HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-01-12, Page 10Pe 10 Tantlary 12t 1961
and district news
Mark week 1 iniur
for prayer
ed twice
!during one -day
Janeery 3 was en utilUcky
C42 rresponden 11 Mies Line Abbott
Once again the clergy and daY for Mr. Bill Haskett of
6 -
members of 'Lateen's three =cession 1London Town
churches ushered in the New ship: In the morning, while
Year by uniting in the week m°Y114 some snow fence the
of prayer service, whichthis fence slipped and he suffered
year owing to New Year ,s fah. a broken nose.
mg on a Sunday, hacl to be in the afternoon while driv-
curtailed to four services. Pas-• ing a small truck on William
tors of the churches and R. St., Lucan he ran into a large
E. M, Cook assisted At all truck as he entered Main St.
services. He was taken to St. Joseph's
Hospital by the C. Haskett and
The first service was held
Son ambulance, suffering leg
Tuesday evening in the United and collar bone injuries.
Church, with the pastor, the
Rev. G. W K Sach, In charge.
Taking as hie text, "Lord
Teach us •to Pray" the Rev. •Church
E. 0. Lancaster of the Angli-
can Church, wes the guest
speaker. The choir led in the!Activities
music and Mrs. Bert Thomp•
eon sang a solo. Fetud rows cif
Explorers and CGIT members Anglican
added much to the good con..
l There was a good attendance
grega tion. at the 11 o'clock service, with
Wednesday evening's :ten'. 31 members of the junior con
ice wee held in the Pentecost-, gregation out.
Hardy drops
HS position
The East Middlesex High
Sehoo! Board held its Mang.
ural board meeting, at the
Medway High Sehool last Fri-
day night with Lucan well rep
The retiring chairman, Mr.
Clarence liardv of Lucian, at
the opeaing meeting, traced
(he growth of board activities
in the construction of Medway,
Clarke Road and .Oakridge
High Schonle. The last two be-
came part of the London sec-
ondary school eystem with an-
Mr. Hardy's suceessor as
chairman will be Edward
Hamilton of Mossley and vice
chairman will be Cecil Leitch
of Thorndale. Three 11PW mem-
bers will be Carl Murphy of
• le the se •
arate schools, Allen McNair
of Denfield representing Lon-
don Township, Russell Hunter
of Dorchester representing
North Dorchester.
al Holiness Church. . Hoven Tigera ....... . 46
Ori Wednesday night the
The guest speaker was the new . 42
Mrs. Joe O'Neil, called an ex- K I Permis
Rev. E. M. Cook, who took as, - President of the
• 5.1.4.*C4°OR'ET".1'4.
MGR'S 1-.0Auff
pare$ (.7 Fan:bairn 139)
1cliets 414 Ha.1301 3741
impories IF Tiller 1231
Fug stg B. i f ford 64151
A &Ti Speeials ( R. ory ens)
Pmpeppers ID. sweet e3rn
1.*. Super( es( (11,. Millie 732) ..
14100100 ID 41.011S
'Milkmen 4R. Smith 693)
C. 'Lumbar (W. Fa hner 493)
'11,1 rid in ills 4 it Osgood 668)
11 .r;t1,10141:iirettrierilat:ril s ,i d e f. ii a It ) .
14. Super' Pat
‘Villibilinq . , . .. ........ ... 45
34 32
Atillimen 13
ro 7111m 1 umber
PPr.:1111Sili;o11:i81:':•..gel'ir; I a 1 g .
Tiuss' Billiards .. ........... 3291
• 21
lildselaires Carey Teti
Tradesmen 11. Mason 1157)
Klemm Tlg ars 10. Ross 571) ..
re.ox714 1,7. roughtin 11.5 2
'Ringers ID. 'Wright 729; 4
Kingpins IR Matt irq* 315) „
UC .F..ederation 'Pia trustee
elects officers fly MRS. ARTHUR RUNDLE
••et:1` eleAel treaa PGrellsfddeDot1not4t4hlem was !2‘18!a!Tsill'i t;htelli!a(1!slatcli'labiroloYiseti1Pdoilau5.1"1.1'1
,111 ao's Federation of the Unistedn
ieshurpcalis,t Alperse.shAternithuriinSkonrpsroy. Chairlman for t,he em,erting.
- • s N\soaspnall'ioyillaziSeiNlvieliclril a ° a°
Pcostsiellt is Mrs. W. Saeh; new !teustee elected was
• vice.preeideeest Mrs., Ree Neil' Lloyd Jaeques end -Me new
and Mrs. William Re' secretary is are,. men, Cope.
rseisttaarnYtli WMrsitmer r SHe ant:" masS.-;, id. yr. Oscar .Orine care.
treasurer, Mrs. Mex AlacItle personal itemi
toslit assistaeit, Mrs.. Wilmer
Mr. end Mrs. 11ott Wilson
Heppe Gala 111 111unrot 3227 7 Sunshine convener, Wiles teg.: arid Warren, of -LakeSicle,
Renclicaepers (A. green sten s titre Mrs To C
n gie Northgrave; supply secre- were Stinday visitors with their
{MIA and uncle Mr and Airs
Rimy Ree f1 Outt t F 611)
3 Hot Dogs ID. Prasb.• 579) • , . Toni 113, assis • • •
• ant, Miss cl Aggie Northgra ve• Jack Stnith, •
secretaryairs. W, le Switzer is spend -
associate 'IllerfiherS
• Jolly .1111x On, :13 -res 626) 0 a gn committee, Airs, Gordon witll her daughter, Mrs, -Kiel'
4 4.,0111props (14. B molt cifil1) . . Mr 5, \V rn I 141:r. a lid .Mrs. Roy eiartin
n Alley Oats 1A1. Westlake 369) 7 Mrs, Jim Donoldeon.; parson.. Ing 30111e
vin Louth and Mr, Louth,
-tunwelies tx. renhos ,s77) Eaton, Mrs. Rea Neil and •
it pine . 7a The January meeting of the and family, nt 1)elhi, .44er
i Pin Ponnet ten .... - .......... . . 72 Federation was held at the guests of Mr. and Mrs. ,104171
O Haney Gals ..,,.. ............. . 71 botro of Mrs, /Overt Williems.!Rodd and Pamela on Sunday,
4 Wee 1 -lopes ,
n :<1 t' A TIELIVIC.,5 Air s Gordon Eaton pi (1
t S. - , eiiiiiimieenenimemeene,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ..... memeniiiinimenialiumenutilimeel,•
Rs Bora .,,, ................... , .. 63 dent, presided end opened the 1,
I ratters
1:"riskY $ix
1) and tea pperA
AI erry Maids
Jolly .11111; •
1)0) Wigs
Blow -et I. PS .
litiehy Strilteg
Alley Oa Is
111 1.1g111X
Lollipops .. ...
Mighty Mire
'Bum' Bees
001111111.1111011, Service waa held.
ia the Woodham ehurch on Sine.
(1)1,e3rYs 114,14°!erill•elngiec'eri,4‘•!eodineeir.4!)eallnids
Mrs. Arthur Hopkins.
I. Mr. end Mrs. Oliver liazle-
weed, Mr. and Mrs. Nor Merl
Hazelwood, Mr. and Mrs. Fred,
Doupe, Mrs. Roy Kirk attendtK. Ahe. Itinenteir4,1 not tpnernliciatne*Mf01:
merly of Stretford,
Snipp . Style
1,vpoi STRUT
Individual Heir Styling
Phone BA 7-4467
Bank:mint xeciehare reee .. 3
'Mildews 4K, Williams 511) . 1
rks trI Art hur 613) 4
Golden Mile (d(1la nit) ,,
rannorg (B. Simpson eta) 4
Toastmasters (.1. 55(1)
• frt.. Ringers
his text Ephesians 5, 14.16. ecutive meeting in the parish ppen s Edselaireg 82
"One lives fooliehly because hall to rearrange the groups, - _---- .."- ' - g - - •-• 'Nast mast ors 12
one thinks foolishly, but one. „ , 52
acts wisely if they think. wise- Panemoni A
Tradesmen Ai
with 1961 group leaders being
'Mrs. Allan Ryan, Mrs, Wilson _ t leineeins
start proiec , 29
did address by urging all to Mrs. Al Bromwich and Miss. The first meeting of the' tares . . 26
Mrs. Jack Eizenga, Mrs.1 • Thrifty Kippenettes new pro -1 .'•
t f "(1 ltons May 'Be Smart" i'llgt sillgiP: r• wP111 (2") .
not be a 1961 fool.
'Line. Abbott.
Penteeostal Holiness church •iec- -°' wee iriree: ,i, (Name ilem
Clayton Abbott and Miss Lor- - • - • ' was held at the home of 'eirs. 7.71(7(7,11 score: 41, 'we! fp
eaine Graham sang a trio and The new pastor, the Rev. Alex McGregor on Saturday I
he saki. He ended a splen. liodgins, Mrs. Herman 'Young, _
Wilde/74s 241
the pastor, the Rev, Roland Roland Harrell, was in charge
Harrell, sang a solo, of both Sunday services at the
The service for Thursday, Pentecostal church.
evening moved to the Anglican' school news
church. Principal Robert Jenkins re -
The Rev, G. W. Sach read ports there are four or five
the lesson and was the guest, cases of flu and the odd case
speaker, taking as his text, of chicken -pox in the. village
"Christ in you, the hope of hut on the. whole the attend -
glory," ance is good.
The last meeting was backil The biggest item of interest
in the United Churchi
on Frt•; at present s the public speak -
day night,'
with the Rev. Ing contest for Lucair pupils,
M. Cook in charge. Taking as which will he held January 30,
his text, "Though the begin- i the winners of which will come
ning was small. yet thy latter; pete against Biddulph win.
end ehould greatly increase", ners.
Lhe Rev. Roland Harrell was'
the guest speaker. Throughouti AuxidarY bingo
his splendid address he stressed. With no one winning the
the one word "Commence- jack -pot at the Auxiliep bingo
inent." last Thursday evening, Mr.
The collection for all meet-, Clarence Taylor of Exeter won
ings went to the ministerialthe $5 consolation and aleo the
association, the Bible Society seventh bingo:
and for inissionarY work in! The first line of share the
all three churchee.
Woman's Auxiliary I wealth was won by Mr. Rus-
sell Thompson and the last
line by Mrs. Wade Zeigler,
The January meeting of Holy both of Lucan. The full card
Trinity Anglican Woman's prize was split between Mrs.
Auxiliary wae,held al. the hoine Grant Brooke of Lucan and
of Mrs. Jack Aluray last Wed- Mr. W. 0. Berdan of Exeter.
nesday afternoon with Mrs. The first part of the eon -
Harold Corbett, Mrs, T. A. secutive was won by Mr.
Hodgins andriMiss Lina Ab-, Sequin of Exeter, the second
bott as joint hostesses. !part by Mr. W. R. McFalls
The president, Mrs. T. C.I and the third part by Mrs.
McFarlane presided and was. Cecil Neil, both of Lucan.
aesisted by Mrs Wilson Hod -i Mrs. Bernard Avery won
gins and Mrs. Erwin Scott. 'teeth the second and sixth.
Roll call was answered by bingo. Other winners included
the paying of fees. There was Mrs. George Young, Mrs.
a splendid attendance present. Harry Bond, Mrs. Jack Lank -
The Dorcas secretary read" in, Mrs. Jim Leitch and Mrs.
out the requisites for the bales! William IVIathers. all of Lucan,
and most of those present des -I and Bob Taylor of Exeter.
ignated what they would con-
Mrs. Harold Corbett consent-
ed to be the, new social secre-
tary replacing Mrs. Roy Stan-
ley, who moved to St. Thomas.
February 17 has been set, as
The Women's "Day of Prayer"
which wilt be held this year,
in the Angliean church.
The edueational secretary,!
Mrs. Harold Hodgins took over
for her int:oduction of the new
study bOok, "Towards the Cen-,
fre" and resume of the first'
chapter on Unity. She ended
her talk by the reading of an
article on the union of all
protestant churches, at the
conclusion of which the Rev,
E. O. Lancaster spoke briefly,
As her home is central Mrs.
Murdy Offeted to ale° take
the February meeting.
WA discusses
new UC group
Mra. H. B. Langford, new
president of the Woman's As-
sociation of the United Church,
()pelted the January meeting
laet Wedneeday afternoon by
the reading of New Year's
During the businese session
it was decided to entertain the
un a, School teaelwrs and o
liters, the members a the
eenior thoir and junior group,
leaders. Mre. Mel Ottlbert,:
Mrs. Jaek Lahltie arid' Mrs,.
'Robert ankles were teamed
committee fo set the date end'
Meke.ftn arrangements.
It Was also decided. to eater
for theBeeruiting Fellowship
dinner; to be held rebruary!
24 fl the ehtirch eehoolrooni. 1
.NOVeilitter 15 was the tidies.;
eet for the amnia' .fowl eupperl
and Noletther .25 the date fort
the 1961 beefier.
Mr AleY011il 14- NiIr8li
therge a the worship e &vice, .
And the executive in charge
�f the pregrain and refresh.
Mettle. The fernier consisted
'of 4 panel diseussinn of the
hew Worrieb's orgailieetiOn.
1Theee taking part intindul
111re. Mittel Hodginae
Deve :Peek, Mrs. Ivan Hearn,
Mr. ,A E. Reiliy end. ItIrt,
J. IR Ready,
Diwirig the Meeting M.
Slurray !liodgitit Wee Preesent-
ea With, the 1.116 leitinberithiP.
pe by -ti% litelitberellite
tbriVeher, Miee Deets Weir,
Begin study
at Cromarty
WMS starts new study
Mrs. Sadie Spott was hostess
and presided for the January
meeting of the Woman's Mis-
sionary Society- of Cromarty
January 7, at 9 a.m.
There were 18 members pre-
sent and two leaders, Mrs. Me.
Gregor and Mrs. Charles Eyre. .4
Kathryn McGregor was elect.
ed president, with secretary
Margaret Jean Broadfoot;
pianist, Sharon :McBride, and I"
press reporter, Marilyn Tre-
The leaders gave the girls !
notes on cottons and also pat-
terns and demonstrated how
to alter a pattern to fit.
The next meeting is to he
held. at the home of Mrs.
Eyre Saturday, January 14, at
9 a. -m.
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith-
ers, of London, spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Wile
liarBell and Mr. and Mrs.
Pills (1. 'Page 599)
Mighty .:14100 (E, Morley 1121)'....11
Yee Hopes 167. Caldwell 698) 5
Sputniks (517, 81d 567) .....
P. Poppet tes (A. Fairbairn AM 7
rya tiers (0. Essery 625 ...........0
Strikes (G. Meiling 304)
Who CA '1•Pi* (A. A.nplet on 511)
Tern: Maids (V. Mason 597 , 7
Rolle't las (.t. Mitehell 470)
N11A Hawks (B. Sangster WI) 7
High Hop 1N. Reno!' see) n
Frisky Six 1 1V. Smith 643) ..... 5
Be .Bops (C. Heideman 564)
Jack Bell.
Mr. Gerald loonk who was
gored by a bull on his father's
farm November 33 spent 22
days in Scott Memorial Hos-
pital is back to normal again.
Holy communion service
was held Sunday morning at
St. Andrew's United Church
with Rev, A, H. Johnston, the
minister, in charge. Braun)
Binnendyk conlributed a solo.
Recent visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Allan Johnson were: Mr.
and Mrs. G. Ingram of Hen-
sall, Mr. and Mrs. E. John-
son, Gary, Rangy and Tim,
also Miss Lois Bothwell of
In addition to the events to
mark Mr. and Mrs. Allan
Johnson's 25th wedding anni-
versary mentioned previously,
neighbors and friends sur-
prised them during Christmas
week. Six tables of euchre
were played and the couple
were presented with a lamp
and an anniversary cup and
The story in
Church. She opened the meet- By MRS. HEBER DAVIS
bag with a New Year's poem ••,..eneeee"eeeeeeereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeemel
and also led in devotions. Fif- .
teen members were present. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Atkinson
The new study book Into all were Saturday evening guests
the world together" was intro- with the formes brother, Mr.
duced by Mrs. Calder Mel<aig, and Mrs. Gordon Atkinson, RR
who had as her assistants Mrs. 1 Lucan.
T, L. Scat, Mrs. W. Harper Mr. and Mrs. Earl Greenlee
And Mrs. M. Lomond. Mrs• and boys were Friday evening
Frank Allen led in the Glad guests with Mr. and Mrs, eer.
Tidings prayer. Mrs.. W. Har- ry Vanderhoek and on Thurs.
per need as her topic, 3 new day evening mr, and mrs,
years message, "A Challenge le err y Carroll were their
For The New -Year," written guests,
by Bev. W. A. Young And she Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barker
also read an artioieThe Worth and saintly attended a family
Of a Woman,"
dinner at the home ot Mr. and
Mrs. Lorne Barker on Sunday.
Mr. and -Mrs. Maurice Mae
Donald, Lucan, Mr. and Mrs,
Harry Carroll and Mr. and
Mts. Heber Davis were Friday
evening guests with Mr, and
Mrs. Earl Atkinson.
and Mrs. Hugh Davis
Mt. and Ales. Ray Davis and and family were Sunday gueste
family Of thorildele visited on with Mr. and Mr. Allen
Stuiday with Mr. and Mrs., Illistote RR 1 Centralia.
fltigh Norris and family. • Mr, And Mrs. George Atkin.
Mrs. Carl 'Walker .and baby son and :family were. Saturday
evening guests with the for-
deughtet have rettiened honie
om SeafOr osin .a
attended the tonere' of the Mr• atla Mrs' 14°)er :Davis,
late. Mr. William Parker at ""Patikd !Flarq
Heesall on 'hiondaer. Carroll, R,obert03
6.,,ests with mr ehe mrs, end 'Mr3, R. Dickins, Exeter,
wut Miller on, Wecieesdey eve: 61t"ded the e°118eeratidll
F. 0, Appleyard as Bigion
Bibleq pp ,
Mrs, 'Lloyd Soesdahl concluded
the prOgram.
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Wal-
lace spent. the weekend in Lis-
towel with Mr, and Mrs. James
mer's parents, Mr. .alid Mrs.
Many relatives anti Mende Iltrulan Atkinson,
meg were Mies Ohve Spear.e.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hoggarth G"rgi" nay at St1'raur
and Arlene, Mt. ,jatto$ Bets, Cathedret, London* on Friday, •
bout. and Mr. gild Mrs, IC. Me- ja'itthrY nt'
10:30 nc1oek
ehay Correvaar ti ;toyed
ee meeting 4vith a toyer for the i
new year. Scrip ure was read '
56 . ' - i
et, by Mrs. Arthur Simpson, Roll , I
53 call -poking of fees. ; [
WI Following a discussion of 11
551 laet, year's leporis it, was de- i
.33 Cid ed to Send get -well cards11.
53 10 :members, unless their Heel
Jolly six • 41 a treat will he sent, as well, i ti
_ ness is of longer duration, when; I
Sputnike .. - ............ • • ...... - • 09 chapter from the stied), book ' i
no Mrs. Arthur Hodgins gave all
rollellee - . • ... ' ..... - - •••: 7.4 medical missionary Work it; 1
A\ -h,„ carp, , , .
it-ill:it: 80)1(11; 27 1.1.0;,..1‘.1unrne. ....... Mariner. the annual eongregation.:,
al meeting at the church on:
High 8111 gl el G. Gitkri 1" (2") served after the meeting.
High iiirole: Dni Munroe (3231
J once ry 17 lunch will bt
Hidden single: E. 11 eirt The hostess was assisted by!
Mrs. Alex Macintosh and Mrs,'
Arthur Simpson., 1
seltx et.1\etrani,D14.
(41.U.11.11r4ra7y441652) . , .... . !.; Church news
gocterien 1p. Doak 335) - - h on &Imlay, January 8 the; ,
(trend Bend (F. Be velle) . 2
Exet 66
St. Marys 44
r4-ocierieh ......... • ....... 36
(trend Bend . 32
H urn single: At. ',Moore, Grate -
rich (295)
1,gh triple: P. Haugh, Exet Pr
(831 )
High average; M. Bannister,
anderleh (202)
oeinties cee. Bridge. sen ..
Shoestrings (Al. Patche)t. 463) .. 3
Dubees (Al. Clover 343 )
June huga (J, Borland 419)
Nugget t s (0. Essery 567)
Bluebirda (E, :Rohinson 461)
Nugge t Is 59
Pubees 67
Rookies 49
Bluebirds "
.1 un e bugs . 30
nicest rings; . 23
)-Ilii, game: Q. Essary (215)
Hightriple: (0. Essery 567)
Single: Joan Eesery 1202)
Hidden sew's: A. Moore
Minor Bowling Leagues
Indian Squaws (L. Wells 1831 .. 3
Sputniks (P. Schroeder 133) - .. 2
1.4111pops (E. Sne.11 243) 6
Eskimos (P. Presses:tor 177) ,, 0
Penny Pirmers (R. Shaw 257) 5
Freckles (M. Cochrane 156) 0
Lollipops 11
Eskimos 31
Freckle.% 30
'Indian Squaws
. 13
Penny. .rIn nei a 15
Sputniks 9
Nigh single: Roberta. Shaw (152)
High triple: Roberta. Sh a NY (257)
Fresh Fleh (0, Farquhar 324) 6
Do - Lit tl es (C. Simpson 300) 0
Fresh Fish 30
Itchy Six
Do -Lit ties 1.7
Head Pins 14
'High single: Barry Greenacre
High triple: illon 'Wright and
Barry Greene ere (436)
Lucky Seven (M. 74."44;44y 299)
T -Birds pet imer 257) 0
1,. --Downs (15.) 3. Se mi ors 272)
Midgets (M. Wedlake 267) 0
Bin Buste,rs (H. Gosar 287) 5
Beetnicks (J. Elder 251) 0
Wildcats GO, Campbell 292) 5 Slick Chicks (D. Snell 319) , 5
Rockets (M. Idle 231) 0 Long johns (M. Snelgrove 286) 0
Silver Darts (D. Wolfe 276) , 5 Strikers (N. McTavish 310) ....., 3
Tigers (R. :Durand 241) 0 Dynarniters ' (M. Bentley 310) .... 2
'Slue .Tayg (S. Hooper 232) 3 Blue Bombers (K. .Tertnyn 329) 5
Night Hawks (J. Gifford 367) 2 Comets (1?. Madge 259) o
Wild Cats ,;3 Knock -em -Down s 44'
Silver Darts 32 •Slielc Chicks 44
Night Hawks 31 Strikers 35
'Macke LS 2L Pin 'Busters 33
Blue .lays 21 T-13irda 11
Tigotrs 7 • 'M idget% 19
High single: 3. Gifford OW Blue 'Bombers 19
High don bl e: 3'. Gifford (367) l'Aialiy Seven 13
Comet s , 16
JUNIOR MEN & WOMEN Dynagiiii ere i 4
LOrIg :1011ng 12
Itea.ri pint* (F. MaFalls 803) .... 0 T1Pa(111Pk1 5
It city Six • 5 High single: 'K, 3 er(nyn (194)
(D. 'Wright, B. Greena,cre 431) High triple; K. ;r ei'Myn (322)
rlairY711 en (.5. Man d ere 570)
Wood Bunglers (D. A nkers 311)
lllertrir$ Clrl Mg 110) .
Lewis Const. (G. 'Young 345) ...
Shamrocks C.I. Arnold 624)
Mercurys (El. Dickson 6041 .. •
'Hose Rollers (T, Wilkinson 6061
Legion (H. Wisest. 444)
'Fire 'balers (.1. Ewen 639) . 4
E. Flyers ('1'. van Liesh mil 4677
Penn,v :Pin ers (11, 'MmHg 3-13)
A grico (B. Weldon 437; . 1
01endeboye Mingo' 0591 3
Lumber Kings (C, Lewis 571) 1
S. (limit s (1). 14enderson 6421 3
146101 (C., Murphy otro
1 -Int. Shots 11 a r(164 144) ......13
Rex (Dr. We Isola 5251 1
loins :MeDuntild 5t4.) .... „., 1
C'. Supers (0. 1\70reg 618)
.1 'Keck& s (14, Lee 582) • 2
' Crumbs (1',. Durr 614) 2
Nairn :Flyers (T). Roth 562) 2
" N. Nickerboelters (A. Currie 685) 2
4 Brinsley Bombers 12
:Bowler Beep's 36
4 Clandeboye Supers 33
0 Atoms 35
Crumbs 36
Sod bue1 fArg 71)
Rork et g 21
Ild erl on Lions 33
N. Nia lie rhoekers 31.
Na irn Flyers ' 24
Lucky 6, a. 24
Craig Rollers 22
High single: (i, NelyAX (32))
'High triple: (1, Noyes (315)
Wor.m. 'nut ehers 40
Sha mroekA
ravineic, 4)3
...x7,11p1;rl;An,s10VA Shnts 33
lDatl'ynien -- as
Short Circuit at In
Lumber 14inge
"Et" I.XAcIUt
"Ilmieo Rollers ..... .. . 27
Veen Feyere . 16
Periny Pine:hers 25
. -2044
rit 61.1. „....,,, 1 (4
Attiert 14
141gli single: K. Simnsen (329)
trinin: .1. Ewen (661,
High averago; X. Die)cgon (21)31
Taielte 8bc ()v. 'Nvalisorl 321)
Ortlig tioners tn. Onillitq 599i 1
14. ntntitit4cil (11. 5)1 013501' 3911
Settelor Iletre (M. Si eA 5731 „
T. Talon* (ll'...:311a.nis Es)) .
610(11)110161.6 CP, Allitem 333) ,
Aliss Sharon 1)avis And
e01gr",:x 0$ ri; abo,,u1;•• siLtiating" at Fixefer arena Satur.
0 day' afternoon.
credit East :Wean, VIV 1.!OrtiFt
On I wt 1 ar
evening gttes .
, _ _
14r MO. W, MOTz Leslit Greenlee accompanied
his uncle'Mr. Noble. Greenlee;
"frilrAraPar5I''''- tO Toronto, for the Weekend,
Mr. George. Cowerd reillrh- Mr, and Mrs. Fred Dohhe Jr.
hone tate: spending two were. guests with D., r. and Mra.
Weeks With KIS btothee, GeOrge Lindsey, Lencintl, Sat-
ta Coward, ti rarttuhar. urda y evening
Mts. Earl Greenlet.
WItt. liodgifts v411186 tam. Mio Margeret Levitente
Mr, and ML MIAMI tiquire
to .finfesent the WA _Mt the SPeitt thk. weekend 101111 lamily, Whalen, Weft •t4titi.
elefeinatnig COnetnittee Mr the her parenta, Mr, Atea M. day guests with Mr, Slid Mtg.
%Verilereg ortanitation, iSain LaWatitie leek Diekille.
church services at the 'United: t
Church and St. James Church!
were 'withdrawn before the;
time of service due to the
storm worsening and the poor
visability here.
Topics from
Obvious ,A. AT. Al urrly 419) .,.11
St. Patrirks (11. -Blake 442) „ 2
wh oil Hit s (A.T. Brownlee 570) ... 7
'Who care$ Ble ke ..
t,ueanetiee cliedhiii 477) 7
:74i Five C11, Carling 433) 11
Obvious 69
Who Oftl'0$4 57
Whist telt t 54
tuermetias 43
1-11 'F'l'e ' 41
St.. Pc tricks ,
Nigh single: in, 11 rewni ea (:12)
High (Tinto: 1‘1. Rrowniee (379)
14Igh average: Al. Carling (117)
Ttikannis (\v, Hodgins 171)) ..
Champs (N„ Pstk 12))) ...............3
linxs (M. it)'arn 154)
l'lnpoSlWI'3 (S. Cemphelt .01) „ 2
num bells (K. Ili)ln' gomery 2 t5)
SI 1'1 k eking's (S. Anderson 122) 0
ntmit441A 25
Pin popris ................... ,
Sit:Pickings ....... ..... ...„ 12
141gh ftigie x.
q1rIkbet4 (5.1. 3/8)0n 41)1)7
Planers f Rat y Van Ilerselna 3047
I)611Vii 'tavern trt. sktprisr 1271
basliitounds Reef( ten
:leered -Apes (St. Tialta 11 11111
•*\rei•ehanis (Art Halal '6577
Cats- A*Mi rex (floc) Merrier )LY/...)
1 TAO 'Ninnies (X, rritser
53tPiriji4ii°r11 7 .............. 134431.
" .........•..
room' ):469 35
lIfirenants 43
Watt 111141411:61 ...... A(.1
W 'Newt
Personal items
Gayle and Diane Hord of
Parkhill holidayed r ec en tly
with Mr, and Mrs. E. Fergu•
Mr. and Mrs, Gordon ;John-
son and family visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Cann, Thames
Road; recently.
Mr. and Mrs,. Cleve :Pullman
and faimly Visited Mr. and
Airs. John Kerkam, Mitcheft,
during the holiday.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Nod.
gins, Mrs. Percy Hodgins and
Mr. Hubert Hodgins attended
the service on Friday at the
consecration of the new bishop,
,Rev. Harold Appleyard, at St.
Paul's Cathedral, Londoe. The
men were lay delegates of St.
Thomas Church, Granton. They
also attended the luneheon at
the London Hunt and Country
Mr. and Mrs. Grafton
Squire, Sue Ann and Paul
were Friday evening guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Baker,
The condition of Mr. Bert
Duffield is improving. :He is
still a patient at St. Marys Me-
morial Hospital.
Mr. Norman Hodginn broke
his wrist while starting his
The WMS and WA will meet
on Thursday afternoOn at the
home of Mrs. Win. Mortey
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Currie,
Wingh.am, were weekend visi-
tors of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O'-
Brien. The Curries also vise
ited with Mr. and Mrs. VVm.
Morley Jr. on Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Mor-
ley were convenors • for the
euchre oe Friday evening at
the school house. Eight tables
were at play. . •
Prizes went to: ladise high.
Mrs. Ray Parkinson; gents
high, Gary Parkinson; lOne
hands, Wm. French.
SS. class awards
Clas8 awards were presented
at Sunday School on Sunday to
Robbie and ;Janice Morley,
Bruce Mills, Mary Johnson
end Joe French.
Joe French received a ring
as a special prize (or perfect
attendance at Sunday Schoot
and church for the past, two
yea r3.
SS annual meeting
Whalen Sithaay School held
its (unmet meeting on Wattles
day evening at the home of
Mr, and Mrs. Wrn. Morley Jr,
Rev. D. M. Guest opened the
:Reports of various claseee
were given, it waS decided to
send Rev. R.. S. iititz two dol -
tars to help send a delegate to
the TOC Alpha eMiference in
Toronto, A jetniot elass from
ages 8-10 yeeite is's to be organ:
Betty Duffield wes epeoi(lted
secretary - treasurer and Jim-
my Foster, interniediate class
leacher with Mrs, WM, Morley
Jiet assistant.
LADIOS' 11,..0AO.UE !...
trirecraciterti (74 Trott ti
ts) 4
•44'eotertiere (rt, tia,#))0 .11) „ ti
,elot F.hete TN. 1310141 '57t13 n
.qaeret6ny clete (It. T'1' tette Seel .,1
Lagteitteties (V. ria.rit tcta) 4
A ((MIX CS. l'eevins 4311
t (Inlets (N, lelne er,3) 1
eele,v0. (.4. Ravens 477) 1);
at '6. 4 '
.14,4"treqrin: ra.171i, arts a ge
1.71g1471461 4 ea
111'01004014 PIJi
s4e161"q!i.th Of a ......... . ....... . I 7
A.!1.7711n . . -.-.,-.- 11
.1A. Acitertitte .. Ill'
eteell 4415*1e, V lit* tileele 12/11)3
14.1gli itifile: Vildit ritirk (31)23
Lost 22 Pounds
With Noon Pion
'et wouldlike. to say that 1 have
round the Neran Plan very sat's-.
factory. 1 hove loet 22 pouride
greduelly end certaiely :feel much
better, 1 eertninly recomirehd the
Natten Plan to anyone wishing Lo
reditee the easy way.''
Mae, 0; WM' 11Y
Safe redue.ing is gracing, your
Syatein should not be subjeeted to
allOck Of '0rdah'' diets, The
NAP Ari Pion she help enyerie
whaling to lOse weight in a. 6814
manner. Almost, all eases
akeese -teeleht ere, due to over-
eetihee he _Reran Nen le the
e,aey way to reduce while etill
eetitig three meals a dey. Begin
tO your dieigeitit and
fiek 'tor the Netan Pleneft 16field
en It meney beek gnerentee4
pung's Dry Goods
January Clearance
20 to 30
The first man who piCked up
a burning faggot and carried
it into his cave was /taking a
delivery of fuel. A bit unre-
liable, perhaps, but it was a
step in the right direction.
Man has taken many steps
forward since then. One of the
greatest was when he learned
to use oil.
Because oil products have
been made available at reap.
sonable prices everywhere in
Canada, oil heats more than
half our homes. And speaking
of reasonable prices -over
the past, 10 years the price
imperial receives for hoins
heating oil, has risen far less
than the cost of other things
-only one-third as much as
the general cost of living.
-for80years.Canada'sleadingsupplierof energy
Horne Improvement Loans are available throuth
your bank under the National Housing At for
alterations and repairs to the exterior or I•nterior
of a home and for a Wide variety of other itiiprove.
ments, You, may borrow up to $4,000 with op to
ten years to repay, These loans are else available
to the ()where of rental properties,.
• Farm Improvement Leant, backed by theDorniri.•
Ion GovernMent art available frotn your barik--
up to $7,500 at five per cent tittiple Interest and
Up to fen year to repay,
These loans cover the purthate of all types of
farm equipment and IrnprovenlOnt to the fatten '
house and fatiM
Enquire eiboul Government -backed 101)n f�r
irnproverrientt to smell business establish Menta.
through the Chartered batiks..-LuP ta $6,606 ad
up tO ten yeart tO repay,'
Why Wait for Spring?
ItItttfen 131' AtrrlIOfuTY O1fl tkilitittiti afar)*