HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-12-31, Page 6Pip 6 ihs Times -MINK.% December 31, 1951,
IN 1959.
ribs Lsitting back ..on top oftotempole
with pair of victories over Philipsbur.
Sports Editor
Record league crowd
capture four 11"keY titles sees Tribe scalp Chevs
Exeter Mohawks were sty,mied
et the OHA gateway again in
the early part of '59 when the
OHA ruled that they were too
late to compete. However, the
trine did have an outstanding
year in the WOAA ware they
won the. Intermediate "B" title
from Philipsburg in five games.
In regular league action against
Mitchell, Ilderton, Clinton and
Lucan, Exeter scored 128 goals
and had 66 against in 15' genies.
The locals' win -loss record was
13-2. Bill Oberle, "Boom" and
"Red" Loader finished 1-2-3 in
the scoring race, Mohawks
dumped llderton three games to
one; Mitchell in four straight
end Forest four to one to ad-
vance into the WOAA finals.Bob
White piloted the locals who
were not beaten twice by any
club in .the season , . . This year
the tribe has moved into Inter-
mediate "A" ranks with "Red"
Loader at the helm. At present,
Mohawks boast a' 9-1 win -loss
record . . RCAF Centralia
downed Hamilton in defence of
their Canadian Training Com-
mand hockey title which they
had won a year ago but a power-
ful Aylmer club upset the apple -
cart with a 13.8 victory. The loss
eliminated the local station from
any further competitions
Lucan midgets took the bright-
est spot in the minor hockey
wars.when they went all the way
to win the OMHA char-pionship
front Keene in an Ontario final
. Exeter bantams also thew-
ed, well as they•copped the'
Shamrock League title. and the
WOAA. Bantam "C" honours. In
the WOAA march, Exeter de-
•feated Seaforth, Port Elgin and!
Milverton. The locals bowed to;
Blenheim 8-7 in a tdailling ser-
ies. Blenheim officialsent a.
commendable letter to the town'
of Exeter saying that they were
proud of the local cittb which
acted like real gentlemen.. Der-
ry Boyle and "Bunny" Fercl,
handled the club Zurich
midgets defeated Mildmay for
the WOAA "D" crown . • Hen-
sel' bantams lost out to Mild-
may in the Western Ontario
finals. Cameron Witmer, Barry
Bloch and Richard Stade of
Zurich were .chosen the best par-
ticipants in Lucan's annual
Shamrock hockey tournament
. Exeter pee wees wen the
Canadian Bank of Commerce
Trophy at Mitchell in a tourna-
ment ... Lucan's MV P in minor
hockey was chosen as Bill
Oddities mark baseball seasons
Oddities filled the baseball
front as far as the local scene
was concerned, The Huron -Perth
League failed to declare a
champion but still two clubs
ventured out into OBA play -
dawns. Zurich Lumber Kings
knocked off 1-1.„. ?.r intermed-
iates in two straight games but
bowed out of contention in the
Ontario finals when a powerful
Milton Red Sox club whipped
them in two straight games for
the "B" crown — . Mitchell
Lincolns got tangled up with
SHDHS shares
South Huron District High
School made very favourable
showings down competition lane
throughout '59. Senior boys and
girls volleyball teams under
coaches Glen Mickle and Miss
L. Seiner respectively, each
won Perthex Conference titles.
Miss Seigner's girls' team ad-
vanced right to the finals of
WOSSA before bowing out of
contention . In track and
field, the school placed third in
the annual Perthex Conference
tneet. Kristine Gulens won the
Intermediate championship while
Ausma Gulens shared first place
In the junior class. Norma
Geiger also finished second in
the junior division. Bob Gibbs
tied the pole vault record .
,In South Huron's own field meet.,
three Gulens girls more or less
!monopolized the prbeedures. The
Gulens and Alma Hodgins shar-
Caledonia Riversides in one of
the best series in years which
went the limit in a five -game
playoff. The Lincs dropped the
rubber match in Galt and Cale-
donia went on to take the OBA
"C" crown . • . The Cyclone
League rolled along as usual
with a series of upsets. Staffa
surprised many spectators this
year by taking the title away
from Kirkton who had enjoyed a
two-year reign as champions.
Munro, Kirkton, Staffa, Carling-
ford and Russeldale all had
clubs in the loop . . • In minor
league action, Hensall bantam,
under the supervision of Ernie
Chipchase and Ed Corbett, won
the WOAA "D" title after de-
feating Kurtsville. However they
lost out to Merlin in OBA play.
Exeter bantams, with "Bunny"
Ford at the helm, bowed in their
group finals against New Ham-
burg . . . Lucan pee wees found
Pt. Lambton a little too tough
after they had won the WOAA
title and were forced to taste de-
Perthex honors
ed first place in the senior girls'
events. Kristine Gulens won the
intermediate while Ausma Gul-
ens took the junior honours . . .
Ross Wein won the senior boys,
Bob Gibb the intermediate and
IDennis Mock the junior .. .
Prize buck top
ifl Stanlake was the proudest
of all hunters throughout this
tistrict after he had bagged a
100 -pound deer on a hunting trip
ti the •Lakefield District. Bruce
Oagleson of Grand Bend was
with Bill on the trip Ed
?Mk (if Hensall also had some-
thirig to talk about at he down -
cod a 24 -pound buck near Nene
Badminton laurels went to Mird:.
za Gulens and Laurie Illingworth
in singles; Ilza Gulens and Pat
Marshall. and. Dean McKnight
and Dale Turney in doubles,
s hunters' bag
ell Camp en the Pickerel River
. George Doha, on a hunting
expedition with John nether.
Murray Brintnell and Larry
Heideman, bagged two moose
north of Thessalon while on a
week's excursion . . Another
team made up of 10 local men,
travelled northward to Koko
Lake to get two deer. Doug
Thompson of Sarnia was theg
triggerman on both occasions
. Looking quickly at the fish-
ing tide of things,, Ray Jory,
Clarence Wurm, Reg Stagg, Roy
Cottle and Ansley Neil picked
up plenty of whitefish up in the
Barrie District . Hensall fish-
ermen in the persons of Al
Seh011, Bert Hoene, Gord Love
and Garnet Mousseau spent some
time neat Chapleau on the
French River and caught their
share of lake trout.
Frayne tops individual bowlers
Stan Fraytte was the chief in-
petforMer in the local
bowling leagues which carried
on as strong as ever. Stan cap-
tured the high single and triple
trophies With 412 and 982 re-
apeetiVelY. liigh average went
to Bob Osgood at 236. Rockets
belted after the "A" group title
and grand champiottahip While
Tipstatta wen the "B" group
Unfelt. PinPepPert, tan-,
telt tick Quance, Walked Off
With the ebilablation round t
hi the Veatitee's divisiell, Marl
EdWatds (336), Delerea Palter ed Pergits In the finals to Win
(ISO) and tot: Monroe: (02) eon- the leaguethampi.onship. Dot
Ped the single triple and aver- MuntOe'a 776 triple woe fitat
agtetire.fiLights under place in theladies' interdowti
eaptibi Maty Ifbitsnian, Were loop Which had teams froni
the grand thattipititithip WirinerS. Goderich, Wingliant and Clinton
Happy 641S, (stith Eat Dietperforming . A Metre labWlitig
toOk the league Stward league was started for the first
While the. Pin Poppettea, With time for yettfigsters between the
Mary Oravett itt the heitcli Wel% as of 12. 18 . Catiadiaii
the reserve EX. ditaitiP Mabel McDowell Visited
Ott Was ery pr�niincitt 'ri Exeter tor s dty with lessons fOr
IntaddiVii heWlitig action iti beth all eager enthustatts Of the
afitle and female divisions. BX, alloY gains,
eter's male inter -town club which
had captain Bob OtgOod, Mur-
ray Brmtnell, Cap Foster, Jack
Gibson, Bob Wettlaufer and
Jack Fuller on its roster, doWn-
With Gord "curly" Ebel turn- fleorr.
.Forler, Becker, Heldman, Sand-
uig in a very commendable job 4
"Buddy" Dietrich, Exeter Al0" IlgifeVar 11.1*hlt41'. 1;;(111'
Wings, cirtraraf,eRusts%I11:1e'aitiltrtIntrits.
between the pipes for an absent
hawks ran their unbeaten streak obeeset,epl.locan..ier,r,
to seven straight games Satur- er.'
day afternoon when they upset ade,
First perled
Philipsburg Chevs 5-1.
1 ---Exeter Leader
The Saturday afternoon Box- ((merle, kieldeman: is:aa
ing Day perf3o3rma
spneccetawoarss play. I 2—Exeter,
ed before $.4araras tOravett 34:08
and Je"satiVgei—i-s\l'asqprasiass:11.,1:1rVU)
was the largest crowd to wit- ler' thigh fr,Icicing) l'ilo1111‘11g;
IleSS a game in the league this 13:55: Heideman (tr)pping) 17:10.
season, The victory was the sec- Second period
ond hi a week over the Chevs. 3-1.1ceter, Doig
(Oberle, Leader) 0:40
Penalties — A, Sare.ras
Exeter, Loader (Dols!
3.12; Becker (stashing) 10:47: We-
ber (tripping) 11:20.
Third period
5—Exeter, 13aynham
(Pincombe, Wade) 7:31
6—Philipsburg, Shantz
Penalties — Heldman h
8:02; Plncombe (tripping) 13:32.
Jim "Red" Loader paced the
Mohawk attack with two goals.
Andy Sararas, Ken Doig and
centre Bob Baynhatn .each reg-
istered once.
The lone Philipsburg. marker
came off the stick of Arlie Shantz
late in the third period.
Good first period
Mohawks jumped into a 2-0
first period lead on the strength '0LD' line
Of goals by Loader and Sararas
and on some crisp offensive and
ed by all three tribe lines, sparks win
defensive performances produc-
Larry Heideman started the
initial scoring play with a short Sparked by some sharp net-
Lincling from "Buddy" Dietrich
pass to /3ill Oberle who in turn and the high flying Oberle-Load-
relaYecl to Loader who was left er-Doig trio, Exeter Mohawks
uncovered in front of the net. routed Philipsburg al's 7-2 in
Andy Sararas scored a beauty a WOAA Group 1 intermediate
at 14:08 to make it 2-0 when lie game iit New Hamburg Weclnes-
worked the puck off the right day night, The victory broke a
wing boards, deiced two defend- three-way tie for first place in
ers and flipped the puck over the league standings With Lunn -
the prostrate form of netminder. 'Merton Combines and Forest
Fred Currah. Lakesides.
Ken Doig and "Red" Loader Centre Bill Oberle pumped
triggered the tribe into a 4-0 home three goals—two within 04
lead with a pair in the second seconds—to pace the Mohawk at -
period. tack, Playing Coach Jim "Red"
Doig. blinked the light at the Loader triggered a pair while
6:40 mail while- Loader followed right winger Kenny Doig and de -
with Ms second counter within fenceman Larry Heideman sahk
the final minute of the period. the others.
"Curly" Ebed left the ice with Philipsburg Captain Ron Ehart
a shutout at this point after he and Murray Wagger tallied for
had robbed Jerry Steffler and the Chevs.
Murray Wagger with a couple of
juggling acts on point blank Led all the way.
Exeter ran up a 2-0 first per -
Hard -working Bob Baynham ibd margin and were never head -
ran the count to 5-0 at 7:34 of the ed. Some stout defensive work
on the part of IVIohawk's 'Bud-
dy" Dietrich kept the :Chevs off
the scoresheet for nearly two
periods. Ron Ehart finally broke
through at 19:13 of the second
for Philipsburg's first marker,
Ken Doig opened the scoring
On a beautiful solo effort when
he took Loader's centre ice pass,
beat two defenders and deiced
Fred Currah out of position be-
fore flipping the puck into the
twine. Oberle fired a high hard
one that caromed off Currah's
chest and into the net at 14:25
to make it 2-0.
Loader ran the count to 3-0
at the 12:48 mark of the second
when he picked the short side
after being set up by Oberle.
Mohawks scored four straight
third period counters before
Philipsburg replie d. Loader
blinked the light with his sec-
otid at 3:48, Heideman caught
the career with a blistering 25 -
footer at • 4:30, Oberle polished
off 'twe passing plays with Doig
and Heideman within 64 sec -
final frame when he polished off
an end-to-end three-way passing
pia" with linemates Bill Pin-
combe and Terry Wade.
Arlie Shantz washed out any
hope of a shutout for Ebel at
12:31 when he rounded the Exe-
ter net and slipped the puck into
the short side before "Curly"
could cover up. Jerry Forler's
relay to Shantz beside the Exe-
ter net started the scoring play.
Although playing his first
game of the season, Forler
looked very impressive for the
Chevs as did his teammates Jim
Pfaff, Jerry Steffler and Ron
All three lines went well for
the tribe as each chipped in with
a sound two-way performance.
Mohawks' defence units of Hei-
deman -Weber and Stephee-Wes-
tenhoefer was also concrete.
PHILIPSBURG — Goal, Currah;
defence, Cairns, Sararas; centre,
Ehart: wings, Steffler, Pfaff: al-
ternates, Honderick, Shantz. Wag -
Sanders monopolizes golf laurels
Exeter golf club champion-
ships were monopolized by the
Sanders family of Exeter. High
school history teacher Morley
Sanders retained the Jack Smith
Trophy for the second consecu-
tive year when he won the medal
play tournanient. Helen Sanders,
Morley's better half. walked off
with the Rose Bowl Trophy when
she copped the ladies' top hon-
ours. Morley's winning was not
entirely skill, however, as he re-
tained his trophy on the flip of
the coin when he was tied with
two other club members, Dick
Webber, a first-year participant
in the Exeter club, won the
Match Play championship • . ,
Winners of golf tournamenta
throughout the year were Ross
Griffith of Grand Bend and
Harold Richardson of Parkhill.
Elmer Harr�wer and Stan
Curling enthus
Curling has progressed stead-
ily over the past year in Exeter
and Hensall . W. 0. Good -
win's quartet from Hensall walk-
ed off with championship hoe -
Ours in Exeter's second annual
And other sport
CUFF CLEANERS -4 couple of
leitiortant visitOts hit the area
Ulla yeat in the persona of
Mentreal .Alouettet3 Sam Etche-
vetty and Montreal Canadiens'
Doug Hervey, Both athletes were
brought in through the eaurtety
Of RCAF Centralia, Jack
Morrissey is the '59 president of
the Exetet Turf Club. Thomas
Yearly is vice-president
eter Mohawks won the Lake
Huron Zone fltoornball champien-
ShipDoti Coughlin and Gary
BeVinglon paced Lucan Pelle
Scheel to a hotkey thaitiplanship
OVet Nerthdale , 14OWatd
Ttueintier headed the ekeelf"
five for theLawn BOWling Club
With Rota Taylor viee-pretident
Frayne tied in another'
RCAF Centralia was the host
club for the Training Command
Golf Tournament at Grand Bend
and they made the most of their
home course as they downed all
other competitors from as far
away as Winnipeg to capture
first place honours for Cent-
ralia . • Holes in one were
registered at Grand Bend by
Don MacKellar and Bev Sturgis.
iasm continues
invitation bcinspiel at the local
atone. Sixteen rinks participat-
ed. Bob Middleton, John Hender-
son And Bill. Brown made up the
winning rink . , BiU Campbell
of Seaforth, along with Lloyd
Hogarth, Paul Stapleton and
Bev Thompson, won the second
draw Exeter's Own Speen
&maple] was taken by Bill Mac.
Lean's foursome which included
Mist L. Settler, D. Parsons and
F. Tilley . The Jones, Mac -
Naughton Trophy fell into the
hands of Art Cann's tweak
which took the silverware in a
!Into just cbmpleted. Members
of the winning team that scored
five wing, plus 26, included Gus
Gregat Allen Elston and Ed,win
s features of '1 39
Exeter's Harry Blathers
Woe the Boy McLeod TrOphy at
Clinton lit class "A" etlin068.-
floes when he took top honours
lit the shoot Exeter Miner
RogRey Association threatened
te Issue a *tit agaihst the WO -
AA after the keel midget leant
wet tossed out of the playoffs
but nothing really materialized
„ feotball, Reit Bogatt,
loeal teacher at South Buren
District High School, has reecho
ed two 'Offers' kohl Mointeal
Mouettes Ilia Big Nut Piot
ball Mien to attend:001e tryout
tarry GlOver„
prodoet playing. tor the
Stadanne Sailors, st the league
with some fancy field
• :4.1% ..
LOADER THWARTED—Philipsburg goalie Fred Currah looks apprehensively into the
net bu this shot by Mohawks' playing coach Jim "Red" Loader didn't go in. Currah,
however, wasn't as fortunate on two other tries by' the red -head as Loader scored
two goals to pace the tribe to a 5-1 Boxing Day victory. , —T -A Photo
Here's up-to-date hockey
G .A. P Pim.
Ceilings, Comb. 19 12 31 10
Doig, Exeter 10.15 25 2
Dunham, Forest .. . .. ,, 12 32 24 15
Lingard, Mitchell • 11 13 24 34
Ulrich, Forest 0 14 29 12
Gravett, Exeter 6 14 32 10
Loader, Exeter 10 11 21 0
Westman. Mitchell 12 '6 26 10
Blonmfield, Forest .„10 ln 20 29
Smith. Mitchell 19 10 20 22
S. O'Neil, Combines 8 12 20 10.
"Home Sweet Home:"
Player and Club Pirr).
Johnson, Forest . ............ 56
BloOntfield.. Forest 44
Butcher, Mitchell 39
Weber, Exeter 34
Lingard, Mitchell 34
Weber. Philipsburg 25
Lukash, Combines 23
Smith, Mitchell 22
Ulrich, Forest 10
Dunham, Forest 17
WeStenhoefer, Exeter 16
Garen', Mitt -hell 16
Christner, Philipsburg 15
GP GA. Pct.
"Bud" Dietrich. 9 34
"Curly" Ebel 1 1
Exeter Totals 10 35 3.5
Fred Currah' 11 55 5.0
Ernie Little , 11 62
Bill M'cNaught 1 2
Mitchell Totals „ 12
71 5.0
ends to explode' a 7-1 lead.
Murray Wagger scored one of
the nicest goals of the night
when he cut in sharply to de-
flect Paul Weber's goalmouth
pass. Wallace Becker started the
play at his own blueline to help
engineer Philiesb,trg's second
goal of the night.
EXETER — Goal; Dietrich; de-
fence, Stephen. Westerthotfer: ren -
Ire, Gravett; wines. Sararas,
ecU: alternatek, Heidernan, Weber,
Doig, Oberi., plaearrois, Loaaer,
Baynham, Wade, Ebel ($111) goal).
PHILIPSBURG — Goal, Currah;
clefenre, Christner, Heldman; ("en-
tre, Ehart; wings, Stealer, Pfaff;
alternates, 'Weber, Seeker. Shantz,
eMi11an, Wagier, Hendrick. Sar -
eras, Doetker, Cairns, Sandford
(sub g,oa.1).
First period
1.—Exeter, Doig (Loader) .......18:40
2—Exeter, Cherie
(Loader, Dols)... 14:29
Penalties — Ste' Phen Melding)
1:24; Gravett (hooking) 3:00; Christ-
ner (hocking) 11:45.
Seeend perled
3—Exeter. Loader (Cherie) .. 12:48
1.—Philipsburg, Ehart .. . 19:13
Penalties — Cairns (interference)
4:51; Pfaff (trinelns) 7:15.
Third period
5—Exeter, Leader
(Dols, Oberle) 3:48
6—Exeter, Heideman
(Cherie, Loader) 4:30
7—Exeter, Cherie
(Dols, Heideman) 8:40
8 --Exeter, Obetie
(Doig, Heideman) 9;04
9—Phl 1 ipsburg, 1Vagler
Penaltier'r — Gravett (slashing)
7:55; MeMillan (tripping) 7:55; Cur -
rah (slashing) .15:59; Stealer, 17106.
Bob Pearce .. . ..... 2
NOrm , Harris 1
Ted surners 6
Paul Hamilton 1
' Forest Totals 10 61
Lucan•Ilderten Cembines
"Jake" Barnes 5 26
Keith Scarborough , 1 31
Combines' Totals ., 9 87
.Tohn Derranclsce ,
Dennis' Arnacher
Bill Merrier .....
Zurich Totals .. . 6
69 11,5
Harold Lingard 13 24 34
Charlie Westrnan
Gordon Wall .
•• Snilth 1286 11
8 120r 112
Mary Shantz 10
Dou10 10 2f) 21
6 14 2
;reek Meriant 5 6 13 30
Bob T1oig 1 8 ,9 2
' Weber .
11111 Powell
NIUrray Butcher 33 34 70 140
"Link" Ttohfritseh
Bruce SaWyer 1 5 39
1 3 4 0
Gord leVAIters 2 1 3 n
1 2 3 (1
Bob Mixon 0 3 3 16
th Aitcheson' • 0 2 2 0
Keith Ed Deltnage
0 1 1 n
Tont Sawyer
George CoveneY 0 0
Ken Thontpson ... ...... 0
Bill Murphy 0 0
Ernie Little 0 0
1 1 8
0 0
0 2
0 s
G A P Pim.
Jerry Stealer 13 4 17 10
Arlie Shantz 7 9 16 11.
Calvin Hondrich 8 7 15 11
nem Ehart 5 9 14 2
Murray Waster ,..• 3 10 13 2
Jim Pfaff 7 4 11 2
Wallace Becker 5 5 10 10
Gerry Matillati 6 3 9 8
Paul 3Veber 6 0 9 25
Alvin Sararas 3 4 7 12
Burt, Christner , „ 2 4 6 15
George Poetker 2 4 6 4
Tim Cairns • 1 5 6 6
Herb Weber 3 0 3 2
Vernon Heldman 0 3 3 8
,Terry FOrler 0 1 1. 0
'Feed. Currah 0 0 0 6
G .A P Pim.
Toni Collings 19 12 31 10
Stu O'Neil 8 12 20 10
Steve Storey 2 5 14 2
cldiA Findley 7 7 14 6
Harry Wraith 4 6 12 6
Bob Gauthier 2 7 9 0
Don Fletcher 2 4 5; 4
Scott AidNair 2 5 7 • 4
Al Lortie 2 4 6 9
Ma. O'Neil 2 3 5 I)
Bev Utbshof t 1 4 5 4
Jerry Ltikash 1 3 4 23
Rey Yells 0 3 012
Terry Hodgins 0 3 3 14
Den Quirle 1 0 1' 11
Ken Lampman 0 1 1 0
Don Urbshott It 0 0 11
Don McAlpine .. ........ 0 0 0 0
4 A P Pim.
Ken Doig 10 15 Is 2
DOn Gravett 6 16 22 10
Jib% Loader 1(1 11 21. 0
tarry Heidentan 10 6 18 6
8111 Cherie 4 10 14 0
Andy Sttraras 9 2 10 6
Terry Wade 4 5 0 4
Jim Russell 4 3 7 2
Bob 73aynham 4 1 5 9
Rill Pincombe 1 4 5 2
Claude Duval 3 1 4 2
Bob Westertheefer 0 4 4 16
Keith StePhen 1 2 3 14
Dave Weber 0 2 2 34
Here Crimes 1960! Arid
here's hoping it rings
in a full measure of good hick,
health and happiness fit you and yOUrs.
Scotts Billiards
Exeter BolArling Lanes
-otreerie •trairWriefeellerirreatsreargraer
G A P Pim,
"'Pussy" Dunharti 12 12 24
Stan Uirioh 9 14 23
Jim BloOmfield 10 10 26
Glen Forbes 12 6
Art Norland ' 7 5
Pete Bentley 3 A -
Ron Shepley 3 7
Marvin MeGregor 5 7.
Rob .Martin 3 3
Angus Kelly 1 .3
Bob 'Dunlop . 1 2
,Terry Paiement n
"Butch" Armstrong n 1
Roy' Johnson 0 1
Ken Mathews .......0 n
Don Armstrong 0 0 0
' 0 A P Plm.
Don Hesse ..... ,.........,..„, 4 6 14) 2
Dort Ty0rien ... 3 5
Deng O'Brien 4 1
.Ken Lee '......% ........... „. 4 0
Leo Racieot ...... ............ I) 2
Clive LoinaX 0 2
Ray Mady 1 0
Wayne Willert 1 6
Bob McKinley 0 0
Don Gascho 6 0
George Suplat 41 0
Jim Bedard 0 0
'Pat O'Brien . 0 (i
Murray Coleuhoun 0 0
Larry Imeson ...... n 0
Murray Baker 0
Larry Johnston 0
ott ..... toemmtimp
fi 2
5 fi
4 2
2 S
1 10
0 6
0 11
0 '0 0
0 • 0 0
Exeter Mohawks moved back
into. .first place in the WONA.
Group 1 hockey standings this.
week by virtue of two victories
SQ -v17:111 7411170stubl'et-r:nd.ict::::. serTileles
tribe downed .1110 Chovs 7.2 and
to grab a four paint bulge over
their peareal entpetitots. in the
battle for first place in the-
le4Tele tsss".:v111cIiinngs!'gives Exeter a
seven genie winning .stregk to
-work en, The tribe will try to
make it eight in g row when
they tangle with Lueso.liderton.
_combinesthis Saturd,.y night in
the local arena, Combines have
dealt Exeter their Only defeat
of the season and although' Exe-
ter did got revenge in a return
game, the tribe would like to
hand the LI club still another
setback to keep their winning
.streak in tack.
Chevs clo.* Mitchell
Pbilispsburg, who are out after
the WOAA and OHA hornebrew
crowns, turned the heat MS Tues-
day evening in Mitchell and
care out with an 8.5 victory.
The • win was the sixth of the
season for Philipsburg while
Mitchell suffered their ninth.
loss of the campaign.
lOxoter 5, sltlhnilolipnsghsarg 1
Mitchell 3, Forest 4 (0T)
Exeter 7, Phillpaburg 2-
W L T To A P_
- Exeter . , a 1 0 66 30 1Z
X*L-C COrribinet 7 3 0 60 87 14,
xxxFOrtat . 7 5 64 61 14
KIWIS -burg . 6 5 0 64 55 12
Xx511tehell. 4 9 0 71 71
xZurich . 0 • 6 61762 $
x—Withrirew (rent league,
xX—zRuereiticihr.ed. one t00-poInt vie.
. tory for unpIa)•ed game with
xxr—Received four points In stand.
Inge for •U nplay e.(4 Zurich
Gameg:n1eTh81's Week:
30—Mitehell at Lucan
2,--Lucan at Exeter (9 p.m.)
'4—Philipsburg at Forest
5—Lucan at Mitchell
8—Fcirest at 'Philipsburg
, Mitchell at Exeter
9—Philipsburg t Lucan (4 MAI
Phone 102
Hockey Action!
January 2
9:00 p.m.
Lucan-Ild. Combines
Exeter Mohawks
To all our friends
a and patrons, a very happy
and successful New Year
in 1960! We hope it finds you in harmony With
el all the beat lite has to offer and that w Shall
continue to enjoy the privilege of serving you,
Mothers. Bros.