The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-01-05, Page 3I
, The, m
rteed in
r,ede rep, 1
p.m. it $tO
113d .rnac
Ha enessst,
about 815saUci 4
ing ete
ab„ '
Exeter, H.
ing to the; ,
it in opeea
gine a gaut
tit but, s no b„1„ame
.athermson.'fatality here ,
from page 1 1 when the 'Richard Car Passed,' Ile revealed that neither Har.
t'fie heard Harness yell to the .old Harness not Allan Richard
ittnie, Nets wilker ar-driver, :had any record of violations ti.n.,
- morning of Dec. 9 lo.,,t„,..,4 !tier the traffic act,
rs and left about :?:30:-.rr "'"*" "9-1PInent ; pc Reid, who assisted at the
resed again later that; Nelson 'Winter', the 4ep t meell- !mile, substantiated islitehews
I early 0 tee evening, anie, said :he had rePlaced a, evidence.
blown -out fuse on the fuel pine ,
a 24enine 'trio to
nd back without dif- of the truck during the day and Offered to help
' had also replaced the voltage re- BOSS ilodgert, 'RR, 1 Kirkton,
lok the maehine not gulator whteh wa-9 not working said he had seen the plow as he
en, and was proceed. .properly. After the repairs, the approached No. 113 on concession
No, 8:3 when it first engine ran for .nearly half. an fi and had noticed that its lights
i 2-1:2 miles out of hour without any difficulty, 'bad gone out. He came upon the
ii.4-,ded the wire, iced. He explained the short circuit truck as it travelled east and of -
um purnp, which pa in the electric fuel pump could tered to call for :help but was
eon, started the en. have boon eaused by salt and told by Harness that; they would
and proceeded east, moisture. This would. account for get a :westbound car to take one,
• it operating again when the wire ' of them back to the garage.
4.1-E.varyibido went, 41e0f1" ; iiiIa$ jiggled and would explain : Neither Harness nor Knight re.
'When it slopped the second why the machine. would operate ' called the Hodgert. ear coming
time, be ak. in got the fuel pump without difficulty when it was in upon the scene. '
worklag . let I when he tried to the dry garage but would have •
Dr J L Pemstan Stratford
start the in olor, it tuned over difficulty again when it was on - . -• - L. , ,-,
.. pathologist, said the injuries from
several Inn. s,, " . yl : g . road. which Allan Richard died were
went rlead.?; I The .light failure, he explained, consistent with those received by
Maness 7- aid he attempted to was due probably to the exces- a driver involved in a erash. 'He
light a fuse by striking it with- eive strain on the battery which also said be found no alcohol eon
out suceeseS He did not know at had been caused 'by starting the ' ;„„, ;,,
lights on, in, l'ee, ex the victim's blood,
driver, .a.41so testified.
that: lime it could be lit with a enethe 'with all the lohn Heal, Hermit, ambulance
match. Ques Honed as to whether addition, he felt the selonoid '
he had red. ived any instruction leading to :the. starting, motor had
Recalled to the stand by the
on the lighti ng of fuses, Harnese become stuck, thus causing a
. jury, :Harness again estimated
:said he eoul 1 not remember any large demand on the battery.
"other than reading the instruc-1 This would e.iplain why the ' tric'eciAili°,ersiterYarCaittiiewatis.nlerkariwi510en1;oth7e5
tions on the fusee Itself." fie had lights on the machine name on Richard car passed. He said he
never used ne before, be said. 1 after the Accident, since the jar ,
!was concerned over whether
Previous t n the electrical fail- ' probably .released the selonaid.
ure 00 the ,ruck, ell lights had i 'His theories were supported hy tRiliecrhea;cvlasctaren?.oLlgipluill'oorroZ titre
been working eNeent' the low Ronald Caldwell, Exeter, a 11. ' truck
beam of one of the headlights, He cenced mechanic, who revealed , - 'i'le, Bailey was also recalled
said there h ad been no. trouble he had to ose his haester hat- and confirmed her earlier testi.
with the lie'es on the machine ter), to start. the truck's motor mons
. after the accident. ; Foreman of the jury was Wil.
larenee Knight said, liRM. ,Carin, Members Included
en no warning that , Toe heevy a load
Wingman C.
there had be ' Theron Creery, Victor Jeffery,
the motor w uld stop and that he i 'Under nuestioding, Caldwell
lames Miller and William Wal.
had not had time to move the said he did not think it wise to '
tees, all a :Osborne Lownshin.
plows when the engine stalled. ' try In start the truck with all
Coroner Dr. John C. Goddard
Both men l estefied the machine the lights on because of the 1
was on the south half of the strain on the battery:
pavement, about one foot south of ! PC George Mitchell, who in- '
the centre li c, 1 vestigated the accident, identi; i
Knight sal's; Morley was edging tied st0 pictures he. had taken at ocal church
elong the shoulder of the road the scene showing the. damage L.
and was ab, ut 75 Teel west of and location of the vehicles after ,
He revealed the to broadcast
the truck wA en the Richard car idle impact.
pessed. Bell could see Harness windshield had been broken eand
.. _
with the flarci trying to stop the fallen out of the Richard car and ,
eastbound ea r but did not hear that its lights had been on low T•he Pentecostal Tabernacle,
him yell, I ; beam. He foluid that the. fleres Exeter, is presenting, a halt -hour
program every Sunday
Both hig,14 :ays men said the in the truck had been soaked in gospel
Richard carr va • travelling about oil and amuld not work. : morning over radio station CJCS,
40 to 45 mishis, . Stratford, Pastor Mel W. Holmes
Gordon Alo rley said he could ' announced this week,
ece the stall d truck about 400 First of the eervices. which
feet. away ag he Approached with PS teachers edit be Ilea rd at 0 a.m., will be
his lie,hts ort low beam. After of- , broadcast this Sunday when Pes-
tering aid, he, had driven about ' tor Holmes will speak on the
150 to 200 fe • t west of tile truck plan school sin -sick world",
subject, "God's remedy for a
Mr. and Mrs. Holmes are also
A new program for improving
series of Bible. mes.
: elementary school education was planning a
evenings during
1 adopted by the Ontario Public sages Sunday
:January and February at the
:Scheel Men Teachers' Federa-
at , church here. They will be based
!Hon in a three-day session
Ps mi "The End of Time", and the
; Toronto last week, Exeter
1 topics include the second comine,
I, es Principal A. B. Idle reports.
marriage supper of the Iamb.
, Teacher funds were appropri- the ,
elew Yeer'e visitors . p , .1., (
, 1 ated for a federation summer
Mr. end Met. Stuart Sweitzer ' school in school supervision and Armegeddon and the. "Great
and family, A 'r. and Mrs, Milton ' a.dministration and. an additional White. Throne judesement".
Sweiteer and Sandra, Mr. and, amount was set aside :for in- 1
Mrs. Verne S iarpe, and Mrs. N. iservice training. 1
Sharpe nf Lon don with Mr. And u,niversity course 'designed lo
An club
McCallum a ul Miss Eleanor ! The federation elso proposes a A . I . 1 •
elrs. Matthew sweitser, ; meet the needs of teachers in
Mark and Bi nee of London with changing world. i wins trtends
,ee Mr. and ire Don Adams. • the new conditions of a rapidly • • r ••
Air Adams' parents ,Mr, and 1 Mr. Idle revealed the provinc- i '-
Mrs. Les A lams. Harvey and • ial delegates voted in principle ! Asphalt; Angels, members of
Report otl
Sh ipka
Mr, end Alr
and family, .
Seeley and fi
and elrs,
of Fleeter ivi
frrd Deeiard
Mr. and A
and Mrs. .
WriOrtba M. Mt
5rill and Warr
Mr. allrl Mrs
of St.
Mrs. Wray f,
BP 0barn
Mr, John
wite big mot.
port and othe
Miss (erel
nett) and Mr.
Roes Love a
Mr. and A
man, Barry a
4" ..,.4i, Bad thn, R.N., of Lon-
den, Mee and
enn, Kenneth
r ., T. ‘4,
1tim,P,Achwote* ,
13-cidulph Picks Wallis '.
..........„.....Datesteme rites. I
, at county home i, „4..tezmnumtrzamszttizr.
Town Top
newcomer heads polls, __ ......... . ..... -
Arrakgements haye been made!,
council member for , its reeKe his first bid '
inr off'i-e' 'e.: lit'h -a.-$ for e datestone •ceremonY to take
place at tile Marais County Herne. '
1111ttee Of le,clal .erniePeirsoneliniprost In mtut ArPiAnd '..a.x04
ilidstuiph endorsed a veteran polls in :the council contest 'in
Clinton, on SainrdaY, 4antia,ry 7,
Monday and put a new .candi.; served .previotislY on the Ths xet4.e Timea•Adveeata ni eiwayA plane to publieh -theee neseei
at 3:90 p.m, ur reader e 'are ins r st in yoe. And )(0.0 iti4rIdEit Phtane TM
date at the head of' the polls , ton retinal board.
' Tvto incumbent L • B warden John Iaernla ,will lay Wt and Pr. .' egl•
„ s. mine ear- -
in er,te°ePoulrl 1,1yrsieliast,s.wha has nerved kr and. jamea Ryan, placed the datestone and will he as.' ,..............-1,--- ------- - - ----- ---- - • - --
12 ye:are on council, defeated jo., second and third. .sisted, by the •ebairman of the
. —
In the reeve's race by a Hodgins,
• scat. Raptured; the fourth William Alorritt,
wilson Huron Cotiote Hoele CoMmittee, i Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Rome spent Mr. and Mrs. Ross Graham
seph HaSkett, a threeeyear court- . Another new-comee,
. ;feat week in Port Huron at; stee• and, •Trudie4 moutrege, Mr. ,apd
.a,nri. .13renda, London, Mr. and
The A rthiteas and :contractor,
l home of Mr. and: Mrs, A, W.'AirS. Ralph Carter,. Linda, :Sand
score of 43a to 312.
'Wallis. received more than We Incumbent ,Charles Ratlines together with members of 'the -TAW! Chester parsons :has re„ '
Mrs. Archie Webber and Davida
majority frpm his :home poll at ' and new ,candidate John 'Harris 1958, 19.59 and 2960 committee!: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Penhale,
gan went down to defeat. 'will be present -for this occasion. 'turned, to his .1tome- at 'Yees. Al -
both of Stephen, and :Mr. Pere$S•
payer, John , Bryan, topped the hble voters east their ballots.
Another Granton area rate. About sa percent of the eli. ' berta, :having spent .the past three '
.P011 1 2 3 4 5 Total .. ! ;weeks visiting with relatives .ari.e - - . . s and'
1 with his sister, Mrs. Les Richard: Mrs, Roy Webber. Air. and Mrs.
Graham returned to Montreal oie:
- - • • ' • 1 ' bb s l'
Wallis, Harold -,—. ... „ 76 60 32 .81 174 433 1,u. Si. Joseph's elospitel. London, - '
1 Air. and Altss. Jack Mahan. Ma- : ' -
Haskett ,Josepti. .41.11•11f R,A 107 64 41 45 55 312 ry Ellen and. Freddie of :Bloom., .miss. Ruby Treble, Toronto,
. , . - . vine, Ohio, :attended the :funeral
... " of Mrs. S. MeRann at Clandeboye • with her sister! Airs• Olive Art
drew. for Christmas and Nemt
136 09 51 73 104 457 name
C. Van Laughton, LL.B., of the - ' '• ' - - : • • • '
: • : - --- • '... • -- - , on Tuesday and visited with Mr.. Years.
and Mrs Gerald MeFalle IVIrs, A m o s Parker, Flint
:Bryan, John .....,,,,,,,.,,, 7$ 71 52 86 180 472
Barker, Lorne - firm of Bell and Laughton, town,' Mr. and Mrs. Herman Mitchell : AIiir•ssner'Attre. tiFoir-aiiies13e% Sheera
by the Ontario attorney general have returned home after spend- . and
:Ryan, James -...,,,,,,,,, 115 59 25 :03 123 405. was appointed -Queen's counsel
floci.ginsi. Wilson ...,„,:,,, '130 85 20 52 09 392 Mg the holidays with their rdaugh- I cfr.... an, c . _ • . - --
111 d Mrs. 'William Wells
44 30 19 69 52 214 on New yearta do, , ter, Mrs. Audrey Patvin.
He was one of 114 Ontario ,
'Potvin and granddaughter, Doris
Mr. 'an isougta, aria :sit% asset Aire,
Gerald Glenn and and wale
B,ollings, C.harles ,.... 53 74 49 67 -05 343
aPPlications for aPPointments, '.
Lise of Chambly, Que. ''
M. Noble Scott, Mrs. George
• Mr. and Mrs. Allen Fraser.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Broderick
Harrigan, John lawyers chosen from among NO ,
Voting: 745 ballots out. of a possible 1,100
A graduate of Dalhousie, and of Exeter visited with Mr. and
Kennings. Mrs. Ctifford Hill, all :with Mr. and Mrs. Cline Flynn.
Toronto universities, and De- Mrs. Garfield Hill, Crediton. London, for New :Year's, and.
goode Hall, Mr. Laughton has , with Mr. .and Mrs. Robert nymat
the 'bar of the Supreme Court month old son of Mr. and Airs. -London. tor Christmas,
'tie, Lucknows with Mr. and Aires
Mr. and Airs. Frank McNeil.-
ashwoo , comments
... d .. practiced in Exeter since Otto.'
ber 1, 1950. He is a member of tsrern result., Exeter, was .dedi.
Matthew Epp Postill, eight.
............. ...... NalealisOfflelsoorea Acsis1V7Cedilssfic111'ra'rie Hodgenn, Tonne
Ey MRS. ERVIN RAPER of Nova Scotia and. of Ontario. i service on Sunday .at the Exeter
eated at a special New Year's se
Canada.°rePentrescostal church. E 1 . t .
'to, Mr. and Airs, Cecil Hodgson.
!Saturday visitors with Air, and M , Ruth Wood, rigielar . and daughters, Elizabeth end
FL Hodgsnit and family.
Snow _below Ont., is spending. the winter Susan, Toronto. with Mr. and
months with her daughter, .Mr. Mrs- W.:
• Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Donne
New Year's Visitors
Mrs, Albert Rader. . .. ........ .
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rader,:
family, Miss Frieda Haberer of family' of London with Mr. and and Mrs. Harry Sherwood..
; Mr, E. E. Myers of High Ri- in St, Marys with Mr. and Mrs
Mr, and Mrs, 1.1.arry Hayter and ' Mr. and Mrs. .Glen Walper and .
Zurich, Miss Luella Kuntz, Mrs: Mrs. Elgin Kipfer and family. ! •. Glen Millson.
Mr. , Willi
Herb Wein and. Mark Broken- . Mr. and, Airs r, B, Guenther - - - • 1 ver, Alta. and Mr. and Mrs. Ems
I ard and family of Brampton Were Aut. and. Mrs- am Mar'
shire with Air. and. Mrs. Milfred with the for'rneri Sister and _ _. ......_ , :„.._',. •...
area mean shall in Hamilton with ,Mr. and.
Alerner and family. • husband, Mr. and Mrs. Fred ' I visitors over the holidays with
!Mrs, F. Brierley and Mr. and
. end. W. Hawley for the weeks
Mr. anci Mrs, 'Ervin; Rader and Cords, St. Catharines. i Although the met section at Airs. Hilton Ford.
:RCAF Station Centralia record.: Mr, and Mrs. Joe Creech cif ,,a'Aillrsy. srNeelv. el
T ` le erson : rand
with linsrldpa'ren'ts,G Mr.
and Mrs. Wellwood CUL ea. and Mrs, Howard KluniPP . ed snowfall on all hut eight days Kingsville visited with relatives 'y e
family at Grand 'Bend with Mr., M
with me. and mrs, Arnold Kuntz, 'during the month of D.ecem- and friends in town on FridaY. and Mrs. W. L. Henderson. Mrs
family spent the holidays in To- Judy and Robbie of Goderich, ' and Airs, Henderson, Howar.4
and Shirley spent Christmas. in.
Hr. and Mrs, Ken Keller and :
. , an Mrs. Nell Witmer, her, the amount. that fell was i Mrs. Jack Finlay, :Detroit,
Mr, d '
ronto and Hamilton and also still three inches het v the visited for 'the holidays with Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry ''Schock and ' ' QN vis!
Zorn and family in Burlin.gton- Horner and Debbie of Zurich, c„s„, .f„li - - ' ' dren, Tracey and David, of Tor.
during Deeemher. as Dr. Joan Kyle, . and :two dill.'
'Grand Valley.
Usberne, Mr. and Mrs. .Charles•
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Luther,
average for the .morith. and Mrs, Art Broderick.
called on Rev. and Mrs, K. L. . daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thew report that 24 inches of • . •
M., with his mother, Mrs. Effie .
family, Mr. and Mrs. Blake ' compared to the 27 inches that , Jeffery and Allan. Thames Road,
Mr. Percy Kleinsti.ver, Aurora, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Horner and ;*---- '
t are average .for the month. onto, are spending this week
Kleinstiver, and his son, Allan, i E. R. Homer .
with her parents, Mr, and Mrs.' Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dykeman 'with
Horner and Robert, Mr. and eirs. Mr. and - Mrs. Bert Bissett.
ary is well on its way to more .1.r. Ro and Williams of Us-" • :
' ' Mr and Mrs Aljoe Culbert
with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rader Keith Horner and Steven. m. 1 However, the month of Janus L A ' ...f! - . .
i 1.
than make up :this slight differ.: borne Townshin is a patient in and femily of Lucan with Mrs.
for the holiday week. 1 and Mrs. Carl 'Witherspoon and
!Culbert's mother, Mrs. Ethel
Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Kipfer and : Randy of Parkhill with Mr. and St. Joseph's Hospital, London,
family, Mr. and Mrs, Howard Airs. Ervin Schade and family. 4 enee. During the first four days !
I of the month, the area has been . with a heart condition
Poreonal iteMs Mr. and Mrs. George *Rether
* ! Mrs. 'R. Skeggs and grandson,
Da.tars and Peter and Mr. and
!covered with an extra 11 inches .Jr.i ft- ! C c jjf David Wright, Loudon, spent a
Mrs. Ted Webb and Wendy,' e last Tuesday . or a or- . . ,
e eliss Elizabeth Clarke is a pa• : of snow. days with . Mr, and Mrs.
! Me heaviest snowfall w" re- ti 1 tt ' brother' dsister.
i Ilia where they will visit with 'Lew
: Hector 'Heywood.
: tient in Victoria Hospital, Lon- I ie a er s an
Bidduiph 55 ' i''N
1 Jacob Schroeder is a Pas . inches blanketed the area. Four .
! corded on Wednesday when she! Mrs. Charles Allison is a pa-
tient in Victoria H 1 1 L
os i a , on. '
p Air. and Mrs. Don Hawkins
., don. .
Exeter, and Laura Lynn, ' Londnn, with
Although the area was 'beloW . New Years* visitors Mr. and Mrs. Russell Weaver.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson -Merle:es
inches were recorded on Tues- , don,
names board Miss Nancy Wilds spent the day. ,
Christmas vacation in London. the average in snowfall, Dece.m- ' Exeter. and 'N'OIA, London', Mr.
Be MRS. M. H. ELSTON Alt. and Airs. Lloyd Rader, ler also managed to get wen Marion and Ruth McLean,. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. :lames Thompron
Mrs. J. B. McLean. Misses : and Mrs. William Thompson,
SS 9, Bicklulph was held on Elgin Rader and boys,. Miss
0- Glen and Darlene, Mr. and Sirs.
temperatures. The area shivered Ron Anderson in Hamilton with and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ale's
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McLean. Rbberts and ' their families of
The annual school meeting, i below • the average in mean
Wednesday, December 28 withMarian Rader and Mr. Lloyd , ed from 55 degrees to a lw of • through temperatures that rang -!Mrs. McLean remained for a Granton, Mrs. Ella Venner. o
nine in attendance. Howe of London and M1. Fl ea f
The trustees wMiller of Zion were Friday were re-elected. 10 below, The average terapere- Thorold, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
•, .o
Allan Elston is chairman; Mrs, ning guests with Mr. and Mrs.
lure was 21 degrees., eight d e- Elgin Luxton and
I Mr. and Mrs. 'R. B. 'Becker, Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper and Cathy, Elimville, and
Ross McFalls, seeretarystreasur- Ervin Ra.der and family. grecs below the, average.
• -
er, Clarence Davis and Orville The outlook provided bY she '
s ' end
1 George Hawkins over the week- family, , Owen Sound, with Mrs
:and IVIrs, Russell Morley on
Langford. , met section calls for warmer air ; ser:
m and Mrs. Sandy Elliot end ' Monday.. The latter spent the
Enjoy school program gradually moving into the x- - : ' -
E . Mr. and Mrs. Larry Snider and ; weekend with Mr. Apti Airs,.
.snew..filled :roads and‘ other s1144ee- .-. Ike penalty
Despite inclem eni weather. ri daughters, also hers. Robert Mort
' cter arca ahead of a storm ars.' I '
. ,
it run warming trend will continue into
proaching from Manitoba. Thie•'
: svith Mr, and Mrs. Howard Bi -:with Mrs. `Fraieke Bruce for the'','''
Styill1; and Robert Jr., London.' . Mrs. EngenetTenste, Ridgete.041r.
satiable activities, a large crowd f h
or S a 1 u r d a y with temperatures ;•
Hot and family, Chatham. on ; weekeed and Mr. and - Mrs. E. • ..
reaching the 30's and possibly ,• Friday., On .Monday. Mr. and : J. "Kleinfeldt . and Sharon, Mr. •
'attended. SS 9 .Biddulph., Christ.
Hit and run drivers, on the the low _, 'Mrs. Elliot called 'on Mrs. El- !Ken •Kleinfeldt. town, and 'Miss,
mas entertainment. on Thurs-
tient in South Huron Hospital,
4 talsh,
tte the
„pf 91.
elitt tef
Cooler air is expected to in- liot's brother and his wife, Mr. COWard, of Mitchell,
Musical part of I he .program, increase since Ontario.'st denfifercitt.
vade the area by Saturday eve.; and Mrs. Stanley Tripp, of Dut• i Mr. and Mrs. Leo Witmer and
for formation of a single PS Exeter's newly - form under the direction of Philip point system came in c e :in:,
.Attorney- ning or Sunday morning, accom- ton, and both families motored Ronnie, Tillsonburg, Mr. arid
ed -south Squire. inctuded sole and group more than three years
s. Frank Thompson ' teachers' federation which would car club, are making friends members, including a piano trio face stiffer penalties an. I implied by snow flurries on Sun- to Aylmer and visited with the Mrs. Wes Wilmer, Mr. and gr„.s
Ir. and Mrs. Lorne . embrace for the men's and wo- , here and elsewhere with their by the three children ef mr. and General Kelso R 0 to e r t s ; day, Tripp's daughter and -family, I Gerald Dearing and. Arm., iee,
milv. and Mr. Paul • men's organizations. 'The two policy of courtesy on the road Mrs, Allan Elston. 1 inc resulting cold spell ts , Mr. and Mrs. Reg Armstrong,. ilir. .and Mrs. Prestpn Derseinss.
( London, and Mr. . nounces.
Glover and family
1 Mr. and Mrs. Wil -
Jack Smith, Mr. in extreme circumstances. ' senior citizens part at the Lyric Allan Elston singm7, lee carol. plus tie es to model. a e aeam. ' AUD!TORS AND ACCOUNTANTS
. and Mrs. Don Wit. a "certificate of anprnval" Inc ; An Auburn man, who had a man or the evening and Santa ment for any offence that may . .
L, E. Refuie R. L. Ford K, C. Keest
erald Rrintnell nf A move was made to establish theatre ' Orville Lanreford Was chair-. The prairie storms referred to I.,
re ef Lakeside, and members whose nualifications flat tire in Exeter. expressed his arrived to distribute zifts. have been committed in men.
serious, but will bring the usual ; 348 TALBOT ST,
are not expecthd to be 'very , i
Phone GE 2-7452.
Frank Levy and and service meet certain stande gratitude in a letter to the club
Personal items lion with the accident itself,"
snow flurries and squalle into 1
the area, , LONDON
slarsts with Mr. And !Ards. including nine grade 13 after receiving assistance from VS. C. .Bowman told Crown Al.- Director of Public Prosecutions s
; Mr. Idle reprqSertted 'Huron Keyes, ; Air. and. Mrs, Sam Skinner, also in instructing them In ask courts i
.ampot-t of Toronto , county at the Assembly. attend- "If this young man is an ex. , Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Skinner of for heavier penalties.
. relatives. ' Ontarin. be congratulated," wrote Dun- Wingham on Saturday oftrt vCerrinii.tilnaayl IC.eoceleci v ea luiipt
ler, Mrs. Fe Lam- , ed by neer 160 delegates from ample of your group, you are to : Exeter attended the funeral in • u
[inc Kayee et Tor- . . , can A, MacKay. "His cheerful' late John Mason, father nf Alt'.. andildrivin
Jim Drummond of 1 ---- - ' . .. - ' manner and kindly aid Prove be- i leen Mason of Belgrave, ‘‘'IV) conviction and upuP(;,on
. t‘svuornymeag
: pkw4-,4iww,,,oitme,:,..yo,,,r.v,„,we.,,,o,
Kirkton "If the world becomes a bet- ` Weekend visitors with 'Miss driver loses nine of theacctnolialifeelji
tjili Mr. and Mrs. l Letter from yond a doubt teen-agers are' died suddenly at his home in
I London,
nd KR th rye.
Ire. Kenneth 'West- I I still people. ! irfottuFirsiducteadd 6 ittroftto,r ea
nd Chervl and Miss 1 _ ter place, if world conqueel is Janet Blair Were Miss Judy Wit- t itenterH points,
groups rimy have one identical a assistance with community Two piays provided amuse.' "It would aPPear that the risk • t d - .......... euetee,,,,,,,....,,,,eueemliemettemeueeteeentee`eteuettenuteitele-
expec e e s m • tve as an -
salary schedule. j activities. • • , ment and the program ended a pums men. s !other prairie storm is expected 4
Wil, -
resignations or teachere exceet transportation and lunch for the riven and Lynda Heckman with 'fear
. weighed to soine extent by .he
' !the evenine, causine tempera -
The federation opnosed mese Recently. 'the Angels provided with a pareomine by Alary Cor to approach this area by Mon- I
of losing driving privileps
f umsh• - • e
Rofuse,. Ford .6i Keost .
eeeteeteeeteteeeeteeitteeetueueateeeeettuueettuuteuee eeteteeeet atteeeteeeteeet•
eweitzer, Iton and ; papers, one of the members, Gerald Alt. and Mrs. John McAllister. torneys throughout the province •
foegotton, it will be due to yeung spn of London And Aliss Karen:,
rs. Clyde Nieked-; By MRS. HAR.OLD DAM men like Gerald Keyes," : Taylor of Greed 'Bend. Hit and. run drivers totalled
deo, Mr. and: Mrs. 1 . ,Mtmimr,,:zamnm,=i1s,tv,3r Anether letter. lennl a RaY:! with , t.762 and accounted for lA per-
cent of all accidents in tlie 1).1 -n-
eed Leona of 'Brie, ' . visitors -during the week
mon Drager, of Seaforth, ee- , Alt. and Mrs. `Mervin Elston
no Airs. 11 "bell eherritt help when his C'ar broke down : Davis, Cameron and Sharon, Lu.
pressed similar appreciation for i were Ale. And Mrs. Clareneel vince in a 12.month period un-
Parkhili with Mr. and Mrs. Her '
nf ' Christmas %flatters fl; writ, to Lew can, aisn mr. 4nd Airs. murrRy , mediatele preceding the intro -
thee, Jahn a nd. :Janet And Mr.. (intended for last week)
' beet Harlton, - Mr. and Mts. Harold:Bern/ f Abbott, Centralia. , April, 195 7.
duction of the devierit system in
Mr, Rad M 's, Wm. Volk; Mr. the Base Line, Mr. And Mr6e. 1:;tOena.rh°111:yeelillsa'aiel.ileiv 2 was when you
i swio•opt7c toric thleelP°efi!ttillne r(leusticl"ellir New Yeeti visitors I end of the first.. year
nobort :Bern'. .1) I 1 om ..i. iur. rt lair puehed the., I under the demerit system saw
end Mrs. Celei Ile VOliC.. Gloria and Earl 'Beery, Denald and . Albert,
Stelthine at G rand Betel. beet Betty of Tororte, Mr. john , .
. . . l car intti Hensall, then drovo the I
I) ' : Air, and m e , Au ir ee, t '11e nureber of bit and run ae-
gis. Diriadve‘;:etloir ShAll)7' g
an . ., s on, .
- r• A ',
EdwArd with Mr, arid' Met. Deles au' e'''' is
Airs, mahe 1 eeetarethe with Berry. elts, Maurice 131aekter - , . i
. . , „ ; i man lame. I: and mdents inerease to t.8 percent;
Air. And Mr, e 1tcrb Little and 1 'Ke an Dawn. Mmss Pat I e q. , i Centralia. Dai id spentthe ‘ eck la the I. ' 7 7 (111"1 tn
r . ,,t1:1011. the year ending. io, Alareh, 1359.
tirt,uhart and •familv. Air. Orli oiston Ilnd ikienlreiaindsawthe yeAr eliding last
family at Co •hett, Hamilton, Air, And Mrs, j a ck1 , end with Bob.
par.senal item Mrs, Fred Thompsou of P'ontiac.1 Area accidents , Sheila Accompanied, by Alt.: arid P -
• t an intrease to 1.5
1. AL li. and Mrs.
Mr. and ' liee. Rey Alerenz, Mich., Mr. and Mrs, Hugh BCr- ' - • M11t, 1\ furray Abbott, Centralia, Statistics covering April to
ihi5 week after A three week's hare, Alt, Harold Berry of Tor- RR A Loedoit,
.. , on Sunday With their cousins, November, 196n,• show 1,595 bit
.juhe and Sh` rem returned home eee 'Mr, Alike Beery of Wbod-! - Continued teem page i •
eetation in Floride with Mrs, Onto with Mrs, le, Cepeland and 4 Charles are PMeding in both ' and Marilen of ThanieS Road. of the total.
! Mr, and Mit. Alelviti Gardiner and run Accidents for 1.7 percent
Menne' nAre Ms, Alt. Awl Mrs. Miss Ethel Copeland.. accidents, They also All:Witted 'service in
Ernest Wiens islitiv and her bro. 1411'. arid 'Mrs, Dan Jen is ei iie Li ht dammo ,lilames Road ,1trh,
Timmy, Ted0i . and Tonthil . Mr. And Mrs. Are Gallant and . ' b16 accidents'•• • ' •-
i 1 r ' 4 'ti S , ri i thl In a go was less than '1100. Le on distribute's
polies also itivt,st4Ated two! Mr. anci Mrs. Sam Skineer '
thee, Mr, 'KA' el Willow:Ye-thy, mrs, i Mt. And 'Mrs, Waeren Schram !
Willoughby at.Nei,;(emile. ' and family of Lendee, non-reporta , in which . eeen me Allieter and boys well
1 Arid family Aleo Mr, and Airs. -
last week with till 14e.- rfra.,•dgar,; WS. *John :ROOM:le 3- food hampers
Thompson rl'r LI : I ,'. ' , • ear!' 0, reremo Tit .a.1.111(11,i(AmAry,, .
1 i Cart di is pn is ; di ite iiie , ra- ,!,...i1;:ittoanil,d 'Air'5" R" 'Denham
jardine, , ter, elle and Mrs. Ray Payntcr: Turveer, Exeter Legion die r:buted ever
rnf5, Mr, and Mee Wilfred Des. Mr, And MrS, Hertnan Payti.' her, RR 314fresixlseattitit.'.. and G. Wayne vol wiWir,AirCiair.:irsi‘.t°'Avtit'.1:t1.a8t ''',' i V 12?
.15 it; ,tilgo„ and David with Air. and mrs, : miles eouth of Hensall early Newt ot, Deuiz,- 5, m id • N-. ' 1-tinill'l Ilinie htuSliti.ert t';',-feriptticile tlgrLilatic'aust !
, 'if"ear's eve, „:antleAli.0sn :,1aQclit ?Bl'air and sca$,.6n1 11 W" reveale" 113'
Mrs, Milton Pete , „ .
soil lhiS Wrel; due 1 o the illilefte Deve Sperice of St. Marye,
or hm. lumber, Airs , P. r!assoid Mt, arid MrS. John FlanniMan ' : :Ptl..T.IlestlaY..% A. 6. TrellinlaY: : family sttilli Mr, and Airs. Ken weo'a,
i.,: and mt.t. .a6d :wolfs, 6( callancter with mr. Clinton, struck the rear et a , Anderson nt Doretiester ,for An derlier repert indicated
MrItnii Wainer, Arid 'Mrs. George Hall.
- Siiiith Treace: about two milee , : " I At - IS had been delivered in town.
AI the linnir of M truek driven by Thomas rt. , chrisLmAs
'Mr. John Guentlit.e spent last Mr, i.i.c,i gra, Nnr.ri's MOW, ' . L.etc . .-- --y. ' Alt, ant 1'5, JAck Ceatee .a ;id Another IA wete Sent to fAmilieS
south , of 1Own, Smith had etee- Kenneth With Met. TOM COale5„ in the nrr°1111ding area
lerrIc with bts &MS leis, Kennett, end .farnily With Mr, and Airs.
tod tereee Vieknis h at Bi itig• Roe Mills Abd fathilY 61 PreslIci 4i9,E,ritr)igytaolia'71 hIlif.uch1:hu,"11 i 1111TZ111‘vel; e:18,gillic:(1:;;;Iies 'hold A
mr, john Deilrich is a Patient 171eilt...rS1.4111: ' ' • : • ' * " ;'"'"ST • '' ' '' hire, Len Purdie of nittisall were
dru, • . .. - New Veat"e Patherito. Mr, Aed
hi SI. pleoh.A 1.1051 it.o, Enndop, Mice BroWit, Mit, Flossie Sga•
wilm.r. IV< lq brine tr sited ,tor an ttelia ef St, Alaiees And Mr, and , their gileSt.S.
Arden. eineee jeer wes in bill %vile. Ale. And Mrs, Fred VVhere to
di R.,„,,, Thames AnAci,
Mr. and Mrs. tell tlalr and
Mrs. Albert Atnietkaiie Of 'leSeke 1
iniiirr to his kimilsi. ' faMily WW1 Mr„ add Mee. Ilse -
Mr. and Mts. Charles "Vindall, exetee Lions will st a:ge ati.
London. Mr, atid 'Nies. 11110 Thi• ether Monday .inornifie nitifer,
vis, Michael and Heather And drive next week, :
\'''litt1.1 1414'. 50(1 Al\01dt'$6. 6 6Titra 'Ni\ilelrtill; ieel;I:r18 iniltlxti6tel'lytkOljellshww=
Air. and mrs, tiny 011.00 thet eeedifee etel Centralia willaa
familY, Delifield, Mr. afid Airs. 'starling. Ai I *Ai, Monday,
Art Pere and familY, Letting, at 1,
Mrs. Fclria Leriefotd eed Airs. thl trill/ formerly_ slatted 111;
Tai,t111Ari :ilii.:Tt. ool:itelelit eit 1.,,,A:i.%.1 6Attlii,.d. ,,.. A I,,e s • :drives Wednesday's, hul at'ifel*
'i-Oss AteRoPerts, Lilian, With Mr. tit' in Mendey mornine last
litha Ytith coeSidereble ;Octet&
'Mr' - and Mts.. LIN'd Nattier "Wert' tteettful rer '1116 to.
mid Margaret :hese, Mr: ,Abtf Operation wa. receive (tem ihS
?ittrrt:' ain7 i\A;iliSticinC81111.eistrtiti4liti!erwititilli ! 'AIN I t A6n180Pt-537ierg61:16. .,..'till:.1;-:(;?'
Sunday and Mr, and 1\11.,..'.. Po' iih of inq 061 04tft 'ANg 'Intr.
riaeher, Catherine and 'Wont, Ails ASSitiene6 WIll beielliet16, I
ammitmal,Litindoii, on Moitday,„
Ivelleed on MendAy - t the home SwitZer,
e‘t for (I111111001, Mr s, Saorlr?rs, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Watd, Air.
or. r, tl, eaetlers. .'Tal ef and Da. and Mrs, Frank Weed and fair -
t it) where Ale Finkbeneer is Slay. 11Y, Mr,, Anti :Mrs. Vietor Ward
i" Alter hne
ei, a nat ent in the and faMITY. Mr. Ahrl Airs, jack
wegand County Getleiral HoStil-' A„vard and fa iri/Y. 'Mr, And Ates.
'4, !, Harvey iW.ard And fatuity, Mr,
I Al,
Ai isre, fle,pis Am Vitisno wet!. ;Oki Mrs. Jas. Ward and Bever.
lliA 6( ret0101( 1't5i(01 4asi: Wotk: 10,Y, Mr. Elgin . Ward, Mr. Da-
wn their grafitimnther.,Mrt. Me, enl tr-Arliek of Mti1)lttt0); Me, eled
hr1 De;:l'alliilli MI'S. Clayton Waled Of AIL Elgin,
efe. mut Mr$. Teviti Bate at- Mr. And Mrs. Don Wilson and
1,,,i'dt31 the Nvedding.! fot their Warren: of Lakeside with mi,
17'?'' Ati,,k •StA010i40 Ar6 dhurn to and Airs. Clifford Set , Pielp
A.1.,., 616n r..iiilitt• hai ti abyi01; Mr$, Nelteiri iiiktir and famihr, Want Atli
t r4
qe, fitinAld TIltner n( Parkhill. and Ito,knne. tektite
it, nreeemtly 1.1Iufed CI, itch, op Mr. and Mtg. Don Setivens et, e,,..., „...,
tiatottio‘,. ROchetter, N.,1., and Alt. And”. 'aP- T ,_w
- tili -
,99,,,tmitili hi St. ,fitIttli'i; 1-10,'.''. tii4AaseA",1,1116 illitli Air. 'kid Mi -Mat eee
t 1 Vendee fill TileadaY4 ee ....... -- 101 1 HW'slAO6i.,,. , AO (1,-611 Ifig,*44,
.„.._ , .
.a.:, .• i.
find it
Announcements .... ,
ChUrch Notite5
caminq F.vents. . ......
%Ettiteriali .
.FArtrt .
*roillot tt.atfi
, 10
Paper drive
on Monday
Annual sole of
custern-tailored for rnen
An opportunity for substantial
savings on our regular Warren
K. Cook values with Nortu
per's guarantee, of a perfect fit -
ling suit.,
GROUP G, Reg, $105.00
GROUP 11, 'Reg. $115,00 ,,,„„ V14.50
GROUP L Rog. $12,0.00 1,99.50
GROUP M. Reg, $125.00 IH.0430
GROUP 0, "Reg. $130:00 sio?.$0
GROUP 1', Reg. -$135.00 $114.50
Two Great FREE PANT Suit Sales
Widett :ClIbittiof Quality Sul
Tip'. -Top Tailors
Those famoul Niarnot;
W Lurnber Cen't:te