HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-12-17, Page 16Nis 16 December 17, 1959 1 Lucan and district news Phone BA 7-4255 WI assists cancer clinic At the December meeting of Liman Women's Institute held in the Community Centre last Thurs- day afternoon the roll call was answered by presenting gifts for the cancer clinic cupboard. The motto was "It's home and love and little things that make our Christmas great." airs. J. P. Prest was guest speaker choosing for her sub- ject "Liberty" and basing her remarks on the Biblical verse "And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free." She was thanked by Mrs. B. Langford, President Mrs. Wes Hodgins ganducted the business, Owing to Christmas, the date for cutting of cancer dressings was changed to Tuesday afternoon, December 29 and the making of the dress- ings to the same evening, Mrs, Irv6 ina Gibson, Mrs. Erwin Scot, 211ra.Thernas Lee and the presi- dent volunteered to do the cut- ting and Mrs, Bert Jackson, Mrs. Wither. Brovnlee and Mrs, Hodgins to assist at the making of the dressings. Mrs. Murray Hodgins report- ed- on the recent millinery course arid said there would probably be another in the new year. Sev- eral money making schemes were suggested. It was decided to have another progressive euchre party early in January. talrs. Sheridan Revington, Mrs. B. Langford and Mrs. Erwin Scott were named a commit- tee to make arrangements. It was agreed to make a quilt to be shown next year at Lon- don Fair and later sold. The program for Achievement Day at Arva was discussed. Christmas carols were sung with Mrs. Bert Jackson at the piano. For the January meeting Mrs. Austin Hodgins will be guest speaker and show pictures of her recent trip to Holland. Anglican Men's Club It was Ladies' Night at the December meeting of Ho1y Trin- ity Church last Monday eve. !ling, The meeting took the form of: a bridge and euchre party and there were seven tables in play. A short business session fol- lowed the games, with Mr. Erwin Scott presiding and Mr. Ken Clarke at the piano. It was decided to hold the next meeting January 4 when the nominating committee will bring`in a slate of officers for 1960. A discussion was held on ways and means to increase member- ship and interest, Refreshments of crackers, cheese, biscuits and tea were served by the men. Personal items The Lucan Public School con- cert will he held in the Com- munity Memorial Centre at 7.30 1Vfenday, Dec. 21. Mr, Bob Harvey, of Exeter, was a Sunday visitor of Mrs, Ferman Young. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Noels and family al Springfield were Sun- day guests of Mrs. William Dick- ins. Miss Muriel Carling and Mr. Rebert Hamilton attended the Goodyear turkey dinner and dance at the Latin Quarters, London, last Thursday evening. The pupils of SS No. 2 Bid- tulph presented their Christmas concert to a good audience, at the school last Friday evening. Joey Hodgins, who has signed op for an astronomical course at Western University attended a meeting last Friday night and spent the weekend with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Strasser. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Leckie and Danny of Waterloo were Friday guests of Mr. and Mrs, M, 0. mith. Mr. and :Mrs. Harold Hunter of Detroit spent last Saturday with the former's mother, Mrs. John Casey of Alice St. Mr, and ulIrs. John Cook who have been living in the apart- ment above the Hub Restaurant, left on Saturday to make their home in Montreal. They an- nounce the birth of a son at SL Joseph's Hospital,. Saturday, Dec. 5, a brother ler Kenny, Carol and Cathy. It was White Gift Sunday at Holy Trinity church. Six Mall Sunday School boys, Ken Hardy, Steve Davis, David Goddard, Billy Heskett, Ronnie Thatcher and Arthur Wilkinson presented the baskets of gifts to the rector at the chancel steps. This year Ike gifts are being sent to the Cancer Clinic clipboard. 4I4Water attracts electricity," "Have you made any tests to prove it?" 'Yes, Every time I'm in the shower the telephone rings." • BACKACHE May be Warning Backache is often caused by lazy kidney salon. When kidneys ail Oaf Of erdeta INtest acids and wastes remain In the aystent. Then backache, die. *wheel rest et that titedalut and heart. !headed feeling mit seen fellow. That's Om little to take Dodds Kidney Pills.' Dedd'i*hmuste the kidneys t WHIM Then you feel better—sleep letteta-werk betteti Get Dodd's Iltidriey Pale now 06 Corr'sPendent: Miss Line Abbott . , New seats, talolesHoax alarms handle big crowd e Though the Legion Auxiliary COMMUnitY bingo is not slated to begin till 8.30, yet at 8 o'clock last Thurs- day hopeful players were pack- ed three across, on the entry stairs determined to be on time to get a seat. However (luring the week the committee had purchased 25 new chairs and also two long extensions for their tables and 400 new cards, so everyone had a seat and a place to lay their cards with an adequate 'quota of cards. No one won the $130 jackpot so the committee decided to raise it to $135 in 59 calls. The $5 jackpot consolation was 'split among Mrs. Larry Mc - Falls, Gerry Kehl of Lucan and Mr. Norman Weston of Grea- ten. The $16.50 "Share the Wealth" was split between Mrs. George Young of Lucan and Mr. D. Brintnell of Exeter. Mrs, Omar Cunningham of Clandeboye won the first part of the consecutive bingo, Mrs. J. Rawson of Gran- ton the second part and Mrs. A. E. Reilly of Lucan and Mrs. Earl French of Granton split for the third part. Mrs, Harry Bond won two split bingos, the first with Audrey Bowerman and Gerry Kehl of Lucan and the second with Clar- ence Taylor of Exeter. Her sis- ter, Mrs. C. Lake, was also a lucky win.ner. Ask resadents decorate for yule Lucanites this week received a bulletin from the LUCAN an- nouncing the Christmas -decorat- ed homes contest and urging all to help beautify the village by decorating their homes. The first prize this year will be $25, the second $15 and $5 each for third and fourth. Al- ready the village streets and the huge tree on 'Mr Radcliffe's lawn are a blaze of color while a few homes have begun decorating. Personal items The members of the Lucan Ontario Hydro held a social evening of cards and dancing at the Legion Hall last Friday night. Door prizes went to Mrs. Herb Stretton and Mr. James Freeman. Mrs. Ira Carling, Miss .Muriel Carling, Mr. Earl Carling and Miss Lynette 'Walpole were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Walpole of Kincardine last week- end. Mr. Murton McLean visited Miss Hattie Hodgins at the Green able Nursing Home, Parkhill, last Sunday. Last Saturday afternoon Mrs, Harvey Hodgins received a phone call from a child calling for help. She said she had been kidnapped by a man and was locked up. Mrs. Hodgins notified, local and provincial police as well as the Free Press, Radio and TV reports were broadcasted Satur- day, Sunday and Motley while police spent considerable time investigating but, when they found out that two other local residents had received equally fantastic calls end no child had been reported lost, they decided the whole episode was a silly teen-age hoax. If so, it is hoped the partici- pants of the inane prank now realize the expense and incon- venience their nonsense incur- red and will be more careful in the future. Coursey school euchre Mrs, Charles Grose and Mrs. Lawrence Hodgins were hos. tesses for the five -table euchre at the Coursey school last Fri- day night. For the third consecutive week, the high score again was a family affair—the prizes going to Mr. and Mrs, Tom Coursey, The second high score prizes were won by Mrs. Joe O'Neil and Mr. Eric Hodgins, and the lone hand prizes by Mrs, Allan Ryan and Mr, Evan Hodgins. There will be no more games until January 8. The Coursey school concert will be held December 18, Personal items Eighteen parents of the 25 kindergarten children attended the teacher -parent night last Wednesday to discuss with the teacher, Mrs. Don Hern, the progress of their little people. Mrs. H. T... Bond's group of the Guild of Holy Trinity church catered to the Lions Club dinner in the church basement last Monday evening. The Legion Auxiliary's doll and wardrobe are now on dis- play in the window of the Sham- rock Garden and tickets can be purchased from any of the mem- bers. Rev, W. E. Vollick of East Caledon and Mr, John Bighar: of Toronto were visitors of Mrs. Mel Culbert and family last week and Mrs. Culbert and fain• ily made a return visit to To- ronto for the weekend; the guests of Mrs. Culbert's sister, Mrs. John Bigharn and family. Mr, and Mrs. Earl Paton „of London were Wednesday guests of Mr. and Mrs, • Gordon Ban - ting. FOR KITCHEN AND BATHROOM WALLS WITH AN UNBROKEN EXPANSE OF COLOUR AND PATTERN Choose one•and-only Irada Mo,k Ned. TWIN -TRIM The Wonderful Metal Moulding With A Matching Arborite Finish Come in and let us show you how this exclusive, low-cost combination can bring new beauty to your kitchen or bathroom — economically and easily! You'll Find Arborite, Twin -Trim and Accessory Products At Langford Lumber AND BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD. Phone BA 7.4277 Lucan James Kennedy Biddulph farmer James Leo Kennedy„ 77, of Concession 10, Biddulph, died in London on Monday, December 7. He remained at the C. Haskett and. Son funeral home, Lucan, until 9.30 a.m. Thursday, Dec, 10, when he was taken !to St. Patrick's Church, Biddulph for Requiem High Mass at 10 a.m. The Rev. Father J. A. Mackesy officiated, Interment was in the adjoining cemetery. The pallbearers were Lawr- ence McCarty, Pat Byron, Mike Kelly, Charles Jones, Benny Kelly and Tem Ceaey, Mr. Kennedy was the son of the late Mr, and Mrs. John Ken, nedy, concession 10, Buldulph, lie was a life time farmer. He was unmarried. "Four Lanes" bowling alley Frank Van Bussell and Sons, who have the contract for reno- vating the fernier Lucan Dry Goods store into a bowling alley are making satisfactory prog- ress. Young people pick executive The Lucan-Clandeboye Young People's meeting was held Sun- day evening at 7.30 p.m. in the, schoolroom. Helen Kest] e, assisted by Nancy Scott and Jeanette Blake were in charge of the worship service of song and story. Helen read a story of an old-fashioned Christmas and Donna Blake read a sacred Christmas story. Rev. Edgar Rolston presided for the election of officers and later installed them. President is Terry Culbert; vice-president, Jeanette Blake; secretary, Nancy Scott; treasur- er, Richard Mosurinjohn; con- veners, Marilyn Eaton, Dana Culbert, Helen Kestle and Gerry Kehl; pianist, Marilyn Eaton. Score two wins over Lambeth By STEVE DAVIS The bantams and the pee wees each chalked up another victory on Saturday when they played with Lambeth. The bantam score was 8-7 with Roger Black getting three goals, Gary Revington and Don Cough- lin two each and Bruce Screat- on, one. The pee wee score was 2-0, Tem ' Hardy assisted by Brian Haskett got one of the goals and Paul Young assisted by David Lippert, the other. Second draw Three little girls assisted bile president and Nice - president, Fred Revington and Gary Mc - Falls of the Business Men's As- sociation make the following ta_..ws Saturday afternoon. Mr, Jim Coughtry of Lucan, Mr. Ray Cunningham of Clandeboye and Mr. George Mercer of Ailsa Craig, The next draw will be Satur- day, Dec.' 19. Recreation topics By SAM SCREATON Director of Recreation Evening auxiliary chooses. ,officers Old-time atmosphere .4 k Blanshard party uxiliary of the United Chureli George Carter, the first presi. A4eanstoc?af til‘of,:trctOPo°klitaCnhar°gIleinirhiata,Y ac. Thomson was elected pres1. dent for 1960, k At a meeting of the Evenin mar s in the church schoohom, Mrs. Maurice Cobleigh took the wor- ship service and Mrs. Charles t, • • Sovereign the study book. The recently organized Lucan Community Minor Athletic As- sociation has held a cpuple more meetings, the most recent on Sunday afternoon last. Addition- al executive from the commu- nity surrounding Lucan were brought in to round out the previous basic executive. This organization augers well for the future growth of recrea- tton in the community. In the past—we say this without be- littling the splendid work that had already been done—there was a great inequality in recrea- tion oppertunities. The young- ster who was goad enough to make the team, fared all right. The ones who didn't make the team—didn't play, One of the main aims of this organization is to try and pro- vide an equal opportunity for all youngsters wishing to par- ticipate—regardless of their abil- ity. This is truly a worthwhile endeavour and deserves the sup- port of everyone, which it is hoped will be freely given. Keep this name in mind—THE LUCAN COMMUNITY MINOR ATHLE- TIC ASSOCIATION—you'll be hearing much more about it as time goes along. Right about this time of year —in spite of the weather— thoughts centre around the Christmas Season, We mention- ed before in our column that the Public School Christmas pro- gram is well under way. Re- member the date, Monday, Dec, 21, Time. 7.00 p.m. Place. The Lucan Community Memorial Cen- tre. We hope to see you there, ,Baby shower Baby Bonnie Sue Sprague, in- fant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Sprague, was guest uf honor at a baby shower at. the Legion Hall last Tuesday night. On behalf of Bonnie Sue, Mrs. Sprague thanked the ladies for their gifts. The door prize was won by Mrs. Jahn Smibert. After the shower, a social eve- ning of cards was 'enjoyed by all present. The stork convener, Mrs. Dave Egan, was assisted in the lunch by Mrs, Thomas Weller and Mrs. H. T. Bond, CG IT At the meeting of the Lucan CGIT held in the United Church schoolroom lett Monday with 11 members present Nancy Haskett and Jean Marie Lankin were in charge of the worship service, Christmas story and Christmas carols. During the business session the secretary Jean Marie Lankin was commissioned to write the Rev. S. E. Lewis of Exeter to invite the CGIT of James St. to attend a skating party at the Lucan arena some time in Feb- ruary. Mrs..' Roger Health was in charge of the craft period which consisted in the making of ties for CGIT uniforms, • 4.41P-oZAKTMI,M11'".!, MEN WHO THINK OF TOMORROW PRACTICE MODERATION TODAY the j-touse of Seagram DISTILLERS SINCE 1857 Plans were discussed for the bake sale to be held in the Nu - way Motors' show -rooms, The nomin. ting committee brought in the slate of officers whom the Rev, Edgar Roulston installed. ,President is Mrs. George A. Thomson; vice-presidents Mrs. J. 0, Andersen, Mrs, X. W. Thompson; secretary, Mrs, A. E. assl, Mrs. J, W. Lockyer; treasurer, Mrs, C, F. Sovereign; Supply secretary, Mrs. B, B. Saulnier; Christian Citizenship and Temperance, airs. Ivan Hearn; Community Friendship and Missionary Monthly, Miss Reta Chown; Associate Members, Mrs. G. E ,Nicholson; literature, press and shut-ins, Mrs, Howard hew; stetaardship, Mrs, Ross McRoberts; pianist, Miss Rea Chown, Grade eight class views local bank Grade 8 (171 members) of the Lucan Public School visited the Bank of Montreal last Wednes- day as a fitting final to a series of lessons on banking. The manager, Mr. Jack Steacy divided the children into two, groups. While he was explaining cheques, drafts and traveller's cheques to one group, Mr. Ed, Morris was showing the other children the vault, deposit bOxea, alarm system and weapons. The big surprise which climax- ed the tour was the serving of coke and doughnuts by the bank officials, Needless to say the children did justice to the un - By MRS. GLADWYN HOOPER A pervadednid 11tiemtie'epotelaitatleSectilhicogol4oinr Friday niccht when the annual school entertainment took the form of a turkey supper with the children's program follow- ing. A gaily decorated schoolroom with Christmas tree aglow; long tables adorned with red and green candles „lid corsages for the ladies gave the occasion a festive Atmosphere After everyone had partaken of the bountiful supper provided by the families of the community, Douglas Dunnell and Grant Thomson, masters of ceremon-1 ie s with Ann Thomson as pianist took charge of the program, It included choruses by the school; greetings by the Three J's, Janelle McKay, Jeanette rooper and Jimmie Mossey; recitations by Robert Mossey, Maclynne McKay, John Hern, Tommy Hariton and Veryl Hoop- er; instrumentals, Veryl Hooper, clarion Thomson, Sharon Thom- son, Helen }Tarlton and _Murray Thomson; duets by Barry Thom- son and Dennis Rea, Diane Rea and Helen }Tarlton; reading by Douglas Strahan; pantomine by the junior girls with duet by Pamela Lambert and Ann Park- inson; and six plays. Jingle Bells welcomed St. Nicholas who distributed candies and gifts for all. This brought to a close an evening of jollity made possible through the co- operation of all. Those, who were unavoidable absent, were remembered and the pupils sent a donation to CARE and the War Memorial Hospital, London. The committe,: in charge was the school board, Mr. and Mrs. Wes Massey, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hern, Mr. and Mrs. Jark Thom- son and the teacher, Mrs, George Wilson. expected treat. During the evening, Mr. 4444443fititlitIV1114143010414444:1 SLIM, TRIM and TERRIFIC SATELLITE.. T.• • No other pen gives you these advanced features... giant transparent supply Tele -Gauge* Cartridge and new Coloressence writing fluid. Come in and see it today ! HOSPITAL, DOCTOR AND MEDICINE BILL,,, MY AILMENTS ARE CURED BUT MY POCKETBOOK'S ILL. THE CURE FOR YOUR TROUBLES I PLAINLY CAN SEE IS A TRIP TO THE OFFICE OF T.C.C. FINANCES FIXED - SO PLEASANT AND FAST NOW BACK TO WORK WITHOUT TROUBLE AT LAST. THE MORAL'S PLAIN FOR ALL TO SEE, "WHEN YOU NEED CASH SEE T.C.C." TRANS CANADA CREDIT CORPORATION LIMITED 148 THE SQUARE, PHONE 797 GODERICH, ONT., Tuns cm4P.N. Matt. 48g Ilea Something Upset Your Burkett When you need help in a money crisis, see Trans Canada Credit: - Yon can tely on fast, dignified service. Prent $156 to $2,500., up to 20, or 30 months t� repay. Only security needed it your car et your household effects. Calius today! Personal items Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Iliac. ker and family visited Sunday afternoon with Mrs. T. Waugh and Mrs. Dr. Beattie of Lyndon, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Jones and femily were Sunday guests cif Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gover of Thorndale. Mrs Lottie Jones spent the Weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Walter Jones. Mr. and Mrs, Claire Sisson a n d Marie spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Patch of Strath. rOY. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thomson, Grant, Sharon and Mary Lou spent Sunday evening with Mrs, Alvada Hopkin of alitchell. Mr, and Mrs, Gladwin Lang- ford and 'family of Dorchester 'ere Sunday afternoon visitors of Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth Lang- ford. Mr and Mrs. Jim Thomson of Granton were Sunday guests of Mrs. Fred Thomson. Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Schies. tol of Teeswater spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs, Cecil /Massey, WILDLIFE IN PARKS It is evident from a report from George Clemens, conserva- tion officer in Bosanquer town. Ship, that the recently opened Pinery Provincial Park plays host to not Only people, but to forms of wildlife which Ate not particularly common to the area. He reports that on November 25 a lynx was seen and identi- fied in the park by Robert Men- nenga, superintendent of the park. Marriage is like a cafeteria: He grabs what looks nice to him and pays for it later. Charlie bought A Christmas tree That was dry As it could bel He didn't put The Mink in water— He didn't even Know he ought 'er He didn't check The lights before • He strung them round The tree—the doorl On Christmas Ere, While smoking, he Set fire to the Christmas keel He burned it And his residence, And lost his chance For Christmas presents... 'Cauhlisirp_ Sainta couldn't End Fire had ruined His landing stripl Christmastime brings extra fire hazards! Remember to take extra precautions: Best wishes for a happy pccident-free holiday, CIAcosASSOCMsTioN OSPICSI IN Mtttvvui, OOTOR. NATARTON, totooOto,orrAwA, OWIN SOUND, kart Altana, SANNtik; SAULT Ste. MAAR, TORONTO ROA vogue* • •