HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-12-31, Page 12Correspondent; Miss Line Abbott Phone BA 7,425.5
and district news
Pig* 12 ,December. 31, 1959
Pack- centre.
for concert
DEDICATE LEAGUE BANNER—Rev. J. P. Prest, Holy Trinity Church, Lucan, recent-
ly dedicated a banner for the "League of Loyalty" class of children led by 111:ss Lina
E, Abbott. Above, from left, -are Miss Abbott, 'Rev. Prest, Filly Haskett, a league
member, Mrs, Clarence Haskett, president of the Altar Guild which donated the
banner, and Frank Egan, a server, —Culbert Photo
.. ....................
Families unite for yule
• ..'• • ' .." ..
Mr. and Mrs. Thrall 1144tor
of Detroit arid Mr. and Mrs. V.
• Langford of Toronto with
Mrs. ;oho •Casey.
Two of Lucan'a largest family
gathe.r.hrs were of the Thomp.
San and liardy families, Forty-
seven members of the former
met at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Smith And 45. of the lat-
ter met At the home of Mr, and
Mrs. Frank Hardy.
Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hodgins
and Den with Mr. and Mrs, Jim
Tubb. and family of Mitchell.
.mr, and Mrs. Colin Nuggeet
,and family, Misses Holly and
Belie Martin of West Hill and
mr, and Airs. Jack Elson and
family, With Air. and Mrs. T. A,
mr. Den Chown, Misses Beta
and Flo Chown with Mr. and
Mrs, C. E. Blough, St. Thomas,
Mrs, J. B. Murray and Bob,
of Lucan,. Mr, anti Airs. Bert
Zurbrigg and family and Mr.
and Mrs. Leonard Poole and
family of London with. Mr. and
Mrs.. Harold Coursey,
Mr. and Mrs. R. R, Crozier
and family with Mr, and Mrs.
Henry Mueller of Waterford,
Mr, and. Mrs. Harold Corbett
ith. Air. and Mrs, J, E, Orr and
family of Parkhill.
-Air, and Mrs. Toni Ceilings of
Clandeboye with Airt, George
Mr. and Airs, Dave Egan with
Mrs. Kay Egan and family.
Messrs. Don and Billy Ban-
ting with Dr. and Mrs. Ken Ran-
ting and family at Port Huron.
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Hender-
son and family with Mr. and
Mrs. James Henderson and Mr.
and Mrs, Gordon Austin of Both-
Mr, and Mrs. W. C, Shepherd
of Toronto with Mr. and Mrs.
• K, Montgomery.
The family of the late Ward
Hodgins with Mr, and Airs.
Emerson. Hodgins,
Mr, and. Mrs, Austin Hodgins
and family, Mr. and Mrs;Charles
Grose and family, Mr. and Aire.
Lawrence Hodgins, Mrs. Oscar
Hodgins of the Coursey Road,
Mr. and Airs, Hamilton Hodgins
and family of Whalen. Mr. and
Mrs. Lyle Worrell of Denfield
with Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Hod•
gins of Denfield.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ready of
St. Marys, Air, and Mrs. Allan
Bell of Durham, Mr. and Mrt.
Endall and Janice of London and
Archdeacon and 'Mrs, C. S. Queen,
Mary and Jack of London with
Mr. and Mrs, J. B. Ready and
Mrs. V, N. Prot -wit lter. 8,4
Mrs. J. P. Prost .and
Mrs. Wes Atkinson with Dr.
and Mrs. Marvin Sanout a'u
family of London,.
Personal Itsmi
Airs. Lily of Detroit,
is holidaying with her sister,
Mrs. Harold Hodgins and family.
Mr. WilliaM ,coneannen, his
mother, Mrs, Jim Caincannen and
small son Brian ere holidaying.
in Florida..
Mr. -and Mrs. R. Cameron
Vance, of Hamilton, .spent, last
Sunday' with Mr. And 'Mrs. R.
crozier .and.
Mr. Harry Bowden and Miss
Katharine Raw(len, of Toronto,
were Wednesday guests of Miss
Ida Porte and Mrs. Helen Wat,
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Haskatt.
and family of Lucan And Miss
Angela Amid of London left on
Christmas Day by motor for
Tampa, Florida, where they will
be the guests 'of Mr. and Airs,
Allan Armitt for two weeks.
Miss lfelen 1-lardy of the South
Huron Hospital, Exeter, spent
Wednesday and 'Thursday with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clar.
ence Hardly, 'Miss Bette Lake,
now of Levack, Northern On-
tario and Miss Eileen Fames of
London were also Wednesday
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Smyth's Shoe Store
Mrs. M. Sweet Allen Muegge
George Smyth
As the old year draws
-to a close we hope that the
arrival. of 1960 will mean for you
366 days of good health, and good fortune.
To wish for you and yours a
New Year bright with good
health and good fellowship.
To express to our valued
patrons our grateful thanks
for their
loyalty and
good Will.
lakes Plumbing.
And Heating
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!lathing seems to draw a crowd
like little children, a fact ex-
einplified last :Monday night,
When there wasn't sufficient
seating capacity in Lucan's huge
community centre auditorium le
accommodate the large crowd
Who came out to see the annual
public schoel concert. Mr. Clare
Stanley was chairman.
Thirty choir members opened
the program with "A Welcome
Song" under the direction of the
new music teacher, Mrs. Sangs-
Tiny kindergarten children
made their debut in "Mother
Goose Land."
Mrs, McRobert's Grades 2 and
staged "The Christmas Tree."
A. ballet dance by Maureen
Smith added much to the num-
ber. Mrs. Cobleigh's Grade 1
presented "Christmas is Coin-
Mrs. Arenthal's "Under the
Christmas Star" stressed the
substituting of "giving" to that,
of "getting."
Mrs, Black's, "The Great An-
nouncement" was the longest
play. Across the stage were
strung dozens and dozens of
stars. Many winged white-clad
angels wp a yellow halo each
were busy polishing stars in
preparation for the Christ Child.
"Variety is the spice of life"
- and so was Mr. Desjardine's
play, "Greeting the Christ Child,"
White sheets across the stage
prevented the audience from
learning "Who was Who." All
they saw was the shadow of ac-
tors and actresses as they por-
trayed the Christmas story.
Two boys, Roger Black and
Bruce Screaton, were the au-
thors and directors of Mr. Claw's
play, "Christ in Christmas." In
the finale, in which the whole
school joined in "We Wish You
a Merry Christmas" the letters
CHRIST stood out prominently
urging all to keep Christ in
The evening closed with a
visit from Santa Claus with
treats for all the children.
Chooseexecutivei Fire brigade
•,-. • --
0.00000,031,040. 10.000400000.00 00•If 0 001k a
Mr, and Mrs, Evan. Hodgins
and Helen with Mr. and Mrs.
Ed. Fitzsintmcnd of Thorndale.
Mr. and Mrs. M. 0, Smith
with Mr, and Mrs. Les Franey
and other Waterloo relatives,
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Haskett
and family with Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Parker of London.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ford and
Robert of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs.
James Downs, Mr, Keith Downs,
Tom and Janie Downs, Mr. and
Mrs. William Taylor, Donnie
Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Jeffery, Gary Jeffery, Mr. and
Mrs. Wilfred Bennington and
Paul Bennington with Mrs, Irene
Coursey and Alr. and Mrs. Don
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Park
and family of Petrolia, Mr. and
Mrs. Clinton. Haskett of Birr,
Mr. and Mrs, H. B. Langford,
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Park and
family of Lucan, with Mr. and
Mrs. John Park and family.
Rev. and Mrs. E, C, Attwell
and family of Gorrie, Mrs. Helen
Smith of St, Thomas, Miss Pearl.
Ashworth of Toronto and Mr.
D. A. Ashworth of Lucan with
Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Hodgins
and family
Mr. and Mrs. Irving Gibson
and family with Mr. and Mrs.
Wilmer Jones and family of Kip-
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne 'Heatherly
and family .of London, Mr. and
Mrs, George Gallagher and fam-
ily of Brigden, Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd Gallagher of Sarnia, and
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wilson of
Parkhill, with. Mr. and Mrs,
Ralph Lippert and family.
Mr. and Mrs Lionel Kendrick
and Mrs, Warner McRoberts with
United Church
The kindergarten department
of the United Church School held
its annual Christmas party at
3 p.m. Tuesday with Mrs. Mur-
ray Hodgins, Ann Revington,
Heather Stanley, Beverley But-
ler and • Nancy Cableigh in
charge. Finger plays, games,
sing-song and film strips made
up the program, hallowed by
The primary and upper school
held their Christmas party Tues-
day evening with films. carol
singing and treats,
Churches, groups
hold carol service
December 27- was another red
letter day in the history of Holy
Trinity church when the Clande•
boye churches and the Lucan
United church united in the an-
cient traditional. "Nine Lesson
Carol Service" at 7.30 p.m.
Scouts, Cubs, CGIT, Explorers,
League of Loyalty and other
young people's groups sat in
Two servers, Graham Thomp-
son. as Crucifier and. Frank
Egan 'carrying the League of
Loyalty's new banner, led the
processional, 'followed by the
League of Loyalty, junior and
senior choirs and the three
clergy, Rev. J. P. Prest, Rev.
Edgar Roulston and the Rev.
E. M,'Cook.
The nine lessons were read by
Harry Prest, Frank Egan, Terry
Culbert, Clare Stanley, To-m
Tomes, Roscoe Hodgins and the
Solo numbers were by Mrs.
Kay Egan, Mrs: Clarence Hardy,
Frank and Pat Egan and Gra-
ham Thompson of the senior
choir and Harry Ptest, Gary
Travery and Toni Hardy of the
junior choir.
The choir leaders are Mr. Ken Y P u Clarke and Mrs. Jack Arnold.,
The Lucan - Clandeboye YPIl
and their guests, Mr. and Mrs.
Don Maguire, and the young Mrs, J, Marshall
people of the other churches
held a Christmas social evennig dies in hospital last Wednesday night in the
United Church schoolroom. Folk
And round dances were enjoyed
by all the young people.
During the evening the presi-
dent, Terry Culbert, presented
Mrs. Murray Hodgins with a
gift as a token of the branch's
deep appreciation for her untir-
ing efforts, as an advisor. The
Rev. Edgar Roulston gave the
• Church
Air. and Mrs, Mac La and of
Mr. and Airs. Lloyd Cook and
family ef Byron with Mr, and
Mrs. Will Haskett.
Mr, and Mrs. Percy Armitage
and family with Mr, and Mrs.
Charles Meiners of Prospect Hill.
Mr. and Mrs, John Campbell
, and family of Oakridge Acres
and Mr and Mrs. Lyle Reving-
ton and family, Mooresville, with
Mr. and Mrs. Sheridan Raving-
ton and ami 3 .
Mr. and Mrs. Wes Revington
and family, Mrs. Fred Simpson
of Lucan and Mrs. Maude Goll-
ings of London with •Mr. and
Mrs. Harry McNaughton of Lon-
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Walpole
and family of Kincardine, Mr.
Ron Finlayson and Leslie Car-
ling of London, with Alps. Ira
Carling and family.
Mrs. Walter Blonde and son
Joe of Chatham, Mr. Jack Mc-
Grath of Toronto and Mr. Paul
Conlin of St. Michael's College,
Toronto, with. Mr. and Mrs. J.
E. Conlin,
Messrs. Harold Brooke and
Russell Williamson of Toronto,
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Coleman
of London, Mr. and Mrs. Bill
'Mrs. Joseph Marshall, 75, the
former Jessie Dann of Cora 15,
London Township, died in Vic-
toria Hospital Thursday, Dec.
The body rested in the C.
Haskett and Son funeral home,
Lucan, until 2 p.m. Saturday,
when the Rev. J, Ii. Vardy con-
ducted funeral Services Inter-
inent was in Medway cemetery,
Pallbearers were ,Messrs. Wil-
liam Hack, Charles Gloyne,
Omar Burnett, Frank Walden,
Allan AIcNair and William Stew-
Mrs, Marshall, is survived by
three sons, Harley and Irvine
of London, Alvin at home, and
two daughters, (Ethel) Mrs,
Lorne Grose of Nissouri Town=
ship and (Lorna) Mrs. Charles'
Johnston of Brantford. Her hue-
band predeceased her.
Second heart operation
Thirteen-year-61d Marie Lobw
singer of Sarnia, whose mothar
was the former Jean Revington
of Lucan, underwent her second
serious heart, operation in Harp-
er Hospital, Detroit, on Dec. 10.
Tier first operation, five years
ago, received great publicity, At
present she is making satisfac.
tory recovery. Two of her aunts,
Mrs. John Park of Lucan and
Mrs, Art McLean of London
each spent a feW days in the
hospital with Mrs. LobSinger, be.
fore and after -the operation,
Personal items
M rs Will Diekins and Mr. and!
Mrs, Maurice Mcbenald spent
last 8unday with Mt.and Mrs,
Gordon Mains and family -of
Dore-host Or,
Mrs. Henry Hedging is recup-
erating front her recent. sick
spell and she and Mr. I/Origins
were able to spend Christmas
with their daughter,. Mrs. Harry
Carrell and fancily of
for minor sports
Honorary president is H. B.
Langford; president, Clarence
H a r d y; vice presidents, Art
Black, Austin Hodgins; treasurer,
Don Hod-gins; secretary, Ed,
Conlin; executive, a representa-
live from Lione. Club, Arena
Ladies, Figure Skating Club,
Girl's Activities, Clandeboye.
Community (Murray Hodgson),
baseball (Karl O'Neil), Lucan
Council, Business Men's Associa-
don and Arena, Board.
H. B Langford was appointed
supervisor of rural school activi-
The McGillivray Area School
will be contacted as to skating
and hockey time. Plans for
starting a badminton and tennis
club were discussed.
The next meeting will be at
2 p.m. January 3 at the Com-
munity Centre,
Director of Recreation
The weatherman has certainly
been dishing out quite a variety
—most of it not the kind we
would like, However, in spite of
what might be termed a "Green
Christmas", old Santa seems to
have gotten around and "done
pretty well" by everyone.
There has been some indica-
tion of a desire to have badmin-
ton played again in the auditor-
ium. This would be fine if there
are enough people interested. A
list has been placed on the bul-
letin board in the lobby of the
arena and anyone who might be
interested is requested to put
their nam.e on the list or phone
the arena and give the writer
your name, Please let us know
at an early date if you are in-
terested in playing badminton,
On Saturday, January 9, the
Figure Skating Club will start
at 12:30 noon and will continue
throughout the season for a one
hour and a half period each Sat-
urday. At a meeting of a num.
her of interested people and par-
ents of children who will be tak-
ing figure skating, Mrs. Mary
Cooper (phone BA 7-4417) was
elected president of the Figure
Skating Club. Mrs. Cooper is a
comparative new-comer to Lu-
can, but has bad quite a wide
experience with the executive
and practical levels of figure
skating, and was some time ago,
an accomplished figure skater
This is the last time this year
the writer will have an oppor-
tunity to present this little col-
umn. So with thoughts of the
new year ahead, it is his wish
that each and ever, one of you
may enjoy the utmost in good
health, happiness and good for-
tune in the New Year.
the Joyce Beauty Shop.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Robin-
son and family spent last week-
end with Mr. and Mrs, Evan
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Earl and
family spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Wes Hodgins.
ln spite of Tom Bird's pre-
dictions, Lucan celebrated a
green Christmas but that didn't
prevent Santa Claus visiting the
children of Lucan and community
last, Thursday afternoon with
treats for all. It was true lie had
to park his reindeer and sleigh
in the snow belt but thanks to
the Lucan Fire Department he
arrived on time on the fire
To show his deep appreciation,
he removed his traditional head-
gear of red and white and don-
ned a fire helmet to hand out
his bag of treats to the many
Young people who surrounded
the truck,
Biddulph township elections
At a meeting in the Township
Hall on Monday, December 28
officers for Biddulph council
were elected by acclamaticn.
Reeve is Austin. Hodgins; coun-
cil, Jim Ryan. Lorne Barker, Joe
Haskett and Harold Wallis.
This is the 12th year that Mr.
Hodgins has been elected by ac-
clamation—six years on council
and six as reeve. He has decided
to let his name stead for war-
School news
The 11 members of the Safety
Patrol, Bill Neil, Larry Lewis,
Roger Black, Russell Kennedy,
Randy Paul, Judy Thomson, Ann
George, Barbara Ready, Barb-
ara Park, Margaret Cobleign
and Bob Hardy (who has re-
placed Harry Bond) were sur-
prised to be treated in the Hub
last Friday by four merchants;
Messrs, J. S Radcliffe, George
Young, Fred Reving!on and J.
B. Ready.
School parties
After all the work and excite-
ment of Monday night's concert
school did not open -till 9.30 on
Tuesday. During the morning,
four educational films were
shown to Grades 1 to 8, each
grade seeing a film suitable to
their age,
During the afternoon each
room had a Christmas tree ex-
change of gifts.
Alexander Towle
London constable
Alexander Shaw Towle, 74,
died on Saturday, December 19,
at the home of his daughter,
Mrs. Arthur Haskell: of Scar-
hero, He lay at rest at the Trull
Funeral Home, Toronto, until
Sunday evening when he was
brought to the C, flaskett and
Son Funeral Home, Lucan, where
the Rev. Heber Peddle of Galt
conducted funeral services at 2
p.m. Interment was in Arkona
Pallbearers were Hareld Cor-
belt, Erie Haskett, William Ber-
ryhill of Lucan, Robert Legg of
Sarnia, Jack Gill of Byron and
Keith McCallum of London,
He is survived by his wife, the
former Wreathe. O'Leary (Ailsa
Craig), two sons, William A. of
Toronto, and Douglas of Lon-
don; four daughters, Martha
(Mrs, Arthur Hackett) of Scar-
bore, Marjorie (Mrs, Heber Ped-
dle) of Galt, Shirley (Mrs. Doug-
las Legg) of Sarnia and Pearl
(Mrs, Jack Gill) of Byron,
Mr. Towle was an employee
of the London Police Force for
22 years, before retiring and
going to Toronto,
Best decorations
at Coughlin home
Mr. Robert Coughlin, Francis
St., won first prize of $25 for
Christmas house decorations, it
was announced by Mr. Gary Mc-
Falls, president of L U C A N.
Mr, Hugh. BtIrtch, Duchess
Street, was second prize winner
of $15 and Mrs. Ira Carling,
Francis St, and Mrs, Jah.n Ewen,
Market St. won $5 each
The judges were Mr. and Mrs.
Key Carpenter of Centralia and
Mrs. Lionel. Kendrick of RR 3
Lucan. The judging , was . done
Wednesday evening, Dee. 23.
Minister's wife
dies in Ilderton
Mrs. W. H. Snelgrove died
suddenly, at her home in Ildet-
ton. on, Thursday, December, 24.,.
Daughter of the late Mr. and.
Mrs. John Gibson, Mrs.. S.nel-
groVe, the former Olive B. Gib-
eon, was born a-bout three Miles
south of .Liican. After the late
Canon . W. H. Snelgatve .tetited
from bit.. charge St. Alarya,
he moved to Bedell St., Liman.
Following his death Mrs, Snel•
greve remained .for sonic years
in her Beech St. hoe before
moving to Ildertnit,
. She it survived by two sons,
W. -.G. Stelgrove. and Major H.
A, Sttielgtove. of Ottawa, one sis-
ter and one brOthet, (Beta)
Mrs, Cameron... Watcher, and
Harry Gib-ten of Ailsa coig.
Funeral. services Were held on
Saturday, A
28 at. St,
George's Anglican elturch„
Township with interment its
St, George's deinetery., T. Steph-
enson and Son funeral directors
were in 'charge of arrange-
Christmas communion
-At Rely -Trinity church mid-
night communion, 9/:At 'diefaerited
tO; 6 members en Chtletrilat eve.
There Was. also a dertinitiliOn
Wide* of .80 Chfigiliad Meth-
Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mc-
Falls and Gary, Mr. and Mrs.
Grant Brooke and Airs, W. J.
McFalls of Lucan with Mrs.
Thomas Brooke.
Mrs, Lily O'Neil of Detroit,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hodgins
and family with Mr. and Mrs,
Don Ankers,
Miss Margaret E. Pepper of
Sarnia and Mrs. L. Davidson of
St. Marys with Mr. and Mrs, E.
W, Pepper, Francis St.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Screaton
and family with Mrs, Screaton's
sister, Mrs. W. L, Goldson and
family of Toronto,
Mr. and Mrs. John Bigham
and Mrs. G. Patrick of Toronto
with Mrs, Mel Culbert and fam-
Mrs. Will Dickens and her
daughter, Mrs. Maurice McDon-
ald were joint Christmas host-
esses at the home of the former
for Mr. and Mrs. Albert Carroll
and family of Lambeth, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Noels and family of
Springfield, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon
Caldwell and family of Shedden,
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kooy of Ailsa
Craig, Miss Sandra McClinchey
fo Parkhill and Mr. Bob Russell
of Exeter,
Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Strasser
of London, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
Hodgins and family of Exeter,
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Stretton and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
Hodgins and family of Lucan
with Mr. and Mrs. George Stras-
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd E. Bissell
and 'Miss Merle Law of London,
Mr.' and 'Mrs. James E. Bissell
of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Ron
Rudd and Corrie of Trenton,
with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hod-
gins and family,
Charlie, the city playboy,
thought it would be great fun to
visit his uncle on the farm for
a few days. Following his ar-
rival he ate a big meal and soon
went to bed, telling his uncle
he would give him a hand with
the work the next day.
The next morning his uncle
woke him up, eager to get him
started with the chores. Shaking
the visitor, the farmer said,
"Hey, Charlie, it's 4:30."
Charlie gasped, "Four-thirty?
You'd better get to bed. We've
got a lot of work to do tomor-
Figure skaters
choose officers
At a meeting at the Community
Memorial Centre last Tuesday
the Lucan. Figure Skating Club
elected officers for 1960.
President is Mrs. Mary Coop-
er; secretary, Mrs. Clarence
Haskett; treasurer, Mrs. Sam
Lessons will be given each
Saturday from 11.30 to 2 p.m.
with registration on Saturday,
Jan. 9.
Business Men's draws
The Business Men of Lucan
Meld their final big draws last
Thursday afternoon with jolly
old St, Nick drawing the lucky
tickets, However he played a
joke on the many Lucan resi-
dents who were hoping to aug-
ment their dwindling Christmas
fund, for three of the four prizes
went to outsiders.
Mrs. Louis Sutherland of Ailsa
Craig won the $100, Mrs. Bill
Goddard of Denfield the $20,
Mrs. Helen Thompson of Lunn
and Mr. Ed. Watson of Ailsa
Craig $10 each.
Personal Items
Mrs. 'Harold Cobleigh of the
public school staff was the lucky
winner of a free permanent at
The Anglican church's annual
Sunday School concert was held
last Wednesday with a splendid
attendance of children and par-
The evening began with the
showing of films in charge of
Graham Thompson and Peter
Prest. The rector, (he Rev, I.
P. Prest, with Mrs. C. W. Hawk-
shaw at the piano, led in Christ-
mas carols,
The program was turned over
to Miss Lina Abbott who presid-
ed for a program of recitations,
songs, duets and dances, The
evening closed with a visit from
Santa Claus, the stripping of the
Christmas tree and a treat at
the door for all the children.
Week of Prayer
'Once again the Liken churches
will join in united week of pray-
er services, January 3-8. The
Sunday service will begin at 7.30
but all others at A p,m,
Sunday and Monday services
will be in the Pentecostal Holi-
ness Church, With the Rev. Ed-
gar ttotilatou and theRev, J.
P. Prest as guest speakers,
The Tuesday and Wednesday
services will he held in the Unit-
ed. Chuith with the Rev. Ronald
Hall and the Rev. Jr P. Prest in
The. Thursday and Vriday serv.
lee§ will ho the Anglican
dutch with the Pity, Ronald
Ilan and the Reif. E. M. Ceok
as glidst spekkot.
A Liman and Community Minor b- rin'gs Santa
Athletic Association was recent-
ly organized at the Community
Memorial Centre.