HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-12-23, Page 16Pape 16 December 23, 1959
and°distrlct news
Hq n.uNUI! g14Y.MUMk,gYlrri.
Phone BA 7.4255
Correspondent; Miss Lina Abbott
Girls present Church concert
Bingo fans
.L1C service
attracts nrnui'l
A program by the Sunda
The CGIT and Explorers, their School was presented last Fri.
!tatters, Miss Betty Afcintyre, day eight, consisting of read -
Mrs. Roger Heath, Miss Rose Ings, solos, plays and rhythm
Revington and :Miss Barbara band.
Zlarshail, presented the national Mrs. Ctrrrie's class gave a
candle lighting vesper service. Pantomime number while Miss
Miss Alcintyre led in the wor- Lorraine Graham sang "Hark
Ship service and the Christmas the Herald Angels Sing".The
story, "The Wisemen from the senior children presented the
West", play"To Them Who Sat in
Five CGIT members, :Margaret Darkness." Mrs. Hugh Birtch
Cobleigh, Linda Ackers, Judy told a Christmas story.
Thomson, Barbara Park and Rev. and Mrs. Han were pre -
Susan Bridger, in choral read- seated ' with a roasting pan and
tags, presented the 'first, second turkey as well as a swing -away
and fourth lessons, while Bar- can -opener.
bara, Park alone, read the thud. Last but not least was the
;lesson. stripping of the Christmas tree
Two CGIT members. Linda with gifts for all.
Bridger and, Ruth Frost. and
two Explorer members, Patricia
Cobleigh and Louise Cochrane,
took up the offering.
In the beautful candle lighting
service, Barbara Ready, Jean
Marie Lankin and Rosanna Mo•
strinjohn lit candles: These girls
then passed their lights on to .._
all the other members. When all Special Sunday service
lights were lit the girls stood Mr. Leeland Neunschtvander of
and repeated the CGIT purpose. Chatham was the guest speaker
= A quartette and a solo by Mrs. Sunday evening for the candle -
Bert Thompson added greatly to light service, Mrs. Clayton Ab.
the service, as well as the large boat and elrs. Ronald Hill sang
number of parents and friends a duet. Airs. Ed Butler accom-
Who were present. ' paned her own solo on her
Aluch of the credit for the i piano accordion and Mrs. Hugh
beautiful Christmas decorations. Birtch gave a Christmas read -
which formed a setting for the' ing.
¢,service, goes to Miss Muriel! Explorer news
Carling who is particularly sal•'
ented in floral decorations, 1 The eighth expedition of the
I Lucan•Clandeboye Explorers was
League of t ��t held in the United. Church
L y y schoolroom last Monday with 21
members present.
receives banner The meeting opened with a
Last Sunday morningwas a singsong led by Honorary Coun-
senor Iva Hodgins. The Scrip -
happy occasion in Holy Trinity, ture lesson was read by secre-
especially for the little people tary Cheryl Thompson. New
of the junior congregation and counsellor, Barbara Marshall,
eague of Loyalty, for their read a Christmas story.
long looked -for new banner final -1 The craft period consisted of
lit arrived and was dedicated, decorating cans to hold Christ -
This banner was purchased by mas treats for shut-ins.
the Altar Guild to further en- Arrangements were made for
courage the little people in' the Christmas supper party
their church attendance. 1 which was held in the the
The League of Loyalty is an schoolroom Friday. December
organization aimed to increase'; 18, followed by carol singing and
church attendance by means of,' treats to shut-ins. "
buttons, stars, etc. for five con - Explorer's Christmas party
secutive S u n d a y s attendance. i
The Luean branch was organ-! The Lucan Explorers held their
ized over seven years ago hby; Christmas party in the United
Miss Lina Abbott and each year, church c0 with o nom last aF Friday
has continued to grow. At pre-
sent the enrolment is 83, of' honorary cousellors, Iva Hod -
which 57 were present on Sun- gins and Kate Haskett as guests.
day. The party began -vith games
Following the service, a pic-(followed by a pat luck supper
ture was taken of 141x. Prest, and exchange of gifts.
Mrs. Clarence Haskett, president i The girls were then . divided
Coen -
of the Altar Guild, Frank Egan, ! etlioo two
Raseo Reving on s headed and Ha -
a, server, Miss Lina Abbott, as orary Counsellor Iva Hodgins
teacher, and Mrs. Haskett's son who went out carol singing and
Billie to represent the Leagues presentation of gifts to16gshut-
of Loyalty, holding the new ban- ins.
Phe flowers on the chancel. TV film made on Canadians
steps were in loving memory of Mr. and Airs. Harold Hodgins
Mrs. Lloyd Lynn.
this week received a message
The Sunday School. Christmas from their son Sandy, now star
tree and concert will be held. tioned at Metz„ France, say -
Wednesday, December 23, at ing that a four -man TV produc-
9':30 p.m. tion team from the Canadian
Broadcasting Corporation had
Trip to Florida filmed a half hour program on
follow nuptials
:Grantee United Church was
the setting when the Rev. J. H.
eeardy, assisted by the Rev.
Thomas G. Head, united in
the Canadian armed forces in
Europe, which will be shown
coast to coast in Canada during
the afternoon of Christmas Day,
The film will depict members
of the Canadian forces preparing
for Christmas. Much of the film
matrimony Margaret Ruth Har- was taken at Metz and will in -
dee and Clifford Arthur Jack elude an RCAF couple shopping
Cook. in the market, scenessof Christ-
Tlie bride is the daughter of mas lighting and an RCAF
Christmas party at Metz orphan-
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Hardie
Mr.of Granton and the groom is the age. Part f Germany, y, where the
was shoe
son of Mr. and Mrs. William at Sean Germ
E. Cook, also of Granton. 4th Canadian la. Brigade Gp.
is Located.
The bride chose a floor -length
own of peau de faille which i This film will be of particular
B int.rest to those with relatives
was fashioned with princess line; now posted in France.
bodice, featuring lily point!
sleeves and empire style back Edward Lorne Brodhagen
Waistline bow. The tulip -shaped
bouffant skirt swept to a chapel
train. Argentian lace flowers,
sprinkled with tear drop pearls, Mr. and 'Mrs. Gerald Rollings of
were appliqued to the neckline, Birr died in St. Joseph's Hos•
sleeves and front panel of the pita',
London, on Friday, Dec,
skirt. A matching pillbox bead- lg,
•dress held her fingertip veil of Tlie remains were at the C.
pure silk illusion. Haskett and Son funeral home,
;airs. Patrick Hardie, Clinton, Lucan until 415 pan. Sunday
whs matron of honor and brides- Dec, 20 when the Rev. Bruce
maids were Miss Janet Dow Guy of Ilderton conducted pri-
and Miss Phyllis Butters, both vote funeral services.
of London, and Miss Joan Janie- Interment was in Birr. 'United:
can of Granton. Bridal attend- cemetery.
ants were all gowned alike in
ballerina -length dresses of iri- Business Men's third draw
descent green taffeta,,The vice-president Mr. Gary
The best man was Fed Cook Mcle alts and secretary, Mr. Cecil
'Of Granton, brother of the I Van Horne, were in charge of
groom. Patrick Hardie of Clin- the Business Men's third Christ -
ton, Max Bilyea. of Granton and i mas draw for $10 vouchers last
Thomas Ernst of Wayne, Mich,, I Saturday afternoon.
Were ushers. 1 They chose three little girls
At a reception at Hook's res -1 to make the draws. Sharon Van
tatirant, London, the bride's Bussel drew Cheryl' Thompson's
Mothed received in a rose beige name, Barbara Nagle drew Don
crepe gown with yellow rose -bud O'Neil's name and Helen Van
t:arsage. She was assisted by the Bussell drew Mrs, Karl O'Neil's
groom's Mother in a green wool name. All winners were froth
ensemble with yellow rose -bud f Lucan and district,
eorsage, ,, The big draw for. $100 will be
For a wedding trip to l'lorida, held next Thursday afternoon.
the bride changed toe ehoco-1 There will also be a visit from
late brown woollen sheath dress 1Santa Claus fer the children,
with in a. t e h 1 n g jacket, dark
brown accessories, beige coat( Personal items
MI orchid corsage I Mr. and Airs. Milton Robinson
The bride is a graduate of St. of London were Sunday guests of
foseph's hospital School bi Mts.' Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hodgins,
Ing, London. A cheat eorrimtinianservice
will be held in; Hol
T1fe couple Will make their y Trinity
hutch at 11;30m, Cltristin s
1toiln b atGrantee,
Mr. and Mrs. Cine Shipley '0",
Nitri. Mt-, and Mts. Arnold Lewis Air, and Mrs. Merton Culbert
!it Lucan were among the guests, and fancily M Lucan were Sun•
day guests of Mr, acid Mrs.
0ersons1 Ifoms James S1gsworth and family and
Mts. Itenry Hco
Hodgins is n. Mr. and Mr's. Harold. non and
fitted tt her 'bed, under the dory daughter Libby, of Palrkhil1r_
foot . tate. t� Were Suhday s. i,
Edward Lorne Brodhagen, In-
fant son of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne
E, Brodbagen and grandson of
p zes.
• ssi nary on y, rs. a cn
Mission society.
selects. officers
At a meeting, of the Lucan
'united Church Woman's. Mis-
sionary Society, in the .ehueeh
schoolroom 1 a s t Wednesday,
Mrs, Sheridan Revingtorr was re.
eketcd president.
;honorary presidents are Mrs.
Edgar Roulston and Mrs. i . M.
C o o k; vice , president, lura.
George Paul; recording seen -
Lary, .Mrs. Erle Young; carr-
spondrng secretary, Mrs. C1ar-
once, Lewis; treasurer, Alrs, J•
li. Cantelol); assistant, Mrs. J.
P,. Murray; stewardship secre•
tory, Airs. Thomas Lee; temper-
ance secretary, Mrs Gordon Ban -
ling; supply secretary, Mrs.
Berne Smith; assistant, Mrs, E.
R. Pitt;
Ali is Al' ilii, M J l
Park; pianist, Mrs. H. B. I..ang-
ford; nominating committee.
Aire. John .Park, Mrs. Eldon.
Hodgson and Mrs. lra Carling;
group conveners, Mrs. Alex,
Young, Mrs. William Aylestock,
Mrs, Wilbert Stanley and Mrs.
Ivan Stanley.
The Nev, Edgar Roulston in.
stalled the new officers.
Tice meeting .opened with the
singing of Christmas carols.
Mrs. Edgar Roulston was in
charge of the worship service
, assisted by Mrs. Berne Smith. ,
Mrs, Alex Young's group was ;
in charge of the program. Mr,s.
Sheridan l,i evington read the
i Story of a c7hristmas vision. The
complete group of eight sang a I
Christmas number.
The Rev. E. M. Cdok was the
guest speaker
1 Mrs, E. R. Pitt's group was
in charge of refreshments and ;
the social half hour whichfol.
lowed the meeting. f
j "Lucan Lanes" bowling alley 1
14 ore an the "Luean'Lanes"'
' bowling alley is progressing, !
Brunswi.r Co. of
Toronto are noinstalling the
Manes. Plans
ck-Ba1keforwCollendeofficial opening
are being made,
The large crowd at the Lions
Club bingo on Tuesday night
had little or no effect on the
crowd that again filled every
chair in the Legion Hall Thurs,
day evening, but still the jack-
pot .slid not go.
Mrs. Charlie Windsor was the
lucky winner of the $5 consola-
tion prize. Dante Fortune again
smiled on the Feppere of Exeter
for Mr. Pepper won the $16
"Share - the-14Wealth". Airs. Ari
Hodgins of Clandeboye and. Mrs.
F. McRoberts of `Granton shared
the first part of the consecutive
bingo, Mrs. R. Westworth of
Luean the second part and Mr.
Bob Holland of Lucan and Airs.
R. Schroeder of Centralia the
third part.
Other winners were; Miss
Elizabeth Harrigan, .Airs. Jim
Leitch, Mrs. Harry Bond, Mrs.
Cecil Neil, Airs, Art Bell, Carl
Neil, Mrs. Tony Lamphier and
Mrs. Eleanor E►nerick, all of
Luean; also Mrs. !Bruce Bradley
of Clandeboye, Mr. Norman Wes.
ton and Mrs. John O'Connor of
During the evening, Mrs. A.
E. Reilly, on behalf of the Le-
gion Auxiliary, presented Mr.
Tom Weller, the caller, and Mrs.
Wilfred Stokes, seller of cards,1
a Christmas gift in appreciation
of their faithful service during
the past year in the making of
the bingo such a success.
Owing to the holiday season
and so many Christmas active
ties, the committee decided to
cancel the bingos for the next
two weeks, so the next bingo:
will be Thursday, January 7.
Mr, Weller thanked all present'
for their attendance and co -1
operation and expressed regret
at being unable to present any-
one v•:th the $135 Christmas
Lions Club bingo
The Lucan Lions Club held its
annual fowl bingo in the Stanley !
Hall last Tuesday night with a
good crowd in attendance.
The $50 draw was won by Mr.
R. M. Bowman of Main street
south and Mr. Carl Murphy,
also of Luean, won the big tur-
key. Erma Thomson made both!
Turkey winner s included;
Randy Paul, Jinn. Young, Mrs.
William Mcllhargey, Mrs. Edgar
McFalls, Bud Cooper, Joe Mor -1
Me, Mrs. Harold Egan and Jack
Chickens (for split bingos).
were won by Mrs. Clarence!
Young, Mrs. Grant Brooke, Mrs.
G. Atkinson, Victor Neil, Harry
Lewis, Jim Dewan, Torn Weller,
Bernard Benn, Jim Young and
Mrs. Clarence Haskett.
The t w o $10 "Share - the-
Wealth" bingos were won by
Mrs. lra Carling and Mrs. John
Personal items
Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Lee held
their family Christmas gather-
ing last Sunday with 24 mem-
bers from London, Harriston,
Mt, Forest, Clandeboye and
Brinsley present,
St. Nick treats
Legion children
A happy Christmas party was
held Saturday afternoon for the
1 children of the Legion members
! in the Legion Hall and was
climaxed by a visit from Santa
with a treat for the children.
A program was presented con-
sisting of a number of interest-
ing films, a solo by Carole and
Sherry Davis and by Mary
14 fathers and a recitation by
David Weller.
Members of Miss Judy Has-
kett's tap dancing class added
much to the program; Barbara
Cooper and Janis Freenia'n danc-
ed solo numbers, Linda Hardy
and Julie Hardy, a duet, and
Susan Kennedy, Norma. Davis,
Darlene Sceli and Nancy Hardy
a quartette number.
Lori Crudge was the winner of
the Legion Auxiliary doll which
has been on display in the
Shamrock window for some dine,.
Personal items
The Ladies' Committee of the
Arena Friday night catered a
turkey dinner to nearly 50 mem-
bers of the London Township
Police Ladies' Night Christmas
party. The dinner was followed
by dancing and films.
Mrs. Tames Sigswor'th and
Helen, Mrs. Cliff Abbott, Mrs,
Murray Abbott, Mrs. Clayton
Abbott and Mrs. Jim Mugford
attended a miscellaneous shower
last TuesdaL evening at the
home of Mrs. Warren Flannigan
and Miss Eleanor for the for-
iner's sister, Miss Luella Ab-
bott, whose marriage takes place
January 16.
Mrs. Lang De Coursey and
Miss Helen De Coursey of De-
troit and Mr. and Mrs. Dale
Ward and family of Detroit were
c last Saturday guests of Mr, and
Mrs, L. nle Mrs. Edgar. McFalls.
Y Mrs, Bob Coleman. entertained
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Garrett
retired teacher and family last Tuesday, the
occasion being her grandson,
Jack Garrett's 17th birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. William Ayle-
stock have arrived home after
two weeks :in North Buxton,
where their daughter, the Rev.
A. Aylestock, underwent surgery
in St, Joseph's Hospital, Chat -
Mrs Richard Dickies and Mrs.
E L. Gibson of Exeter were
Friday evening callers on Mrs,
Bob Coleman.
Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Mcralls
attended a family gathering last
Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Swartz, Exeter.
Afiss Doreen Garrett, president
of the Middlesex Junior Farmers
was chairman last Monday night
at the Middlesex County Building
when Blake Hughes of Mount
Brydges was judged .winner of
the Middlesex Junior Farmer's
public speaking competition.
George Robb of Merton was
Mr. and Mrs Jack Cummins
and faintly of Toronto are guests
of Mr. and Mrs. ralvin Haskett
and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Wes 'R.evingon
helot. their •family Christmas
gathering on Sunday as some of
the faintly could not get hone
on the 25th,
Anse Lucille Stanley, a retired
Leamington High School teacher,
died in Leamington hospital,
Saturday, December 12. She lay
at rest in the Ferguson funeral'
home, Leamington, where a
funeral service was held at 8'
p.m., Monday, December 14, j
then to Birr United Church
cemetery, where the Murdy;
funeral home director had!
charge of the committal service
with the Rev. Edgar Roulston
of the Lucan United Church of-
ficiating on Wednesday, Decem-
ber 15.
Five of the six pallbearers
were local: U. F. Stanley, H.
B. Langford, Jack Ryan, Don
Banting and Roy H. Stanley. The
sixth, Clarence Bailey, was from
Miss Stanley's only survivors
are one sister, Alma (Mrs. Har-
old Sheridan) of Florida and I
one nephew, Stanley Sheridan of
Born in Lucan, Miss Stanley!
was the dau.ghter of the late Mr.
and Mrs, George A:, Stanley.'
She attended the Lucan Public{
and High School. After she spent!
her teaching career in the'
Leamington 'High SchooL
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Join Lucan's 5 -Pin
Attend A General Meeting
Monday, Dec, 28
8:30 poi.
The. purpose of the meeting is to dorm a Luean 5 -Pili
Melt's Bbwiing League. It. is hoped' that the, league
will begin early in January.
Everyona Wblcowns
Clandeboye UC women
• e
form new organization
The ladies .of the Clandeboye
United Church held their annual
meeting at the home of Mrs, W.
The Rev. Edgar Roulston,. pas
tor, explained the advantages of
forming a Woman's Federation
of the United. Church which is
teeing used in smaller charges,
instead of officers for the two or-
President .elected was Mrs,
Arthur Simpson with honorary
preside.nt,. Mrs. E• Roulston;
vice-presidents, Mrs. ,Gordon
Eaton, Mrs. fete Voisin; secre-
tary, Mrs. R. Williams; assis*
Director of Recreation
Back last summer, a great
number of the public spirited
men and women of the commu•
nity converged on the tennis
courts to -be • and worked at
spreading the top -soil and level-
ling the playing surface.
Since that. time, posts and
wire for the backstop were pur.
chased. At Thanksgiving time
attempts were )Wade to dig the
holes for the posts, but apps
rently the ground was too hard
for the auger and all that was
done was to shear off a number
of shear pins.
• Mr. Erwin Scott, chairman of
the arena committee, has been
quite concerned about gelling
the courts finished and finally
was able to get a power digger.
Saturday, December 19th ar-
rived quite crisp and clear and
Mr. Scott had his men ready.
Darkness had just settled over
the community when the last
post was finally tamped in place
and we can say to Mr. Scott and
his men -- congratulations,
At this time of the year, aside
from the youngsters thinking
about the day that they start on
Christmas holidays, thoughts of
Christmas are uppermost in
everyone's mind. Tke weather of
course, has not been co-opera-
ting too well for a Christmas
feeling (not that we're com-
plaining about it, mind you),
but nevertheless everyone is
looking forward to THE day. So
it is with your directors of re-
creation, andon behalf tef the
Lucan Community Memerial
Centre staff and himself, to one
and all may we say — a Merry
Christmas and every Good Wish
for the Corning Year, -
Personal items
Mr. and. Mrs. Jack Graham
tint, Mrs. Art Hodgins; treas,
urer, Mrs. Alex Macintosh; .as-
Slstant, Mrs, 'Milner Scott; sun-
shine committee, Miss Aggie
Northgrave and Mrs. David Ices -
tie: supply secretar;;, Mrs. Tom
Collins; parsonage committee,
Mrs. Arthur Simpson, Airs Goy -
and Mi's, Pete Voisin.
Good reports of the S'ear's work.
were given and the allocation
was ,met.
Miss ,Lean Darling, R,N„ house
on furlouglt from India,- accom-
panied the group with the ca-
Mrs, Joe Carter met with en
.accident last Monday afternoon
suffering a broken. nose. She was
taken to St. Joseph`s. Hospital..
Mrs. Carter was harping with
loading cattle when one kicked
her from the back of the truck,
She was taken to Dr. Fleteher's
office, then to South Huron Iios-
pit..l and later on to London,
School Christmas concert
With the Rev, Edgar Roulston,
who gave religious instruction
from September. to Christmas,
as chairman and Mrs. Clarence
Carter, teacher, as co-chairman,
the annual concert for Clande-
hoye School No, 12 and 4 was
held last Monday evening,
The music was under the
direction of the district music
supervisor, Mr. Philip Squires,
of Glencoe.
The p r o g r a in consisted of
poems by Erwin Gebel, Jane
Hodgson, Laura Hodgins, Era
Hoekstra and. Betty Scott; drill,
"Alice Blue Gown"; piano solo,
Nancy Hill; rhythm band, grades
1 and 2; "Photographer's Busy
Day", grades 3 and 4; humor-
ous play,. "Christmas on the
Farm", and a square dance.
Following the progranc, Mrs.
Carter welcomed a visitor known
as Santa Claus who helped un-
load the Christmas tree.
St. James WA elects officers
The WA of St, James Church
held their annual meeting at the
church with the rector. the Rev.
J. P. Prest presiding for the
election of officers.
Honorary President is Mrs. J,
P. Prest; president, Mrs. Andy
Carter; vice-president, Mrs. E.
Tomes; sec-treas., Mrs. Karl O'-
Neil; Dorcas committee, Mrs.
Almer Hendrie, Mrs. J. Hewitt
and Mrs. Alvin Cunningham,
Favorable reports were given
of the years work.
It was decided to send a box.
at Easter to the prayer partner
the Rev. Adrian F. Greenwood at
St. Luke's nicarge Mayerthorpe,
Mrs. Lloyd Lynn
and family of Chatham were native of district
weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Mitchell Haskett and together Funeral services were con -
with Mr. Harvey Haskett of ducted on Saturday afternoon,
London, Mr. and Mrs. Jack December 19, for Mrs. Lloyd
Cummins and family of Toronto, Lynn, the former Gladys M.
celebrated their Christmas din- Ritchie, at the Murdy funeral
ner at the home of Mr. and home at Lucan by the pastor,
Mrs. Calvin Haskett and family the Rev. Edgar Roulston, of the
on Sunday. Clandeboye United Church, as -
Mrs. Joe Orme has returned silted by a former pastor, the
to Toronto after spending a few Rev. E. M. Cook of Lucan.
days with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Mrs. Lynn was born August 7,
—Please turn to page 17
i T. D. Orme.
'Lr'•.v1f/•'.atY i r/"ZRMAt eZlrZ0,10435►:0Zdir ird0:llra0s 0i 1/
•� � "�,� yaw'
al l
Here's Christmas'
cheer to all our friends
and patrons. We thank you for'
your loyalty and good will; and
we hope your holidays will be a time'
6f high happiness, deep contentment, gifts galore!!
Bio. ce s Beauty _... Salon
't 1 Z
: fis �!'s DtR: 0s 1 Z Z 1 1
s :r .
���itlie Z 't "t Z
s� Z 1
q _ { i
it ;. 't,.Z,.2P.R. .. #•f 11 Z t �:4,+ A.1
,Message From The
It is a real pleasure .to pause during the busy holm
day season to say "Thank You." one .and all for your
patronage .and good wishes for the success of the
''Treasure Chest". •
I.n return may I extend the best of Christmas wishes
to' all and hope that 1960 will bring health. and
prosperity to you and yours. r
Mrs. J. S. Radcliffe
ado �ffe
To all our friends
• during this holy
Rand festive season.
Carl & Kay Murphy
•,�', fV#3R.R.R.O' ' '•z RIMACR1 f=lea
It is our sincere wish that the
, spiritual beauty and
festive joy of the Christmas
season light up your days
with bright hope and happiness.
C. Hackett & Son
At t this joyous Christmas
StaSAn r •a We exteneiy
to tveryl ody
out heartfelt wishes for a
happy holiday, a 'prosperous New Year,
Langford Lumber
Pliheriii BA Y.4271 ?Amen
414 !1>R`l0** Cigi .il 1Dr'1OAC►1Os i s.Lel `s11F;i