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Page 5 December 31, 1959
and district news
Mrs. Maude Hedden, Phone 5
Mrs. Archie. MacGregor, Phone 56
Groups fete
local _
' shutins
Thirteen members of the Kin-
elle Club gave pleasure to the
patients at the Queensway Nurs-
ing Horne .and shut-ins, in the
village last Tuesday evening by
singing a number of carols
under their windows, At the con-
clusion of the carol singing they
were entertained to a turkey
dUnner at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Ellwood, A brief
business meeting was in charge
of the president, Mrs, W'diam
Mrs. George Sawyer of Exeter
won the raffle prize,
The Woman's Missionary So-
ciety and Woman's Association
of Chiselhurst United Church
gave out 11 Christmas boxes to
sick and shut-ins of 'their church.
Fifteen Christmas boxes were
delivered to sick and shut-ins of.
Carmel church by the Woman's
Missionary Society. The boxes
were packed at the home of
Mrs. Basil Edwards.
Brenda Triebner. of Kippen,
daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Dave
Triebner, was the winner of a
12 -pound Christmas cake in a
draw at Beaton's bakery last
Wednesday night, Forty dollars
was made from the project
sponsored by the Teen Town
group. Mr, Beaton donated the
Crest winners
Prize winners at Crest Hard-
ware on Wednesday were: girls'
prize, 20 -inch doll, Lorraine Bis-
sonnette, Hensall; boys' prize,
deluxe gun and holster set,
Michael Charette, Hensall.
Lorraine is the daughter of
Mr, and Mrs. Vincent Bissonn-
ette and Michael is the son of
Mr, and Mrs. Tony Charrette.
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs, Ron Mock and
family were visited over the
Christmas holiday by Mrs.
Mock's mother Mrs. E. Waines,
Owen Sound, and her sister and
brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Seabrook and family, Waterloo.
Miss Bernice Dilling of Sarnia
is holidaying with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Dilling
this week.
A pleasant evening was spent
at ' the home of Mrs. George
Thompson on Tuesday evening
when friends of Mrs. Basil Ed-
wards met to honor her on her
birthday. Following a birthday
dinner a recreationalperiod of
music andcanasta was enjoyed.
Gary Corlett of. Toronto, 1955
graduate of the UWO in business
administration has been success-
ful in passing' the final examina-
tion of the Institute of Chartered
Accountants of Ontario, the re-
sults of which were recently re-
leased. Mr. Corlett is a son-in-
law of Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook.
§r 4ZliZM` . "rfib Nn 'n2`.' , . *. «.,,, ,.n,,., ,
SS 1 Tuckersrnith
presents concert
Pupils of SS 1 Tuckersmith,
under the direction of their
teacher, Mrs. Laurabelle Reich-
ert, with chairman Douglas Dal-
rymple, presented their annual
Christmas concert on Tuesday,
December 22. Mrs. Malcolm
Dougall was pianist,
The program included recita-
tions by Wilma Dalrymple, Gil-
bert Guetter, Gwen McLean, Jim
Farquhar and Deanna Forrest;
piano solos by Jinn Traquair and
Deanna Forrest; readings by
Ray McLean, Theresa Guetter,
and Graham Bell; dialogue by
Mervyn Bell and Larry McLean;
"Signs of Christmas" by five
boys; "Christmas Stockings" by
Nancy Forrest, Wilma Dalrym-
ple and Jim Guetter and chorus-
es and carols by all the pupils.
Santa arrived and distributed
Personal items
Miss Catharine Kaville and
friend of Toronto visited on Mon-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Parker, Ricky and Cindy.
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Donney
and family returned home after
' holidaying with relatives at
Christmas visitors
With Mr. and Mrs, John Sol-
dan, Pat and Mike were Mr,
and Mrs. Harry Hoffman and
family, Dashwood; Mr, and Mrs.
Gordon. Clemas and family, Mr.
and Mrs. John Munnand family,
London; Mr. and Mrs. Carl
I•.Ieppler, Waterloo; Mrs, W.
Hennessey, London; Mrs. Elsie
Case and Miss Wendy Moir,
Hensall Twenty-five were pre-
sent for the festive occasion,
Mrs. Robert Reid of Kincar-
dine with her son and daughter-
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Reid, Jerry and Allan.
Mr. and Mrs. George Hess
with their daughter and son-in-
law, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McCloy
and family, in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Traquair,
Brian and David, of Woodstock,
with Mr. and Mrs. E. Normin-
Mrs. C. Cook with her son and
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Cook and family, in Oak-
Mr. and Mrs. Don Robinson
and family of London with the
latter's mother, Mrs. W. B.
Rev. Currie, Winlaw, Mrs.
Winlaw, Allan and Kenneth with
relatives in Ingersoll.
Mr. and. Mrs. Robert Reaburn
and family with relatives in
Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor and
Brian of Exeter with the for-
mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.
Mrs. T. C. Coates with rela-
tives in Exeter.
.`.1(ay the joys of
this Holiday season fall with
abundance upon jou and
your.;... now and through all time to come.
Special New Years
Dinner Menu
Celery Hearts, Sweet Pickles, Salt Almonds, Fresh Fruit,
Mixed Nuts
Soup Consomme A la Royal or
Tomato Juke
Grilled White Fish, Brown, Butter $1.00
Grilled Pork Chops with Pineapple Ring
T -Bona Steak with Strip of Bacon
Sirloin Steak with Fried Onions
Roasted Turkey with Cranberry Sauce
Roasted Young Chicken with Apple Jelly
Prime Ribs of Beef with Brown Gray
Leg of Young Pork with Apple Sauce
Mash or French Fried Potatoes, Butter Sweet Peas
oA ChrisRmasnPlumerry and Puddin with Hot M'nca Pies, Chrisfmas
g Wine Sauce
The Exeter Grill
PHONE 401 439 MAIN ST", S,
PS students
e show
Mr. and Mrs. jack Faber,
Mrs. William Hyde, and Miss Lo-
retta Bell, London, in New Jer-
sey, guests of Mr. and Mrs, Ed-
> -~•I. Barrett.
Cecil Van Horne of Lu -
with his son-in-law and i rest, chairman for the evening.
.ter, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald i The program included solos by
Bill Nichol and Al Kyle; reeit4-
1r. and Mrs, Le Roy Peters lions by Shirley Dayman and.
and baby of Pembroke with the Gary Deitz; selections by the
former's parents Mr, .and Mrs. rhythm band; dvet by Mary Nor -
Fred Peters. ris and Ruth Ann McNichol.;
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Lee of Lon- piano selections by Joan Sin -
don. with Mr. and Mrs. James Clair; square dance by the sen -
Clark and family.
Mr.. and Mrs. Ross MacMil-
lan of Toronto with the latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs, E, L,
Kippen area schools
present yule concerts.
SS 2 Tuekersmith held its an-
nual Christmas concert last Man -
day evening under the direction
of their teacher, Miss Dorothy
Turner. Mrs. Ross Broadfoot
was pianist and Mr. Ross For -
Pupils of Hen s al 1 Public Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Chipchase
School presented their annual and family With relatives in Lon -
Christmas concert on Tuesday don,
afternoon, December 22. Grade Mr. Ted Norminton of Western
one pupils presented several University, London, and Mr. and
dances, "Bow, Bow Belinda" Mrs. Art Traquair and son of
Woodstock with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Norminton,
Miss Phyllis Dougall of Tor-
onto with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. R. Dougall.
Mr, and Mrs. R. G. Love of
Cairo, Mich., Mr. Robert Love,
London, Mr. Robert Keys, Bur-
lington, with Mr. and Mrs. J. E.
Mr, and Mrs. Allen Fisher
and Miss Eleanor Fisher, of
Gravenlnurst, with Mr. and Mrs.
John McMurtrie on Sunday.
Miss Mary Buchanan, Toronto,
Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Love and
John, London, Mr. and Mrs. Don
'Fleas, Steven, Scott and Susan,
Grand Bend with Mr. and Mrs.
George Armstrong.
Mrs. Earle Sproat with her son
and daughter-in-law, Dr. and
Mrs. William Sproat and family,
of Windsor.
Mrs. James Smillie with her
daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Shepherd and fam-
ily, of Toronto,
Mrs. Hugh 1VIeMurtrie, Mr, and
Mrs. Alex MoMurtrie and family
with relatives in Ti]lsonburg.
Lloyd Hedden, Russell Hedden,
Karen and Kevin, St, Catharines
with Mrs. Catherine Hedden and
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Short -
house and Ken, St. Catharines,
with their son and daughter-in-
law, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Short -
house, Gwen, Virginia and Earl.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McKen-
zie and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Don Perdue and family, K%tgs-
ton, Mrs. Jack MacFarlane, St.
Thom a s, with Mrs. Violet
Schwalm and Ray.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Huffman,
of Lucan, at Queensway Nursing
Patients at the Queensway
nursing home spending the holi-
days with relatives andfriends
were: Mrs. Margaret Robinson,
with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rob-
inson of Varna; Mrs. Suzie Ran-
nie, with Mr. and Mrs. William
Fuss, Hensall; and Mr. Francis
Ryckman with Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Ferguson, Hensel].
Mr. and Mrs. R. .T. Drysdale,
Jerry and Paul, with the latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G.
MacVicar, Strathroy.
Mrs. Ethel 'Horsman, Ridge -
town, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Clark,
Toronto wibh Mr. and Mrs. How-
ard Scene and girls.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McEwan
with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mc -
Ewan of London.
Mr. and Mrs. Drew Fowler
and family of London with Mr.
and Mrs. E. R. Davis and fam-
Mr. and Mrs. William Brown,
Bill and Carol, with relatives in
Miss Elvera Churchill, To-
ronto, with her sister and broth-
roth-erinlaw, [lir. and Mrs. E. Shad -
dick and Rill.
Mrs. Marjorie Helm and fam-
ily, Tiverton, Mr. and Mrs.
George Jackson, London, Miss
Carol Smith, Exeter, Mrs. Rob-
ert Reid, Kincardine, with Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Reid and
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Smith of
Guelph, Mrs. Isabell Kennard,
Exeter, with Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr. Orland Reichert and Ken-
neth with relatives in Hamilton.
Miss Amy Lammie, London,
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lammie, Bob
and Jean, Mr. and Mrs. George
Dunn, all of Centralia, with Miss
Greta Lammie.
Mr. and Mrs. Rodger Venner
and Stephen with the latter's
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Terence
O'Reilly, Toronto.
Mrs. Basil Edwards with her
niece, Miss Violet Morrison, of
Sgt. John Beer, Mrs. Beer,
David and Johnny, Springfield,
F/O Ralph McArthur, Mrs. Mc-
Arthur, Mac and Cam, Centralia,
Mr. and Mrs. George Beer and
Linda, Mr. and Mrs. Chester
Lee, Hensall with Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Beer.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Woodiwiss,
Chatham with their daughter
and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs,
,Tack Drysdale and Jill.
Mr. and Mrs, ,Tack Reid and
Ian, Mr, and Mrs. F. Rubbert,
Mr. and Mrs. William Crosser,
Mr. and Mrs, Earl Sararas and
family, all of Toronto;; Mrs. J.
P.onthron, Mr, and Mrs. Mac
Greer, London, Mr, and Mrs,
Roy McDonald, Staffa; Mrs. E.
Sararas, I-Iensall, with Mr. and
Mrs, Harold Bonthran,
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Corlett,
Bryan and Diane, Toronto; 1)r,
Norma Hopkinson, Joan, Bruce
and Mary Beth, of Lions ileacs,
with Mr. and Mrs, N. E. Cook,
Mr. Merney Twitehell of To-
ronto at the home of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Twitchell.
Mr. 'George Otterbein, of. Pres•
ton with his father, Mr, Wil-
liam Otterbein.
Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Chapman,
Craig and /toddle visited recent
I,y with their lion -in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Joe De
Lodge in Sarnia.
Mrs, Irma Harris of Detroit
with her brother and sister -in -
taw, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rannie
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Den Avery of
Sarnia With the latter's entente,-
Mr. and Mrs, .Toe Flynn artd
Joyce. and also with Mr. tiedMrs. Geta1d l♦ Iynn,
and Sandyland" and several.
Christmas songs were sung by
these young people,
Grades two and three, under
the direction of Mrs. Mabelle
Shirray, contributed an acrostic
"Santa Claus" and a number of
Grades three and four and
grades five and six also render-
ed musical numbers which were
directed by Mrs. Phyllis Rod-
gers, the music teacher,
A vocal duett was sung by
Suzanne Rennie and Nancy
Kyle, with Ann Mickle accom-
panist. Lois Simmons and Jo
Anne Stanton contributed a vocal
duett with Bonnie Foster as ac-
companist and Brian Smillie
favored with several violin selec-
The other members of grades
seven and eight presented a skit,
"What We Want For Christmas".
Personal items
Mr. C. L. Jinks who has been
a patient in South Huron Hos-
pital, Exeter, has returned home
much improved in health.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. C. Smith
and family were visited over
the Christmas holiday by the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Smith, and grandmother,
Mrs. Miles Smith, of Marlette,
Mich., returning home on Mon-
Mrs. Louise Gilbert, London,
is spending a week with her
daughter andson-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. A. R. Orr and Jimmy.
Mrs. Clarence Reid was the
lucky winner of, three chickens
at the recent Legion bingo held
at Exeter Legion Hall.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Pryce,
Nancy and. Keith of Bloomington,
Indiana visited this week with
Mrs. Pryce's brother and sister-
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne
Chapman and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Passmore,
of London, visited over the week-
end with the former's mother,
Mrs. Pearl Passmore, and sister,
Miss Norma Passmore, also with
the latter's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Bell and family.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. MacLaren
are spending the holidays with
their daughter, Mrs. Margaret
Evans and family at Waterloo.
Staff of Bank of Montreal,
Hensall, and friends were enter-
tained to a dinner at the New
Commercial Hotel in honor of
Mrs. Robert Caldwell who is
leaving the bank. A gift was
presented by Mr. Grant Donney
and the address given by Mr. K.
Christian, manager.
Mrs. Pearl Koehler won the
set of stainless steel cutlery at
the Christmas draw at Ginge-
rich's, Zurich.
New Year's Shoot
The annual New Year's trap
shoot sponsored by the Kippen
Gun Club will be held starting
at 1 p.m. with a 50 -bird program
for the John Labatt trophy,
There will be other events if time
Christmas visitors
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Corbett
and Al, Miss Connie Corbett,
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Corbett,
Steven and Kim, with Mr. and
Mrs. H. Chapman in London.
Miss Gwen Chapman, of Lon-
don, with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Lorne Chapman and fam-
Mr, and Mrs. Wilbert Dilling
with Miss Bernice Dilling and
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dilling
and son in Sarnia.
Mr. Don MacLa•ren of Ingersoll
with Mr, and Mrs. Archie Mac-
,Miss Mary Ann Rannie of Lon-
don with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Sam Rannie and family.
Miss Dorothy Farquhar, of To-
ronto, with her mother, Mrs.
Emma Farquhar.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Elder and
family flew to Arizona where
they spent the holidays with rela-
Miss Connie Corbett of Lon-
don with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Corbett and Al,
News From North
Mr. Lawrence Davidson, his
son, Alex, and granddaughter,
Beverley Brooks of London, and
daughter Kay (Mrs. Billabaugh
of Sudbury) visited Mr. and
Mrs. William Davidson over the
Mr, and .Mrs. William Nords-
trom attended the funeral of the
late Ernst Morrow of Denfield
last week.
Christmas visitors
Mr. and Mrs, William Nord-
strom and Robert with Mr. and
Mrs. John Dennis and family of
the Ilaig Farm.
With Mr. and Mrs. George Il.
Wilson, Ml", and Mrs, Ed Dobie,
of ' Forest, Mi and Mrs. Earl
Itilborn of Thedferd, Messrs.
Tired and Charles Moore of For-
est, and Mil. F. Faulds of Ar.
With Mr. Thigh *''. ,Tehnsen ani
Ctrs. Chas. Hebert were Mr. and
Mrs. Fred J3urkhart and family
Of ';Forrest4
iors; pantonine by Shirley Day -
Man, Cathy Dayman, Lynda
Workman and Karen Littleton
and a Christmas pageant.
The Norris orchestra favored
with selections throughout the
Santa Claus appeared at the
close of the program and distrib-
uted the gifts. '
School concert
SS 14 Stanley held Its annual
Christmas concert on the eve-
ning of Monday, December 21
under the direction of the teach-
er, Mrs. Joe Carey.
The program included Christ-
mas greeting by Gayle Hender-
son; choruses, recitations by
Bobby Maxwell, Margaret Mac-
kenzie, John Hoogenes, Shirley
Mackenzie, Donna Clifton, San-
dra Maxwell; duets by Kathy
and Daren Hendrick and Doug-
las MacBeath and. Bill Farquhar;
a singing story by the juniors;
a play "The Christmas Teddy
Bear" withthe cast, Karen Tal-
bot, Judy Gridzak, Diane Faber,
Lois Wright, Wendy Jones, Bill
A play, "Junior's Christmas
Dinie" with. cast, Brian Trieb-
ner, Doug MacBeath, Doug Hyde,
Gwyn Jones, Marilyn Maxwell;
a play, "We Want Apple Pie"
with Russell Talbot, Gary Max-
well, Bobby Gridzak, Gertrude
Toonk, Jerry Johnson and Gwen
Hendrick taking part and an-
other play "Let's Have a Quiet
Christmas" presented by Gert-
rude Toonk, Eleanor Wright,
James Wright, John Robinson
and Ann Clifton.
Win prizes at store
First prize, bathroom scales,
at the Christmas draw at Dick-
ert's store was won by Kenneth
Second prize, lazy susan, went
to Howard Lemmon and third
prize, pyrex pitcher, to Leonard
Personal items
Miss Brenda Triebner won the
"teen-age" Christmas cake at
the draw at Beaton's Bakery,
Mr. Herb Stephenson, who
underwent surgery in St. Joseph's
Hospital, London, returned home
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gack-
stetter of Guelph accompanied
by Mrs. William Henley of Exe-
ter called on a few old neigh-
bors on Saturday.
Christmas visitors
Air. and Mrs. Walter Geddes,
Owen Sound, Mr. and Mrs. W,
J. McLean and William Jr.,
Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. •Clar-
ence McLean, London, Mr. Fern
AleLean, Beverley and Merlin,
Toronto, and Mrs. McLean, Ruth
and Marion, Exeter with Mr.
and Mrs. Allan Johnson.
Mr. John Watson of Toronto,
on Saturday, with his brother-
in-law and sister, Mr, and Mrs,
Pete Gridzak and Mr, and Mrs.
W. L. Mellis.
Mr, and Mrs. Norman Dickert,
accompanied by Mr, and Mrs.
Ken McLellan and ,sill, with
Mr, and Mrs. Jack Dickert and
Mr. Dickert's mother in Har-
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ber-
nard of Brussels and Mr. and
Mrs, Ward Forrest and family
of Hillsgreen with Mr. and. Mrs.
David Triebner and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Egbert Faber
and family with the lather's
mother and father, Mr. and
Airs. William Desch of Varna.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wren
with their daughter and son-in-
law, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smith,
Mr, and Mrs, Monty Moto -
inure, Kim and Lynda, with
the former's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. Motomura of Oakville.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dickert,
Mr, and Mrs, Gerald. Hubbard,
Kenny and Roger., with Mr. and
Mrs. Norman Dickert on Sun-
day evening,
Mr. and Mrs. Dickert with
Mrs. Dickert's sister and broth-
er-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Anson
Wolfe of Melbourne on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Elston Dowson
with Mr. and Mrs. Ellin Kerr
at Winthrop.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thomson
and children with the latter's
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Sam
Storey, Seaforth.
Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Kyle
and Jim at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Ivan Steckle of Bayfield,
and on Saturday visited with
the former's mother, Mrs. Jean
Kyle of Clinton.
Mrs. William Kerr and Carol
with her daughter and son-in-
law, LAC George Lefebvre and
Mrs. Lefebvre of RCAF Clinton.
Mr. and Mrs. N, Long with
Mr. and. Mrs. Ed. Little and
girls at Hensall.
Mr. and Mrs, John A. Cooper,
David and Bob, with. Mr, and
Mrs. Wesley Haddy, Toronto, re-
turning home Saturday.
—Please turn to page 7
Roll out the barrel for the New Year,
and make it a good, big barrel ... big enough to hoM
all the warm wishes that we extend to you
and your family for a happy, successful 1960.
South End Service
Russ and Chuck .Snell
Cheeriest New Year
greetings to you[
Here's wishing you
the very best of
everything in 1960
health, happy:
ness and success[ j
Exeter Dairy
Phone 331
I 'RE—AFTER— ctionsinimms
Ladies Dresses
Car Coats
Straight & Reversible
Plaids and Plains
Knitted Hats, Toques
Bonnets etc.
Children's Dresses
Children's & Misses
Bunting Bags
Grey 'BorgJacket
SiZB 14, OCG, $46.9S
Meds Caps
Plaids and Plains
Dress Gloves
.Fl anal ette Pyjamas
Men's and Boys'
Dressing Gowns
Men's and Boys' Wool
Suburban & Car Coats
Men's Sport Shirts
Reg, $4.95 Reg. $5.95 Reg, $6.95
3.69 4.39 519
Sock And Tie Sets
Reg. $3.95 Req. $4.50
2.47' 219
Men's Dress Siacke
2 Feil. "rWr 1 R1' (IF 1