HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-01-12, Page 3jk 111ITea,,NA,r437,40g,#7,,,,.#.7-101,4..GI7WWT,# -•!----P;!!,,r-:--;---7:!.=:r::7!-.::!;.:;;-e=;r."zr,;:!::,!::.,. Page 3 January 11, 1961. E.:fliSQJj and district neWS ORRESPONPENTS Mrs, Mude Hedden PhenR Ars, Archie MacGregor, Plane .56 Dies during delivery trip Mr. William Parker, 61, a Well known resident of Hen. sall,died suddenly Saturday, He ,had been employed at X1ikJe & Son Grain Elevators for the past 11 years, and was delivering a load of feed to the farm of Mr, Rocbus _Faber, Kip, pen, Mr. .Rudolph Linstra, who had acceMpanied him with. the Joad, found he had dropped dead from a heart attack. are was horn in Hay Town- ship and later moved to Chis- elhurst, where he farmed until moving to Hensel" 11 years ago. Surviving are. his wife, the former Eve Norris, two sons, Arthur of Seaforth and Wil- liam at home, two daughters, (Margaret) Mrs. Clarence Rus- ton, Stratford and Miss Betty Parker, London; one grandson and three brothers, Gordon, Exeter, Wilbert end Harold of Chiselhurst. Funeral services were hell( from the Bonthron funeral chapel Monday at 1.30 p.m. conducted, by the Rev, Currie Winlaw, Interment was in MeTaggart's cemetery. Bearers were John aarrott, 1311 •Mickle, Lloyd Venner, Cole, Carl Stoneman and Clarence Volland. Rebekah lodge 'host for euchre 1 :obi e Grand Mrs. Ernie Chipchase presided for the Meeting of Amber Rebekah No. 349 on Wednesday evening. A meeting of the committees of the CPT fund will be held in the lodge rooms on Thursday, Jan. 12. Mrs, Archie Mac- Gregor, treasurer, gave the financial report. The change in by-laws were given the third and final reading by the Noole Grand. The property committee was instructed to enquire about an electric stove for the kitchen of the hall, Following the meeting the members entertained guests to a progressive ebchre party. Prize 'X/inners were: ladies' high, Mrs, Edna Corbet t; gent's high, Mr, W, R. Doti - gall; !Wiles' consolation, Mrs. James McAllister; gent's con'. ,solation, Mr. Ernie Chipchase. Personal items Sgt Donald Orr left Sunday for Carnp Borden where he is taking a special six week's course, Mrs. Orr is staying with her husband's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Orr, during his ab- sence. Mrs. .Dave Feild of London' visited with friends in the vil- lage on Monday of this week • Name inspector for building here Drain work, subdivision de- Velopment and continuatidn of the paving program will be among 'the major projects for Hensall council this y e a r, Reeve John. Henderson indi- cated .Wednesday following the inaugural. this week. He said council plans to con- struct the balance of the drain on South Richmond St. which was started last year, A stretch of about 1,200 feet will be re- quired. Thevillage hopes to get! 'some nnancial assistance from 1 Tuckersmith township whose! water runs through the vil-' lege. Discussions will be helki! with the Ausable authority over the.. sharing, of costs. Bronthron-Hay subdivision on the south side of the village. Among the problems will he the expenses of providing se vices for the residential se tion 1 Council is expected to carr on its road re -building and ' paving program as in previous 0 ,years. Dimes aid foundation "Since the polio epidemic the fall of 1959 more than ha a niil1on salk vaccine inje tions have been given and total of 150,000 adults cern pleted the full three injectio program," This statement was made t day by Mrs. Howard Scan ehief marching mother for th March of Dimes campaign h ing held in Hensall on Jan 31, The mothers' march whic takes one hour each, will rais the funds to finance the wor of the Rehabilitation Fonda tion throughout Ontario in 1961 "The medical program o the Foundtion," said Mrs Scene "begins with work fo prevention, but the main func tion of the March of Dimes 1 rehabilitation and we accep all orthopaedic disabilities, in eluding accident and othe diseases . as well es polio vic tims," m emb e r s Chia ng ,officers of planni totive „corn m — Continued from page vices of A stenographer. Raises of from 10 to 20 :cents Per hour were granted mem- bers of the works clop% Wages of foreman Gerald Cornish will increase from $1.50 to $1.60; Aes't Foreman Nelson wells front 0.2.5 to $1,40; regular men, from $1.10 to 0.25 and causual laborers from :$1,00 to Mayor PooleY, suggesting the increase, noted the coonty average for iobor was Stipend of relief officer Bill McLean was raised from $50 to $100 per year. in Raise council pay? If Members discussed increases c. in their own pay at some a length but .acietponed decision • until next meeting. The mayor n in '59 received $500 while other 1meinbers were allotted $350. o, Councillor Musser suggested e the mayor receive an increase e.of $50 and that higher salaries e-» be paid the two reeves and Councillor Taylor, chairman of :the drains committee. Provinc- h 'al regulations, however, pro - e hibit the setting ,of different k levels of salary for any mem- • ber but tbe mayor, Mayor Pooley said a number f pf persons had suggested to him that salaries should be ✓ raised to attract capable men to the positions. It was also un - s fair, fair, he felt, to expect men on t salary and operating their own businesses to sacrifice earn - ✓ nings to serve the town with- .. out adequate remuneration. 1 He was supported in this by t several members, including e Councillor Delbridge, who in. ✓ dieated there were many other e citizens with time available d who could serve but would not, 0, Re-apnointments included. Ar- thur Xdle, three-year term! on s library board; R. G. Seldon, Y three-year term to the ceme- tery beard; bell ringer, Emer- , , son Cornish, $25 a month; hall caretaker (no permanent ap- pointment yet). $50 a month; s fence viewers, 'Ulric Snell, John • Norry, William Middleton. el Fireman's allowances remain at $1.00 per meeting, V.00 Der run, plus $2,00 for each addl.! Mrs. Scene explained tha the. foundation caseworkers se that patients, referred by thei family physicians, reach on of the orthopaedic clinics het regularly at eleven Ontari centres. "We now have the facilitie to provide treatment prointiti to any disabled man or worna in Ontario," said Mrs. Scone "The demand for service now exceeds the funds available This year, 20 March of Dime committees in Ontario hope to raise $650,000, but we believ the 'need will be greater than this before the year is out. "There are so many disabled. persons who can be helped" concluded Mrs. Scene "and we can use every volunteer we r- can get in the Mothers' Marcl c- on .ra'nuary 30. We need ever dotlar that anyone ean .pa Y to help restore. these injured men and women to the dignity t independence which is pos sible for them today as never before." - Appoint inspector 'Hensall council appointed the village's first building inspec- tor at its inaugural meetin this week. David Sangster, former mem ber of council, will be respo sible for enforcing the rental tions of the new building bylaw which came into effect nea the end of the year. Severe] new in ern bers wer appointed to council board Dave Kyle replaces Bob 13ake Jr. on the park board and Mu ray Baker succeeds Rev. G. C Vais on the recreation commi tee, Mrs. S. Rennie repleces h. Y. McLaren on »the library board. Members of these bodies now ( include: parks, George Parker Don Spearman, Dave Kyle, Bil Mickle, Wilmer Ferguson an councillors Lorne 1 -lay and .Joh Baker: recreation, Rev. Cur rie Winlaw, Murray Baker George Beer, James Taylor Mrs. Harry Horton and Coun cillors Mrs. Minnie Noakes an John Lavenaer, Mrs, S. Rennie replaced R Y. McLaren on the library board. Principal Robert Rea burn wilt represent the schoo Council plans to discuss plans for development of the' Pastor installs Auxiliary slate Rev. R. C. Winlaw installed the ' 1961 slate of. officers of Hensall United Church. Evening Auxiliary in a candlelight ser- vice at the church Monday eve- ning. New officers are: Honorary president, Miss M. Ellis; past president, Mrs. Hugh McEwen; president, Mrs. Harvey Keys; vice-presidents, Mrs. Ron Mock and Mrs. Walter Spencer; sec- retary, Mrs. Edison Forrest, assistant, Mrs. Wm. Mickle; treasurer, Mrs. John Heal; pia- nists', Mrs. J. C. 'Goddard and Mrs. Wm. Fuss; nursery,. Mrs. Cecil Pepper Forrest. Miss Mary Goodwin con- ducted the devotional using as her theme "The New Year." She was assisted by Mrs. Edi- son Forrest, During the business period $15.00 was donated to the Hen - salt Kinette club to The March of Dimes, and articles were on display for a hospital in Alber- ta, Treasurer Mrs. John Heal submitted the financial report and Mrs. Ross Richardson re- ported for the visiting commit- tee. Miss M. Ellis contributed htimoroUs reading. President Mrs. Harvey Keys presented Mrs, Hugh McEwen, retiring president with a life riembership tertificate and pin. Mrs, Hugh McGregor Mrs, Hugh McGregor died Clintonlil Public 'Hospital, Sat-, d urday, in beia,90bh year. She wes the foriner Jessie 1 Ann McLean of Kippen, Most t of her life was spent in the e Kippen area having resided in D Hensall for the past several years. a Surviving are one daughter e (Edea) Mrs, Joe MeLellerald Henan. and One brother, W. it J. McLean of Seaforth, andv two gra ndchildren. Funeral services were held p !rein the Bonthron funeral: chapel Monday at 3,30 p.m, conducted by Rv 11 a r old, e, Johnetore Brucefield, Inter- ment was at Reneall Union, Cemetery, Bbearers Were Robert aii(1111 Jim McGregor', John Sinclair,1 Rote Broecifedt, Bilt ell end; ilsot McCartney, Loki home by fire Mr. and M. Eltar Masse of the Branson tine, g•l/Z miles etattlaweet of Zurich, lost their herrn and all their possessions In a dieestrone tire which ley. elled theirr two story frame building Sunday aftertloon. i Charles Tuckey dies in hospital Charles Edward Tuckey, 90, a retired farmer who has made his home with his son Oscar, -;on the Tuckey farm north of Exeter, died Sunday, • January 18, at the South Huron Hos- pital, where he had been a, patient for about a week. I Mr. Tuckey was born in Mel- 1 rose, near London, where he Tuckersmith lady dies in hospital n. Mrs. Hugh McGregor died in a- Clinton hospital Saturday, Jan- uary 7, where she had been a r patient for two'weeks. She had been in ill health for several e weeks. She was the former Jessie S. Anne McLean and was barn in r February, 1871,in Tuckersmith, r" where she resided until three years ago when she moved to • , Hensall. Mr, McGregor predeceased er Jan. 3, 1940. She is survived by Mrs. Joe Edna) McLellan, Hensel]: one ,'grandson and one granddaugh- 1 ter and one great granddaugh- d ter; a brother, James McLean, n Seaforth; nephew, Edison Mc- - Lean. , Rev. H. Johnston, Kippen , UC, officiated for public fun- • .eral services held at 'Bonthron d Funeral Home Monday with in- terment in Hensall 'Union Cern- . etery. Bearers were Jim McGregor, - Robert McGregor, John Sin - 1 clair, Ross Broadfoot, Bill Bell, Wilson McCartney. ' oard. Reeve John alendereon was appointed relief administrator; Lorne Hay, Ausable Authority representative; Mrs, Noakes, MWODA repres'entative. Council committees include; streets, .Hay and Baker; pro- perty, Noakes and Lavender, E.. R. Davis will remain Po- lice chief and utility man and Earl Campbell will continue AS clerk, treasurer, assessor and tax collector. Council agreed to send two delegates to the Ontario Ass'n Of Rural Municipalities conven- tion in February. All members subscribed to the oath of office before Clerk Campbell. Rev: Currie Winlaw conducted the invocation. Accident bouglas Lenaghan, 18, of Heinen, is in satisfactory coti- llion at Scott Memorial Hos- ital, Seaforth, with severe ita Urns to his face following a wo car crash at Dublin Corn- rs early Saturday morning. ouglas had 114 stitches to his ace,ia fractured nose and jaw, n injured Arai and ear. Rob - rt Beavers, 20, PR 1 Hensel', river of the !car suffered mita o his leg. The ether car in olved wag 'NMI RCAF Clirt. on. e'rsonat 'terns Miss Beth Goddard returned o McDonald College, Guelph, its week after holidaying with ee perehls, De, J. C. God - nal, Mrs. GOddatcl and fem. Mr. Toni Fisher, et Toronlo, isited over the weekend With is patents, Me. and Mrs. Wil- fred Fisher ancl! Miss Mao Payne fattened one Monday of tit g week front eillt letenitSrial nespitel, Sea - rill, While she toiderwent ert ppendectorny last Moncley. Sgt John Beer etelierted at RCAF Station', left bar comet! jet Monday morniria tor Gerniany, Where he will be in- rtiotift- for three tnths. gt :14-0Or is a son Of gr, And 11.• rred Beees Mia Arid Mrs. Shit Ttoohol Sited with Mrs, ltetilool's r.iiialeW, Mrs. Tony Gelder-, eel Hospital eh Stinday, 1 nd, a patient at Methane Ge- Mr, had Mrs,. Meese and their seven small thddren are staiying With the forrar's per - crag, „ Wee of Bre is linkilW1, 1‘11,5 Meted Wag 'alone 'the td !lease at the tibia Mid OW: the th and Deahweod la fire biagedee reaPatialeca nt Plan activities at Chiselhurst The WA and WMS of Chisel hurst United Church , held a combined meeting Tuesday af- ternoon„lanuary 10. The new president Mrs. Rus- sell Brock presided for the WMS. Mrs. Clarence Coleman led in the devotional. Eighteen members responded to the roll call by payirtg their fees. 4 It was decided to order sup- plies for a Bible Study group !and to start their supply work by quilting three cluilte in the chtirelt January 17 with a pot luck dinner. Mrs, Percy Harris took the study period from "The Turn- ing World" and Mit Campbell Eyre gave e reading. Mae, A. Ross presided for the WA. meeting when it was de- cided to have a pot luck supper at the annual congregational meeting January 31. Mrs. George Boa cohvened the lundh. Personal items Mr, Charles Mickle who is a Student at the thliveteity Of Western Ontarin, wee one of the delegates In go to Ottawa ever the weekeed to attend the Nedier' University Libetel laddettitioe Rally fame Satur- day until Monday noon, About twenty students from Western atteaded, . Charles wilt remain until Wednesday to attend the Notioril Ratty Of the Liberal Party, Mr. end Mee. Fred Beef, Mr. aiid Mae. cliteege 1360 Lin la Lee, and Betty Ann, spent New ears'With agt. John Boer end family at Springfield. Miee Bernice Dillirig (at Lea. dee Vitited over the Weekend With her parents d Wilbert Dillittg. Mrs, Clartnee Ttusto JIM son af Steetleed are s medi' a t days with 'Mrs. fauttii'e Me- ant, Me, Wel. Parker. Mr. and Mee. :Frd Beilthien left Tuesday tit thit Week by Meter The Viarkla where they Vadatiaii ter the winter 10(:),F. . - - • ..• - _ • ' • • n g o or inse„e„.„a ks .„.„,,,rit -14/ $ woj tional hour on duty, Fire ,Chief Irwin Ford will receive :$12$ year; Captain Ernest Wells, $75; Ass'( Captain Frank Creech, $75, and WI volunteers, !$.50 per year. Former police elilef, John Norry, will continue to receive bis pension of go per month. fellows' lodge Tuesday eVerilltg. Owing to the death of Allan Richards, his position as vice - grand was filled bY Harold Rowe. Allan Fletcher was in. ducted as warden; Glenn Fish. er as chaplain; Lloyd Hodgins, LSVG; Delmer Sainner. ISS; . William Persons, LSS; Samuel Skinner, OG. 'rhe officers were installed by DDGM Percy Campbell and e'r er c,„nri his installing team from Hen. sail Mr. 'Rey Jones is the Continued from page Noble Grand of the lodge. AMhplaece service Council received notice that Exeter Cah 8vishes disco totineue clotsrmanniunbiutyle.neensi:rvi‘cveou leave the town without any f allies since the taxi firm r cently took over the servi froi the The mayor revealed th problem was being considere by South Huron Hospital boar Question s groups Councillor Eldrid Simmon questioned the work of both th Exeter Citizens' Band and th industrial commission. After hearing a financial. I- nert from the band eommitte the councillor suggested th $500 grant was "a lot of none 'to pay for three appearances year." He asked if the ban Was operating satisfactorily t warrant the grant, approve years ago in a public referee to See surplus / • for addition ce SHDHS hoard may report a e surplus of some $30,000 in its d Capital account after complet- e- ling payments for the addition -a which was built last year, Sec- retary E. D. Howey reported s at the inaugural meeting. e Cost of the five -classroom e and gymnasium addition will lbe considerably Jess than the $160,000 estimated and for e which!debentures were -Wind. e: Part of the saving resulted „ from, changes made by the 'al board during construction. Secretary Howey suggested d the surplus could be used to Drug store 0 , help finance oPerating expen- A new publiC works .0X0014. tive committee was ,establish- ed by emetic/1 lalonclay when it apProvect recommendations for standing committee Appoint- ments for inn. The committee will act as a supervisory body over the pub- lic works department arici will attempt to co-ordinate the work assigned to the clep't by other committees. Members include chairmen a a „committees winch re- quire the :services of the town reads, drains, zenith. - tion and .parks — along with' Reeve William Only .other major change is the amalgamation of the nonce and, property commit.' tees into one body. With few exceptions, corn- nuttee chairmen remain the same AS in 1960. Deputy-Reeee Fisher will be n charge of roads; Councillor T a ylo r, drains; Councillor Musser, parks, Councillor Farrow succeeds Rether as chairman of the gar- bage and dump committee; Councillors Simmons and Ball- ey were earned to the indus- trial promotion committee. The list; 1 Finance, Cella of revision, and property: PoelaYs NaKane ale, Fisher., TaYler, Nasser, Cemetery --- Delbridge, Far. row. t Community Centres TAP lor, McKenzie. Recreation -. Fisher. TAP !lor. Industrial". Simmons, Bail. ey. Police. and fire Pooley MKenai, Fsher, ; Parks — Musse r. Baiiey Simmons. Public welfare McKenzie, Fisher. S ' Farrow, - bridge. 'Musser. P'ublic work s executive -- Musser, MacenZiP, Fisher, Tay lor, Farrow (committee to - choose own chairman). Roads and sidewalks Fisher, 4Farrow, Musser, Bail- ey, Drains and culverts — Tay - Jar, Simmons, Delbrigde, Mas Kenzie. dum. • _ es ofe sc oo un muni - leer. mint taxes come in in Decent- sold hdre Clinton, who lead the fast WOAA juvenile division, got a Hensall minors split in Clinton Clinton and Hensall split a pair of minor tilts this - week, with Clinton downing Hensall 5-4 in juvenile action, while the Hensel] bantams came back to edge Clinton 3.2. Concerning the work of the b h account declared y the board „Andrew Johnston has sold at the end of 1960 was nearly his drug store here to ft, H. r $15,000 less than the previous Middleton, Hensall, The trans - Y: year, , according to the state- Ler took effect January 9. • sented by Secretary Howey. ,r met, still to be audited, pre- owMar.druaglidsleortoen at li e n operated.sall for • The board finished the year some 20 years before selling e with e47,000 on hand, compared out in.1957 to Trevor Wilson, d to $61,700 a year ago. Ile is a former chairman of, II Receipts? which totalled Hensall Chamber of Com - industrial. cOmmittee, he won dered why there had been sue delay in the erection of bee and liquor stores here and wh the committee did not press fo licence(' premises which woul provide more empapyment, H referred to Zurich where th liquor store is in operation -an the hotel is employing a stet estimated at 13, The alanee in the current Reporter Don Southeott, member of the committee, in d tion fees most of which years ago, id hi ' $227,0O0 included $154 700 in coerce a provincial grants, $46,000 in Mr. Johnston, who estab- dicated numerous contacts ha been made with the L,CI30 ove the establishment of store here and that part of the de lay was caused by considera tion of district warehouse foci Hiles, - tax funds and $25,000 in tuis fished hisbusiness hpeiraens4-ifoar2 ✓ from RCAF comes the future are not definite at Centralia. s Expenditures included $156,- the moment. -500 for instruction; $7,000 for instructional supplies; $8,000 1 plant operation and m a inte- T. G. Thompson - for administration; $1.8„300 for The committee had discussed the matter of encouraging 11 termed premises but felt, as an agency of council, it should no consider any action in this re nance; $50,000 for transporta- d" • • _.tion and $4,000 in capital out- dies in Arnprior The cafeteria loss amounted Tliomas George Thompson Bard unless there were strong indications of public support for such facilities. Reeve McKenzie expressed concern over the payment of! Exeter's share of costs toward! the Parkhill Dam shotild the project be approved by the Ausable Authority. 'Under the municipal act, he sointed out, council could not spread its $6,200 allotment over farmed far some years before•s moving to Usborne township in 1914.' At Melrose, Mr. Tuckey was mem er o . lodge and was active in the t ;church there. Since coming to 1 !this district he has been a c member ol the Main St. United a Church. He and Mrs. Tuckey, the r lays. transportation RR 8 Parkhill, who would belie to $3,000 and . who been 82 in alarch, died at Arn for summer school pupils prior, January 3, 1961, where ! attended classes in London, he was visiting his daughter, cost $300, ee,e'sersae:•.,eaas,..ea!•••eeasaaaas .......................... Mr. Thompson was a la- Mrs- Gordon Bartdv, evcral years without special Permission from the municipal hoard. This could mean, he said. hat the town would be required o raise some $9,000 in one year or the Authority. (This in. hides the dam levy plus the nnual authority levy of $2,200). Mayor Pooley felt some ar- angements could be made to meet the dam levy over a pe- af the Foreeter'e t former Carrie Hedges, lived in Exeter for a number of years. r •He returned to the farm fol - ,lowing the death of his wife. c I On the occasion of Mr, •A ,Tuckey's 90th birthday in n August a family celebration t was held at the summer cot tage of Mr. and Mrs, B. W Tuckey at Grand Bend. Surviving are three Baugh ters and five sons: Mrs. Viola Elliott, Mrs. Clifford (Bernice) Davis, Mrs. Leslie• (Inez) Ra fuse, all of London; 'Cyril and Elmore, also of ' London; Ron- son, Bruce and Oscar, of Ex- eter; also two sisters, 'Mrs. Ethel Smith, Cass City, Mich., and Mrs. Paul Elson, London, The funeral Tuesday after-. gi noon was held from the Hops: th per -Hockey funeral home con- ducted by the Rev. R. S. Hiltz.' The pallbearers !were six Sa grandsons, William, Wayne and M Ross Tuckey, of town; Kenneth $1 iod of several years. Council approved a special ontribution of $50 toward the uthority's legal costs in con - action with a damage suit over he cut at Port Franks. • It was also reported that the . PUC is required to return some $2,400 to the provincial govt, - representing an overpayment in grants toward the cost of the Morrison dam. In other business, council: Approved use of a work or - :der system for control over services hired by the town in connection with public works; Learned that all road work done by private firms must be borer well-known around Grand Town topics Bend.. ATTEND RANGERS SCHOOL Wayne Bowen, son ot. Mr, • and Mrs. Albert I3ovven, Exe- ter, and Bill Cocker, son of Mr, and Mrs. Norman Cocker, RCAF Station Centralia, both former SHDHS students, left last week to attend the For. est Rangers School at Demi:, This is a one year course of three terms. REAL ESTATE AGENT Jack Vulcher, Edward St., has been appointed agent for Wilfrecl • e, rea or, a • erten,* He will be attached to the Seaforth office of the firm, which has six offices through- out the province. Mr. Earl Parsons is a pa- tient in Westminster Hospital, London. coailer.. and Mr ;the weekend with Mrs. Olive Hous- ton of Seaforth l'isited over Mrs. Andrew Hous - Mr. and Mrs. Keith Colborne,. Bill and Ronnie of Shallow Lake spent the weekend. with Mrs, Colborne's mother, airs. ,loseph Dayman and with her father Mr Da. en, has been a patient in south Huron' Hospital for some time. Mrs. Colborne and Ronnie remained Lor the week, Mr. and Mrs. Jan HYde are leaving Saturday for a three - eek had ' Fl Mr. Calvin. Preszcator is a Patient .in Westminster Hoepi- ta, London. • Mrs. Hector Rowcliffe, RR 1 Repeal] is a patient in South Huron Hospital. airs, Frank WhIlsmith left on Monday to mend a few weeks in Sarasota, Florida, lath her daughter and bus - hand, Mr. and Mrs. train Sni- dr. gahn%itiendys7 contract, subject to e approval of the dep't of Approved grants of $75 to the Nation Army, $25 to the War, emorial Children's 'Hospital, 0 to the Canadian Mental ealth Association, and $10 to, e St. John's Ambulance t rps. eareasaareasaleseeassetreasseeesanai This week in" Wincheiseil Tuckey, G-uelph, and Jack and 11 Don Tuckey London. Inter- th ment was in Mt. Pleasant ,Co cemetery, London. Baptize two r• at ciimviiie BY A:rr A baptismal service was held: on Sunday morning at the! church serviee when Teresa • en Anne, daughter of 114r, and TI Mrs. Lorne Greow; Mary M Margaret, daughter of Mr. and at Mrs. Howard Johns, received the rites of baptism, The Holy Communion "of (he! Lord's Supper was also oh - served felleseing the service.. Personal items ale, and Mrs, Carman Gar - row, Ala Eugene Germ* and Miss Irene Carrow of Clinton visited! on Sunday with Mr end Mrs. Lorne Gar -ow an attended the Manville church service when their grancklaugh tee. Teresa Anne, was baptized The Elireville !VMS and WA entered to the conneillors anc their wives at a banquet held in the beeement of Elimville (*hutch on Friday evening, They Wee Went to the hall' where they 'Played euchr. le, And Mrs. Dchner ne', Mr. and Mrs. Emereon: Penhele, Doug and Brian WerC Saturday evening guests of Mr. end Mrs. Howard Pym and le in illy, and Mrs. TTc MeCturl, of WoOdhere visited on Seam - day with Mr, atld Mrs, Chas., Stnhen, The e>11cUtive Meeting or tho Elimville WMS and WA WA- heid n Wednesday afternoon, et the !home of the president, Mrs, C.hn eefee Stephen, whe! MRS. WILLIAM WALTERS Mr. and Mrs. Elson Lynn! d family were guests on niesday evening with alr. and! rs, Toni Skinner and family! St. Pauls. Scott and Susan Morgan of. Thaines Road spent Thursday with their grendparents, Mr. and Mrs. Newton Clarke, Mrs. Harvey Sitith of Cre- ditori visited on Thursday with Mr, and Mrs, Colin Milian and family. Mr. 'and Mrs, Philip Hero: and M. and Mre, Bill Wel.' 1 ters and Dahney visited oil Fri-: day evening with Mr, and Mrs, • Harold RoWe lemily of, , I Thatries Road. in 0 OW 11•10 yeatae t geheaftlle of Meetings, -a • , . • —_, t, teht Lavendr, Water.' leo, was a weekehd visitor with his Pretita, M, end MPS,' Montag Laveticler Auction features Kinette meeting At the Kinette meeting held at the home of Mrs. William Brock on Monday evening an auction sele svas held following the business which netted the group $26.11. It was reported that the Pet profit on the linen draw held previous to Christmas was $14261, President Mrs. Calvin Wein chaired the meeting. The draw 'as .wan by Mrs. Harry Kieswetter. two -goal performance from Keith Allen to help them to their win. Roger Cummings, Paul Draper and Paul Picket score the others. Harold Jacques netted a pair of tallies for- Hensall, while Jack Chiochase and Bill Shad - dick tallied singlestons. Bob Carlisle, Craig Chapman and Don Lenaghan scored the goals for the Hensall bantams, while Gord Logan and Brad Du. tot tallied for Clinton. c TH 1 Surviving besides his (laugh- FOR ALL ELECTRiCAL ter are Mrs. Pearl Wood RR 3 Parkhill seven i ; en gran h ld ren and several great grand- children, His wife, the former Sarah Nelligan, died 11 years ago. Funeral services were held at the Box funeral home, Prk- , hill, on Friday, January 6, with interment in the 'Baptist cemetery, 'Pheciforel. Mrs. Ted MacDonald, Mrs. Walter Westlake and Mrs, Mur. ton Desjardine, all of Exeter, are granddaughters. e DOMESTIC o COMMERCIAL o INDUSTRIAL Repairs o Alterations • Contracts. 70 HURON ST., EXETER Phone 528W ..... inumitimmitiittmmumn....wwunimuitylw • BEN -JA¥ Beauty Salon. Where your hair is styled to suit your personality by graduates of Bruno's Schoo1 of Hair .Design• * Perms * CUts * Sets * Tints We Feature School Girl Perms At $6 (Re. $.50) Open Tues., We„ Sat„ 2.6; Thurs. & Fri. 9.9 PHONE 236 HENSALL WM. GISSON JACK CALDWELL immlf,s,# itti#MillIwIlilDISMI/11.1111101111tilimmt.1,09,11ffilMOVIMIMMIUMWM110t0"ttiftWfiML ,11111111.111111111111111111iM1111n1111111i1111111111111111111111MIIIIIIIMMIMIIIIIIIIMIlltIffilfintiminiummffi, Business rtu nit Texaco Canada Ltd, is interested in establishing a Service Station out let in Grand Bend, preferably on No 21 Highway, and would . be interested in contacting interested property owners and for prospective Dealers or Lessee Dealers. PLEASE PHONE W. WYLIE, SEAFORTH 567 for further prticulars, All inquiries will be treated in confidence 0/01011,4WmM10400(0.4701MR tWIntil(fit“fitiiiftfa0fVfMtliffftlfiff“ittIM11.1”11iitIlb flW4 MALCOLM THE MILKMAN' 900"80Y/ MILK 15 THE 8E1NwiH oTERLFINI70 0 IT' 5 ALL YOu EVER `TALK ABOUT OR THINK ASOuT. YOU SHOULD GET YOUR MIND OF# MILK sometwas! YoU NCED A 14088V! • • ILL TAKE IP O/. PA/NrING. LOTS OF afeaAr MEN PAINT FOR RLAXATION! By EXETER DAIRY HAAm..MAYst YouRe RIGHT) .• Even MItolM's ew Tibbydoen't filko hint far feoen fh# fef of milk !* # Ort � npk tuth tlevotiefil ttty bilivory •