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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-01-19, Page 17
- « Town .topics o Mr..alnd Mrs. W. S. •Patter.. son •of Parkhill spent • u qday. guests of 11r. and I11rs. Wil- liam. Wright, Mr. and ill`s. C 1 a r e n•c a Wurm and Linda •of Exeter ' and Eddie Lawsoan of Wood. hank, • spent the 'weekend with Mr. and .Mrs. Harold Beaver ; and Raymond, Dundas. Mrs, Wayne Sylvester of Chathaln is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, E. L. Wurnl while her husband is al - tending a two-week banking' course in Toronto Miss Brenda Recker, Crede-' •ton, former SHJMjS student; who is std citing home econo-, inies at Ryerson School nti Technology, Toronto ,is pain.! <cipating an Ryerson's open Jiouse, Sgt, and Mrs. D. L. :Haan -1 mond have returned from. Eur - eye after a second tour to the; -'•'.- r 1769, Jung rcatures Syndicate, ane World rights r¢wcnnl. .ALPINE ROOM—Named as a tribute to the first Swiss settlers in Zurich, the "Al- pine Room" in the Dominion hotel is the first lounge to be opened in :Duron County since the repeal of the CTA, Although the hotel is well over 100 years old the new lounge is set in a modern, bright decor. The large scenic mural is flood- lit at night, ancl is one of the highlights of the new lounge. The room has a seat - Jag capacity of 60 persons :under the ,Liquor Control Board,--�T-.. photo Stress human dignity at county honie rites A datestone bearing the year on County ;fudge :Frank Fing- municipal homes were in re - 1960 in gold -colored numerals land, who said the addition is ccipt of some form of special was put into place on a wall in "a milestone .in the county's or bed care, the $1.,087,393 Huron County history," and N. J, Drew, a Home addition at. Clinton re- representative of the .Depart. Other 9uosts cently, ment of Public Welfare. Among others :introduced 1»' The addition, when comlilet- Mr, Drew, in outlining the J. G. Berry, secretary -treasur- er of the county, were Harvey Johnston, home superintendent; John Morrissey, 1958 county warden Charles MacNaugh- ton, Huron MPP, and L. E, Cardiff, Huron MP. The new wing is being built to the north and east of the 1954 addition. o i. 1 v hen. completed, it will provide facilities at the home for more than 200 resi- dents. ed this spring, will provide facilities for normal care, bed care and special care of resi- dents. In the words of Rev. John Agulian, minister of Clinton Loki,up to the latest addition Baptist Church, who gave the of 1954. invocation at the datestone ceremony, the new addition will provide Huron County "with further opportunity to show respect for human dig- nity," The term "human dignity„ was expressed more than once during the afternoon, Huron Warden John Durnin also .men- tioned it, and. the 1959 warden, Willialn Jewitt, used it when he suggested that the 1961 council do all in its power to find a naive for the home, (The Perth County Homecb n g ed its name .a number of years Ago to Spruce Lodge)., Mr. Jewitt said, that gradual - 1y more dignity is being added to such homes. Years ago, it was called a house of refuge, later an old folks' home, and now, a county home, Guests at the ceremony were Introduced by :Reeve William Morritt of Blyth, who is chair- man of the county home coin- mittee. Among the guests were Hur- history of the 'Huron • llom e, went back to 1895 when the first: home for older residents was erected, He traced the history through the 1905 build - Your library By MRS. JMS Mostly in this column we write of new books in your library but Saturday evening 1;'e found an interesting volume.. entitled "The Pioneers of Old Ontario" written in 1923 by W. L. Snaith, In the foreword the author writes "In the Spring of 1897 r began a series of trips a• wheel through rural Ontario. These trips were undertaken with the object of obtaining first-hand information for pub- lication in the columns of "The Weekly Sun" regarding actual conditions on -the farms of the province," "While engaged in that task and purely by accident I stuunblecl on a • veritable store- house of .information carried in the. memories then still liv- ing—memoriesthat went to the days of the virgin for- est, of log cabins surrounded by blackened stumps in the midst of scanty clearings, of bush trails and corduroy roads, of old-time logging hoes and of the circuit riders who car• tied the Gospel message to,. these pioneers, "On the memories of those Diet with, 1 drew the material for this book." In one of the chapters he tells the story of Moses Pierce Of McGillivray Township, who left Vonge Street, 'roronto for the iluron tract by wagon, From London to Clancieboye, 20 miles, was a day's lour'° ij y and for the last five or six miles to the place where he settled they had to zlg•2ag through the trees with an oz - team, The, land belonged to the Canada Company and the price waa from three to len dollars per acre. This may seent a low price but where was the monew fn COM e frons? Even oak anther was unsaleable. "Some of the finest oak that ever grew ", he writes "was split into rails for snake-felleea and the time ,?r was .'till sound 50 years lab " To give an idea of how sc.rrce ntnner \vas the author nieii"t,,on5 this tale. "An Indian offered the careas5 of a deer he had Shot fora dol. tar hut here was net a dollar between our place amid isle fotvnline to intake the lirlt'- clna e s, This book Is tiecrdedlY ihtpr- +sstlarg y'eadittg esp2ola,lly ti+ these vvhbse grandfathers told tsllriilar tales, Mr. Drew also told of the increase there e has been. in patients requiring special. care. As of Oct, 31, 1960, he said, 4,309 of the 6,846 residents in rte +..17, • I ti r'X,r, ring Ft rer5yatrita; hw 07orrd Wax neen'I. 11 tn. ;`This Will be your desk e's soon as Judson wakes up." WERE PR continent. The Past two years were spentWing, . betGwereenmanyN, 0,a14 ' 1 Figinor"You waltz beautifully to the :claw -cha-cha' No, 1. et Marvel, !France. Sgt. .Harmend will now be sta- Honed at RCAF Station,• Downsview. Mrs. Lynn Centralia churCh Mr.aand 111ai illi• of Chtham spent the weekendwith Mi, and Mrs, J{cith�er�progress Coates, Exeter.! Mgr. and Mrs. Wes 1Yitmer spent Sunday in `1'ilisonburg with Mr, and Mrs, Leo Wit -i By MRS, FRED BOWDEN Powe and Mrs. 'Earl }hist. mer and son.Following a pot luck dinner Mrs. Hen Greh was appointed Mr. and Mrs, R, C. Manley, in the United church Wednesr fo aet on a special Mr, and Mrs. Irvine Arm- day evening last the annual committee for the rest of the strong, Mfr. and Mrs. Robert meeting of the congregation year, Preacher and Mr. and 11irs, was held with. Rev. Duncan Satisfactory reports w e r e Sandy Elliot attended the All- Guest, chairman and Glen given from. the different or. Canadian Furniture Show in Robinson, recording secretary. ganizations of the church fn Toronto last week. An encouraging report of eluding the Woman's Associa- Mrs, William Cowhig of fled the church finances was given tion, Mrs, Bari J.faist and. Mrs. Hook, N.Y,, is spending this by the church treasurer, Miss' ,Tack Essery; Woman's A Anderson who also mention- sionary Society, Mrs. Frank ed several projects undertaken Hicks and Mrs, Elmer Powk; during the year including the Sunday $cheer, Sharon L ght• installing of a new -oil burning foot; CG.IT, Mrs. Jack Essery; furnace. Mission Band and Baby I3and, Mrs, Ross McFalls; Stewards, William Elliott; Missionary and Maintenance, Mrs. Ken. Greb; and Official Board, Or. viile Langford, Personal items Mr, and Mrs, Harold Tripp were tailed to Wellington last week owing to the serious ill- ness and subsequent death of Mr. Tripp',s mother. Mr. Nor- man Tripp accompanied by his sister, Mrs. Wm, Ford of Us - borne, joined their parents in Wellington on Friday to attend the funeral of the late Mrs, Tripp, Norman was one of the six grandsons who act g eda a pallbearers, Mr. and Mrs, Ken Grob visit- ed over the weekend with. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Smith in Mt. Albert. On Saturday -they at- tended the funeral of Mrs. Greh's aunt, the late Mrs. Everton. Smith of Stouffville, Miss Margaret Nesbitt, of London, was a guest with Mrs. Arthur McFalls and Helen on Sunday. 'Phe Rev. and Mrs. George Sach, L uca,n were Mondayvisitors with, the Rev. D. M. and Mrs. Guest, week with her mother, .hors, W, G, Simmons. Mr. William C. Pearce is spending some time in Flo- rida, Mrs, Maurice Coates is a pa- tient in South Huron Hospiail. having injured her back in a fall at the curling rink New Year's eve. Mrs. William Sillery, Mrs. H. H. G. Strang, Mrs. Car- man Cann Mrs. Alvin Moir, Mrs, Marie Harrison and Mrs. E. G, Mopre attended. the WMS Presbyterial. .in St. An- drew's Presbyterian Church, Stratford, on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs, Percy Wright and family visited on. Friday evening with Mrs. Whitney Coates and Wilma of. London who spent the weekend at ,her home. Miss Sally Acheson, who will graduate as a nurse this year and who is president of the student council. of Sarnia Ge- neral Hospital, presided for the capping ceremony held on Friday evening at the YM - YWCA, Miss Jane Manore, Grand Bend, was one of the student nurses who received her cap. The resignation of Glen Rob- inson. recording secretary., was accepted with regret and Mrs. William Essery Jr. was elected to this position, Also added to the board of Stewards were Ray Shoebottom, William Essery Jr„ Allan. Buswell, Har. vey Smith and Charles Roll- ings. Elected fo the trustee board of the church were Frank Hicks, Murray Abbott, Ivan Cook and Clarence McDowell. Re-elected. to .the board of Stewards were G. Hepburn, R. Lightfoot and S. Hicks while 0. Langford and W. Skin- ner were •1 re•a ected to the Session and, Lloyd Hodgson was made an honorary elder of the congregation, Sain Skin- ner was re-elected Sunday School superintendent and. Miss A. Anderson, treasurer, with Mrs. F, Bowden, assistant. Mrs. 'Robert Blair was named to a special nominating com- mittee to choose the officers for the new women's organiza- tion which r'i11 include all the women' of the congregation. Dedicate- vases and will come into being in January 1962..Also on •the'com- at James Sts UC mit.tee will , be Mrs. Elmer A /EN15RE'SEN ERIAN CHURCH morning service in James c. Samuel Kerr, B.A., B;D. Street United Church by :Rev, Minister S.E. Lewis. rrganist: Mrs. S. G. Klatt CORBETT They were Orville Soutlicott in memory of 10 a.m,--Sunday School COMMUNITY CENTRE his wife, Laura May Southcott, 10 a.m.—Morning Worship given h.' 111`0 and his another, Christy Ann Armon Subject: "Zaccheus" Soit'.hcott, conirriimorating their p.m.—Preparatory Service fellowship and service of Mr Lewis reviewed briefly p m yleeting of Session ,Tames Street church, the history of the church dat- ing bback "to 1862 when. it was built as a Bible Christian church and showing the addl. Lions to it at different periods. "With this great heritage be- hind us we should accomplish Sandi 'Morrow, Judy Tennant b' p.m.—Worship and Sermon great things," he said. p p.m. -Sunday School and Linda Walper sang a trin, ZION CHURCH Two engraved brass vases • were dedicated at. the Sunday JANUARY,, 20 THE BETHEL IEFORMED CHURCH MAIN STREET CHURCH R. Van Farowe, Minister • TO BE CALLED ON TO SUPPLY 0 FOR THE BEAUTIFUL NEW Renovations and Addition t the • DQi1NIQN HOTEL ZURICH PHONE 622 WE EXTEND CONGRATULATIONS TO THE JOHNSTONS nklin' Lumber CENTRE EXETER Evangelical United Brethren CREDITON A. M. Schlenker, Pastor 00 am. ,Morning Worship 15 a.m.—Sunday School 10 p.m.—Study Group 'Growing Together In Faith" PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Main Street 00 a,m.—CJCS Radio, 1240 your radio dial. "OLD SOLDIERS NEVER DIE" 15 a.m.—Sunday School 00 • a,m.—Morning Service 10 p.m.—"THE MARRIAGE RIPPER 01? THE LAMB" '11/here will it take place? 4'ho wilt be there? This :3ible Message will be illus. irate(' with a large chart. Iday, 8:04 • p,m,— t'he sound ,ihn "Minutes to Midnight" '"A Welcome Awaits You at the Tabernacle" MUSIC BY THE COUNTRY FIVE SHARE - THE - WEALTH BINGO LEGION HALL, HENSALL Every Saturday Night Commencing January 21 9:00 p.m. JACKPOT $75.00 in 52 calls 14 Regular Games 2 Door Prizes No children under 16 allowed. Legion Branch i Hensall on ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD 0 a.in.—Service '00 aim, --Sunday •School Bake Sale EXETER PUBLIC IBRARY BASEMENT Jan. 21 3;4440 .Ip.iri, ;lidllsori`d.by t11e radios Culrii Club • Ttua Tim9o,. !►tivocate., .:January l 1961 petit 17 Mr. Stew.' Molnar, of 'l'o'on. -1 Batrlin tots. Were Sunday v S to, was :a. weekend visitor at tors With Mr. and Mrs.iS. I11o1- ,his home. Mrs. Lloyd Bender and fani . Mr and Mrs. Fred Cunning. sly, Mrs. Clarence Falmer and ;ton visited with Mr, andflirs. •twin sons, Donald and Ronald, ` William Bender in Crediton on of Crediton, were 'visitors at, Sunday. the home :of Mrs, FredCun-. The village. library is open nington •nn• Thursday of last t to the public main, following week. the completion 01 improver Mrs, Kern Greb and ''Mrs., monis to the- interior. The kfugh Love visited for a :couple hours are 2 to 4 .on Tuesday of days last week with Mr. and' afternoons and 7 to 9 on Fri. Mrs. Reg Hodgson in Water.; day evenings. Members are re, • loo. minded of their fees for the Mr. ;and Mrs. C, He.geduS, •off new year, ,�1. rlIkU,IrIrJ111)I,ILUrllrrlrlrlrJrl rrrlAlrr111U,1r1r11)lAlllrrll,A,Iri/Ut,1lJf I1rU 111rU.rl.rl.I„A(rll,rnri lri{rl lllrl lrl�,{rLtly” You re Invite' • TO ATTENP THE Grand Opening OF THE Dominion Hotel. ZURICH Thursday, January 19 8:00 p,m, BUFFET LUNCHEON IN DINING LOUNGE rou're Welcome to Inspect OUR MODERN. ,FACILITIES LICENSED UNDER THE LIQUOR CONTROL ACT OF ONTARIO IN HONOR OF THE OCCASION WE INVITE YOU TO A Free a nce in the ZURICH COMMUNITY CENTRE . at 10:00- p,n, MUSIC BY DESJARD!Nt_5 - W.e Extend_ A Special invitalisan Te Young and Old Alike „n.1,,„,,,,01,n!i,i0,n„1,a0,nu„nl0!,1,11,1t-rt!0,ITHI1ta5004/111 in U,llrlirintlrlOF Uancer ^� "•; Refreshments — Everyone Welcome tVrvk LYRIC THEATRE PE';742R1 First Show 7:30 Second Show 9:30 Matinee 2:00 p.m. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, JANUARY 19-20.21 "Man From God's Country” Starring George Montgomery and Randy Stuart (Color and Cinemascope) plus "THE ADVENTURES OF ARSENE LUPIN" (Color) MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23.24.25 "The Mouse That Roared" Starring Peter Sellers and Jean Seberg (Color) plus "GHOST OF THE CHINA SEA" fomfOf10,01111M11, ,1001. 41,0011,,,00„0i3O„n11 .1110,0,0011,,,0,111,0„ 011000,1110,,,011 U,1,0Infti ,,,,l,l,l,ill 4,81 YOU WILL ENJOY 1 ANNUAL Bridge & Euchre Party LEGION HALL Thurs., Jan. 26 8:15 p.111, Lunch willbe served, ADMISSION 75? Sponsored by Women's Auxiliary to South Huron hospital 'DANCING EVERY Saturday` Night at the 1„uCan Arena to tile music of the CANADIAN PLAYBOYS Cr'chostra *2 Adm DWAYNE BENJAMIN with the STOUFFVILLE YOUTH FOR CHRIST TEAM Vocal and Instrumental numbers plus Local Bible Quiz Teams Saturday, January 21 8100 p.m. CLINTON LEGION HALL You Are Welcome' South 'Huron Youth for Christ 'hi1ii110Hi,rirrtiri4Y 41041rp Y1110Rii0,iilrgiiriliff11111i1unanwl,nm ninnmrn n,nfnu401U,fnquii urililZ �r,, Irl` llllllir11,00,,1uiiirrrnrrrii701liirrii9rlutiriurrr,nlrir,iilnnn7n rrin„liiurnn 01rr i1,fiR,iinnn0,in iuul} Youth Presents A Chattc n ..._..e Sunday Night At Main Street Sunday, January 22, at 1:00 p.nt ._SONGS © ".l �1 i-1 i r. rGOS . n EL MESSAGES !PROM EXETER, AND DIST.fl1CT YOUNG PEOPLE SOUTH HURON Y'OUTI-I FOR C"1-IRIST MUSIC l ' OESCH FAMILY, ZURICH GOSPEL TAM Wait may be parked behind Main Street "Ulited Church SUNDAY EVENING', JANUARY 29 bI EM% — Rev. A. 1-1. ,Johnston, Br'ucefieltl, Rev. D. GUesI i,ColtreiiA, iO N, vv; i3Ov, :Exeter, :. Music Mennonite t ttartet. ?ArnrniriYrrirr'rrrr5r iirrii[irnrrrtirtrrnrnrrrlrrrrrnurnrirrrrrrrrmrnrirttrrrnrnrorrrrrrntnrniirrYirrnnirrriVit i7