HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-12-23, Page 4Noe 4 The ThIles-AdVocate, Decernhar 23, 1950 Crifil4g011.0111,11....10.WitilOgROPIRCC.0.0 AU good wishes to you for a holiday full of fun and festivity. New Store Hours Open Only Saturday Nights Until April Open Tuesday and Saturday Nights From April 1 to Christmas Attfield's General Store PHONE 98 CREDITON COICCOZACtiitfic0.71'1,fifit*C0F.C.C.C.0i1CCRCIRI • • • Z,160)44. Glad tidings to all our friends and patrons. We wish for the ent of your hopes and prayers, now and Away'. W. L. HODGE Contractor — Plumbing and Heating PHONE 7 Electrical Wiring CREDITON rfattiMACCCIOW.03.C.OW.C..C.C1- trACI.C.C.C.CC.0 G-reetings ...Ray the joys of this most gladsome season come to you a thousandfold. And may your heart be filled with the spirit of Christmas always. rit • „- , • • Sr,/ k • Exeter Community Credit Union "Serving The Community" dt this festive time of year we want to pause for a moment to say: Thank You for your patronage4—and may you have 8 merry, happy Holiday! Mathers Bros AND STAFF PHONE 321 •EXETER 104CC 01111.11FORO`rfrifitrir fr A A it A A A it A it it a it aaa A it a a it a al Girls present yule services On Sunday evening the first CGIT vesper service held in Main Street United Church was led by Bonne Doerr. The Christmas story was told in choral reading with solo parts taken by Hendriclia Plantinga and Linda Stire and Norma Young read a part of it. A poem on Christmas Thoughts written by a Hindu student was taken in part by Marion Walker, Grace McKenzie, Margaret Howey. Joan Dettmer and Mrs. R. S. Hiltz. Mrs. Harold Skinner read a portion of Scripture from the J. B. Phillip's translation. Taking part in a candle light- ing ceremony were Grace Mc- Kenzie, Jane Dettiner and Shar- on B a ynii a m Margaret Howey and Linda Walper sang a duet, Mrs, Lena Willard was accompanist, The church was beautifully decorated with candles and Christmas motifs. Service at Caven Bonnie Hogarth led the 'CGIT vesper service in Caven Pres- byterian church on Sunday eve- ning. The girls formed the choir and sang Christmas carols as . .... . .. ' • a Festival of love By REV, KENNETH ZORN Dashwood • ' There is nothing in heaven or on earth than can be compared with the love of God. Angels have sung of it; men have mar- velled at it; the children's lips have dwelt upon its sweetness. But to sound the depths of that love or to measure its riches is beyond the farthest stretch of men's imagination. Christmas is pre-eminently the festival of love. Above, beneath, belund and in the Chrstrnas miracle we see the limitless love of heaven. The fullness of time had come. The clocks of heaven had struck. The cup of man's iniquity was filled to the overflowing. Ent in- stead of thunderbolts of judg- ment crashing through the skies, as men had every reason to expect, angel voices filled the midnight air with messages of peace on earth and God's good will toward men. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only -begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3, .16 The world had given God four thousand years of sin; and in reply God gave the world a Savior! Was there ever greater love than this? If only our scarred and bat- tered world in this winter of 1959 would experience the warmth and comfort of that love! If only the hearts of men, so filled with strife and bitter- ness, could be opened to, the transforming power of that di- vine affection! For the heart that has once beentouched by the love of God in Christ will always reason as did the Apostle John: "If God so loved us, we ought also to love one another," I Jo. 4, 11 As we have now, entered an- other Christmas season, we shall do well to open our hearts wide tothe love of God which found embodiment in Bethlehem's crib. In that love We shall find strength to increase our love, our love for the Lord of Christ- mas and our love for those for whom He came. ossmiumminummisms. Siteinnettigt4044:041154514:5$1=t,Z4‘...=4=4 „",•,, 4 „ ` Looking in with Li; No minks cars for TV stars By ELIZABETH TOUCHETTE Ct:V,W4+4;4F++;',,;',+4.., 44' + • +!, ^ Christmas shopping was the main topic of conversation in dressing rooms and lounges of CBC -TV this •weekend. Most of ! the gals were just about finished the big job but Sylvia Murphy, who has been 111 with a cold, then pleurisy (she got that in .Florida where she went to get rid of her cold), and morning! sickness, was planning to go downtown early Tuesday armed with her lengthy list and finish the chore in one fell swoop, What do TV stars get for Christmas? Furs? Jewels? For- eign cars? Well,, not exactly, "I wanted a mink coat," Joan Fairfax told me, ''and my hus- band wanted a Thunderbird, so we compromised and are buying a joint gift, a portable TV set to use in the den." Sylvia Murphy and her hus- band, Charles Templeton, are also giving each other a joint gift, a polaroid camera, "I'm getting a sewing ma- chine", said Joyce Hahn ecsta- tically, "and I got my husband, Orm Collier, a vibrating chair," Singer Donna Miller said "Ivfy big Christmas gift will he a washer -dryer." Yvonne and Murray Lauder (she's a Music '60 singer and he's with the Kane orchestra) are getting each other a recrea- tion .room. "Jt just needs a floor now", said Yvonne, "and that should he in for Christmas." Juliette is one ‘yho never even peeks at her gifts until Christ- well as the processional and recessional hymns. The Christmas storywas told choral reading with Nancy Mc- Tavish taking one of the read- ings. Rev. S.Kerr presented an ap- propriate Christmas message., Taking part in the candle - lighting ceremony was the pres- ident, Judy Wilson, secretary, Mary Shaw, and treasurer, Enid Palethorpe„ Candles and wreaths of pine and holly decorated the church for this annual national service, Mrs. J. Misner is leader of the group 13E;CACirlrignigiglig mas morning so she didn't know what she would find under her tree. But at Saturday night's special: Christmas show a long- time fan brought her a gift and julie, thinking it was another toy( she collected well over 300 for the Children's Aid show from h e r audience), inadvertently; opened 1L We •had a quick peak at a beautifully hand -made, ap-; pliqued pink Chr:strrias stocking, ' stuffed with lots of lovely items,' before she quickly wrapped it up again. Glowing from the wonderful response of her studio audience Julietted that there would be more audience shows in the future, Johnny Wayne was telling me about the Mother Goose panto-' mime he and Frank Shuster are doing Christmas Day. "We haven't stinted on anything and we really think we've got a good show. Bob Goulet is fabulous and Jean Fairfax will be terrific. Originally the CBC planned to telecast the show at 9,30 but we balked since a pantomime is essentially a children's show. 1 We told them 7 or not at all and ten mintues later they said: okay," John Wayne grinned.; "It's sure nice to he in a bar-; gaining position after all these years." A chat with some of the lead- ing TV columnists has led me to the conclusion that I have the nicest of all readers. And to each of you I wish the merriest Christmas ever.—Liz. Wins scholarship • in New Toronto A former Clandeboye resident, Joyce Eileen Bradley, has been awarded a scholarship at New Toronto High School. The eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C, Bradley (nee Eva Dobbs), Joyce is now at- tending Ryerson College, Toronto, She spent her childhood days at Clandeboye with her great grandfather, the late James Mor- gan, and her uncle Cecil Morgan, Lucan. crBith all the warmth in our heart* we wish oar many friends the very happiest of Holiday Seasons. OUR RATE OF on our 1 to 5 year. 'Guaranteed Certificates is firm until December 31st., but will likely be lower after that date. Why not invest part of your year-end bonus in these safe Guaranteed certificates while they still earn this historically high rate. To invest — see your local agent or send us your cheque. BRITISH MORTGAGE & TRUST roundel he 1847 Bead Office StEATIBIOD imiiiiiistaisimstrose 4 * WO , G. Cochrane Agent ...:: . i . Phone 74 Exoftir I Barley load spills f7.1grArifi'llririff:tigirCirrietft.'irilliolfrObtrIn fa, following mishap Barleywas strewn over the road Friday when a transport, en route to Chatham, collided yWi a car driven by army per- sonnel at the intersection of concession 6 Bosanquet and the highway, Both drivers were taken to hospital. Girl Guides enjoy Christmas party By Captain Mrs. Tomlinson Last Thursday night the Guides held their a n nt a 1 Christmas party, Games were played, a Christmas sing song and skits were enjoyed and refreshments served. Gifts were exchanged and all guides were presented with a guide book mark and a bag of candy and a candy cane from Capt. Tomlinson and Lt. Sissons upon leaving. Oil i II iii Garage Sunday And Evening Service Open this Sunday, Wednes- day afternoon, and during the evening throughout the week, Larry Sniders Motors i iiiiiiiiii min is.. of. olistilimout 'filo mi lit. mitt .1111 May the .meaning of Christmas be deeper, its friendships stronger and its hopes brighter as it comes to you this year • 0 • THE CHOOSA BOOK SHOP Mrs. C. Wellington Math St. Exeter WOMCONIMIRCP E, our friend's and patrons, we wish all the pleasures that corn* with a joyous Holiday Season. Don Jolly RADIO, TV & ELECTRIC Phone 187 Exeter crogincogrincincrinccouncroccro C risfinas Ckeer We hope you have a very Merry Christmas, the good old-fashioned kind with alt the trimmings...joyous carols, stockings hung by the chimney, laughter, love and good cheer. 4-4.1.51? As.; , • , • • G. vt, 1 , .1•44A 4,4., • Vt 5;.;140 y /S , RESTMIRRITI From The Rethers and Staff COMR041303043CfgrinigtfilMR.CCCCIRM With sincere gratitude for the warm friendships which WO bore wdeyed, we extend greetings of the season to all of you, whose good WO and loyalty we count among our most cherished posseons. May the holidays find you in hearty good hecdth, surrounded by devoted family and friends. Gould & Jory VAL AND DOUG: GOULD MRS. V. GOULD MARG AND RAY JORY META sArymt MRS, W, HEI'tN MRS, NORAH TAYLOR. HELEN WESTCOTT RUBY BEAVERS MABEL AND LEN McKNIGHT PHONE 974 AND 973 EXETER sPAIgialsjiPaeagaiSsuBirebiesillasspiiPseniressirsalsdisispegsiesygitadVpip liginOilitiginigigirWAWAOTKOPOWAWAWAYAWATA AWAPPAWAVAWAIMPAIPAOPAIIPAWAWArrA7AVA 5. 3 1.