HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-12-23, Page 15>ll i:l ,Critic I/ 1/ ;'. i r, a ref s1linCI i,s+1 'ieit rocs
What's a happy holm
day made of? Tinsel and
holly, music and merry-
- making, lave and laughter
.. , we wish you an abun-
dance of all these and
more throt!ghoutthis most
festive and inspiring of all
the seasons in the year.
Ray C. Mills
Representing Canada • Life
This week in
* I Times -Advocate, December 3;�
S The ?Imes Q �e mh � 1959 P.
Enjoy` school concerts
in Thames Road area.
By MRS. W1.1414144 Rot1DE
On Monday afternoon the an-
nual Visits Dashwood. nual 'Thames Road school con-
A seasonal snowstorm greeted cert was presented by the pit
Santa on. his arrival in Dash- pits .under the leadership of their
Wood Saturday afternoon on ;a teacher, Airs, Ii, MacNau hton
gaily decorated .truck. I el Kipper). ,Several carols were
Ile was greeted in the firchall sung.
by many happy ehildren, Assiat.I Rev. Hugh Wilson was the
ed by members of the Alen's chait°man for the program which
Club he distributer) 300 packages consisted of reeital,ions, mono -
of randy and eltor'olate nick, )agues, vocal solos, dialogues
gift of 1•luronclale Petry, Hen and choruses, Santa Claus ar-
I rived,
Wins fishing award I Lumley school concert
Miss Darlene Rader, five-year-• On Monday afternoon the Lunt -
old slaughter of Mr. and Mrs,' ley school held their annual tut. -
Lloyd Rader, received the win- key dinner with all the trint-
ning award in a fish derby from mings.
St, Louis, Missouri, sponsored by A short program and contests
the Lutheran Laymen's Levan', were presented by the pupils
for catching the largest fish under the leadership of their
(32", 9 pounds). teacher, Mrs. Jean Mair of Exe•
Chris+rnas at EUB Church ter..
The annual Christmas service Santa arrived and gifts were
of Evangelical UB church was exchanged.
held Sunday evening. I SS Christmas concert
Songs, recitations and
playlets i On Friday evening the an -
were presenter) by the Sunday nual Sunday SSshool concert
School pupils. The Young People was held in the basement of the
told the Christmas story, The
service was brought to a close h 1 1, ith a ood crowd in at -
by a pantomime and childrenicndance,
) Dir. Win. Elford was chair•
received Christmas packages. Iman for the program Which
Personal hams I consisted of vocal solos, duets,
Mrs. E, R. Guenther spent piano solos, recitations, dia-
the weekend in London with her logues, etc, Santa arrived and
daughter and fancily, Mr, and many gifts were distributed.
Mrs. Glenn Walper and her School concert
i/L►�fL►,I1+fL3�I1►�fLif�i�/LifL�fL�y2��6►�f1���L�,�6�►�/L►fL��/L►f�►,�►,I�►i/L►�,�t►� brother, Mr. and Mrs. Grant personal items
,alR:.f�s.l� ,!� •Il:.i�'Ar� f� ,!I':. .ie f�:.!/:.f�:.1/: 040 040e. f� O !I': fr Hooper.
Mrs. Charles Tiernan, Ronald Mrs, Etta d recently with Mr, of Mallory
Merner, Charles Town visited recently Eartliff and and Airs, Mac Hodgert.
Eric Schellen'aei•g of Clinton left, Mr. and Mrs Edgar Rodd of
�, r<o to spend Christmas and the New Mr.
Dir, and Mrs. Lorne
Year in Florida. I
Passmore and family were
i lh
,f ,�, Mrs. Mary Martene, Mr. and
a Sunday guests with A1r, and
e + $ Mrs. Clifford Salmon, Mrs. Eben Mrs.. Jack Stewart.
• s• � Weigand and Mr. and Mrs. Tom l Mr. and Mrs. Newton Clarke
Hern, Zion, attended the funeral
of Mrs. Melinda Southwick in of Winohel.sea, Mr. and Mrs. Al
Munroe, Mich. She was the Morgan and girls of London and
former Melinda Marlene and Mrs. Jean Morgan were guests
was horn and grew up around en Stnday with Mr. and Mrs.
Dashwood, She was in her Bev Morgan,
eighty-ninth year,'
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Miller
eve -
Mrs. Charles Snell and Mrs,' and family were Saturday eve -
Ervin Rader attended Irippen ning guests with Mr. and Mrs,
East WI anniversary in Hensall James Miller of Woodham
Community Centre on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Passmore
Boxing Day will be held as a and Beverly spent Saturday with
holiday in Dashwood,Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brazier
December 26. of Brantford.
At Christmas time, we
wish for you all the spiritual
blessings of the season.
May your heart and home be filled with
happiness supreme, and may the radiance and
wonder of this holy time be with
you and yours throughout the coming year.
"For God so loved the world that He gave His
only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in
Him should not perish but have everlasting life."
—John 3-16
C. Morley Hall
Exeter Frozen Foods
About one-half of the Trans-
Canada Highway's 4,800 - mile
length has been paved to final
Mr. and Mrs. Almer Passmore
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne
Passmore and family were Sat-
urday guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Frayne Parsons of Hurondale.
Mr. and Mrs. Reg Hodgert,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Borland
spent Thursday in Kitchener and
There is now a motor vehicle called on MT. and Tirs. Robert
in use in Canada for every 3.7 McCurdy,
persons and a passenger car for Mr. and Mr.s Lloyd Knight
every 4.8 personsand Linda were Sunday evening
lTltg.C.11i llAyylll/yyl101PlO i
Hope you enjoy
all the wonderful
"trimmings" of a
Happy holiday wishes to you,
our friends and customers,
and sincere thank$ for
the pleasure of serving you..
May your Yuletide be bright
with all the season's joys.
Exeter Motor Sales
11911149,1801taiti taaa4tsitaaa1as t ' ,
Phone Dashwoodsh�79 or 110
d/Zili:fl'flZICA Tl► O'T/:X11:ii' 1/::1/S:T�O� rtinigi giRCO
r •
I/Merriest holit;
wishes to you, friends and
neighbors, and
a full measure of
the best things in life
for now ani always.
OuHLJry ssr r.o Z' Z7 CFS
guests with Mr. and Mrs. harry
Webber of Wood'hapt.
Mrs, Allen Gledhill and Larry
returned to Exeter after conval-
escing at her parent's home,
Mr, and Mrs, .Carl )fume after
an appendix operation..
Mr. and Mrs. Topy .Shulman
and family of Embru spent Mon-
day with Mr, and Mrs. Ernest
Mr. and Mrs Fleming Simpson
and boys of Exeter moved v,.-
cently to the home of Mr. and
Mrs, James Simpson,
Mrs, flay Clarke returned
home on Sunday evening after
having been to the west coast
for the past six weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Elford
and family of Elimville, Mr. and
Mrs. Donald Bray and family
were Sunday evening guests
with Air. and Mrs. William El..
The rite of baptism was ad-
ministered to the following chil-
dren on Sunday morning during
the Christmas service: Gerald
Alvin, son of Mr, and Mrs, Ross
Acclaim council
for Bosanquet
George Lampman was elected
reeve by acclamation o` Bosan-
quet Township on Monday night,
Councillors elected by acclam•
ation were Wilfred Legue, Bruce
Scott and George Willsie, Also
nominated were William Nutt,
Gurnsey Kimmerly and Syd
Fraleigh, but they failed to
School trustees are Ralph
Wellington, Mrs. Donna Lock-
rey, Edgar Lean, Gerald Ed-
wards and ,Tames R. Vivian,
also elected by acclamation.
Nominated were Ralph Mor-
rison, Wilfred West, Fred Bur-
ley, Russell Page, Gordon Har-
rower, Gordon Hamilton, How-
ard Brand, Clayton Wells, Fred
Walden, Duncan McIntyre and
Bill Kingdom. CCO
Have A
Lou Bailey
Phone 459
"Aylmer News", official pub-
lication of Canadian Canners
Ltd., repcntly paid tribute to
Exeter and district for the cele-
oration here in April of "Aylmer
Appreciation Week",
In its December issue, The
News states:
"Co-operation,and ap-
preciation two vey important
words when tied together in a
growing community.
`Mayors .and reeves of six
municipalities in the district of
Exeter did just that when, by
Proclamation they declared Aptil
it to 23, 1950, 'Aylmer Apprecia-
tion Week' in their respective
"Of course that was only the
first important step taken, Next,
growers publicly pledged their
co-operation along with all the
community merchants' and busi-
ness people.
"All of this was given wide
publicity by The Exeter Times -
Advocate in their fine issue on
April 16.
"Management of Can a d i a n
Canners Limited express their
grateful thanks to all for a
wonderful piece of co-operation,"
Cottle; Laurel Elizabeth, daugh-
ter of Mr, and Mrs. Mac Hod-
gert; Trudy Jean, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. William Johns,
Susan Jane, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Bev, Morgan, Dale
Gordon, son of Mr, and Mrs.
Fleming Simpson and Murray
John, son of Mr. and Mrs, Jack
• Twenty-four members of the
3M club went carol singing
Tuesday evening to .the shut-ins
' of this community and all re-
turned to the manse for lunch.
i€'ere's to you, our good
friends and patrons .. . our sincere
appreciation for the privilege of serving
you and best wishes for a happy holiday season.
yr yr
Jake's Plumbing
and Heating
Jhis is the time of year when we take
account of our assets. Among them all, we find
none nearly so valuable as the confidence and
good will of our patrons. To them go
our hearty thanks and warmest holiday wishes.
k ristmas
Good cheer to you
and yours! We're wishing,
you the merriest,
brightest Christmas
ever. May you enjoy all
the pleasures of giving
and receiving . and
may your heart and, home
be warm with the lasting
treasures of love and
recti ngs
Guenther TuckeyTransporfs Ltd....
The M+anegement And All Our Drivers And Staff
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