HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-01-12, Page 7P.ving,ew Offi projr�ects far day Twk .important p r o. s e c LS k:enceviewers, Percy £'ailip rs'bieh Hay township will con- bell, Ted Steinbach, 1,41 o y d skier during 1961 will he the Hendrick, launching of a hard -surfacing Community centre board rep- rogram for roads end esta:b- resents lives, Reeve Becker, rep- program of the clerk's office, Deputy -Reeve -laborer, Peeve V. L. Becker ;indicated Ausable Authority William at, the inaugural meeting Mon- Haugh, caretaker of hall, Henry day morning. i Clausius; relief administrator. Hay council joined with Zer Reeve ,Becker; road sup't, 101r council for a ,joint installa-ltames 1vlasse. Tion .ceremony in the township I Road patrolmen' Harold hall, Oaths of office were ad- Campbell, WilliamWatson, Al - ministered by Clerks 1.1, 1i` vin Walper, Mathew Denomme Brokenshire and Albert Kalb- and Leonard ltestemayer. fleisch. The devotional was' Rates of pay; one man, .8O. conducted by Rev. 1, J, rots- Per hour; road, sup't, two ex-, io,n, St, Peter's parish. ! helpers, 900;; patrolmen, .80t`; Elected representatives of snow plow helper and power both municipalities expressed !mower operator, 906; grader hopes for continued co -opera; , operat.or, $1.25; truck operator tion and mutually advantag- on snow plow, ' $1,05; fence - cons development of the area, i viewers, $3.50 per trip plus Poloiving the ceremony, the mileage; tractor hauling brush Or snow fence, $2,00. :Second Seetian ,11 a40 ,, e..xefeimes-vocafe EXETER, ONTARIO, JANUARY 12, 1961 Page Sayer► Students. at Grand Beni! witness inaugural rites Grand Bend ,council gave the,the council authorized the.clerk Stewart Webb; road foreman, !senior students at the publicto write the police commis-1Wellwood Gill; fire chief. Dawe sa- school a 1001. at municipal af- stoner of Ontario and ask the ?rence Masan; buildingand ,fairs, Monday, when it hosted the contract be held in obei ;nitary inspector, WellwoodGill; the students o f Principal . Will since until the'latter part of i re resentative to SHIMS board r11,p g February, pending a full coup -1 W, F. B. MaoLaren.; represen 114aclVair,liton at the inaugural ceremony.. Jardins, eil. 1 arrive to Forest District •High Murray A, Des J. M. Southcott and w, G-, School Board, Mrs, 'Emery Des clerk -,treasurer, explained the Cochrane,. Exeter, representing'Jardins, representative to Aus- lprocedure. to the students he- Southcott Pines, met with coup -1 able Conservation Authority, I fore administering the oaths oft ell regarding the approval of a John Manore; library board, office to council, PUC and new subdivision plan, Clerk 'E ar1 Datars. • school board. members, Des .Jardins was instructed tot Committees roads, Stew - officials were guests of Reeves t S,c h o 0 1 attendance of i DOUBLE fcer UP 1T ZURICH—Members of the Ha tollnshr and Zurich Ret, A. E' Holley Congra- notify lie department of muni -fact Webb, llnnmersan Aeslar� Becker and Lloyd O'Brien atY, p rch Cot !1Ctls met, )' '• ,g c! ,airs planning branch„ m1 Incd; Etre, Bill Cochrane, lar- i $2,50 pet trip plus mi cage; . to Ctilel on or •their 1nau ural •meeting, the members of tulated .the eouncil for invrtino . p an inaugural banquet at the stack valuator 3,00 r g • g. +� each co.unell �� e1e . •that , .«Heil: agreed to the pro.;merson Des)ardine, relic£, Dominion Hotel, $• per , trip l sworn in. b their respective the students t0 ]earn by Qbser phis mileage, deputy retainingY p _ e clerks, anal then enjoyed a banquet .at the Dominion vation what it means to take'ws.lons to the plan, Earl. Deters, Emmerson Des- I Make few changes officers, $7,00 per day plus , Hotel, Shown above are reeves V, L, Becker, Hay, and Lloyd O'Brien, Zurich At the township meeting mileage; poll clerk, $5,00 per with the Clerks of. their'lriunicipalities, H. W. Brokenshire and Albert Kalbfleisch. Which followed, relatively few day plus mileage; p 0 1:11 n g changes were made in the ap• , booth, $7,00, office. Reeve :James Dalton In other business; iardine; property, B1U Cocb- also welcomed the children and Council. agreed to -pay $13 to ! ,rane, Earl Datars; water. Ste- 0 wart Webb, Emmerson Des'ar-" said the idea had been forma- the Ausable River Conserve - toted the Mr. MaeNaughton. tion Authority, as their share of , dine; pollee, Bill Cochrane, t t f theL 't t' Earl Datars, pomtment bylaw, Rates of pay, 1 Reeve, $200 plus .car allow= encC, $50; deputy -reeve Port Franks. e of ,and s raised last year,remain gener- �reeveease in the stated,."because the same., councillors, $150 plus car al. a r a•c an a few years one of these stu- Authorized lows ce of $25• s e sal six • " It certainly is a good idea " he costs o Jaw sur a the.clerk to send lek An allowance of $25 was • R. p c meet • • ins councillors, $5 00 plus ' granted Harrison Weigand for , $2,00 car allowance, clerk- Joss of land along concession , Mr. 11lacl\Taughton expressed light on'GUI road at the en- treasurer, $4,00, • Caretaker of hall, $300; cicrJc- •ai i' positton �llt... Stephe f [ t Passed a borrowing by law o treasurer, 82,600 plus $600 for o the o- s dents — or several of them— in fee for lease of.beach. • • will be filling these chairs," Askd PUG to install a street, 74 due to erosion of ditch and, cave-in of fence posts. 'K. rkton� cow: the appreciation of the students trance to the skating rink. WI n s a wa r ropportunity wane asse. secure funds from Bank of Mon Council gave permission to roads, mileage 7��zd one way; 1 Stephen council has re -posed edam at. Parkhill. • All .the Salvation sing the inaugural ceremony. A Jersey cow in the herd of pI4 ahation Aiin>f and the Waif for full council tical, Mon - 111. J. Watt, RR 6 St. Marys, has 1 the community centre board to assessor, $600 plus $400 mile-Ceived six applications for the members will attend the Au1h St. ,Iohns Ambulag Corps. Received. confirmation of sale, erect signs restricting parking age orrty meeting in. Parkhill this Darin° the business session land t 1 dam to been issued a ton of gold ter- to patrons of the centre, y welfare officer and Ll I m During court of revision on collector, mems, At the first .meeting, W bb S til discussed the renewal of the htt 1 was - re port will remain the SL DHS g i y taxcollector,.tf- I `jhe cow, Lynda Premier Be. of late assessment, the appeal t veiled •at the inaugural meet- i Stephen refected. its share. 1 representative. Appointments police contract, Due to the fact Instructed . Grif-! , c,i,n Annie yL _ classified remie .11e,., Mrs. Sarah Geoffrey was �"'� I h h r+ r F sets _. Councillor „_ v __.__w .. not upheld.o Clerk Brokenshire was in- f officials ' strutted to write the Ontario' • Water Resources Commission regarding a letter dealing with, One new member joined Hib, the matter of the township as- beet council for its inaugural miming responsibilityr for water 1 meeting. Councillor J. Drake systems in new subdivisions subscribed to his office along should the need arise. l with Reeve. Earl R. Dick and Grants of $10 were approved Councillors C. Roney, A, Du- , for the St. John's Ambulance charme, and if, Norris. Cors and the Salvation Army. Rev. A. Davnard opened Corps S to C J d i Reeve e v', as appointe ofat municipal p position al clerk, treasurer 1 ride to reconsder the allot of the first, meeting, the coatiOntariodepartment tificate by the Canadian Jeri and tax it was re- 1 oyc �a Jeger me t of, soy Cattle Club i d ••ror,d• IClerk James Mawhinney au -t all road foremen were made. _.'..._ +.•+ Thomas, „v contact solicitor ministered the oaths of office! Desf ardme WAS on holidays, Elmer D, Bell regarding tax j good i produced 2,375 pounds Council. -plans to hold a spe-j t t a h Council still meet at 1 p m arrears g of fat: in 1409 days, phis is 27S tial meeting Friday night to o the council, which includes the first Tuesday during the two new members, Cecil Des-� f F n d deal with the applications, {months o e r u a r y an sardine, Grand Bend, and Jo- March, Council also discussed the seph Dietrich, RR 8 F'arkchill. ward construction of th ducted by It v, Duncan Guest, t s e p• Elston Cardiff, C,S.Mac- of Centralia. Naughton I S b a nd i n 9 Reeve Glenn Webb, in his Durnin, requested a grant of Farm forum meetings, once a inaugural address, outlined to f k h council some o Ince work Farm forum The devotional was con- Several deter ons waited township's levy of $13,500 to -1 ti on council to request grants, io- gr:on and Warden John • pounds over the requirement. Tentative slate 1 Basil's Annie is a winner of The tentative slate of offs� four silver and two gold med- cers and committees was pre-als, sented by the council for ap-, To qualify for the certificate, proval. at the next meeting on a cow must produce at least a Monday, February 6. i ton of fat in four consecutive Appointments are as fol-. years. $25 for the Huron Plowmen s highlight of rural life, are fast , lows: e Association, at on i councilTax collector, the inaugural with a message would like to see accomplished proved.which co c 1 ap disappearing• mss assessor, Mathew Swett -f Safety sign; "Watch out for Two persons were authorized during the year, He 'then. en ;1 One of the few remaining zer; ,chief of police, Cpl. Neil' school children ,especially of guidance and prayer for the I Al the request of Mrs W D thisP L' •i ; Chamberlain w h Reeve Webb and Councillor l 'doubled I1111111t111111111,,I11141t$IIltltIl4tt11I111ttlltlltlllp' Tho - to attend the MWODA zone - • groups in area, arr ine meeting in Goderich Wednes- year. As WO cials to a dinner. )'retic, ;rants for the librar.es forum, appears to have lisclay,Appointments inc1u d e d• I at Centralia and Crediton were solved The members did not I a tertained members and offi• eel inspector, ii they're driving." Members of to board of, rfrom $50 to $1.00.Apmeet this week and there may School included: h e a I. t h, Dr. M, Stapleton,' Former' students at i^,FIDHS Ed Hendrick were appointed i The Dashwood Men's Club not be any future meetings. hool attenda ce officer, Reeve Dick; sanitary inspec-, stood first in the junior year to attend the MWODA dinner II W.n Goderich Wednesday. requested financial assistance Said one spokesman: It Bruce J. Klopp. tor,r O'Brien;0 Bisecretary, and second in.the senior .year Grants were authorized for toward the operation of its looks like the forum has fallen Stock valuator, Bert Klopp. ! Roy Burchill; weed inspector, in the Christmas examination 1 skating rink. Council delayed through: It's too bad but it • Pound keepers, J. F. Ingram, ` a • Laing livestock valuer results released this week by ' Laird lacobe, Claire Geiger, ,Carter Kerslake; school. at; o •. • Harold Finlay, Harold Reichert, i tendance Reeve the Western Ontario Agricul-, Cuff i c s a fete Allen Crear, William Watson: 1 rural School, Ridgetown. Dick; Ausable Authority rep -1 Ross Wein, RR 2 Crediton, resentative, Reeve Dick, Seeauthorized to sign the year. advance reporwere at for road •experiditures •in fifth place was Douglas fpr 1960 in the amount of Thiel, Zurich, and in ninth was in marketing $49,705 and to'submit same to Donald Hendrick, RR 2 Credi• dep't of highways far sub- ton. Farm Forums in this tom- sidy, I capture students in d top ethe rumor position among i n Usborne The reeve and treasurer the 95 Second in senior munity would like to see a fur- Membership fees of $15 each Glenn Greb, RR 3L•urich, Tl Reeve Clayton Smith, mem- bers of the council and officials of Usborne Township enter- tained their wives with a tur- key dinner at Elimville United Church -on Friday evening. thee. development Zroco-opera- were paid to the good roads stood second in the senior and fere were 35 in attendance. tives andmarketing boards in assn and thenassn tois.daur•al graduating year, in which there .After the dinner the party ,ad - order for the farmer -to obtain municipalities and a grant of E are 80 students. He is the only journed to the council c.ham- the hest possible prices for his 850 was made to the Salvation student from this area in the hers in the Township Hall Army. where the rest of the evening products. class. The clerk was instructed to A number from the Lttcan was spent playing cards. Bean Board helped advertise for applications for area also placed well up in Prizewinners for the ladies Members of Fairfield Forum a caretaker for the township the standings. were: Mrs. Newton Clark, high; felt that the Bean Marketing hall. �J a m e s Stolt, Clandeboye, ivlrs. Ward l -tern, consolation Board: .had given satisfaction Regular council meetings stood seventh in the junior and lady with the most lone in this community but that the will be held the 'first Monday hands, Mrs. Harry Strang; w h e a t and hog marketing in each month at 1 p.m. andD men's high, Floyd Cooper, con• hoards had not helped. from April to October the J y solation, Newton Clark and man Co-operatives should be pro- meetings will start at 8 p.m. with the most lone hands, John fit, sharing to he satisfactory The tax collector reported Batten. in their opinion. They also unpaid 1960 taxes at December There are only two kinds of Members of the WA. and AVMS could branch out more and 31 were ,$13,831 and prior to parking nowadays—illegal and of Elimville Church catered for could. help in marketing and 1960; $5,590. no. the dinner. ' could buy at a more competi- tive price at the source. As for marketing boards they felt they should get rid of sur- pluses whereever they find markets and also find bigger m arkets. They met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Haist with 24 members present. Co-op to keep prices down Elimville North Forum mem- bers, meeting at the home 'of Mr. ' and Ars. Allen Johns, in- dicated they wanted the co- operative to 'provide them with quite a few of the things they have to buy at a price "com- parable to or less than pri- vate enterprise". They felt that a private dealer in a community where there is no co-operative can get away with charging more for his goods. As for the marketing boards they stated "we want them to get all they can for the things we •have to sell" and indicated that some marketing boards would. be better off with less government .interference. They meet next week at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Philip a: Jones. year; Leslie -• Wernham, RR 1 Denfield, 25,th; A1b ertus Da- men, men, RR 3 Lucan, , 2n dd We're In The Market Guild at Trivitt stages euchre Eight tablesof euchre were In play at the Trivitt Memorial Parish Hall Monday night. The event was sponsored by the Ladies Guild, Prize winners were' ladies high, Ars, Roy ,Pepper lone hands Mrs, Hubert, Schroeder and low, Mrs. Ed Johnston; men's high, William Ferguson; lone hands, Mrs. William Web- ster and men's low; Mfss ]Net- tie Sweet, H&S sees ,films on fathers' night Tuesday night was "Fa- thers Night" at the meeting of the Exeter Home and School Association with Gerald Got14' bolt as chairman, William Jobnstorr as secretary and Glenn Miekle,. treasurer, Mr. and Mrs, Ken Bridges, Andrew St„ showed pictures of the countries of Western Eur- ope which theY had visited during their sojourn in Ger- many. They also furnished mu - tie from Germany. They were. Introduced by Murray Greene and thanked,.by Harold Tooke, Mrd, It, t) ,lermyn's rooim iron OA p.tih.ridance Award. W. G. THOMPS.ON , • HENSALL and Sons Lir»ittAd . • - Phone 32 +M • ..,....t,',,... "� 3c..y. �. ^�;-..`�',".'wYF .yo- ..... � - ':..'�.5i� For Rodney and Garry Oats THAT •k,L MAKE SEED ALSO* YORK BARLEY. • that will make seed Bring In Your Samples and. We'II 'Quote You Our Prices Fill Line OfCIS. Fertilizers Early Discounts Still Available Clover and Grass Seeds See Us Before Ordering We Have Ki D Corn 1`rw Ton or Truck Lots G. Thompson & Sons 1•iN10 42 'OR 33 LIMITED NI614S .32 OR 194 HENSALL to VAR ur decision unto .the matter was appears to be a thing of the discussed Wt t Hay Township. past." FERT'iLIZER by taking delivery before January 14, 1961 • CHECK THESE IMPORTANT FEATURES : A top quality Fertilizer at substantial savings. Experienced staff will help you, plan your Spring Fertilizer program. - Assistance in selecting the Fertilizer analysis your farm requires. Backed by a "Guarantee of Quality" certificate. PLUS 5% DISCOUNT FOR PAYING BEFORE MARCH 18 EXETER DISTRICT PHONE 287 COLLECT BESIDE CNR STATION Gy!Co[oGySE7.: -•y a C/•, SOME PEOPLE ARE LIKE BLOTTERS - THeY ABSORB EVERYTHING ANC) GIVE OUT NOTHING Buy GromGold Fertilizers It will pay you to investi- gate what Gro -Gold can do to save and make money for you on your 1961 spring require- ments. See What You Save We offer all analyses delivered to your farmat plant prices, less $2.50 per ton for early January delivery and an additional 5% off for payment by March 18. What does this mean to you? Pion No. 1 4-24-20 Del. 'Price ... $85,20 2.50 Less early Jan. delivery 82.70 Less 5% by March 18 4.15 Your cost is .., 78.55 YOU SAVE 6.65 How About Thatl But That's Not All! If you cannot store or take early delivery of your fertilizer then we have PLAN NO. 2 that will do it for you at a REAL 'BENEFIT AND SAVING TO YOU. Let us tell you about this PLAN NO. 2 now so that you can take the full advantage of it. Order Gro -Gold Fertilizer Now. , U M I'r O GRAIN • FEED • SED ETER ;tt,735 •• WHALEN CORNERS r✓K1fRKTON 35R1 SNOW -BLOWERS! FARMERS: are you tired of getting stuck and shoveling snow? If $APeter Anderson GALL or W10TE • CLIP AND MAIL THIS COUPON T0; Peter Anderson, West Lorne, Ont. am interested in your Snow Blower and would like a demonsfeat'ior l 1 understand I am under no Obligation. NAME Address This Coupon i1 'wort!) $5,fl -.'Llrnitt 'tine' #e * ' 9iltoi ,, WEST LORNE Phone 110 We have the • most efficient • Lowest priced SNOWBLOWER av;Ailhble imltladiately1 r` Universal type fits till. ftftctors with P:r„a, 1r