HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-01-19, Page 6Pile, 4 , The. Timeek dvgeefet J4114aar1 J , 1961
.By BtL.L, BATTEN :Sport* Editor.
Despite the fact that most football fields are
presently covered with a few inches of snow, and
the players are spending the off-season cavorting.
in the sunny south, the popular sport managed to
steal all the newspaper headlines with the an-
nounvement that Sana Etcheverry has ;signed with
tie St. Louis Cardinals of the National. Football
The Etcheverry name is by no means a
newcomer to the sport page headlines, .and will
probably be very predominant in the same spot
for the next few weeks, Etcheverry, a nine-year
veteran with the Montreal Alouettes, is one of the
greatest quarterbacks to fait the Canadian football
scene, .and during the past season he was picked
as the all-star on the Eastern team. iMuch to the
dismay of several Tobin Rote supporters.)
At the conclusion of the season, Sam was
involved in a player trade that was termed •one of
the "strangest events" on the Canadian sport scene
during 1960. Along with all-star end, Hal Patterson,
Sam was swapped to Hamilton for Bernie Faloney
and Don Pacquet. This trade drew the ire of the
Montreal supporters because Sam is the "Rocket"
Richard of football down that way. However, the
uprising appeared to be over and the Montreal
fans were resigned to the fact that Sam was leav-
ing, and the ink ceased to flow over the Etche-
verry .name.
That is, until the announcement last week
that Sam had signed with St. Louis. This brought
a storm of protest from Ted Workman, president
of the Alouettes, and he even promised a war
between Canadian and American football teams,
such as the one conducted a few years ago that
saw the Toronto Argos "lift" several big names
from south of the border.
The threat by the Alouettes came asa bit
of a surprise, because most people figured that
Sam was Hamilton property, and if anyone was
getting hurt it would be the Tiger Cats. However,
it appears that the trade was made in such a way
that the two quarterbacks had to play for the
other teams, or the trade was nullified.
The signing by St. Louis is still pending
on whether or not Sam's contract was broken
when he was traded. Apparently, the flashy signal -
caller had a no -cut no -trade clause in his contract
with Montreal, and he feels that this contract was
voided and he is now a free agent.
This complicated matter will undoubtedly
reach the courts before it is settled, and could
cause some bad feelings before Sam starts throw-
ing pigskins next fall, in either St. Louis, Hamilton
or Montreal
11 perchance he sticks with the Cardinals,
It would certainly be a heavy loss to Montreal (or
is it Hamilton) and. Canadian football, because Mr.
Etcheverry is one of the big drawing cards inthe
rugged sport. ,
We'll just have to wait and see, 1 guess.
With the Etcheverry deal filling the sport
pages last week, another interesting event was
taking place. that is almost as strange as the foot-
ball item, Jacques Plante, the masked marvel of
the Montreal Canadians of the NHL announced
that he would play for the Montreal Royals in the
Eastern Professional league. Plante, who set an
NHL record by copping the coveted Vezina trophy
for the fifth straight time, has been forced to the
sidelines by the capable showing of Charlie Hodge.
When Plante injured his leg earlier in the season,
Hodge was called up from the Royals to fill the
spot. He not only filled the spot, but he stole
Plante's job.
With Plante in the nets, Canadiens won 10,
lost seven and tied four. With Hodge they have
won 16, lost four and tied one. Plante is stepping
down to the EPHL at his own request, in an at-
tempt to sharpen up in regular games, so he can
get his old job back.
1-iovvever, Plante will have to sharpen up
quite a bit, as we doubt if the Nabs will give up
on a winning combination by sending Hodge back
to the minors. At present they are engaged in a
close battle with the Maple Leafs, and would hardly
be expected to give Plante a trial run.
So, if Hodge continues his good wort;, the
wandering Mr. Plante may be wandering right out
of the NHL picture. Hardly the fate one would
expect for a five -time Vezina winner; But, that's
I ATT'N AROUND — Saturday, January 21
marks the opening of Minor Hockey Week in
Canada, Several activities have been planned
.round the area, and it is hoped that everyone
will get out to support the kids—and see some
excellent hockey. The following Saturday—January
23 --•-Exeter bantams and midgets will host teams
froth Detroit, in a doubleheader. Tickets are now
tli sale, so plan to attend ... Hasketball fans in
the area would do well to take in a home game
of the Western Mustangs this year. Johnny Metras
apparently has one of his best teams hooping them
this year, and they have put up some very credit-
able showings. against the top teams in the US
college rank. However, yen wduld he well ad.
vised to get an advanced ticket, because the LJ'WO
boys have been playing before capacity crowds so
far this year, and there is no indication of the
enthusiasm wearing off r just before we sigh
Off, we sendbelated congratulations to the SH-
DHS Panthers on winning the 'Pei Chex Conference
volleyball. championship, We clop exactly
t know e , i
who, what, where, when or how, but they did t,
(Or so we've been inforrned from several sources
Mostly members of the team,)
$TOFPS #RES Wa just
d a
heWspapei clil pilig showing Art ktant and torn,
Pee ,Grand Bend, displaying a ,string of IB lar<gix
•trout, owever, before yell decide to haul out the
god and reel, we should 'ekplairl that the elippil g
was frein the .Gulf :Reach Journal, and the Hours
tel;e enjoying the fishing ilttunny P thrid+, (tacit
tb the salt .i5ltinesf boys!)
r -
rials, Marlands widen
teams DrJ D for 11. i.sy
Mohawk roily fails
Im�eriaiswin 6A-,
t A.•lmer Imperials tightened paced the winners with a,
The front ,running Ingersoll :an impressive gate figure.;
:garlands and Aylmer Impe- • uare than
500 fans,
rials kept up their relentless
crowd to attend a game in Ayl.
pace in the .Southwestern OHA rater for aeverat Seasons, wet-.
this week, winning two games shed on as they .dumped the,
each. Delhi Rockets.
However, Aylmer w.ere able •They also bada good crowd
to gain two points on the first ani liaraci for their Saturday
night fixture with the tlobawks.
goal place �Iarlands, winning a four-,,
;their grip on second lace in apiece and assisted an three: point fixture front the Exeter the hocl,eY club staged a dance
a~ p p „ �-
the Southwestern OHA as they , others. Other Aylmer scorers !Mohawks. Their other win was following the contest, and sol
eeked out a 6.5 win over the were F r a n k Boucher, It a f3 -Q .Nuhttew'ash job over the oral Exeter fans remained to
Exeter .Mohawks in Aylmer, Haughton, Bud. Garton and Har- last place Delhi Rockets, eiiioy the everting.
Saturday. 1old Loveday,• 11t eanwhile, Ingersoll had to puss week .teaming up
i The Int erials took advan ' xeter s kid linty of ait.11itey go all out to subdue the sunt;•'
All ,six teams will have one
pfllrn worth, Jinn Mac onald , Al ei.n.
rage of some inept plat, by the g D trig Senors from fort Dover, . of their busiest weeks, :as each
Tribe in the first parted and and Lloyd Hoore, the best unit On Friday, they edged the Sail= s Rel lays t."pontes, All
hanged in four goals to take on the ace for the losers, pick- ors 7 G :in Ingersoll, and had'. to raonts play one home pante and
i a commanding lead in the con- ed up two goals, with Wing, to go into overtime to win 9.7 One away,
test. The slow start by the worth and:Moore getting the in Port Dover, Sunday. i Exeter Mohawks play their
.losers was due .mainly to the tai.ltees, who The Sunday game was a real games with the first place team:
'tact that they were missing. 1td Loader, played one
thritleii and the Marlands real games
the cellar dwellers. On#
three key players in their line -,of his best games of the sea pulled their goalie in the test` Monday night they travel to
up. sen, picked up another tall}, minute
to score the equalizer to . Ingersoll to tackle the high,
while Dan. Beattie and Start ; flying n Marlands and return to
Team captain LarryHeide- t.lh'ich clicked an the others, ; send the; game into the extra ; > g
man, Tussy Dunham and Keith o;session, 1 Eset.er on t� ednesday to host'
Stephens missed the contest, Score f, ur in first ; The revamped Lucan-Tlderton t the last place Delhi Rockets.
Coach Walt Westbrook :had to The game was only 33 sec- Combines were the only other i It will be the first appear -
!juggle his lineup considerably ands old when Aylmer hit the team able to come up with a ance for the Rockets on Exeter
i to fill in for Dunham and score sheet with their first win during the week. Linder' ice, and they will be out to
:Heideman, the centres on the tally, Yves Garand, second. ' new playing - coach Don 'Orb.' break their current slump and
first two lines, and the new' place scorer in the league, was • shott, and with several new fa- t avenge an earlier loss at the
combinations had difficulty in the marksman as he took a:ces in the lineup, the Combines' hands of the Mohawks.
getting organized. pass from, Red. Houghton and ':.trounced Delhi U-2 to move I Lucan-llderton Combines host
f Terry Chattington and Yves blasted a short drive past .Mc- out of the league cellar, i Aylmer Imperials in a Friday
Garand displayed the form' Crea as he came streaking in i Aylmer Imperials not only lnight fixture, , and travel to
that makes then the two tap , on the right side. jheaded the league in the scor- Port Dauer for a Sunday after-
—Please turna buttheyalsorecorded noon conctest.
scorers in the league as they , a ing race, ce, .rec x _ ed n
to page 9
WHAT'S UP BOYS?—Members of the Stratford Raiders
and SHDHS Panthers wait expectantly for a rebound
under the Stratford basket in the opening game of the
season, played in Exeter last week, However, there was
no rebound as Dale Turvey's (7) shot dropped through
Revamped :ombinc;s
trQunce DeIhi 112
Luean-ilderton Combines defensive help with the return.
moved mut of the league cel- of Bev tjrbshott, former stat-
lar, Friday, as they . trounced, wart with the lir/erten Wild,
the Delhi :Rockets 114 in '$ u•eats. The steady ilderton play
rr teamed up on defense with
:Id, was the ,first gameforhis brothel°,playig-coach,thCombines tnder their new tonrhshott.pying coach Don Urbshott, !JerryTltomt?son,anntla erathe' ave their new nlen former star with the Wildcats,
tr., a rousing vote of .confi•i also ioined the Combines to
dence, as they mit-skated and; give them some scoring punch
out -checked the .Rockets 00 the forward line,
throughout the entire contest, I Take early lead
Mitch W.al.paced the .attack;` 1 their encounter to break
as he *Iced a goal in each' then last .ace tie with the
period oto notch his first hat -;'packets, the Combines wasted
trick of the Cason.SArt Bacon, ; little time in hitting the score
the high -scoring Lambeth puck- sheet, Max O'Neil Ma rted thester, added a air of tallies! ii oat barrage when he scored
to stand second un the: scoring` at the 56 -second mark of the
summary,j peri, and the winners
The remaining six Lucan-11 wfirstere never.od,headed.
Berton gaols hpicked u 1 Tey marc
by Max O Neil, ere Jerry Thompp' in thhe :first.added periodthree, while holdgoals.
son, Don Fletcher, Jack Foote,, ing the Rockets off the score -
Al. Lortie and Paiement. d then split ard
Tom Collings and Stu O'Neil, f Slicer ag
period oatsnto give thecmcoa
the leading scorers on the 1 lead at the end of the mid.
Combines' raster, were held! die frame.
scoreless in the contest, but; The Combines really hit their
each managed two assists to; stride in the final period, as
increase their scoring leader -i they blinked the light six times,
ship. , while holding the Delhi crew
Jim Swain and Richard Pake to a single tally.
were the only Delhi marksmen: It was a cleanly played con-
able to get the disc past Jake: test with only Six penalties
Barnes, who played a standout; called. The Combines were as-
' game in the .nets for the win-, rested, four of the minors, but,
nets, new
Delhi couldn't take advan•
Add new players loge of the extra man and
The game witnessed the 1e-: fcastors.ailed to score an all four. oc.
turn of three former pucksters I
in the area. Ray Yelle, who,
,was injured tri an early season; She; "They always put a
contest with the Rockets, in! man's face on currency —never
Delhi, returned to bolster the' a woman's."
Combines' blueline brigade. He: "Yes, hut women don't
The Lucan-Ilderton squad al -1 mind. They are satisfied to
so received some additional j get their hands on it,"
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, r, r. n,,,,,,,,,,,,, r r,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
for two points. Other Panthers shown above are Bruce:
Horton (23), Ted Sanders (5) and Steve Kyle, shown
between the two Stratford players in front of the basket, I
Stratford won the contest, spoiling the Panther's home
opener, --T-A. photo'
r. Hawks rally for 5-5 tie
Exeter junior Hawks and
Strathroy played to a 5-5 tie
'and then scooted around him to I
gel; a clear break on Clark,
in a rugged Sharnroek exhibi
tion league tilt in Exeter, Tues -1
The tie evened the Hawks'
record at one win, one tie and
one loss,
Whitey Illingworth- and Dick
Brooks were the leading scor-
ers in the contest, each picking
up a pair of goals. Lloyd
Moore, Jim Russell and Bob
Jones were the other marks-
men for the Hawks, while Dave
Clithero, Leroy Parsons and
Gery Smithrim picked up a
singteton each far the Strathroy
Both teams had excellent Op-
portunities to score the clincher
in the dying minutes of the con-
test, but Jerry Cooper and Ron
Clark came up with. some spec-
tacular saves to thwart the at-
Three each In first
Big Jim Russell started the
scoring off for the Hawks at the
1:30 mark of the initial period,
blasting a blistering drive right
through Clark's pads, after tak-
ing a rink -wide pass from
.Lloyd. Moore.
Strathrey scored the equa-
lizer 'less than three minutes
later, on a poor clearing play
by the Hawks' Melee. Leroy
Parsons stopped .1aek Chip -
chase attempting to stick han-
dle out of his own end, and
Brooks grabbed the loose disc
and fired it into the bottom 'cor-
ner past Cooper,
Lloyd Moore \vas Johnny- an -
the spot at the 5.28 mark to
shoot the Hawks back into a
one -goal lead, Whitey Illing-
worth, who Broke through the
Strathroy defense was knoekgd
of stride ,attempting to deka
the goalie, but Moore came
flying in from his deft wing
spot fo ram the puck into the
Strathroy took the lead in the
game for the first time, on
pair _lit quick goal& by Brooks
and Clithero, shortly before the
mid -way mark of the period.
Brooks scored his 00 x cleat
passing play with ,John Mor.
pan, whsle Clithero took advan-
tege of another miscue .ih the
Hawks' defehsd to scoop up a
lapse puck and drill it Into the
shortss inf :the Exeter net,de
Whitey Illingworth: puiiirt the
Itawka ''back ieto a the
3 tie at
the '11;52 n4r14 on 'thpicture
goat Cif the night. The speedy
little centre picked' tip the poo,
at tlie Strathroy hltrelrn&, neat•
ly fiide-stepped the; fii`st cit.
fender, s 1 in p e 71 the Tiuok
through the.legs of the st'ctltitl,
Visitors take lead •
The second period was less
than two minutes old when Par -
.sons shot the Strathrdy six back
i into the lead. The visitors ap-
1 plied the pressure right from
the opening faceaff, and Par-
sons finally scored. off a scram-
!ble, after his teammates had
missed several good chances,
Whitey Illingworth scored his
second marker of the night on
!a three-way passing play with
linemates • 'Russell and Moore. 9
The two wingers worked the
play into the Strathroy zone,
and their centre came racing
across the goal -mouth to whip
the puck past Clark.
i An Exeter player made a per-
feet pass to' set up the last tal-
ly of the period, but unfortu-
nately the pass was to a Strath
ray player, and they scored the
goal, Gary Smithrim took the
clearing pass at the Exeter
btuchne and fired a screened
shot into the top corner of the
net over the shoulder of Coo-
The tally gavee the visitors a
5-4 lead as the teams left the
ice at the end of the second
-tenet gets equalizer
;Exeter's third tine picked up
the equalizer at, the 4;52 mark
of the final period, on a play
set up by Frank Boyle. 'Boyle
fed a short pass to Bob ,'Jones
racing across the front of the
Strathroy net, and the shitty
How thoy staid.
Lag' week'g gder•es:
Aytn1'r 5, l7n'trr 11
•tatr•ae 11 r>1111
r s ,'1' 611 7, r'erf ,t?,61 hr s
.11•iinrt' N,, t'ir ibr r,
rnit'rleti t'fla f T`srr - r 7
W Tr `It (r r
rnatirForl ' lar i a 124, As 4n
Ayln„xr r"� A 11 lug 01 2^„
t,xntnr , 5 s 9s its r, 20
Port rinve.r rr is ft 1f01 1'O fd
7,ura11.1lriarfn'vr 7 'a n A^, R', r'2'
1n1111 4 1'2 a 76 i.:s
tatli4» loth i,in'sn-
lirlrrfnn and Mier ere rnrtr-rrelnf
'uturd shires
r'ririari', ,roti. 1,0....
:'tylflin At iAi_r
110111r at tnsnreell
gunda.y, asi.n, 22—
ytP1%r+it 1Js1hhl.
1,U0An At Pert •rt'
lirtrnddc', .tars. °9«.
}hater at Crile meal
t`5'edneeaay, ,las,. 15-.
tame 'bath, At A;sjalatr
t$'lht lst, .)xetei` tit 151111
left winger rifled the puck into • The return contest between
Hockey Action!
Jan. 25
9;U pm',
the short side of the net, , the two clubs will be played
Jerry Cooper, came up with in Strathroy on Thursday night.
several: good stops in the re",uunuuru,uunnuuunuurunooiuu,rronmunnuumunnununwnnwunurrnunuuturwrnr,imnnnm,u,ruunuuuuuuuuuuunnuuUuu„nYunu„
maining ,minutes of the contest, I '
and on one occasion stopped
two Strathroy players who had
broken into the clear,
Referees Art Hodgins and Iry
Ford handed out a total. of 10
penalties in the contest, with t
each- team getting nicked for
five. Several were double pen- I
attics, as tempers flare d
throughout the contest,
Cadets Ieaad.
inter -section
The flight cadets at Primary
Training School are literally
flying away with the inter sec-
tion hockey league at Centra-
Under the guidance of F/L
Ed Killeen., the cadets have rec-
orded five victories while fac-
ing defeat only once in the first
half of the league's play,
They also have the individual
Scaring records tied up, with
no less than six players m the
top ten positions. They have the
first four leading scorers in the
Several of the youngsters
have seen Junior "B” action
before corking to Centralia, and
their Superb conditioning has
paid off well in games so far,
especially in the final period.
when they take advantage of
the sinking ,competitors.
Although they practically have
the league honors wrapped up,
the other three teams are wag•
iog a torrid battle to_enicrge it
the Steen(' spot, The teams
have, each picked up twit wins,
but Maintenance and Fleadgear-
tors have played brie lets game
that ML,
The resorts as prepared 1:iy
convenor F/L 13, J. Cler'i.iont
are listed 'below: The tearer
co'nipete every Monday arid
Thursday revesiinA .in the Exe.
ter Arena, at $ pat,
riG1tr t-rtboriity
p'rinii,.'rr•kfraik clWWW61 $ 1 tri
Sletilrf 1rrfufp, hYft aoet, .. 2 ( 4
MAIA161S4,11t Pdet. 1
u ra Ar^
a 4
10 70 S6cirer3
04 A
t",tt Uitnn., D. A. . fat l 14.
: /C,' 'Merin, 11. a 4 12
t•!r` Gattdtt, ,l, 0, .1. . a a to
Pie Direr, •r. ,J, 1'. rpt. 5 5 11
Y,r)f & 'efOhu+t to .. s 1 la
ti.Rf` r'st1t Pf 5 1 1
r/(1 ctii it a a' A
MhHil , , I
if. „ ' a
t, .e r ittirtrastt1
iSf�r! ....,..... h. a '✓' ,rsnrrrfstrrrrrnrr7�
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'57 Oldsmobile
Automatic transmission, whitewall
tires, radio, two -torte finiS1t.
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Power steering, power brakes, cus-
tom radio, rear seat speaker, tint-
ed glass, whitewall tires. See this beauty.
6 Vauxhall
Good condition, a gas saver, 35.40
Miles per gallon,
'56 Chevr let
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