ABara Illat ala Papineau s principles, it adopted' meeessary fo�t{ke maiuten;mce of t!se tae -,err. written upon the tablet of our eomatry s, - Ruseivs Do dreiled acttun N asomlp-.cd.• . delld,:vhy, "If ekep.c.ally whee weto are ,,, tun pr.v,wr, iud 6,r a-c••py *t the ei•,r, wuuW again IeaJ to di,otrous results' alit of the proyiuee, and [he rtliciancy vi the • history in characters of blood ; they are � bast wec'c we publisLeJ his x ^cicl:^. t'a t'tilil Ihi promi:od JrspatcL is sada puulie, ewe wLu a-1. Oua«.ar lt..a mo,r, •(Lune I .Mr. t4evenwn spoke in favor of Pro- it would be rtmotuie to I- ecal.to un the - rtl,n.n,lpnca esel.ar•r pt bekwesa tap lastar• 1 ublic service. fatly knowD'to Lord Elgin amd 'leis cabinet. 4 cis for the benefit of our readers, with P P %a be fast, and,ujowd a seynul, J. oil w be .....I. -i L., les .t tiraYda and IM prtn. tection, and advocated nor imitating what' P 1 hat this [louse will 'ice its brat coa- 1'6t SpeeCh LCUS as that s despatch from � subject. Fmm .tike a:anner m w! j;5 the grit .■ tLu I......w .1 the ._Y....r. ,e,.,;,,, ua Ihs an'• eft o1 I .hl tra fait at I } y '• ' eideration to the various su )Jects referred the Colonial Secretary eoueeronag the ;our remail$ on Rise +ams. )Ve were not 1 •tab cirl is allude l J in the �'p beth, it ii j M pro- br termed Ih, xlsar wile of t is 1. nitcd ! „c rrc..',ls lr:•:n Ilte i3•r.Ke u( illoatttal' Ltatcs. +•,• - u.d ier.ndl ::it"' AJw.1;n LY t:.a Beak of to by his Excellency as being of much im- Reset it's is`to b. laij 5efore the Roust. ie the Icaat surprifcd, on reeeItine our ex- LteIlrcult LO,.adrr,t-,a r whet ;;% List "oced- 1 \..•k,D STATZS. I ser. Chabot referred to the gi:c,tion of ortance to the Intel-,sts of the eovince Of ibis elr4patrh intelli�Ie:ted h21114Desince ! eharl to filed that a nutnheE of our ce- real Govenmwgbt h nfwed is tufo to cede " �. , ywr ,!wn..l., I P P '' tfie r_11t to le�i,late oo it fo the I'ro:ir- the rei�nurial '1'emirc, and JeclareA that , amontr which is an addition to the re re,ca- I reached us: it amounts to mothing. We"I temporaries looked upon t4e'Royal speech" o ' Z'he fai:axiag ifsraa b Go:t1 tap DlitfLb °II. 11i,cad vaul that Government would (meilher lie nor the country 'would rest I talion which seems to,be called toy by eV bast been la ih at the a of d Rah-+ . ' cul hcaromOmat, or that they Riptide i • ..i ,f the curl• mea cuu,J bs,,aJ F y it gam �s,+pa I m the same li ht that we did. It must b ! ' P.ctrad I J ,thearmal orf A sat '24th. .-Rina, he !tall;, P 1 Pat a -lied wit h anyttain- less titaa the entire ! increa,in • o ulalion, wind rise ra id de• rs with the Colonial ofLee upon this topic, g I altar+ng tGe i •t usrion ort. y to rr:eoa - y [ LC f srG oJ: a +. r'l. A e ri .t )!r. Xrb•o tie (or the eslal•I s'l, , abolition of li-e Tenure. ' rrlopemrnt of'some of its more recently aunty years too least• TLe legislature of I erect) 'EratlfvtD; LO every Reform -r in .fueled sued a 6easere to Ihv ua-arttl Par- t N T . Alta . ,rout of caarul.a.-r I;uorle waw read tilt To-ni�=ht tela debate -:I the Address es 1. the Province shpull have d -s XIf Lha l the I these Coumties,.to wee the formable receia-', liautert• The eornlry will await with *one T lie mets[ el L -Ora list 1'a'CalueYl 1 . I settled dislriciw. a 1. S 1 lir , 11.w••. Auo a rsr.Fptww UJ1 lint ar- con,u;r,e I +''flail this I lotus will consir er wbeilrcr, ursiI 6 hi 1 loD0 a o. 'Toe ri•ht con- On Ike ' 11 t so! itioo of foul t u ties g s I tion and warm stn tit was hailed $nth tins to tLa L..uos I.Lmid qucstiva, did Ilei I&+.,.lime•mcr«rolt. natio,p•e:eooimman sir. l'hri,tir was in taco; of assigningIthrow h the inalNmentalit of t6c maoici stitatiosall/, is vested. in the I'royiueia)' 1 Ua tht whole we l+gprd►enl tont Rise com,auui.aw lute weetruct.ums to the u.tal Iii••., . tar., •reran ot.amrr, &&J a B 11 -tar rap- T , t g 7 ,, v, fPOm tat Refcrn P, eggs thratghont the i'ra character of Elie speech will give salisfee- Jounlke to trio rt,arnr4, an, statrd, teat t: i Fnl system now in full operation iu Upper Parliament to•yary or rrFeal the, �mce. As was ton* e: eeettd, the Tor wmwawSer. 1 acy will, Lu vescr, be stat *%lain Iw s,crpfauwutak*i•loymw&ta Racer h , l 7 tion t0 Lha hbCFa! 1^r:f0n Of tis•' C� IIDInLI- t. 1. caJd nut Le Juror, t wt it wvuN sot a l aexda, and of toe• ltsxs4ment Iaw,'It 1 ratios of lams for ' a Protan amt leer ( e / / ' De:o:e ulcy amyourn. ••�'+ �• much Inm.er carried oa. III+t+ James Abrcram'uir, of Alab&ma, 1 'm..uon .wie e4rrird f.,r &a adJt+e* to I may bt cabled to deyiu an edieieot aaJ and if its member Rasc anj cluck tory j jeanub, with too m,rer•tiri b Toroo!ri I tf gtpenllY: t rheG.v.rnnr, far a d# -Ix ted report ,.w Ibe 1 11r. Brown was speaking as the repot- inexpeD.""'a mode ofregi,lerine Parliament- will now at once Szvrcise it. 'I he imbe- I, GiuLe to assist them, •re out dead agaisst! The St. CalWrises Ivtonai aayx- as kat 11'aalum Rost for puma, owiAg ba i!i }te.ab• � t re.v It•.. ,vt Fnnd, stele the lone report ter :eaves. Ile made a very sererc attarL I vary electors in, that part of the Proriwce; ci!e Price re4clutiaas were j n(ly ter rded it. 'The priaeiA A calx oC their dissatis- re T� f v;. Castillo and fav`/ 5a,t'nb.aa D:• Smi(1 a `Dialed h Cca: 7s -lint as 'Y'u wimoe yrs ll.uee. &pre the Ministry, end entered at Iengtll and in a ro$elioa w'rt6 this subject, Ilse 1 as an enneditseet-to our Iocal action n?om Pd 7 r I into a review of priaeiplrs upon wLiek I►Iand its ofcertaio classes of oeeuneee aow tilt question if the Redact administration'`.factiDil bciDg Rte manner io w'ric:► lice it re;•arus2:oya1 and Cice F.•,y«I r.c..urs. Clrikctw lar the �'o, t o: t;a;restun, '1 rats, ! Qaaasa 9 h Awf. by boost fuuodeJ. f f: kr &e5eryes were treated b [lis Et- ! will, we lrmi admit that rix speOx G of t.clsi wad whin war lemaved oil tl.ie' cbartRe vl' Dc- } LrN o a`. t mhcr iiepJi ire• bis, /w es excluded from the franchise, on whom. N:ere CaJ ramaiaeJ in power. because it promised e"Ty , y iii io b l6e a^esti of (lee csewl �^ tri w. a eeeee.oiolac t wilt .ralme u. ar l be aNe ua (bar Anurwe• tuat,nlwJ.auid its .t r e � is reason to believe, It !nay be conferred in some form, to meet the imbecile demand ' teUeac to his A aim; s ech. aZ a Gert it lir P' g 1. ) Qccsic, An A, 14a_. yea $bort extract trop ti+e IZa1.illaa °i r!,: Travioaial . arl`ameat, s actD Rg•rd tA. squatter;, -L LYn %;Ito lhs.11vests Adj..urrP • e withadran•aae to the pablic interests, will with'its restrictions; but Mw that }:ail i�'wonls or nwa,ure4. The lereg,::._me is sin. lust •w,raJm wet. worm wNerrM. fur e„ last night the debate on the address eo,a a its attention. -Derby is in power, sod that be has declared C ivadian as follow.; The s1ooP of war S Kufs, sailed from ' 7 co"TimurJ ualil Half. vast roidni tt when it « g 4 r = rieb• and fiat of promise, anA wa w:: a; t , • vutaa :air&.- Tito sitbae wail be ws fan f 8 t That this horse cnrecure ire opinion be regards those reawlulinas so eoatevi iortamealL ow'$alu -Jay, w,.j 014.1 -fu. 'tut ed to.w*• was adjourned uuiJ Moral wrath His Eseewllesecy that the intere.ts of so just ex?re,eion of public opinion, -as he ' ,,And in reference to an Elective Lug- the Cast of the ptrlitic 1- party ai 1 ..n ed ..1Ctliser:ru+eau st.t:On. Alt• [,,,caw misled, an se ew'•r to on ow Dr. !Col h and Mr. Malcolm Cameral A tilcuhural a.a evi led to the epeerot :Iris ills has been elicited b the •election i illative Council amd to the seedariul:oe of to carry Dint the proposition+ is lwost aaie- Tke i-aleal:au }:as luarlj ai: bet $lures query el f11.r. Brown Thu it waw tLe invest• spoke in reply to 111r. Brown. Dr. Rolph tore sod reUenlion of G•,iereament in thin 3 , y I ate to Rise im3ert kiteg. N e bus! t,.at ra bard of a new I arl:arneet, •!) di8"ieult] in the ' lot t twig) Rexrres, espresats a11' that S' (t.i,n .,r tier C..vcawm•st to n t. „duce a B 1. dcelrarcJ that the 3liwislry ore foYatleJ o}r- I eousfry, where *n large a portion of ewe& way of .decisive local action, on the ground j coall reasonably be expected trader the I Lone wMy hi Aorto im, tackr3 for rc , at order. have ores instead w iawne t8tair Ileo troveow for +ha better rrgutisi on red -cn progres+ive reforta principles, and that enmmuolty ie emplured a &gree ifture[ of o�eial dkclicae7,seersonow to have been � eitcunu.taoces. \lee take It kr grarlCed , GovenTsent with'ao inteuti.n n m. rail/ Gt out list C'rlrrt�fau anal ,lllrR,erry. �,n.vm c'anst n( emui•, mwA that uiey JJ tar ursue,@, and that:• has loo; bees a a l0 , that !lis ExccUanc is no► an admirer Of sumnitting a few pratticr.l quc' .)n-,ols p it would stand or fqU Ou Rha secµlarizatios' 1' remnreJ: 'I'L:e 64t.r is inteedtJ fL: a survey la the I all to rren, nnail • heertablrshment of l•1• pct of c'w, Ialnt 1pat no oudieioot ovsiba .• '•:'r.•rm 1 r u:e impn•ant ea l of u•e lee- of t}ielaergyltescrces. ease kkr btanuct correct ststiormol in- earl Decoy doubts rube opwion cis! tither of these measures -to fact, we pre `'er'. !�ce+uir ed �Li.oanco 'athnt r'Y' lift. DuborJ char rd :1h. TarcMt lint I1C1 g p y F P P P t s t4 bassi roc it d I t k stuu,•m f jm,enrie o4rndera amt rice tJu- 8 famauom tee ten tho ra. uetluwa evinced b Ibe%e re,olpticne, or at least we Sumo [hat, nm rinci le, bis rivate o inion , • *• P° 15r Feather al ewe ha e e ATiea+i••e oT`[&e LiinJ: duniU, aaaJ Idi•riia: �tasilt� stil+niate--4 with the Akni,try to sots re( the country, and f.r dlirastme are told, e%prmes such a doubt: bow is oppoxd to Doth; amA iboogb, as a troe� Chore n�otlee•fal�iaRidity tc need I1 the e iia Nor .kpa.tuneill frpea Fort 11'■s+a.y;- i t,/ I,lccan .tatr,l taut nu s�:aetuant int thew if they would •r him .L3w for kpowlsd a whre'r ma be werneeabke n los It S i, eoYarwi• tis. a+.t: of s a t. I P Y e r (hes can we Dent give Leo a akar d ren- con,trtulional l:nvermor, 6e wi 1 not oppox I s eeh but a bi,l Lees based on a c- nsci. •t{y• g ! i r.ad h• -en .mored into by th- Gur,•rore l sa1+rV due to Lim tobile he was Solicitor bath to Iboas 'emgaged in aertcuuure stralinu of the Srntiments and feelim of his own nnei .les to Ibe acts or wishes of }'t 11�Tand 0.0. I.,i ll, d 1'roranc• with W m: J.ek,•ay. t; q., (irueral of Rte Un r admiaiaration Yndlradso noxa rn lap to become set- J , F r I P P y ouamess oflbe'ri hteoustNssoctbe t :asa:es ![clew rf.-s eomleumicatian was rind + Pe Pe p Iso' g the peoids of Canada upon this stab set a opaar Gorcrnment-it would eertainl ro ouoded. th,rl lour' ir' the v^r ba- I,w h-rar,l+o the aluth railroad inru•rju w:s whi a the late slinistr had rciuse'310 s flus, wad leu !l .nae Witt teat,w its beet while at Rise oma (line we ex rens sine, tae- i be ver] uncourteous and uamsonable to l P• P T sihia A. SI. from Lbe [ton Lhvtq S. Youlie - 4 T P y aon■iderei' loo um as uuobjeetivoable mea, termination to exerci.r Four constitutional I expect him to come forward with A hearty i sn of the cot ituuno. 'i bis, however, is i roto„ r. Y J Lim. A15n that he wrnthl rote .fur �Ir. q accounted fur h a tf:or ugh coovitiion on coeleretai t int let stat oi•slr. Alafiary, u(I a r. U:omty wtaled,• i* •newer to ill aurae +bat may J. r.rrge• rc fur roL•igdJils;t TlariJa w wLiel.hlil cow: +:actrtairi tai tLs!'B,D•e'i Inst U.e G)kfansi et heel lcesroeted 1'sl'iacau if Rise) would sot. 1Ir.'fitreott rush defect, &a 1. fpr- etfercUng the aaie ri;ht, to settle this wort other {oral ues- recommendation sl measorea our be j the minds of those to also© the nctrnrnent Jeuied.that he I:ad ever made sib a stiptt- * - aetilement of nnoccu e J leads is tiolt4 by oar local Parlialoeai l Br Fas- eo"sciemuously di,fiked. For nuc own I positions ass Meed by ibe special c rwawL"J the' lt,a•J of lti.lb to purrnase'a bo.idi*g pe y P we iro,c a�uirrst an elective' Legisla•, of the entwfry is catrYatedl thzt too ax - I ret V--tortai, t • curt/ into tfr ct aha Aat .,t lation. both section* of the Prociooe. sloe A PILL f0 Sdik RAs gsestsom at, once i part, / oa the abject iY U,ai; lalrrcport, hLtcu,+L twat Nr,ontn sear Ibe ear wl,.bwrot r. ■ /slot•i ,Nr: Csicehnn !poke for nearly two limits +•Taal Rha gnersneeA whaca ave aIteZed jlrn'tr! Tbis wot:!•I best express public ' lite Council, and were at a Ices to under- teDsiod of the Elsetife FraaeLiSe is stat) will be rawemhe.ed wa, fa.ou:a,la lin the 1 !,ad also come stand liner the Clergy lteserres questiom ties litrcngthesii of the constitution, a,al �chJ 1 ,r 1. •w.r (',+nada• -.-to condemned'Ibe formation of the !run- to exist all the Fn.dal Tenure shot obi capital 0, aced show that we I I i a wider basis ami ern gftdit to tat• tl.irlla of the ,tttiDg membyr.. - a;,; filaars ei'Nrd. In luta-r 'tn lir: ' Wry, but said Le wuid not vote ainst bis min* u.eenNn Tru of Lower Carats, writ intelli mt • xeeiation of eoaketitttlionel would be alluded to in th- speech at all.- m! T A ,pi.ilel ,ielut. arose rat the carom" Blr,u,,, •steel it wake the rolaau n ra the y em Rha allenu.o of thio II«lie, weal tm PI I W believed that it :could tir.d n lace in' Structure than it bad before." I ., couutrymeo. ["g° n ht,, and public spirit to ecercix those a but we wire unablepto de- i wicatioal,and it wa_a frmall] lail cls tb, 4u.e' G.,vtrurnral 1st ortn+i.tc•• a hill flap, iir«wtun dealing with this subject, which s ons of rigtte. If the records on the Journals of I the document, _ - ._- - real was u:dered t4 be pr.afed. wI rolatwes ao the C••m.ly•■ drb -,I .,idtere' [real d-hcaeyi they will inamdtll • .d l.�l'1'el L;.'nmd.: bol Ihi plots un• of .lA• 1.1: LL?TIO`3. aernpvlone regard her I,ghs or property the Provincial 1'arliancnt fur twenty-five iise the manner in which it cuuiJ be intro RAILROAD MEETI.1G. Iloasc.--Re3U:ntd LUM%iderat:en•of tL.e' prouu.eJ lead hJ re•0.su to out& at ibrt which hate based ac atirrd and exercised to years, the testimony of Lordg Durham and dosed with been inter delicacy. And now, II _ Sci/ate Dill, for -tae Better Trot -clan of Tu %t rrnJmrerl in anarcer to the Speech.' ood faith mod with wanctwin, tAc,t or de- I denha n, and tbe paswge of a Bill, such I that it has licca introduced, e e feel t the t Ines of passengers on board of tileam ces- Air. R.n1Amo4 &tateJ, is answer to iter, froni lite 7hrgali, tell the arperarny ofdw [ R ! a+ we suppn4e,shoplJ fait to awaken Earl ; fied--and have no doubt whstes�r that the A meeting of l6e inh ig tbor of the darRdr of the It al tnhumal• of Rho Province. sols. Atvaral siameudliw,als' reportedbr Binur, Reit saps wave been taktu to *any present Stssimt. "That title flumen regrets to learn from D' le to t6c fact• that public opinion and ; fr ly a wall deal with it falrl and aid TUWO is Goat the and Dei hb Hotel, , was ihE Ccmm;Uer os Comlttern acre diacma- mast I u"ect list .durst.■ ul twat t e.cun, In " Itxat,ltvsd.--'l hal an humble •ddien His Excearocy ,hAt Rha arungamen s wow the Safety of tbe Colour alike demand the I firmly adopt the most eoostltutional meas$ I hope tfisd•yat the Exe6•ngrIlotd,Gode- sedand &••:eel to whoa lbs mtxni.r Laar arrag Oo u')JJc+tn,o taps trlluity int [bel he presented to higticallency the Hover- so f•Irce in both sections of the Provlaco secularization of the I:eserveq and the is their power to brine rt to a Sj,o edy and a rich, to take into consideration a Petition" 6 Rrclupek. t.t.bhe l- d by atilt Jnhn Cul- nor l general, to tlwnk his excellency for for Rhe maintenance of Indigent paueeu abolition of the Reetaries, be should advise ; satisfactory eonelusioe; aDd in-tLeir artion,I txpiccd. w Lobe resented to the Iltwse of AwxmMy, Rause then took n IiIc iii I estabiiwin+I as-r.'e: •tial that it s I1.0 w.ealu.m Lf rue his gracious speech from the throne, at the consigned to ti,e Lunatic Amy'um, aypear to I gni y y P ,, a l,.•s. erwaat lin proceed with the said Is[ai o ruin of the resent Provincial Perlia- be in gong respects desctns; ant ecmj[ of Lord L'Igin (o distolre 1'arliansent that a will of course be dad b the ser des ; relative to the extension of the Brantford •m al:i.iJda. Ladd U«:cc i0 Rue . a.ntcry Lyrocrst, steal nut w abuluh the kectune& P $ P opinion that the ca.e oI this uwfnriunatu I .hrect appeal „pun this onr'isavo might be psteh to w6icA His ExeeOeoc] refers. of al;ii i4ga,, ' ,, l u si. rO o 1Les, *b e• - mat• p*nn"o suv•.I•M ronerderaunn et humao.ty made to the County Let this be done I and Buffalo Railroad to Goderico, and ), ''a fo •&sate his Iixcelleac that this y' Tbe'I'oronto Ezaminer speaks in the .(,. Cxi'tuoa into. listed a bill to exterd T of the highest order, they will readily b• • I and we will cheerfully bow to the verdict. I follovl terms of the Speech :- ;otter Iralttr5 connected with said railroad. h:•om llicxreo.--Toe 11114hl oC 3• ilouse will cordially unite its enlea imars ,sow their heatatleta wn on any nsasures -for it would be such a demonstration, in , n tin: da buil laic .DJ iatefcstin• ad, ices i,um iii he yt.ys..uoa of the Act for the boner me wilt the a of His Excellent for the r0- ry p Thr 11 srAen of the L nlLed Goapt:es, ] d .aa,A Lns .aucp• ndellcu int the LlrAeaialtve T P that may b, mubm.tted to there fur tGc our opinion, as would forever annihilate I "Asa t[ce re:loetion, the Speech+ ' sleu.o. 'rile rovenmnrat h..d b.to I ,1...,„Inv tai :1.1, I'ruv,nre. motion of the interests of that province. rem-dv of the teal' eve vestige of the Church and State delivered at the operewT of Ilse firat Se4sion { [Dr. Chalk,] was unanimously called to the whull) notable to slo ll that hi,arreamoil un I -fir. C litely,bu:' tn.rod.rfJ a bill to sip- "Tit11 this !louse learns with much bar- r"That e,s,t'ra ora „fel tlusuk lett ever Principle, -&t ie, were the monitions of of the Fmsrth Parliament of United Canada Chair, and \I:, Ritchie, regaea:eJ to act der IItnILLCDO, wit,) IsAh carrying all Le- I yet •m .w..a 1, len UIaA Act to amend tis« tisfaetrluD that "olwitbetanding 111* deep M [ P p y pa as Secretary. litre tun. '1 I e lnJi.m, were also eonllnit- Lever l .JY.I• tiunw ,pa► Cwp.r►Iwo Law /crest orcasioued by a General '"E,lectios, I„all mre•nrato wn+c i may be ad .;, rd for i (kat terdiet to be tee rded. will ossibl bear tom rien i with tl+e , i1u.w:Jmant Act ae Ib.O ,he pram„Tlon of the ,wta,egu of the Pro As the enactment of +itch a law lel tesla- avenge clrs of state documcmis of a •smi l I •The chairman adds^sled the meetiD ting iwr, iblr depr.datioara in Zigratecros the . utmost tranquility Lai prevailed �• tial) aeeesgar for "the haplajnes* Yd cook- I lar kind; a commendation, moreover, which Yt Mr, Lau •,.hr .ote.,uuceJ a hall to arneo,l , set,,at and for the hest nota and content `oteninicat oJi..en,scat .:&:sins Io death throughout the I rovince dunes list proud m -let of u'e pen d• *lid w, l cn •a in u• 7 T wt L'u,aa v, iii ewemr ueD.c of ;eget))- the .• ta.i Aet..w,eorpwr•tin[ Ile* I7ha,np which bas elapsed since the last i,rssiun of p 1 ' t C tenement of the people;' and as Lord EI- I bend tnotla (little to li'al fy-1pWe arc atla I when a I'eld, it to tis.: n mo d y Dr. If i 4e!diMn Irtsl. Laarrecc. lkatsutU,a,td ttwastirwr tmn ora411 d,lnes won an humi,le ho .e that ! virtually deolare%. that lite Legidattft bey ryas read, it was Retch mored by Dr. able to collect teal. s:awvie%; A&saas•ios were' p&,i,,,,,.,,, L arliament. the Almafhty will rrndrr n• •naeay. kar• I lnmi ml a on hi4 scab t4 cn-operauoq to I loss to understand, for instance, the neces,t- I iiamilton, said seconded by Mr. Lone- orerru"aiu the ci tai %let,,o stake:f, and I �;,, I., stlaos to a''1'har the hon!& rrjnice4 that his }s- t8lcacious aur tea puohc good." 7 7 P t of a contest between the "deep interc<t K 7 e;s inJ of IM linietry r securing, its eilattmtnf, we sincerely hope i y „ ' `srortt, and Lilt general slate d affair%was nmol drplor., ,t is ties aot.ntu-n of +n- G..v* "twee! t• eellenry has been ri-abled, ",tier thm.se to- _ - - n a general election, and tae •' trangmdity abir m we extreme. 11I"t still become�9101.1 I."I.$" saw nk•et@g perle-M• a* (ht voerable circum,lances, ag.'in to congrala- thin t6ia cnvrse will bre ado ted and tlat.it f .%,n•...1 lake►e• lister$ one tMa r od will be carried to raw ia.4nr as soon as poo- which h,a presailed throughout file Pro -1 l:esaltnl, 'f hat the Petitio,. aow rest of lemcl: a amisc.aL,le peoyl,I I Yet*' • lata l'ufiament ons the proviuce,sad is gn- TIIi: �i'L'l:Cl[ .��ID TIi[: l:Ii•i- y be adopted. .,.ler.• I..u•.ral.h terows theas ben!••fore. tilled to .one till proeiocial eecuritie-cral 1':RL'ES. si.tle. '1'herr is np den ice* the fact, that I mre• since the close of the laket Sfera of ` stow to ii.t steaJJ in valor, and that for -- the political exklence of lite liberal mem- I Parliament.'' Deep interest m noylliing Dir. h) dd read a letter from 'Mr. Clem We learn drat there wa4 AnoCirt muni' Dr. It••Lrn .t.,neJ 14't lb*M hall been y ' an far from crefil di4lurbance, will na- run over b) the Liehln'us (rain on I'tiday 1(t w cep-•h,a terve b•It 'bot bs w.•mad b returns Of foe cen„n recently comphteJ ,tin all the tn-a<ures which you may ben of the I,egiglata:e and (;overnment ^ en of Brantford, when lee ro osed ani awe. noon wear Rochcsirr, !+e w:t5 iulu[ica. F r,hRst .0 a •,.c. r1 soy eehtrw+e'wtl•a -M . P P PLtblx 1 f;ur,er u u lit.•il.r* � Lit •. 1 ,urui,h taak,t matlalaelOry criJencc of the (ado t 1'nr the rmm�uon end cif eft from Lpptr Cawala, depend: upon their �' Rurally lerlr! to tranq)rrlit+/:' sir. �tcwarl seconded, 'that a pDglcgatr led read upon the track. Accsdcn s of :w, g [ a lvanremtnt of the c„in.y in wealth and 1 the l'rnrince, and the happiness and cos- teaaly fiJ!lity to the ?enple upon thio one , •the Brant IlerraLrl thus pointedly r ••o, should be Ser.t to (Nebec to forward tM hand are hrrcowir quite frrailknt, and e% IIII pupuialitev. tent)nent of The People, you may rely anI question. No measures, honorer, valuable comments u fno its contents :- ' DILA • criiainal re ale„nt,a on lie! art r/l kr nehsts c■ the addt•w tssaestwlt d s F will ever be res rdod by the people, as an 1 m e[lenslon of the Brantford and Bu8a1, 1' glow repurtel Issee.-G.4mr. •• Tisa( this hO,lge is Rla.l to learn that my zralnus co-^ rraliou.-'-Loan la.m!t's I oR-set to the lee rl rt of a mea4are to sr- I `All circumstances considered, we have Vo a w'Lo pri l in ""I.mj uroa r.1- o tor, estim.ltrd Jetirieney in the Fo%tal Ile- z3psr:ctr. �" Railroad to Goderich• and oi)tain a char t ink+. Qre awe, •1''[• LU• rrmle LAs w rt out excrekkd, allMeu„h grew:- Phis is a noble rrkeolvet fun the part of I enlarise the ltertryes and to abolikeh the I mn besitatson iD declaring Lht present I Dsowasn.--.\ eranp, iue osed to lap• Lot nit!.t, sf er Ike lteporte„ ler , •h, Iv r[trnded arenrnudmtinns have been of- Lord Elgin. )lis Excellency knows thati Keeton%. if Imperial influence be stJl Speech to be by far lee mmt satisfactory, ler for the same--earritaR P P ebe,e e-0 u s A44"Peo r:wt1&o-•I tonsil II.' Y Moved by Air. hydd, seconded by illi an tmigr sent, fell ovevboard Iran Ibe viealw- I •nj o, a stat .! . W il.•wr. Nu nuts wa. enr(LO to the pnbiac hr the esinbl hment among all the measnreto e5senlial to ' the I •t work to resist etc rightful demands of liberal, gn-ahead Rn al or \'let i:oral K 4Y &thein .lfrdei ler Ln 1\ hJucaJ*v I ul ■JJisio,lrl L'uat lAfiice* sod increased isappines5 and contentment of the people" the Gareadian people, to form their total Sptecheke that Canada ever read. Such John Clare•, and s k• n, to ain�, :,Lst as she wa, l,:vin; tits .Lok. I iter.. Mr. Ih.•eas mail at lereat le"et, "o,lal e -[•ere, &nil that there is reason tot there are none which stand out m snrhlinslilntinBs and to reznlale (heir heal ai-I addrekesie are generally rmisesispit nen-roma '1•he L.av n t, ai ...J etc, cl:v, t w.. ! ae••e IAe w, ale ..t ►me 1•r•nrl,cw •I,J Jelrnit- M•Iiecr That Ierfnre bnq Hie receipts of the Strang relief, and whirh above all others 11�' wiet the fat ttr mitt) ma nowniwubet I rele., andr endiiiverastlhtrebepi n wi Bout I Rtsdrrd, 'uebt n Lewis be sent a5 Ma ) T 7 ga Delegate to Quebec. pea'. :u rccuvcr ..w boat), b l nIl L1 r►:Y. .'rl INC p•.+cl .n I:ar(1•aen.u.en•, Iva told pArhwr. wi!l balance the ttpem.uure. clads the decisive atlnm n( Parliarnent, 7 . 1� ilio cap w., -ar.J ,i.• :aa a .w ti! w'r1awN +ewLl .aw a *•.,.act ri)wt ►itis house i4 greatly concerned to as the righteoog aJjmstme"t of thle L•'cclesi- for and ap?iied.- Eramill magking ""ybrGy a whit the ntend ewto do. I It nag Rice moved That Dn Chalk d ,;' Y In• 1 h.. e..M 4 91-1 4M f;•a bah (i ."ern - -- •, I in what :I)rr liorenment intended In do. $twat sly l:. ! a le. rn tilts a bleary ealami:y hag befallen the astical goestiorn to which a bare &Iluvoa I Ch, Irrtrat mentor, ,m oar esumat,nm, (stilt i leave the Chair, and that 11r. James Llrat l •1ke„IIeJ ,ae:e .noel be ew••a cunt" l'rm•ince• In Tim• Jestrucuun by lire of a n made in the S ech. if I lis ]-*elect• i atAL f.A4:: 1LlrY.--.L ca,Y&l::] rt I ,,••ate w J ap I,w,w•uol (::•.ev it.•.•ive .1 as large p,rth,w of Ilio itapntuot �il],,f Nwn- lone) desr•n to secure '•the hoppi"eske &ed ARRIVALUF TIIB '•AIfUA.w I of Royal 1peerhe4 ice, that w them, semis- son, lake the same, when IL was *loved b' 1,iu • me isri nt Jra.0 looLli .J al tel,• i 1 It'IA, sad Rem cisI,ml Ins ,e I ,e o ; ,I I.• I ten nerally Rndeavovr to commit them- �lr. 11'allmee, and seconded 6v Ilia Lo e t" t I, end It wall b*rto+ its Ik4t rnrsidrr_ ronfent$"enf of the ireople;' a4 be declares Na . Yoax, Ang• [$e iii Lei e a that such are i ll Q+stat5ky \::iia,esbia,kllrxa,rkelecr'I."'.•„e "pend tete a. J at d.:J t• 1 7 F,NG1.AN1). btl�ebtotadhing. 1 worth that s rote of Ihs h4 be tender ..aw...•• l a1 re ung rnra.ure Rhee may be props cd I hr canmit roue etfecwall do [his than b I Ko al S e cleea rmerafly; but duel, is not t day a•lerge 1. \lt. t,rurie 'Noll1,, a h- I hi it fs snnnnneel that Mr. Thos. Bari . I 1 Pt " g ` 11 .r. ,air. iC• tv,s TA.c nlf.rAne• 1., war,,, In 1, IIx tae purpose of milaXat nj its el- hag zealots c cauen f it in rem isqui t s with the S rrh it Intrad D► td to the R'ardrm for hn solute in lis L,dror in G:e mail, w6,ta at work au lis, I mml prohdc cause n( irritation, Ai,qu,etutl* lel the Hon.+ of iltray, bn.tMr•, baa Deeo the cast {/e ' tar wr+rhyaet.l •r.d dl.1e•. t .t h . ,,-w. w lerl•. •fess! story'if 1.,! budhn; I. -II t'uic,,h. jrra.M .. Mien[ I'le f �„ wu.r t'a.uea ['hat lee :n,nrUne• of placinZ like and commotion. The insane attempt to a np,,.ltd S I'll m,matry to [?„red 31+Res' Lord Ehn Ice<taerie. Byst . inntwrsorei a it -carne . batch -wart to 11* g,um&J O.,u, • al...pts o nettle word w«du, Aa. Il* w Ir.I I nor earr T Of iiriti.h \,,rile A,nenr t on an evi It tilt prineiple of (Torch anal State 'a a'nnte the talmstry and wth.•r gneel,on � oomeasks"" amt must to a Ice re rxitnf. 1), II, RlTfitiY, Cee• keV saw between the two c •untne•, TM 'I6ry are mrnrrrtlerl upon gnat quet Godench, 31st Aua.,lfl3R. wpOtt " Lcad a•1' iea,.*a ;y ......,, ,,tap,; Ie, I',..a to rosaf, I Ilse u+.• a'. "It. •1••ast'Iw *M;ehm basis, omf of mtruducinl( the Jeri- Permanently awos"K the 1nstita,tinnke of I . rick. sir. :with «-..0 I:.,;li•h..e,.n.l *,•'.w at elle II raw anal wast% rs. -• lirrotant." a 4s Ase al wl),u■11rat," tiosa.' see ht leave& a 11'yl.,• I a,► u1_ .I: wt* 11. `mita an 1 M•o- Isxiw at mal 4v%lewl La\,n,; lateral frequently recog- (:analis, lug once brnnght the cm"try to 33 : -Her% Fifer, 31, •M '•Foe*anter,^ 1 t I --►- -- y I I+roe I iJ« li ..rn.,eee, .* anti eow"'.f. g11ei1 by l's• isrweot, the. 1 inueak will •teen- a violent revolnhno bs, anon far and nide tYm*, will N tlal 10 jnan AJm,nl !iwrmnnr • i Tot JrdMw,ng extract is from the Dun- cLddrr.+ weepy de,dwle. wq•eylron. Is ,• Ih.weh•, how -•.r, that ;yw,kr - Ql' Rt kare reraired the steoni mor. a.l ,nal I.,« Nw.c.:►• Imo +e•r•.ew +ar. Gyri. armkeed-r am meaawve fur prnmufins •nA deep the nerds of Aeacnnttnt, ■led has :.[L.i.au JA TRIG' CUL :O.1 n. - -a i• .'a- I w -al" .n.1 it's Jrea, r :�•-1 • 1•10so s- tire•&-eolvi +li,h$"ent of these objert4. generated a spirit of mtenw rand mtxpres- there ran h- n•, d •.rbt „f on amiable wet• her of Ibe 'V"rw of rhe Wr,.K a se led 1%tu low• TU 'j 11 wcle , . u,rr •wall .+,v„ w., c wpu er ', a..d ..,..+ , .�w••- That Ihi. Horne wall girt d4 best co"- able abhorrence wf Colonial Office tinker. tlemneet td Iho Pnbe,ry gn•ot+nr. " I't gives pmmiv, Rowrvrr, df a tea + ild.ed by Reit tan .n "1'Lersda• n1i(..t. Le- • '•,-Tar •••• aJtrauau tai ,utile eoes,drrrpns fn keacA do- m; wilt, nor local affairs, anti a very getteer- � The u, -en h,.l ornvaJ at _ Ion 9,s ldl• measwrtg of tigiriing worth, wbieh we treat weekly paper, ls4ued from the COlr•tt jweau .UJAov sol I'.ii..fe. v>... tai iia -1•) tow a•ymr,wd o -b s- „n Ifo* &d- convents as may or lel 1 leelore it by itis mi cor+•,chrm• withal, 164t to be freed from She *4m to have m magelacent recrrtrow at will be fmth(eNy matured. As to the Ogee, l t e tea ing ie,Torco 1 1:.o pas .ac..rrJ Lrt*e,u w, ecu Jul l u !raw eo e..e.l.1dou ......,e I.r.e..e.e• of i•:xe•tlrar) Tn pit et w p.rwskeinl, o(Ihr Dor .k jndNron we market st•rlmgly b- for, •1r"'e'^ Clergy Reetrre $"after, we must confess tains all Ihi reading mat�wr 1+( 1}e ihi a.,+Icar ..t m•al•o 51! wh,ah M4 Inrel{Rncy Mke oke" dwri,y[ Ryer nlea.eA from our v'nlowial dtptnt"ner. A p"titre ,n*at,ng e/ more►ant•, ►aeb+41, tMt Rice aflrsien to lee abject 1. ss much, µ A mea esu w,i.iui I n is Irwl, aro Jt r: G•usn Ird r ljani h-• etarnewe„l Ihi p" I and ,.thol war held la London en 1Vad• CalortW. It N r!r „tall ct r•, at cale:n ovi it train ,n... I g Is &n ,te ,- the nallem, mal the riew of givingeRn•► to 'rhe, morn of •very town of 1'arliewwwt wam4ar, te,'kw ruse.,[ler• f"• she tali al O( dt�ot marl, t6"" wtespeeted. W• never 7 1 g e, Z p✓ 1 ,l fur .:•.teat +•..rap a. n,a. II fur ay.-h+ng insulaed that Lord F.Igin would jirke atter• cannot foil to tnsnre a large cerculatids, ped Jwra&r t.a: L r, u_ : w :.. ..e I•v.r sal T. nM,el e+. the ieRenh•,ws of Ilw [.tZtalalwr't, embodied, seem+ to crka6rm the troth of the% wed• 1 the *•)ffarers ar Ibe Great r are a( Humanist I y t:"f t I`, r` g %a..1114.t.�eattJl iir� 41111ll. -