HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-12-23, Page 6Page 6 December 23, 1959 Hensall and district news CORRESPCINPENTS Mrs, Maude Hedden, Phone 5 Mrs. Archie MacGregor, Phone $.6 _ No. 10 Hay 1 Week of prayer SS The week of prayer services Ervin J. Willert will be held in January 4, at ,enioys concert 8 p.m. in Carmel Presbytteran • 7 • Hay councillor conduchng the service. in St. Paul's Anglican „Church, con - I ducted by Rev. C. Winlaw and Jan. 8, 8 p.m. service in the United Church conducted by Mr. Geo. C. Vais. SS 10 Hay hetet its Christmas party Friday afternoon attended by parents and pre-school chit - (hen. with John Elder chairman. A program was presented in- cluding choruses, games of let- ters by grades 1 and 2; recite - teens, Margaret Roosebooin, Brian Campbell, Ann Funk and Marie Campbell; groups of sons by grades 1, 2 and 3; piano chiines, Ann Funk; solos, Kath- arine McEwen, Margaret Roose- boom, Cathy Munn; violin solo. Wayne Payne; Christmas story, Larry Elder; 1 saw three ships come sailing in, by grades 3, 4, 5 and 6; piano solo, Catherine Gackstet- ter; tricks for the ladies, in charge of Wayne Payne; shadow picture contest in charge of Fred Funk; choral speaking, senior pupils; groups of songs by sen- ior boys; piano solo, Helen Was- son. Miss Catherine Gaekstetter ac- eompanied for the program, which concluded with a chorus. :Santa arrived and distributed gifts and candy to the children, and lunch was served. Mrs. E. Norminton is teacher of the school. Personal items Mr. and Mrs Joe De Lodge of Sarnia visited this week with the latter's Parents, Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Chapman and family. Arriving home last weekend from the University of Western Ontario to spend two weeks Christmas vacation with their parents were Ted Norminton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Norminton; Charles Mickle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle: Miss Gwen Spencer, daughter of Ur. and Mrs. Walter Spencer. 'Mr. and Mrs. W. C, Smith, J•ane and Scott, spent the week- end with relatives in Marlette, jlich Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle spent Thursday of last week in Lidgetown visiting the former's !mother, Mrs. Geo. T. Mickle. Two poinsettia plants were -presented to the United Church, gift of the lst Hensall Gude Company and Brownie Pack. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Ford, of London, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Chapman and family, Mrs. P Graham left Monday for Fort Myers, Florida, where she will spend the winter months vacationing with relatives. Reeve. John Henderson and Mr. and Mrs. George Armstrong at- tended the funeral of the late Magistrate Dudley E. Holmes, of Goderich, at Goderich on Thurs- day. Mr, Fred Kennings left Monday to spend a month visiting with his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hedden and fam- ily; At the meeting of Amber Re- bekah Lodge held on Wednesday it was disclosed that $175 had been cleared from the Huron Hereford Breeders' Association banquet held recently to which they catered. At a special meeting of the Hensall Legion Branch 468 Wil- mer Dalrymple was appointed first vice-president; and John Siege, second vice-president, to replace W. J. Cameron and Jack Simmons, who resigned. A district resident had a Christ- mas tree stolen out of his truck which was parked in the vil- tage. He had just purchased the tree ten minutes earlier. Mr. Archie MacGregor return- ed to his home here Wednesday after spending the past three months at Goose Bay, Labrador, where he was employed. In a draw for the bride's doll end wardrobe at Hese jewelry store Saturday night, Shirley Smale, 6, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Smale of town, was the. winner, George Hess drew the ticket, and the project was sponsored by the Ladies Aux - to the Legion. R. G. Little, RCAF Station, Centralia, was the whiner of a Coronado Deluxe Automatic Toaster Saturday night at Crest Hardware store, MI, Ross Broadfoot of Kippen drew the Winning ticket. Christmas eve a draw will be 'ade for a Sun- beam mixer and stand. Mr. and Mrs. John jarrott will quietly observe their 45th wedding anniversary on Wed- inesday, December 30. Mrs, L. Simpson is spending, Christmas with menthes of Per family in Detroit. Mr, Graydon Byes, on the Staff of Listowel High Seheoi, eperit the weekend with his sis- ter and brother-in-law, Mr. and SIM 6, C, Vais, • • Guide Corner !SY LINDA NOAKES • The Guides began their becem. 1)er 15 meeting by forming a circle where two of the Guides read the "Chtistirtas Story" They sang several Christmas Carols Ville -Wed by the reading of "A Visit frim frr L Nithelas,' TWO games Were played after 1101llefi several Guides read "The Night After Christmas," ,.Refteshin ants conaiSting 6! chocolate milk, detighritits and itatidY Were served. ft . Churches 1, 1 , mark yule ,• U C concert } The schoolroom of the United iChurch was packed 1–st Wednes- day evening for the presenta- tion of the church school Christ- mas entertainment. Rev, Currie Winlaw was chair- , man for a program which in- cluded Christmas carols led by Miss Greta Lammie; • choral reading, Mrs. W C. Smith and Mrs. William Mickle's nursery class; chorus and recitations, Mrs. Jim Taylor's kindergarten class; remembering the orphans ; at Christmas, Mrs. Lorne Hay and Mrs. Clem Christie's pri- mary class; an important an- nouncement, a Christmas wreath cireuling around the world by Miss Jean Noakes and Mrs. Ian i McAllister's class; Songs and recitations by Mrs. Pearl Passmore and Mr. San McAllister's classes; dialogue, ' Mrs. George F'arker's class; . Christmas pageant, Mrs. Donald ' Joynt's class; solo, Billy Chip - chase; chorus and group story, Mrs. Robert Cook's class; choral number, Miss Laramie and 'Mrs. Walter Spencer's classes. Santa distributed candy to the children. White Gift service At the White Gift Service held in the United Church Sun- day evening attended by a large congregation an offering of $300 was received,: The choir of sorne thirty voi- ces under direction of S. G. Ren- nie with Miss Greta Lammie at the organ consol 'rendered an eppropriate Christmas cantata "King All Glorious," embracing choruses, trios, quartettes, du- ets, and solos Special parts were taken by Mrs. Currie Win - law, Mrs. Carl Payne, Mrs. Wil- liam Fuss, Mrs. T. C. Coates, Harry Horton, Charles Mickle and Sam Rennie. Rev. Currie Winlaw was in charge of the service. The church, decorated in sea- sonal emblems, was arranged by Mrs. R. J. Drysdale and Mrs, Walter Spencer. Christmas service Christmas service was held on Sunday et 11 a.m. in Carmel Presbyterian church conducted by Mr. G. C. Vais, who deli- vered an appropriate message, his subject being "There Is A Song In. The Air." The choir presented two an- thems, under the lead.ership of Mrs. lilalcohn Dougal. The church was decorated for the service by members of the Arnold Circle Evening Aux - Mary. Present nativity Play At St, Paul's Anglican Church Sunday evening a young peo- ple's choir from Trivitt Meme- rial Church, Exeter, presented a nativity play accompanied at the organ consol by Mrs. R. H. Middleton. Rev. Bren De Vries was in charge of the service. At the conclusion a social hour was held in the church schoolroom and gifts and candy presented to the children and lunch served. lirg.C.FitrAigtgigiggr. JUST TO SAY, .tt Ervin J. Willart, 71, retired Hay Township farmer, died sud- denly at his home, Thursday, December 17 from a heart at- tack He was born in Stephen Town- ship and farmed le Hay Town- ship until taking up residence in Hensall 12 years ago. He served for 13 years on Hay Coun- cil and was a past director of Zurich Agricultural Fair Board and South I3uron Agricultural Society. He was a member of St. Peter's Lutheran church, Zurich. Surviving are his wife, the former Luella Walper of Zurich; one scn, Harold, RR 2 }Jensen; two daughters, Mrs. Pearl Koch - ler, Hensall; Mrs. Ross (Beat- rice) Richardson, RR 2 Zurich; six sisters, Mrs. :Louis Reste- niayer, Dashwood; Mrs. Thomas . Hayes, Tecumseh; Mrs, Edmund Kraft, Dashwood; Mrs. Lovinai Miller, Zurich; Mrs. Gus Ge naue, Birmingham, Mich.; Mrs. Richard Phoeler, Fort Wayne, Ind.; 18 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren, Funeral services were held from St. Peter's Lutheran church, Zurich on Sunday, December 20 conducted by Bonthron Funeral directors with Rev W. P. Fischer officiating. Interment was in the Lutheran cemetery, Bearers for the funeral were Elgin Rader, Melvin Res.e- mayer, Lealand Willert, Victor Kroft, Lloyd Miller, Herb Mil- ler, Ivan Willed and Reg 'Black. Flower bearers, Gordon Troyer, Ed. Funk, Alex Mousseau, Hugh Love. Personal items A reception for Mr. and Mrs. Frank Varley (nee Moir) was held in the' Community Centre auditorium, Monday evening, with a splendid attendance. Bob Baker Jr. read an address to the couple and Grant Smith made the presentation of a purse of money. Desjardine's orchestra provided music for the dance, Winners of the $2.00 gift cer- tificates at Christie's 56 to a $1.00 store were Mrs, E Nor- minton; Mrs, James Sangster; Mrs. Robert Cook. This week the gift certificate will be worth $5.00. Carmel Concert Mr. George C. Vais was chair- man of the Christmas concert on Sunday evening in Carmel Pres- byterian church. Choruses, dialogues, piano duets and recitations were pre- sented by the classes of the Sun- day School. directed by the teach- ers: Mrs, Vais, Mrs Lloyd Mous- seau, Mrs. Bev. Beaton, Mrs. William Brown, Mrs. Fred Bonth- ron, Mrs. Harvey Hyde, Mrs. Gordon Schwalm and Mrs. Harry Hoy. Miss Carol Brown accompa- nied at the piano. Gifts and treats were -present- ed by the Sunday School super- intendent, Mr. Clarence Volland, assisted by Mrs. Vcilland, White Gifts at Chiselhurst White Gift service was ob- served. in Chiselhurst United Church Sunday afternoon amid a setting of seasonal decorations arranged by the ladies of the church. A splendid congregation attended. A good offering was received. Rev, Currie Winlaw presented the message basing his thoughts from the theme "The Miracle of Christmas." For their contribetion the choir sang an anthem with soloists Miss Dorothy Parker and Eric Ross, Patricia Harris and Ruth Ann Colemanrendered a vocal duet. Mrs. A. Ross was pianist for the tervice. agfreggireCCACPCS10 FOR YOUR FRIENDLY PATRONAGE .DURING THE PAST YEAR FINK'S PLUMBING AND HEATING Electrical Service PHONE 36 1.1ENSALL Cromarty youth wins TV chair Reeve John Henderson drew the Way ticket on the TV chair at the 100F hall on Saturday night. The winner was .1.,eslie Co inar ti saleThe ck ets was con- ducted by the chairman of the Creie eommittee, Mr. Chas. Hay. Proceeds .of the sale were grati- fying, Ten baskets were packed far shut in members by the com- mittee and delivered for Christ- 41:Isl. ' Amber Lod,ge meets Mrs. Glenn, Bell, NG-, presided for the meeting of Amber Re- bekah Lodge No. 349 on Wed- nesday evening, Miss Maybeile Whiteman re- ported far the finance commit- tee and Mrs. Ernie Chipchase reported for the visiting com- mittee, Mrs, E. Shaddick report- ed the sale of tickets on the chair for the CPT fund com- mittee, A . letter requesting do- nations of home-made candy from the members, was read, from the chairman of the CPT committee, Mr. Charles Hay. Baskets are being packed for members of the IOOF and Re- bekah Lodges. The Noble Grand, Mrs, Glenn Bell, requested a practise for the degree team the first meeting of the new year. Personal items Children of the members of the Kinsmen and Kinettes were entertained to a Christmas party held in the town hall Sunday af- ternoon. They enjoyed comedy films in charge of Jack Drys- dale and were presented with, gifts and candy. Jack Simmons and Harold Knight were in charge of the gifts. Mr. C. L, Jinks was taken by ambulance Sunday morning to South Huron Hospital, Exeter, Mr, and Mrs. William Clem- ent and family spent the week- end with relatives in Elmira. Mr. and Mrs, Manley Jinks and Susan, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jinks and Gail spent Sunday in Selfridge, Mich., with the for- mer's daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Shupe, Sar- ann and Su -Ellen, and enjoyed a Christmas family gathering. The Ladies Auxiliary to the Legion distributed several Christmas boxes to sick and shutins of the town this week, Mr, and Mrs. Archie Noakes spent the weekend with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Noakes and fam- ily of London, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Noakes expect to leave early in January to visit rela- tives in England. Grades 5 and 6 of Hensel]. Public School donated toys, new and used, and cash to purchase more new toys which were for- warded to the Children Aid at Goderich to be given out to the needy. This project is an annual one. Mrs. Mary Haugh is the teacher. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Vais 'are spending Christmas with rela- tives in Bracebridge Mr. and Mrs. Archie Noakes left Tuesday to spend Christmas with their daughter and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Earl McKel- lar, and family at Chatham. Personal items Members of the 'Young Peo- ple's Society of Carmel Church went out carol singing in the village on Wednesday, bringing cheer to the shut-ins. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Donney and family are holidaying with relatives at Kingsville In 1958 profits earned by the Canadian manufacturing indus- try totalled $1,360 million before taxes, compared to a peak of $1,645 million in 1956. •••• Comments about Kippen By MRS, NORMAN ONO Thrifty .KipPenettes The third meeting of the Thrifty Kippenettes Was held at the home of 'Mrs. Ross Chap,. maxi. The roll call WAS answer - by a members,. ^ The leaders .demonstrated how to cut out a garment .coyer and how to cover a hanger.. At the fourth meeting it was! .decided to held the fifth nieet-1 McGregor on December 16, MS. .at the home Of Mrs, Alex! Chapman gave some suggestions Tillman, home .econornist, is to. on Achievement Doi. Miss Bette speak at the seventh meeting. Personal items The winners in a draw for a Christmas cake at Dickert s store were Mrs. Gerald Hub- bard of Ilarriston, Mr. Frank Plumb and Mrs, William Cole - ti an, Mrs. Allan Johnston, who has been a patient in Clinton hos- pital is expected home Tuesday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pries - tap of Mitchell were Sunday guests of the latter's father, Mr. Robert Thomson, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dickert, Mr, and Mrs, Ken McLellan and Jill visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dickert of Harriston. Mr. and Mrs, Ross Faber and Mr. and Mrs, Elzar Mousseau spent Monday in London. The Gridzak children were in- vited by the RCAF at Clinton on Friday night to attend the .Christmas tree and concert. „ Mr. and Mrs, .Eldon Jarrott visited Sunday with an aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. John Mason, also an aunt, -Mrs. Jen- nie Winder, all of London. Messrs Norman Dickert and Ken McLellan spent Monday in London. Elect slate at Goshen By MRS. CLARE McBRIDE Mrs. Elmer Hayter was re- elected president of the Woman's Missionary Society of Goshen United Church at the December meeting held at the home of Mrs. Arnold Keys. Vice-presidents are Mrs. Rob- ert Peck, Mrs. Mel Elliott, Mrs. Allen Armstrong, Mrs. Anson McKinley and Mrs. Bob McKin- ley; treasurer, Mrs. Xennetb Parke; recording secretary and press, Mrs. Clare McBride; cor- responding secretary, Mrs, Rich- ard Robinson; literature, Mrs. Clarence Parke; supply, Mrs. Floyd Armstrong, Mrs. Jack Eckel and .Mrs. Walter Eckel; Missionary Monthly secretary, Mrs, Bert McBride; Associate Helpers, Mrs. Bert McBride, Mrs. William Hayter and Mrs. Arnold Keys. Christian Stewardship, Mrs. Russell Erratt; temperance and citizenship, Mrs. T. J. Pitt; community friendship, Mrs. C. Parke, Mrs. William Clarke, Mrs. R. Erratt, Mrs. R. Robin- son and Mrs. K. Parke; Baby Band, Mrs. Floyd Armstrong; organist, Mrs. B. Erratt and Mrs. Bruce Keys; birthday fund, Mrs. Elgin McKinley; care fund, Mrs. Keith McBride; tea fund, Mrs. James Keys; Mission Band, Mrs. John Robinson, Mrs. J. Eckel, Mrs. Arnold Keys, Mrs. James Keys and Mrs, C. Mc- Bride, Rev. T. J. Pitt had charge of the selection. Christmas carols were sung wtyptsv CCOViilinfkiWWW.CfRACCOMEiligvalraviiv We extend glad greetings to all our friends and neighbors. May you find happiness with your near and dear ones, and may heart's content be • among your holiday gifts.. • feel eieeeese„,! W. G. Thompson AND SON PHONE 12 HENSALL 1001*011014010401001P1tOtONOI Ottngralgit PS concert. at 'Whalen Tuesday .evening parents and friends filled the .acheolhouse for the ,cbristrnas. Concert, Mrs. Gowan is to be complimented .on her ...training the pupils and the pupils complimented ..how well they took their PartS, MO. Gowan accompanied on 00 piano and during .interinis- t•' Bert Duffield provid- ed :MP*. Mr, Hamilton was MC for the eyening.: He also. :called on messrs..Icen iledg- Snlb Gerald Itern. and Gordon Johnson for a few words. The children received gifts' treats from Santa "Clans who ar- rived later. Wedding anniversary On ,Saturday evening, Decent - her 19 at .6 p.m. Mr. And Mrs. Alton Neil .entertained 30 gueats to dinner on the occasiono their 2Sth wedding anniversary. Those present were from Len - Tien, .01andeboye, Exeter, Gan - ton and .Grad Bend. The couple were presented with silver gifts. Later in the evening about 40. friends and neighbors gathered at the Neil home to honor them, -The evening was spent in play- ing cards. In the course of the evening Mr. and Mrs Neil were presentad - with a coffee table and two step end -tables. Personal items • Mr. and Mrs, Wilbert Glan- ville, of Stage,were guests on Wednesday .evening with Mr, and Mrs, William Walters, Mrs, Thos. Simpson is spend- ing a few days with Mr, and Mrs, Alex Baillie on her return home from the hospital, Mrs. William Morley Jr, at- tended the funeral of her aunt, ISUM,r,,VOMMINIMUSSIMACW1 Happenings in Blanshard By MRS. GLADWYN HOOPER itrammaimmanammwrzcaz:,. Mrs. Fred Thomson spent Aun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jones of Glendale. Barry Thomson spent the week- end with his zrendfather, John Rinn and family of Base- line. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Pletch, ni Strathroy, spent Wednesday with Mr. andMrs. Charlie Sisson. . Mr. and Mrs. George Dann, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Pierce, of London, spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Parkin- son, with Mrs Bruce Keys at the piano. Mrs. Russell Arratt had a questionnaire on Christian stew- ardship with questions asked by Mrs. John Robinson. A Christmas story by Mrs. R. McKinley was read. Mrs. J. Robinson gave the .treasurer's report and Mrs. Floyd Armstrong reported that an 80 -pound bale was sent to Toronto and another smeller one sent to Korea. the late Mrs. ,Grace Jackson ,of Toront0 ,on Wednesday. Pon Pullen game home -en Sat- urday frOin Guelph for the Christ. Inas vacation. Mr. * Frank Parkinson Alia Glenn, Mr., aTid Mrs. Melville Gunning and Muriel,. also mr. Wilfred iterhert were Sunday guests with Mr. and rMs. 'Harold London and Mrs. Milne Pullen were ,.Saturday night guests of Mr. and 111rs. Norman Bock, Zion. Mrs. F. Squire attended the funeral of. the -late Mr. Art Alien in Toronto, qnTedneghty. Catherine Mahn 'attended a birthday party in St. Marys 00 Saturclay afternoon in honor of Iter friend, Janice Fischer's. .911) birthday. Catherine also spent the weekend at the Fischer's. Mr. Gordon Johnson was in St. Thomas on .Wednesday at- tending the funeral of his aunt, the late Mrs. Annie Brock. A carload of ladies, from dus community attended the school, .Christrnas concert in ,Granton an Wednesday evening. Mrs La - Verne Morley is the princlpal at the school. A A a a a a a t• Here's To You! Your friendly Hurondale nilik- men extend hearty wishes for a good old-fashioned Christmas, full of health and happiness, Hurondale Dairy PHONE 27 HENSALL ginggiVACRVARA04;03g1PROggfilit,R0 eur best wishes to you on this Halpin, Christmas Holiday. AL'S Hensall Fe10:0301giraillgAltlilfigifigfRORACCACCiffil rICCIPARRICRONIMigraigigigrilIMOVWCAllranillWilIntReCAS Aft OM. with your purchase of Automatic Electric DRYER Or Washer Make all your washdays wonderful with 'a now Ther Automatic Dryer. Fer instance, just look at the features you get with the new Thor All. Fabric Dryer: Temperature control to suit all your fabrics; the largest lint -trap of any dryer —in front toe end easy to clean. There's a safety door shut off and an interior light; an Ozone lamp gives your clothes that sweet fresh smell. It also has 4 -way venting—you can place it anywhere. It does any kind of "Wash -and. Wear" clothing perfectly. Come in, look them ever, no matter which you choose you'll save money—and get a big free gift tool 10 Outstanding Thor Automatic Washers and Dryers To Choose From Ask about coin' easy budget terms during this BIG FREE OFFER SALE SPECIAL PRICES On All Items Ask us about them GINGERICH'S Phone 34 Zurich ninongincoongic PitAttAllitiORRAPARSAC010430:4