HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-12-23, Page 12Piga 12 !The Times•Advocate,, December 23, 19599 C. ..7!r'. ''7J 'T"' Orli �. 7.?I�:.D�. }:�Dr:� . ;'• g 1r�+ig.0 OLIDPY UJISI•IES Here's wishing you a holiday season aglow with all the good things that help to make oar lives brighter. • 44.4 :7 -Canadian Canners Ltd. EXETER 111013 >r fRs'.iR ►J l tri' C iP 9► CCOri9► C..p arra. 9e mend our warmest greetings with the hope that this Holiday Season brings you and yours a full measure of good health and happiness. May all the joys of Christmas remain with you throughout the coming New Year. Hunter-Duvar Ltd. AND STAFF PHONE 38 EXETER ggf�uOUlRuCOV����R.CyRF/IRCfn --k Our wish for you is that your holiday will be just blooming with happiness. And to you, too, our sincere thanks for your loyal patronage and friendly good will Dinney Furniture PHONE 20 AND FUNERAL SERVICES EXETER itioncincomccomfagoraccircon, �i• X. ........ •`,.YkS t v.y,.+v.v+,r.5 Y� A. /.gJ'.wi ' :. eel �n 1 Our sincere thanks and much holiday thee f� ail ovr iiiends and p6frons. F. W. Huxtable PHONE 153M EXETER * igr1 l)irl af► 1 rfrli4tri6rl ►tri er 0g11r19►603 1 1� l i1 st it sl 1. 1 s"t 1 1 1 sl Z s s Urge help for unfortunate Continued from pais 10 his birth, was about Oetober first. Also, Christians were com- manded to ,keepthe memory of his death, rather than his birth. Since Christians must be guided by what the bible teaches, s I have no choice but to believe only what it says on the matter of. Jesus' birth. * * By PAMELA ERSMAN Grade 6 bly Christmas wish is that we would be thankful for our plenti- ful harvest in this wonderful land of ours. Also in the midst of this busy Christmas we should remember the children in other lands who will not have warns clothes, new toys, enough food, some not even houses, this year. At some Sunday Schools all over the world people give money in white envelopes to help the refugees in other lands. Do you? • * By LYNN PAGE Grads 6 I wish that all the poor people in foreign lands would have food, homes, and money for gifts. 1 wish that the children would have a toy they like. * * * By MORRIS WEDLAKE Grade 6 I wish I had an elephand, very big and strong, strong enough to crush our school into very little pieces, I would tell him to crush and break. There wouldn't be a wall a standing nor not a window in good shape. There wouldn't be a school standing for miles and miles around for me and my elephant will have crushed them to the ground. * * * By YVONNE FISHER Grade 7 My Christmas wish is for all the orphans and poor children to be happy this Christmas, I wish they would get some mo- ney for new clothes so some of them would be able to be dres- sed properly I hope they have a better Christmas than they have ever had before. Just once I would like to see them have what we have to eat at Chirst- mas and to get the presents we lucky children get. I wish some people would take the orphans home and show them a real Christmas. This is my Christ- mas wish that I hope will come true. * * * By KAREN JER'1YN Grade 7 This year my Christmas wish has changed considerably. In- stead of dolls and doll buggies, my prayers and wishes have been won by the crying of little refugees who have suffered greatly for the need of food. The past Christmases have brought to them only pain and hunger. I think it is our. duty to help these unfortunate child- ren. This year many thoughtful people have, I hope, sacrificed a little each day that will mean everything for a child who is in need. • • * By ANN FAIRBAIRN Grade 7 My Christmas Wish is that people should think of Christmas as Christ's birthday and not justyy► ►► a��d►►ay ttoo��exchange ry� gifts.gi Fil Too many children and adults wake up on .Christmas morning. and think first of the Christmasi tma s tree downstairs laden with gifts. They do not think of that Christ• MOS morning so long ago when the Saviour of man openedhis eye°s to his humble birthplace in a stable. Do you, on Christmas morning, thank the Lord for His son? * * M I By LINDA. HUNTER•DUVAR Grade 7 My desire is that all the wonders appear at Christmas could last throughout the year. The softly ,falling snow and the glistening sun create such a scene it is a pity it cannot last. * * By SUSAN GOMAN Grade 7 Just think of tine many, many orphanages all over the world, full of homeless children. These !boys and girls have no another i and father to thank for their presents they receive.. Nor is there anyone's loving arms to run into on Christmas morning. Oh, how I wish every child had a mother and father like mine to love! * s * By DARLENE SNELL It was Christmas Eve in our house and I was saying niy prayers. While saying them, I made my Christmas wish. 0 so much did I want to see Santa, So after Mother had gone to bed I crept downstairs and looked up the chimney. Nothing there. II guess I'd better wait for him, , so 1 waited a f_w minutes. Sud- ' denly I heard something in the chimney as if something was stuck, You guessed it, my wish ! came true. It was Santa Claus. He heard me and asked me if I would go and get my father to help him. I told him that he was out and wouldn't be for a while. I think it is better that way anyhow because you've got daddy's Sunday shoes on and he would be very angry but maybe I can help you. I hope so but I don't see how. You wait and see. I began to light a fire, Santa giggled and he gaggled, wiggled and waggled and the chimney fell a part with a boom. Mom yelled down "Hey what's going on down there" and everybody had a Merry Christmas. * * * By MARY CORBETT Grade 7 As Christmas draws near, one can not help but look forward to the joys and festivities of a merry Christmas season. But does this gnawing thought ever enter our minds . . how many c'haildrenand adults, alike, look forward to a cold and bar- ren, "holiday?" Ironically, we might not have to hunt so very far to discover some such un- fortunate peoples. How many small children miserably pore over the dismal fact that "Santa" has passed them by! Far across foreign 'seas, there are hordes of small orphaned children, pov- erty-stricken; who live day -in - day -out in miserable, crude con- ditions They have 'never known anything different. They may be helped—do you suffer an aching conscience? Let us remember these people —we shall realize the fuller and truer meaning of Christmas. I wish a merry Christmas and i ar prosperousosy�►ynew ► year towally f/ Lf 1/r L/ i:11 f.•s iia fR fig: CIR To All Our Farm Friends We're hoping, and working, for better prices for you in 1960 Corbett Sales 'Arena Don H. MacGregor Phone AC 8-6961 Parkhill We'd like to thank all our good friends for their loyal patronage and wish them much joy. throughout the holidays. Exeter Farm Equipment R. D. Jermyn PHONE 508-W EXETER tigi ZrigryrMigigOECCO 1OWi g By FREPDY LEARN Grade 7 We all send Christmas cards to wish each other Merry Christ- mas. hristmas. But do you ever think of refu gees who spend d Ch ris tmas asjust another Iningry day. We consider Christmas as a holiday for feasting and giving gifts to one another. But thunk of those who have no gifts and hardly any food. Is that a merry Christ- mas? You would .all say no, But are you doing anything to help them have a merry Christmas? I You may help them by sending I money or food. In this way you can give them a merry Christ- nras. * "* * By BOB McDONALD Grade 7 Dear Santa: I would Like you to give a little mare clothes and food to the people in other lands, I would be pleased if you gave ane just one or two things and more to people and children who need it. I saw a boy and girl in the paper who had ragged clothes and holes in their shoes.. Their food came from garbage cans. I hope you can help them and many other people who can not have a Christmas tree and presents to have a Happy Christmas. * * * By LARRY JOHNSTON Grade 7 My mommy tells me that I should pray and wish that Santa will go to the orphans before he comes to me. 'But I sometimes pull 'the wool over her eyes by putting in a word or twenty for me. I saw the story .of the little match girl and _ 11 touched 1ny heart whivh is na my stomach. I hope there is no :one like that this Christmas. The only thing that I want is agun that really shoots. * 9 9 By OR.EG HARNESS Grade. 7 Dear Santa, w There is one thing that I w. . our d like more than anything and that is that the children in other lands who are not as fortunate as we are could have a happy Christ- inas. I wish they could be able to get up in the morning and find a big Christmas tree all decorated with big wonderful presents underneath. Then- there are the poor children in hos- pitals who won't be able to come home for Christmas. please bring them gifts that they will like and which wilt make them very happy. We never seem to think how lucky we are to be able to enjoy the turkey and everything' else that comes with Christmas. * * By ELIZABETH COCHRANE Grade 7 My Christmas wish for a long lime has been that I could find all the little ehildren who live far away without nice warm homes, good nourishing food and without suitable clothes. We would go into my house and sit at the table and eat a good wholesomemeal with lots of vi- tamins in it. Then we would go up stairs to the big trunk in Mo- ther's room which is filled to the briar with our old clothes. After they were dressed we would go downstairs with my money which I had worked hard bo save. When we got into the — Please turn to page 15 ununumm mn,nu.unum.nnnnu.uuu.nnuunuuunu.uumnuuunnunuu,nnu,ununnur, WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASS'N "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Wishing One and All a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year Our members are providing for themselves Artificial Insemination service to better bulls. If you. are not using our services now, make 1960 more profitable by doing so. For service or more information call us at: CLINTON ZENITH 9-5650 Between 7:30' and 10:00 A.M. week days 6:00 and 8:00 P.M. Saturday evenings BETTER CATTLE FOR BETTER LIVING h,,,,,,0„,,,,,,,,,,i,,,,,,.,,,u1, l.......................................I,,.IOU,..,,OL...I,,,,..p,,, 111111, ,,,,u„u,,,UO„P 1'.11WinCigigirCIRCOMPIPPOICCOVVIrill Thos. KOOLVENT Phone 553 0 Rs'.1RZf/ ice: fR fd►ZC AVON D l May your holiday be aglow with good cheer! H. Walker NASH ALUMINUM PRODUCTS Exeter u C t aI'v' 'l lr air L+' �•.'�:1 'i='z Permit us to express our sincere thanks for your valued patronage, and to wish you all the joys of the holiday season. Read Fertilizers LIMITED Phone 383 EXETER Phone MO 9.2553 ELMIRA F fRs'.fl fR firZfR:tfRs',f/ iaraf/Zf/s'.ir IIZIIlcfl3Lrolc : fR:'.f/: Tfl1/?ivaraccoli ?1R:.7r fes: >: omm7RureociR flit no xe take a gift of words, wrap it with good cheer, adorn it with a friendly smile, and send it on its • way to you and yours. What it is? 1t's our package of holiday wishes, warmly felt, heartily said. May your Yuletide season be merry and bright... filled with lasting contentment, Jones, MacNaughton Seeds Ltd. Crediton EXETER London �w r r r► v r ► r t 1 r r +� ► y r,t f►► i►'h +i w �..r s i3 ► IP► lr1Wj �lVr T frit ,r3 ,.A r T, y� y Bfrx��s111'sr�1���1�sj��1r1�>?1�ilf�s lil��)ns )�S �1frl�d>ri1'ZI�Z�Z1fi1�1r” 11�a111Riti��;1�''al>�1Drs',�sliRl�:r1�c1�1�s1�1fo'1�