HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-01-12, Page 9, ct ..; , , . . . . . . . , . ti.!.:-'''''''''''.'•:','':':7?!'''.-''''"!'77'''"-:.'`:"'",:',-•:',.'71'7'7';"'!:"777-'7:":7:"''''''7'.",':`-'"'''''.-'17.7771,,::',-,,r,,1 • THIS THAT .I3y MRS. J. M. S. r One V the happiest New lrear'S resolutions a homebody ean make is to trace clown and defeat certale household .Chores that nibble away at inany hours that belong to precious leisure. There's no month like Jan- ay—when the blizzards blow ird sleet •beats on the window- panes—for putting on your thinking cap and taking a long sharp look, back to the past year, then ahead into 1931. Even if you're bogged down in the 'deluge left by holiday clut- ter you'll bless the hour or so sent now in just thinking and doing some planning. 4. Women in the news ..- Mrs. John Diefenbacher re, c eyed an honorary doctor of, laws degree on Friday at the official opening of the new arts and library building of Bran- don College, Manitoba, "Every girl dreams of com- ing back to her college for an honorary degree," she said. "It's a popular ambition—like wearing a mink coat." She graduated from Brandon Col- lege with a bachelor of arts degree in 1923, Women of the year Miss Charlotte Whitton of Ottawa was chosen woman of the year for 1960. She was re- turned as mayor of Ottawa after an absence of four years, 4 Here is a recipe by courtesy of Mrs, G. K. Crocker which makes a nice, light dessert and •can be prepared a day or so in advance. Plan school for leaders A two-day training school was held in Clinton last Wed- nesday and Thursday for 4-H Homemaking Club leaders for the project "Cottons May Be Smart." In charge was Mrs, Dale the former Miss Bette Tillman, home economist for Huron County, who was mar- ried December 30. Assisting her was Mrs. Howard Ritchie, Stratford, home economist for Perth County. Attending from South Huron were Mrs, Alvin Moir and Mrs. Garnet Hicks of Huron - dale Institute; Mrs. Alex Mc- Gregor and Mrs. Charles Eyre of Kippen East Institute; Sea - forth District, Mrs. W. L. Whyte and Mrs. John Broad - foot and Seaforth, Mrs. Gor- don Elliott and Mrs.Lorne Carter; Mrs. Bruce Coleman and.' Mrs. Gordon MacKenzie. Both' the Kippen and Huron - dale clubs have beld one meet- ing'in the new project during which each girl will make a cotton dress for herself. Junior Institute names officers Barbara Ann Morley was elected president of the Junior Institute at the January meet- ing held in South Huron Dist- rict High School last Wednes- day evening. Vice - presidents are Helen Frayne and Joan Westcott; secretary -treasurer, Kath ryn Hicks; pianists, Agnes Bray and Jo -Anne Miners; emer- gency fund, Shirley Jaques and Darlene Frayne; auditors Jo- Anne Miners' and Marilyn Mar- shall; nominating committee, Marilyn Marshall, Barbara Ann Morley and Shirley Cooper; press reporter, Marl en e Frayne. Agnes Bray gave a •demon- stration on huck-weaving and each member tried a sample. The roll call was answered by bringing a needle and embroid- ery cloth. The motto "Don't travel in last year's route" was dis- cussed by barbara Ann Mor- ley, Toaster Snow Bells (1\rs,G. K. Crocker), 41 envelope gelatine, 4 tbl. cold water 1 :cup bolling water 3 egg whites, beaten 14 fp, salt 1 tp. :vanilla cup white sugar Sprinkle :gelatine over the. cold water and let soak for 5 artinutes; add boiling water and stir until -dissolved, Allow to cool but :before ,completely set add, the stiffly beaten whites, salt and vanilla. Turn intq slightly greased 8"x8" pan and chill until set, Then cut in. 2" squares and roll in graham wafer crumbs, To serve cover the squares with the following: AngelSauce 3 egg yolks cup sugar cup melted butter pinch of salt 1 tbl, grated lemon rind 2 tbl. lemon juice ma cup whipped cream, Beat egg yolks until they are lemon colored, gradually add the sugar, beating constantly, add butter gradually, then lemon rind and juice. Blend thoroughly, Whip the cream, son, Huroe Street, today add salt and fold into egg mix- (Thursday). Lure. Chill well. Since the death of her hus- This amount wilt serve 12 band, Tonah Sims, in Exeter adequately. in 1946, Mrs. Sims has lived Cook turkey slowly with .Mrs, Wilson and takes a keen ,interest in her 11 grand - The Southcott family had children and 14 great -grand - the most delicious turkey for children, She has one son, Ted, Christmas dinner, The hostess of town, besides her daughter, Miss Stella Southcott chose a When asked how her mother 25 pound turkey and put it in was Mrs. Wilson said "good", a 275 degree oven at 11 P.M' She is remarkably well and the evening previous. The huge observant for her years and is bird was placed on a shallow enjoying the cards and birth - pan and covered with foil, day wishes coming her way. About an hour before it was served the temperature was it came from the oven at 1 raised to 325 degrees and when Explains plan p.m, it • was a rich golden R EACH ES , . Mrs. Celebrates '97 years 97 YEARS Eliza Sim! Mrs, Eliza Sims, Exeter's oldest resident, is celebrating her 97th birthday at the home of her daughter, Mrs, Lee Wil - brown. It carved perfectly and • there was no worry of turkey of new.group leftovers, for the 20 members of the family did full justice At the January meeting of to it and only a few bones re- the Women's ,Federation of mained. Main Street United Church on Monday evening Mrs. Cecil • 1 • Wilson outlined the new orga- Aux! iery nization to be known as "The United Church Women" which will come into being January sets dates 1, 1962 for all 'United churches in Canada. Mrs. Wilson said the one or- ganization will embrace all women of the church but they may, if considered advisable, work in groups ag)they do now only under one executive. "In At the January meeting of the Women's Auxiliary to South Huron Hospital chaired by pre- sident Mrs. J. G. Dunlop the date of the annual card party was announced by Mrs. R. L. Beavers for January 26 in the Legion Hall. Mrs. Allen Fraser, convener V the 'nurses' committee, stated the annual hospital staff party would be held January 19 and a tea would be held in the nurses's residence at a later date. Mrs. Fred Dobbs, speaking for the membership committee, said that a drive for new mem.- bers would be made in January and February. To date there are 66 members compared to 121 last year. Mrs, Gerald Godbolt, repre- sentative on the Hospital Board reported that' the board would be responsible for the installa- tion costs of the new autoclave for the hospital which the Aux- iliary is purchasing. May 6 is the date of the spring rummage sale in the Le- gion Hall with Mrs. W. B. Coch- rane, Mrs. H. H. Cowen, Mrs. Ward Fritz, Mrs. Harold Skin- ner and Mrs. E. R. Hopper as conveners. The February meeting will he a quarterly social one with Cen- tralia ladies as hostesses. Talks on a'"Know your hospital" se- ries will be given by Miss Alice Claypole and Mr. Charles Smith on financing the hospital and by Messrs, W. G. Cochrane and Elgin Rowcliffe on "how the new hospital wing is being fi- nanted.' • 1 Let T -A Classifieds do the job for you when you want to sell, rent or buy. Phone 770. the new organization women will share in a much more meaningful way in all the work V the church," Mrs. Wilson saidMrs. R. Hiltz showed a film May be Warning "World in a. Word" in keeping with this year's study "Into all the World Together." The devotional period was led by Mrs. Don Hooper, as- sisted by Mrs. Eugene Howey, Mrs. Ralph Sweitzer, Mrs, Tom Walker, Mrs. Archie Webber and Mrs, Earl Carroll. President Mrs. WilJiarn Hig- gins conducted the business. The treasurer's report revealed that the 1960 allocation had been met. Relates -history . of women's work At the January meeting of ;lames Street, ,Woman's As sociation. Thursday ofterneon. Mrs, S, E. Lewis. gave a talk on women's' work In the: church past and present. She said that at one time women were not considered capable :of :carrying on the work of the church, She .cited the case .of Florence Nightin- gale who was refused permis- -sion to do religious work in Britain but went to •GermonY to work following a deaconess training course. .As the work of the church expanded 'women were included in the program until today women: fill Kee- tife:ial,ly the Mlle positions as n Mrs, I. Sturgis led In fhe devotional period :and was as- sisted by Mrs, W H. Tiodgson and Mrs, W. C. Allison, The retiring president, Mrs, Arthur Rundle opened the meeting and called for the An- nual reports of the various aec- retaries. Bev, 5, E, Lewis in- stalled the officers for 1961. The newly elected president, Mrs. Harvey Pollen look charge. and conducted the business. It was decided to hold the usual Blossom tea in May and plans were discussed for the WA an- niversary Sunday. Couple marks silver wedding Mr, and Mrs. Laurence Hirt- zel, Centralia, were honored on the occasion of their 25th wed- ding anniversary on Thursday, December 29 when friends and relatives met with them at Neil's School, Con. 2 McGil- livray Township, The evening was spent in playing progressive euchre aft- er which an address was read by Mary Kooy and the couple were presented with a TV chair, hassock and smoking stand by Helen and Lawrence Windsor and Tom Kooy, Suit- able replies were made by Mr, and Mrs. Hirtzel. Music for dancing was sup- plied by' the Rowe brothers, cousins of the couple. Guests were present from London, Lucan, Wood ha m, Crediton, Centralia and Clan- deboye. Remember the good or days . . when charity was a virtue, . not an industry? BACKACHE Geologists state that the pre -Cambrian Shield, whcih lies like a giant horseshoe around Hudson Bay and cov- ers nearly half of Canada, has more lakes than all the rest of the world. iiiiiiii llllllll CANADIAN PROPANE GAS & APPLIANCES GRATTON & HOTSON Phone 156 Grand Bend ei.1111111,0111,4111,1,11111.111. ll .1.!1,111 l ,,,, REALLY BIG JANUARY BARGAIN BUYS Four Colors—Grey, Green, Yellow ar Peach Congo Wall Red, Grey and Yellow Vinyl Counter Top REG. 69r: " RUNININO FT % 49 2,2c Runnuig Yard Congoleum9mR. Wide R. z. 2.25 Seconds Standard Linoleum Tile Drapery Ends Toss Cushions Phomet 315 RALPH swErtzert 8g Yb, 5 04 Reg, $1,95 for $1.5$ $f,ss Fora si 25 Main SI., Exeler Backache is often caused by lazy kidney action. When kidneys get out of order, excess acids and wastes remain in the system. Then backache, dis- turbed rest or that tired -out and heavy - headed feeling may soon follow. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys to normal action. Then you fee! better—sleep better—work better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. sa ; Clip Out For Emergencies Ambulance Service DAY OR NIGHT Properly -equipped vehicles with oxygen. Drivers with St. Johns' Ambulance Certificates T. HARRY HOFFMAN FUNERAL HOME, DASHWOOD Phone Dashwood 70-W or Grand Bend 20-W Groups at Centralia plan '61 activities en riday evenixig, rebruary 17 when members are, to bring a guest to the meeting. Mrs. Earl Heist and Mrs. (I Lang- ford were welcomed into the society as new members. The hostesses were Mrs. George M e alls and .Mrs. Frank Lewis. Mission Ram! Mrs. Amos `Wright,presided for the program JD the school- room of the church on Wed- nezday afternoon of last week when the members of the Woman's Association met for their first meeting in the new year, A service for the installa- tion of officers was conducted by Bev. D. M. Guest. A read- The Mission Band met on ing "Resolutions" was given Sunday morning for the Jan - by Mrs, Guest. Mrs, Alvin uary meeting and reports show- Esser,v favored with a piano ed that a total of $75 had been solo and a reading was given sent to the Huron .F'resbyterial treasurer during the Past year and $1.0 had hen donated to the church Missionary and Maintenance fund. Collies V World Friends have been paid to ,June 1962. The group (only a small one) has proven that: willing use of time, thought, effort and many that others may know God, will make girls and boys more truly followers of Jesus, The story was read by Mrs, George McFalls, by Mrs. Wilfred Huxtable, Mrs. Earl Haist, the Presi^ dent, was in charge for the business when annual reports were given by the secretary and the treasurer, yePaira,snsacwteivrieueosutlined for the WMS meeting "The l'nchanging Glory of God" was the theme for the January meeting of the Wom- an's Missionary Society in the schoolroom of the church on Personal Items Tuesday evening. Mrs. Mu!'" Miss Sharon Sholdice was a rparyEmll.iott and Mrs. Lloyd weekend visitor at her home. Morgan were in charge of the Sharon has cemeleted her ogra nursing assistants' course in A piano solo was played by Tillsonburg and has joined the Marilyn Morgan and a solo hospital staff in St, Marys. was sung by Mrs, Frank Os- She began her duties hi St, borne with Mrs, K. Hodgins Marys on Monday. as accompanist. The chapter Mrs. Frank Osborne and from the study book was given Robin returned home on Fri - by Mrs. Elliott and Mrs. Mor- day after visiting with rela- gan. lives in Millbrook and Camp - Mrs. Elmer Powe presided bellford, over the business. Annual re- Mr, and Mrs, John Thom)). ports were given by the trees- son and David Brown visited urer and the various secretar- over the weekend with Mrs. les, Reports showed that the Thompson's sister and brother - allocation had been met. in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Elliott Plans were made for the Sutherland in Iona. World Day of Prayer service Mr, and Mrs. Clayton Ab - ANNOUNCEMENT Silhouette Hair Fashions wish to announce the addition of MRS. NANCY REGIER (WELL-KNOWN HAIR STYLIST) to their staff while Mary Lou Hyde is on vacation. MISS MARION BELLING will still be on staff to serve her customers. OPEN: Monday to Friday 9-6; Saturday 9-12 Tuesday and Thursday Evenings PHONE 658 EXETER 409 MAIN STREET 0.11.011,11 ,,, MMIIMI111,111tiltItill1011411111111111111M11.111}1.11111110•11111111111,.111111111tIft1{11111.111/1/0111110 of$,111/1,1I111111111111111111111111111 ,, ,, I lllll 111111,11111111111111111(11111t1IMM111111111111111 llllllllll 111111111111111110' • JANUARY PERM SPECIALS REGULAR $7•50 REGULAR $8.50 REGULAR REGULAR REGULAR 90.00 12.50 95.00 SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL: SPELIIAL: 5.50 s6.50 s8.00 90.00 92.00 Modern Beauty Salon Barbara Roth — Brenda Brenner PHONE 349 . Main Street EXETER raevmasim..,m.vaws,t,.atw.m.m.iswmmwmNgmss;mm..T.,mwmv„mnK.fmmvmmm. 11 NOW, AT WHITE SALE PRICES WHITES STRIPES • PRINTS FASHION BORDERS 44 PASTELS Made right here in Canada bommioN Ttrna co., I9s0 SIIERDROOKE, ST. WEsT, MONTREAL Lermrpor sEt THEM AT Gould & Jory PHONE 14 EXETER. ri • 5 55 T110 TirossAtivocejo, Jonmary 1Z 1951 P400.-9, Helen Hendrkk CIT president Helen Hendrick was ,elected president .of the CG1T at their annual -meeting last Wednes- r Y — day evening. Vire-president is Ann Fair- bairn; seerbtary, Susan Dia.. treasurer, Elsie ,Gosarj The worship service was e 1 Nights pianist, Linda Wolper. .shijs,tedMrbsy. hJeorhngroSucph.roeder. as - The junior and intermediate s group started their project on health, They viewevieweda film at Darling which was followed by a lively discussion, The senior grolp led by Mrs. R. S. Hiltz began a Bible study project. A film was shown and discussed, bott and Linda, of Lucan, were visitors with . Mr. and Mrs, Murray Abbott on Sat- urday evening. Cathy's Beauty Lounge 147 MAIN ST., PHONE 645 Perms - Cuts Sots • Tints' OPEN Monday to Friday, 9-6 Tim's, A Thurs. Evenings OnlyWE'RE OPEN EVERY' Closed Saturday FRIDAY NIGHT 'TIL 9— CATHY ROBBINS, Prop. SHOP & SAVE AT DARLING'S IGA IGA Wize,i0gM'aft, Great Savings Thursday, Friday, Saturday IGA Margarine .Aylmer 10 -oz. tins Tomato Soup Pound packages Fireside Saltines Lipton's Soup Mix Chicken Noodle Van Camp's 15 -oz. 'Beans wi.r. Pork White Cross Toilet Tissue Kellogg's Cereals CORN FLAKES — 16 -ounce pkg• RICE KRISPIES — 13 -ounce pkg, FROSTED FLAKES — 1/2 -pound pkg• .• 400's, White, Pink or Yellow Scotties TisSue Dog House 15 -oz. Dog Food Nature's Best Choice 14-o, Kernel Corn Tip Top Fancy 48 -oz. Tomato Juice Hunt's 11 -oz. Tomato Catsup IGA Brand Tails Evaporated Milk Henley. 20 -oz. Fruit Cocktail ! Henley 20.0z, • anl. flh!tht '.""" Bartlett Pears Tip Top Choke 20 -oz. Cream Corn MEAT SPECIALS Boneless 'Pot Roasts. 5 $1 Shop Friday Nights! 10 Ft:m.1 Shop Shop Shop Shop Friday Nights) Friday Nights 8 FOR $1 Friday Nightsl 8 FoR $1 Friday Nights! 8 FOR $1 3 si 4 F..1 Shop Friday Nights! 12 FOR $1 Shop Friday Nights! 7 FOR $1 Shop Friday Nights! 4 FoR Si Shop Friday Nightsl 6 FoR $1 Shop' Friday Nights! 4 Shop Friday Nights! 4 FOR $1 fihOp Friday Nights! 4 Fon $1 Shop Friday Nights! 7 r...$1 Sweet Pickled — Whorl or Halves Cottage Rolls Beef Liver Veal Cutlet L., 39e La. 53 Le, 33c Le 69c ALL 3 FOR .ONE .DOLLAR! 6-0Z. PKG, TABLEPJTE COOKED HAM 12,0Z, PKG. tABLERITE BOLOGNA TABLERITE. WIBNEftS PKG, Qp g. Floricta'Celery Frozen Orange Juke r AL115'e ttkt .2 Let 29c 5 r...1 IGA-FQ010 MARKT Opott. Friday .Nights.ttil 9 PHONEPHON 7BMTIM