HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-12-23, Page 94
um„I,ullij It itijl 1• l It jiv l eQl 140 1. L 1. f: 1. I'. li
Masse Bros.
Trucking service
Wish to take this opportunity to thank you for your
- patronage in the past and wish you all a Merry
Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.
Phone 125 Dashwood Or 82r7 Zurich
�1 ayanr ,rnv`w^, �.1.
We welcome the holiday season
with the sincere hope that it proves to be the
happiest one ever for you and your family. .
M. J. Geiser
Real Estate and Insurance
the time has come to say again
the things we feel all year...
to wish you Health and Happiness
and lots of Good Old Cheer!
Exeter Coach Lines
Phone 42
Last years' intermediate home-
brew team, were o11 the re-
ceiving end of a loss on Tuesday,
December 15 when this year's
midget team took the game 8-5.
Both teams played a clean
and sportsmanlike game. It was
ail in good fun and perhaps if
the intermediates had played to-
gether they would have. won.
Bob Baker was pulled from
the intermediate net in the last
two minutes of the game for a
final attempt to score but the
midgets scored on the open net.
First period
1 1lidgets, Kyle int e) .... 3:17
2-intermerliales. Parker
(Bedard) 12:35
3 -Intermediates. hell
(Parker) . 13:20
Second period
4-iMidgets, Chipohase.
(Dorton) 3:07
5-Jntermerliates, Christian
(MacKinnon) 3:20
6-intrrmediales Smale
(Parker) .. 5.00
7-1‘1idgels, ?Gyle . 17:31
8 -Midgets, Shaddick
(Noakes) 18:35
Third Period
9 -Midgets, Chipchase. .. ^ 47
1.0 -Midgets, Shaddick (.Kyle) 15:40
11 -Midgets, Bonthron . 16:40
12-Jntermediales, M. Baker
(.11. Baker) 14:25
13. -Midgets, Shaddick . , 19:35
Mitchell midgets were de-
feated by the home boys 8-2 last
Friday night in Mitchell.
Jones ]ed the homesters with
three goals and one assist. Shad -
dick blinked the light twice and
assisted twice, Steve Kyle
brought home two goals and
Jacques one with Jerry Chap-
man, Jack Chipchase and Bryan
Bonthron getting one assist
Eighteen penalties were given
out to Mitchell. It appeared that
the Mitchell team played the
loan rather than the puck. I-iow-
ever, the Hensall boys racked
up eight goals to Mitchell's
HENSA LL - Goal, D, Mock; de-
fence, B. Shaddick, B. Miekle; for-
wards, S. Kyle, B. Bonthron, L.
Tones; alternates, J. Chapman, T.
Chipchase, B, Noakes, 1•I, Moir, B.
Horton, H. Jacques. •
MITCHELL - Goal. McNaught;
defence, Nicholson, 'Warren; for-
wards, Worth, :L. Boyd, D. Boyd ;
alternates, Chessel, Cook, Neil, K.
Appleton, Allison, Ahrens, Robin-
son, Warden.
First period
1-Hensall, :(ones 2:10
2-Hensall, Shaddick (Jones) 16:10
Penalties - Warren (tripping)
9:15; Worth (tripping) 13:50.
Second period
3-Hnnsall, 'Shaddick (Jones) 5:55
4-Hensall, Kyle (Chipchase) 15:40
Penalties - Nleholson (tripping)
0:05; Bonthron, Alu'ens (roughing)
2:40; Worth (slashing) 11:00; Jones,
Ahrens (roughing) 12:45: Bonthron,
Warren( roughing) 15:35,
Third period
5-Hensall, Kyle (Bonthron) 1;10
6-Hensall, Jacques
(Chipchase) 2:00
7-Hensall, Jones (Shaddick) 5:20
8-Hensall, Shaddick
(Chapman) 7:25
9-Afitchell, Neil 8:15
10 -Mitchell, Appleby
(Allison, Appleby) 11:45
Penalties - Appleby (delaying
game) 4:00; Chessel (tripping) 4:30;
Worth (checking at centre) 12:78;
Boyd (tripping); McNaught (match
penalty for kirking) 16:04; Worth
(boarding) 17:05; Jacques (elbow-
ing) 18:30; Chapman (carrying
broken stick) 19:24,
The Hensall Bantams were
the visitors in Mitchell on Fri-
day night but were defeated 2.1
in a closely -matched game,
Craig Chapman got the only
Hensall goal of the night with
Osborn and Lawrence tallying
one each for Mitchell to down
the locals 2-1.
HENSALL Goal, D. Taylor;
defence, C. Chapman; R. Me -
Naughton; forwards, Doug Me -
Beath, R. Middleton, 0 Srnale; al-
ternates, B. Carlisle, W. Ellwood,
B. Chipchase, B. Cooper, G. Har-
burn, G. Slassik, D. Lenaghan, G.
Scholl, T. Mock,
MITCHELL- Goal. Kintsol; de-
fence, Paul, Burker; forwards, Os-
born,, Pugh, Lawrence; alternates,
Malcolm, Puller, Vipond, Schultz,
Diebold, .Robinson, Wetlaugher,
Della, Stapleton, Moor, Deitz.
First period
Penalties - Pugh (tripping) 2:45,
Second period
1 -Mitchell, Osborn 14:45
Penalties - Wetlaugher (charg-
ing) 12:OOi Deltz (interference)
Third period
2 -Mitchell, Lawrence (Pugh) 2:10
3-Hensall, Chairman 6;15
Penalties Diebold (charging)
4:25; Deltz (kneeing) 11:50; Smelt,.
,(tripping) 13:20; Stapleton (elbow-
ing) 13:50; Snlale, Deitz (roughing)
illi; fldrl6tfl C flMPIO RCACI ' ' i' noun ' 'CCif.C.CCO '
64 106
May the grow of holiday
cheer brighten the homes of
our mony kind friends
wiose patronage we value
so highly. Our thanks to you alt
From Management
And Staff
F. A. Mary and Son
Phone 190
I i ,i U" Zlri Il 11 fr1Lr0 I lz.r:1 t it i' i i6 cis Oa i O1 s leis i8 i x I I i I*s
Durand sets
•new records
Ruth Durand .of the Hot Dogs
rewrote the Exeter Ladies Bowl-
ing League records for, this sea-
son at least this week when site
cracked the high single and ,tri -
plc marks for the year with 332
and 767 respectively.
Durand takes over the high
single honours from Joan Par-
sons who rolled a 310 game two
weeks ago.
The league's high average is
still held by Pin Poppettes Phyl-
lis Haugh at 197.
Pin Poppettes, Pills, Whatnots
and Ili -Lights all rolled seven
paint victories in league action
this week.
Nite Hawks, Who Care s,
Mighty ,Mice, Be -Bops, Handi-
cappers, Happy Gals, Hot Dogs
and Blowettes were all five point
Better than 600 'triples were
produced by G. Elsie 603, Mr.
Cronyn 677, A. Cronyn 635, P.
Hunter-Duvar 615, G. Farquhar,
628 and I. Haugh 634,
Merry Ma ill,: M. P;trquhar 626) .• 0
Pin Poppeites (1. ilaugl, 31111 7
Nite 'ltaw9:s (D. Mattson 550) .... 5
Railcars 11 Smith 530) 2
Pills (P. Htinter-Dm ar 61 ) 7
Ups ,C Downs (V. Muler 476) , 5
Soul Mks (C,, Dodge 511) 2
Who ('arcs (A. Appleton 556) 6'
Whatnots (A. Crony!) 677) .. ._7
Lollipops 1.1, Lippert. 5711 .-. (1
Wee Ilnnes (\', 1.imin nfiel•1 654) 2
Mighty Alive ( P. Traver 516) • 5
Bo- Bops (•'\. Ponley 572) .5
Frisky Sit (1), Coughlin 571 ) ,
Busy Bees (A. Cutting 516) 2
Handicappers (G. Elsie 6601 5
Greenhorns ( 17. Pontbroil 513) ,,0
Eli-Llghls (-11. Flynn 564) . ..,, 7
1 -Sappy rats (h). :31 unroll 579) 5
Jolly .lilts (P, Simmons 512) 2
Aril Ings (i'. Errand 767)
Alloy ('ats (161 Day 516)
Jolly Six 1\, Cann 146) 2
Blowettes (51. Dilke.s 151) 5
High Averages
1'. Haugh 197
,A. Matt soh 192
1, Pooley 191
1), Munroe 190
M. Holtzn)an , 146
R. Durand 143
At, Cronyn 1s6
D. 'l'ienunan 143
51. Rodman 182
P. Simmons 161
N. Caldwell 161
N. ('oleman 140
G, Farr(uhar 160
A. ('ronvn 140
D, 'P,onthron 179
J. l .oval l .. 176
A. FairhaIrn . 176
P, Dun ter-1)uvar 17;
E. Datars 177
D. Fuller 176
R. Hend r'ivk 175
Defends Flyers
- Continues from page 8
commended in stepping out of
the league 'before they found
themselves in debt. I may add
that the Exeter management
knew before the paper went to
press that the Flyers had step-
ped out of the league and if
Boom Boom had no knowledge
of this it was no fault of the
Zurich executive.
Yours truly,
G. Ruth Decker,
Men's Bowling
- Continued from page 8
Windmills (13'. Da,'i(lson 092) 4
Tip Toppers (H. Holtzman 606) 0
Red's Billiards (.7. Crocker 770) i
Pinpoppers (1;, Nicol 655) 1
Windmills 47992 41
Millnnen 46722 36
Big Six 46450 56
Rockets 46640 34
Red's Billiards 47257 33
Spares 47237 33
Butchers 45245 25
Pinpoppers 41514 24
Tip Toppers 44963 23
Tradesmen 43.503 20
Pepsis 43709 16
Wildcats 42887 13
Paint Pols (N. Whiting 522) 3
Canners (T, Mattucci 599) 1
Kingpins (J. Carey 645) 3
GM's (A. Meikle 803) 1
1. Suport est (L. Rumpel 1156) 2
Bankmonls (D. Trushinski 635) ,2
I' dsrlairas (C, Peneau 560) 4
C. Rollers (G. Laing 554) ....... (1
hippen Tigers (A. Finlayson 014) 2
Imperials (13. McDonald 6141 2
Upstarts (W. Watson 563) ... 4
Co-op (A, .Darling RS) 0
Upstarts 4.1569 41
Imperials . 4477(1 35
b, Supertest 41310 35
h:dselaires 41200 31
C. Rollers- 49680 31
Kingpins 41371 29
Canners 43431 27
46677 26
42301 24
42277 21
Co-op 4112.1 21
GIl's ,..._......... ...... , 41150 15
Paint Pots
Nippen 'Tigers
Osgood 271
Puller . ,. 229
Croaker 22.6
Davidson 224
Blnnke '26
Bidwell 220
16,1 Well
Nicol 216
I•'rayrla .. 216
Van Dorselaar 216
Baugh 215
00)1111 211
Gravel tin
Edwards 210
nod mart 21(1
Cooper 2066
1 lcywood -
Pool ey 203
11onnesso 204
FM -0)a' ra 213
Cri.sr 201
Dolt zrnan 2(10
Trushinski 2011
Lazy Six (\r. 'Atic•kle 626, 5
Stumhlers (M. 1invkey 469) 2
Drbppettoft (S. 'I'noley 446) 5
Lucky Strikes (51. Sadler 535) .. 2
'elltobiriis (1f. ('rnnyn 6711 4
fled Coats ((1. Essery 534) •. 3
Lazy Sia e ............. , 61
Rod ('eats
Sfrnnhlers . 37
Droppetces 11
Lucky Birilos . ..... , 13
ttigit Single --- I, 1 rayn() (219)
High Triple - N. Stickle: (626)
Father Point, 185 miles down
the St. Lawrence front Quebec
City, Was Panted Cor $ Jesuit,
Around the
Pee wee hockey at the arena
last Saturday morning showed
the Wings humbling theEagles
to the tune of 4-0. Bob Grayer
notched Iwo for the Wings while
singles went to Tom ,Allen and
Boil Storie.
In the second game, the Maple
Leafs edged the Falcons 4.2,
Bob .Burns was the hero for the
Leafs as he scored .ail four of
their gaols. For the Falcons, it
was Mike Elwgren and Ron
The last -place Rockets came to
life with the additional player
help in the form of Larry Willem
as they downed the Black Hawks
9-5. Gordon Greenacre and Larry
Willem both scored the hat -trick
and singles went to Bi11 Beavers,
Peter Lawson and Grant Hooper..
Billy Allen for the Black
Hawks also registered the 'hat -
trick and Ricky McDonald con-
nected for two.
The Blue Devil squee gees
shut out the Red Devils 2.0.
Barry Southeott and Billy Hoop-
er did the honours.
In the wee wee game the Red
Wings ,edged the Panthers 1-n.
Glen Stires scored the goal with
Bi11y ti'airbairn drawing the as.
The bantam - midget House -
league .game played on Theirs•
day night showed the Rangers
and•Boston Bruins battling to .a
3.3 tie. roil Wright, John Gib-
bons and Doug Dempster scored
for the Rangers while David
Hunt, Leroy Gould and Melvin
Whiting registered for the Bruins.
Pee Wee
'W I. TT'
Winos , ..... 5 n 1 11
l.asles 3 3 n r,
Mack hawks 3 3 n 6
Maple Leafs 1 .1 0 6
pal enns 2 4 11 4
Rockets . . .1 4. 1 3
Bantam -Midget House League
I:angers .. 2 1 1 5
Nasion .... 1 2 1 3
Squee Gee
Blue Devils . . . . . 2 1 1 5
Red noes ile • i 2 1 3
Wee Wee
Red Wings
Panthers 0 3 1. 1
Future Games:
Thursday Dee, 24.
1(I;00.11:00--_.1:. Hawks \s. M. Leafs
1.1:00.12:00 --Eagles vs. Falcons
Salurday, Dee. 26
9:30.10:211 .Wings \'s. 'Rockets
10:30-11:nn-R, Devils ve. 1:. I>e\ tIs
11:0(1.11;30-.11. Wings \'s. Panthers
Monday, Dee, 26
9:00 -10:00 -Falcons
10:00-11:00-Roekel s
11:00 -12:00 -Wings
1:30 -2:30 --Eagles vs. M. Leafs
3 0 1 7
hope this Christmas
season rings in a full mea-
tsMM.'' sure of happiness for you.
H. R. Sherwood
Best Wishes
For A Very
Merry Christmas
And A
Happy New Year
Sam Sweitzer
�pPHONyEE 3801OR 114 �
--►J /j►�►y�► yy��►y,�jl+�/j� I EXETER
gs Santa said to the reindeer, "It's a
real privilege to serve so many wonderful people,"
We are proud and thankful for the privilege of
serving you, and we wish you a very happy holiday.
Huron Lumber
.The 'Tim, -Adv.caf., :Decamhillr 23., 1959 Pegs 9
4:: IVO
• Iferes .. e8
Sant& delivers t la
pack of Christmas joy 14
c1 -et.( to you and your family,
Fisher's Hardware
CC W. Y C.f f 7►:'.1..! !c ig.P. ? ltZldl:'.)! P
A wish to each and every .
friend... may the joys of
the season never end... 4.i.
and Christmas spirit glow in
your heart all the year.
George Vriese
"Your Imperial Oil Agent"
C/ CCC IPMRIggigiM!Ctn
Vo each and every valued
friend, we -wish good fortune
without end. Here's to your happiness, health
and good cheer, at this joyous season -.
and throughout the New Year. May your holiday
time be merry and bright, and may
all your dearest wishes tura out just right.
From Milt Robbins & Son Ltd.
And Jur Staff
VIII tilt ..It11111111...... 11111lllt11111111 t11111t1111f111llrltrllllllrn......ltlltllllltllltlttl lit 111111n11111111111111rttltlflisme
: s
Please Note
Our Store will be closed
Saturday, January 2
For Stock Taking
Amit) .Mille 11111(Il.umnitunti.itl111i1t111111immtuti1111111111tlltllltlln uttuutilnitl(Ilinlitliltltttstm
436 MAIN ST.
=iERYKEE: Exeter
Phone 451 Milton L RabbtM
. NNW, who celebrated
Father 1 . _ sa ► � ��,��1 ♦ ► � � � *t •ss�1yy��„ r � ♦y�l ,oyy��tiy � ►� � � � tl �' � w s,� ♦ r ► .,�y1�� � _ , .-,
the first Maas there In 1663. 1i:rZ ;l itlrivrit r>Z�a`.yrit alrit ;lritrarZ teras It t!?Cairn rZPZr;1Yri1 1 1,rawara yritrarawiri:ri1 itrt`tyroraLf't 'tt
t c t�t�tap