HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-01-19, Page 14t ANAWnn*.9,ninsn l'he• Times,-Ady.ocato,, 4atwar7 191.901, • a avian G ,nnAVAnn. z A An • project L.. , Summary Day or the Huron County Women's Institutes in thia area which took part in the projeet "The Tiihct Meal" will .be held in Hensall Legion Hall on Thursday, january 26. At 12.00 noon a buffet lunch. eon will he served with food prepar ed by the different groups taking the course and at 1.15 p.m. he afternoon's program will ,commence with the roll -call of leaders. The corimittee -charge of the South Huron Summary Day -includes. Mrs. Vern Alderdive, Mrs. Robert Doig, Mrs. Rich- ard Etharington and Mrs. Earl Neil. Miss Mary Macinnes of the -home economies service, Toronto, will assist Huron home economist, Ain. Bette Miller and 1611 comment -0.11 • the work and discuss prob.' lems. All v'mbers and friends are weleome to attend .Summary Day for this district, January • 26. Hurondale JUk .1aunch,proiect • The first meeting of Huron - dale Jolly 4-1.1 Homemak- ing Club for the new project "Cottons May Be Smart," was held at the home of Mrs. Al. a vin Moir last Monday. In the election of 'officers . president is Margaret Hyde, vice -president, Barbara Web- , •• her, secretary, alternate, trea- aa surer. Joan Westeott; press re- porter, Margaret Oke and lead- ers are Mrs. Moir and Mrs. Garnet Hicks. PHOTOGRAPHERS' QUEEN—Barbara Parker, 19 -year- old daughter of Mr. and' Mrs. William Parker, Exeter, was chosen Miss Western Ontario CAPPAC of 1961 at the annual meeting of the photographers' assn at •Lon- don last week. She' S a former Kinsmen Harvest Jam- boree queen. Among the runners-up were jan Ferwerda, London, a former Mss Grand Bend title winner. —LFP photo Exchange vows at Lambeth UC In a candlelight service be- fore a background of orchids, white mums and ferns in Lam- beth United Church Clara Mar- garet Bowering, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Arehie•Bowering, RR 10, London and Donald Te renee Wade, son of Mr. icd Mrs. John Wade, Crediton, ex- changed marriage vows with Rev. A, E. Duffield. officiating. Mrs. .1, S. Pack, London, played the wedding music and accompanied the soloist, Mrs. Dan McLeod, Centralia, who sang 'The Wedding Prayer" and "Because." Given in marriage by her fa- ther the bride wore a full- length gown of frosted white tulle and suede lace. The bod- ice was styled with short, scal- loped sleeves and a high, petal - shaped square neckline. The bouffant tulle skirt was fash. lolled in redingote style offset with scalloped front and back panels. Her finger-tip veil was held with a crown of net flecked with pearls. She carried a cas- cade of white baby mums, ste- phanotis and ivy centred with a mauve orchid. Her attendants, Miss Eleanor Faas, Lambeth, as maid of honor and Mrs, Robert Wade. MissEleanor 'Bailey. London, and Miss Norma Marr, Pres- ton, as bridesmaids were dres- sed alike in purple velvet dres- ses. They carried crescent ar- rangements of white mums, t'link Sweetheart roses and ivy. Flower - girl, Miss Kimmerly Eaid, wore a mauve nylon dress and carried a basket of pink roses and ivy. Robert Wade. London, waa best man and ushers were John Mrs. L. Lovell Kingston native Mac Leslie Load], 85, died at the home .of her daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Stewart, with .kohont rbe barl bean livina, in t'sborne Tawnahip on Sunday, January She was the former 'Harriet Donalclaon and Ns as born nearKingston. Kiagaton. In 1903 she married Lealie Lovell and lived an a farrn near Alvinston,. They moved to a farm near Glencoe and later to Stratford. They have spent the past eight years in Uaborne Township. She joined the Jehovah Wit- riestes in Stratford and later was a member at Kingdom Hall. Exeter.' Surviving besides her Ims- band are two daughters, Mrs. LloYd t Gertrude) Stewart, 118- borne 'T'ownship, and Maraaret. of Toronto, Iwo grandebildreh,all • Mrs. Max (Maureen) Tiedetn, Grand nend, and Lloydon Ste. wort at home. Funeral aerviees were held at Kingdarti Hal!, Carling St. N. on Wednesday„Iativary 18 With intarmetit in the family plot at Atviliston. Hopper -Hoc- key Inhere' directors were in harge .of funeral artatige. Meas. Pallbearera were 'Alarwriral and Was/1'# Pro, roith WO& 'MOW. Rene LapOrte, Telt PaWiltip aild Harold McNally. • Mistros ditaritit crash 11 kilthen); or dialiet, Mary?" gam "No ifiraritt leta," Beta Sigma Phi plans projects The Beta Sigma Phi Sorority held a smorgasbord dinner par- ty Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. R. C. Dinney. At the meeting which fol- lowed Mrs. Clara Wellington gave a book review on Wilfred Grenfell and Mrs. Joseph Woo- den favored with a piano selec- tion. During the business period conducted by president Mrs. R. C. Read further projects .to help South Huron Hospital were discussed and planned. The dinner was cooked and served to 40 members and past members by Mrs. John Goman, Mrs. Joe Wooden, Mrs. Bill Es- sery, Mrs. Griffin Thomas, Miss June Bierling, Mrs. Wil. liana Amos, Mrs. Lloyd Smith, Mrs. A. W. Gaiser, Mrs, Bill King, Mrs. R. Schaeffer, Airs. Jack Ratz, Mrs. Cliff Russell, Mrs. Bill Huntley and Mrs. Mel Geiser, Wade, Leslie Eaid and Murray Hoyt. The bride's mother wore a gown of sapphire blue nylon brocade with matching floral hat and white gardenia corsage. The groom's mother wore an- tique lace over taffeta, ceripe feather hat and carnation cor- sage. A wedding reception was held at The Seven Dwarfs, Lam- beth. For travelling to Kentucky the bride chose a white wool suit, brown muskrat c o a t, brown and green accessories and orange rose corsage. Mr. and Mrs. Wade will live in London. • Record books and contests of a sewing bdx were dis- cussed. On Saturday I h e secohd meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Hicks with 13 mem- bers present. Sub,ieets for c'iseussion were selection of material for dress, shrinking material, selecting pattern. and the correct me- thod of taking measurements. Before the next meeting ma- terials and pattern are to be selected and the instruction aheets studied. mid at Trivitt F ederation TH IS N HA views pictures, By MRS. I For the January meeting of • a aa- ,tt the adies Guild Of Titivitt Me Appetites are been these cold winter days. Airs. Russell Weaver has a recipe for chili con carne which is tasty, fill- ing and nutritious. Chili gen Carne 1 ib. hamburg 1 medium size onion 2 slices side bacon 1 large size tin canned •to. "'lathes 1 tin kidney boans salt and Pepper to taste shill, powder to taste (option- al' 2 tbl. gran. sugar Cut bacon in small pieces and fry with chopped onion. Add hamburg and brown all well together. Add tomatoes, kidney beans seasoning and sugar and simmer for ap- proximately 2 hours. I Mr. Weavey says the Raver improves with atanding so this recipe may be made up seta eral hours before using and reheated when, wanted, * The Mothers' Auxiliary of RCAF Station Centralia have just issued a cook book of favorite recipes. Here is one Tor porcupine beef balls which appeals to the eye as well as the appetite, Porcupine Beef Balls a.' lb. ground beef -•••-- vup raw, regular or pro. cerasecelricic' upn inced imam i tsp. salt tsp. pepper 1 (spa_ Worcestershire sauce ceaunP condensednliikcream of mushroom soup undiluted 2:1 cup water. Combine beef with above in- . di 70 3 but thoroughly with a fork. Shape nto 8 balls. Place in lh quart casserole. Combine soup and rater. Pour over beef balls. Bake covered in a 350" oven or "ii hours. Rice will pro - rude like porcupine quills then cooked. * * The Department of National lealth and Welfare reports hat today's children are 'taller, sturdier and healthier than hose of previous generations, lealth League of Canada re- cords that much of the credit for this is due to public health James St, group tops allocation At the January meeting of the Afternoon Auxiliary of James Street church Mrs, Wil- liam Routly, Elimville, vice- president of Huron Presby- terial. installed the officers for 1961 and also gave a talk on stewardship, "Christian stewardship is deep in our hearts" she said and mentioned. many different ways in which stewardship is shown stressing especially the influence of right living of par- ents in Christian homes on their families and Wends. Annual reports were given by the secretaries. The treas- urer, Mrs, Eunice Stone, re- ported the allocation had been surpassed slightly more than the previous year. A total of 410 hospital and home calls were made for the year, Alra. C. E. Zurbrigg led in the devotional period assisted by Mrs. A]vin McBride. Mrs. Frank King favored with a piano instrumental. 'Mrs. Herman' Powe in re- porting for the United Nations dealt with diplomatic relations e btween Canada and Iceland staling that the first ambas- sadors were appointed in March 1960 and about 26,000 Canadians of Icelandic origin live in Canada especially in Manitoba and western Quebec. Cathy's Beauty Lounge 147 MAIN ST., PHONE 645 Perms Cuts • Sets - Tints OP E N Monday to Friday, 9-6 Tues. & Thurs. Evenings Only Closed Saturday CATHY ROBBINS, Prop. SALE 4 Corors--A.Grey, Green, Yellow, Congo Wall Red, Grey and Yellow Virtif Counter Top 9 -Foot Wide Congoteurn Standard SecondS Linoleum Tile Values to $430 - Drapery Ends Reaolar TOSS COAShi0113 Phone VA Peach Rog, 695` Run, Ft, 49c Rog. 30e Ft. 22' Reg. 32,95 Running Yal, 2.25 Reg. 100 Each 8c Per Yd, 50c 1.25 Malil SC, PALK]. .SVilEitttR • education of parents who real- ize the benefit of good nutri. (ion, pasteurization, fluorida- tion. immunization, against con- tagious disease's and the avail- ability of public health serv- ices. tit Women in the Nes Mrs. John F. Kennedy has swept the fashion polls and leadthe lisI of the 12 hest dressedwomen in the world. The New York Couture Group, who conduct the election. re- port the issue was never in doubt. Among those, whose distin- guished, taste in dress Lias given them top honors for three or more years, and are now elevated to the Fashion ilall of Fame 'are the :Duchess of Kent, Princess Grace Of Monaco and Merle Oberon. Mrs. Kennedy will be very Much in the limelight at the inaugural ceremonies on Fri- day. She will have a very dif- ficult role to play as mistress of the White lactose and to adjust to her life there but she will no doubt use the same philosophy as before when she said "1 wouldn't say that be- ing married to a -very busy politician is ,the easiest life to adjust to; but you think about it and figure out the best way to do things—ato keep the house running smoothly, to spend as much time as you can with your husband and children and eventually you find your - sell well adjusted," In a year Ca n dia/14,5 spend more than twice as much on taxes as they spend in all food stores and restaurants. Silhouette morl a1 CI lureh d 111 the par- iah hall, Mrs. Cecil Gibbons was hostess and also •cauclueted the devotional period. Mrs, Murray Greene, presi- dent of the Guild, presided Tor the business discussion. Plans were made for the next ettehre party, Friday, January 30. Nur- sery help was arranged. At the conclusion of the be- siness the group were enter- tained with colored slides of scenes in Florida: Mrs. Gibbons was assisted at the aocial hour by ¥rs T. Vic- kerman and airs. J. Potter. plans year At the first meeting of the New Year for the Woman's. Fe. deration of James Street Uni- ted Church beta Monday eve - Mug the newly -elected presi- dent, Mrs. Douglas Insley, con- ducted the business period when the year's activities were planned. New equipment for the nur- sery and a day's visit to Five Oaks by bus were among the items discussed and approved. The study "Work Makes us One" was presented by means of a skit introduced by Mrs. S. E. Lewis and with Mrs. Harry Dougall, Mrs. Walter McBride and Mrs. Mervyn Cudmore tak- part, Mrs Cudmore convened the Horne residents make grafts: pay At the January meeting of the Huron -County Home Auxiliary on Monday Afternoon Airs. Har- vey ,Johnston gave a report of the crafts done- by the resi- dents. They have made quilts, ruga, pillow -slips, lunch cloths, toys of, felt, tea towels, foam slip- pers and other artleles and sold them for $202.76 Web left a Profit of' $72.38 after expenses for material was deducted. They can use old Christmas cards or other cards and also scrap books to paste them into. The Women's institutes of the program and -led in the devo- tional Periori assisted by Mrs. Reg. McDonald, Mrs. jrvine Armstrong and airs. Robert Fletcher.. Mrs, Clare Greed favored with twosolos. Save T ways at arling 4 1 the ladies on a tour ef the new D sari was in taa ehair, Fonowiug tlie meeting Mrs. .1ohnst On took , , • Modern IGA Combine IGA low Prices with Gold Bons) Stamp prem- iums for unbeatable values. Beauty Salon NIEATs 429 MAIN ST, PHONE 349 Fresh Picnic lb. Shoulders 39g county are to he contacted as Heircuts , Styling to the month they wish to, elli or - lain the residents with a birth- - day party. Blyth Institute en- tertained this mouth and Sea - forth WI will sponsor The Feb- ruary, party. President Mrs, F. G. Thomp- Perms - Treatments 'e111.11111.1111111m,M11111.11111111/1111111111111111111111111111 Monday to Saturday, 9-6 By the Piece Ib. Tuesday & Thursday Evenings Bologna BRENDA BRENNER, Prop, Barbara Roth, Operator Tablerite Rindless Ib. 29 11111111111111111IIIMM111111111111111111111111111111111111111ti;, HOME SWEET RUGS Hair Fashions Beautiful Scatter Rugs, ManyColors, Washable and 409 MAIN STREET C01119 In And 5.. Them Toclay. Long -Wearing. Phone 658 Specializing In Ladies—Now is the time to bring in your Sets - Cutting.- Perms Tints CUSTOM WEAVING Open: Monday to Friday 9-6; STANLEY SAUD& Saturday 9.12; Tuesday and Thursday' Mary Lou Hyde, Marion Belling Hay North End Exeter Phone 973.J Mrs. Nancy Regier !,,t11111101.1111111111111111101111111111111,10111111 itt We've Moved! Ladies Wear — Exeter .NOW AT OUR cation 3 doors north of former store — opposite post office And Featuring a Host of ew V3 OFF Car Coats Coats.' Skirts -Slims Dresses - Sweaters Cotton Housecoats One Rack FeaturesSimer Special TablefOddstnEixts 1 argains v. 1/2 OFF • r Blouses • Flannelette and' Shug6itticieWei Pyjamas &iGowns LADIES' WEAR EXETER Bacon 69c Royal Guest Small Ib, Sausage 49 immemmuumememammis FRIDAY NIGHT ONLY Spea• & Prom 6 p.m. to 9 non. Brea 10per Loaf rit^ Limit 2 to a Customer -- IGA Apple Juice 48.oz. '29 Quick or, Instant Oats 49c The tea that dares — . 60's Tea 73c Shortening Fluff° 2 - 55c .....mminEramsmomonmss; FREE 'Stamps 75 FREE GOLD BOND STAMPS Pet Instant 3 -Ib. Milk 1.09 25 FREE GOLD BOND STAMPS Sunny Morn COFFEE 59c Royal Guest COFFEE 67c 50 Air Wick Deodorizer FREE GOLD. BOND STAMPS Borth .... 79c IGA Breakfast Orange, 64 -oz. 59c FROZEN FOODS ---- Smelts 2 Lin, 39c French Fries 2 PKGS, 39c PRODUCE — Tomatoes 19e Lettuce 2 FOR 290. P.E.I. Potatoes PER 75 L13, $2.67 Darling's IGA Phone 978 FREE. DELIVERY Pt19 FRIDAY EVENIN •t