HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-12-23, Page 14Page 14 Theo Times•Advocata, December 23, 1959
KIPPEN EAST WI MARKS ANNIVERSARY—Twenty-fifth birthday of Kippen East WI
was celebrated Friday afternoon at a special meeting in Hensall community centre.
,Above, the first president, Ivirs, Stirling Graham, cuts the anniversary cake, sur-
rounded by her successors. Sitting, from left, are Mrs. William Kyle, .Mrs. Graham,
Mrs. Ernest Whitehouse, Mrs. Joe McLellan; standing, Mrs. Stewart Pepper, Mrs.
John Sinclair, Mrs. Campbell Eyre and Mrs, Fussell Brock, this year's president.
Kippen East WI marks
twenty-fifth anniversary
Kipp.en East Women's Institute
celebrated its twenty-fifth an-
niversary with an afternoon pro-
gram in Hensall Community cen-
tre and a euchre and bridge in
the evening.
Miss Helen McKercher of the
Home Economics Branch, De-
partment of Agriculture, Toron-
to, was guest speaker. She
stressed the importance of far-
mers pasteurizing the milk they
use. "It seems so much bother
to pasteurize the milk but it is
essential to the health of the
family and you will be hearing
much more about it in the near
future" she said. She reminded
her listeners that it was because
of the death of her child through
impure milk that Mrs. Adelaide
Hoodless founded Women's Insti-
Mrs. McKercher urged mem-
bers to keep abreast of the
times, and questioned " Why are
° "May the Star that shone on
Bethlehem shine once more
from above, and bring to you
at Christmastime God's blessing
and His love." To one and all
. A Merry Christmas and A
Happy New Year.
Greene's Variety
"The Friendly Store"
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Warmly, we welcome
the happiest season of
the year; with hearty wishes
to our friends and
easterners, for a holiday
abounding in joy
and good fellowship.
!rwin's Ladles Wear
Mrs. C. E. Boyle, Robert f rwin, Mrs, A, Frayne
y w y� n
1 1 1 1 'm t1 "t 1
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you a member of the Women's
Institute?" "It is not, I hope for
a good time" she said "but to
gain the most up-to-date infor-
mation to make a good member,
a good neighbor and to make a
good community."
She challenged the group "Are
you good housekeepers?" and
"You may be as good a house-
keeper as you know how but
couldn't you be better by taking
advantage of the courses, talks
and demonstrations available to
She was :introduced by Firs.
Jack Sinclair and thanked by
Mrs. James Drummond.
Commentary of the early years
of the Institute was given by
Mrs, Robert Simpson, Hensall.
Eight past presidents who had
held office since the inception of
the branch were present with the
exception of Mrs. P. M. Peck,
who is vacationing in Arizano.
Present were Mrs. Sterling Gra-
ham, Cromarty, who held office
for 13 years. Mrs. William Kyle,
Mrs. John Sinclair, Mrs. Stew-
art Pepper, Mrs. Ernest White-
house, Mrs. Joe McLellen, and
Mrs. Campbell. Eyre. Each spoke
briefly and was presented with a
yellow mum corsage. Mrs. Rus-
sell Brock is the current presi-
They assisted in the memorial
service for 11 deceased members
conducted by Mrs. W. J. F. Bell
by placing yellow mums in a
Large white basket, These mem-
bers were Mrs. William Sinclair,
Miss Sarah Sinclair, Mrs. Wil-
liam Alexander, Mrs. George
Glenn, Mrs. William Hoggarth,
Mrs. Alex McGregor, Mrs. Wil-
liam Venner, Mrs. Norman Long,
Mrs. Dave Chappel, Mrs. George
Eyre and Mrs. William Doig.
Miss Margaret McKay was
presented with a life certificate
and pin, the address being given
by President Mrs. Brock and
presentation by 'Mrs. Stewart
A ladies' quartet composed of
Mrs. Bruce McGregor, Mrs. Ho-
ward Finkbeiner, Mrs. Winston
Workman and Mrs. William Kyle
contributed songs commemorat-
ing the occasion. Mrs, Ken Mc-
Kay rendered a piano solo and
Mrs. Charles Eyre a reading.
Mrs. Ross Broadfoot Wa-s ac-
companist for the meeting and
Mrs. Bell presided for the pro-
The tea table was centred with
an anniversary cake decorated
Beauty Lounge
147 MAIN ST. PHONE 645
Perms - Cuts = Sets - Tints
Monday to Friday, 9 • 6
Tues. & Thurs. Evenings Only
Closed Saturday
District weddings
Harvey -Guilford.
In a Christmnas_ setting of
poinsettias and white mins at
the Prae'stant Chapel, RCAF
Station Centralia, Jean Barbara
Guilford, daughter of,jr,11and
Airs, Alvin L, Guilford, Albert
street, Exeter, and P/O Leroy
A. Harvey, Aylmer„ RCAF Sta-
tion, son of Mr, and Mrs A.
Harvey, .Barrhead, Alberta, were
married in arere.mo:ny perform•
ed by Padre F!L Earl G. Moore.
F/L Herbert of RCAF IStatien
Centralia • furnished the wedding
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride wore a cocktail -
length gown of Imported Italian
pm -de -sole styled an princess
lines with sweetheart neckline
and matching bolero. She wore
a French illusion band -rolled
yell and carried a white 13ihie
trimmed with a white erehid
and Sweetheart roses,
Miss Chicly Sampson, London,
was maid of honor wearing royal
blue with white accessories and
carried pink Sweetheart roses.
Donald Harvey, Montreal, was
best man and Alvin Earl Guil-
ford ushered.
A reception was held at the
home of the bride's parents
where Mrs. Guilford received in
black crepe trimmed with white
sequins and other White acces-
sories, The groom's mother wore
beige striped satin. Assisting
were Mrs, Ed Coulter and Mrs.
Len Conner, Hespeler.
For a short honeymoon by
plane to Quebec, the bride
ehan.ged to an olive green
tailored dress., white collar and
birch brown accessories.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey will
make their home in Aylmer,
GB Institute host
to Seaforth ladies,
Rev. E. Wattam, pastor of`the
Church of God, Grand Bend,
brought the Christmas message
to the members of Grand Bend
Women's Institute. and their
guests, members of Seaforth WI,
meeting in the Community cen-
tre, Thursday.
Mrs. John McLean, president
of South Huron .District WI, told
of the meaning of Christmas
Mrs. A. E. Holley demonstrat-
ed the making of table centres
for Christmas using driftwood,
flowers, candles, balls and other
Mrs. Harold Walper discussed
the motto "Make Christmas a.
blessing instead of a burden,"
Mrs. W. Coleman of Seaforth
gave a humorous reading and
Mrs. Alex Hamilton told the
Christmas story "The Christmas
Ann Webb contributed a solo
accompanied by her mother,
Mrs. Glenn Webb and Yvonne
Devine favored with an accor-
dion selection.
Hostesses were Mrs. Wellwood
Gill, Mrs. Elgin Webb, Mrs.
Mansell Mason and Mrs. Mat-
thew Sweitzer.. •
with 25 can.dle's cut by Mrs, Gra-
Evening euchre .
In the evening 30 tables were
in play at the euchre. Winners
for ladies were Mrs... -Carl Mc-
Clinchey, Clinton, Mrs. John Mc-
Kay, Seaforth; Mrs. Earl Papple
Seaforth; gents, Melville Tra-
quair, Hensall., Fred Chappell,
Seaforth; 'Charles Eyre, Kippen.
Mr, and Mrs. Ross Love, Kip -
pen and Mr. and Mrs. William
Cole, Hensall were winners of
the anniversary cake both hav-
ing anniversaries in December.
Botli Mrs. Love and Mrs. Cole
were former members,
Winners of the Christmas cakes
were Miss Margaret Sinclair,
Seaforth; R. G. McDonald, Sea -
forth; .Mrs. Stewart Pepper, RR
2 Kippen, Lunch prize was won
by Mrs. Oliver Jaques, Hensall.
Cool Quin orchestra provided
music for the -dance for which
there was a large crowd.
from the
Y -Go B y
Beauty Bar
Evenings: Tues., Thurs. & Fri.
Sy Appointment
419 Main St.
in enc and *fl, our best
wishes for s happy holiday.
Closed Christmas Day
Open New Year's hay
The Exeter Grill
PHONE 401 439 MAIN St S
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)lull .4 1�itO t lf'imgr'im,/it is l•s'igik0311a lil]<ail1it ii9rilb►i1
Donna. l'aLicia Weber, datigh-
ter of AIr and Mrs. Harold E.
Weber, Dashwood, and Leeland
1-I, Restemayer, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Aaron Restemayer, alt -cf
Dashwood, exchanged marriage
vows before Bev. K. L. Zorn in
Zion Lutheran Church, Dashwood
on Sa'ttrday, December 12 at
2,30 p.m.
The bride chose for her wed-
ding a ballerina -length gown of
white ,brocaded satin with sweet-
heart neckline. She ,carried a
bouquet of red roses.
Min Joan Weber, Exeter, \vho
attended her sister as plaid of
honor and Mrs. Earl. Weibe•rg,
Grand Bend, as bridesmaid,
wore !midnight blue brocaded
satin, styled similarly to the
bride's. They carried sprays of
blue tinted mums. Miss Darlone
Rader as flower girt wore white
brocaded satin trimmed with
midnight hue cummerbund and
Earl Weiberg, Grand Bend,
was best man and Mr. Mervin
Jones, Exeter ushered
For her daughter's wedding
Mrs. 'Weber chose a beige bro-
caded satin dress with jacket
and orange Talisman rose cor•
sage. The groom's in other wore
brown and yellow flowered silk
with brown accessories and yel-
low rose corsage.
A reception was held at Arm-
strong's Restaurant, Exeter,
For travelling the bride chang-
ed to a brown wool dress, brown
and rust accessories and green
orchid corsage.
Mr. and Mrs. Restemayer will
live in Dashwood..
Lodge presents
yule program
Members of Pride of Huron
Rebekah Lodge held a Chriat-
nias party following the regu-
lar meeting Wednesday night.
In a short program the .mem-
bers presented "The Legend of
the Manger" with /frs. William
Thomson taking the leading part
with Mrs. George Vries as solo-
ist and Mrs. Andrew Hamilton
as narrator. Taking part as shep-
herds were Mrs. Glenn Fisher,
Mrs. Margaret Fletcher, Mrs.
Garnet Hicks, Mrs. William
Stone and Mrs. Leslie Thomson;
as 'kings, Mrs, Ross Skinner,
Mrs. Harold Bell and Mrs, Philip
A skit was presented by Mrs.
Les Gibson, Mrs. Delmer Skin-
ner, Mrs. George Vries, Mrs.
Len McKnight, Mrs. Lawrence
Marks, Mrs. William Cann and
Mrs. Douglas 1'Vedlake.
Mrs Earl Dixon contributed a
piano solo. 'Mr. and Mrs. Santa
distributed gifts to everyone.
A donation of $10 was voted
gill s Dr1Lr'.rri:D►1r/1►✓'strJ11/1Dr113�
Beauty Salon
A Very
And A
Marg Coward
Phone AC 8-6661
WI president
urges safety
"Just a few ounces of CM,
mon sense can achieve greater
happiness during the coming.
festive season than gallons of
liquor entertainment," states
Mrs. E. J. Roylance, Green-
wood, B.C., president of the Fe-
deration Women's Institutes of
in a holiday !message to Cana-
dian women, Mrs. Roylance ur-
ges them to be dedicated to the
task of keeping their husbands,
children and friends alive on
Canadian roads.
She suggested that Canadian
mothers and homemakers could
make life safe by heeding the
following rules:
1. Keep children off the high-
ways and streets.
2, Don't press anything stron-
ger than coffee on your driving
Pests. Try serving milk, fruit
and vegetable juices all of which
are popular among many.
3. Don't allow your guests to
leave in a snow or sleet storm.
4. Serve a substantial snack
and plenty of hot coffee to your
departing guests, This will help
keep bout driver and pedestrian
alert to reach their homes safe-
No Christmas or New Year's
•Party can be successful unless
everyone in attendance wakes
up alive the next morning This,
to a great extent depends on the
These are good rules to fol-
low net only at, this festive sea-
son but throughout the year,
Your patronage we have -enjoyed,
Good -will and friendship, too!
Our gratitude we try to show
By saying "THANKS" to you.
We'd like to have you know that
Our efforts we will strive
To keep your valued friends -hip
Good -will with us, alive!
And now we wish you one and
Our hearty wish. sincere:
For a very Merry Christmas
And a Prosperous New Year!
t s 1R"iF1x•1a�li 111: s !xZ!►1) ot1.''1;Zit,' . 1
To all our friends
we extend
our best wishes fora
wonderful Christmas,
one filled with
good cheer and
11181V Pleasant surprises. ,!.%
Modern Beauty Salon
1Dr\itDr 71r/ 11 i7►1D►s',C.C.0 igOI OZICC i',' } t 1 a
It is our sincere wish that tha
spiritual beauty and
festive joy of the Christmas
season light up your days
with bright hope and happiness.
Andrew Johnston Drugs
Your Hairdresser PHONE 447 EXETER
ig.C!CyyCuC.0 1fgriirifgilgrlUg! ROCU n CCC
May all that makes a Christ.
mase bright,
All that truly cheers,
Remain with you and keep
you glad,
Through long and happy
Best Wishes From The Staff Of
Ersrnan's Bakery
Mrs. At Harris Mrs. V. Beckier Mrs, A.
Cliff and Bea Ersman
Jobson Miss C. Simpson
From All
Of Us
At .
Phone 532
As the holiday season glides -merrily in, 'we would
like to take the opportunity to express our appreciation to all the good
people who have helped make this year such a wonderful one for
us. Thank you ... and best wishes for loads of Yuletide happiness!
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